The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 16, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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    ,.,.11-, . .'--...1 .
- Fair tonight and Wed
nesday;! probably light
frost tonight . f
VOL.,I. NO.1 163.
k. . ... VS.-.',' ,
She Elopes Willi Dead
Outlaws Brother r
Rndcr of Dive Merrill's Body
Gases Great Sensation
- Went to Seattle. v
CHKHALI3, Sept 16. A sensation baa
been created here by the elopement last
Friday of Mrs. Mary Wagoner, of Napa
vlne, and Ben Merrill, a brother of Dav
Merrill, the escaped Oregon convict; who
was killed near Chehalis, by Harry
Traoy. Mrs. Wagoner found Merrill's
body in some bushes while she was out
berrying, and is seeking to recover the
11500 reward from the stats of Oregon.
The couple purchased tickets for Beat'
tie. Mrs. Waggoner is 46 years old, hav
Ing three married daughters and several
younger children. Ben Merrill has been
working in a livery, stable at Chehalis
for the last two months.
Miles Will Not Sail for
the Philippines"
WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. 16. -Gen
era! Nelson A. Miles was scheduled to
sail for the Philippines; today r the
transport Thoman.. but owing to the de
lay In finishing his report his departure
necessarily has been deferred a few days.
The ThomsS will be held at Ban Francisco
until the commander of the army, accom
panied by his aides, Colonels Whitney and
Maus, reaches that city. .
Testimony Taken Be
fore Examiner In
gersolL NEW YORK, Sept 16. The hearing of
. testimony in the Northern securities mer
.. ger case began this morning before Spec
ial Examiner Ingersoll, appointed by the
V.- 8. Circuit Court of Minnesota. ,, Jl.
Xj. Grover represented the Great North
ern, Charles Dunn, the Northern Pacific.
George Young, and John W. Griggs, the
Northern Securities. Solicitor-General
Richards represented the government.
The latter submitted a large number of
depositions which he succeeded In having
entered on the record after the argument
: Counsel agreed that the previously giv
en testimony following be accepted ss
"testimony to prevent the stilt: Sill, Mor
gan, Perkins, C. S. Mellen, J. S. Ken
nedy, J. H. Schlff, W. B. Clough. Chas.
The testimony of Haniman before the
Interstate Commerce Commission at Chi
cago will also be treated as' evidence in
the present case. Adjournment was then
taken until Thursday of next week.
THE HAGUE, Sept. 16. The Inter
national Court of Arbitration has begun
Its first case In the claims of the United
States against Mexico, originating from
the Pious Fund of California. The lat
ter originated in 1697 and was to be used
for the establishment of California mis
sions. 'The properties of the fund were
.'sold later to the' Mexican Government
Which guaranteed' the church six per
cent Interest , When California ceded
Mexico defaulted in 1869 and paid nine
hundred thousand dollars arrears. Since
then nothing has been paid.
' (ScrlppaMcRae NggtlAssoolatton.)
" THE HAGUE, Sept 16vWllhelmlna,
aocompanied by the' , Phinoe ConSort,
this morning, opened the sessions ot the
states general. She has apparently en
tirely recovered. - ,-,
. TRENTON, Sept 1. The American
Molasses Company with a capitalisation
f three million dollars secured a charter
here today and la-looked on. as a new
i treat. fc
Davis Sewing Machine Company
Don't Want'One.
' -,:' ,-- ' ' ; -: "- '
-DAYTON. Ohio.,' Sept 16,-Vlce-PresI-dent
Huffman, of . the Davis Sewing Ma
chine Company, says. that there Is abso
Utely nothing in the story of a sewing
machine combine so far as his company
is concerned. He believes the story to
be a canard. ' ' .' ."'
