The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 08, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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1 I
Hotel Portland Defrauded Out of $150
The Man in Jail.
-I.' - ,
Last week a smooth Individual reglUred at the Hotel Portland as
4. Law ton H. Cog-shall. Several day prior to his arrival the hotel manage-
- meet received a letter presumably from MQler & Preston, wholesale tall-
' ore, of, Everett. Wash. The letter stated that in a few days Lawton H.
' Cofshall, one of thtlr traveling men, would arrive at the hotel, and that
' they had forwarded nlm by mall a check for $150 for salary and expenses
in Portland, to kindly see that he secured the money without any vexa-
' tious delay. J
When Cog shall arrived and presented to check it was promptly
cashed. This was Saturday afternoon after banking hours. Cogs hall left
' 4. that nipht for the South.
a- On Monday the check was taken to the bank and sent to Everett for
collection. Word was sent that the check was a fargery. .
.t , Word was received by the ponce t his morning that Cogshall had been
arrested In Oakland for passing a cheeky of 1130 on the Uarlando Hotel -f
' there. The method employed was the same as used in swindling the Port- -f
f land.
List of Finns That Have Signed the
Agreement to Qose for the Day,
Travelers Complain That Somebody
Caused Inconvenience
A Story of custom house carelessness
at Victoria la that told by Professor C.
B. Fajr, of Tufts College. Boston, and
party of 14 women from Boston, aocom-
. panylnsT him, who are now registered at
The Portland. They will leave for Ta
coma tomorrow morning.
The party left Boston on July 7, and
cams across the continent, arriving' here
last night from Victoria, B. C. At Vic
toria,, they checked their baggage, con-
C sHstfng of 14 trunks, straight through to
; Portland, being Informed that the cus
tom authorities In Portland would exam-
, Ine their trunks here.
..When they arrived last night, their
trunks; were found to be missing and
. neither the Portland custom house offi
cials nor ' the Northern Pecaflc Rail
road officials knew anything about them.
J The Northern Pacific has taken the
matter in hand. As the trunk contain
the clothing of the party, they are
greatly ' inconvenienced and chagrined,
'This does not seem to be acciden
tal," said Professor Fay, "because an-
. other man's baggage was lost In the
same way, but by much telegraphing
and natural' luck, he at lust ferreted out
his trunks.
.- Professor Fay was president of the
Appalachian Mountain Climbing Club of
Boston, and was the One who took the
wonderful "Sesia pictures" of the Ap
palaehiana, whloh were on exhibition in
the principal cities of the United States.
".fX-, HI' I JUT" --It-r- 11 , 1
Representatives of the Northern Pacific,
the Great Northern and the Harrlman
lines, more particularly the O. R. &, N.
Company, are busily engaged in work
preliminary to the issuance of the new
grain rates. These tariffs, it will be re
membered, will' embody a 10 per cent re
duction on potatoes, onions, hay, grain
and grain products- on all points on the
through line from Coeur U'Alene and
Lewlston, Idaho, and points west, includ
ing Clearwater and Lapwai branches, to
western terminals- The Jew tariff will be
Issued and take effect 'August J J. The
concession was agreed to and granted by
Presidents Hill, of the tireat Northern;
Mellen of the Northern Pacific and
Mohler of tbo O. R., N. Company, at a
meeting held in Colfax, Wash., early in
the week.
Discuss Philippine Friars' Matters
. at Chicago
'- (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
CHICAGO, Aug. e.-The debate on the
. Philippine friar matter was continued to
day by the Catholic societies. Father
O'Reilly denounced the stories of corrup
tion by members of. the religious orders
of the Philippines. ,The National Total
Abstinence Society then petitioned for an
Indorsement of the federation.
Frank Baldwin, one of the Baldwin
trio arrested for causing the death of
Frank Carlson, seems to have some diffi
culty in securing $500 bonds to Insure hla
appearance for trial. This is the third
day since his arrest, and he is yet ;:i
Sheriff Storey returned last night with
William Baldwin, father of the prin
cipal In the affray, and he, too. is
locked up. He expects, however, to se
cure tl)e signatures of Chris MenBlnger
and A. Vi. Allen, of the Star Saw Com
pany, to his board.
The (Sheriff says It was the hottest
ride he ever took. He went out to
within 20 miles of Mount Hood, where
Baldwin was employed on the ranch of
Chris. Menslnger, and the sun beat
down upon him all the way. He reached
his office half sick from the effects of
the piercing rays.
iii 1 11 n 1 y-li 1 1 rntIT ; ,
0. F. Paxton, the lawyer, has pur
chased the BirreU property, at the north
west corner of Twenty-fourth and Mar
shall streets, for th'OOO. This Is one of the
very pleasant homes of Portland, and
will be graced by Mr. and Mrs. Paxton.
