The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 05, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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(Journal Special "Berviee.) 1 .r
; SALEM, A,u. 6.-The Salem Military
feand, Ot S pieces, leaves, on next Mon
lay for Newport, where the boys will
fire the summer visitors sweet musle,
and Incidentally enjoy an outing. They
go under an arrangement with the peo
ple of Newport, and will remain for . a
' poupl of weeks.
The convict labor for the month of
Only in the stove foundry brought the
' state an Income of $1552.65. This money
goes Into the general fumf of the state,
and la not available for the expenses
f the prison.
Jans.H. Aden, a miner, was brought
to the Insane Asylum from Gallce Green,
Josephine County, yesterday by Sheriff
George W. Lewis. The paUent Is 62 years
Old, and Is homicidal.
Wade Martin, a farmer from Pleasant
BUI, Lane County, was also brought InH
by Sheriff W. W. Withers. The man
Is 66 years old. and his malady is the
result of an Injury received eome, time
ago by being kicked by a horse.
W. H. Brown, a Mexican war veteran
IWho rooms in the Morris block, was taken
Seriously ill on Sunday, and Dr. J. N.
Smith, who was called to attend . him,
. had the old gentleman removed to the
Salem Hospital for treatment. Mr.
Brown, .has long been a familiar figure
In Salem, having lived here for about
17 years. -
The Board of Trustees for Willamette
University last night filled the vacancy
In the chair of English Literature by
electing Prof. C. A. Dawson. This gen
tleman came here from California to
flu , the vacancy during, the last school
year when Prof. Baker died, and gave
uch excellent satisfaction that he was
prevailed upon to accept the place for the
ensuing year. :
The State Board of Trustees for the
Insane Asylum met In the Governor's
office yesterday afternoon to receive and
audit the report of Dr. J. F. Calbreath,
superintendent of the Insane' Asylum for
the month of July, ihe number of pa
tients on July 1 was 1260; during the
month 28 were received, and 37 were
either discharged or died, making the
net Increase 1. 1 The dally average was
1262 18-31. The cost per capita was:
Monthly, $9.26 6-10; dally, 29 '89-100 cents.
(Journal Special Service.)
LA GRANDE, Aug. 6. David Eccles,
president of the Oregon sugar factory,
from Portland, attended a meeting of
the board of directors of that institution
and to elect officers for the ensuing year.
Quite a number of shootlsta were out
hunting the festive grouse at an early
hour this morning, and some of them
were quite successful in securing good
Large numbers of men are wanted to
Work In the harvest fields and every day
farmers are In the city looking for men;
and there is no excuse for an able-bodied
man to be without employment at rea
sonable wages.
C. F. Gilpin, the mining man arrived
down from the Gamp Carson, digging last
tiight, and reports work as being pushed
ahead as rapidly as possible, end the
company expects to make af big clean up
in a few days. The hydraulic excavator
and elevator works like a charm and
gives the very beet tf satisfaction.
Mrs. O. L. McDowell, who has been
at the Good Samaritan hospital in Port
land for medical treatment, returned
home this morning very much improved.
(Journal Special Service.)
HOOD RIVER, Aug. 6. John Leland
Henderson and son Louis swam across
the Columbia Wednesday night. The
start was made at the Lost Lake Lum
.ber Company's sawmill and the swim
mers landed at the mouth of White Sal
mon, having swum a distance of a mile
and a half. It took them 40 minutes.
Mr. Dlcken, who Is staying with Sam
Koplin, at Frank ton, went out to drive
up the family cow Saturday morning.
He found her nose full of porcupine
needles. Thirty-three were taken from
the cow's nose, and they had to be pulled
by tweerers.
E. Shelley Morgan, of the Mutual La
bel Lithographing Company, Portland,
who recently bought the Alfred Boorman
TTT,,r. ., , n
Ml- -.fHiki IE; , w$kiin f-mf
, Jabour, who will exhibit at the Elks' Carnival In Portland, carries a good slsed menagerie, having about SO wild animals, many of which are well trained and
perform wonderful feats. A great grlzsiy bear acts as clown of the menagerie and when dressed np In petticoats goes through a number of laughable per
formances, one of which Is a striking- imitation of a hoochle-coochie dance. Other specialties are Rajah, the trained elephant, a number of trained leopards an J
Mile. Zoulea' den .of trained lions. These ugly beasts leap about, snapping and snarling, when the little Algerian girl enters the cage, but rfo not harm their
tamer, '
Jests of Criminals. - .
