,v.:-:. 1 1 ? ... THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAN Ir TITESDAY ' HVENiyg, SEPTEMBER 16 1902. 1 ( TACOMA : BUZZING The v State ' Democratic "v- "Convention IN SESSION TODAY ' ' -ft'. Railroad Commission Be Generally En - ' i " dorsed." ' Tht Will .(Journal Special Service.) - f TACOMA, Sept. 11-Th : Stat Demo cratic convention; nt this morning and - effected a temporary organisation by se lecting H. W. -CMOald. -kf Whitman fj County, a 'chairman, and Frederick R. Marvin, secretary.' After appointing lb usual committees the convention took a receaa Until I o'clock p. so. Them will be . a hard fight oa the floor this afternoon on, the railway commission question, but the , result will be that an appointive commission will be Indorsed. ..- Gecrg F. CotteriU fif Seattle will be noniianted as on representative, but th ; other twd candidates - are in . doubt, Cotterlll lias been prominent In Democratic politics for several years and his nomination will greatly Strengthen . the ticket In King County. 'On th reas sembling of the convention this after noon Sentor Turner delivered an ad drees that was received with- great ap- plause. 1 . . -,WAHTS.A REBATE. Peter "BreAer ;bdf petloned the city council to allow him to conduct his sa loon pn Hawthorn avenue' without 11 ctense for a quarter owlng to tha fact that k has net with heavy losses by fir re ' cently and that when burned out he had his license paid In advance. ' . f. AUTO RECORD. CLEVELAND. Sept l&-xAlx Wlntoa broke th world's automobile record In a Mai trip' this morning.' his tlm beinr 1.18. : Th previous record was l.tBt-e. A QL2.. wralVlt T fai-( GLORIOUS aWEATHER. OLORI , 0U5 CROWDS, GLORIOUS PIANO SALES. t Thai 5old" Card tell the Story 1 .". The Record And These Are Not ' . Art The 5l to ConUnue-A ifai at Present Price and Spe dai inducements In the Way of Ternu and Payments. Vr. . , ; ' i ' The Carnival Just closed has wit nessed th meat ranarkabi piano .alo that has ver been conducted in Port land. .-'.'"' - . This Eller' Piano House sals has surely ciijd all prevwua great rec ords. ; It has been remarkable In that near ly all of th piano sold have been th Vieat coatlv stvles manufactured by ' the best American makers. It has fceeit remaraaDie aiso in mas a large number of piano sales were effected In shorter period of tlm than has ever befofe been don In ths L City pf Portland, f Each day as the sal Drosressed we .have published names and addresses or . purchasers, togeiner wicn a oriei description- -vt the instrument- secured. Kverv on or tne insirumems so aa vertlsed has been sold during the Car nival sale. . The sales) rnads byTiur Spokane. San Francisco and Sacramento branches v i. nave not neen mciuaea n toese uaia. riv-lf Th reason for this remarkable rec- EUers Piano House sells the most reliable pianos and oigans. . Eilers Piano House handle the very largest nuMber of fine pianos at the very lowest possible expense. ' Eilers Piano House L In position to ell instruments on easier terms of payment than any other Western house. In view of this we believe that you will mak a very serious mistake, if you (all to amy your piano, or organ si Eilers Plane Houf e. - ' ' THERE ARE THOUSANDS Over five thousand' residents of the treat Northwest have purchased thelr plpnoe from Eilers Piano House. . More than three hundred, or by faf the greatest majority of the leading teachers and professional musicians of the West have purohased their pianos and organs here. Over four hundred colleges, schools, churches and societies, and practically .all of th Western Theatres and places or BuDlie amusement and ciuns nave "secured their pianos and organs of Eilers Piano House. This is a record the equal of which cannot be shown by any other whole -sal 'r retail house in the United State during th ssme length of time. '. ' THE SALE CONUINUES The sal will continue durinc the OominS week. You can set cere now a very eooa. serviceable and fully warranted piano for tls. for which ume grade and quality 70U are expected to pay at h least SS60. elsewhere. These pianos 32t Ixrfore Eilers Piano House came nto this field. - Th choicest creations, of Chlckering B "BofisT' of "BosTofirrof 'THrTenowited-- factory or weoer, jvew rorK, and th now famous Kimball, of Ch'cago, are her In this sale, and if your home Is without a piano, you cannot afford to Ignore th present mopey-savlng op portunity..' v. And., besides, th terms of payment have been mad se easy that no one need hesitat sow on that score. If yon are not prepared to pay ail cash w will arrang payments for you of little more than ordinary piano rant . Too can never place JS, 16. $10 or $15 a month to better advantage than to supply your ham with a good piano. Kuw 1 th time to get one. and th rlao is Eilers Piano House, Ml Wash ington strL - , HEW BUILDING CONTEMPLATED WcHs, Fafgd & Co. Promise to Put Up a Substantial One. Eugene Shelby, local agent of Wells, I Fargo ft CO., has petitioned the city council to exempt the property on the I southeast corner of. Fourth and Tam- ' I hill street