The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 29, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' f
v V
If City Subscribers fail to secure
their paper tbey will confer a favor
t they will call up Mala 500 'and
water their complaints.
i Baseball. ' ' -
-Championship. ' " ' ' " ,
, Baseball. ' . ,
Pacific Northwest League, '
Wednesday, July 80. 30 p. m.
Grounds Twenty-fourth and Vaughn
Helena, ' ' fW V r
. Portland. j- - ? V '
Admission", Bo. ' - : . -
Grand, stand, 25c. v
Game .played :3q p. m.,
I Baseball!
; , yatch: Bcen ; ;
Stopping ,
Again? w
. - 1 ,..
- Our business Is to Attend td Just -that
kind of tbtor. ; WlJ toafcs it
perform as It ought to. - When wi
1 repair - -a " watch ws-giarante
j tha, repaired part?If It breaks
during the time of the guarantee
.the, loss la ours flt yours. , It's
wso with all' our repairing tts guar
anteed. We do lots of jewelry re
pairingIn fact we've o.uite a. .rep-,
utatlon for doing .Various; nice Ht-
1. tie Jobs of Mpairingot' delicate
articles. Bring 1r tbe watch,, clock, '
! ring, pin',, bracelet,, charm or what-.
ever 11 la, we can, ao-tne jod ngnt.
Election judges and clerks, "nearly 2000
in number, are being paid at the. County
Clerk's, office today. .
' Engine No. S, of Russell ' street, was
railed out Sunday at noon to extinguish j
a timber Are on Williams avenue.
tiohn H. Woodward today withdrew ob
jections 'to the final report X the admin- i
istrator of the estate of Mary Shields, de-
;,- opticians :
aos Morrison Street sear sth,
J: i seatS (Me a streeU,
Approach to Madison Street Bridge
. Should Be Built at Once.
: - f
Fourth Vice-Presi
Great impatientfejs manifested In many
Attended Convention k oi approach Mad..0n .treet
I there are hoee of the oplnloh that own
ers' of 'abntMnif property "ought to fin tn
theroaawsywlA earth In conjunction
! with- the' Or ego r Water Power Snd HaH-
IwaF Company'tnat the highway might
e petmanent aaidnot subject to destruc
tion by flrs t)C th frequent repair that
A. Madsen, president of ths Water Froit kare. been common in the past,- 7,
Federation,, returned oft Saturday Iroitt 1 4 "But K,th4i rsoeat lire next to bank-
Chlchgo. where he attended the' artnuil URtd; half th jproperty owners in that
HasCost -About $J25,-i
. .000 to-Work .01d
K ;; Placer Stream
.T.I 1?
'Battery A 6. N. O., will suspend drilta '"""W? ,4
C. B. Cartwright, j of Ths I?Jles, is
ths city -today.-" i",7.-' .
A. Des6y, f fiiilem, is reglilered at
ljntil after September 12. This battery
has made a fine record for Itself and
can well afford to take a rest. "
-A party of 19 Japanese students In
charge of two college professors paased
D. H. Welch, a capitalist, of Astoria.
Is at the PerklnS. . . ' '' v
; B. T. Bmtth, a .merchant Rainier,
was in tha.clty laA evening., -j
Ralph Wade, son of the wel known
through Portland yesterday from Oyok- banker of Pendleton, ie in the city. ,
ama, Japan. From, here thoy leave for D McBsth and family, of Elgin, are In
California. ths city, registered at the Perkjns. ,
J. W. Newklrk. W. C. Alvord and P. S. p Rlchard8on, r merchant 5 of Tllla-
Malcolnv have been appointed appraisers mook u Jn tha ft guMt th Per.
of the; estats of O. B. Withlngton, de- kjnS ''-- - Aywv, , ,
ceased They are allowed until Auguet ; ".' ,"''l'i, . 4t,
M to maka their report . A4a.lr1(of -Astoria, one of tho
to maaa tneir reporr. 1 founders of that ctty.vis la Portland to-
xne socialist party uooai ro. 1 wm flay 1
give a free entertainment in Eagles Hall,
corner-Second and Yamhill streets, this
evening at 8 p. m. A- program
unusual, intarest has been arranged.