The callousness and even the grim hUy
tnor of condemned criminals Is well ex
emplified, by The following stories r ' ' '
On walklnsr to the soaffold In solemn
STMesslon a criminal ones called to the
Rolls the:reiM.'5
SO acres en Phelpe Creek, Intends to set
out about 30 acres more of orchard. ;
F. Davidson finds that white labor for
clearing-brush land Is too uncertain and
unprofitable. ' He went to Portland last
week and secured eight Japanese. He
pays them H. 25 a' day. . '
(Journal Special Service.)
, ASTORIA, jug. S.-There are still 33
barge loads of rock to be taken to Gray's
harbor by Hale & Kprn to complete the
contract on the government Jetty there.
The annual report of the schools' of
Clatsop County shows a total school
population of 8985, as compared with 8853
a year ago. 'ihe enrollment curing the
past year was 2217, against 2ui for tne
preceding year.-
A Uve sea lion cub about three feet
long was brought to Astoria last evening
by the steamer George R. Vosburg. It
was captured on v the rocks near Cape
Wears and will be sent to Portland to be
placed In the park there.
Many large gilinet catches were made
around the mouth of the river last night,
many -being from, a thousand to fifteen
hundred pounds but. that of Julius. Erlck
son was the most notable in , several
years. He laid out bis net Just belof
the Republic, spit shortly after sundown,
and after it had been in the water a tew
minutes it appeared to be sinking as
if it 'had been snagged, although no
,snags were known to be in that vicinity.
Erlckson started to pick up his net and
found 4hat It was sinking from the num
ber of fish in, it. He took from It 190.
salmon and. returning to the cannery
for which he1 was working found that
they weighed 3600 pounds.
. A powder explosion intended for a dog,
blew up two, men on Astor street this
morning. It ' seems that Musician
Cheshire and a man .who acts as Janitor
for the Waldorf-Astoria saloon had a
package charged with powder for a dog.
The fuse was lighted and they supposed
It-, was out. When they peeked over at
It, bang went the plagued thing, wound
ing both men. One of them is In the
hospital and the other was carried to his
(Journal Special Service.)
EUGENR, Aug. 6. Wade Martin.a well
known farmer of Pleasant Hill, 15 miles
east otEugene, died in the insane asy
lum at Salem. He was taken there Sun
day afternoon in a very violent condi
tion. He became suddenly violent, and
it was with difficulty that he was re
strained from doing his family bodily In
jury. B. B. McKlnney, from Great Bend,
Kansas, has bought a half Interest In the
grocery store conducted here by his
brother, W. B. McKlnney.
(Journal Special Service.)
GRANTS PASS, Aug. 5. Forest fires
have broke out In the timbered region of
the Louse Creek district, a few miles
north of here. The fire raged through
the pineclad mountains yesterday and
day, before, crossing the divide Into" the
Jones Creek country nearer Grants Pass
The mountains of this district are cov
ered with magnificent timber of Douglas
fir and pine.
Two severe fires occurred last week In
the timber belt of the Southern Pacific,
each of them being In the northern part
of Josephine County. By heroic work f
the company's wood crews who were
near, the flames were prevented from
reaching the woodyards where many
thousand cords of wood were piled.
The Alerts again defeated the Jackson
County nine In a match game played
here yesterday afternoon. The resulting
score was 7 to 2. The game was the first
of another series of three games to be
played at Jacksonville for a 300 purse.
The next game will be played at Jackson
ville next Sunday.
Roger Entrlken, the Alerts player who
was struck on the temple with a ball
while batting at a game played in Jack
sonville several weeks ago, is now able
to be on the street.
Th" new Sugar Pine factory, that has
been rebuilt since the ftrs,t great fire in
this city this year, will begin business
about the middle of this month. The
machinery 1b nearly all Installed and will
soon be ready for operation. The fac
tory will have more orders on hand than
they will be able to fill. .
governor of the prison: "'Just oblige m,
guvnojr," h said, "by telling me tJie day
Of the week?" "Monday answerad the
surprised governor. i-4'Monday!'ejtclaim-ed
the prisoner in disgusted tones. "Well,
this 'ere's a fine" Way; .of beginning a
week, ain't It 7" And he' marched on
(Journal Special Service.) . '
MEDFORp, Aug. 6.-The wooden build
lngs occupying the quarter block oi the
northeast corner of Seventh and D
streets, were moved away last week, and
Monday Contractors- Criddy and ChWders
began preparations for putting in the
stone foundation and the brick walls for
the new block, that C. W. Palm and J.
