The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 24, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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' ? iron. Lout
1. C.
4L M I ......
Portland v-
Helena i, ......
fepokane ...... ......
Portland, 10; Butte, X
. Tacoma, 2; Helena, t
, h . Spokane, ; Seattle, . .
Portland ., beat Butte yesterday at a
acore ef 10 to 1. The twlrlers In the biff
I mining camp seemed bewildered from the
1 start, and the Portland boys kept adding
to the lead which they gained in the first
Inning. The local Infield gave one of the
finest exhibitions of work ever seen here.
The game could hardly be excelled Jor
clean, gentlemanly work. The eighth
inning developed into a thorough slug
ging match. It was exciting throughout.
The following is the score: ,
AB. R.
Muller. t- f....
Van Buren c
Zeigler, r. f...,
Weed, lb
Vlgneux. e
Anderson, 2b..
Harris, 3b
Delsel. s. s
Bngle, P.
Totals ..35 10 13 .27
Ward, 2b K.. 4
Knox, 1. f 4
Marshall, r. t
Kane, s. s. 3
Mclntyre, Sb ...... 8
ZearYoss, c... 3
McCloskey, lb ...... 8
Houts. e., t, niMv i
Oay. p. ............. S
I 4
Totals .M, ...'.....39 1
6 2? 17
Ziegler but for bunting third strike,
Butt u;f ...;.w.o o 0,0 01000-1
PorUand ,..., ..2 0 0 0 0 0 2 -10
; . - 8UMMAKT. . .
Earned rune Portland, 7, Butte I.
Base on balls Gay. ' v , -.
Hit by pitcher Van Buren. ;' 1
Struck out By Engle 2 byJay 3.
.Two-baae hits Houts, pejse.1. - -v ' ..
Three-base hit Engle. '
lXt on basest-Portland 4, Butt 2. ,
Bacrlnce Jhlt Tan Buren.
Double play Anderson to Wwi. v
Attendance 1500. . , ,
,, tosag'"-"'." ' '. - '
.-SPOKANE, Jnly 23-The game between
. Spokane and Seattle resulted In a victory
ior the latter.- The home team proved
themselves, superior with the bat. Spo
kane's new pitcher proved himself to be
' a wonder as a t wirier. The score:
" ' AB. B. H. PO. A.HS.
Howclls, 1. r. ...... - 2 1 0
Aiciaugnua, c. ,!... 1 1
Kelta-2b,....,..... S 0. I
Donahue, 3b ....... 6 2
AfcKevilt, jr., f. 8 2
PrrTii "o 3 1
Gordotv P 4 . 0
17 - 27 20,
4 0 2 1 3
B 0 0,6 1
6 0 2 3 0
.. 9. 0
4 1 1 0
8 2 15 0
3 1 0 12
4 12 1 2
4 1 2 0 0
OJrennan, e, f......
tfaODltl, S. Sv
Carter, p.' J
Totals ... ,,?...3S. 6 U 24
1 2 3 4 5 6
Spokane .1 3 0 11 0
SeatUs ..0 0 0 0 2 0
' ; ' , SUMMARY. '
Earned runs, Spokane 8; two-base hits,'
C. S.
Of tht Union Boat Qub, New York, von golden opinions at the regatta at
Henley, England, but he failed to carry off the coveted diamond bcuIIb.
Ia subsequent events in England his countless admirers expect him to do
Elsey 2. Kelly, Babbitt, Carter: home
; run, Frary; stolen bases. McLaughlin,
Klopf, .Hurley; sacrifice hits, McKevttt,
Kelly; double plays, Donahue to Kelts To
Elsey, 'Kelts- to Kelly to Eley; left on
bases, Spokane 7, Seattle 6: bases on balls,
by Gordon 3; hit by pitcher, "Gordon 1,
Carter 1: struck out, Gordon 6, Carter 2;
ioSJ' 1 """P1. McCarthy; attendance,
- TACOMA, July 23.-The game was tied
, t"tll the ninth Inning, when the home
team scored a run and won out. It was
an exciting game throughout. Score:
AB. R.
H. PO.
1 2
0 1
0 1
0 10
1 3 .
1 0
A, E.
0 0
Letcher, c. f
Nagle, r. f ........
'. Murdock. 1. f ...
'. Hutchinson, lb ,
; Andrews, So
McCarthy, s. s ,
. Keefe, c
Fisher, 2b
Johnson, p.
.. 3
.. 3
.v 3
.. 8
0 1
-, ToUls
I 21 12
' 'l HELENA.
Hannfvan, I. f
Peeples, 2b ......... 8
1 2
J 3
0 12
Holly, Sb
- Shalfer. lb .......
tannery, e. f..i..
- Sullivan, e k.