"Btae-"good, and Dairy... Conunlasioner
Bailey will , leave this evening for a
three days' trip to Washington County.
He has Just returned from Tillamook,
and reports the dairy business there to
be p-CFpering,
City Treasurer Werlein beguiles a re-
J. A. Hartmen,?of' Pendleton, jartived. in
0f J Portland today and la registered at the
Imperial. . ... .,!.,. ;
E. 2. FerkusprL Clerk of ' the city
school board, of Astoria, is a guest at
the imperial. r ff S, ' " "
C. W. Mayg, pfthe Mayger Mercan
tile and Wood Company, of Mayger, is
In the City today.' 4 '".
J. 8. Plnnejv manage -'PiV American
porter with an 800-pound sea Hon story Type Founders Company, is out of the
as a starter for a North Beach boomlet
and Seaside people are sitting up nights,
' glass in hand, awaiting the appearance
of a sea serpent.
Policeman Parker on Saturday evening
arrested Ting Back, a ChlnaSoan, for
moving goods In
city on a brief business tour.
Joe. A. Blakeley, city marshal of Pen
dleton, accompanied by his wife. Is In
the city today, a guest at. th Perkins.
Mrs. M. E. Nlles, matron at the Union
hDirf . depot, left for Seattle to spend a few
Instead of an express wagon. This is In
violation of the city ordinance. He was
fined 15 by Judge Hogue.
.The news of the death of Frederick
Frank was announced in this city last
evening by telegram from Dayton, Ohio.
jhe result of an operation for appendi
citis. The young man 1 was 20 years of
age, and, was horti in Portland.
, The Boaru of Education has decided
to have the High School building re-
days with her brother, who is quite til
H. E. Hobart, Of t Center, Wash
the leading merchant of ,nat thriving
little city,- is a guest, at thQ . Perkins.
Judge T. A MoBrlde, of ;4pe Fifth Ju
atrial district, canie, down from Oregon
City yesterday and registered at the Im
A. A. Courtney," secretary ' Of the Box
Manufacturers' Association, Ib out of the
city on business connected with the asso
convention of the .International long
shoremen, Marine and Transport WorkeiH'
Association. About 300 delegates were
present, but he was the only' represent- '
tlve from the Pacific Coast. " ' 5
An enormous amount of work came be
fore the convention, and the delegates
were kent busy durina the Ave days' ses
sion. The membership of the asqociaKo'a
was largely Increased by absorbing sey- ;
eral other kindred unions and benevolent
section," remarks a well-informed clti-
jten, and another unsympathetic one re
torts, "Then let them sell their holdings.
In any event they will rallze a sum
greatly in excess of the cost to them of
ths property.' and the city should not be
held at a standstill, so fur as that neg
lected Improvement may hold It, await
ing ths financial recuperation of the un
There are those who favor the -con
struction Of the roadway at public ex
lodges. Now included in the. association J pengg, go that long delay ipay be avoided,
Is the benevolent prder of licensed truck
men, composed of cartains and engineers,
S3 lodges with a membership of 2400 which
controls the entire tewing business on
the chain of lakes; 1500 truck liremen and
linemen have been admitted. Ten thou
sand freight handlers are also coming In
It being well . known that the Individual
property owners, will not engage' In the
rebuilding of ths burned highway until
compelled to -do so.. . '
As . County ' Commissioner Showers
saysv "ThuTls a- case of emergency. It
should not b permitted to drag. The.
opened to team ' travel before the Mor
rison street bridge is entirely worn out"
and pile-drivers haV applied for admls- j Madison 1 street bridge ought to be re-
Sion. Trolleymen in the lumber 'yards
have been admitted, as -well as several
other organisations. The addition to the
membership in the vicinity of - Chicago
alone amounts to over 17,000.