E. Badge will erect on this property.
The Medford Planing Mill OompanjT has
the contract for tUe wood work 'for the
building. The block will be two stories
high, of brick with Oregon ganlte trim
mings, which are to be furnished by the
Oregon Granite Company of this city.
Rev, T. L. Idleman, of Portland, will
conduct services In the Episcopal chapel
In this city next Sunday evening and in
the morning at Ashland. Arrangements
are about perfectedVwhepeby Rev.' Idle
man wjll become a resident or this-city
and assume the permanent rectorship
for the Medford and Ashland parishes.
(Journal 6pecla Service.)
ASHLAND. August ' 6. John A.
McDonald, who committed 'double mur
der near . Klemathon Monday by
killing Henry Hoover and Edward
I.oucks, will be charged with murder and
trjed accordlngy. .The Coroner's Jury
sitting on the case, of Hoover returned a
Vjerdk-t that he came to his . death at
the hands of . McDonald,' and that the
killing was unjustified.
Edward I.oucks died Friday night at 10
o'clock from the shot through the left
The work on the Klamath Lake Rail
road from Lairds to the Oregon lino, la
progressing steadily. The grading has
been completed to the steel bridge.
A. P. McMillan, who created a sensa
tion at Klamath tails about the first ol
June by running away and deserting .his
young wife, taking along with him a bi
cycle belonging to another, embezzling
some 5S0 belonging1 to a young ladles'
brass band, committed suicide, at Qol
couda, Nev.
(Journal Special Service. )
ROSEUURG, Aug. 5.-Roy Pilkington,
who was severely Injured In a black
smith shop in this city last Thursday
evening, Is Improving.
T. R. Denn, a fruit grower from Rid
dles, was in town Saturday. He says
the prune orchards there are generally
not so full of fruit us usual, but will
make up in quality all the deficiency,
bringing the output up to the aver
age. .
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Fisher, of
Boise, Idaho, and Mrs. McBrown, of
Grangevllle. Idaho, left here Sunday
night for their respective homes. Mr.
and Mrs. Fisher will spend a few days
at Newport while en route.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Blake left for their
home In Seattle, Wash., today. Mrs.
Blake has been visiting for some tima
near Wilbur with her father and In Rose
burg with her sister, Mrs. 8. K. Sykes.
Her husband joined her in Roseburg a
week ago.
(Journal Special Service.)
FAIRVIEWrAug. 6. Miss Sadie Orr Of
Portland Is visiting friends In Fairvlew.
Miss Daisy Wilcox visited In Portland
Mrs. Hall, who hns been ill with typhoid
fever, is Improving.
.The Ladles' Aid Society met Thursday
afternoon with Mrs. J. H. Snover. Those
present were: Mrs. M. L. Hardlngham,
Mrs. 8. A- Johns, Mrs. W. T. Hoyt, Mrs.
D. S. Dunbar and Mrs. Stockton.
The young people of Falrview enjoyed a
straw ride Thursday night. Leaving
Fairvlew at 8 p. m. they made a circuit
of Rock wood and Terry, returning at 10:30
to Hunter's Hotel, where they had a
chicken supper. Those participating were:
Mr. and Mrs. Stllllon, Misses Lulu Coles,
Ethel Heslin, Minnie Hunter, Delia Mor
rison. Pearl Dosph, Florence Hall, Clara
Moller and Lucy Higgins; Messrs. Paul
Heckman, Ernest Hall, Archie Crawford,
Roy Anderson, Clement Clark, Charles
Robbins, Charles Scott and Paul Osborn;
J. Robbins, driver; Mrs. Stllllon, chape
v... ... ;
with disgust' Imprinted on every line of
his face. ' - - , -
On- another occasion an offlolous hang
man whispered as' he placed the white
cap-on the victim's head: -"it, there's
anything you'd like to arst me I'll be
pleased to answer, ye know," The vlo-
: .... ..... .- , ; :- ,' 1
.' ir " 'V ' -
(Journal Special Service.)
OREGON CUT,' Aug. 6. David Can
field and nephew, Chester Caufield, left
yesterday morning for the mountains on
a two-weeks' prospecting trip.
