The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 22, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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    , ;(.; . ....... . . . -v
vol: m. s no: 168. .
. " - ..... ; . t .
President: Roosevelt ' Now Challenges
Jht Democrats to Again Take'Up
Question of State Rights.
Causes Most Intense Discussion" of Constitutional
Question That Has Disturbed the Nation
' Shce the Civil War
(Bjr Th Journal Special Correspondent)
WASHINGTON, Sept. rt. Today all over the United Statea la waged the moat
Interne discussion of a constitutional queation that ever disturbed the nation,
excepting when the ante-bellum laauea were carried on leading up to the Civil
War. , .''
President Roosevelt, in hla Cincinnati apeech, ha a thrown down the gauntlet,
and challenged the Democratic party to take up again the queation of atate rights.
The conclusion of the Preaident'a address, that causes the debate to crystallise,
waa: t
The necessary supervision an control I firmly believe ia the only method ot
elimination of the trust muat be through wisely and captiously framed legislation,
which shall aim, hi the first place, to give definite control to some sovereign over
the great corporations, and which shall be followed only when this power w con
ferred by a ayatem giving to the Government the full knowledge which Is essen-
- - ... , ................. .-j A-w"-'-"".Mf " ...T-T "Vv'nA 'Ifi""
"ul tat aairaractory action, k rnignx oe oener an me iu s'
work along the same lines In dealing with these corporations, but I see not the
slightest prospect of such an agreement. Therefore. I personally feel that ulti
mately the' Nation will have to assume responsibility of regulating these very
large corporations which do an Interstate business. I am well aware that the pro
cess of Constitutional amendment Is necessarily a slow one, and one Into wfili li
our people are reluctant to enter save for the best of reasons; but I am confident
that In this Inatanee the reasons elst.
The opinion here among almost all who have made known thWr views Is that
President Roosevelt has raised the whole
Mt.i a jia4iha win ka mnmnmant
WiW m UUVU UIV Mh T. lit ww ' (viiw .- .w bvb - t
be f Republicans.- v . ' J
The claim la general that. If his program should be followed. It would bring
necessarily such a legal status as would give to the Federal Government police
power. Inasmuch as the National Constitution explicitly prohibits tb exercise
of police power by the general Government, delegating It to the spferal states.
President Roosevelt has declared for a radical alteration of the yry structure of
the Government Itself. So stupendous a change has seldom4jeen proposed, not
even by the moat revolutionary advocates of visionary organic law.
Said a prominent Democrat today: ' .' ' '
rrm-PresmntTniMmt' f f 3dPplj " would of hec.esslly tie
general In character.. It could not apply alone to ttfe trusts. If the Federal Gov
ernment be given police power to regulate-ths Myitis; 'ttten It "must by the same
amendment bo given power to regulate other things, and power must be dele
gated to punish violations of law. This la a greater revolution than any that was
ever proposed In conectlon with the Issues prior to the Civil War. It is so reniark
able'a change that it almost stuns the mind in contemplating it."
Another said: .
"The remedy propoaed by the President will never be applied, for the reason
that it would be Impossible to secure its adoption by enough states to make It a
law. He will never secure following, for his revolutionary program."
. ...... . WAS IT A MISTAKE?
'. Politicians are furiously debating whether or not President Roosevelt made
the error ,of. his life when he submitted his proposal to the Nation through the
medium of his Cincinnati speech. It Is predicted that it will Instantly divorce
from him the following among the gold Democrats who had gone into his party
through sympathy with the financial stand of the Republicans, and that It will
solidify the South against him. It Is also asserted that a large' number of Re
publicans are unalterably opposed to him on the proposition and will not support
- the President in this"- matter. ' "
LONDON. Sept. & London papers are looking upon the attitude of President
Roosevelt In hla recent speeches most seriously. The Daily Telegraph, In com
menting on the speech delivered by the President In Cincinnati, says:
"President Roosevelt's Cincinnati speech raises the greatest constitutional
Issue since the Civil War and Jeopardizes his chance of re-eleetlon. His trust pol
icy Is considered as being entirely rejected by the Democrats and repugnant to a
large number of Republicans." .' '
A great deal of Interest Is being shown here by political leaders as well as the
nanclal interests, in the speeches made by the President during his Western tour.
Spanish WaVetcfans Give Presi
dent a Hcaty WelcomeThe
Parade Was Immense.