President Keith and Secretary Barter
have been untiring in their efforts to
bring the ansoclatlon up to a high, stan
dard, and they are recognised as 'being
in the foremost ranks of labor leaders Ji.
the country. President Keith W expected
to make u visit to the Pacific Coast early
In September for. the purpose o( bringing
about the name conditions here among
the various branches of the awsociation
as have been attained- in the East, "';
Mr. Madden-" was elected fourth .vies
president of the association .at the con
vention. He enjoyed his trip thoroughly.
hut was ?lad to get hack to the Coast
after sweltering In the of the East.
- . .- - . j
About Oregon Wool.
All the present r clip of wool at The
Dulles has' boon Shipped out, excepting
perhaps half a dosen cars. The majority
of the woolbuyers -In that seetlon have
gone to Montana; One ' whose business
requires him ,to keep his eye upon these
matters informs - The journal that the
clip is about ths same us for previous
years. While there have been a greater
number of sheep sheared the average per
sheep was smaller than a year ago. This
is accounted for on the ground that the
unfavorable weather) of the spring retard
ed the growth, of the wool.
The prices for wool have been very
good. Nearly all the Oregon wool is util
ized in the Boston or New Haven mar
kets, where its quality Ut surpassed by
none other.
J. M. Johnson and Wife Prove
Very Successful Fishers at Sea.
painted, and work will be commenced I elation.
next week. Some miscellaneous repair-I r. A. Perkins, Who ias been in Alaska
lng will be done on the outside, and It Is I for the fas seven' years,, returned to
estimated that the whole expense will Portland yesterday,- and. will remain un-
ue auoui wv. til late in tne rail,
A. T. Workman, who lost a team, har- Miss Mattle Annand left for Willamette,
ness and wagon by the collapse of the Orearon. to camn for1 a few days with Mrs.
county bridge near Rocky Point on the LoU Hess and 'daughter,' who are finely
St. Helens road on Thursday evening has located on the Tualatan River.
presented a claim for $240 to the County
Commissioners. The matter was taken
tinder advisement.
O. 8. Allen, whose funeral took place
at Beaverton last Sunday, was largely
attended by people from this city. Mr.
Allen located with his family at Beaver
ton in 1878, where he had resided con-
tinuously since. He was a member of
the Q. A. R., under whose auspices the
funeral was conducted.
c The Interstate Commerce Commission
Is sending out letters to the various com
mercial organliatlons requesting. informa
tion regarding them, the same to be pub
lished in pamphlet form as a list of na
tional, state and local commercial and
agricultural associations, and a copy will
be mailed., to each of ths organizations.
- S. Maaorsky and wife, -who conduct a
econd-hnd store on Third street, made
a vicious assault -yesterday on Constable
Atkins, who made an attempt to attach
soma of their goods on a claim of Otto J.
Kraemer. The constable threatened to
call ths patrol wagon and the Matorskys
W. A. Goss and C P. Lewis have just
returned from a severaj .days vacation
trip to Rock Creek, In Skamania Couh
ty. Wash.
Mrs. Edwin Swlts)er, ojf.FVendleton, ar
rived iri Vancouver today ort a visit of
several weeks to her parents, Mr. ana
Mrs. Henry' Hlteman.
D. L. M. Davis Jjaa. just, returned from
a visit to Coos County, 'where he says
there is great business activity. He
predicts .that Marshfleld Will have a
population of ' 50,000 ;wlthhr 10 years.
Louts Hess hasrfetufned from Willam-
ette City, where he ant), his family have
been camping for a couple of . weeks. He
reports fishing to te good, but catching
bad. " ,V
E. I. Ooodklnd and son Lepn, of Helena
Mont., are, at the Hotel Portland for a few
days. Mr. Ooodklnd is , one of Helena's
substantial merchants and. Is a baseball
enthusiast. He. haf ben, traveling .with
the Helena boys for about a week.