It Is a delightful spot. '
John Kloaterman was today granted a
permit to erect a four-story flat on Tenth
street, between Tenth and Burnslde
streets, at a cost of $10,000; H. C. Hutch
inson a $1600 cottage at East Twenty
second and East Madison streets, and
F. J. Ball a $1900 dwelling at Tenth and
College streets.
The following Is the form of the Labor
Day agreement which the business men
are signing. The signatures below are
from the firms on First and Third streets
down as far as the steel bridge:
We. the undersigned, do hereby agree
to close our places of business all day
Monday, September 1, Labor Day:
Meier & Frank Co., Olds, Wortman &
King; Llpman, Wolf & Co.; Samuel
Rosenthal, A. J. Prayer ASons, A. B.
Stlenbach & Co., McAllen A McDonald,
Famous Clothing Co., ' The American
Clothing Co. Salem Woolen Mills. Chi
cago Clothing Co., A. Dreyer, L. Robin
son, J. Morris. W. Jower, Mrs. J. A. IX
shon, A. Rosenstein, R. Meridelson, Jacob
Asher, C. L. Han & Co., Mrs. C. Harris,
Max Barell, O. B. Dasamlst, 8. Brom
berger, G. P. Llslgnoll. L. Shanahan,
Goodman Bros.' Bhoe Co.. J. Goodman,
Bishop & Co., Thanhausir Hat Co., F.
C. Stettler. W. R. Glafk Co., W. V.
Tumes & Co., Toft, Horle & Co., Richet
Co.. Mark D. Levi & Co., Levy & Sjjiegl-Pearson-Page
Co.,Malarkey & Co., Bog-
gess & Co., Lln Clothing to., iarns-
worth-Herald Tailoring Co., Multnomah
Printing Co., Corbett, Failing & Co., N.
P. Fuller & Co., FletBchman, Mayer Sc
Co., Closset & Devers, M. Sellers Co.,
Fred Blckcl, Peters & Roberts Furni
ture Co., Olllen Chambers Co.. Allen
Lewis, Sinclair & Co., Acme Mills Co.,
Charles L. Mastlck Co., Breyman
Leather Co., Otto Breyman, F. B. Dal
lam & Co., Robertson Manning Co.. 8.
Heltshut & Co., Rosenfeld, Grouth Co.,
Holman Transfer Co.. Portland Mattress
& Upholstery Co., James Printing Co.?'
Portland Coffee & Spice Co., Portland
Fish Co., F. F. Haradon & Co.. Canning,
Wallace & Co., Bollo & Ballls, Walham
St. Kerr Bros., C. R. Winslow Co., Farm
ers Co-operative Commission Co., Far
mers' Mutual Commission Co.. Portland
Seed Co.. G. G. Wlckson & Co.. Brad-dlck-Keattlng
Co., Fisher. Thorsen &
Co., R. O. Collls, Vanklrk & Wilson. K
.T Rnnthrldirer & Co.. Knlys & fanner,
P. Johnson & Co., Hexter May & Co
Pun A Hon. Portland Wire & Iron
The Wonderful
The piano, above all, that
stands for the best In the
manufacture of pianos.
The piano, the tone of which
is full, mellow, sympathetic
of the most pleasing and re
fined character, with a per
fectly sustained singing qual
ity, and ; capable of being
molded Into the widest range
of nuances of the finished
The piano that Is not a sin
gletone piano, but is capable
of producing to the most re
markable degree the tones of
the harp, the mandolin, a
chime of belLs, a guitar, a
banjo, a music box and auto
harp, a zither, . bagpipes, fife
and drum corps, a bugle, a
piccolo, dulcimer, a xylo
phone, a clavicord, an aeollan,
a spinnet, a clavicembalo, a
virginal, etc'
The only piano that has a
practice clavier, Invaluable for
students. ,
The piano that alone, of all
high-grade instruments, is
warranted for ten years.
The piano that gives more
pleasure, more enjoyment,
more satisfaction than any
other, and will last a lifetime.
this remarkable piano, of
course, like the Chickering,
Kimball, Weber, Decker, Vose,
Hobart fl. Cable and other
high-grade Instruments, Is
sold exclusively in the West
by Eiiers Piano House, 351
Washington Street, opposite
Cordray's Theatre.