Broom . Trust Being Formed by
: PhiladelpnU' Capitalists. "
NEW YORK, Sept 16. Well known
capitalists of Philadelphia are forming
a broom trust The capital stock of the
new: organisation is to be 15,000.000. If
the project is Successful all the big
broom, manufacturing, plants in '.America
,wiU be gobbled up by the promoters of
the enterprise which will eventWMly con
trol .the broom' industry throughout the
entire world.
Will Assess the Amer
ican Federation of
WIT,KESBARRE. Pa., Sept. 16. Presi
dents Gompers and Mitchell, and other
mine workers and offlolnla are today dis
cussing a, plan to ratfee funds to enable
the continuance of the strike. It is un
derstood that the plan is to assess every
member of the American Federation of
Labor, of which there are a million and
a half.
WILKESBARRE. Pa.. Sept. 16. -Considerable
surprise-Is being expressed at
the opening of the Conyngham Colliery
here this morning. No intimation of this
action on the art of the operators haa
been made and the opening of the col
Ilery was entirely without warning.. Al
though sorely disappointed, the strikers
made on effort 10 rrevent the new men
going to work. They gathered around
thf colliery but made no demonstrations
of any kind.
A Thousand CUnese Converts Have
Been Butchered.
LONDON, Sept. 16. A News At-ency eis-
patch from Pekln says Cathie here un
derstand that from 300. to 1000 , converts
have been klllel by Boxers in I ho province
of ce Chuen.-
He Will Issue a Chal-
ge for America's
Cup Soon
GLASGOW, Sept 16. It Is authorita
tively announced today that Llpton will
challenge for the America's cup before
the end of the week. Denny's Brothers,
builders of the new yacht, Fife, say that
the design' of the new racer is not so
elaborate and costly. ' The final details
will be settled tonight ' '
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 16. The sec
ond Jury in the trial of. Walter N. Dim'
mick, who 'la charged with robbing the
United States Mint here of large sums
Of money,, has disagreed. Dlmmlck was
arrested on the evidence of witnesses -who
bad seen him at various times leaving
the Mint building carrying a dress uit
case. This led Uie officers to believed that
he was using that method to remove thSti
coin from the PTsroaesandonsequw
his arrest foUffi
Both trials have been .bitterly; fought
on both sides and some of the best legal
talent that could be secured has been
employed In the case.
NORTH- FORK, Sept 16. A bulletin
here says that a gas explosion followed
by a powder explosion -with1 Big Four
Mine yesterday lmrplsoned James Lester,
John Rockey - and nfteen negro .miners.
There Is no possible chance, of their be
ing rescued alive as the mice is wrecked.
What the Roll of
If Will Surdy Reach. Fifty and May BeOne'Hundred-The Work
of Mercy Being Rushed ai All Poinb--Portland People
n Are Giving Generously to the Sufferers
From all reports received from the out
lying districts it is evident that tlio fire
has run Its course. While it is antlci-;
pated that there will be luoro diimaga
lone. It will sot be of the magnitude as
that of the past. It Is not likely that more
Uvea will be lost, unless some settler is
caught in the isolated sections.
The death roll Is increasing. It has been
ascertained to a certainty that half a
hundred lives have been lost. Dose-is ot
others sre missing and but little hope Is
entertained for their safety The greatest
devastation Is throughout the dense nr
and cedar forests of Lewis County Set
tlers to the number of several hundred !iat
located In this wooded w" and
were struggling to clear ths land and es
tablish homes. They were n tlie heart of
the woods, and when the fames leaped
over the country they had no opportunity
to escape without the loss of their prop
erty, and many of them could not save
their lives.
The fires In the suburbs of Portland
are all under control. Gresham, I,mts,
Oregon City, Oswego. Fulton and Kil
vaukie are safe. The fire Is t till nerve
at different points In the Ssndy Valley.
Fund for the Fire Sufferers Grow
ing Rapidly.