James E. Blackwell; of Seattle, the en
put up a bond and were good. A large g"?eer m cnarge or tne rortiana dry
crowd gathered to see the fun. dock's construction, has returned to his
h 7n.,nt rnrt,.rA t..,k. hone- " cm hw Thursday ac
Ho Swimming Baths has made arrange- P"o y w ana flaugnter. ana
Blents toy which men and women are !- a11 wer" tne while here, of Captaii,
lowed admission together on Wednesday "train ana family,. at a3 Johnson street.
vsntngs. Last Wednesday -evening: an
experiment along this line was tried and ' TOT? ITE s TTTt?T r
found to be very nooular. It was de. '.fJiICl
elded to make It a permanent event, and
one of the special features of the week,
Thunderstorms with, heary. rains have
occurred In the Red Rlvor vnllev of in
t An i tjuesuon oi ,a permanent omcer North amJ shower, with-Smaller rait
iur wib uewis ana LiarK -ivic improve
ment Association " will be taken up at a
meeting- of this v organisation Erldiy
falla have fallen generall'yMn the Canad
ian-spring wheat ' region. rLlght jaln U
, evening at ? Washington street. The aIso TeJorted at Sari Diego, fCal.
matter of clearing the store bicvele I 11 much warmer in - southeastern
racks from the sidewalks and the prop- Idaho, Wyoming," ? northern X'tah, N
ping of basehlent doors opening on ths j braska. South Dak6ta, Ibwa'and Mlnne
sidewalk' will also "be given some atten- 86ta. In'the Pacific states 'the tempera
ii ib mpecieu inn me worK on " tne normal.
turn St Third and Glisam streets In the The Indications re' for!, a short peHod
tracks of the City & Suburban Railway of unsettled weather ''this afternoon and
Company -will be complete by Wednes- tonight iri this district followed by fair.
day. This will enable cars to run through Wednesday, wltlv' Slowly rising temper-
tho olty on the Second street lins without aturcs.
ransfar, -greatly bettering the service. I Western Oregon Tonight fair- and
i nis line win De utilised during the sum
mer, or at least -until Third streat Is
quipped with new rails. When these ar
rive no tints will be lost in getting them
down, as quickly as possible. The public
will suffer but very little inconvenience.
. Portland Club. Fifth and Alder.
: finest lunch tn city. , '
1 Portland Club. Fifth and Atdsr.
t' g 1 " : '"
" Camp Meeting " :
J. M. Johnson of Hols, Idaho, the, well-
kiiown capitalist, han leased a cottage at
Newport for the summer and Installed
Ms family therein. While out fishing
last Friday near Newport with 'Mrs.
Johnson, he caught 4S (louder and Crabs
In great quantities. In fact the boat be
came so burdened with Its load of fish
that very little room was left for ths 00.
Mrs. Johnson proved as adept at fishing
as her husband, and actual;' trot tired of
throwing out her llr and pulling-lt -in.
She wittily remarked that their boat had
gotten Into a school of fish, and when she
landed 'a particularly large fellow, oh
said she was Certain she had captured
the teacher of the school. ,
Montana Avenue Sewer.
The Montana avenue sewer, 2170 feet
lq length, is completed. The Stockton
street sewer, 711 ,feet long, Is also fin
ished, and the East Nineteenth street
sewer,' -1235 feet., in iengtb, Is three-
quarters completed. The Corbett street
sewer, 896 feet, and the "Union avenue.
from neat'' coa'st cMin to a connection
with the East.. Clay Street sewer, arc
Well nigh finished.
The Broadway, between East 'Ninth
- The immense,' Pomeroy dredge, prob
ably the biggest structure of the kind In
the entire West, began operations yester
day near John Day City, on the north
fork of : tha , John Day Bivsr. Nearly
year has been consumed In building this '
monster mining boat. The cost has been
about $115,000. ?' "
ThS dredging company has secured by
purchase, lease and bond Immense con
cessions along the bed of the north fork.
This tortuous, turbulent mountain stream
has for ags been washing down fine
sands from Its headwaters and depositing
theui along its coarse. A man can go
out with a panning outfit and make fair
wages, and In years gone by scores of
men have mads a good living panning on
the 'north" fork. When the best ground
had been roughly worked over the river
bed was abandoned. With the new ma-
chlnery to be employed, the dredger peo
ple, are Content to, take what remains.