from tb provisions of the J f nnllfiAnM nrvivtrilno- fnr t h A lovinsr of Ce ment sidewalks In the near future. j Mr. Eheiby says that he' Is In receipt j of a letter from CoL Pndley Evans, acting j president of the ex pre company, in : which he states that It is thai intention of the company. to reet a substantial building on this quarter blpck In tne near Tutors, worn to commence aooui Juna, MOS. This building will 'be an or nament to tbs city and as It will be nec essary to excavate the lot clear to the edge of the street a cement walk put j down at this time would be entirely i ruined. , i It has been the Intention of the com- ! pany' for some time to put tip a good ' building where tile unsightly wooden I structure how stand"-, At present tlie Wells Fargo fcanlt is paying rent at Second and .Washington streets, but, with a building of its own.' the bank and ; express offices will be housed under one i roof. ' SENATORS ARRIVE Discuss Important Questions With 1 the President. OT8TER BAT. Bept. 16.8enators Han- I na, Bpooner, Allison, Aldrlch and Lodge ! and Postmaster- General Payne, arrived j hero this morning and went to Sagamore ' Hill, where a conference with President j Roosevelt Is being held thin afternoon. It Is learned that the tariff revialon a th subject to.be-. most extensively dis cussed. SEES BUKNH). M. A. Bradford, express agent at Lat ourell,' Or., was In the city today. He Is a great bee fancier and has been engag en In that line of. business for a number of years in connection with his other duties. A few weeks ago he says that he took U swarms of bees to the mountains a short distance from Latotirell, and that all of them were burned, together with 00 ponds of honey, In the forest fires. A GLIMPSE Of THE MND s -v; J;u El W' rrM A Sv - TAKE NO ; . ACTION Port of Portland Is Capable BUSINESS GALORE Chamber of Commerce Hold Important Meeting This Morning. an j against the building of the drydock at ' Vancouvr uia not xeem to hold water v. 1th the trntitees of the Chamber of Com merce at their meeting this moriilrtj,-. The protest wag read and placed on file as it' was the opinion of the board thul the j ' x-on vi ionium commission is compe- i 1 tent to arrange its own aflalis. ; ( An invitation was read from Secretary i R VanUewater, of the Walla Walla Fiult Fair, requesting the chamber to attend their fair, on Commercial Dav, Saturday, September 27, as the commer cial organizations o,f Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane hsve promised to attend This was referred to the entertainment com mittee with power to act. A letter was read from John Uatrett, addrcsned from Shanghai, suggesting that the chamber Invite General T. S. Bhar retls. Tariff Commissioner of the ITnutl States, in China, who In In t!an Francisco, at present, lo address the chamber. Gen eral Sharretts is one of the general ap praisers of the I'nlted States and la an expert on tariff on foreign trade. A communication irom the National Board of Trade rquesting the chamber to loin their body was placed on file. The navigation committee reported that they had received a communication from Captain Lahpftll, IT. 8. Engineers, stat ing that he had received a letter from pil ots and masters of touring vessels, re questing that an opening be made in the Swan bland dike ISO feet In width and 6 feet in depth at low Water to allow the log crafts and other tugs to use the closed rhute past Swan Island at lower stages than now possible and thus re- I lleve the main channel. The navigation T?- t committee recommended that It would be desUable to comply with the requests C the pilots and tow-boat men In this re spect and to relieve the general naviga tion on the Willamette by taking part of lh business from the channel on the East. Bids.; - tv. j 1 This report was . accepted and will b tent to Captain Langfelt as the views of th, board. . .- . Aa predicted In yesterday's Journal, the chamber-twill th tTnld States Board of Engineers at the Arling ton Club and discuss the aonditloa of the Columbia River bar at that time. There! was . considerable discussion about the forest reserve,' the old commit tee was discharged at their own request. and Messrs, Williams, Ladd. Watson, Wolfs and Russell were appointed on this committee. D. H. Stearns was appointed a dale gate to the National Irrigation Congress, to be held at Colorado Sprlnga from Oo tober 6-8, with power to select his own companion, v -? ' DEMOCRATS IN UTAH STATE They Adopt Scorching Resolutions In Convention at Provo. PROVO. Utah, Sept. ie.