DifiTHUiT, Mich., sept. One feature
of .President Roosevelt's visit here Is that
by company of Canadian soldiers of Wlnd-
, ' sor took part in the parade and were re-
vlftWAd bv tha YrAMlrismt
DETROIT. Mich., Sept Z2. No heartier
welcome ever was accorded a chief exec
utive of the nation than that received by
President Roosevelt at the hands of the
cltutens of Detroit and the representatives
of 145,000 Spanish War Veterans, whose
third annual reunion Is in progress. From
the time the President left, the Cadillac
hotel this morning to attend the opening
exercises of the reunion until the conclus
ion of the' big parade thla afternoon he
was greeted with, one continuous ovation.
No untoward Incident occurred to mar
the pleasure of the day.
The President was the central figure
at the opening of the reunion and briefly
addressed his former comrades in arms.
- Though admission waa by ticket only the
liaQ was packed from floor to roof and
Jtor waU rairtrrrt
roar with which the President was greet
ed.!. It was fully five minutes before the
applause subsided sufficiently for the
President to be heard. 7
The i parade this afternoon was one of
the biggest affairs of the kind ever seen.
In Detroit .. The line of "march- was
through the principal down-town street
and the sidewalks, windows and house
tops r were packed with ; people who
.cheered enthusiastically as the president
. .rods- by. On the reviewing stand the
- . President was surrounded by - a 1 distin
guished canmaoy that Included Secretary
question ex tate rigns anu turn
tn mnaf nanwwifi .nil in Immense num- 1
of the Navy Moody, General Russell A.
Alger and Mayor Maybury. President
Roosevelt concludes hla stay In Detroit
this evening by attending the Spanish
War Veteran's banquet in the Light
Guard Armory.
In his speech, after paying tribute to
the men of the Spanish and Civil Wai-s.
President Roosevelt referred to the Phil
ippines. He said: "We are going to get
the'besl resujt possible for the residen .)
of Jhe Philippines out of what has been
done. We have no apologies to make ior
what this country has done In the ast
four years, but are proud of It. Proml
of what we've done for humanity. Civ
ilisation,' war and peace.' There niay
hnve been some misdeeds In the army in
the Philippines, but we' nave not always
been immaculate. At home, even In the
.CtvU-warT-some- men-went-wrong.'-'-
The President, at the conclusion of his
speech, was escorted by Clara Barton
across the stage to a seat. Governor
Bliss presented a medal from the State of
Michigan, and It was pinned on President
Rooseyelfs breast by Mrs. Lewis, an ex
nurse In iiie Cuban- war.
lNDIAKAPOLISL Ind., Sept 22. Presl
morrow to attend -Ihe encampment of the
Sapanlsh-Amerlcan War Veterans. The
program will Include few features besides
the President address, to th veterans in
Tomllnson hll, as the stay of the Presi
dential party in the city will be limited
to three hours. Luncheon will be taken
gt the home of Senator Fairbanks And If
t(roe permits If 'ipSiWf-'Prmsm.
will deliver a .public speech In oris of the
parka Visitors already are arriving in
the city and - there promlsesto be an
enormous trowd on hand. -
.... . . v. .
k MTTNICE; Indv Sept. tt Plant for the
reception of Prealdent Roosevelt who
will be ia Munice tomorrow, hay been
completed. Hi star" wlil be limited to
ball aa bour. 'Ka d his aartv wiu be
President Roosevelt Afjalrv Engaged
J - 1 '.- 'ir " 1 v
m I F I II
I If - . I
Ll&&-. - n in a, ii m mi ir
Discussed by Lieut General Miles
Ranking Army Office
of U. S.
"I really would notjiks to speak for
publication at present, but as you Insist,
I will say that the fortifications at the
mouth of the "Columbia R'lveV "are ""in
rather good condition, but could stand
some Improvement. Bufore proceeding to
tlie Philippines I will Inspect all the
Government fortifications on the Coast."
said General .Nelson A. Miles to The
Journal yesterday.
When asked whether he would make an
extensive tour of the Islands and Inspect
the troops there, the General answered).
"I cannot say what I ultf do when 1
arrive at Manila, and also cannot say
how long I will stay. It altogether de
pends on existing conditions. Now, i
suppose you wish to know how I Jike
your city. Through the kindness of my
friend, Senator t'orbett, I have had a
good opportunity of viewing It, and think
It a desirable place to live in. . You know
1 was here about twenty years ago In
charge of the Department of the Colum-
met at the Union station by a committee
and escorted in carriages to the public
square, where he will deliver a flve-mln-ute
speech. The business section Sf the
city has been decorated for' the occasion
and hundreds of visiters are expected
from the surrounding country.
