The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 26, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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    7 TIF-'-r ts--p--
i- Tonight, partly cloudy
, and . unsettled; Sunday,
fair,--cooler; trestariy
winda. ,
4100 O'CLOCK
VOL. I. NO. 119.
By Strike of "the Chicago, Messenger
Boys-Extra Police: "MriedOut
. " ; to Suppress
vjhic'auu, juiy a,r-xn ran 01 m
trlktng Weatem Union messenger boyt
wr augmented this morning by a walk
out of the check boys on the Board of
Trade, . causing more serious delay and
consequent loss of money to the traders. -
The operators were then ordered to fill
.the checkers "places, and those who re
fused to obey, were discharged.,: Several
He May Be Headed for Sis
(Scrtpps-McRae "News Association.)
TACQMA, Wash., July . The officers
here have Just learned that Mrs. Hurd,
a alster of Convict Tracy, lives at Oil
man, Colbrado, where she. owns a large
ranch. Efforts are being made to as
certain If Tracy goes there for refuge.
Puget Sound Canneries
Have a Season of
Great Success
' (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
TACOMA, July 18. The salmon run Is
now on in full blast, both in Puget Sound
and on the Columbia. Sockeyes of the
largest size known are adding greatly
to' the profits. Canning operations are al
most revolutionized by a fish cleaning
machine invented in San Francisco, which
cleans BO fish per minute, each machine
supplanting 40 Chinese or Japanese.
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) '
CHCAGO, July 26. New July oats, in
which the Patten-deal is being manipu
lated, fluctuated wildly today on the
Board of Trade. They dropped from 71 to
SS an rebounded to 67 on reports of set
tlements by the shorts, and later on pur
chases by the shorts who failed to come
to time.
' ; i- 1 -
(Scrlpps-McRae- News Association.)
"DALLAS. July 26. About a 81-fopt rise
la reported in the Braios river in Cen
tral Texas. , Water lp five feet deep in the
streets of the eastern part of Waco. All
the streams are Out of low banks. It is
raining Over northern Texas today, and
much damage to property Is feared. Rail
road traffic is seriously interfered with.
The, three Japanese' restaurant keepers,
charged with selling adulterated milk,
and "Henry West er man, accused of sup
plying them, were before the municipal
court yesterday, and their cases will be
brought up again on Thursday.
Weaterman seems confident that a lit
tle label attached to the can and bear
ing the inscription, "This la not pure
milk," will clear him. '
. i
-1 v
Two colored waiters employed at the
Hotel; Portland . Engaged In an alt area
don oyer the possibilities of the Jeffries
ntsslmmons contest. W. C. Rhea drew
t knife and stabbed W. L. Sledge twice,
nce In the shouldeaand once- under the
armpit Dr. Tilser, " who dressed . the
wounds,' says they are not dangerous.
TBI C Qulmby, a carpenter of Newberg,
now- at the Good Samaritan- hospital.
. lufferfng from injuries sustained by a
lall of 20 feet from a building. . His. spina
s injured to 'some extent, butf he will
toon recover . - -
riot oalls were turned In this morning,
extra police being necesary to disperse
the noisy crowds around ' the telegraph
offices. ' 'H: 7 ' 1 '
The atriker which was. at first regarded
as an opera bouffe affair. Is now affecting
business, . and Is no longer, looked upon
as a Joke. The Western Union continues
to advertise (or men. to take the boys
places, offering them 40 a month. They
are reeelvlpr but few applications.
. SEATTLE, July 26. No news has been
received of the man captured near Kan
asked yesterday, and who was supposel
to be Tracy. A fleputy sheriff left here
yesterday to identify the supect, but has
so far not sent in the result of his
(flcrlpps-McRae News Afsoclatlon.)
