it-. - . ' fog&B PtPAY EVKSriXG. AUGUST 8, 1S62. i- Iff S FIRST QTY ELEOTNiEAtLED AT HILLSBORO IN 1 854 What would the Portland people of to day think If they, had to so Hillsbora, Washington County, to transact county business. Yet that is where our first city election -was called - in. 1854. Multnomah WM A' .'part of Washington County at that ttW' and .Hfllsboro was the county 'eat. 'Jt is- yet the county eat of Wash ington County, but In all the intervening half century our neighbor has not In creased Its population more thkn 2000 out. ' - ; Assistant Secretary George H. Himes, Of the Oregon Historical Society, ha succeeded In unearthing the original call for the first election, and this is the way ft reads: ELECTION NOTICE. : In pursuance of the provision of an act Of the legislative assembly of Oregon, - entitled 'An act to Incorporate the City Of Portland,"' notice is hereby given that an election will be held at the Willam ette House, on First street, in the town of Portland, on Wednesday, the 16th day of March next, for the election of the following named officers, viz:, -One Mayor. . j ' " One Recorder. Kino Common Councllmen. One Treasurer. One Marshal. One Assessor. The polls for whtoh election will bo op ened at 9 o'clock a. m., and continue open until 6 o'clock p. m. of said day. , Given under. my hand at Hillsboro, this I7th day of February, A" D., 1864. W. 8. CALDWELL. Auditor Washington County. Two. tickets were in the fietd fol lows: Democratic Mayor, W. S. Ladd; Re corder, - A P. Dennison; Treasurer, Thomas Pritchard; Assessor, C. P. Ba- HE MAKES LIQUID AIR (Journal Special Service.) MIDDLETOWN Conn., Aug. 8. Prpf. Bradley, after experiments for several months, has succeeded, In making liquid afV In .Quantity. he machine which generates the liquid air consists. In the first place, of a moderate-Bleed kerosene engine, which fur nishes power to a pump for compressing the air. The air is taken from the out Bide of the laboratory by a pipe, which, before entering the pump, passes through a SO-galion boiler full of quicklime. This Is to In taking out tha moisture and carbonic acid. In the pump there, are four cylinders, nd 9 he a!r .enters the first cylinder it la put under a pressure of about 60 pounds. On suddenly compressing the air is becomes hot, and It is necessary ' therefore to pass H through a tank filled with cold water iiSes before It goes into the next cylinder to be compressed fur ther. In this way the air Is pumped through four successive cylinders, being cooled between each, while the pressure is con stantly getting higher and higher until efter the air has passed through the fourth cylinder It is under a pressure of about 25U0 pounds. The air then passes through two cylln deio of caustio potash to remove any moisutre or impurities. Now the air en ters the llquifler proper, which la a small copper pipe formed Into a com pact coil. This coll Is so arranged that the air which rushes through the valve, made Intensely cold by its expansion, passes back over the pipes of the coil through which It came. So the llquifler becomes continuously colder and colder until the temperature of the liquefaction is reached. RIVER AND OCEAN. The steamer No Wonder met with a slight accident near Llnnton Wednesday by breaking her steam chest. The German steamer Elba, en route from Tongku to Portland, is out 19 days, and is considered fully due. The British bark Rowtenburn left up this morning at 6:30 in tow of the Har vest Queen, and Is expected to reach port sometime tonight. She is coming in ballast and Is under charter to Kerr, Olfford A Co. The steamer Republic ran onto a mud bar Wednesday where she laid thjht and fast until removed by the Regulator. The passengers were taken to St. Helens, a distance of four miles. In rowboats. The Dimsdale moved from the Davldge dock yesterday to the Montgomery No. 1 dock, where she will soon begin to load grain. Captain Jlrrean, formerly master of the British Bhlp NelBon, which had very ough experience outside of the bar last Winter, has arrived from England and will form a partnership with Captain Roberts, who Is In the spar-making. ' caulking and ship repairing business. . 