Four stores Portland, San
Francisco, Spokane and Sacramento.
OwWWWWYeee)0 ,
Published daily, in the afternoon, in PORTLAND, OR.
Eight to Sixteen Pages, at tbe following rats by MAIL
Spreads Devastation in
Colorado Mine
(Journal Special Service.)
. SALT LAKH, Aug, 8. A big fire Is
raging along Main street In Silver City,
Utah. It Is reported the entire min
ing camp Is doomed.
' There Is much complaint from pedes
trians on East Jdorriaon street about
the condition of the sidewalk, espec
ially bet-ween East Twelfth and East
Fourteenth streets, because of the nails
ticking out for over an inch. Many
wemen tear their dresses on these nails
and others stumble, causing some rather
gainful falls. The street crossings and
the street generally are in a very di
lapidated condition. This morning a
flue gray horse, whose ownership could
not be learned, stepped through a worn
out plank and broke his lfg.
Presidents James J. Hill and C. 8.
Mellen, accompanied by a large party
of officials of both roads, visited the line
of the Washington & Columbia River
yesterday on their annual tour of Inspec
tion. From Walla Walla the magnates
went to Pendleton last evening, and
from there to Seattle, where they are
at the present time. It is not known
how Ions; they will remain in Seattle or
to which place they will go from there.
The Board of Trade is receiving let
ters requesting Information about Ore
gon. This morning Secretary Moore was
busy answering 12 which arrived by yes
terday afternoon's mall. This shows that
Oregon is deriving considerable benefit
from the conventions held here as the
delegates, when they return to their
homes, cannot help but speak with en
thusiasm of Oregon as a grand coun
try and as the best place to live In.
(Journal Special Service.)
PUEBLO, Co! . Aug. 8 The total num
ber of deaths caused by the fearful ex
plosion in the L'nlon Coal Company
rn(ne last night near Trinidad la not yet
known. At least 20 are known to have
Details of the disaster say that lm
mediately after the night shift had en
tered the mine slope at 8:30 last night "a
terrinc explosion occurred, entirely filling
the mouth of the slope, and shaking
buildings and breaking windows for
mile distant.
Owing to the mouth of the slope being
filled, the rescuers were delayed for
Borne time, but succeeded In reaching
part of the men through an old slope,
and eight bodies were quickly brought
to the surface.
All last night and today the work of
rescue has been pushed but by reason of
the Immense masses which fell after the
explosion but little progress is being
made, and It la unlikely that the full
number of victims will ever be known
The mine is practically trulned.
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
TRINIDAD, Colo., Aug. 8. Thirteen
men are known dead and. there are
undoubtedly more victims of the mine ex
plosion at Bowen last evening. Only
seven bodies have oeen recoverea so iar.
They are M. M. Cassldy, Jose Sanchea,
James Hunter. Frank Groats, Arthur
Myers, T. Wlnlfleld and Arthur Berg.
Those In the mine and known to be dead
are: )v. H. jsmott, renpe Bern, lj. jr.
Johnson, 11. Creech, John Kenneally and
Joe Gordon
It Is the generally accepted theory that
the accident was caused by a "windy
shot. The explosion was 1200 feet from
the surface, and its force blew two bod
ies out of the mouth of the mine. Eight
hundred pounds of Blasting powder at the
mouth of the mine also exploded.
The Clever
She wants it distinctive In charac
ter and design. Such a womaa
will be pleased to know that at
last she can be suited In Portland
V 25 Per Cent
,i Discount
rrom regular prices. Exclusive
t novelties In sergeg. broadcloths,
vicunas, cheviots, etc.. of superior
-quality. Cut and designed speclai
,i ly fr you. Our motto: "No lit,
do ty."
Ladies end Cents
345 WwWnSto Street. Tele
." phoaR4 1955. r
The rtiilllnery store of Mrs. Kate Sle
vln, on Fourth and Morrison streets,
was robbed of $.100 worth of goods early
yesterday morning. The entrance was
made by the use of. a false kev. The
police are engaged on the ease.
...... OIL BURNED,
Threethousand gallons of oil belonging
to the North Pacific Terminal Company
burned this afternoon, entailing a lossaU
told, of Jl.OOO. The oil house took fire
from a spark from the switch engine.'