NEW YORK, July 26. While In an in
sane freny this morning, Mrs. Mary
Meade, a watchman's wife, strangled two
of her children to death, and nearly
killed a third. She used a strip of blan
ket to kill the- children. The woman
Is suffering, from alcoholism and cannot
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
WASHINGTON. July 86. President
Roosevelt has approved the findings in
the court-martial and sentences In the
cases of Major Edwin Olenn, Lieutenant
Jullen Gaujot, convicted of inflicting the
water cure on the Filipinos. The sent
ences were 150 fine- 'and suspension' from
duty for one month In the Olenn case and
WO and three months' suspension in the
Gaujot case.
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
INDIANAPOLS. Ind., July 26.-U is
reported Tfiat the officials of the United
Mine Workers of America are preparing
a transcript with a view of taking im
peachment proceedings against Federil
Judge Jackson, at Parkersburg, West
Virginia. , ;
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
NEW YORK, July 26. Sarah Van Alen,
daughter of J. J. Van Alen, was married
today to Robert Collier, son of the well
known publisher.
Chief Campbell, of the Fire Depart
ment, wa surprised to learn from a
published report that a hospital is under
construction for sick horses belonging
to the Fire Department
, Ha said people just laughed at the re
port of such rumors. It Is a fact that a
new? floor is being put Into the engine
house 'at 129 North Twentieth street, and
that a box stall which has been used for
years 4 In which to' place an occasional
slok horse, is being repaired.
Work for the construct Ion of the dry
dock : was let , this ' afternodh-s to RoWt
WUttQeKI. (or 9W, - ' -.
Dan Qreeii has cleaned njf the past, sea
son's work at his mines In Gallce Creek
district,'' taya" the :. Southern Oregonlan,
and is well pleased with the result "
i '
A Grand Reception Will
be Given President ,
Gompers ;
The labor committees, appointed for
the purpose, are actively employed In
making the necessary preparations to
give President .Oompers and party a
grand reception upon their -arrival In
Portland on the morning of August i.
Unusual efforts will be made to have a
big audience greet Mr. Gompers. ' He is
Undoubtedly the best-informed man on
the American platform of the day when
It comes to labor conditions and indus
trial affairs, and It is desired that every
body hear him who can. H. O; Kundret
received the following letter from" blm
this morning under Ban Francisco date:
"You have already been' advised of the
fact that the undersigned contemplates
visiting your city, and that August 4
has been designated. I beg to say. that
nothing unforseen occurring, . I .shall be
with you on the date named,, and shall
endeavor to advise you by telegraph sufll
clently In advance of the exact way and
road over which I shall travel,
"I shall have the pleasure of having
with me Vice-President Max Morris,
Vice President O'Connell and more than
likely Brother Mahon, of the Amalga
mated Street Railway employes.
"Trusting that the visit may be of ad
vantage to our movement and anticipat
ing the pleasure of our early Meeting, 1
am, fraternally yours.
A Great Crowd of Battle Ships
Will Parade
Will Also Help Out the Display at
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
PORTSMOUTH, Eng., July 2.s-The Ad
miralty will have 21 battleships, 24 cruis
ers and about 40 other British ships in
the coronation naval review. About a
dozen foreign ships will take part.
Citizens Respond Liberally to Call
for Advertising Fund
The success which has attended the ef
forts of the soliciting committee of the
Chamber of Commerce and tins Board of
Trade, tor -a fund to advertise the state,
in accordance with the plans outlined b
Mr. McKlnney, representing the Harrl
man lines, is greater: than was anticipat
ed. The entire amount of $2500, originally
the sum hoped to be raised, has been
subscribed, all merchants and other busi
ness men having responded most liberal
ly to the call. In addition to thls-thu
fund for a permanent exhibit at tltf
depot is being subscribed, and the amount
will be raised. Following, is. a list of
the names of the Arms and individuals
who have so far subscribed, together
with the amount given:
H. W. Corbett $250
William M. Ladd 250
ntv A Suburban Railway Co 125
Meier & Frank Co 75
Portland Street Railway Co.- it
'Iipman. Wolfe & Co . 50
Olds, Wortman ung. w
Honeyman, DeHart 4 Co........ 60
Columbia River & Puget Sound Nav-
igation Company M
Portlnad General Electric Co 50
Clossett & Devers ;
Lowenberg, Going ft Co '.
