' 1 : v.. y , It I, " ..'. V - I - '. - 1 : ' : : TV ' THE WEATHER r Tonight and Thursday, cloudy: possibly shower tonight; southerly winds suiting to westerly. N ' I)AIIY J n.YOL."Lr'. "NO:iS2. PORTLAKD.V OHEQOlt. WEDNESDAY EVEHTN'G,' JULY 30, 1902. rniCE FIVE CEOTS. STORY IS FLOODS IN TEXM 1 A i i t -THE5 OREGO v yi.'. '-'p- V- .- f' ' ':-'.''F'.''- " f. i . ;. 1 1. t , -:.. A COSTLY OUTING WREQC ALASKA Ilk ISLANDER STEAMER CANARD How Big Chief Devery Captures the Voters' New YorE ' '' - ScrIpp-McIU News Aoclatloiu 4 NEW TORK,V July W.Former Chief of Police Devery, who Is campaign- ing for the Tammany leaders In the Ninth district fit New York, gave an f outing to the women and children of the district today. Ten thousand were 4- loaded on two steamers and four barges, which sailed for Kariton Bay -f f Grove. The excursion coat Devery $6000, by t will doubtless establish his -f popularity In the dlstict so firmly as to malie the expenditure a good In- 4- vestmeat. PORTLAND GIRL WEDS SECRETLY Miss Hazel Kline Has a Quick Courtship and Is Married in a. Restaurant (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) ' BAN FRANCISCO, July 80,-Mlss Hasel Kline, the pretty young daughter of Si mon L. Kline, a Corvallis merchant, and Frank Lee Gift, or San Francisco, were secretly married at a French restaurant here last Thursday. The girl is" 18. She has been attending the Mills Seminary. In company with her. mother she left on a vacation a month ago for Ben Lohlond. There she met Gift. It was a case of love at first IOWA REPUBS. Convention Is Likely to Ask for Tariff Reform. DES MOINES. Iowa, July 30 The Iowa Republican convention met here at , .11 o'clock this morning. " It Is attended; by, Senators Allison, Dolliver, Secretary Vtl son, and an unusual large number of . del egates. Temporary Chairman Smith. In his opening speech, pleaded for tariff re form, urging conservatism, however, in the matter. It was apparent that the Cummins ele ment, which stands for tariff reform as against the pro-tariff views of , Speaker Henderson, would have the advantage In the convention. Its committee candidates being victorious. Very little Interest is being manifested In the ticket, which is already cut out, Keep Your And you're cool all over. You never will get hot in the collar if you wear our LOW CUT COLLARS and our LIGHT-SHADE SUMMER. TIES "ONLY GOOD GOODS ONLY M. SICHEL MEN'S FURNISHER and HATTER Sole Agent for the c DO WEATHER Tonight nd Thursday, cloudy; possibly showers; mvi mj UUU119 ui wvaieny Out Big Slaughter Now it's HATS. All go to the $1.25 There's every shape, style and color . ,( . n we,"" opponunny oiineyear. - '' SLAUGHTER PRICES PREVAIL IN rURMSHMCS $1.00 Golf Shirts t ...9c V 4 i$ 50c uaimewjAii,.iiie 1 hb:nry;jwhite , GENTS' FURNISHER Sola ! fM th. v I6 TBTRD STREET. y ?V ( sight. The, marriage was a surprise and disappointment to the girl's parents, who refuse forgiveness. Simon L. Kline, father of the young woman, was called to San Francisco the other day by telegraph, and he was there informed of the wedding. He Is well known In Oreggh, and the family resided for a time la Portland. Mr. Kline has conducted a general merchandise store at Corvallis for several years. . THREATEN TROUBLE Samaf IMbftahts Axe Not Pleased with Governor WASHINGTON, July 30r-The War De partment has received advices from Cat balogan, Samar, saying that the people' of that Island threaten trouble because Gen eral Guevarra, the former Insurgent lead er, was not made Governor. Governor Luke Wright, however, refused to weaken on the point and Llorente was Inaugurat ed. It Is thought the feeling of dissatis faction will not result in any serious re bellion. WHEAT MARKET. (Bcrlpps-McRae News Association.) SAN FRANCISCO, July 30.-Wheat, $1.14S1.13'i. CHICAGO, July SO. Wheat, 7376c. Neck Cool REASONABLE PRICES." 