"The committee on press and publicity
vf the Lewis and Clark Fair are sending
out letters to all the newspapers of the
world, calling their attention to the fact
that a csrh prize of 230 Is being offered
tor the best design In colors, symbolic of
the Lewis and Clark exploring expedition
of the settlement of the Western
part of the United States by Ajmerlcans,
the development of trade on the Pacifle
dceaS, Snd thvTewafcening-f-ABta;
r'' ssHassssBsssasssaaasa
The permanent exhibit is being antpiy
re-enforced by the horticultural exhibit
from tho Oregon Agricultural College at
the State Fair. This exhibit contains
some' grain la sheaf and Jars, of new
varieties: put up nicely and named. Geo.
Iamberson I to be gives, credit for afc
talMa this exhibit
Flatforms and
.w'TiT.r". ?
bla, so I am not an utter stranger."
' Although questioned mainly relative to
National affairs, the General would not
say anything, but, "I would rather not
discuss thm."
"General, do jou Contemplate any
changes In the management of the Phil-
Mitchell Will Not Confer With
Morgan, Stone or Operators.
NEW YORK, Sept. 22,-Presldent Mitch
ell, of the coal miner, arrived here this
morning. He denies that he will confer
with operators Morgan or Stone. He
says that contribution sent In are Suf
ficient to enable the miners to hold out'
Ida Malr has sued Prank Malr for a
divorce on the ground of cruel and In
human treatment The parties were mar-'
ried at Oregon Citl-i5e and there la
Usue to the Jfjarrlage. " '
Plaintiff In addition to reciting the vari
ous beating she received at the bands
of Malr, she alleged that IM bar been
greatly humiliated ; and ; suffered great
mental anguish through being caUdtvll
name 'and accused f Infidelity la the
waaonco of others, - .
In Making Speeches
. t
Condition of Military Posts and
Fortifications Is
Ippine campaign?" was the next question
.asked- r-
"1 cannot say as to that until my re
turn from the Philippines, as I must do
some Investigating first."
"What do you think of the way the
campaign has been handled so far?"
"I think It has been handled in the best
possible way, considering that the man
agement of the campaign Is done In
Washington and the active work in the
General Nelson A. Miles Is the highest
ranking officer In the United States
Army and one of the most noted Indian
fighters. He is accompanied by Mrs.
Miles, Colonel and Mrs. Marion P. Maus
and B. Frank Hall. The party Is on Its
way to the Philippines, where General
Miles will investigate present conditions.
They left last night for San Francisco,
from whence they will emhark for the
An Af eonaut Attempting
to Cross Mediteran
ean Sea
PARIS. Sept. 22. Aeronaut Count Vail
Is today making another attempt to croa
the Mediterranean in hla airship. He as
cended at Palavas this morning and 1
attended by the torpedo boat deatroyer
Epea. . , ' V
CHICAGO, 8Dt. J2. Wheat 75U80c
From Rear-End
Withdrawal of Pickett
and Courtright Will
Change Siftiiatiohe""
DE3 MOINES, Iowa, Sept 22.-The
withdrawal of Pickett and Courtright
from the congressional race tor successor
to Henderson renders It certain that the
Henderson adherent wUl be nominated at
Thursday's convention, aa there are no
Cummins tariff sympathisers left In the
. An Inquiry was received several days
ago by R. M. Halt, advertising manager
of the O. R. & N. Co.. from J. F. Kaker,
relative to the value of the Northwest for
a homeseeker. ' .
In reply Mr. Hall sent Mr. Kaker some
advertising matter that the O. R. ft. N.
Co. is Issuing to induce homeseekers to
come here.
The O. R. N. agent at Clearlake
gives the Information this morning that
is.r. Kaker and a party of four left for
Portland September 1.
It was nearly 11 o'clock thla morning
before the Jury Waa impaneled In the
case of James Hughes, charged with
highway robbery, and at 12 o'clock he
was a free man, Hughes was charged.
with two others with holding up an , told
man named Cunningham in the North
End and robbing him of a small sura
of money. The evidence was not strong
agalast- the-accused'. '?-
, rXher will be a meeting of tha commit-
tea appointed by tha Chamber at Com
merce to investigate th forest reserve,
quatlon at the office of the secretary,
Thursday afternoon -at 4-a'cloclL - --
The question I whether" r 'hot; th
Chamber will approve of the forest re
serve made In the Blue Mountain. The
committee consist of Mayor WUllama,
J. Frank Watson, Charles Ladd,
Adoluh Wolfe and Lewis llusstU' .
