The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 13, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    : ' the OBEQOK daily joxTpyAV PQRTiuAyiC AtmtKvr ; ''isvijyg; arPTSMBmi f isr. i'sbgr
it ' 1 . t. 4
9 If city subscribers fall to our their
paper they will confer favor If Itwy'11'
tall up Main 600 and enter their com-
slainta." . . --t . i:-.":-.:-'-
Th temparatur baa fallen about 19
6gr In th rVIlatnU and low Co-
lumbla VnUey. Th wind along the
Coast havfl shift t westerly aa4 th
imok baa blown Inland and baa ba
i replaced by dense fog alone tha Oregon
Coast Tha. smoky condition continue
.' elsewhere treat of tha Cascad Moun
1 Ulna with but slight clmJnuayo.
There ha bn a marked looreass IB
humidity and although tha eoadlUona
r unsettled and threatening weather
, will prvajl, Is aot thought that any
rain of eonsequsnc will oceuf during
th naxt St houra. .' r -
Sharp, frost eeourrad this morning la
tha tnlddla wast. '-.''
Oregon Fair tonight and 8undy, wlta
dense . attack "west portion; westerly
, wind . .
Waahlngtojp, Tonight and . Sunday
partly cl$and. smoky, with possible
showers &K tha , Uwnedlat coast;,
aoolep southwest portion tonight;; west
erly wind. '
Idahs Fair tonight and Sunday, ' '
' ' , Forecast Official,
' 'Paaaball.
Pacific, JHorthweat League,
, : Sunday, September H at p. m. ,
Grounds, Twenty-fourth and Vaughn.
.vs. " ' :
Portland.-. - .'. ' .
Admission, 25c.
; Grand stand. He.
Oame caUed at I p. m. '
The annual aesslon of tha Oregon Bar
Association will be held at. Portland on.
November ls-ls.. Secretary A. F. Flegal is
arranging the program. : ,
Bebat Morals Lodge No. 464. I. O. J3.
S . will give aflf antertlnaent at Axlpn
halt Sunday evening for tha baaeftt of
"their widows' and orphan fubd.1 ; .
Spaelal muals ha bean prepared for the
erviee at St. Davtd'a church tomirw.
Miss Helen Oos and Judge Bullock wiu
sing "In the Cross of Christ X Glory."
A big lot of Chines and Japanese cur
ios same through, the Custom House this
- grtng aelytted to looat deaier.- Thejr
amvea on tn Northara Facna train.
Th fremaitdatuLfyckpllraval that hat
ruled-ror the past two week la letting
Up little, and tha fcattp,r sot (so
rushea. SU11 they .ar ail fUlf nightly. J
It jearns atrange , to -dally Victors jtfl
puhlia bulldlBge to be mat with closed
doors whiuh are epoa nearly all the ivu
around. This la oa account, of tha tnek
and ashes.'
Secretary Moore, of the Board of Trade.
has accumulated valuable information
about Umber, government and railroad
landa which be wUUng. pt har with
an persona desiring-tt.
Weather Bureau. Offialai Baaia ha re-
oeived word from H. Kelliher, vessel ob
errer at North Head, stating that he can
not make any reports about the Columbia
Hirer bar because of th amok which
pervades the atmosphere. '
"I have been ih London U had fogs."
kaid a traveler at a, hotel thl morning.
"but this smok ha done me up rot city
tfaVel. ' I U out In Portland M mnrn
fng ia'nd was, I6t twice before I rourl
ray way hick' jo the ' hfylr ' ; ' f ,
rn reguiat, Monday ,jnettng of ith
Mcthodiat Praohera' Association , has
hren postponed to Tuesday menlng' at
joiaojo'jiiooh,. , tha ,ju B, c. a. room.
lshop W. V. Duncan and-Rer.- pri
Lambuth wtu ddresi tb meeting. ;
Tlx PortUad Presbytery has adopted
resolutions expressing the , high opinion
entertClnod by It- neaiber for Ker. B.
W. St P1errivtb ar.)hAplaln of h
Stat Penitentiary, tha State Reform
sehoolland the ChacnHffc tntfUn school
Angus Uertfcwn vsJtta.yi hennery at
Gravel Jfti fo.U- fail; f 0fthwt of hri
which wa vslt.4..btih4ataatilrea ya
terday. ThfoX lOhrf lde of.h!:
property was. detroyed,"as well as hi
hioken broodarr whWh coat about. 41000.
