4:00 O'clock Edition PORTLAND, OREGON;" TTJHES DAY' EVENING, AUGUST ) 5, 1902. VOL. I. NO. 127. PRICE FIVE CENTS; . f i . I 1 1 1 1 111 ' 1 ' ' i . i i. I I . 11 r I 'i i ' 1 ? ' 1 ' ' lnn Bin , TRACY WARNS , . SHERIFF CUDIHEE V J l " ' ' Laves a Note That He Will E2 the Officer Un less He Ceases His Search. ' , CScrtpps-McRaa News Association.) SPOKANE; Aug. i.Tfer la tiH In part unknown. So far today no word baa been received as to his exact where about. However, the numerous posses are working rood due. ' ' Thin morning C. V. Draxon, a proml naut farmer near Odessa, found a note near a well where he waters hfs horse, reading: . "To whom It may concern: Tell Mr. j Cudihee to take a tumble and let me alone or I will fix him plenty. I will be BAYONETS DRAWN TO PROTECT OFFICERS Two More Participants in the Shenandoah Riots Arrested Outbreak Feared (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) SHENANDOAH. Penn., Aug. 6. Back ' ed by a hundred soldiers, two men ac cused of being Implicated in last Wei nesda's riot, were arrested by Deputy Sheriffs at noon. The soldiers surround ed the houses in which the men were concealed and held back with bayonets the struggling, cursing mob, while tths deputies carried out their men. Both prisoners were found to be shot in their feet. Three ' more were found at the Miners' Hospital, Willow Springs, shot In the legs and feet. Huge crowds sur ROYALTY ON WATER Yacht Races for King's Cup Kaiser's Meteor Third-EdeOnDecL (SCripps-McRae News Association.) COWE3, Aug. B. Great crowds congre gated here today to view the yacht race for the King's cup, the most Important event of the regatta. There Is brilliant sunshine but the wind Is light There are 12 entries including the Kaiser's American-built Meteor. The course is H miles. The yachts started at 9:55 a. m. Meteor had third place. King Ed ward watched the races from the royal yacht. ; r REMOVE OH TANKS. D. C. O'Reilly, H. N. Burpee, Russell & Blythv, Paul Wesslnger, James Surman, ' M. IX, O. EX Wharton, Bmll Howman, Phllo Holbrook, W. L. Boise, L. J. Gold smith, A. W. Moore, H. Welnhard, Thomas Hlslop, C. EX Fields. J. P. Brady, A. W. Lambert, B, M. Sargent and S. Morrow have signed a petition addressed to the Council, which meets tomorrow, the object of which is to secure the re moval of the Standard Oil Company's oil tanks from their present location on the East Side to a place more remote that the danger to manufacturing Interests occasioned by their proximity to inflam mable material may be eliminated Coun cilman Sharkey,, of the Ninth ward, will have an ordinance before the Council, having: the same end In view ' CALIFORNIA MARRIAGES (ScrlppsMcRa News Association.) SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 6.-The),;.Su-preme Court today rendered a ; decision declaring valid all marriages 1 of parties divorced in California and married to Ne vada or elsewhere Before the expiration of the statutory year, and hold the pro hibitory statute invalid. ' l: ' on my way to Wyoming. Thanks for a cool drink. HARRY TRACY.". If the note was left "by Tracy it goes to show that the clue worked on by the posses yesterday In 'the1 Lake Creek country was correct. Trainmen bring In the report that two horses answering the description of Tracy's were seen tied near the foot of Colville Lake not far from the town of Sprague. A posse has gone to lnvestl- j gate, Tracy Is evidently heading nearly due east. rounded the Justice's office, cursing and hooting at the soldiers on guard: A sec ond company of soldiers has been called up In reserve. An outbreak Is feared. SHOTS JlRfilD AT PROWLERS. (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) SHENANDOAH, Penn., Aug. 5.-The entire campe of the eighth Regiment was aroused late last night by shots fired at prowlers by the sentries. Five minutes later the regiment stood ready for orders to move, but no renewal of the attacks occurred. REDUCTION ON WHEAT RATES Big Railroad Men Assure Farmers of Lower Freights (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) COLFAX, Wash., Aug. 5, A meet ing was held today by the railroad pres idents, Hill, Mellen and Mohler with the farmers. Speeches were made on the same lines Of those of yesterday. A re duction Of fright rates for wheat is prac tically assured. SOLDIERS ARRIVE Troops F and O, of the First Cavalry, from Yellowstone National Park, under teh command, of Major Woodward, of