The Indorsement of
Rooseydt .;
New York Trusts and Capitalists
May Object to Els
Attitude, ;V
. .1 f!
SARATOGA, N. T.. Sept Q.'-Tha IU
publican state convention will assembla
In this city tomorrow to nosainate caa ;
didates for Governor,' lileutenant-Gv-;
ernor and other state offices to ba filled '
at the November election. Many f tha
delegate and other party leader nava V
already nut In an annMranee and their
early arrival on the scene ia avidenc Of
the more than ordlhary Interest and tea- .
porta nee attached to the gathering. " Tha "
state ticket ha been practically agreed
upon by Senator Piatt and the state or
ganisation and the convention will Both ' '.
enlivened by any contest for notnlna- V
tlon. Though eleventh-hotur developments ; '
may necessitate a change in anton Of
tne minor place, it is reasonably certain, .
that the ticket, will be
lOW: . . I . ' .rfit-: ' ':
Orange County. ' ' ' J A -
For Llentenant-Governor George i R.
tsneiaon, of ew xorK. . , .'.,. i-.Hv: -For
Secretary of State John T. Mo ' .
For ., Attorney-General Henry ! st .Co ;? ' r
man, of Madison County. ; ,i 'j'i'.v't
For Controller-Nathan U ,MUlf. ," '.
Portland f?ountv. .v j... ,r- .
For State Treasurer Joha Q. Wlcksel
of Erla &:'':4-?.ly-
For State 'EnglnaeiiMward ' '
of JepeMon' County. t'-JP'"
ror Associate, juauce o n vourt 9 '
Appeals--WiJliam "B.' Werner,' of Uoara ;
County. '. L, iV- fVJ
. xn maae-up or tne state aeini 1
delegates Is centered ' on question ova ,
which there is more party contention ant ' .
of President Roosevelt for the Republican .
nomination In 1904, the Indorsement of hla '
policy with regard to the trusts," and
proposed declaration In favor of hi stand, ,.
on the question ot Cuba . reciprocity, , -Talks
with the delegates on the field. In
dicate a decided difference of opinion tt " .
these questions and It Is predicted that 1
there will be some lively debataa on tha -
convention floor when the subject are In
troduced for consideration and action.,.
While some prominent leaders ara'openljr
antagonistic to such a 'courtei lt i gen
erally believed that tha convention will,
Indorse the President a the "logical can ,
dldate for renominatlon,'" To Edward)
W. Lauterbach has been entrusted tha "(
task of framing tentative plankg oa tha
trust and reciprocity Issue. It"- '"'olf
flcult to forecast Just what tand the con
ventlon will take on the two queation.
The difference of opinion probably . wilt
result In a compromise. There Is de- .
elded opposition to an indorsement af tha -President'
reciprocity plan, Soma af tha
leaders are for leaving all mention of - -the
question out of the reeolutlona whlla
others are In favor of dealing with It only
la a general war. rj'"-
ThO convention will be called to order '
at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning In Con-
yentlon .UalU- JBenator. JSUgworth.. Jlha
leader of the State Senate, will act a v
permanent chairman.
Old Man Jumps , From
Bridge With Fatal , ;
.-.i, ,tJ4;a.i. 5,.-.-,. 4,
(Journal Special Bervloe.) '
TROUTDALE, Sept . An old man ay
tha name of Ed. Woodard, about 0 year
old. Jumped off tha bridge about U.M thla
morning. No cause I given for th deed.
Woodard leave a son, Xd Woodard, ft
and a daughter, Mia. Hubbard, both
farming In Troutdala, , . , ,;
There Is a Good Field h Uit
Orient-'' .'-V. '
There 1 a fhano for Portland' Job- j
bers la the Orient Ib a letter to tha ,
Board of Trade. H. J. Ellia, a manufao
turars' agent af Singapore, write thai -ha
would be pleased to introduce Oregon
products la the Orient '.'
-, ' Mr. Elll write that there !. a
opening for American Hour, bu'.e fcl.
salmon, . tinned buttar. fr-ih 1.
canned fruits and vegMal! h a .l t. 1
fruit there, a -all the iJ jrn
now Imported flora Austitl:. 1 1
Deumatk, .