The subscriptions for the (relief of the
Are sufferers are rolling In. The manner
in which the call foi assistance Is being
responded to is extremely gratifying 10
those who have In charge the wo.-K of
soliciting donations. The fund will reach
in the neighborhood of 14,000 before the
day Is over. This morning the committee
composed of . N. Flelschner and W. B.
Roberts, succeeded In raising In the neigh
borhood, of $300 among the business peo
ple on whom many caled. Some of the
churches have come to the front and
made liberal donations In cash, and are
actively engaged In getting together food,
clothing and things necessary for the
comfort Of the victims of the fire fiend.
Arrangements are also made to provide
medical assistance for those who suffered
physical Injury by the flames.
It is anticipated that the Shields' bere
fit on Friday night will be a well patron
ized affair, and a large sum will In this
manner be secured to place Into the fund.
Committees will probably be appointed to
dispose of the tickets, and they will also
be on sale at all the leading cigar and
drug stores.
In Clark County, Wash. Terrible
Suffering Danger Now Past.
VANCOUVER. Sept-16.-Reportv from
the fire-swept districts fhls morning in
dicate that all danger from forest fires is
past. Yesterday afternoon the sun shone
brightly, and the sky was clear for the
first time in several days.
Stories disaster continue to grov
worse, and as near as can oe esiime.u.-a
60 people are missing since the fire. Thirty-two
charred and lifeless bodies have
already been found. The entire country
from Washougal to the Lewjs Riyer pre
sents a scene of desoldtrdnv'and over a
hundred families aw-fft tujwfcless with
scarcely clothing enough to cover them.
Many incidents of heroic effort to save
lives and property have been brought in
The Union Stock Yards Company has
petitioned the fty to bav its license it
duced from 130 per quarter to (It. as the
present 'rate is out of proportion to the
amount of business, dona. The pernio a
tlm tne licenjie WM
fixed there' was considerable complaint as
to the way the yards were conducts! but
that nofi' sll objections have been re
moved. An ordinance granting the relief
asked will be introduced at the next Coun
cil meeting '
The Ames Mercantile Agency who ate
taxed $23 per quarter, petition to have its
license reduced to 110 and that they stand
ready and willing to pay the IV) for ii e
five quarters they owe. They claim that
It is preposterous - to pay ss much as
Bradstrestii and Dunns agencies -which
operate al! over the country walls Aamei
Is simply local cones' " '
Dead Will Be None Can Foretell at the
But Hourly Reports Make . .
It Certain That
by the survivors. No more heart-rending
scenes than were enacted during the aw
ful tragedy could, be Imagined. The Ol'.y
Council of Vancouver has appropriated
1130 for Immediate use and the Countv
Commissioners met in special session to
day and as a mass meeting of citizens is
railed for tonight to devise ways and
means of rendering assistance to the suf
ferers, i
Of Forest Fires Being Sent Out
Generously. From Oregon City.
OREGON , CITT, Sept 16.-That the
striken people of the burned regions, es
pecially those around Sprlngwater. will
soon have their bodily sufferings attended
to, is made certain by the generous do
nations which are- being received. One
great pile of clothing and household
good Is continually being added to at
Burmister St Anderson's by members of
the Kebekah Lodge and others, while at
the house of Rev. Bollinger another large
pile Is building. Everything asked ' for
from money to hair pins is being given.
all seeming to be only too eager to get
their's there first. The money will be
used to buy bread stuff and other whole
some foods unless the actual coin is need
ed. If arrangements can be made In time
Mrs. Robert Wilson will leave this after
noon for Springws ter with the
She is a memlx-r of the Congregational
Church and is well known to many of the
sufferers so her Judgment will be valua
ble In distributing the supplies. A second
wagon load will leave the church on Fri
day or Saturday.
The Rebekahs will send their collections
out on Wednesday and on Friday in
charge of some cool person.
Although several tents have been re
ceived a few more are desired for many
of the families are sleeping on the ground
during these cold nights. Also those hav
ing food which they can spare a little of
will greatly relieve the committee by
leaving it at either of the receiving places.