'At the time of Captain Plrrean's eventful experience 'th' Nelson was wheat laden and en route from Portland to Liver pool. She encountered a heavy gale and subsequently put In Port Townsend al wiost a total wreck. The ssteamshlp Senator arrived at Port. Townsend yesterday from Nome, with $199,000 In gold and' 1i passengers. the' Northern Pacific tiner Olenogle arrived at Tacoma yesterday from China and, Japajk bringing a few cabin and 13S steerage 'passengers. She brought" a mixed rcrgo of Oriental goods, conslet Ihg of fta, matting, silks, etc. $he' tinited States training v Ship , Mo-! Mean, manned ' by " naval .apprentices, is out three weeks from Honolulu to Bre rorton, on Pyget Sound. It is probable, that sho will soon be placed on jthe over die ll'st. - -. " The American barkentine Amarlnth arrived in yesterday from"jpan after a, passago'of 40 days. Bhe. will leave tip today' nd wider charter to the P ciflc ' EJxport Lumber . company . The "Amarlnth Am a capacity of LB0O,0Q9 foot. - ' a. . ;...-: v s . con; City Marshal, W. L. Hlgglns; Coun cllmen, A. M. Starr, James Field, Jr., Shubrick TJorirhi,' Thomas Carter, Wm. JtcMillen, .A. D. Fitch, O. J. Backus, A. K. Shlpley James Turnbull. . Whig-Mayor, W, .'."Anas: Record er. Nathaniel -Ceoj Treasurer, W. H. Barnhart; Assessor, Beth S. Slater; City Marshal, Wm. Groomoi Ceuncilsien, C B. Pillow, R. M. Field, Charles Huten taa, R. H, McLaren, H. W. Davis, T, B. Smith, Stephen Coffin, C. H. Lewis. Thomas Frasar. .. . - ' . The Democratic ticket " Was, etcted K an average majority of 70, Times have greatly changed , since then. Here we'"have cy or WO.OOO peo ple. 40 square miles in area, continuing 25,600 acree valued at J90.MO.000. We have n miiMi of Aieetrlc railroads, 165 miles f water mains, 830 miles of sidewalks, 210 miles of improved strew, W . mes of sewers, water works owned Ty the city costina 13.900.625: free bridge ana roy which' cost $1,000,000; manufacturing ea hsterprises capitalized at ta.T50.000: city hall eostlnc I500.W; chamber of com merce, 1560,000; theater. 1600,000; hotel, 1 000,000; custom, house, 800,OOQ; Union de. t mm ooo: library building, $150,006 crematory; $25,008; fire department coat ing $9,t00 annually for maintenance; po- u. Artment- . 180.000: Schools. $500,000; ..wu hl 12.600 DUPUS, $20 .---i , IT r.rlvflte achOOlS. 23 PUDl hospitals, homes and asylums, three daffy and 82 otlier nublloattonn and 24 passen ger trains WWve and depart dally. Be sides near!, half a hundred river and ocean steamws. oalllng vessels from all paru of the world may te u a i liirhor. o that the Port t vo.i . Vaaturv aarO was not mucn iouu u, " nw-. t,M vnrtiana of today. Now we have voting booths scattered s.11 around the town. Christian Scientists. The total number of Christian Science churches and societies, hero and abroao, u now m: ohowlng tho remarkable in- rcease of SI during tho last year. The Christian Scjpnce SeniUnel furnishes the following authoritative figures relative to tha denomination: The total number of branch, churches for the year ending December 31, 1900, was 443. The total number for the year ena December 31, 1901. ws 496, giving an increase of 62 branch churches. ' The total number of societies (not yet organised as churches foe the year end- lug December a, MOO, wOs 1. The total number for the year eliding Detfember-81 poi, was 167, giving an Increase of 28 so cieties. Besides these there are many free read ing rooms more than 100 in the United States, eight In Greater New York alone and one large one in Chicago, In which all the churches of that city unite. These reading rooms are a" feature of the de nomination and are to be found In many of tha cities abroad - ,where Christian Scleture has obtained a lodgment. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., was finished in 1894, at an expense-of over $250,000, and was dedicated In 1S95. It is known as "The Mother Church," all the .other churches being branches of this one. This was the first church devoted to the new faith, and all the others have, therefore. ' been built within the short spaoe of eight years. remarkable growth indeed. Era Maga zine. Back From the Siefe of Pekin. Even the prosaic typewriter may at times become a souvenir of historical In terest The Remington- Typewriter ComfSany recently recovered one of its machines that had passed through the siege of Pekin in 1900. It ap'peara that when the Boxer uprising began tho "Remington" was In the .hpme of Edward K. Lowry, late second secretary