PTaaldent Caples, of th South PortUnd
Improvement Assootatlon. has announced
tDat ther will, be nttag f the a,
oelatlon thl evening at Hobkirk' e:i,
for th purpose of discussing the neces
sity f lmprovesients 1 the aouthtern
portloo. of tb alty and paxttauJarly it
matter of th opening of bridge.
An East Sid man baa a trained dog of
which he 1 "Very proud. Ha Is perhaps
the meanest man U th city, II won t
ubserlb fon a local newspaper. . but h
read all of them. It I don In thl ayi
His dog makes regular visit to hi nelgh-
bors' front door every day and ceraea
back with a paper.
M. jr. Walah Co. extends a cordial Invi
tation to all visitor to Portland from all
part of tha Northwest, soms of' whom
are erecting or contemplate th erection
of residence or store, buildings, to call at
his showroom. S46 Washington street It
Will b a pleasure for them to receive all
uch visitors and show them th different
line of mantles, gratea, tiling, electrtoa)
and ga supplies, telephones, call bells
iid. Indicators, tbat will be found com
plete to th slightest detail in their head-
seme and varied stock. Thai Invitation is
especially extended to visitor. "Alt real-'
dent of Portland are fully, aware of the
fact that th M. J. Walsh Co. stock af
forda the wMeet posibl rang In appeal
Ing to many different tastes. . Estimates
will be furnished on all kind of work of
th above nature.
Portland Club. Firm and Alder.
Finest ruaon la ity.
Portland ClUtt. riftb and Aider.
hfrs. Allen's school, Z2S Sixth street, will
reopen lor th second year at 10 a, to.,
Monday, Septembeir 15. under the charge
of an experienced, teacher who ha been
connected with hljgh school and aeademlo
Work for 18 years. Th course In Eng
lish, matheraatlc and . Latin, based on
the " college entrance requirement a.
greed upon by committees fromhe lead
ing eallege and. universities. ' ar ami
nantly practical nd suited needs
of student who do not care to enter col
leg hut desire tpo go beyond th regular
grammar acheoC ; work. Th Germsn
aiaa will be tinder the eharg of airs.
Krumbeln. one of the most ' competent
tferraan teacKer In (be city. Th pupil
will be carefully-drilled In the element
of Oerman grammar and much Untion
wiU be gtvan to conversation. Miss Clara
J. Stephen who work, is too U
known to reojjlrt . comment, '-till ttsci
drawing." Th aim of .thl school 1 to
nah-l pupil to devtlop tb power of n
dependent work. . Thoroughness' la all de
partment 1 insisted pqn.' : 1 ,';
R. C Hunt, of St Paul, is at th Port
K. W. Bllas, of. Iv Tork to t th
Portland. - : ; (.-- ..
W. Br BrlnkeThofC of Chicago, 1 at th
rortlana. ? ,. .-;',Ti O:?
.; Be by Hendrtckg cam In. from CugeneJ
thl morning. ;,T1.'rF?-sy.-c;T" -r
W. B. AtehlMon, of Pendleton, I at ihe
Belvedere. --.-,- s
B. r. Laughnn, TfOm The Dttlea, 1 nt
. My. and Mr. H. A- Moore, of Morcu are
af th Pwkla. - f.f&:.
VT. 1. D Arey. of th Bpl City. Idaho,
Capital, I in th city. -
Seattle guest .at th Portland include
Mr. and Mr. J, ghippen.
JT..A, Thayer wa a New Tork arrival
st the Perkins thl morning.
F. B. , Tlllotson. of Albany, bridge and
road contractor, la in. th city.
- Col. W. Hestir and JS. W. BHbs are at
th Partlsnd from New Tork,
' H. Ab'rahamson was" New Tork ar
rival at Uisi pbrWWd fhf morning.
Oo.' L. Haaard. of Vhiuiar, CaL. it
lived at the Portland thl rnorultig. -
T. N. Campbell, th Salens architect, is
in the city, stopping nt th Belveder
F. B. Duncan, th Ooldendsle liquor
merchant, la in th clty, a th Blvdr.
Among prominent arrival In Portland
this morning was' Rsig Lano. from
Toklo. Japan.
President' K. P. Re'sstr. Pt. tho ilon
Buth Norm I. is In attendance on the
teachers' Institute.
Saatero Washington arrivals this morn,
ing Included J, FvConnUy nJ Vfjnit B
Mitchell, of Baker City. , . '
w. . vaugnn, ol San FranijifH'M, &a
A editor ptih Methodist Advoenuj. U tn
th city for a fw dys.