28d Washington St. PORTLAND, ORE. JAMESON HAT. Sale is Booming our $1.?5 and $2 hats slaughter at and the quality is the best Here , ANO HATTER. - r IflWfl 1)111 t ' --1 y Bef Washingtotf and Talnhlll. -i, , Di "i n v.rn Fouijd and to Be Raised to Regain the Lost Treasure. TACOMA, July 30. The wrecking steamer Henry Finch has located the wreck of the steamer Islander, which Is In deep water. In Lynn Canal, above Juneau, and has started attaching chains, to her. The work was delayed by a col lision of the steamer-Anna Bar ron with the Henry Pinch at Ju neau last week, making a big hole in her bow. One of the chief objects In raising the Islander is to obtain the large .amount of treasure sunk with her... .'; BOER LEADERS Are Coming to America to1, Ask Assistance, ' (Scrtpps-McRoe News Association.) LONDON. July SO A Capetown dis patch stales that the former Boer lead ers Delarey and Botha, will leave shortly on a visit to England, Canada and the United States, to collect funds for the relief of the widows and orphans of Boer soldiers. SANK IN MID-OCEAN Ocean Steamers Collide in Far Eastern Seas Details Lacking; (Scripps-McRae News Association.) MALACOA, Malay Fenlnsula. July 30. The steamers Prince Alexander and Banning collided off here today while pusHing through the Straits of Malacca. Just what caused the accident has not as yet been ascer tained, but as a heavy fog was on at the time, it is : thought the pilots of the vessels became con fused and mistook their land marks. When the two vessels came to gether the Banning's bow sunk deep into the hull of the Prince Alexander with a terrible crash which was almost drowned by the screams of the passengers. Imme diately after the shock the Alex ander,' which was cut almost in half, heeled over and sank, car rying down In her suction a. large proportion of the passengers. The Banning's lifeboats -were immedi ately brought Into play, and af ter a few miiiUtes of desperate en deavor succeeded in savins; all but 40. A full Investigation of the disaster will be held at once. GOES SLOW French President Won't Sign New Laws (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) PARIS, July 30. La Patrie today says that President Loubet has refused to sign the decrees aimed against congregations without a decision of the Council of Min isters in the matter. VISITS TEDDY fScripps-McRae News Association.) OYSTER BAY, July SOi-Sehator Tom Piatt, and Col. Geo. Dun arrived here; aboard the yacht Sylph at noon, end were driven to the President's home,; where they took luncheon. State and' national politics formed the topic of discussion. L0URDES AFLAME PARIS. July 30.A great Wfaaa brok en out In the town of Lourdea. A. strong wind to blowing? and several persons have already been killed, and tnaay. injured, '7 . Portland Business Men Wffl AM Materially. MUCH BENEFIT TO US Representative of the Miners Says the Mefl Will Spend Here. Portland may 'se direct steamship connections with Alt'ka-after all. J. P. Rudd, the representative of the Alaskan miners, who intended to leave last night, did not go, a the upport and encour agement he received from the leading cltitens of thl 1 city warranted his stay ing. The Board of Trade has taken this mattes up and many of Portland's lead ing cttlsena, hafe promised to give it their moral support ' The only difficulty at present is the short time open to do busl. ness. Secretary Moore, of the Board of Trade will consult with the business men as to whether a suitable Bhlp can be se cured for this run. : as Mr Rudd must show the miners? that Portland people mean what they Say. "This is a good .opportunity for Port land to get the trade of Alaska." said Mr. Rudd. "and it rests with the citizens to make the most of It. Prom the time when Portland, began showing ' Its Im portance as the metropolis of the North west, the people; have striven to get the trade of Alaska, but in vain; now an op portunity Is open,, and if Portland does not get there Itr never will." What Mr. Rudd .wants Is the guarantee of the Portland business men to get a vessel, so that when, he returns to Nome he can commence selling tickets to, Port land at onoe, also,, take orders for mer chandise to be sent to Alaska by Port land's Jobbers. Vancouver, B. C, has offered to run a steamship to Alaska, but the miners prefer Portland, if proper inducements are made. "We have 2000 miners In Alaska ready to spend, the winter In the Vlnted States. If there were steamship connection with Portland, they would come to your city, make their purchase) of clothes, etc., preparatory to going .home and in the spring they would return to Portland, buy all their merchandise here, and re turn to, Alaska ready for work. Look at the harvest Portland Jobbers and hotel keepers would reap, and look at the har vest the steamship would reap. It will be Immense. This is Portland's opportu nity; let the people take ,it'-' It is very