Fisher, Thoreen ft Co
Woodard, Clarke ft Co "..
Everding ft Farrell ........
H. C. Breeden..,
. London advices say that Mr. Ritchie Is
to succeed Sir Michael Hicks-Beach as
Chancellor of the Exchequer In tha new
British Cabinet. .
A terrific submarine eruption occurred
yesterday at the island of Fayal. and
panic reigns among the Inhabitants of the
Asores islands.
Denver Ed Martin easily' defeated Bob
Armstrong last night at the Crystal Pal
lace, London, for the colored heavy
weight championship.
The West Virginia coal strikers, who
were recently sentenced by sJudg Jack
son, have all been liberated on a prom
ise of future good behavior. ,
Olln Qrellsh, of Leavenworth. Kan
suicided near Lebanon, Ma., yeaterday
by diving head first down the funnel of
a locomotive. He was burned to a cin-'
der. '
...... , -
Lord -Kitchener was twice -mobbed by
frantically cheering ' crowds In , London
yesterday. It became necessary, for ' the
police to rescue him from their enthusi
asm. ,: .!.;?, .:."t,j, ;.U;' JJ'-' -;
' (Scrlpps-Mctla News Asaodatlon.) ,
San FRANCISCO, -July H- Wheat,
n.uwffiim ...n-j ,
Has Been Declared in the
- Island of HaytL
General finoi With a Large Ar-
mlr-HaTchhig on Port "
aa: Prince.
Scrlpps-MoBAt News Association.)
WASHINGTON, j July 2.-Two dis
patohes were received this morning from
United 8tats; Minister to Haj-ti Powell
Which state that lvO war has been, de
clared In that Island and that Admiral,
KJUlck has, been leclared a pirate, rne
provisional goverament has been dis
solved, and j Qenejral Flrmln, wlfh an
army is advancing on Port au Prince.
Are Causing Much Trou-ble---Gariisons.
Straigthenede .
CBcripps-MtRae Newr. Association.)
PARIS. July 21 The religious dlsturb
anoes that have gfown out of the en
forcement of the. 'Msocifttlori . r
eaiislng the government much uneasiness.
Six thousand extra' tfobus "have been .or
dered to Paris t reenfbroe the .garflsoh'
here. Tho trouble ow extending to the
country districts. In, Brittany the feeling
is especially . the prefects
have warned Premier Comes that serious
disturbances ar probable.. . ,
The1" police commisaloneFS visited . the
congregation schoolfj totjay ,and.tread
decree at ipuUlopV.. ,hlch h,a
not compiled wit' th law; Thera were
no disorders beyond occasional cries of
"long live the sisters.'.' Several schools
were found closed, and the. expulsion of
(the sisters who defied the law was post
poned because of their prepareaness to
resist the order.
An order was made today Jin the Coun
ty Court closing the estato of Christian
Behrens, deceased. The widow, Wilhel
mina Behrens, is discharged from fa
ther service as executrix.
-Joseph E. Hedges, administrator of the
estate of John Myers, deceased, was civ
en -authority to settle certain claims
against the decease and the Commercial
ft Savings Bank, which went into bank
ruptcy. The amount, $32,000. guaranteed
personally by Mr. Myers, will be paid In
full. There Is now due on these claims
the sum of 7.56 per cent of their face.
T. F. Heitsohmldt reported the sale of
lot 12, block 16. Kenllworth, belonging
to the estate of Addle S. McCorrnack.
deceased, for 2850. The sale was Con
firmed today.
Andrew McCall was appointed admin
istrator of the estate of John McCall, de
ceased, valued at 25700.
An order distributing among the heirs,
John Q., Kate B., Agnes D., Maria T.
and May Jamleaon, of Mary Jamieson,
deceased $3466 20 of the $17,331 estate,
was made today.