Harry Gard, of Clarke, was a visitor
in the city yesterday.
The flnal report In the estate of Jons
ChMstenseh, deceased, was filed yester
day. The administrator, T. O. Jonsrud,
reported a halance of $70.79 after all
claims were paid. This sum was order
ed paid to Arthur Wilson, Swedish vice
counsel, attorney In fact for Ola and
ihls Christehsen, the heirs. When the
voucher IS filed In the court showing the
payment, the administrator' will be dis
charged." '
The monthly report of the United
States Land Office was completed yes
terday afternoon. Following Is a sum
mary: Ntimber homestead entries, 1S3;
acres embraced therein, 2S.H6.14; number
final proofs, 8; acres embraced In final
proofs, 934.21; number timber entries, 28;
number cash sales, 63; acres embraced
In' cash tales, 8,714.27; amount received
from cash sales, tl9,.i.rc; fees and com
missions, $3,583.92; total amount of cash
received during the month. $23v3u9.61.
The marriage of Eli II. Deck, an em
ploye of the-Willamette Pulp & Paper
Company,, to Miss Martha M. Klsor, was
solemnized , Sunday afternoont at the
home of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. J.
KIsor, Fifth and' Water streets. Mayor
Grant B. Dlmick officiated at the cere
mony. Lizzie Scott has sued Edwin L, Scott
for a divorce and makes sensational al
legations in the complaint. They were
married May 16. 1S8S, in Salem, . Iowa.
The defendant now resides In Tacoma.
Mrs. Scott says that her husband is
guilty of cruel and Inhuman treatment.
He had struck and beat her and had
even threatened, with a knife in his
hand, to stabher. Although employed
at good wages he had failed to 'provide
the. necessaries of life for his family, but
spent his money gambling and buying
Chinese lottery tickets and on disreputa
ble women. The couple have two sons,
Lawrence Edwin, aged 9, und Oliver Im
aged 13. Mrs. Scott asks for the custody
of the children, for alimony and costs of
action. William Reld, of Portlund, is her
Malhcnr County mining properties nre
being developed " by Welser, Idaho, par
Daniel Stellar, a resident of Oathiamet
for 25 years, died in Astoria a day or
two ago,
W. L. Souders. formerly of Missoula.
Mont., will open a dry goods store in the
new McC'lung building in Eugene.
The Alice Mining Company, of Waliac
Idaho, has filed articles of Incorporation
with Richard Wilson, of Portland, as
Ordinance Sergeant Kenney, U. S. A.,
In the service for 2S years, died recently
and was given a military funeral In the
military at Fort Stevens.
The ashes of Perry Card, member of a
pioneer fcalem family, were brought
home for burial. Mr. Card died In Hon
olulu and his body was cremated there.
Senator Heltfleld and Governor Hunt
seem not to have the best of It In the
northern counties of the state In the
recent primary election, according to the
opinion of those presumably well Inform
ed. ; The Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone
Company has temporarily suspended con
struction of Its line at Thunder Moun
tain via Garden Valley until the wagon
road now . under construction reaches
that point. The Council-Meadows line
will be completed In about two weeks,
and material is expected to arrive any
day for the DeLamar and Jordan Valley,
Oregon, line, 24 miles tn length.
About 1500 citizens of Baker City In
vested 75 cents each to see a widely ad
vertised baseball game between a local
team and an aggregation of bloomer
girls. They were rather shocked the
next day to learn from a renegade play
er who deserted the team that all of the
Infield and the battery were husky youn?
men, and only the outfielders who played
in a shiftless manner were of the gentler
tlm craned his neck forward, and said it
an equally low, but very much more anx
ious Voice: "You might tell me. Is M
this planking safef London Olobe.
Every year salmo
becomes, scarcer In
Scotch rivers.
Railroad Masmatcs, Axrtt With
Eastern Washington Fanners
to Cot Grain Rates.
(Scrlppa-McRae News Association.)
-DAVENPORT, Wash., Aug. 6. An Im
portant meeting was held here yesterday
at which President James J. Hill, of tne
Great Northern; President Charles .
Mellon, of the Northern Pacific, and
President A. L. Mohler, of the O. R. A
N. Co., were among those present. They,
however,, were by no means ' the only
ones. The 'special of six cars brought In
also James J. Hill's son, L. W. Hill;
John F. Stevens, general manager, and
F. S. Forest, superintendent of the Spo
kane Falls & Northern. With President
Mellen were General Manager Thomas
Cooper, Second Vice-President J. M.
