mm y,:v . v.. THA OREGON DAILT JOtmyAIi; gQIlTIiAND, SATUHDAY EVEKiyQyTGXJST ; 33.1002.;; 1 i "-it' LAZARUS HAS RETURNED is Says That the Government Has an , Eye on Portland" 7 HE POSTOFFICE ALTERATIONS Eastern Capital Looks to the West for Investment. Edgar M. Lazarus, the local govern ment architect, has returned from a Ave weeks' trip to New Tfork, .Washing ton, and Baltimore. While at Washlng ton, Mr. Lazarus aaw Mr. Taylor, the supervising architect of the United State government regarding the propos ed alteration! to the Portland post office. Jn an Interview Mr. Lasarus said: "The bill for ths addition of 1200,000 to the appropriation made by Congress states that for the United States post office and court bouse at Portland, Ore gon from J4O4.805.74 to J604.306.75, for the purpose of enlarging said building W as to make tha same suitable for the fur ther accommodation of the postofiio and United States courts which continue -theIn', '.'About 118 public building bills were passed at the last sesslon-of Congress. It wUI be some little whlir before the Portland building can be taken up, al- CaLVIN HEILia '!L .Manager. M ARQ U A M GRANP T HE. AT RE CALVN HElLla,' Manager.''" ' f G r a n d of the Season Openi ONE WEEK CdMMENCINC AUGUST 25th MATINEE SATURDAY iEe 1BV0P ,. and FER.RI1S HAKTMAN , MONDAY AND TUESDAY NIGHTS SMITH AND HERBERT'S MASTERPIECE "THE. SERENADE" A Orchestra. Pretty CirU. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY NIGHTS "the Idol's Eye" Balance of Week and SATURDAY Matinee TIVOLI POPULAR PRICES: 25c, 35c, 40c, 75c. Matinee: 25c, 35c, 50c. Seats now on sale for entire week then remodel the Interior of the present structure Into a first-class modern build ing. "Building operations In the East are being conducted on an enormous scale, but owing to the impossibility of obtain ing structural steel, occasioned by the congested condition of the market, West ern buildings of an important character are being delayed everywhere. Tha Uirge structures In the- East are being held r:- If 1 ' it . Scene From "The Tide of Life," at Cordray'f Theatre, Next Week. though the " supervising architect real ises the urgent necessity of action being taken In connection with these Improve ; meats, as we visited the building to gether in Mr. Taylor's visit to- Portland about a year ago, and it was . on the strength of his reoommenOatton that the Secretary of the Treasury Indorsed the Improvements. "The intention is that after complet ing the wing to move the working force of the building into this addition and back from 6 to 12 months owing to the invisibility of -procuring: the ' necessary traotiira). metei' "Wy ': EaVert Investors nave tbelr:,eye8 turned to- the Paolrtc Coast, land : the NortAwes and""?the ' Western " railroad stocks are enjoying quite a booming1 a a eonajuenie.' There are vast sums of Idle money seeking safe Investments, and Portland will be the first city to feel the Impetus owing to its conservatism in financial matters. "I am glad to get back to God's own country, for the Eastern titles are in sufferable in summer months. The Treas ury department was particularly well pleased with Portland's new Custom House, which they consider one of the best buildings of it kind In the United States." v ' NEW YORK DEMOCRATS. (Scrlpps-McRae News Association. SARATOGA, Aug. 23. The Democratic atate committee went into session at the Grand Union Hotel shortly after noon today to complete arrangements for hold ing the state nominating convention. Un less there is a change in the plan the con vention will bi called for this city on September 30. , . , ' ROYAL WELCOME The President Will Be Entertained by New Hampshireites. me BAKER THEATRE -.j.,, .'-'.Ty ' GEO. I. BAKER, Lesse and Manager. " The sale of seats will bejfia Wednesday morning;, Aug. 37th, for The NEILL STOCK COMPANY Which Will Open Tnelr Engsgment Sunday Afternoon, Aug. 31st " . .: Presenting the Beautiful Society Play, f (Scrippa-McRae News Association.) CONCORD, N. H., , Aug. 23.