Fort Keogh, arrived in Portland at noon today en route to San Francisco, where they will v Join ' two troops from Fort Washakee, . Wyoming, which are quar tened there. Major Woodward states that this Is his first visit to Portland, and when, seen today, remarked that he was much impressed with his first views. He is stopping at the Portland hotel, and owing to a delay in the trains will prob ably spend the greater part of the day In town. Another train from Oakland, Cal., consisting of Six tourist and one standard cars, with a detachment of troops, will arrive in Portland tonight. These troops will be stationed at Van couver for awhile. POLICE COMMISSION MEETS, At a meeting of the Police Commission ers last evening the resignation of Frank Bulger was accepted, H. C. Lee. J. B. Welland and 3. 8. Downey made appli cation for poslltons on the police force. C. B. Simmons wasxappoinled special offi cer at the City Hall. After the meeting Mayor Williams, Chief McLaughlah and Commissioners Ladd and Bates visited a Chinese gambling house on Second and Oak streets. The significance of the trip was not made, public. ' , ' ROOF CLEANING CAMPAIGN Portland property owners who live in houses with a growth of moss on the roofs will be called upon by Deputy Fire Inspectors Roberts to remove the combus tible growth without delay. This action Is considered necessary In view of the dry weather "and th increase, of roqf Area of late, ' GREAT CENTRAL' Active Construction Wort Now in Progress at Empire City. The Empire 1 Construction "'Company, which has charge of the construction work for. the Great Central and the Belt Line Railway,,' shipped outVtoday on the Alliance for Empire, adoceh teams for work oh the new enterprises. ' r L. D. Kinney, the chief engineer of the Great Central, said today , that 60 teams are being collected at Roseburg and vi cinity.' These will be used in the con struction work of the Belt Line. D. W. Small of Walla Walla has been given the contract for grading the first mile of the new line. He leaves on the Alliance tonight for the scene of opera tions. Mr. R. Wall will be , the assistant of President Green of the Belt Line, and goes out on the Alliance also tonight. George Lyon Moody of Empire City, will begin taking the recognisance for the new line today, from Gardiner to Eu gene. He will gee his horses from Drain. ANOTHER MEETING Labor Leaders Address Railway Employes Leave Tomorrow When the sppaKmg rmd ben concltulod at .Cordray's Theater last ulcht MiJBr. Gompers and Mahon atteiidtd Iho regular meeting of the Amalgmated" Street Kall wuy Employes at L'tiloit hall. Both gen tlemen made IntoreEtlng uddresoes, and the session necessurlly held until a late hour. Mr. Mahon Is president of the Interna tional union, and he again reiterated to his audience the advantages to be gained by thorough organization. It Is simply a business organization, he told them, ami that they should conduct their affalrs-ac-cordlngly upon business principles. Be fore the meeting adjourned three new members were Initiated and several ap plications for membership were reclv er. "The Street Railway Employes' Union," said Mr. Mason, "no has a membership In the United States between 40,000 and 50,000. Within the past eight weeks the organization has been Increasing in strength at the rate of 1300 a week." Today the distinguished visitors are be ing entertained by the various officials of the local labor unions. This afternoon some of them will again take a trip on the observation car. They are unstinted in their praise of Portland, and the hospi tality extended them by its citizens. Tomorrow morning they will leave for Tacoraa, where they will address a meet ing in the evening. The following day they will go to Seattle and from .there Mr. Mahon will leave for Vancouver, B. C, where he will adress a meeting of the railway employes. , , LOST A LEG. John S. Reiling, age 28, of Oregon City, a member of Company D, Second Oregon Volunteers, whose left teg was ampu tated at Bt. Vlnoents Hospital yesterday, was resting comfortably this morning. Last January a steel sliver forced Its way into the leg, through accident, and although he had the best of medical at tention, complications set in, and it was found necessary to take the leg off. Dr. Summers, of Oregon City, assisted at the operation. WILLS AIL SATURDAY Reliance and Dispatch Will Take Out Foil Cargoes The Reliance, of the Gray Steamship