of the American Legation at Pekin. His borne was looted by the Boxers, and the typewriter taken. One year later a Chinese gentleman brought the name-plate to Mr. Lowry and asked if he knew tho probable worth of a machine of that kind. Lowry thought he did, and furthermore told the Celestial that tho name-plate was undoubtedly from his own machine. The machine was burled when , the allies en tered Pekin and remained In the ground for over nine months. When recovered the typewriter wore a coat of rust; the paper key were all loose; the wooden bottom of the cdver decayed, and dilapl dution Vevatled generally. It was taken apart, soaked in kerosene, cleaned, and put together, and It now writes apparent ly as well as ever. Some Novel Ideas. Who will write a novel. containing: A fight between a giant and a dwarf and let the gian win." A fire in which the heroine escapes by the fire escape and (ho hero losses bis nerve before' rescuing anybody! A scene on the beach In which the hero Ine's hair doesn't turl up In "crisp litle ringlets about her forehead and nape of her neck," but straggles down In her dyes? " A "mysterious" woman who wears a red Napoleon hat, an up-to-date and Louis Qulnse shoes instead of "a black cloak?" - A divorce which Is mutually agreeable? A young wtdow with a respectable char acter? " f ' An old family servant who is working for his wages? . . A house In. a red brick row? ' No historical characters? ; A struggle, six to one, ,and let the-jiix come out alive and victorious? A few new thoughts? New York Preaa. Hine Fall of Honey. . Kx-Qovernor Black waa asked the other day It there was any money 4n 4 cjktafa mjiie Venture In which a number, of itt sens of Troy aro Interested 'Any money In tyr" -; ? ho exolaimed, "About all th surplus money of Troy seems to be la If ' i ' A , NEW "YORK STOCKS. . , , An ptnortod hv Dawnlnsr. HoDklnn It Co., ground floor, cnamoer or uonynerce. Close. Sugar . ........ r. . . . ... .. 'iS 13i m 69'4 19 V, . 117 Manhattan J. ...vJiti SL Paul -llif A.. C. P. j. ......... ..A...-. ffHi Southern- Padfie WS4 Union Pacific lJs Atchison common 91 Atchison .preferred ..;,....... 102,' LMitsvlHe A Nashville......;. 14 United States at eel United States Steel sref erred. 8V4 Missouri Pacifio ,.. CHICAOO MARKETS.. As reiDorted bv Downlnsr. Hopkhtf Co., ground Boor, Chamber of Commerce. Mew Tora Wheal upen. ioBe. Beptember Wi 72 Oh In rn wheat , September .........,. S Corn Beptember V KtM. a December il'i V) Oats- September ....27 204 "ora Beptember $16.75 $lb.M ", ' , LOCAL MARKETS. JPrlceS of fruits and vegetables are un changed with a fairly brisk demand. Eggs are weak and butter holds up well. Salt la firm and further advances are expected. . . . . ' Broomhall estimates the United King dom wheat requirements at 2O0,O80,0U0 bushels, thij Continent 184,0u0,0u0 bushels, and other countries 6,000,000 bushels, making a total of 440,000.000 during the closing season. Jobbing trade malnUilns a strong vol ume for the season of the yeur .and fail prospects are very encouraging. Building Is quite active. Several large deals have recently been consummated In timber and lumbering interests, and the output Is steadily increasing with a large local requirement. GRAIN AND FLOUR. Wheat Nominal; Walla Wuliii, 61c; btuestem, 3c; valley, :ic Barley Peed, $18; rolled, $19, per ton. Oats-No. 1 white. $l.(Mil.W; gray, $l.0&. flour Best grades, $3.05&3.60 per barrel. Valley, $3; graham, $2.:)13.20. Mlllstufra Bran, $19 per ton: middlings, $21.50; short3. 119; chop, $lS';ilS. Hay New Timothy, $11(13. clover, $7.30 JS. HOPS, WOOL, AND HIDES. Hops 174fl8c per lb; contract, lK2oc. Wool Nominal: Valley, 15& lc; Kust era Oregon, l14c. Sheepskins Shearings, lo20c; short wool, 25$r3rc: medium wool. SJiiidc; long wool, 60c8 $1 each. e Tallow Prime, per iJound, 3Mt4c; No, J and grease, 2'y2c. Hides Dry hides. No. 1, 16 pounds and up, 15(&15c per pound; ary aip, No. 1. 5 to 18 pounds, 12c; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds, ltc; dry salted, bulls and sUk. one-third less than dry flint: salted hides, steer, sound, 6U pounds and over, gtose; 60 to 60 pounds. 7Hfrsc; iHnder SO pounds, Ud cows, 7c; stags ujid liulls, sound, a'tf 6Hp". kip, sound, li to 30 pauiids. 