-New Hampshire is In readiness to extend a fitting welcome to President Roosevelt when he visits the state next week. A4 Portsmouth the party will be received by the Secretary of State, the Adjutant- General and members of the Governor's staff, who wIM act as escort to this city by way of Nashoa. and' Manchester. At the passenger station here Governor Jor dan and the other members of his official family will join the President for the trip to The Weirs and the return to the Con cord state fair grounds. It is expected that Secretary of State Hay, Secretary of Socfal igh way- rn an Under the Personal Direction Of ROBERT MORRIS. TEa Company CHARLES WYNOATE. r WILLIAM BERNARD, KOBEKT MORRIS, FREW MOWER, HOWARD RUSSELL. W. H. DILLS, . t ROBERT SIDDLE. ' WILLIAM SOUTHARD, CATHERINE COUNTISS. ELSIE ESMOND. . M1NA GLEASON, V. LILLIAN RHODES, EL8PETH M NE1LL, ROY BERNARD. ' ,. . LITTLE DOT BERNARD LOUISE BROWNELL. irCORDRATRS THEATltEa ' ' 0 - 1 JOHN S"." CORnP A V Montour . f Grand Opening of the Season : ' ONE WEEK STARTING A f lf A SUN DAY, EVENING AUU s4 AND SATURDAY, MATINEE tm ". ' '. If . wmm A PLAY That Pleases the People . ' . . Bubbling Over With Heart Interest Most Enjoyable Love Story Thrilling ScenesStartling Climaxes 4 ; i : . i - . . i ' . i i J fented by a Capanle Company of Players . FIR,ST TJME IN THIS CITY. . SEATS NOW ON SALE-Evening, 23c and 50c; Matinee, 23c (to any Next AttracUoiiJU MMMMM ttM 4 Perform ance Every -Night K?&n Evening, 15c, 25c, 0c;,;itanee, 10c ISc,C:. i - Secure your Seats -earlyantt a.volt thrf rush. J- v . the Interior Hitchcock, Senators Spooner of Wisconsin,. Lodge of Massachusetts and Gallinger' and Burnham of New Hampshire will become, members of the party on its jlrrival hqre. Addresses of welcome will be made at the fair grounds s?d elation and It Is expected that Presfdent Roosevelt, will briefly respond. Thurs day evening the President will proceed to te Fells to spend u day as the guest of Secretary Hay. f SHIELDS' PARK : 1 3th and Washington Streets . EDWARD SHIELDS - PROPRIETOR No Liquors Sold Only Place of Amusement in TEi City Champion of the World Capt. John Holtum Cannon Ball Manipulator. 1 r 1 1 1 1 The Original . Millard Bros. ' Bingihg; Dancinff, Banjos. - - The Wdnderful polyscope f . t. Funnier, Jhan Ever. "if .-f i r ;; ; i! - . v -.) t j.'lf'protjng -(tfy.jril'V' ! Joseph Thompson ' New Illustrated Songs. The Terpsichore an Queen ; ' - Atlantis : Fire and Serpentine Dahoer. Greatest Hit of the Season ' . Leonard & Leonard Odd Musical Duo New Act. Returning Sunday, August tl Natsuda's Japanese Acrobats and Jugglers Best Musicians in the City, " Shields Orchestra 8am DrlsoolL Leaden General Admission, 10 Cents. Amateurs Friday. Two Weeks of Amazing Amusement Two Weeks of Music and Mirth . Two Weeks of furious fun Two Weeks of Sensational Sight FIRST. LAST AND ONLY VISIT TWO nAVS HMI V S Amm f viviuxiaii iuca.,rviu yycu; ftvv 1 jWV aVI OPENS SEPT. 1st, 1902 CLOSES SEPT. 13th, 1902 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st Opening Day Coronation of the Queen A Ceremony of Great Pomp and Splendor QUEEN MAY BELLE Will be Crowned in the presence of heril entire Court. MuMn .f Hnllnr Iflnint.ra 1 Courtiers, Heralds, Pages. Jesters, etc., presenting a scene of Mediaeval grandeur. Industrial Exposition Carnival, Circus, Menagerie TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2d Grand Review- Monster Street Parade The Queen "and Court In Royal State Chariots will be escorted by 100 Elks to Reviewing Stand wh-n will bo Re viewed the Great Midway and Car nival Company consisting of 1C0 People. 69 Caged. Animal. Camf-ls, Elephants, Donkeys, and other Oriental Features of the Big Show., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3d OREGON DAY Special Exercises at the Manufacturers' Building and Fruit. Grain and Forestry ParHou. Patriotic, Concert by Military Band i:i Tmple of Light and Music. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Uth ELKS' DAY-Priie Parade Uniformed Eiks' Lodges accompanied by tneir cwn Marching Bands from all pU-tS Of the NorthWM Will nurtloln.. In the Contest for lingo Cash Prises. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th BABY DAY M Gold and Silver Medals and other Suitable mses will be awarded to Com peting Infants. Onen to mil BiMm u. der t years of. age..