-The Democrat ic Stale convention opened this morning with heavy delegations. After the pre liminary organisation this afemoon the putform claimed th attent ot. It was a lengthy document, creating considerable discussion, and embraces planks favoring arbitration, the election of United States Senators by a direct vote: a scorching ar raignment of the Republican party In Utah in its action pending legislation re garding silver miners and De-t growers; condemns the Republican party for j hypocrisy in dealing with the people of Cuba and for seeking to ail them at the ' expense of Utah and Other sugar pro-, duclng States. It I predicted that Major Wlllard Young and W. II King will oe nominated tonight oti the first ballot for Supreme Court Judge and Congressman. -POLICE tBLAJtSCRIPT TODAY. On th police transcript today are the cases of Joe Coggins Mate Kaufman, Chas. Johnson,' John Carey, J. K. Dry den, Emery Gfeelo, Robert Williams and James Welch for being drunk; Mabel Cooper and Edith Wallace for vagrancy; George Fester for 'begging and Alex. Starr for refusing, to move on. The Journal, a Free and Fair news paper. It hns no axe to grind. AND A FEW OF ITS RESULTS V FINISHELECTION. , : ,PS8 MOINES, Sept X.Thc ; Odd Fallows election of Sovereign Grand Lodge officers is as follows:' Orand Sirs. John B. Goodwin, of AtlanU; deputy. Robert Wright, of Allentown. Per grand secretary. rranJt Funic, ''of Baltimore j treasurer, Richard Muckla, tf Polls Jet. phia; Chaplain, J. W, Venable. of Hop kins vllle, Ky.f ma-rshaj. Je'xa U. Cockum, of IndiaaapoUa. i ..- . OBJECTS TO UNIFORMS. . ; A few of the boys employed by the Hasty Messenger Company found fault this morning with the uniforms wita which they were supplied, and threaten ed to go on a strike. Four of th boys quit their .positions and th trouble soon ended, . ABSOLUTELY PAINLESS DENTISTRY OFFICES BEST EQUIPPED ON THE COAST PRICES LOWEST CONSISTENT WITH BEST WORK OWNED AND . j OPERATED BY GRADUATE DENTISTS DR. B. E. WRIGHT AND ASSOCIATES Hours: 8 a. m. to I p. m., and T to 8 p. m. Telephone North 1191. 341J4 Washington Street Corner Seventh. $50 CASH JO LABOR Receiving the Highest Number of Votes Cast on Coupons Cut From Th Journal. A. Very Fln.- y , .V ;7-.t-.i-j . ROLL-TOP. DESK To thrf labor Union Receiving the Second Largest Number of Vete Out . From .th Journal I No Union It' BarreoP-Open to AIL All Votes .ust Be Written on Journal . . . 1 ' .. ' . Coupons. 'f , CONTEST OPNS,SPTv2, 1901. . 1 'And Is for the purpose of ascertalnloa' whlch'two labor unions In th city are the most popular, progressive and -enterprising. 150 In cash and m .very fin roll-top writing desk, represent the first and second prizes re spectively. No union is barred from entering the rauoe; it la free for alL 1 vet for; , a th most popular, progressiva v-Portland. i-i . - ; I Votef , name) Contest closes Ootober 2, 1902. ' September 20, 1902. A REQUEST FROM LLOYDS. if WSSSBSSSSSSSSSS Weather Bureau Ctfflclal Beals has sent to tha Chamber, of Commerce a request from Lloyd's Marine Agency for permis sion to incorporate the Northbead Re porting Station at th mouth of th Co lumbia River, among th stations from Which advices and reports regarding Shipping can be obtained. Similar marine agenta n New Tork and Philadelphia object to this request, so the department at "Wash gon wishes to know tha opinion or the Paclflo' Coast Commercial organisations on this sub ject INSPECTION DRILL Announcement is made that on Septem ber 24 there will be an inspection and drill Of the Oregon National Uuard, follow-Hl by a dance at the Armory. Colonel E'. Everett will be the Inspecting officii', it Is probable that a reg'nr army .officer i will also review the mllltU. Kaeh gtmrds- man will be allowed a corUln number of invitations and no on will b admitted without presenting an invitation. This la the first Inspection of the season and Quite a crowd Is expected. This Inspection will give Colonel Everett an opportunity to lnvestlj-.t.) the condi tion of the clothing and accoutrements of the guardsmen and of their drilling. It is probable that there wll! be more In spections this winter than la it, as Colonel Everett wishes to be in i ;cm tpuch with his troops. rWWvVyvWWvW THE UNION and enterprising Labor Union In ; ,V t . . This vot not good for us after EDUCATIONAL. mt&. ALLEN'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. 228 Sixth 6trt. i Second year win open Monday, Bept em -: ber 16, 1902. Classes In Mathem.itlo, His torv. Enallsh. Latin. Greek ao4 Qennan. Special students admitted to regular classes, - For circulars address MA.KU A RKT V. ALLEN. 913 Kelly street. Port land. Or. Telephone Front 2515. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT - . , Of th University of Oregon Sixteenth 'annual session begins Oct. L 190il. Address a E3. JOSEPHI. M. D., Dean. 610 Dekum building, Portland. - - HORSE INJURED. Hon. Mayor Williams and Common .Coun cil of the City of Portland, Gentlemen: While on my way to this city last Sat urday night my horse fell through the bridge at Eastern Saw Mill. I applied to the police for aantstance and they aen,t me to the city stable, which I found closed, but, was directed to the Are de partment, who finally helped me out and 1 recovered the horse, lie Is totally dis abled, however, and I am damaged in the sum of ITS. The horse can be seen at the Thomas boardlug house, Orand avenue, by the saw mill. You will, I trust, grant me relief. Respectfully yours. HERMAN TERWADOW. Wood Hauler. KBSSSXSSSSSSBtSBSStSSStSSSSBSSi - 4 - . - - - - ""--.' ,-'-'- . " 1 -: - :" 1