difficult to get a suitable steamer at present, as the Pacific Coast Steamship Company controls most of the available vessels and some time will be necessary In accomplishing the desired end. FATALFIRE Des Moines Watchman Is BurneJ to Death TRIED TO SAVE HIM And Friend Was Himself Fatally Injared-The lss Will Total $50,000. (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) DES MOINES, July 80. -Fire this morning destroyed the Stoner Wall Pa per Company's building here, causing a loss of 150.000. Watchman David Den ham was burned to death and, I. P. Mil ler is badly, if not fatally. Injured while atemptlng his rescue. ROASTS WILCOX Queen Lil of Hawaii Says He Is No Good. (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) HONOLULU, July 23. Ex-Queen Lilluo kalanl Is reported to have come out against Delegate Wilcox. She has. stated that his course in Congress) has proved him to be utterly worthless to the islands. She is also reported to have declared In favor of -J. O. Carter for the delegate to Congress from Hawaii, ' - ANOTHER SHASp. ELM JROVE, WIs, July S0.-Two Mil waukee passenger train collided near here . this morning. . . Two. are reported dead and many are Injured, , :-&f,r- : f;? Drills DiscontintterJ; ! Regimental drills of the' Oregon Nation al Quard haver been discontinued till the early part of September,, on accou nt of ths warm weather. .- , v".' ' No Combine Between Oil Magnates of Europe and America. (Scrlpps-MrRue News Association.) NEW YORK, July 30. -The officials of the Standard Oil Co. hore today made an emphatic denial of the story prlntid in the London Mall to the effect thnt the three monster oil lnterpsts of Rocke feller, "Rothschild and Noble have en tered Into a working agreement to con irol the world's oil supply. The story wot characterized as an Invention, with the View of hurting the Standard Com pany. Wall street placed little faith In th story, though it is rreely admitted that all three oil interests are friendly. MAN HUNT Adds Spice to Life in Old Virginia. (Scrlpps-JWcRae News association.) WASHINGTON. July 30.-Cu'urU-s Cra ven, a negro convict who Is churgvd with the murder of W. H. Wilson, an ex-Coli-federate soldier of Loudon County Vir ginia, Is being pursued by a mob on th Virginia side of the river. Three hun dred men and bloodhounds have him sur rounded in a marsh. PLUNGED TO DEATH A Terrible Wreck Near Johnstown Causes Four Deaths (Scrlpps-McRae News Assoclatlorl.) JOHNSTOWN, Pa., July 30. A fast mall train bound east on the Pennsylvania railroad plunged over the famous "Pack Saddle," JO miles weHt of here, going down a 200-foot embankment this afternoon. The engine and two mall cars are In the Conemauh River, and the engineer, the fireman and two mall clerks are killed. Later. As a result of the collision be tween the "Waukesha Scott" and a west hound fr?Ight on the Milwaukee road at 8 O'clock this morning, Dennis Connell, the engineer, and a passenger were kill ed. Fireman Thomas Chamberlain, Will Day and six other passengers were more or less injured. The freight failed to back on a spur in time to clear the pas senger. A HEAVY DEAL IN BAKER CITY The Rust Brewery Bought by Local Men for a Big Figure. (Journal Special Servlce.l BAKElt CITY, July 80. The largest real estate cash transaction rmwte in Baker City In a number of yeurs was closed this morning by Lack and Schmltz by the sale of the Henry Rust brewery property to a local Baker City syndicate composed of Louis Sommer, Miles Lee, and Carl Adler, for the sum of $2 000. The property is 100 feet square on Main street opposite the Oelser Grand hotel square and Is at present occupied by the old brewery. The new owners will erect a large business block on the property In thnear future, which will be occupied by the wholesale and retail dry goods store of Baer & Sommer. Mr, Rust, who is a piofieer in Baker City, and has been fore most In the development of this district and who is getting quite old, will retire from business. STRIKING MINERS (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) ; MAHAflfOY .sCITY. Pa., Jtlly 30iTh striking miners again took up stones this morning snd" attacked the Gilbert water hoist.'' In Shenandoah a big mob" bom barded the West Shenandoah col Her y but wers' dispersed f their leaders. !;.The com-' panles are' Juirrj-irtg'' more deputies here, as 'the outbreaks "are be'.ievcd to be the forerunner of serious' trouble, , Paralyze Business mous (Scrlpps-McaHe News Association.) 