Shields Show Draws Crowd.
Another- large crowd greeted the per
formers at Shields' Park last night. De-
montrello, 'the sensational barrel lumper.
did not! appear. "Mr, Shields announced
that he was suffering from an injury su-
talned at Sunday night's performance.
,A part of Demontrello's paraphernalia
failad to arrive from San Francjsco In
timet notably "a table. One was hastily
Improvised, but it proved too rickety
tor the purpose, and In attempting to
make one of his jumps, he gave his ankle
a sever wrencn.' Painful as the work
pust have becl). Demon trello never, fal
tered, but went 'through his part as
though nothing had happened. Mr.
Shields -said last night that he might
be in ! condition to appear some night
this' week! but if not, he surely would
next week. ........
A clever medley act was given by
Major , rfnd Frank, who took Demon
trello's place,' and their dancing was pro
nounced' "all right'
Next Sunday Mr, Shields will spring a
novelty on tho public a picture show
ing a crowd leaving the Baker Theater.
If that Is what you want, let us direct you td I '
headquarters. There is nothing else any
Where SO evrln- t :. -rrm . mrmrf V ' t
:ive:iiiktv.elda. ' JMl -
sijm and finish. O W Jj
and hotbng of
such superior
quality and
; workmanship
as the STUDE-
RAKP.R rnrvltt
qwwwi Was J MVs VVHtUUMIaV rj C
lA. . . 'm i. " .. ..
rcsuii 01 more man niry years or constant
effort in this particular line.
J -J dr.
328-334 E. Morrison St.
Visitors From the East.
A party of about 20 excursionists, be
ing a part of the Eastern delegates at
tending (he Christian Union meeting at
Tacoma, ' were In the city last evening.
There were" over 600 of the delegates, and
' There are scores of breakfast foods
advertised. Some are good, some
are Just breakfast foods. But judg
. ing by the way it's selling
TI.A'. W t 1. . 'W
Room at the top. Y
We could make more money by
, putting up inferior oats and putting. .'
them up cheaper. But we'd rather
make a little and make it -long.-v
That's why ATLAS OATS are'un-';.'
iformly good.
? After all It's better to buy and sell the best.
ALLEN & LEWIS, Portland, Or., Distributors
after the meetlnr .adiourned. fhpv neat.
East' 24th, Is ialf completed, and the tered all oevr the coast. There were
Hancock, from East 24th to East 21st, 8W many complimentary remarks made
feet, one-twelfth 'completed. about our Olty by the visitors.
If you want the BEST get '"'"".5
Pure, Sweet, Pasteurized Cream.
Cream Co.
J? Both Phones 154. 383 WASHINGTON' STRUT. JJ
The Weather Bureau Station at North-
head, Wash., will be opened Friday un
der charge of J. J: Kelllher, who was
formerly In charge 'of the station at Vo
catello, Idaho. This station Is equipped
with a powerful telescope and Interna
tional flags and being in telephonic com
munication with Portland and Astoria,
messages can be flledfor transmission- by
telegraph or cable to all parts , Of, th4
world. Vessels passing In or out of the
There are two sides to this diseased
meat controversy, according to the state
ments of the larger , dealers in meats.
Many of "them on Fourth. Third and First
streets Were Interviewed today. Ac
cording to their stories. Injustice has
been done some markets by withholding
from' publication tho names of the prose
cuted offenders.
'We feel that we have been wronged,"
Columbia river or within sight alonf.tha said ,. Mr. Freedman, proprietor of the
coast win De reporieu. -t ;
Message will be rece lyed for tranaro Uj
sion to and from vessel owners' and, con
signees and masters or vessels lying .off
or passing within night of the -. station,
Vessels desiring to be reported .should
display flags denoting their names.