7c; veai, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound, under lu pounds, 80," green (unaalted). lc per pound less; culls, le per pound less; horse hides, salted, euch, $1.251.75; dry, each, $1161.50; colts' hides, each, 20i('50i-; goat 'skins, common, eecn. lOylDc; An gora, with wool on, each, 25cfc$.. MohaJr 26c GROCERIES, NUTS, ETC. Sugar, cube, $4.4'; powdered, $4.45: dr granulated, $4.20; xtra C, 3.75; golden, C, $3.85; barrels, 10c; half barrels, 2ic; boxes, 45c; maple, 12H&15C per pound. Coffee Mocha, 2'i'i28c; Java, fancy, 2tr 32c; Java, good, -2Kb 24c: Java, ordinary. IS trSOe; Costa Rica, fancy, l'ii20c; Costa Rica, good. I6ric; Coma Kioa, ordinary, lUtuUc, per pound; Columbia roast, $11; Arbuckle's, $11.63 list; Lion. $11.13 lint. . Salt Bales, 2s, 3s, 4s, 6s. 10s, $2.26: fine table, dairy Hd Imported Liverpool, 5Jn, 1S.S0: 100s, $17 per "ton; Worcester. 60s, 8tfc per sack; Worcester, bblt)., bulkv 3:0 lbs, $5; Wadaworth, 140 2s, bbl, $4.50 Salt Coarse, half ground, 100b, per ton, $12.00; 50s. per ton, $12.60; Liverpool lump rock, $24 per ton. Grain bag Calcutta, V per 100 for August. Nuts Peanuts, 67c per lb. for raw, SHc-for roasted; cocoanuts, &VuW0c per dos; walnuts. WqWic ix-r lb; pine nuts, lOgjUSHc: hickory nuts, fc; chestnuts, $3.5J per drum; Brazil nuts, 17c; filberts, la &16c; fancy pecansM HfiHc; aimonds, 12415c. Coal Oil Cases, 20M)C per gallon; bar rels, 16c; tanks, 14c. Rice Imperial Japan, No. 1, 5Hc; No. 2, 43tc; New Orleans, head, Salmon Columbia Klvtr, 1-lb tails, $1.75; 2-lb tails, $2.40; fancy 1-lb flats, $1.85; -lb fancy flats, $1.15; Alaska talis, pink, 90c; red. $125; 2-lb talis, $2. Beans Small white, 3Vtc; laxgu white, SVip; pink, 3c: bayou, 3c; llmas, 4o. Tobacco Plug cut, smoking, 1 2-3-os. packages: Seal of North Carolina, 7oo lb; Mastiff. 68c; Dixie Queen. 40c; Red Bell, S8c; Pedro, 50c; Golden Scepter, $1.16; fine cut. Cameo, 40c; Capstan. fLso; Duke's Mixture, 40c; Dull Durham, Hc; Old English Curve Cut. 72c;t Maryland Club, 71c; Mail Pouch, 38c; Yale Mixture, $1.40. Plug tobacco. 16-os. plugs, 42c In: Drummond's Natural Leaf, 57c; Piper Hetdsieck, 65c; Something Good, 44c; Standard Navy, 37c; T. & B., 53c; Spear Head, 42c: Star, 43c. Fine cdt chewing: Golden Thread, 6c; Fast Mail, 70c. BUTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY. ' Butter Creamery, 2225c; dairy, 189 20c: store. 1516c. Eggs 19c to 20c per dosen. Cheese Full cream, twins, 13?13V4c; Young America, 14c. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $4.50&V5 per do; hens, $5.00. per dos; broilers, $2.5aci $.00; fryers, $3.0063.50; ducks. $3.0Ofr3.6O per dos; turkeys, live, 12H5S514c; do. dressed, 1416c per lb; gtese. $4.005.00 per dos. Potatoes New potatoes, 75c per cental; California sweet potatoes; 2c lb. Onions California Yellow Danvers, TmatoeaTScffiji per crate; turnips, sack, $1.25; carrots. $1.25 per sack;' beets, $1.26; peas, 3 4c per lb; radishes, per dos, 124le: green onions, per dos, 12H15ei cabbages, Oregon. IV4C per lb; lettuce, head, per dos, 20c: California green corn, 35c dos; beans, 2Rc per lb; blackberries $1.25 per crate of 24 boxes; California pears, $1.2581.35 per box. Green fruit Lemons, 4.004.BO; drangns, b0X apricots, 66(f90c; cantaloupes; $l.50(a2 per do?; watermelons. $22.75 per dos; pruhes, 75c per crate; apples, $lft 1.50 per box; Oregon (early) peaches, 0O0 per box; California Crawfords, 00e'70c P box; grapes, $1.50 ber crate. ' Dried fruit Sun-dried apples, rack or boxes, per lb. 4&5e; evaporated. 12412V4; apricots, 8(Sfl0c; peaches, Kllc: pears. 6(0 c; prunes, Italian, 3W'4c figs. Cali fornia blacks, 3V4c; do. , white, 6c: plums, pitted, 60o. MEATS AND .PRQV1B10N9. v Fresh meats-Beef, prime. 74c; porlt, 77c per lb; veal, Me6S',c; mutton, 2Mi 8c; -dressed, 6Hfc; ;OWs. 6eV4c; bulls. 3i&4Hc; lambs. fiio per lb. Hams, bacon, etc. Portland pack (western) hums, 15Hc; picnic!, 11 V: breakfast bacon, 16liV4c: light sides, lie backs, lie: dry salted sides, 14c; dried beef seta, 18o; instdes and knucklee, 186 outsldea, 18c; per lb. Eastern packed hams, under 18 lbs. 15cr':over ij jbs, 15V4o; fancy, 10c; picnic, T2c. ahoulders, 12c 1 dry salted sides, unsmoked, tic; breakfast bacon, 16c; bacon slde, i4Hc; backs, unsmoked, lSHib: da. smoked, 14He; bLrd-Ka fa Una, lT4cr do S-lb tlns. l4MiC lb; steam . rendered, los. U?, 5a. 13c. , WhatSk Missed, Mrs.