Major C. F. Cramer,, ;auprtntendujt of
construction of th new federal bullOtnj
at Sltn. e atth Belvedcr., to ,,
A.'' B.-'.Browri; formerly wf LexUngti-n,
Ky.r hah aecopMd -a ttuatleln the" i,x
dpcrtmentor th Voyeri Clothing ora
Chas. McAllister, a large Klickitat
County stauk and aheep man, ftoaa Olaa
"woaif; IJtn th oity. stopping at the
Bflvedera. x
r Jf.,;We,atherford. of Albany, th wrtt
Jrnovn. ttoiay, has been In PortlatMt feV
.several days, on legal business: ami
tutted bom last evening.
i. J. Kunta. of St Joaeph, Mo., is in
Portland. He. I a large Investor In West
rn interests, and Is Interested in the
condition surrounding Oregon state
school lands tn which he may make In
F, M. Smith, of PrlnevlUe. a prmlnopt
took man f Certral Oregon,-' is in the
city taking medical treatment for lum
bago. He Is president of the B. B. Club.
a social organisation quit widely spread
through that regie n.
W. L, Hambree. th well known book
and stationery merchant of McMlnnvili.
th moat prosperous town of Yamhill
County, Is in town to take In the Elks'
carnival en th cloning day. He will re
turn home on, Sunday..
o'.I-, y'imbr)j and wife, of the ftoxeburg
n&vjKfw; in ine city, are recci-lpg-,ltongrtulatjons
of friends on 'the sa:
Vetln,!l IV-'eburg the eonn.lng
poi4.o th Great Central ratr.-oml.
burg will Mrtetly In It r
MM.'T. R. White, nee Kuykendall. wiu
leer Monday for Nome, . Alaska, to- Join,
her "husband,' Judge White' writv? that
conditions there hV much Im'iiro-ued f
feat, so much so thatJ he 'has fledlded to
lneraas his investment. i
William E. Qrac.' Of Baker' Cftypfoml
fienfln bitstnes a -erell as In -political
and 'social affairs of hls ect.'in.'ti8'bvB
Jn Porftand several tiaji, ejentnf'her tc
tfk part In tn.i annnpr- i-xmrise to
Connection with t JCIksy C?arriltiW j
. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Driscoll arrived In the
Cltjr yesterday from paw son. Cit. '.whore
tbey hT resided for th Mit two yf Am.
They formerly lived In Port'and, an.l ar
here to epend th wkater. - la tae spring
they will return tt- the far north.
Mr. and.Mra. Marlon Hodgen wtll
loav Monday for a trip East stopping
rfew daye at Slt Lake visit friends,
then going to New Tork and other of
th larger cities on the Atlantic Coaai.
They expect to be away a month or
more , v
Congressman Moody, who has been
having an outing at Cushman Lake. In
the Olympic Mountains. Wash., passed
through tb city yesterday on his way
to The Dalles. He thinks Lake Cush
man the most beautiful place he has
ever seen, and wa delighted with his
Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Judd, of Pendle
ton, are at th Portland to -remain sev
eral days. Mr. Judd is manager of 'he
Pendleton Wood Scouring Mills and
largely Interested in ' the Pendleton
Woolen Mills. ; which manufacture th
famous Pendletpn Indian Robes and,
shawls. '
Many Eastern .Oregoniana are in the
city, among them ft Alexander, F. K
Judd. W. M. Blusher. Leon Cdhan,
Robert Korster. ot Pendleton: , Wlmam
Wursweller. of Prlnevlll. W. K. Qraca
W. F Butcher and W. J.' Patterson, of
Baker City. The gentlemen earn
down to attend the Elks Carnival "and tt
tak part fft th feattvltle.- , . -
Man Ludemank a of thr premtnent
young men that ar making Central Ore
gon. I In th city from Antelope. He U
largely Interested in mining and stock
Interests, and la (he publisher of the Aah
woo4 Miner, th paper devoted to de
velopment of the mining Interests of that
region, and 1 the proprietor of the Ant
46pe Herald, devoted tc th general In
terest of Central Oregon. It la to men
like Mr. Luedeman that Ih to be attrtb
ted the remarkabl developments ot that
region f the stata ' i
- Get yojir. Title Insurance and Abstract
to Baal Kstat from th Tttl Ouraate
A Trust Co., Charauar of Com mere. '
5 " .-v .
ity. of Grantlnj One" PuzzJw
uuw vmiiunufce ' -
Ctvic Improvcmcat Officers Criti
if dsd for Alleged Partiality.