Company's line, arrived this morning from San Francisco, and is at the Alaska dock discharging her cargo consisting of doors, shingles, white cedar lumber and a consignment of wool for a local Arm. On her return trip Saturday she will take out a grading outfit for the Great Central railroad to be built from Salt Lake to Coos Bay. The outfit will be left at the latter point, as construction work will be started at that end. The Dlrpatch, of the same line, will also be ready to sail Saturday. Ft P. Bauingartner, local agent, will leave 'on her for San Francisco to attend the an nual convention of the Knights of Pyth ias to be held in the Bay City from Au guset 11-22 inclusive. He expects to be absent from Portland about 10 days. . improving; Isam White, the well Itnown capitalist who has been confined to his bed for several days with, a troublesome ailment, is reported to be on the improve, and bis many friends hope for his complete recovery. wheXt market; (Scrlpps-McRae News Association ) - CHICAGO. Aug. 5. -Wheat-Sept., SDH SAN FRANCISCO, Ail - k-Wbeai- U.12K9LU. - OUT -of rr i si. KKsS' j Dovning With draws ;From Contest THEiiBAP. CHOSEN Carnival Arrangements are Progres sing Rapifly-Building . . .Contracts Let. A number Of Important contract were awarded last night at the meeting of the executive Committee of the Elks' Carni val. The bids received for the conntruc tion of the main arch to the carnival grounds and the Temple of Light and Music were considered. The contract for building and removing the main arch was let to E. s Miller, whlld the contract for the construction of th Temple of Light and Music yas let to George V. Smith. ' '.':&'." The matter of JbuUdlng a beautiful Arch of Welcome over. .Sixth street was dis cussed but no definite arrangements wer j made. - - It was ascertained by the comimttee appointed to confer with the Multnomah Club that that organisation would bd glad to co-opertkte, and render what as sistance It couJ4 to the management of the Carnival. A special day will be st aside for the clVtb during the last day of the Carnival, and it was proposed that, some athletic performances by membe; s of the club would be appropriate. Cash prizes will be awarded to those ; merchants wh4docorate tbelr windows j most artistically during fair time. "I ' The Important question of music wa i ; brought up foV .consideration and cvit.v i assurance Is given that the best xntiAi j to be procured JU be engaged. Brown', Det'aprlo's and the Third Regiment band were voted,.-on, and Brown's cho sen as the concert band. Architect Lewis stated that plans fo' the Manufacturers' building would be finished by Wednesday, when bids were to be called for. , 1 The membership of the Portland Lodge of Elks is about 700 at th.- present time and at least 100 or perhaps 160 new mem bers will be Initiated Jn time to go on the excursion to Seattle, August 26. The In itiation fee to members of this class will be only $25 eaok, and after they have joined the lodge it Is proposed to limit the membership of 100? and exact an Ini tiation fee of $5fe ' ; V MIssk Sadie' L. " "fdgeway, who has been a doubtful candidate) when seen by a Journal reporter today, announced It is her Intention to enter the contest for Carnival Queen. Miss Rigeway Is an accomplished young woman. She re sides with her parents on Montana ave nue, and has a large number of Portland friends who will render her their belt support in the race for Queen. Miss Oc- tavia Downing has learned that she Willi be unable to be In Portland during the entire time of the Carnival and her many friends Will no doubt be sorry to he.tr that she has withdrawn from the race. Bids will be received until noon nexr Monday for ocnductlng the Oerman vil lage, which was such a popular feature of the last Carnival. SAGASTA TO RETIRE (Scrlppe-McRse News Association.) MADRID, Aug. 6. Premier Sagasta, In an interview, announces that he is about to retire from public life. MORE OF MAY Y0HL (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) LONDON, Aug. 5. May, Tohe has not registered at any of the principal hotels here, although she Is reported to have left Parle for London. TRAIN WRECK (8cripps-McRae News Association.) PEEBLES, O., Aug. 6. The Norfolk & Western freight train Jumped the track on a trestle near here today. Twenty cars were plied In a ravine. Brakeman Foley was killed and Brakeman Norman, Conductor McArthur and Engineer Davis probaly fatally Injured. Two tramps are missing. HIGHWAY ROBBERY P. H. Daremlt, of the Witch Haiel house on Front and Madison streets, re ports that he was held up by the regu lation tall and short man, on Market street last night and relieved of a silver watch and 13.65 in cash. One of . the rob bers struck him with a gun, which he grabbed, but the second robber got it away from him. " Tr : NO KEY IN SIGHT. During the fire In Raster's restaurant considerable time was wasted in the ef fort to locate the key to the alarm box. Before the department could be notified the fire was well under way.