Enough food is being received to supply
the present wants but these people will
have to be cared for during the coming
winter. The merchants are giving gen
erously. One woman who managed to
reach town clad only in a wrapper was
fitted out entirely and sent home.
Reports which only add to the awful
ness Of the first accounts are received
from every person coming from the burn
ed district In one case the husband was
compelled to take his wife from her sick
bed and run with her in his arms across
the stuble fields before the flames. The
most -v.
reported from anywhere was effeeted at
this fire. The caretakers of Frank Bush's
ranch whom everyone thought dead are
alive. It was this old couple who had to
bo driven from the burning house by a
man with a drawn revolver and then re- j
fused to go another step after they had
left "the house a few rods. The whole
place where they were last seen was soon
a roaring furnace and it was believed
that they were dead. Even Mr. Bush,
their employer, went out Sunday morn
ing prepared to bury their remains. This
Is their story: When the flames actually
reached them and began their deadly
work, they tried to escape "but both fell
Into a narrow ditch partly filled with
water and there they stayed for one
whole day and a half. , The water grew
hot but the flames overhead were hotter
so they stsyed there untR long after the
flames had passed over until driven out
by hunger. ' They are in a bad condition
now as a result of their terrible experi
The Port of Portlatnd Commission
Will Meet This Afternoon. i
' The Port of Portland Commission will
hold an important meeting late this af
ternoon. The principal .business to be
transacted Is the election of ft Commis
sioner to. take the place left vacant by
ths desAS of Bernard 8. ReiUy. '
' Other business of importance will be the
matter of the antagonism of the Federat
ed Trades to the building of tbe drydock
at Vancorrtr. . v . ;
Grants Pass and Rogue
Valley Shrouded in
GRANTS PASS. Sept. 16. Bad forest
fires are raging In the pine-clad moun
tains east and south of here. Never be
fore haa Rouge River Valley had such
a dense cloud of smoke hanging over It
as It has at the present time. The smoke
Is heavier and more dense than the heav
iest fog of the winter months. The sun
Is completely obscured and darkness set
tles down early In the afternoon. At
eight thirty yesterday morning It was
yet dark. It is almost Impossible for
one to read or write during the day
vlvhont artificial light, and the atmos
phere is stifling and disagreeable.
In the vicinity o'f Table Rock, south of
this city, bad fires are burning, and on
Steerling Mountain,;' iarther south, heavy
fires are raging Wlrfough the pine woods.
The only damage reported to be done up
to the present time Is the loss' of timber.
The fires are confined mainly to tracts
owned by private parties. The govern
ment tracts over which the rangers are
keeping vigil, are being kept free of fire.
Nine Burned to Death in
Crowd While Fleeing.
KALAMA, Sept. 16. Reports of deaths,
are arriving almost every hour from the
rtmote districts. It is known tint rrfanv
have Rsrished. An unusually sad story
of the burning of a party of nine camp
eis In one crowd has been bran?"-, in
The victims were fleeing from tin on
rnslilng flames with a team and waon.
Tiieir escape it as for a short tlrr. de
layed by a log which had fallen across
the road. Before they could get away the
entire party Was cremated. The team and
wagon were destroyed. The victim? have
not been Identified, but aro thought 'to be
campers who were loca.ed near the base
of the mountains.
WALLA WALLA, Sept 16. Smoke,
and plenty of It, fresh from the forest
fires of Western Oregon and Washington
has arrived in this section, having been
wafted up the Columbia river from the
coast Yesterday the smoke' was so
dense that breathing was Interfered with,
and darkness set In an hour or two earlier
than usual. The sun failed to - break
through the darkness during the entire
day, except for appearing as a white
speok during a short time after noon.
The equal of the smoke has not been seen
In this city in many years, and most
people say it has never occurred.