. Th trt commute of the Clty Coun-
cil met yesterday afternoon and ' had
quite a 'Ivtly se salon. The ordinance
granting the Oregon Water Power j
Kahwsy Company a franchtitl over East
Water street from Hawthorne" avenue to1
Ist Bumnlde street, was the main topi
which, di4tr,rbed the Councilmen. Severa)
knotty problems of a legal nature cam
tip with 'x-Cty Engineer Chase op
posing half a'-dosen Councilmen who be
came very Inquisitive.
There wts not a member of the com'
mitte who was not In favor of granting
the franchise. There is now a franchise
la existence grants a some ?r years ago,
MrvChase. who represented the company.
held that the city could grant another
franchise even If one wa now in exist
ence. Tho matter, after a long dtscuer
.tion. wa finally referred to the City. At
torney tor an opinion.
The ordinance granting the Associated
OU Company th prlvHcx of erecting oQ
tanks on the Terminal grounds w 114
over for two weeks.
The complaint against the report of the
viewers on the extension of East Thirty
fourth strtet was adoptsd and .further
proceedings under the present ordinance
crdered discontinued.
The commute will visit Peninsular ela
tion this morning and Interview tha rslf
dents on the petition ' for the laying . of
sidewalks in Pennsylvania avenue.
A CcrrmolcaUoa Addressed to the
Port .of ortan4,)Cpmliair.;
in ;..'. Uol'8
Br.rtol li-Jc c
'j'At thei rgnlaLiwkiyo meeslnc v t
He4entesl Ttadas ICouncll teat night
Kuamsen-ycTseji trtkdj)W declared o
wdrf the nflrnr-removed from" the unfair
list. The Bund and Fuel Teamsters, how
ever, requested . that all those receiving
wood to Insist thst It be delivered by
union drivers.
The following communication, bearing
upon the proposed construction of the dry
dock In the State of Washington was' pre
pared and forwarded tOjthe Port of Port
land Commission::
"To the Port of Portlaad . Commission
Gentlemen: We wish to enter a most ear
nest and emphatic protest against your
action In approving a atte for th con
struction of th drydock for Portland: on
th Columbia River, in the State of Wash
ington. We would call your attention to
the following reasons: The approval of
this site, upon te claim to you by th
contractor that a suitable location could
not ha had tn, Portland. Is a tacit ad mis
Joodthae.weieM an, neetl s drydock.- w
JdOTpratw ,ihlSjUBg port. and lha.e
rnavaxatuosu anicatne for rfhar wnstrtsctl'
oi me pontoons ror a jMcb 'Ehe bus! if
commission of-lfco- port publishes to it
worm, -inacowa nave DO'iiarsor. we Were
ambitious-:to eonstrnet aOtyvernmont.bai-
tle-ship on Jth Willomett River, -. Oir
shipbuilders are meeting th competition
erf yard in all (he Psclflo Coast porta, isrtd
ecas(uUy. too, :W protest against thja
moictmeofc oj our naror and great' uuuty
oone our city and its business Interests.
"Ws further protest against the expen
diture of this vast sum of th taxDayera'
money In another state, thus enrlcBiriff
and promoting the interest ..of another
community. ; .. . i
W claim that our .port should have
not been stigmatised In thl manner; thst
our wuunng people soouia nave bad'. tae
opportunity of earning this 170.00 of la
bor cost and that our business people
should have tlie benefit of Its circulation.
W protest against thl wrong to our In
terests snd In th name of th 10,000 Cll
sn afllllhted with the labor organisa
tional of .Portland w demand that v our
honorable body take nuch' steps as -will
have thin work done on our harbor 'and
this- money expended through our local
business channels. We thus publicly ask
those business sumoriatlona who have the
Interest of Portland in their keeping to
bring the pressure of their Influence to
bear to th end that this grant wrong
and Injustice be? not done our people.
"Charles Mlcklty. President.
"X R. Lawton, Secretary',"
Montavilla Briefs.
M. E. Patiie has moved his family to
While repairs Were being made to the
water system, the supply was turned off
about t p. m. Tueaday evening, and caus
ed a great deal of Indignation among res
ident. A. F. Washburn' family has moved
Into their newly-conairucted residenca on
Spencer street
Miss .UUian Olson, th 1-yetr-oid
daughter of Martin Olson, h recovering
from th effect of having her right
wrist broken on day last week.
