The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 13, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    rira onrdoK daily journal, r outlaid', satuhdats Evryixa; septhmber 13, 1002;
, .v..
- Iriany. ; Good -Showings
V' Blade This" Year.' :
m a
Badger. Me Wants Railroad Fa
rfciciBtlcs Notes and Nws ,
, Proa Other Points, '
1 Veurnal Special Service.!
T. HELENS. Sent It, EL TJ. Melts v
ha Jttst returned from the St, Helens
mining lttrtotj having completed a II1)
foet tunnel eontract. He has taken a
contraetfof 100 feet on the property of
W Dixie Qneen Mining Company ot thn
ft Salens district and to hare to Secure
art outflt to be need, la doing thla work.
Mr hiackay reports that development
work ts being pushed with great vigor In
litis Region. (,
the work oa the 'Polar -Star Is prog
resting aldeljt'and the character of tho
rev improves aa the . distance Into the
' mountain Increases. On this mine acrosa
out ha Wn ran 80 feet where the ledgt
waa, , atruck, . sine which time the
tunnel haa Bess, run on the ledge for 400
feeti the, whole distance of which hat
bead througa hlarh-grade copper ore, be
Idea, totne gold and aUver. The ledge hai
Jaat been crow -out and la it feet wide,
- Maeshart Wat, who have Just com
, Plated v WO-foot tunnel oontract. hare
takeq a aoatraot for an additional 100
t aa n the Germanla. They report aome
Una ob uncovered en thla property. Chaa,
Olsonl ha just flniebed a MQ-foot cross
cut .tiianel on tha Minnie Xee. and he
broke through' the hanging waU of a wall
define! ouarta ledge and uncovered aome
err. on
p akin
work 14
Host n
the Other propertiea that are
4 good showing, and on which
being actively proaeouted are the
fountain, , Independence. Dixie
Norway, Sweeden and Karl arouDe
uid aU the Gallce-Helena.
r Mr. eckey says that aa he waa com
b owl ne ,met a sawmill plant and
om m lOhln drills being taken Into the
lietWct ,. '. . ,
just; been .completed fronuthe North
eta Teolnc Una Into tha district, a. vr.
Steffner 'pt Chatunoota, Tenn., who rep
(Yaento h DJxle Queen Mining Company
Vint tha district, consisting of U claims,
tosa just jrefur&ed from an inspeotlon of
the propartle and Is well pleased with
what he saw and his oompany propoaea to
put 110,000 Uito. derelopment work durtnt
tha eommg fear. The ore In this dis
trict requires smelting, being -principally
topper, with good value In gold, silver
and lead, and" railroad transportation is
tht first fceoetaltjr of this dlstrlot at
thla time. The mines In this district
would alan keep a smelter busy at Port
land at tha present stage of development
Th Portland, Vancouver ft Yakima rail
roall ts JvUdlng Into tha district. The
rate for IS miles of extension was com
pleted last year and the rails, which were
oatraeted for delivery then, are now
aeoat all delivered.
. Aj great or bodr la
levet of the Ooloanda. aays the Bumpter
American. The north drift on the east
rein entered the area of tha rich shoot
some time ago, -and at' first it appeared
that tha values, were to be found iu a rel
atlvely narrow atreak, At .tha point ot
last Intersection by ros;out. from this
drift tha vein is it fset ide and en both
walla la very Jlne -quarts. The whole of
the vela is pot pay ore,' but tha heavy
streaks on, the walls r, widening, til) -It
seems that most of It will M . shortly.
Tha width of thor tHtnat depih and
tha rapid Improvement with tb north
drift afford the bet example ot what tha
Oolconda is to be At' depth. .tVlth the
areata enlareement bf tha ord bodv oh
served between ths 200 and Q0 aa an In
dex. It is quite certain that on the 400
and (00, when tha north drift? progresses
aome further, the ore body will be of pro
uona never seea. in tha uoioonaa before.