Hannaford, and Chief Engineer W. L.
Darling. With President Mohler, of the
0. R. A N., were B. B. Miller, general
freight agent; J. P. O'Brien, superinten
dent, and W. W. Cotton, general attor
ney, and B. Campbell, assistant traffic
directer of the Harrlman lines.
The meeting was called at the re
quest of the farmers of that section,
who desired concessions in the matter of
grain rales. There was a great deal of
talk, but it was of the right kind, and.
on the whole, the farmers may be con
sidered as having won their point.
The railroad presidents presented the
question from the point of the transportation-lines,
and when the gathering
broke up, tlfe magnates and their far
mer patrons were brought more closely
together than ever before. The decision
was reached to reduce grain rates from
Eastern Washington points. The exact
amount has not been determined upon,
but it Is thought it will range from 1 to
2 vents per bushel. It will go Into effect
in time to apply on the present year's
It has been decided to build a connec
tion between the Central . ashlngton
branch of the Northern Pacific and the
Great Northern, between the terminus of
the Central Washington in the Grand
"oulee, to Adrian, on the Great North
ern. This will cost $350,000. will be 18
miles In length, and will be pushed to
completion as rasiidy as pnssibe. Sur
vey's will at once be made and contracts
let, and It Is possible that the new link
may be completed for traffic by January
1, next year.
The report of the Collector of Internal
Revenue for ihe month of July Is as f ol
io v.'a:
,'sts $ 2,(72.61
liter Etnmps UT.StiiYIi
Spirit stamps Bit i.9
Cigar and cigarette stamps 4.56MIJ
Snuff damps 3.3'
Tobacco stamp 247.01
Special-tax slumps M'5 4.'!7.SI
Playing curd sUmps 2 0)
51V,7C2. !'
Reduced Rrates to Newport.
Commencing June 1"., the Southern Pa
cific Company v.tll h?II rounrl-trlii tk-kpls,
'Portland to Newport and return, gooil
vln cither KiibI or West Side divisions, in
connection Willi the Corvallls & Knsterii
Hailroud. Three-day Sunday excursion
ticketH. gonl going Saturday, returning
Monday," $ Season tickets, good re
turning until October' 10. Baggage
checked through to Newport.
For further infnrmnti.m coll at city
Ticket Ort'.cei corner Thiru and Washing
tot) streets, PiiitHind, Or.
King Kdward Is now able to tiike d;illy
The thermometer reached MY) In Kansas
City yesterday.
New legislation has added !)9,t;i n-w
pensioner to-the pension roils. f
The Italian government will employ
wireless telegraphy on Ita warships.
It is believed In Ireland that Lord Rose
bury has entirely abandoned th Irish
policy of ex-Premier Gladstone.
The United States will build a large
floating drydock in this epuntry and tow
it to the Philippines'.
Sixteen convicts, accused of various
crimes, by the use of dynamite, escaped
from the Tennessee penitentiary,
vlcted and senlenctd to 20 years In pris
on. Thompson Is dying and confesses the
crime. He had murdered two men be
fore. Benjamin H. Thompson, of Denver, nc
eldentaly killed his own son while fight
ing with Zeb Nicholson. He then accused
Nicholson of the murder and he wa: con-
For no known cause William Dodwell, a
farmer near Yelvlngton. Ky,, was taken
from his house, bound to a tree, and un
mercifully whipped with a blucksnak
whip. j
The tlnplate workers of the I'nited
States decline to suffer a 25 per cent re
duction of wages so that their employers
may secure a contract for $1,500.0000 boxes
of tin plate from the Standard OtT Com
pany Some tlnplate plants will now fj
Scotland yard announces a reward of
$5000 for the recovery of a necklace lost
or stolen from Mrs. C. A. Spreckles, of
San Francfsco. The necklace, which con
sists of a single string of magnificent
pearls fastened with a ruby-and-dlamond
clasp, Dought In Paris, and Is esti
mated to be worth $20,000.
Peter Spreckles, 'a kinsman of the San
Francisco Spreckles family. Is the princi
pal owner of the private banking house
of Kdouard Rockhs,, which closed Its
doors on Friday with assets nominally
10.000,000 marks ($2,.mOOor and liabilities
of 1,000.000 marks ($750,000). Spreckles be-
fore and since the failure cabled to his
American relatives for help.