William Kapus was discharged as
guardian of Henry Kapus, the latter
having arrived at the age of 21.
The sale by Otto Stark to Elisabeth
Stewart, for $3500. of all the real estats
of Charles L. Stark, deceased, was con
firmed today.
A monthly allowance of $25 was made
Mary Cavanaugh from the estate of
Maurice Cavanaugh, deceased, for the
support of herself and minor children.
John E. Howard, guardian of the es
tate of Mary E. Howard, reported a de
ficit of $170 in receipts and expenditures
of his trust.
William King, executor of the estate
of Missouri J. King, deceased, filed his
final report and was discharged.
Etta L. Stone, administratrix of the
estate of Berhard L. Stone, deceased,
petitioned for permlsslo nto sell certain
real estate of the, estate to satisfy
claims, and for the confirmation of tne
sale of the household effects for $2000
The sale was confirmed, the petition for
authority to sell taken under advise
ment ;
"Frank Bulger, who has been on the
police force about four ..years, has re
signed, and his resignation was accepted.-
-,; ,
Charges were filed with the depart
ment, but in the meantime Bulger pre
sented his resignation. ' ,..
A Bicycle Thief's Work
Mrs. Lahgworthy, -wife of Dr. p. A
Langworthy, is lamenting the loss of the
bind wheel of her bicycle. The bicycle
was left standing aver night in, the hall
of the Goodnougb butldinr. ' near the en
trants door to the doctor's rooms.; The
teat, was discovered this morning. : The
thief -remove -all.; -braces and damaged
Um bicycle to ne other way .j i ,i
Valued at $30,000 Be
ause Constance Biddle
Was His Friend
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
' PH1LADEDPHIA, July 2C.-N. Hashlm,
ex-manager of the opera house here, was
arrested this morning on the charge of
stealing Jewels said to be worth $30,000,
the property of Mrs. Constance Drexel
Biddle. the divorced wife of Dr. Clements
Biddle, 6f the United States Navy. Bhe
was on thejatge for awhile, but after
ward retireck to private life, it is said
she was friendly with Hashlm, und
should the eas? come to trial a big sen
sation la expected.
Valuable Prizes For Childrens' Day
Have Been Donated.
At the Elks' carnival headqaurters Is
made the announcement that on child
rens day, at the coming carnival, some
valuable prises are to be awarded some
fortunate Juvenile. The Dr. Wise, the
dentists, will donate a Shetland pony
valued at $17r.; E. R. Krelger a set of
harness,, Studt'baker Urns, u 100 cart: M.
J. Driscoll a whip. This entire combina
tion will be given awuy to gludden some
Ohlldlah heart. The date fur childrens
day has not yet been set,
The plans for the grand arrh which
were expected to be reudy yesterday will
not be presented until the meeting next
Monday night.
Special attention Is called to the moon
light excursion of the Elks Tuesday
evening' next (or the benefit of the carni
val fund. There will be good music and
there Will not be any lkiuor sold on board
the boat. The occasion should prove an
enjoyable one.
James Taggert, IK years of age. was ar
rested last evening at the comer of Third
and Oak streets charged with assault
He was arraigned before Judge Hogue.
of the police court this morning, but the
testimony on both xtdes was so conflict
ing that the hearing will be taken up
on Tuesday.
A Chinaman by the name of Lu Wing
is the complainant, and says young Tag
gert struck him in the face and knocked
him down without provocation. Taggert
and two confederates claim that they
were walking down Fourth street on no
particular business, when they met "an
other gang" of hoodlums running, away
from a Chinaman' lying In the street.
Tba Chinaman called to a friend, who
blew a police whlBtle, and then followed
Taggert and his friends as they turned
down Oak Street. They soon met a po
liceman and the Chinaman pointed Tag
gar t out as his assailant.
The widow and eight children of Gustav
Leben, who was killed at Rocky Poln'
by the falling of the Rocky Point bridge
Thursday, are assured by the verdict
given at the Coroner's inquest that they
have a clear case Against Multnomah1
County, and will secure heavy damages
on account of the accident.