A well-known Portland 1 railroad? roan
makes a statement that wil) cause seme
amasement. He says that lost spring a
man in Polk Cpunty offered his ranch
of 100 acres' for sale at t6S0O, Th,ere la only ants also find their way to these markets.
a small part -of It under cultivation, ana 1 These carcasses are sold at a price
in that v. hlch Is under the plough 39 I greatly below the market value of lirst-
largis t'lty Market on First 'street. "That
there Is diseased meat -sold, in Portland
every day Is well known to nearly -every
butchef in the city, out who Sells It?
Not the beuer class- of dealers. It Is
handled only by those- who make a spec
ialty of t.iat product. These markets
buy - that class of . stock known In the
parlance of the stockyards as 'sealla-
wags' old, poorly-fed cows, overworked
down to skin and boaes, or animals that
have been maimed and killed in a
diseased condition. Swine that have been
fed on the swill from the city restaur-
hands of arr untidy or careless cook.
"These things ought to be looked after,
and butcher selling diseased meats
prosecuted, but the careful, conscientious
dealer ought not to bave saddled upon
him the odium of those at fault."
Milton J. Jones, of the Oregon mar
ket, expressed about the same views as
At its meeting last night the school
board had presented to It an bffer from
W. 11. Harris, of 12.500 for the Watson
schboi site, which was referred to the
finanoe committee.
The contracts for the construction of t!w
Woodlawn and Sellwood schools was re-
those of Mr. Freedman. adding that the ported signed by Chairman Williams, like-
I'nlon Meat Company, if It could control
the trade of all the Portland butchers,
would cause prices to go up as much
as 5 cents per pound on steaks and the
choice cuts. All placed the blame for
diseased Ttoestson-ths "cheap" markets,
and some disposition' was manifested to
accuse. Dr. Hiitohlbson,' the 'government
inspector of impartiality In favor of the
Union Meat Company.
The health officer. Dr. Blersdorf, enld
today that he would- look Into the restaur
wise for the plastering of the Woodlawn
The matter of abating taxes, levied in
1F78, on certain lands represented by W.
T. Hume, was discussed and referred to
a committee composed of Directors War--
rt-n and Beach. The board will meet
again at 2 p. m. tomorrow.
Union Depot Improvement.
The Improvements which are annually
ant matter later on, but Just now-he is made at-the Union depot have been cbm-
busy paying his respects to offending menced. Since the construction of the
butchers. He said that he Is not looking depot In Ii4. over JSO.000 have been spent
for trouble, but that traffic In that class at different times In Improvements on th
acres were Included and. put Into hops.
At the ruling prices offered for hops the
crop produced on this SO acres has been
bargained for and will easily bring- $0000.
The Polk . County man Is probably glad
Ik- did not sel out, but .what ha regrsta
now Is that he did. not raise a biger crop
of hops.
warmer south; partly cjcsjdy and : unset
tied north portion; Wdnisday, fair and
warmer, except fheaS , --coasts westerly
winds. ,
Western Washington Tonight partly
cloudy aa i unsettled! Wednesday, fair;
westerly winds.. , ,
Eastern Oreron Tonight, and Wednes
day, fair; probably warmer Wednesday.
Eastern Washington - and , northern
Idaho Tonight and Wednesday; partly
cloudy. i
ji " " .:.' iu" v -wri Boutnern Idaho Tonight, -..-partly cloudy
'land .- District of" the ' Free Methodist west, throatenlna aaat nortlon. with 'Oos-
phUPBh .will be' held 4n- thai beauufui I slbly rainjsoplesjfajt portion ; .Wednes-(
grove on the river, bank at Sellwood. Aug day fair. , .:-- vt.-.. .- i
isf U to 22, . It will be -in chsfgot Dlsr I . a -. . EDWARD A. BKAL3.
isl Ciatf jrA fsarsst , . J ,-. ' y r 4 ' israoast OfflclaL
class stock, and In turn the 'cheap'
butchers sell this poison food to conaura
era who cousldi-r price more important
then quality whose stomachs are classed
as Inferior to their pocketbooks.
"The cheap restaurants, especially Jap
anese and Chlnt-se, consume this stuff,
and their patrons are not the wiser.