The Ultle son of Harry Sear? wa re
ported dangerously 111 yesterday and Dr.
Chamber was called In to attend.
Mr. and Mr. Captatin William Moan
and Mra Bert Boss, of Eugene, ar vis
itors si tb resident jtt Homer Rich
ards. ..'
Hal Perry has returned from the h
fields at Wheatland.
W. D. Purdy has left for Alma On
bu sines. .' . - ..' . ..'
Mildred, the younger daughur r Mr.
Former, whose condition ha been very
serious, wa reported (lightly Improved
yesterdsy. : :' - ' .
Yesterday was the fourth anniversary
of the wedding -of Mr. and Mrs.- Captain
If. Schneider, and th day we,.iOyahir
. i - -a - 'o'oti to. :
At the Churches
rynvfbif(?Vh,r, Z'
:rr.: Alxandr Biackpufn preach at
V St. John', SeHwood.
Th asual Sunday acbofarvtc wlii
h bald to this anarch at 11 o'closh.
,v; V faptltt Opn-Alr Service.
. ,,'orner Second and Burnside streets at
S i p. ni.V Rv. E. M. Bliss of the Third
church will preach. .
i- , St, Pul's, Wood mere.
Tb usual aervie will b held at 1:1 p.
m. Sunday school at 2. This mission 1 In
charge i of Mr. ft L. Parker as lay reader.
, Unharsallst.
kegular service at the Unlveraallst
church, corner East Eighth and East
Couch, gtyeet. Sunday sprviccs at it a.
m., oondweted by the pastor. Rev. W. F.
Small, Sermon n the topic. "Where's
Harry Tracy?" 8unday school at 12:18.
East Sid Spiritualists.
Th' Truth Seeker' Society will hold
service In Logus hall on East Washing,
ton and Grand avenue, at u a. m". and 7:44
p, m. . Services conducted by Rev. Q. u.
Lei-e and .Professor - Sterling. Music by
Mr. O. C, Ixvs.
6 1. Andrew's Chapel, Penlnsulsr.
Services will b resumd at the above
Chanel as follow: Sunday school at 3:20
w- m.; svrvlc god aermon st J:3C p. m,
All living near th chapel are cordially
Invited i 'tn worship with us. Rev. H, V.
Chamber In chsrg.
Good 8hpherd.
Holy communion and sermon at 11 a. m.
evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 p. m.
Sunday school at S a. m. All ar invited
and will b welcome at these service,
Church of tb Godd Shepherd. Episcopal,
corner Vancouver avenue and Sellwood
treat, H. IX Chambers, rector. ,
v' Scandinavian Wutheran.
.Corner East Grant- and Tenth street a
Bervic in the Norwegian language at
W ei a. m. and at I p. m 8unday school
at : a nr. The Ladks' Aid meets next
f hnrsdaywlth, Mrs.i Iartena on the
Powell's Valley road: take Mt Soott Car
to gravel pit O. Hagaes. pastor.
i .:. JTh Bereh Mission.
rt A V' the Berea Mltm'lon;' Second and Jef'
Urwon ttreets. services will be held Suro-
4kVat lO.tOa. ta.ana at 7:30 p. m.. byi th
pastor, Rev. J. H. Alien. Tha morning
OBbieot. vOk, heCto-ist and Ah , Phri-J
ttani'Jsand th twamng mubject ("An Angel
and Another Gospel." Seats free' and
., , .at .Oavld.'a, Episcopal..
The services 'tomorrow1 In St David's
Episcopal church, "corner Ejit Morrison
and East Twelfth streets, Rev. Geo. B.
Van Waters. D. tf., rector, as fol
lows: Holy communion at 8 a. m. ; Sun
day school 9:45; mornlug prayer and ar
mon at 11 o'clock; evening prayer and
sermon at 8. All ar invited.
United Brethren In Christ.
At the Church of the United Brethren
In Christ, Fifteenth and East Morrison
stsats, the pastor, Rev. W. G. Fisher,
wtll preach morning and vning. Morn
Ing, theme, "The Luminated Ufa." Even
ing theme, "The influence of an Ideal
Sunday school at 10; Christian Endeavor
at 7 p. m.; prayer meeting on Wedaeaday
The Tlrs' SMHtualliKii&ectotjK win hold
service at 11 a. m. and at 7:46 p. m. The
evening aervlce will be' conducted- by
Prealdeat jJ.: H. Ludaa.Bd Mr, Comsirut
IDUm prelude to thej.lecture will U -h
llfe servioes, and tfnfflc. death of Presl,
dent McKlnley." Ail aervicea wlU be-held
at Artisan hall. Abuigton building, Third
street between Washington and Stark"
Rodney Avenu Christian",
Usual morning and evening service at
thla church under th direction of the
minister Albyn Esson, who expect to
eav for Illinois during ths coming week
..AT... ...5:v-
ana o atiena me nanonai oonvenuon or
th Christian Church at Omaha. October
H-tX During his aaacno the pulpit of
th Rodney avenue church wnl be ud
plied 'by Rev. C A.. Dotson.