-which would Dot have been the case had the key been Where It could readily have' been found. LOGGER'S MONEY IS MISSING He Said He Left $35 With James Parson, a Bartender, Whom He Had Arrested. James Pearson, a bartender in a saloon on Third and Everett street, was arrested on a warrant sworn to by a logger nam ed Hugh McCulley, who claims be was robbed of 135. Pearson was arraigned beore Justice of Peace Reld and pleaded not guilty. He deposited $50 cash ball for his ap pearance St 9:30 tomorrow. McCulley claims he left the money with Pearson while drinking, and later when he called or It the bartender claimed he did not have any money belonging to him. STEAMER COLLISION One Sinks and Loses Tfpe of Its Crew Others Saved. (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) CLEVELAND. Aug. 5.-Th freight steamer Seguln collided with and sank the freight steamer City of Venice last night 110 nitles northeast of here. Thro of the Venice's crew vwer drowned. They were: Peter Slmonson, Thomas Ftaiifilgan ..and George Weir. '"Thirteen othern of thi? Crew wore rescued after great difficulty by the Sequin's men. DAMAGED BY WIND Varied Industries Build ing at St Louis Blown Down, (Scrlpps-McRut News Association.) ST. LOUIS. Aug. 5.-The north half of the east side of the World's Fair Varied Industries building was wrecked by a windstorm this morning. Two towers 200 feet high went down. Loss was 120,000. 4- ARTIST A BAD ONE The Crane Divorce Case Step-Daughter Is Co-respondent (8crtpps-McRae New Association.) NEW YORK, Aug. 6. Mrs. Bruce Crane Is sulug her husband, a wellknown artist, for divorce, naming her own daughter, Annie Bralnerd, by a former marriage, as co-respondent. TO FIGHT REBELS (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 6 -Mlnlster Bow en, - of Caracas, cables this morning: "President Castro left Caracas this morning to fight the revolutionists who are in a position near Orltuco, 75 miles from Caracas." NINE INJURED. (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) AUGUST A, Ga., Aug. 6. A wreck is reported on the. Southern railway, 12 miles from here. Nine people are in jured. ' WARMS ICE HOUSE. At 11 o'clock last night the refrigerating plant of the Holmes Coal 4 Ice Company on": .North"' Front street, was Ignited- by sparks' from the smokestack falling in the dry sawdust. ' The blase, was extin guished In "about 20 minutes. ' Loss, t SCO. Nearly 126,000 worth of supplies ar stor ed in the Ice house- ' ' MINERS FIGHTING They Contend That He Had No Jurisdiction or , Right to Issue His Famous - -:r Injunction , , : (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) CLARKSBURG. W. Va., Aug. 5.-The cases of eight of the United Mine Work ers who are asking for their freedom was opened before Circuit Judge Goff this morning on an application for a writ of habeas corpus based on an alle gation that Judge Jackson had no au thority to Issue the famous Injunction No testimony was taken by Goff. The court room was crowded by miners when the prisoners, Wm. Morgan, Ohio, member National Executive Board of j Miners; William Blakely. Indiana; Pe ter Wilson, Illinois; Thomas Hagerty, George Uarou and Andre Rescavge, came In from the Parkersburg Jail. INSPECTED CREMATORY The Mayor and Council Took a Drive Around Town Today. I Mayor Wlllinms and Councllrnen Mer rill and Rherett took a drive to the north ern precincts of the city today. They Ing.pecWcKNorth Front street and the crem;ifory, finding the latter In fairly good, condition and of sufficient capacity to consume the garbage of the city. North Front street, according to members of the council, will need city attention so soon as It can be reached, and it will have consideration, very probably, at tomorrowe council meeting. While Inspections are being made, the citizens of that section would be de lighted to have the council Inspect Powell street, from Mtlwaukle street to East Nioteenth street. It is In a most wretched condition. EDUCATOR DEAD. (ricripps-McRae News Association.) DBS MOINES,' la., Aug. B.