THE DALLES. Sept. 16. The forest
fires in this vicinity are making great In
roads on the settlers and many are home
less on that account. Mr. J. T. Peters
of this city has lost a mill which was
located on the Little White Salmon, In
Washington, with It about 1.500 cords of
wood also burnt. People from down
river points say that the fires are the
worst that have been in thts country for
some time.
BRUSSELS, Sept 16. Despite the de
nial that King Leopold would not visit
AmeHca,nt"is positively staTenatHTs
! Majesty exepcts to make the visit as
soon as his affairs win permit
tnmrc mmrmm
DW1U T Ail.
NORTH FORK. W. Va., Sept 16. The
last of the 17 miners Who were Imprisoned
by the explosion of the Algona mine, were
recovered this morning. AH were dead,
notwithstanding the, beroio efforts that
were made to rescue them."
SAN , FRANCISCO. Sept. l6.-Wheat-
Large Meeting of International Fire
NEW TORK, Sept. . Fire fighting in
all its phases Is to be discussed at the
convention of the Internatonal-Association
of Fire Engineers which, began its
sessions at the. Grand Central Palace to
day. From every point of view the con
vention is the largest and most represent
ative gathering of its kind ever held in
America, or probably in the world. The
fire chiefs of Berlin. Hamburg and sev
eral other European cities are here to
exchange Ideas with the chiefs of the
leading cities of Canada and the United
States. The sessions will continue all
week. In conjunction with the gathering
there Is an elaborate exhibition of
methods and apparatus.
Government to Prosecute
Merger Case of North
ern Securities Co.
NEW YORK, Sept 16.-That the gov
ernment Intends to' take positive ' -and
strong action In the - prosecution of Its
suit against the Northern Securities
Merger Is shown by the early presence
here of Solicitor General John K. Rich
ards, who haa arrived from Washington.
Testimony will be taken today before
Frederick Ingrsoll, of 8t. Paul.
Testimony similar to that In the Power
case will be brought out. Morgan and
Hill will be witnesses.
Injunction Filed to Prohibit Cor-bett-McGovern
LOUISVILLE. Sept. 16. An injunc
tion suit was filed here this morning to
prevent the Corbett-McGovern fight
There will be a hearing tomorrow.
The Meat Trust Scored
by a Witness at
St; Louis,
ST. LOUIS. Sept 16. Attorney General
Crowe opened the meat trust investiga
tion this morning by calling Thomas
O'Sulllvan, who has been identified with
meat packing for 40 years, as. ft witness.
He said he had been told by salesmen of
the various coolers that a combine ex
isted to bold up prices and that they knew
weeks in advance when a raise was com
ing, regardless of the price of cattle.
He also testified to the use of ft chemical
wash to restore the color of deteriorated
meats and sausage. He said that the
meats in sausage were not fit to eat dis
eased hog kidneys, etc., being used. The
cheaper grades were not smoked, but
dipped in a chemical wash to give them
a smoked appearance. They are believed
to be decidedly pernicious to health.
When the United States Court of Ap
peals assembled this nornlng the case of
the Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining &
Concentrating Company, appellants, vs.
Gunder Kettleson. was taken up. The
case came up from the District Court In
which Kettleson won judgment. This will
be the last case heard by the Court of
Appeals, after which It . wiU adjourn to
San Frantfisco.
Yesterday two cases were heard,, that of
Charles Sweeney. F. Lewis Clark and the
Empire State-Idaho Mining & Developing
Company, appellants, vs. Kennedy J.
Hanley; and that of George W. Moore et
al, appellants, vs. A. B. Hammond et al.
The last case . grew out of the Astoria
railroad project and has been in court for
three years. Moore Moore, the appel
lants, complain that A. B. Hammond did
not carry put his contract and by doing
so they were deprived of their share of
tea profits which -amounted to H.0W.W.