East Ankeny snd Baat Seventh streets,
William K. Randall minister. Sermon
ubject at W: a. rh,. Th Philosophy
and Power of Good Cheer." Tb address
at 7:30 p. m. wtti be an the topic. "Moral
Stamina; the Fate of One Worldly Wo
man." Tb music wtll be by the quartet
choir. A cordial Invitation Is extended
to all to enjoy the aervicea of tb church.
Th First English Church Evangelical
Association corner East Sixth and
Marshall streets. O. W. Ptumer, pastor.
The morning theme at 11 o'clock will b,e
"Overcoming the World." The evening
subject 1 "The Voice of God nJ Con-
FClence.' Music, morning, solo and
chorus, "Hark, Hark. With Harps of
Gold." J5. W. Hanseom. Evening, '"In
Thy Love." Sunday achool at 10 a. nr. and
Young People' Alliance at 7 p. m. Every
body Invited.
Mlspah Presbyterian.
MUpah Presbyterian, Jerome R. Me-
Glade, pastor. Theme of Sabbath r
mon a, morning. "Life Through Death a
Law of the Kingdom." Evening, "Th
Praia of a Godly Uf." tn th evening
aersnoa a flttlng trioat will U paid to
tha memory of President McKioley.
Morning anthem, "Ho Beautiful upon
the Mountain" Lewi. Evening anthem.
"The Lord Is King." Chappie, At th
morning service Ml Lucl Oodlty will
ting "Benediction," pp Schuhart Even
ing service t 7;ao o'clock. .,
Pepie's Chrtetlen Union.
The Srt annual eut-door aervlce and
reunion af the Peoole" Christian Union
will b held tomorrow W the Band Park,
Woodstoclt Sermon h4r th mmiatcr. Rev.
T, . Coulter. Subject. Tlrt Templea;"
At iM a. m.;' foiiowln; th aarmea din
ner wtll b served n tng. At I a. tv
wilt ha held the annual runlaeV .pbJot.
"What th Christian Union ha been to
me." 4symposium. Th servto at th
pmi k-concluding st p. m. Take 'ih
WMdstck car to snd of th Una. At I
pm. th regular araotical Indus trial ar
Wl wlU h held 19 tha hall, AUsky build
ing. Third and Morrison gtraata, Mir
by Mia, Dr. Mary A- Thompson, subject,
"Th Bad of Brotherhood." A hrlf oV
dress by h' minister and general dls-
feuMion of th topio will conclude the
ervlce, Special music t both services
by tha orchfstra. AH ar wlcom.
V. C,hHtln tclnc.
Af first Church of Christ (Sclntlst), cs
Twenty-third street, near Irving, sesvlces
wilt ,be held at. II and t. Th subject of
h sermon I "Matter." Children's Sun
day school meet at U:10. Wednesday
evening meeting l held at, I o'clock. Th
fre reading-room 1 open dally from 10
to. S and T:S to at room i. t snd 4.
Hamilton building. 131 Third street; All
are cordially welcome at services and
reading room,
Grand-Avenue United Presbyterian.
Wasco snd Grand avenue (East Side),
Rev. J. 11. Gibson. D. D., paator. Sab
hath achool at 10 o'clock a. m. ; morning
worahlp, U a. m. Them for morning ser
mon. "The Duty of Professing Chrlt."
Christian Endeavor. : p. m.. subject,
"Delight n God's House," leader. Ralph
Miner. Evening worship, 7:30 p. . m
theme, of evening sermon, "How to Se
th Glory of God." Mr. J. H. Gibson will
'nterpre; th morning sermon for deaf
First Baptist Church.
corner iweirtn and Taylor street.