Paya 1300,000 for Willow Creek Group of
, B. Z. Ruasell, C B X.yon and Emory
"Cole, owners of, tha: group - of . stlpltrg
claims in the new wlHow Crek,tllatrlot,
Including tha claim on whlcli 'A rich
strike waa recently, tnade came' In from
the mines yesterday -'and' went to Nampa
thla morning, is reported that a deal
has been made whereby these gentlemen
will transfer thelf holdings In, the new
district to a company "headed byv EV H.
Dewey, the Idaho millionaire,, for 300,000.
It la known that Dewey, has had ex
porta on Willow Creek f ot two. weeks, and
they have been, exceedingly anxious to
get a bond on tha KueselV Lyon and Coal
properties. That they nay reached a sat
iafactory agreement Is Avtdehctd by the
fact that the owners of the slainis ahve
gone to Nampa to sign the nnil papers In
the deal. Mming men' who have visited
the " M' v : V;? v-.
wiixow cftfiiK biarMisi
say that It will'pr'W one of the Hchest
gold fields In the world.' 'Thousands Of
ton of ore are already in sight the ledge
matter being from seven to twehie feet In
width and from every Indication the ore
grows richer as it runs deeper.: Aft assay
mane mis weea. ar ora xrom tna jKuaseii.
Lyon and Coal group gave returns of
2.BS0 per ton.
During the week, hundreds of people
have passed through Huntington on their
war to the new told field.' and tha wu
low Creek hills are covered with, pros
pectors, v." - ,
James o. Moudy -returned yesterday
from, the district bringing with, him sev
"41 samples In Which fold Is plainly, vis
ible to the naked eye. llr, Moudy has an
Interest in 'several claims; adjoining the
Russell gioup. f
Two tunnels are being driven on the
Sampson group- ay Superintendent F. 8.
Lack. One is on tha Klak, and the other
on the Sampson. Both are going ahead
under full foroe, opening this property
with all possible speed. More men are
being added to tha working force, as It Is
the purpose of tha superintendent to get
work well advanced there before winter
nets In. In each tunnel there is an ex
cellent showing, Conflrtallng the surface
Indications and opening a bright future
for the Sampson. This properysjs but a
short distance above ffte Cracker-Oregon.
of tha same big veinwyitem, and tha late
strike in the latter 'property r gtvea the
owners of the Sampson as lnuah encour
agement as If ft had been rnade la their
own grounda. ' . -a. .-r: j; . .
fdre," fhla bids fair to be a fine mlnej '
- The Red, White aod Bfue Company is
Hinning three 'eight-hour shifts on their
pain now,: They are employing IS mea
and they . expect to sink 100 fet deeper,
making- them a total depth of ISO feet.-;
- Lumber Is arriving every day for 'the
construction of the 20-stamp mill -for" the
Black;, Bugle Mining: Company. ; They
have now U men. employed grading for
themlli and digging? ditch" Jdr-water. ?
: . - : AT THE MAXWELL, ' y.
-Tha Blue Mountain American speaks as
follows of that promising propertyt r -.
After" driving a, crosscut a. feet, , the
new. owners of the Maxwell mine haa
been rewarded for their confidence by a
very promising strike. Work haa been
Inaugurated on the property By Manager
Neil 3. Sorenaen, on the lines of his first
plans, ' Which are to open' the property
from the level of tunnel No. 18. This had
been driven largely on a vein parallel to
the one on which were found the btg
Beckwlih'and Cold Gold shoots. Tha for
mer owners had started a crosscut from
the face f this tunnel, 1800 feet from the
mouth.' This crosscut paaaed under tun
nels No. 14 and 15 somewhere near where
they entered the Beckwith shoot A nar-t
row seam of ore had been encountered
and drifted upon a short dletanc, after
which work ceased. ' ' .-. 1
Manager Sorenaen received word tht
week from Superintendent Lohmlre that
the crosscut was continued but & feet
when a fine Vein was intersected. 'This
has a Very rich streak of ore, which taU
lies exactly with the ore of the Beckwith
shoot above. The first Impression of tha
superintendent that the strike was '
blind. Is disproven In several respects,
and Manager Sorensen's concluelu that'
'--."' IT IS THK MAIN LEAD ' '
la satisfactorily established now. . Drift
ing" Will commence at once and be contin
ued without cessation till the Beekwlth
Shoot is explored. In No. H and IS
thla shoot was 270 feet long, actual ston
ing area. "Equal or greater depth Is ex
pected in No. 18. which is just 309 feet
deper than 15. About 270 feet long.' with
S0Q feet vertical depth of virgin jfround.