Frank Hunch, aged 11, son of L. Bunch
of The Dulles, is the latest victim of the
youthful practice of jumping on moving
trains. He missed h,l footing as he at
tempted to alight from a moving freight
of the O. R. & N. Company at The
Dalles yesterday morning, and fell under
a truck which cut off his right leg near
the knee, and Injured the,4eft. He was
brought to Portland on the. first train and
tken to St. Vincent's hospital where the
remainder of the right leg was amputated
nfar the hip and the dislocation of the
'left leg reduced. He may not recover.
Articles of Incorporation of Roberts,
Perriam) Sc. Company, capital stock $10,000,
were filed in the olnca of the County
Clerk today. The firm will engage in the
stevedoring business. .
Georgiana Irvine, aged IS, of McMinn
ville, visiting at 660 East Ankeny street,
is reported to the health "department as
afflicted with a severe attack of diph
theria, . '' , -n't- '
Tonight's amateur show, following the
regular, performance at Shields' Park will
be confined, to six acts worthy of pro
fessionals. Many have died applications
to appear, but Janitor Shields has select
ed only six.
The feature. next week will be the
Lamonts, the only ones left over from
this week and the reproduction of the
Portland Hunt Club in the polyscope.
At Mount Tabor Park this evening
there will be the usual well performed
vaudeville bill consisting of Dfe, Garras
In his sensational double high wire act;
Professor Jack Hepburn, the trick bi
rycliat; Del Bartlns, the king of fire;
Professor Hunts' trained dog and mon
key show and many other attraction
worthy to be seen,.
J. Holt Struble. 41; Mary K. Cooper, 40.
Foster W. Henderson, 23; Elsie A Ball,
Emit Johnson, 26; Allvia Uostram, 21.
P. E. Frement, 44; Eugenie Snelllng, S3.
August t, wife of Roy E. Bondmant, 181
Thirteenth street, a daughter.
July 27. wife of William T. Means,
Woodlawn. a son.
The Journal Newspaper.
The Journal property has been pur
chased and has passed under the control
of the undersigned, and the paper 'will be
conducted on lines of greatest benefit to
Portland, to Oregon and to the great
Northwest, and In many ways conducted
differently, as to men, measures and
methods, to those of its contemporaries
which follow narrow grooves of news
paper habit.
The Journal in head and heart will
stand for the people, be truly democratic
and free from political entanglements and
machinations, believing In the principles
thnt promise the greatest good to the
greatest number to ALLj MEN,- regard
less of race, creed or previous condition
of servitude.
Exuberant assurances are cheap and
mpty. I wish to make none. Perform
once is better than promise; action more
fruitful than words. The columns of Tha
Journal from day" to day will better .re
flect the spirit behind the paper. It shall
be a FAIR newspaper and not a dull and
selfish sheet. In short, an honest, sincere .
attempt will be made to build up and
maintain a newspaper property in Port
land that will be a credit to "Where
Rolls the Oregon" country and the multi
tude of people who are interested in its
development and advancement.
Portland capital largely is behind The
Journal, and the fund is ample for all
purposes. Coupled with energy and en
thusiasm, the work of making a paper,
devoted to Portland's varied Interests, is
begun. The support of tho freedom
loving, the Intelligent, generous people of
Oregon Is invited and will be duly appre
ciated by still greater endeavor and
achievement on the part of The Journal,
which hopes ever to become stronger In
equipment, stronger In purpose, stronger
in news resources, and stronger in good
deds. C. 8. JACKSON,
Portland, Or., July 23, 1902
Daily, by mail, per annum ;
Daily, by mail, six months v
Daily, by mail (hree months.
v $2,00
As a special Inducement to old and new subscrib
ers, THE DAIL.Y JOURNAL, will be seat by mail
to any address until January i, 1903, tor $1.00
Remit tor mail subscriptions by postal note, check
or in one and two-cent stamps. SAMPLE COPY
FREE. C. S. JACKSON, Publisher,
Portland, Oregon.
August 1, Octavla S. Munsell, 32 years.
North Pacific Sanitarium; abscess.
August 3, ihlllpa Roberta, 32 years,. St.
Vincent's hospital; lockjaw.
August C, Sophia Page, 78 years, 1235
Maryland avenue; cancer.
August 4, Wong Qee, 3$ years, VUlard
hotel; broken neck.
August C, at 781 Klsworth street, of
heart disease and acute congestion of
lungs, Henry Smith, aged 30.
August 7, at 313 Fourteenth street, of
senile decay, Anna Jane Whlteford, aged
August 5, at St. Vincent's hospital, of
carcinoma of liver. Stephen W. Aldrich,
nged 19.