1 -f DALLAS, Tex., July 30 The heavy rains and floods In Texas were rs' ' newed today, the downpour extending from Ban Antonio to Texarkaoa The Arkansas Pass Railroad Is so badly damaged by washouts and the toss of bridges that traffic has been suspended for the time being. . ' The flood situation continues to be :ig strenuous as during the past 72 4- hours, and reports from ail sections of the southern part of- the state Jndi f f-ate that thousands' of acres nf fine cotton are under water. The town of San Marcos was flooded hist night, and is under three to five feet of water, -f Inundating the state's Hah hatchery and causing much loss of property. RIOT IN Desperate Fight at Rabbi I (Srrlpps-McRae News Association.) I NEW VOniv, July 30.-The funeral, of : Uabhl Josephs, the head of the orthodox Jewish church In America, occurred here , t.iJ;iy. AH business In the lower East i Hide was practically suspended and fully O.ikk) Jews took part In the ceremony. Tlie prnciuxion, composed of several hun dred carr'ages. stopped five minutes at euch (synagogue where prayers for the dead leader were recited. KILLED ON HIS WEDDING NIGHT (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) NEVADA. Mo., July 80. Michael Mc Millan, of Tacoma, and Miss Norma Turner, of aulo, Mo., expected to be mar ried there at midnight tonight. McMil lan's trunk falling to arrive, he drove to Nevadu to search for it, and started back alone. The weddtng guests becoming alarmed at his failure to arrive, formed u searching party and found McMlllen lying by the roadside, his skull crushed and his money and watch missing. He cannot live. Bloodhounds have been, se cured and the whole countryside has tak en the murderer's trail. PAPERS SCRAP (Journal Special Service.) SAN FRANCISCO, July 30. The San Fmnclsco Advertiser has been sued for tla.000 by the Bulletin for libel, on ac count of comments on the suspension of the latter' h Sunday edition. COLONIAL PREMIERS (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) LONDON,. July 30. The conference of Golonlal Premiers was renewed here to day. A uniform navigation system and the purchase, ef ocean cables were the matters dlecussed. Woodard, Clarke RAFFIA Mllll..lIII.IW.t..IL...W..l.T3aB Fiber from the Raffia Palm which grows in Madagascar. Used for making Straw Hats, Indian Baskets and Art Decorations Price, 25 Cents per pound CHINESE POSTERS In Water Colors ' 50c, 75c and $1.00 Sixth and Alder Sts. Fixture Glassware Sale Begins W'edneMUy, SPECIAL, FULL LINE NEW FIXTURES JUST, 5 ECEI ED. , V 2- Light Combinations, $8.00 grade, our price f...:.vs ...... .".:.....$5-7S 3- Light Combination, $10.00 grade, our price.; I ..: ,V7.00 ' 2-Light Combinations, odd lots ,.$2 50 to 5.00 1 FuH assortment of straight Gas and Electri? Fix.urcs at x' just such phenomenal: reductions as above. . - ' ' : GLASSWARE-Remnants of lots as lo as 10c. Not . j, r a thing in"the house but artistic beauties, v : . j and Cause Enor- Damage r the Burial of Head Josephs ; As the Rabbi's funeral cortege progress- ed a riot was caused by the employes ot . the Hoe"Pres8 Company throwing mis sites at the mourners who attacked th- building but were unable to reach tt. Tw ! hundred police were called out but th ' Jews continued to bombard the building, ' The Hoe Company's men finally drov , thctn away by turning on the hose. Bev- eral Jews were badly hurt In the poliot I charge. f rench Commandant Is Dead and War Is at Hand GOTHAM; REVOLT E CONGO (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)' ' LIVERPOOL, July S0.-A report recsiVed-- here today states .that Commandant 'An- ' galas," of the French Congo native mllitla,:' has been assassinated and that Lleutert ant-Qovernof Grondet, who Is remaining . in Loukalela to deal with the natives. Is- ; In danger. . "s G0DDARD WILL DIE - Politics Prove More Dangerous Than Prize-fighting. (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) CAMDEN, N. J., July 30.-Joe Ooddard, the Philadelphia prise fighter. Is still aliva at the hospital here, thougji the doctors state he will not survive the wound re ceived on Monday in the Republican' primary fight. t ? & Co. EXCHANGE 11 Our 'Phone Call HoubigMtY" IDEAL" PERFUME Ounce, - $1.23 and July 3o"Usts j dsy. -- - - wy y ' Established iSoy.