The evidence given showed that It was
well known that the bridge waa unsafe,
and travel over It should have been pro
hibited during construction.
James Berry. Road Supervisor of the
First district; Multnomah County, said
no notices of danger had been posted,
but that the carpenters had warned Le
ben. Great for the Girls.
The management of tho public baths
has Invited the girl employes of the Troy
Laundry to enjoy the luxuries of a swim
before going to work Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Holman and instructor
Murray, the swimming Instructor, will
be on hand at 6 o'clock Tuesday morn
ing. Bathing suits and towels will be
furnished free of charge.
A. F. Lewis and wife, from La Grande,
are at the Perkins.
J. W. Kennedy, of Walla Walla, regis
tered at the Perkins today.
Charles Wilklns registered at the Per
kins from Pendleton this forenoon.
Ex-Senator Houston, of Hillsboro, is in
the city today, a guest he Imperial.
C. B. Wlnna Und wife, 6t Albany, are
sojourning In "the city, guest&at the Im
perial. County Judge L. R. Webster has re
turned from his vacation in the moun
tains. Attorney 0. E. Wlthlngton has Just re
turned from a vacation trip to Bingham
Hon. Edwin Mays, deputy United
States attorney, returned from Pendle
ton today-
.....Jain)6 "&. Blacknell, Of Seattle, design
ing engineer of the proposed drydock, Is
in the, ;tty. ... . ,'
Horace Wenn, a prominent attorney
from jMedford. arrived In the city this
taoratnf. and U staying at the Imperial.."
Many Believe Fitz Laid Down to the
Boilermaker Jeffries Terribly Pun-;
ished While Fitz Is Unhurt :
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
SAN FRANCISCO. July 20. -Jeffries
hspent last night and oday In the Ham-
mam baths. He shows the effect of tho
terrible punishment administered him In
the fight. His face Is cut and bruised,
hi;-, nose Itt broken, and both eyes are so
Hwollen that he can Scarcely see.
Fltmlmmon passed an uncomfortable
night and became delirious at 3 o'clock
this morning from pain as a result of
tho knockout jolt. The doctors state
his condition Is not Serious. He bears no
mark of the contest.
A story has been published here to the
effect that the fight was a fake, Fits
purposely pretending to be knocked out.
The report is not generally credited by
the majority of those who saw" the fight,
and Is vigorously denied by alt concerned.
Mayor Schmlts will prohibit alt future
contests If he is satisfied It was a fake.
Jeffries' share of the receipts Is $14,246,
and KltZ8lmmons $9364.
Fit is manager. Ball, stated this arter
noon: "Fiti s without a scratch or a
mark as a result of the fight. His bruised
eye was received during training from
Oilllln in boxing previous to the battle.
He Is only eore In the body. Fits has not
Elks Have Secured Lowest Rates
Ever Given in Northwest4
Prizes for Parade.
The Elks' Carnival railroad committee
has succeeded In securlng'the most fa
vorable railway rate ever given for any
meeting or enterprise In the Northwest
The SouthaeuiaoiJ', Company has de
cided to give to the people of Ashland
during the carnival at a rate of $) for
the ; mi nd trip. Intermediate points will
b allowed a proportionate rate.
The O. R. & tt. Company will sell dur
ing the carnival tickets from Lewlstjn
and the Clearwater country to Portland
and return for $U. Tickets from Spokane
to this city and return will be sold for
S3. Walla Walla and other points east
of the Cascade Mountains will be given
the same rate.
From Seattle or Tacoma, the Northern
Pacific Company will sell visitors to the
Klks' Carnival In this city for $3.H for
the round trip.
All the railroads will allow each of the
visitors seveu days lay-over In this city.
The rates given for the carnival are the
best' that have ever been offered on the
coast. A large number of visitors are ex
pected from Tacoma, Seattle and other
parts of .the Sound country.