-Homer Poor Eva must have led a ihonotonoua existeace after the evlc- tlOtl. ' . Homer Whj do you think so? ... Mrs. Hotnets-Becauae she had no neigh bora to oonte around and borrow things. Town Toploav - Downing, Hopkins & Co., . t . EstabUshed 1893 ''' WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Qround Floor Chamber of Commerce " Marguerite at Home. Marguerite Stofcaa. the little Brooklyn girt . who iurvlved the horors of , 8t. Pierre, Martinique, Is now with her aunt, Mrs. Emma D. Croney, at Gaydene, Bar badoes, British latest Indie. ' The little girl and her faithful nurse. Clara King,. wer the only two passengers of .the steamer . Boraima who escaped Marguerite's mother and her brother and slater were burned o death before her ejes. She, too, was terribly burned, but waa rescued by the French t-ruiBer Buchet aftejetfigBire1ded from death by Evans and .Moore, the two firemen of the Ror alma, who fought the fire on the ship for four hours. In response to" a cablegram for informa tion of the little girl, Mrs. Croney has written a letter, which, in part. Is: "Rita and her faithful nurse. Clara U King., are both with me. My husband, 1. Edward Croney.-Went on to Fort-de-Franoe as soon as they could be moved and brought them up to me on Saturday. th 7th Inst. Rita's incdkl attendant thinks she will get all right, but that it will be a very long time before she la strong. She will need much care and at-ti-ntion. Wo are so very thankful that her face has escaped (been only slightly burned; the mark hv time will fade). Her head is very badly burned and her handn. especially the right one. "This letter serves to convey my eincere than: to all my dear little Rita's very sympathizing friends, and believe me. dear sic, that I thank them. I am not in very affluent circumstances, but will Oo ull 1 can for her, but can not part with my dying sister's last gift. Tho nurse told to me when my husband placed Rlla In my arms: f " 'Mr. croney, the mislreas' last words were: ;.- " 'ClaYa, if Rita and'yeurself get out or this take Rita to her auntie, and tell her to take care of her.' "Yesterday for the first time memory awakened. Che awoke from sleep and cried to be taken to mamma and Eric' and dolly (Olga). Oh, air, this was sad! Hod will help her to forget the past. "She has always looked n me as her Fecond mother, and, God helping me, I will so atf." The Sandwich Islands are almost a free from snakes aa Ireland. There Is t ut one sort, and that very scarce. NEW TODAY. CHICKENS CHICKENS Saturday Chicken Day 23c and up. Dest Creamery ButteriV." .ISc and SOe Good Dairy ,. 35c-K Fteah ramh eggs. 2 dw.... 46c Lard, 5-lb. pail, compound, v 50' Best Sugar-Cured Hums lb. 15c All Ooods retailed at wholesale prices LA GRANDE CREAMERY CO. 364 Yamhill Street. TEL. OREGON MAIN 770; COL. 4l'0. 5 Sold (with or without BtMiMrud Tsbo- ' li.Jn(r AtiAcamaot), BxcluiMeed, MOUfd, o 1 RUAlred. Pkivtfoa TrpewrlUr 1 m. l.lnitn Panm. Car far ll M&cuIim. Umn. and iuloUnea Trrwimtw Supplie nil rumitur. HTBBoaauasss rtTaswasD 1 . WITHOUT CBABOS. Wyckoff, Seamans a Benedict. 349 Stark St., Portland, Or. WANTED To buy tho furniture and rent 7 or 8-room house; immediate possession wanted. Inquire Ford' Auction House. . J. T. WILSON. PROFESSOR STERLING Will Give...... Free Tests! Free Tests! In the A. O. lT. W. Hall on Second street, between Taylor and Salmon streets. You will receive messages from your departed spirit frierulH. Free to all! Free- to all! Sunday eve., August 10. Doors open at 7:30 p. m. Leave youij pocket book at home. No collections Will be taken up whatever. Don't forget the date Is "Bun day Eve. August 10. Everybody Is In- iled to come, and you will receive free tests. BANKRUPTCY NOTICE Notice is hereby. Riven that on the 1st day of August. 192. H. S3. Evans, of Portland. Oregon, was duly adjudicated bankrunt. and that the first meeting ot ! hls creditors will be held at room 600, Chamber of Commerce Building, For? land, Oregon, on the Wth day of August, 02, at 10 o'clock A. M., at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other busi ness as may properly come before said meeting. Dated, Portland, Oregon, August 7. 1902. ALEX SWEEK. Refereo In Bankruptcy. CLASSIFIED APS. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HALL 8AFE. standard ot the world: safes sold on easy payments; trade your aid safe for a new one. Norrta Bafe A Lpefc Co.. M Fl rst st. . PERSONAL. A. 18. Tever. the specialist In treatment of. hair and scalp. 