August i, at St. Vlnoent'n hospital, of
chronic ncphltls, Duran V. Rogers, aged
August 3, at Home for the Aged, of
nephltls, Mrs. Mary Stan held, aged 83.
August 3, at Pioneer, , . W,ash., Peter
O'Reilly, aged 69.
August 6, at Seattle, Wash., of cancer,
Harriet E. Madden, of Sellwood, aged 40.
August 6, at St. Vincent' hospital, of
tubercular meningitis, Henry Kaup, aged
August G, at 269 Sixteenth street, of
still birth, Baby Cobb.
August 1, at North Pacific Sanatarlum,
of heart disease, Octavla S, Munsell, aged
August S, at St. Vincent's hospital, of
lockjaw, Flllippo Kohenti, aged 31
August (i. at , of cancer, Sophia
Page, aged 78.
Can it be wondered
that he Is called
great, w hen his won
derful remedies ours
and help so man; I
sick and suffering ';
people, not only hers, ;
but throughout the
United States? Many '
are given up to die,
others told that an
operation was the
only help for them,
yet their lives were
saved, without tha
great suffering of an
operation. Cured by
these powerful Chi
nese herbs, roots.
buds, 4arks ahd vegetables, that are en
tirely unknown to medical science In thla
country. Through the use of these harm
less remedies he treats any and all dis
eases of men, women and children. Thla
famous doctor knows the action of over
6uu different remedies that he has suc
cessfully used In different diseases. He
guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung
troubles, rheumatism, nervousness, stom
ach, liver, kidney, female troubles. lost
manhood and all private diseases.
Charges moderate. Call and see him
Consultation free. Patients out of tne
city write for blank and Circular. Inclos
stamp. Address The C. Gee Wo Chinese
Medicine Company, 132H Third street.
Portland. Or. Mention thla paper.
J. P. Finley A Son, Undertaken and
Embalmera, corner Third and Jeffer
son streets, do first-class work and
deal honorably with all.
The Edward Holman Undertaking
Co., funeral directors jnd embalmera.
2uo Yamnm. Khone ere.
AbscluhPurffy.1 fTnstflwor.
Ortatot $fTWh,fc&wrttbl Prices
r w" -ai sjsf ej wisjfcawie
How to Make a Marvelously Perfect Complexion
and Restore Youthful Looks.
. . ,
Otto Schuman, monumental and
building work, 204 Third St. Est!
mates on first-class work only.
W. M. I.add and wife to Samuel
A. Penne, part blk. '9. Blackl-
stone ...11375 00
security Havings Trust Co. to
W. K. Smith, undivided H of
land beginning nt point 230 ft. E.
of NW. cor. of 101, thence
8. 997 ft., thence fc. 623 ft. to low
wai?r mark., t hence N. following
rlvefi then west to point
of beglnnlus; excHpt 60 ft. wide
for Mill street SuOO 09
Savings & Loan Society to I. N.
A, fieiscnner, lots 7 ana s,
blk. 20S, city .7. .-. 8000 00
M. II. and A. t. Rica to Phllio
BeaJ, lot 14, Mk, fi, Stanley No. 2.. 40 W
J. A. and S, M. Rupert "to Isabel
seugwicK, iota , ana , bin. 7,
North Albtna , 830 OS
The Hawthorne estate to Harvy-U
Moreianu, wvj iois l ana z, Ditt.
B !, Hawthorne Park 1300 00
M. A. and P., C. klly to H. W.
welly, lots i and. i, blk. 3. Kinxel
Fark i... 100 AO
James Thomas and wife to Jasper
o. Tnomas, sw lots 5 and 8. blk.
5. P. T. Smith s Addition to fit.
Johns 100 M
Edward Sheen to Uzzleheen. lota
10 and 11. blk. 15. C'anftsn Addl.. 1 00
W illiam J. Hill arid wife to Frank
Le DuKe. lot 4. Midway Annex.. M0 00
Louise Hawthorne Boise et al. to
B. M. Kasmussen, wH Of lots $
and 6. blk. 290. Hawthorne Park.. 950 00
H. C. Humphrey, administrator of
eetate oi Jennie L. Boot, de
ceased, to H. 1 Keats, part sec
tion 7, T 1. S. R. 1 E., being
x20 rods tOO 00
Alice M. Murta and Mary J. Mnr-
ta to n. won, lot , oia. wo,
2000 oa
Get your Title Insurance and Abstracts
to Real Estate from hs Title Guarantee
ft Trust Co., Chamber of Commerce.