Bids of contractors
made on the game
before the strike.
Parties desiring to
build for them this
early application and
Houses will be built
purchasers, and sold
plan, whereby the
will hardly exceed the
Uar house. Deferred
cent interest. The
shows the detail. Payments on
ly payments can be made at any time. More expensive bouses and
more than one lot can be arranged for on proportional fcerms.
For a house costing... .(2000 ' '''
One lot land costing-... 750 -".
Total cost
Cash payment
Deferred payment.
cipal. .112.38
. 13.12
. 13.91
. 14.74
. 15.63
. 16.67
. 1756
. 18.61
. 19.73
. 20.91
. 22.17
. 20.92
1st year..,
Sd year..
Sd year..
4th , year..
6th year...
6th year..
7th year..
8th year..
9th year..
10th year.,
llth year..
12th year..
S2475.0O 1
C. H. PRESCOTT, Trustee,
2ia-ai3 Chamber of Commerce.
r I
If you are going East, and find out all about their
Weekly, Personally Conducted
Tourists' Excursions
To Chicago and Principal Points East via the dreat Scenic line.
Oregon Phone flain 334
su rv iri.ixi ii urbA Ar
i 1 id i
Favorite American Whiskey ' -
BLUMAUER. & HOCH, Sole Distributors
Wholesale Uouor and Cigar Dealers. 106-1 10 Fourth St
Mr;!. Dnna K. Khlers was today ap
pointed guardian of her three children,
I.ucy. Kainlo and Henry Khlers.
Y The sale of the west half of lots 5 and
i, block :wo. Aiken's addition to the City
(if Portland, by" J. V. Mill, executor of
the cHtnte of Jessie . Hill, deceased, for
$'.10 was confirmed by Judge Webster,
after which court adjourned for the day.
Cremation 'has become so popular in
Paris that the municipal council has de
cided to greatly increase the number of
ihc city's crematories.
-Have Your Hands Read
380 South Third Street
The Celebrated Palmist and Psychologist
has returned.
Tour hands reveal all questions of life
pertaining to marriage, sickness, death,
changes, travels, divorces, separations,
lawsuits, business transactions, wills,
deals, mortgages, lost or about .absent
friends, mining ventures, etc.
Office hours are 10 A. M. to 9 P. M.
dallv and Sundays. CHARGES, SOc and
389 5outh Third Street.
Knowing How
and having; the facilities and the
disposition to do best work is
the secret of our popularity.
Our plan is not to imitate but to
improve on what others do. The
- 63 Randolph Street
Phones Albina 41 or Columbia 6041
A. J. Gill (a Co.
General Machinists -and
Repairers . ,
Manufacturer 6t Shearee, Pins and
Logger' Supplies. Pattern and Model
Making.. Laundry Machinery. . Printers
Machinery overhauled, rebuilt and re
paired. Paper knife grinding. .
84 Scconl Street, Portland Oregon
T!epbene Hse 7s - V'-
for bulldlnf are sow
basis as they were
""-jVi.i5 vji vv i't''-V:vA
build or to have me
season should make
secure desirable Ux
on plans furnished by 1
on the Installment
monthly payments
usual rental for a stm
payments bear 6 per
following: - statement
the Drincioal in excess of the month
32475 or 124.75
' prin
cipal. 167.44
terest. 112.37
2 58
Portland, OreeorL
General Agent, Pass. Dept. K
r c 11uicirv
Second and Oak Streets
Portland; ooEG on.
Can it be wonder I
that he Is callsi
great, hen hie won.
' derful rtmedief. eure
and help ee man?
sick and suffering
people, not only hr,
but throughout the
United States T Many
are mlven up to diet
others told that
operation . was toe
only help for them..
c yet their He were
' savea, wiid-ui e
i great fuffering of l
operation, i Cured of
V these powerful ChU
buds, barks and vegetables, thai sre en
tirely unknown to medical science In tbie
country. Through the use of these hanr
less remedies be treat any and W he
eases of men, women nd children. iou,
famous doctor knows the action of en
(00 different remedies that he has u
ceeafully used la different dlseee.. ir
Guarantees to eure catarrh, asthma, iuij
roubles; rheumatism. ervousneje...tom-
acn, uver. kioney, imie
manhood and all private dlses.
Charges moderate. Call and
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