500 . Tha Dekum; phone , Red 2849. LAUNDRIES, ... J, ,...1. Aaili, CnsiVi , .U fl per month. Novelty Supply Co., 4S . 42 N. TUIath st. Tel. 419. ' . i i ,, T1CJKET OFFICES... ' Overland Ticket Office. 140 Third at.; ii to fZO saved to an paints. WALL PAPER, H. IV Chflstensefi. wall, papercr and painter. ' 141 ' Seventh st, corner Aldej-. Ernest Miller V Co.. wall pW and dec . oratora 127 First st . , . . boa h-l I 1 ROOMSFOR BENT;' , 435 ALDER, jor. 12th Nicely furnished front rooms; all conveniences; suitable, for one or two gentlemen. TO RENT Newly furnished rooms. Housekeeping or single. 82 Second St. third floor. Phone Hood 108. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, light and airy. No. 1S9 7th St.; use of phone .j and bath. THE ROSS 211Mi 1st St.. cor. Salmon; elegant rooms; transient solicited. Phone Red 1891. r THE LOCKWOOD. 351H. Morrison st. Furnlshed rooms; transient. Phone Oregon South 606. MANHATTAN COURT-Brlok building; steam heat, newly furnished. 311Mi Stark. WTHK CASTLE 372 Wash. ; rooms for gen f tlemen; transient. Tel. South 761. HOUSES FOR RENT. DONALD U. WOODWARD. 264 Stark st. rents and insures. Howe Main 3U CLAIfcVOYANT. MADAME JOHNSON, trance medium; reading dally; cardK, lie; ilalrvoysnr, 60c; 21) Fifth MRS. ftTEVENS. the leidliiK Puimlst and Clairvoyant, gives reliable ttdvir on all affairs of life: readings. ;.0. ,l',i Morrison st. NAVAL ARCHITECT. Fred A, Bailin. 43 2d at.. Tel. Cink 78. Ves sels and machinery of all kinds de signed. ATTORNEYS. Paxlon, Deui li i Simon, .".10 Chamber of Oommwrer. James Gleaaon, 2 and 3 Mulkey building.. BARBERS. Joseph fteldel, &2 Morrison St. BATHS. Snowden Kathrooma, Sfioti Wash., room 1. Vapor baths, massage unit electric treatments. BARBERS' SUPPLIES. LEWlS-STRNGERBnrber Supply f'o.-. ' Orlndlng of all sharp-edge tools a tltiuy.. .lal mt, st. BOOTS AND SHOES. J. Hunger. Rvpair Shop. 44 Washington.. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. John A. Melton, carpenter and builder. :ti7 Stalk st,; office and wtore fixtures hullt and remodeled, altering and re pair houses. Phone Main 747. CEREAL MILLS. Acme Mills Co., Manufacturers Ralston Acme Cereals. 20 A 22 N. Front st. CHIROPODY AND MANICURING. L, MIMiell, expert 'hlropodist. Knight's Shoe Store, 2KI Washlngioti. st. l'lwae Hood 728. CORNICES SKYLIGHTS MetaPfeky lights" OulvanTzed Irn Cor nices. J. C. Bayer, 2li."i Second st. COAL AND WOOD. Oregon Fuel Co., dealers In all kinds of coitl and wood, .114 Morrison st. Bnnll.M Vevsey Fuel Co , dry Hut wood. S(i Third st. Phone Main i;3 mid Col. '"' ' , DENTISTS. B M. Ilamby, V. D. 8.. room S. Wash ington bldg.. Washington and 4th sts. Theodore S. Thompson, "fl-51 Washing ton bldg., Washington and Fourth rfts. Phone Hood 414. P S. Langworthy. rooms 7 and 8 Benson bldg., 291H Morrison st.. near 6th. DRUGGISTS, bT P. S. Plumnier, 2i0-22 Third st. Rows & Martin. Sixth and Washington. Frunk J. Strelblg. 342 Washington st. Lane-Davis Drug Co., 6 -IS. 17 3d st. Phone ELECTRIC WORK 8. Portland" Electrical Works Office 3'u3 Stark st. Western Klectrlc Works, 39oMi Wash st. CARD ENGRAVERS. WEDDINO AND VISITING CARDS En graved: W. O. Smith & Co.. Third floor. Washington bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALK Real estate office, with a i.ico list of properties'. 302 Kast Morri son st. ENGRAVERS. Hicks-Chatten Kngravlng Company. Morrison, between First and Second sts. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Oregon Employment Co.. 227 Durnslde st. GROCERS., jDreser&TcoT 30-8411 Washington st. HAIRDRESSING, MANICURING. Pttris"Halr Store. 308 Washington st., up-to-date hair dressers. Rosenthal Sisters Wig-making and man icuring. 1W Fifth st. Hood SU. .HAT MANUFACTURERS. HAHirANTFACTURKRS AND flENO-VATORS-nlv place In Portland for good work, union hatters.. Boston Hat Company. 88 Fourth street. Phone Black m - HOUSE FURNISHERS. Home Furnishers Furniture. carpets, parlor goods, stoves, etc. Bee I. (lev. urti & Sons. 173-175' First, 219-225 Yam hill. Both phones 30-1. HOTELS. Hotel Belvedere, European plan, Fourth and Alder sts. HAY AND GRAIN. w78Tauthers 110 North Third lime, ahlngtee and cement. St., JEWELERS. "Seidlng Bros., diamonds, watches, etc., . 