The committee on parade have decided
to offer the following prizes for thr
parade on Elks Day, September 4: For
the best appearing lodge In the parade
with not less than 60 members in line,
a cash prise of $540 will be given. For
the best appearing floats and other dis
plays made by a lodge with not less than
40 members In line, a prise of $260 in cash
has been offered. The lodge having the
greatest number of men in line will be
presented with $150 in cash. One of the
features -of the parade will be the com
ics. The committee has decided that the
lodge presenting the most comic appear
ance will be given $100 in cash.
E. W. Rowe, manager of the carnival,
expects to make the Elks' 1902 street car
nival the greatest event that has ever
appeared In the Northwest.
CAPS 2?2' CLARKE "JJfcet
25cts. 7g. 3V CO- Do. 9c $3.45 iip
Oregon shavino French Ice Cream father pinq "
i Souvenir Brushes Tonight and Sunday nuatera PONO
Cards j0c to Caramel and Vanilla -IWU -
$1.00 $4.00 FRENCH LEMON ICE l-CUp $l.I9up
strictly hand made
Reg. $2.85, Special $2.19
Dickenson's Witch Hazel, pt...i2C
Robertlne reduced to a$c
Moth Balls, pound 6c
The Brunswick-Balke-Collcnder Co,
Leading Manufacturer fat tha World of , . , v'
- .'a .,' t BOWLING ALLEYS and Snpplics ,
Office imd Salesro I " c
yet made "definite plans for the future,'
Ho will probably go on an exhibition our j"
en routa home, having, received, offers
from Portland, Seattle and other North- , " '
em and Eastern cities. He will not again v
meet Jeffries, as he is satisfied it Would
be useletia as the champalon Is the better y
man, and la simply invincible. The fight
was not a fake. There could ob- v
Ject in- fuklng. It was fought for honor .t
and the championship rather than tba ,
purse. It is pretty tough to put up as
good a fight as Fits did and, then to have
it declared a fake. What could Fits gala..'
by being knocked out If he could have 1
won the championship and more money
by winning." Both Fitz and Jeff are -very
indlgant over the fake story. They
say It Originated from a prediction by '
an did woman fortune-teller at Harbin '
Springs, and that It Was merely a coinci dence
that the fight lasted eight rounds as
she foretold. Mayor Schmits stated this
afternoon that he waa not yet, positively
convinced the fight was a fake but that
he thought It was and that, in case of
verlflcat'on ho would stop all professional
ftirhting In San Francisco, merely permit
ting local amateur contests. . . ?
In Honor of the King s
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
COWES, July 28. A meeting of tha I
Privy Council was held today aboard 'th
King's yacht With the view of proclaim-.'"
lng August 9th a public holiday1 In honor
of the long-deferred coronation of King,
E. Dlmbat, accused of selling putrid and
diseased meat, 'was arrested this morn ;J ;
Health Commissioner H. P. Biersdorf,
acting upon the advice of Mayor Williams
swore out a warrant for his arrest yes
terday. , t
Dlmbat .lives near Hillsdale, It lit said
that he has been selling diseased meat
for some time past. ' . i
The case of Frank Thompson, who was
accused of burglary, was called, but noth
ing could be proved against htm. and ha
was discharged. ' , , ,
. Tom Williams was picked up by Officer
Franklin, this morning on the corner of.
Fourth and Davis streets for begging.- Ha
shewed a hand which bad been Injured
and said he could not work, but promised
to leave town Immediately. Judge Hogua
told him he could leave after staying; five
days in jail. ' . 5 - ' '.
Mr. Thomas, (colored), was arrested and
fined $3 by Judge Hogue, of the MunlO
Ipal Court, yesterday, for assaulting C,
F. Benjamin. Thomas was drunk at the
time and said he remembered . nothing
about tho assault "' 1 u v -
C. J. Cooper, charged with stealing a
book valued at $1.15. from the Meier 4s :
Frank Coanpany,, has been fined $2S and
given one month in Jail In the Municipal
Court. t . !
Special.. $3. 1 9
iV;-. ',