-Dr. Wlf llain M. Beardshear, president of the Iewa State College-at Ames, and former president of the National Educational Association, died this morning of nervous prostration. PITCHED BATTLE (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) VIENNA. Aug. 5. As a result of a ra cial feud, ir'ptttrh'ed .battle occurred be tween Czechs and Poles at Kappel today. Seven people were killed and 24 injured. KING OF SIAM MAY BE KILLED (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) LONDON, Aug. 5. Rumor Is current here that the King of Slam was assaa Blnated at 11 this morning. The report has not been confirmed. - - PRESIDENT LONESOME TODAY. (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) OYSTER BAT, Aug 6. No guests were expected today. The President left at 4:30 for Gardlners Bay to .witness gun practice by the Mayflower crew. AN ALLEGED ROBBER. Richard Sarvlce was arrested by Detec tives Snow and Kerrigan as he stepped from the Northern Pacific train last night. The officers had Instructions from the Seattle police to capture him. It Is alleged that Sarvlce robbed a room mate of about $500 In .checks and money. Woodard, Clarke .- Co. Aquaria . FOR COLD FISH SELECTED ASSORTMENT OF SPECIAL DESIGNS No thins mora . Ccortiv for Your Dining Room or Hot Hons , , Clobt thane, $1.33, down r;to.... :. 53e: Oblong, With base.f 13.50, jo 4owb to ..-......., SA.3S Oblong, with stand-.....S3t.OO JUDGE JACKSON It Is charged by the mines that th. , Clarkeburg Fuel Company, which owM the mines where the trouble arose","! sj ' West Virginia 'Corporation, and that the . Injunction proceedings should have beefl brought In the state court. "'! ;' Judge Goff announced deprecatlngljj the fact that while be was not a holdeg of bonds or stocks in any coal company,'' he is an owner of coal lands, anoTtherex fore Interested In the production of coat,. If the counsel preferred , he would adjourn the hearing and secure another, judsre. Counsel for the miners expressed confidence in the court, and proceeded! with bis argument. . " At the close of the arguments Goff took tbe case under advisement, BATTLE NOW ON Panama Scene of Fierce Fight Against the ' Revolutionists (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) -WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. A cablegram, to the State Department from Panama dated yesterday, states thai there are revolutionary war vessels in the bay; that a fierce- battle Is being fought at Agua Dulfce, the results of which ar unknown. The Government, , however claims the victory. The American gun-, boat Ranger is In the vicinity "to protect American interests. REMARKABLE -FREIGHT RUN Salmon Shipment Breaks Record to New York From Astoria, in 11 Days 15 1-2 Hoars. From the O. R. & N. Co. cornea the re port of a record-breaking run of a big) salmon shipment recently made.' At p. m., July 22, two cars of this delecta-" bie edible left Astoria on the Astorisf & Columbia for New York, where tbfj cars arrived at 9:30 a, m,. on August At Portland the O. R. A N. Company took the cars and whirled them through! to the Oregon Short Line. From this Unei they were rushed to the Union Paclfla and from thence they were sent over thai Chicago & Northwestern and ' the "Erie) to New Tork. The shipment, which is lot refrigeration. left New Tork at ? thl morning on the Graf Waldersea, of ths Hamburg-American Line, or Hamburg. From Astoria to New Tork In U days, 175 hours and 30 minutes Is really. re--markble time, and reflects great crediS upon (the transportation companies.; .Thai average time through to New York 14 about IS days. .v .:V . i T IRISH TOWN BURNED (Scrlpps-McRae New Association.) BELFAST. Auk. 5.-Elghteen ware. houses and two entire streets In the towa of Larne were destroyed by fire today. TWENTY-TWO KILLED. (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) " MOSCOW. Aug. 6.-A cyclone destroyed 42 houses at Porapri province, Kursk, killing 22 people. , - 4 SPECIALS ON LIQUORS YeUowstone. ....... ..........$ 1.10 Cream R.yet, ' r '- ' Bailemand's $1.10 McBrayer's .' ; fV- " Cedar Brook ..............$1.15 Hairs Special Scotch .....$ 1.15 Morgan's Rye, -per gallon v 3 . 2 5 Best California Tort Wine, ga!!cn.. I