Is a most Inviting prospect for the new
management to enter upon after driving
a crosscut but 21 feet. ' ;
After passing the Beckwith shoot the
Important one on the main lead is the
Cold Gold. It will be the next objective,
and may be reached by following the line
of the contact, rather than diverging las
was the case In driving No. 14. The con
tact has been proven to carythe values.
in-1 tha Mr-well, and Manager , Sorenaett"
has formulated A very interesting ptan
of development as a result ot his deduc
tions from thla and other facts, that may
bring the Maxwell Into the line of big
producers at an early date. Th Cold
Gold shoot is larger and better th the
Beckwith, In the upper workings.' These
two ore-bodies out at depth have great
promise, as they were rfch in the upper
workings. ' '.' ' 1
): I'
Is tha Only
Some Very Rich Ora found In the Daley
Thomas Anderson, f First Creek, while
sinking a shaft on the Daisy claim, op
ned up a bunch of. Vary- ridh ore. He
panned from, one and one-half unfee of
gold one dollar. At .thir rate the ore
would run about (11,000 per ton. He haa
taken out and sackejl about ISO from this
bunch and has another bunch opened up
reaay to take out Aa we have Said be-
Rallroad Transportation
"We are having no trouble in .treating
our Orea," em la F. W. Bradley, while in
Sumpter PunOiy. "The Badger plant is
doing exactly what we Intended it should
do, ahd with aa good results as COUld
have been expected. But we are having
dl&cul'ty in marketing the concentrates.
That long haul from the Badger to'rnll
transportation Is what, hurts. We tried
hauling to Pendleton and are now haul
ing to Whitney. We atart for the rall
roAd at whatever point may be the mcst
advantageous, considering distances and
rate." ,
Mr. Bradley's last visit to the Badger
waa something over a week's duration.
It Is evident , from his worda that the
huul of concentrates Is more of a thorn
tha, n was fully believed at first. He and
hla .Rsaoo'ates are master of all treat
ment problems. Should difficulties arlsd
their pra-emlnlnet knowledge of ores en
ables (hem to assail the problem with all
..?.'- - - . leBteBslBefBe),
: '
, .';'' '.'";. ' '. '". ' '
- - f
), . a
o o
;?" '-'
. Represent nearly 70 years of experience in wagon building. It is an absolute impossibility to build a wagon better than
JHE MITCHELL I Why? Because money, cannot buy better timber, than is boirghj fop the MITCH ELL Mitchell & Lewis '
Co., the manufacturers, positively pay 25 to 35 percent, above the market price ot first grades for the privilege of cull-
v- Ing over and "skimming off the cream", of the wagon stock. Thh is carried for three to five years in open sheds under.
if , cover until thoroughly seasoned, being culled three to five times in the process of handling. Wood stock, for three to five
'y years ahead means wood stock aggregating in value nearly One Million of Dollars. It is not every factory that an carry
- this kind of a stock, consequently it is not every factory that can build wagons as THE MITCHELL is built too many of
them build from hand to mouth buy stock today and make it up tomorrow. Do you want a wagon made in that way, '
or do you want one of our kind) One (hat carries with it an absolute guarantee that it is the best possible to build al-
ways has been, and always will be. If you want our kind, make up your mind before you start out to buy that it will
V cost you more money than "the other kind," because it costs more money to build Jt
The Best 1$ Always the Cheapest
' j all that you want to know (s that you are getting
the best. You can be absolutely sure of it when
The Mitchell Wagon
Is the King Pin of our large line of
Agricultural Implements, Vehicles,
Bicycles, Harness, Gasoline Engines,
Cream Separators, Etc., and we aim
to have every piece of goods sold
by us in keeping with the quality of
same, viz:
Best Possible to Produce!