They allege that the agreement was that
all the parties should raise the money,
with which to build the road -and Moore
& Moor should receive ft four-fifths in
terest in the road, -While Mr. Hammond
claims there' was. no such agreement but
Moors & Moore were to raise all the funds.
and in their failing- to do ' 'so he went
ahead with the project t . "r
At an early hour thlsvmorning the sa
loon on ' Washington street between
Fleventh" and. Twelfth, was entered by
breaking nlot the back door, and about
too flgars and some whisky stolen. ' -
Big Transaction in East
ern Oregon ;
- - 1 :; 1..-
Grande Ronde Company Sells Its
Entire System to Nibley ' ;
& Stoddard.
LA GRANDE, Ore- Sept H-Thei
Grands Ronde Lumber Company has sot;
its entire system of mills. Umber lands
and mil property In Eastern Oregon, to '
Nibley & Stoddard, for approximately,
K00.00O. This la the statement mads herej
today to a Journal representative noon
good authority. It 1 ths largest deal
ever made In Eastern Oregon, and on o? '
the largest ever consummated tn Oregon.
Details of J;he transaction ra hot avail ,:
able at this time, but that th deal Is)
actually made and closed is thj Asee-llc
of persons who are In ft positloj to know.
The Grande Ronde Lumber Company -has
a fine plant at Perry, on the mata
line of the O. R. 4 N.. between hero an-1
Pendleton In the Blue Mountains. It slsa
holds Immense tracts of timber snd tn
the country tributary, and has dons ftS
enormous business.
Messrs. Nibley & Stoddard have been
In the lumber business for years, Mr. '
Ni&ley being also connected with the ,
Sumpter Valley Railroad Company, and
with the beet sugar factory at La Grand. .
Geo. Stoddard has been associated with
him In the milling business at Baker '
City, and Is . also of ths Amalgamated
Sugar Company. - v -,
The purchase combines the two most"X
tensive lumbering concerns east of the)
mountains under the contro'. of 'Nlblejf
& Stoddard. -
KionL Prinz .Wilhelm
Beats Time of
..... ' H
Deutsdilani, ;
NEW YORK, Sept 16.-Ths Kron Prtaul
Wilhelm broke the western transj-Atlan-
tic record, arriving, her this morning
after a voyage from Cherbourg- of VA .
miles. In Qve days 11 hours -and 67 mln-
tes The record was previously he.ld by)
the'Deutschland. which was 2, mlnuteg '
longer. ' ' .
New York Primaries Are
Exciting Fight Is -Bitter,
, ;
NEW TORK, Sept It Ths bitterest '
primary fight in the history of the city is
teing waged here today between ths sev
eral political factions which are Strug ,
gling for control. The polls are to be
open from 3 o'cock till and surging .
masses of voters, are struggling to deposit,
their ballots. Money is being .lavishly dis v
trlbuted by the friends and supporters ot
Croker and Carroll In an effort to secnr
a majority for their leaders. A conserva
tive estimate this morning places) ths
amount of money spent by ths opposing .
Tammany forces at at least ft Quarter of
a million dollars. For the past month
bitter war has been fought by both fac
tions and money has been generously TUs-
trlbuted by leaders- on both: side In ths
struggle for supremacy. . ' . . f
NEW TORK. Sept 1.-Rear Admiral
Lord Charles Beresfofd rrtvsd on th
Kron Prtnx-WimrtmToday. "UommenM
Ing on the recent maneuvers be said the
American Navy was in excellent fighting
trim and is bound to maintain' tho re
spect ot every other country on ths facs;
of ths globe. ' . 4 ' t
- The prizes for ths guessing contest con
ducted by the Central Cigar Store mm V
the number of paid admission's to th
Elks' Carnival ars ready for the winner,
Ths holder of ticket M gets first prto,
109 cigars; 1085 takes 75 eigars as second,
while S3T nd;U7 captured third an I
fourth place, respectively winning to sj-
Si clgara.
' 'li
1 '?--'
.' ' V