There la nothing more beautiful than the honan face with Its ftvacleas countenance.
Its tparkliDg eye, iu pleasant imile and perfect symmetry.
But tbe crowning glory of tbe face la a radiant complexion wits. Its lively tkrevBs foatfcfoi
tinge, and its fine, irnooth textunt.
Bat the qaetlou Is can iuoh a complexion be attained f
In this wonderfully prorretilva age of art, literature and sctenca; of the steam engine, the
mighty cannon, tbe electrio motdr, the wireless telegraph aad the poaderoua iahdmeJOnc
machines; what ia there that ii impossible f
By a oareful atudy of the nature and texture of the akin, and a thorong a research in thai
realm of chemistry and compounding of Ingredients, a remedy has been aitaal perfected that
will accomplish these results. , r
This remedy Is Mine. A. Rupnert's Fsm Bleach.
WHAT FACE HLKACH IJU Vaee Bleach Is not a ceemetfe to eorer on, bat ft abso
lutely remoYes once and forever all the dlaoolofmtioas and blemishes fn whtnh the omrirJeTtaa "
la subject I can positively guarantee every woman it will do all I claim. Its ttast oa th
akin cannot fail to remove every defect Xt'a a well-known fact that the Mood ta carter to
cleanse itself is constantly throwing off its lmpnrltiea through the pores of the tktn now if the
ecl Below the sur
pores are not kept open, tha impurities of the blood cannot escape, hot collect below the sur
face, and produce ftll manner of akin troubles, such aa PIMPLES, FRECKLK8, MOTH, SALLOW.
ACTION OF FACK BLEACH. Now Vace Bleach has thia two-fold action i ftaft, tt has:
macnetical action, which attracts ana draws to the surface tne Impurities which bsrvecol-
lecteo i
a macnetical action, which attracts and rirtwa to the i
form of a fine dandruff) the surface of theouter, diseased or dead cuticle, leaving tbe under skin
beautiful, youthful-looking and delicately tinted by nature clear, smooth and perfect. This
method Ii perfectly harmless to the most delicate akin, aa it harmonizes with the laws of hygiene
and nature, the two factors which we must adhere to and follow if we wish to permanently Im
prove our personal appearance. I ' -
THOUSANDS BENEFITED. Thousands of patrons, who were annoyed and vexed
- with most miserable complexions, have been delighted with the grand improvement If adame
Ruppert'a Pace Bleach has produced in their skins. Many complexions, covered with pimples,
irecklea and edematous eruptions (itching, burning and annoying) have been changed to
bright, beautiful skins, and the Improvements made In their looks were simply marvctons.
There la scarcely a defect to which the complexion la heir which will not auccomb to this won-
aernu remedy, premature wnnklea and lines those Inroads of beauty are quickly efaeed.
and those muddy, disfiguring, sallow, Jaundiced skins era quickly transformed Into clear.
i wnicn aiso mara ine ravag
I nmmnt v. Ann nur
letter, their heartfelt and Droroondest thanks for thla wonderful Fane Bleach.
A positive guarantee is given if Face Bleach is used according to the new special directions'
which are furnished with each order, that It will remove every discoloration and impux.
from your complex ion
All 01
wholesome ones by its use. Flabbv skins which also mark tha ravasrea of time become firm
and smooth after a few applications. Bkln troubles whleh have baffled the most skilful phy
sicians nave oeen removed ana cured promptly, and many nave expressed, personally ana oy
lime. a. Ruppert's world renowned preparations are sold, by us at aedneed prices.
It's Worth Your While
To be particular to send your
laundry to us. Our process is
not destructive and the most
delicate fabric is . not - injurecj
by passing through our hands,
63 Randolph Street,
Phones Albina ii or Columbia 6041
Olds, Wortman & King
Long Beach Transfer Co.
A. KNOLL, Proprieto?,"
Baggage delivered to any place on the
i .Beach.
Pleasure Drives made to any point on
tr tns reninsula, ; . vi ,.,
Inquire at the Red Tower. ,
tt&&ttttt&ttott4t4&&tt j
Hazelwood Ice Cream
There b nothing more delicious in
frozen dainties. Made from Pare,
Sweet, Pasteurized Cream. ......
Hazelwood Cream Co.
Both Phones 154. , r 4d2 WASHINGTON STREET
Favorite American Whiskey ' ?
J5LUMAUER.-&. HOCH, Sola Dbtrftutcn
vy ' ' Wbolosals Uouor and Qgar DaaJsrft, 108-1 10 Towrth St,