Alexander Blackburn. t. D., pastor, will
preach at 10:80 a. ni., subjects. Children's
set mon, "School Tomorrow.' General aer-
mon. "The Bible-IU Place In Evangel
ism," 7:30 p. m., "Conversion and Char
acter." ' Sunday schools, a. m., Savler
street mission, C. A. Lewis superintend
cnt;-U a.. m University Park achool. W
O. Haines superintendent ; 12 m., Church
school, J. G, Malon superintendent; 7 p.
m.. Chine chool, W. L. Bartlett, su
penntenaent; young People's meeting
Tuesday evening; prayer meeting Tour
day evening: Boy and Girls' meeting,
Monday, 4 p. m, Music-Professor w. M.
wilder, organist, with chorus led by C.
3. Mills, director. Soloist, Miss Edna
Prejttdlum- Th Victor"; b "Hymn.
-v Besgley
Reaponse-Prayer," Vandevere
Solo-'-Rock of Ages" Renlck
Offertolre "Dream of Heaven".... Meyer
POatludlum "Entree de Prodeaaion'
ri.., ......... .....t... Edourd Batiste
t- 'r. . AFTERNOON.
.Prclwdium "Twilight." ,.. Ryder
Response "Andantl" Mendelssohn
Solo"Juft for Today',. ,...... ...Abbott
OfJfertolre-"ElcyatIopie"i.,.. Rimbault
Potludlum "March Sollenelle" Ketterer
Gospel hymns In" the evening. " All Mats
- i ! ; -,'-' , f jrt.;-,-tT 'T
The Convention Held at Roseterg
Qosed Last Night
nvncjuunu, nepi. a, yesterday wa
th last day of th W. C, T. U. conven
tion and reports of aU department war
completed. Th convention adopted
strong resolutions in favor of total absti
nence and prohibition, condemning the
dispensary system and pledging renewed
allegiance to Icglslatrv prohibition. Vn
der the head of purity they resolved In
favor of raising the age of protection for
RiTta rrom is to is years," agamst any rrm
of protection of the social evil, and! do
Uewining street fairs atttf tW corrvjptlnr
features of the midway a dageriemtjlnjg
m ine rxirvme, na in view os in n'
pnsaching Lewis and Clark Fsir who
hlgtiest success they dairv calling upon
all who love morality t aid in educating
agalaat these. They also resolved la
favor of compulsory arbitration a th
only successful means of protection tor
the general public.
r The officer were aU re-elected. Soma
Changes were mad In th board of super
"Cbl. Sobleakl wa at hi best and hs
address rounded out en of th most suc
cessful convention of any kind ever
held in the city.
Mra. L'nruh left early this morning for
her -work In Nevada and Utah, where
she I to hold the tat convention In
both states and hold rt of masting
In the larger cities. A meeting la being
arranged l nth Salt Lak Tabarnacl for
Concludes the Twentj-Nhth An-
nual Meeting of the Society.
Th Oregon beat Medical Society
closed its annual meeting yesterday,
finishing what has been an unusually In
teresting meeting, with a banquet at
Hotel Portland. After the installation of
the new officers yesterday afternoon the
set program was run through with and
matters relating to membership dlscuseed.
New members will hereafter he admitted
by vot of th society. Th Multnomah
muddle which has existed waa adjusted
by th determination that Individuals of
the contesting organisations can reach
membership In ths stste body, rather than
recognition of either of the contesting
Portland is to be th place of meeting
next year.
To Oregon City and Cmenuh Puk
Th usual Sunday round-trip rat will
b nffetiv tomorrow with meter car
and trailer every 30 mlAUt) 30-mle.Ut
ear will run to Mt. Tabor and Mt. SeotL
Leav First and Alder atreeta
Binjo, JUndofia zni Gultir,
Har Wobtr, Instructor, nt Marquam
building. Instrument fre. . Wantd,
plararg for oluba, . . :-
lt ' th
word go ant
that Portland
let everybody
hustle, and
9 better yea.
nuaua. :
Jen't ypO
Yen knew what hustle -mean.
out If yon don't, tak The. Jour.
pal, only 10 cent week, ay cam erf tt
a year, hr
" 1 It
To consumers of current Irom our mains we are now selling LAMPS
AT 15c EACH, or $1.75 PEE DOZEN. These are thesame lamps X
(bat wt formerly sold at 25c each, and are made expressly for us. JJ
Buy Them II You Want I he Best.
Delivered In Dozen Lot Free of Charge. ' 2
? Portland General Electric Co. ?
Chas. E. Ladd.
Pres. A Trees.,
Manufacturer of
Parties Intending- to build will do well to call up our office and bare out
salesman visit them to explain the many strong points of ADMANT be
fore the postering is started on their building.
t MM
! Banfield-Veysey Fuel Co.