-.: ' ,:- EYERY flAY A SPECIAL DAY ! EVERY DAY A BIG DAY The Grand Aggregation of Shows within the Carnival Grounds Excells In Variety of Attractions and Sensational Features any Amusement Event ever known to the Western World. Price of Admission to All Parts of the Carnival : 10 Cts. admits to Industrial Street, Country Store, Temple of Light and Music, and Manufacturers' Building. 5 50 Cts. (Child ren 25c) admits to Midway, German Vil lage and all shows in the Alld way.. , ' Every ticket has coupon entitling holder to cbance, on . ShetUnd Pony, Cart and Harness, to be ctve away on CtaUdren's Day, Friday, 5ept. la. . , 60c 60c SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th Harvest and Floral Day Beautiful Street Parade of Floats and Decorated Vehicles showing Wealth and Abundance of Oregon's Floral and Hor ticultural Products. , '-... - MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th CHARITY DAY, , A percentage of the Gate i Receipts on this day will be distributed among the Charitable Institutions of the City. ' TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 9th WEDDING DAY Five Couples will be Married In the presence of the -Queen. - - Kpeclel Concert in the Temple of Light and Music. . 1 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th MILITARY DAY Greatest Military Demonstration ever witnessed in the West. Regular Troops J rem Vancouver Garrison and O. N. tl. nfantry. Cavalry, Artillery 2000 Men, 450 Horses, 12 Pieces Artillery and 8 Military Bands in line. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 11th WOMEN'S DAY. Reception by the Queen. - The special features of Ms day will be In charge of -jthS-LadlestT .: -J. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th y. Children's Day; Shriners Night A Beautiful Shetland Pony, ' Cart ana ' Harness will be given away In the after noon. . , ''...". In the 'evening Al Kadlr "Temple of tha Mystic Shrine will own the Grounds an pay their respects to the Nobles of the f Desert.. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 13th ; Mardi-fGsxasy-'crr Everybody Invited to mask and partiot ,pate n -th closlhg fevels of the last Elks' Carnival. Spectacular Illuminated Parade, at night by the Funny Fellows andthetr Funny Friends Something-doing all the tint. , . t - SPECIAL EXCURSIONS AND REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS AND STEAMBOATS. EVOIR' RECEPTION Another European Tour Arranged for Thto SUPEElLftTlVELY ' POPULAR HISTORICAL Eflf ERTAIFinENT. MB HOUGH - niDEOS OF TilE tlVORLD. OBJECT LESSONS Taken from the pages of realism, and illustrated by the . very mea who nave ass 10 tea la making toe lame 01 toe worm's Mounted, Warriors An Edocalioiial 1 Exhibition That renlij incane eofcething. A Veritable Kinaemn m of History Teaching facts and not on fiction founded. FEATURE PILED ON FEATURE This aeaso'n aarpassing its owif 7i stupendous Bell. peerress Hioers. y Warlike Pageants, Chivalrous Characters, Strange People, Than ever before presentea. W Nations and Nonids, riVIUIBS HI DUIUBI LIID, Equestrian Feats and Skill, Scoots, Soldiers and Horses, Fresh from field and foray su. 3. life-savers. Atlantic coast guards. Thrilling Rescues bithe Breeches Buoy. . Xll under the personal command of "The King of Them IH COLW.F.nO Dill" r ' And NATS SALSBURY. Dlrectorleoerat. Toeether with those true born Ploaeera ol the Plains who have told the atorjr oT pro- gressm tne ureav urama or biviiizaiion. Mew ana in teresting arrangement of veil-known Wild Weal Incident, anch aa Tii9'Stag9 Coach "Hold Up", Cowboy "Round Up", and Attack on t!i8 Emigrant Train nri mm r twm isi iai msa . Mm mmswm el m m. 0RANDFREESTREET REVIEW: : 4 . , " ! On the morning of Exhibition, exact bonr and rxnto of parade to be announced. , " "- , ' "sr'.-- ,., The pJaceArseifftAace being the'rivid and ' 1 iTfiW! THE : v v BATTLt OF SAN JUAN : HILL." '" V-X Two performances daily, a fV ADfliSSiON 50 CENTS. . CHILDREN UNDER o YEARS. 35 CENTS. n, P m a or ahlne. :, I 4 Ksservcd scats, incisdlnf admlssloa. ti. oa Mia si Us Afdrica Pharmacy, 6th and Wt sa. . GROUNDS CORNER TWENTY-FIRST AND SAVIER STREETS, ; a , 4 ' it ' v 1 ( 1 - I