45 Third at, tfie L: t3. Henrlchsen Co.. jewelers and optffians, 244 Washington st. The d. Heltkempr Co.. manufacturing , lwlr. Jrt Morrison st . RAILROAD TIME TABLES Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. DEPOT. FIFTH AND I 8TRKETS. Arrives. Fr Maygers, Rain ler.Clatskanlev West port. Clifton, Asto ria, Warrenton, Fla vel. Hammond. Vert Stevens, Gearhart Pit.. SeaKkie.AetnrUi and Seashare Ex press, Daily. Artorla Exprei, Daily ex. Saturitav. Portland"1- Seawde Express, Saturday otily. 8:00 A. M. 11:10 A. M. t:00P. M. 2:30 P. iA 9:40 P. M. Ticket office, tr-5 Morrison street and Union Depot. J. C, MAYO, Jneml Passenger Agent. Astoria Or. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling nt Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers for Ma nila. Port Arthur and Vladivosto k. For rates end full Information call .n or address offlclols or agents of the o. K. & N. Co. MASSAGE. MDMR.1I. e;"ELY', dermatolyogist. inasaHKe, - eiecrric treatments. 1S3 i lrst st. INSURANCE. t . -i ISAAC L. WHITE, FIRE INSCRANCK 22j Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone Main 6VS. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY to lAun on city lots andlm proved farms. W. A. Shaw & Co., 841 Htark at. .MANkV l.OANKIi on furniture, pianos, eti :t?2 E. MiiiTison ft. i V. A J.. 1 1 ATI I A WAV Monty to loan. 10 i HHtiiiiRton itilf I'tione flood 413. PAWN BROKERS. Portland L.ou OfW. Dun Mara, prop., T! ThJnl near (iuk. Phone Browu 4. ' PHOTOGRAPHERS. K, V. Moore, crayon and oil portraits. Third and Washington sts. REAL ESTATE. The King Real Estate Association, 'i-i Cha mber of Commerce MONUMENTS. Otto tichuman. monumental and build- in Hoirn, im.Anirg. st. estimates on ' lir.l.i.ln.u n i.rtr . . . 1 v.. . . I. .. I . . RESTAURANTS. Morris' Lunch nnd Coffee House. Uefow lnterial 14otl Sirouue's Restaurant, 229 Washington st. fity Chil) Houst and Restaurant, 13 8d St., N. SKIN AND SCALP SPECIALIST. BATHS, massage; ai-alp nnd"ak'lu "dis eases pertnanently cured: manicuring. 'ottage, ic; Park, near Morrison; tel. Front 1015. SIGN WRITER. Jissie Waildell. bUn writer. 2ti9V4 Taylor st. Phoiiu Hood lir.. Portland. SLOT MACHINES. styles; repairing: phonographs. ords. Transoontlntnlal Machine Co.. .14 Wunhiimtuii st. 8TORAGE AND TRANSFER. ! ' "" "t.. bet Stark Uuk' Plione W,... Piunos and furtu- Hire moved anil parked for shipping; ' (immmiloiis fireproof brick warehouse. ! rout ;.nd lay sts. TYPEWRITERS. Tins Smith-Premier Typewriter, 122 Third street. All makes of typewriters for ittriit. Supplies tor all machines. L. A M. Alexander & Co., agents. ( W. A. Hideout. Agent Blinkensderfer Typewriters. 2fil Stark st. TRUNK FACTORY. Harris Trunk Co.. trunks, valises, satch els, etc.. :':(! Morrison st. WHOLESALE GROCERS. Wudhama & Co., wholesale grocers, man ufacturers and commission merchants. H4 and ti Front st. Allen & Lewis, wholesale grocers, Port land, Ore. Mason, Ehrman & Co.. wholesale groc ers. N. W. cor. Second nd Pine sts. Lung A Co., First 'and Ankeny sts. WINE DEPOT. THE COLFMBl S-t ulifornla Wine De- I pot. P. Lorutl. prop. All kinds wine 5c , glass. Fine wines, liquors and cigars. ; Heudquarters for cooks, waiters and j builenilers. Hi Fourth St. Or. phone Main 751. BANKS. LADI A TILTON. HANKERS , Established in 1S5K. Interest jilloweu on lime deposits. Collections made at all points on fa vorable terms, letters of credit issued available in Rurnpe and all points in the t'nited States. Sight exchange and telegraphic trans fers sold n New Tork. Washington, Cliii'tiKO. Si Louis. Denver, Omaha. Sja.n Francisco ante various points in Oregon, Washington. Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris. Ber lln.' Ft'ifTYkfort. JaoiiK '' Kong, Vokohoma. Manila and Hono!ul!t; l f CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. With which Is amalgamated. -THE HANK ORjaJimSH COLCMBIA Capital pald'Ui ..".s ..$S.00o,iioo Reserve ;an'.".'.". 8.000.ft Transacts 8 general bunking business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened Tiir' sum of $10 and up. wards, and interest allowed on mint mum monthly balances. Rates on ap ' ulicatlon. 