"And another thing to be considered
in this agitation or exploitation of facts
or ..whatever you may call it, Is this:
The Union Meat Company, whose obbat-
The Widow and family of Gustavs Le- tolrs are at rl routdaie, has long been
ben. killed by the falling of a bridge orii seeking to drive the. butchers into a cor
the St. Helens road on Thursday even
ing, were left utterly destitute of 80
much as a day's provisions. Ieben had
been sick for a long time previous to ths
-accident and unable to earn anything.
ner. where they will be compelled to pat
ronise it exclusively. Its meats are not
always fresh, although 'government in
spected' by Dr. Woods Hutchinson, em
ployed at government expense though
Ths County Commissioners have tempos serving the Union Meat Company only.
rarily supplied the family with food.
Anton Spaldenberg, injured at the
time, is in a precarious condiTren.
A New Homestead.
Deputy State Organiser Purdy, for the I because it cannot control it, this, hula
Other butchers buy, largely from coun
try butchers, who kill and ship without
delsy, and I venture to say that all the
carcases arrive In good condition, but
this does not please the' Union Meat
Combany. It wants ' att Our trade, -and
Brotherhood of American Yeomen, organ
ised Homestead No. 1 tn this city last
Saturday ovening ,1n the Alioky Jisll with
the following officers elected for. the en
suing term: . s ..
Fast foreman, ur. William; , F. Amos;
foreman, Elmer E. Miller,; master of oers- i
ninnies, Mrs. Lola A. Johnson; master of
accpunts, C. H. Peterson; physician, Mrs.
bollo about diseased meat Is encouraged.
"I can ten you wnere - aiseasea meat
may be- found in all its 'pristine glory. Let
the health officer go Into-the kitchen of
almost any of those restaurants employ
lng Chinese cooks,, and aee what Js will
Bnd. , A quarter of meat 4 Is Jjurchased,
hung up upon a book, , , myriads ' of hies
settle upon it, the untidy cook will pars
Potatoes, ' for . example...-. and without
Emma M,'" Adams',- co'rrtspondemt, Ethel cleaning his hands,, vearvs steak ano-
M. walls; overseer, Mrs...D. K Howe
Lady' Rebecca, Mrs.- Mabel Kelly;; tad
Kowena. Mrs. Robert McMonles; watch
man, J. J. Dunning; sentinel. A.' C Mar
tini guard, Guf en Wslis.',
there Is disease for you Meat, like but
ter, Is . very .ausceptlbl of contamlna-
' tlon, and nothing wilt destroy lta health
fullness more quickly than, the' offensive
: adars of ths kitchen, ahd th unclean
of foodstuffs must not continue.
Apropos of the recent dumpfng of ths
meat of sick hogs. Into Portland's market,
the following interview with Dr. E. N.
Hutchinson, on how to tell Inspected
meat,' will be interesting to many.
"Portland has two official abbattolrs
for interstate and export trade, which
are' under the' direct supervision of the
United States . Department, of Agricul
ture: one Is located at Troutdale end the
other on. Macadam Road, on the outskirts
of Portland, The two slaughter about 90
per cent Of ths. meat used In Portland.
"There. Is another form of meat Inspec
tion that is worthy of mention, an-1
should bs considered by every housekeep
er who Is seeking to supply her table
wth meats that are free from the sus
picion that they might have come from a
diseased animal, and that Is, the inspec
tion made by the Jewish rabbis. If I
were Iri a" city where ft was Impossible to
get' meat from a Federal abattoir. I
would positively est no other than this
so-called 'Kosher' meat.
"It Is a- fact that the Hebrew Is more
free -from tuberculosis than any other
race of people who (use the meat of eat-tie,-and
it is considered that-their free
dom from diseases common to both cat
tle and mankind, is duo In a great meas
ure to,, the rigid Inspection of all meats,
which Js demanded by their church.