k -
first and
Taylor Sts.
the applianceti bi ribfixce, which Sumces
In those progressive days. But knowl
edge Is nothing in the presence of tram
portatlen difficulties. There Is but one
solution; that, exploiting Inducements
for railroad builders to put in Hnes. Mr.
Bradley ssys that the inducement ap
parently existed In the timber of the
John lMy, till it was withdrawn from 111
lng by the reserve order. He does not
see what there la in the district adja
cent to the Badger justifying a rail lire
commencing work verj soon, if the tim
ber is Withdrawn.
larger hoist than, the efficient machine
now used. The one in position has about
reached Its maximum depth, 500 feei.
when handling the waste taken from the
Goloonda during the extensive develop
ment In progress and also supplying the
20-stamp mill. A new hoist, larger and
stronger engines and a boiler of larger
capacity will b the. improvement. This
additional equipment has been ordered,
and IS expected to be In position early
this fall, In time for work when the
other 10 Stamps of the mill are put Into
commission, i Sptsaking of the improve
nienta. Secretary Howard said recently
tbat taey - would suffice for all needful
work for some time to come. "The hoist
win have a cap&Mty of 1200 feet, hanailna:
large quantitiea of earth. '
Oh, the bachelor girl should, marry
On the philanthropic) plan.
Make haste, and do not tarry1,' ...
But choose an old maid man!
Philadelphia, Secord.
The O. R. & N. Co. steamer Columbia,
scheduled to leave Portland Hututa. Ron.
tember 14, for Han Francisco; will not sail
uuiu a v. m. nonaav. seniemner is.
"I tell you, my wife ia 4 ptetty WI
woman, add It's pretty hard to get ahead
of her." ,
"For instance r ! J ' V
"Well, she's down at tha seashore now,
and when she writes for money she ln-
closes a stamp, self-addressed envelope .
and a check already made out for w 10
sign. Can't say It slipped my ml ltd
then." ."
fon promised you would matry md la ,
time," complained tha ardeht suitor, ana '
now yon break tha engagement,"-
'Tea," she replied listlessly, "and It's 4
great wait ore my mind."
life GoloMdlai Etemsiodii (Bold! MimiDmKDi
it JS, Thompson, Portland, Or.f real
"attata and insurance; renresentativa
from Multnomah County.
M. U Oram, capital Ut. Portland. Or.
Ck L Brown, capitalist, Portland, Or.
- wv,wu, imuinniuui, juioria, ur,
J V. Swiggett, oonaultlng engineer, Port-
uuia, ur.
Authorized Capital
Of Baker CountyV
With Union Investment Company
Suite s 13-14 Commercial Bldg., Port
land, On Phone South 1091.
'Jt Tn" oonda Extension Gold Mining Company owni one full mining "claim. 600
I8M feet, known aa tha Orlean. rA la
lStrlel, tlx miles in a northerly direction from the Town of Sumpter and Is the di
inot southwest extension of the Oolconda Century claim and is reached by a drive of
six miles over the Sumpter and Oolconda county road.' '
Every mine has at one time
1 The Orleans Claim was discovered by Fred Knujlh. who waa n Of the early
Proapeitors In this famous district and was located In 1896.: Last .December active
workVas commenced by driving a tunnel on the vein and V the present time has
attained the length of 140 feet, and a perpendicular depth of aboot U feet The tun
hel is 4x8 In the clear, all timbered and In good Shape, and equipped trith track and
car. A. cross-cut has been run at the first 100 feet which proves" the -vein to be
J& feet wide, giving values of from 2 to 110. It is tha Intention of the company, to
axtend this tunnel, making a cross-cut every 109 feet antll backs f ai least 800 feet
are obtained. .' .1 '"',''"
- The croppings, the formation and the character of tha era "ere Identical with
- that t its next neighbor, the Oolconda- So far as devslopweht has proceeded it
haa proven to the management that by further development we will be
ebU to attain the same results as tha other famdus mines en thla earns mother lode.