244 Washlngtaon st. EL A. WYLD, Manager. LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK. ! LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce Building, Third ! and Sfark streeta ' Head oflice, 55 Old Broad street, Len- I FORAN FRAN don. . j I CISCO. This bank transacts a general bank- I gg oeo. W. Elder-1 nig Business, . manes loans, uinrounta hilla tttid iMHuen letters or crtitt avail, able' for travelers and for ' the pur chase of merchandise in any city of the world. Deals In foreign and do mestic exchange. Interest pahl on time deposits. K. A. MACRAE, Manager. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK-fO PORTLAND, oa . i j Frank Watson .....Pffsldent R.. L. Durham ...Vice-President R. W. ; Hoyt " -Cashier Geo. w. Hoyt. .. Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A, GENERAL BANK. INO BT-8INE88, Drafts and letters of credit Issued Available to all parts of the a-orld, ccJieciqna a specialty., Guld dust bought.'" ' t THE ONLY THROUGH TRAINS WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS I BETWEEN PORTLAND CHICAGO RUN OVER CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RY. TIME-70 HOURS TO CHICAQC A. Q. BARKER, General Agent, C. & N. W. Railway. 153 Third St., PORTLAND, OR. tAST via. SOUTH "TJEPOT HOW" Leaves. AND SIXTH STS Arrives. ovepXaIsd ex S:30 p. m. press TRAINS, :.-46a. as. for Salem, Rose- burg, Ashland, Baa a. m. ramento, Ogden. San Francisco. Mo- IJave. Los Angeles F.l Paso. New Or leans and the East At Woodburn (dally except Sun htay. morning train ronnccts with train for Mt Angel. Sil v e r t o rt. Browns ville, Springfield, and Natron, and Albany Local for Mt. Angel and SIM verton. Albany passenger.. Corvallia passenger 4:00 p. m. 7:S0 a.m. 4:o0 p. m. 10:10 a. n 5:60 p. m. 8:16 a. Sheridan passenger Daily, jj Dally "except Sunday. llebute tickets on sale between Port land, Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates $17.50 Hrst-claiui and $14 second-class. Second-class Includes aleeper; flrst-clasf doe not. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONO LULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be ob talned at Ticket Office. No. 254, cornel? Washington and Third. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot1 of JfefferBon St. Leave Portland datly 7:20 a. m., 12:30, 1:55. J:25, 4:40, :2S. 8:30 p. m. Dally ex cept Sunday, 5:30, :40 a. ro., i:0fi, 11:10 p, m. Rundity only. a. m. Arrive Portland datly, i:J0. 10:50 a. m. 1:SS, 3:10. 4:30. :!. 7:40, 10 p. m. Dailjr except Sunday, 6:.'I5, 9:30, 10:50 a. m. : ex cept Monday, 12:40 a. m.; Sunday only, 10:05 b. n. Leave for Dallas daily except Sunday, . R:05 p. m. Arrive Portland 9:30 a. m. ' Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlle Mondays) Wednesdays and Fridays at t:it. p. m. Returns Tuesdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. W. E. COMAN, Freight ami Passenger Agent. TIME CARD OP TRAINS PORTLAND: J Leaves. 7: a. m. Arrives. :44 p.m. 11:10 ow in, 7:00 a. nb 3:05 p. m. ' Puget Sound Limited ! Kansas City-St . Louis SpeciaL ! North Coast Limited ! acoma, Seattle I 11:10 a. m. :30p. m. 11:45 pAn. Take Puget Sound Limited or Norm Coast Unilled for Gray's Harbor points. Take Puget Sound Limited for Olympia direct. Take Puget Sound Limited or Kansas City-St. Louts Special for points on South Bend 1 ranch. . D.mlile dully trsln service on .Gray's Harbor branch. . Four trains dally between Portland and Tacoma and Seattle. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent., 255 'Morrison bt., Portland, Or. OREGON LSHOIrLiftE vku union Pacific THREE TRAINS DAILY . FOR ALL POINTS EAST - I'NION l'K.l'OT. HICAGP( RTLAND ' SPECIAL. For tho Fust via llunt inijton. "SPOKANE- FLYER. LeaVe Arrive. 4 ;H p nj Daily 9: a m Dully For Eastern Washing-; ., ton. Walla Walla, Lew-j'P m 7:00 a nt Dally islon. Coeur d'Alene, uauy and Great! Northern points. ,v j ATLA NT Iff EXPRESS. :?" p m Mo a nt , Dally Dally For the Esfst via uunv XHKtUU oce; AND rivb:r SCHEDVLB, From orth Ifk ' 8;0up m :"p"m Daily v Bun. fat w Pm :45am Mod.. Wed. - m A .' iHMam Ttea., Tours., Sat. . Aug. 10, 20. 3U. fi:O0pin aa i rs Columbia Aug. 5. 15. 23. FOR ASTORIA and Dslly , ' 5:i' p m Laliy v ex Sun . Tue., Thtirs Sat,;; S U) p nt Moii., . Wed., , Frl. wav pointn. connecting with str. lor llwaco and North Bach. str. Has salo. Ash street, dock. FOR CORVALLIB and way - points, steam r Ruth, Ash street tloek. (Water permlttlng.jr tOfrDATON.Oregon City and Yamhill River, points, str. aoaoo, am treet dock. (Wster permitting.) I TICKET OFFICE, Third and Washing - ton. , Telephone, 41 sin 7i, . I OlocSf m. "asmII "U "g" f t v'l