'."The Portland housewife who wishes to
protect. bet- family from the many and
real dangers contained In the flesh of
sick' and country-killed animals., can do
so if she simply takes ths trouble to see
that lief butcher handles no meat but
what bears the Vtamp of one of ths Fed
eral 'abattoirs, either 138 or 113, or ''the
stamp of the Hebrew -inspection." -
The stamp1 6f the Federal - authorities'
la arfoval surrounding ths fetters Si"
with a banner snelreHng the- number of
the abattoir bttwsta tha letters, ' -
bi-.IIdtng and adjacent streets. Work on
the new platform which was commenced
several days ago Is being rapidly pushed
to completion and painters have started
to repaint the window, and door frames.
Laying New Rails.
Work was started yesterday laying the
new double rail track' on the Washing
ton street car line. It Is not .expected
that the work will be completed Inside of
two months, as the rails, are to be laid
In concrete. The joints of the rails, the
heaviest made, are to be welded. Four
new cars are being built for tho line,
and the company promises the best ser
vice of any line in the city.
A $3,000 Fire.
At 5:30 o'clock lust evening a Are broke
out at 208 Yamhill, between Third and
Fourth srreetsr The place' was occupied
bv a Chinese tailor and a fruit stand.
The total Toss was about "jltWO. The Ijv
Grande creamery was slightly damaged.
Tho pronrty:ls owned by Wells Far no &
Co. The fir was extinguished with diffi
culty and for a' time threatened adjoin
ing property,
Thirteenth aad '
Washington St.
EDWARD SHIELDS, Proprietor. - '
Performance Every Night. No Uqosrs 5Mf -
DEMONTRELLO, Wonderful tearrsi
Jumper. i?"
Assassinators of Borrow. I ?
BORTEN & DRAPER Comedy Horisonal v
Jiars. i
Juvenile Artists,
O'LEARY & FAY, comedy Jugglera.
FIAYD & STYLES. Bunch of RagUms.-'
New Illustrated Songs. " 1
POr,YSCOPE. New Moving Pictures.
gHIELPS' ORCHESTRA. Admission-. la .
Continuous Vaudeville Parformanoa
Every Night.
8:30 P. M.
JAMES, Slack-Wire Artist
DEL BARTINO, King of Fir.
Song and Dance Artists, SMITH BROS.
, THE VOLTONS, Acrobats,
Character Songs. GEO. W. PENROSB. "
Trained Dog and Monkey Show
The Sensation of the Day .
- The Minatnre Railway.
Cor. 3d and Yamhill, leaves every I rnln
utes, fare 5c.
...Gentlemen's Resort...
Louis Dammasch
Qoodnough Bldg., ioa-170 Fifth St. ' f
Opposits Pastoifioa. ,
Cold Lunches. SchltU Boar on draught
Klamath Hot Springs
;.J f. Bdson Sroa.; Proprietors, , ;
Beswlck, 5i5kijrou County, CaL
Flnest'fishlnr, banting and hsaltn ra
sort-an tha Coast. ,
Climate perfect; no winds, na togs, na
dusty roada " ,, .
Trout fishlnf unsurpased.
Hot. Bwlnuning, steam, sulphur and
mud bathsk i ',i .-
. , Rates Sa.oo to-$Jt.$o per' day. -
i Sio.oo to $14.00 per week. , :
'" full particulars upon application. ' - .
s;;.J-.--.. 4jl 'f, S- S"l .;?.-' Jl--.:.- - ).. , - "
Hackney Cottage
sea view., wash.; ''':''.
Now open for' ths season. 1 block
from R. R. station. First-class ta- '
ble. Pleasant and homelike suis
roundlngs. Excellent surf bathing.
Long Beach Transfer Co;
. A. KNOLU Proprietor, v ' "
Baggago delivered' to any plac on tbs
. 4 , Beach. v . . -
Pleasure Prives made to ny, point a
-,..ths Peninsula.. . ,
Inaulra at ths Red Toward s 1 '
We cash sD kfndg of checi ,"rc - "
"fcad- and lnU.Twnt, at sU rui t r
the day end niht. Intluv . i . . -
sjsjsjsasaHsjsBBSBjHBBSBBer::-u. ::