There b in close proximity on the property timber, waler-and ether natural ad-
luanuiinuif cneap mining ana reduction.'
U v. : j 11 1 . 1 '
" JiCicAlCEK'Jiffiv4VG Districts ,
-." LH fme4r ferffifaT
rT V?f "ssrsCr- i4z tzzzzztcZZ -
T-s - p -rJ mor I
been a Prospect
The great Sumpter gold fields embrace a belt 15 by 60 miles practlcaTJy bnex- :
plored. This belt within the last 3 years has produced over fifty million dollars
($60,000,000) in placer gold. Here and there over this vast area of 900 golden miles
are found such dividend-paying mine! aa are few and far between in any country.
Less than 10 years ago the Bonansa mma was offered for 500; Its present value la
13,000,000. The Red Boy Was offered tor i50O; its value now is $3,000,000. The North'1
Pole was offered for $3000, and haa paid oms million dollars in dividends In the past
four months and is now being equipped with the largeat stamp mill and cyanide
plant in the Western country, l'tt value 'helng so great that the management has re
fused an offerTf $3,000,000 and will not set a price on. their property The H AVE
years ago was sold for less than ?1Q,008. ft.hns a record of over $900,000 as a product
and is now out of the market.- The Columbia was offered for $4000 and Is now worth
$3,000,000, and by recent reports It is estimated they have $90,000 tons of ore now in
sight that will mill $14 clear of, all expenses. The Oolconda was offered for $T0O and
is now worth $1,600,000. The, new management of this famous propertv4s now tak-,
ing out ore that will run from $B to $100,000 per ton and is running 10 stamps and"
a large cyanide plant night and day oh ore that is practically inexhanstibte, Tha
new management has demonstrated that the main mother lode upon Which that
North Pole, B V K. Columbia and Goloonda are situated, runs in a direct" ecorta
southwest through the Century claim ot the Golconda property. In this marvelous
district are over 25 mlrfes that within the last Ave years have been developed from
nninnvta lntr n vlnCr wntVtaaci Than OittMntA ert.i -i j 1. -
n ' - ho iMMptci vtt unua Lr n iuriKer tt urvjaio. - i urn
. V . ' 1 -' , mmmamxmma'm'imLmm prospect ot yesterday is the dividentlfpayer 9 today. 'i:
5 DIitorsoL the. QolCnda Ext-i thosother companies wilLbc 4uplicated It this property and that eveVi
T7r- .-': t l .: :h'iyyyV' y ' : chance to become rich. . ' ' . - ' .y ; .
?tie d7J PAI? d NON-ASSESABLE and NO PERSONAL LIABILITY. 400.000 SHARES have been placed in the Treasury to iecure
lunds necessaiy to develop the property. All the other shares are nooled. so.oon tdpaciidv shadpc r, nnw 0V 'ia 5 t.".J.:!7;!
further develop the claim. The next allotment of shares will be put on the
uruc hiiu iu fCKurNAi. LiAuiLii r. 4w,uuu sHAKcs nave been placed in the Treasury to secure
5 . are pooled. 50,000 TREASURY SHARES are now offered at iO CenU persnarprocee to'
the market at an advanced price. Apply at once to the .- " - -: (. 1 . - - - -
UNION. INVESTMENT CO., Suite 5 1 3-jft Commercial Bldg. Porti-d-IOrekori; " ; ; : X"