Cat yeurorwsra ta tarry aa4
Otfieml Na. AO
i Oir1bOtMiaJ5JjColumhJ.n. PORTLAND. OIXCOH
'. it ,rV't ;r
AH Leadinjr
44 r .
the Leading
anti; ELECTRIC APpLUNCES - . ; .
Is In receipt of a large shipment of th above. Cah and make your aeleol
tlon. Every adasa of work on th, above aUahdea to .. : :, Both- phono.,,
Show Rooms 245 Washington Street; , " ;
Whatfeihil: of afurnace has tHis
housefMnaulres the would-be tenatit- A Perfect'
replies the owner. .I'll take It"
our furnaces are nutaliea. '
w. a. Mcpherson
fleetlaf aed VenttlaUnf; EBflneer
The Bkcr
A 11 .Ufa WAAb
with tnat
BM Bat.. THE
OeaV L akW
fir. Barnes of New York
Produced under the stag
ImN. 11
C. 1.
direction of Robert Mor
ris. Prices. Evening, 15c,
Wa. II
nri tan Matinees. 10c lSo and
ats on sale one week tn advance.
The only Italian Vocal
Teacher la
Formerly of MILAN, IT ALT,
Cures Catarrh and Asthma simply by
hi method of vole culture. ' - '
Testimonial open to Inspection at hi
flulkey Bids., corner Second end
florrtaon Streets,
Bummer term open July i
A Novel Ida
Mr. M-'BUHng. proprietor of th new
shoe store at tts JMerrlson. between
First and Beeaad, ftaa introduced a novel
feature In the aha busines. He sells
reliable and up-to-date shos and stock
Ing for men. wornen and children, and
to Introduce hla bulna, I grvlag
away a An pair of stocking with each
patr ofi shoes h lla Thl will b a
great saving to the who Bay fan
Uy 'te aet'eaeew tv chooi. , i
. , veassaasMssssssisasHBaissa- - -
Tk Th JouraaL fer earrtor. IS aeata
week, aante f jaontav v
After Exposure to Wind And Sun
. Will sooth and heal tb face and pre
vent ft from peeling. Multitude of East
v era -women ua it. It la th best crem
maaa. Jar. sue.- Sold in PerUasd only by ,
New York Electro -Therapeutic Co.,
Chas. P. Beebe.
A. K. Bentlflv.
Vlce-Pres. a Mgr.,
Factory t
Foot 14th St.
Phone North Z9f(,
give your wo dumes to) dry.
Orocers carry t. ' . . , ,J,
Cream Co.,
vf f rf r r
Dealers In
This Is" the usual result w&ere
47 FIRST ST., bat. AH and Pish
u mi (a
tkiw it.
On, Cheat bat af taw, ,
opt, 10, XX, IS,
Wed.. Thur., FrL, Sat.
Matlne, Sat. night. Marl
CorelU'e famous master.
pleoe. ,
J. P. CrVy
Ladle and children's Matinee Satur
day at 2. '
Evening prices 25c, 60c. . Matin
prices, to any part of th house, . Sic
children. 10c , ,
Fredericksburg 7th and Aider
Mm. Shell' troup of performing Afrl :
can Hon.
rilfmsnla'B (umiMl v.ntrltA tiatlaAl.i
Birdie Brldan.
An Opheum novelty, Kalwatu. king ,-;
hoop. l
A matlne wUi be given everv day at S:S
fk m. to the ladies ana children- Posh
Ively no liquor sold during matlne.
High-Class Vadnil, V
week eommenelng Sept- S. :
102. Comedy, "A Paper ,
of Tacks." by company. .
Bella Doyle. Tough Utrij ,
Cell D Laeay, ballads ( '.
Port on a Draper, Sketches; -Ida
Howell, Peerb Song. :.
stress; Msud Doatta. Speew
Hampton. Sketch: Bernl v
Frits a Ooll
ssa. Proftr.
4 Bura-j
i -1 ... . lr I
B. Vernan.
Pecay. the Dancing Ulrl:
Stanley Scan) on. Musical Artietat On,
A. ana Lis! Bird, lmpetaonator. Th
only original Little ICgypv Th Great
t Don't fall to settle celebrated t
S DUffr fAMdLY x
toi'h-i'X This Week; Only at -:$'
9 ni A 7inntc riPST lf
uuru.ii,r y MAW.-.ON is. i
; :
i t
r: ( x
A x
. a-
AjsVk A A a,AAA a .'