Pariridtre, r. f. ,.,
. 4
, 4
, 4
1 1
0- 0
1 ,1
0 it
0 1
ncnmeer, . 1
Thompson, p 8
Totals ........,..3l
' 8 25 18 '-4.
Winning run made with one out. ' '
, r 1 3 8 4 8 4 7 8
Tacoma M....0 0 0 0 10 6 0
Helen .............0 0 V 0.1 0 0 0
, '. " SUMMARY. - .
Earned runs, Helen LTacoma 1;. two
baae hits. Partridge. Flannery; stolen
bases, Thompson; sacrifice hits, Nagler
Hutchinson, McCarthy,. Keefe, Fisher,
Peeplea. double play. Peeples to 8chneer
to hhaffer, left n bases, Helena 6, Ta
Mtn 8; bases ea balls, Johnson 2. Thomp-
ton . I.v struck ot, by Thompson 1. y
Johnson S; ttm, umplre,Cols;ap;.t-,
tendance, 300.
PHltADKLPIHA, Uuly, 2S.iThe score
was 6 to 3 today between Detroit and the
home team. In favor of jthe latter. The
score: ' '" ' ';
'W'-, . R H E
Detroit .......... 2 4 6
Philadelphia ' 4
Batterien Merper and Buelow; Plank
and Schreck. .
BALTIMORE, July 23-Chlcago lost
with the home team today, the score
standing as follows:
Baltimore T 7 U 1
Chicago 5 4
Batetrles Shields' and ' Robinson ; Gar
vin, Callahan s-nd Sullivan.
WASHINGTON, July 23. The score to
day was .as folio wj:
. R H K
Cleveland ........ 5 0
Batteries Paf ten and Clark; Moore and
Be mis. ,
' i ... . t
BOSTON, July 28 The ball game -resulted
as follows:
St' Louis ' 2 7 1
Boston -Vs 1
Batteries Dineen and Warner; Dona
hue and Kaboe.
St, LOUIS, July 23.-The result of to
day's game: .
. . R H E
St: Louis 1 l 1
Pittsburg 4 8a
Batteries-Yerkes and O'Neill; Leever,
Doheny and Zimmer.
Umpire Brown.
BROOKLYN, July 23. Score stood as
.- R H E
New York
Brooklyn ,
Batteries Taylor and Bowerman;
Hughes and ParrelU .
At Des Moines Deftnoines, 7;' Kansas
city; o- . . . . . -. ..
Colorado nprtngf wotoraao Dirings,
Milwaukee, 6. ' ? ,
At Denver Dnvef, 8; Peoria. 1. ,
At Omahapmaha 8; St. Joncph, ,
.: - i1.. .-1,1 1111 . ' t-V-';; f
! ..' THE BIG PIGHTi. J '
SAN FRANCI8CO, . July 2l-Chmploii
Jeffries rls: taking but tight 'eprcise at
present and will only aim "ftTaeep -flirt)-'
. : . . m .11 . U AtrKt
sen in snspe iroin iiww wn uum
He skipped the rope 1600 times oday with
no visible signs of .fatigue. In the after
noon he took a row on Lake Merrltt. Hs
expect! to weigh ln at 218 pounds at the
ringside, now being a pound short of
that weight,
Fltsslmmons took a run in Golden Gate
Park In the fortnoon, and In the after
noon sparred with Griffin and Andy Gal
lagher at the Olympic Club.
Jeffries "'Is "still held, to be the logical
winner, and bets are being placed at 2 to
1 in hla'favor. The sale of seats has
about reached the 320,000 mark.
Tom Tracey has received word from
Kansas City that Rube Ferns, with whom
he was matched to light in Seattle on
August 18, broke his arm while training
and will be unable to nil his engagement.
As a consequence the light has been de
clared off. ; y
When Jeffries was interviewed by a
San rancisco reporter Tuesday he said:
VI have spent the day quietly, doing
no training whatever. I arose shortly
after 8 o'clock and after a hour spent
about' the hotel I went to breakfast with
my friend, 'Dick Adams, who arrived
from Los Angeles yesterday. My morn
ing meal was comparatively light. After
breakfast I went to the bull game with
Adams. I enjoyed it, but must gay that
I was sorry to see the Oakland boys lose.
They are wonders at the game and can
never be caught In their race for the
pennant. . , v" ' :
"We returned to the restaurant and I
ate a hearty lunch. I feel exceptionally
well today and do not .miss tny ordinary
training. After lunch Adams proposed
that we go to the baths .and I agreed.
I took a half hour's swim in. the big tank
and felt fine when I left I then took4
a rub-down, after which Adams and my
self strolled leisurely back to town. We
ate dinner - and now, here I am. I shall
KP to bed In a few minutes. ,'.
"What shall I do tomorrow? Well, In
the morning I'll take to the road with my
brother and Joe Kennedy. My work will
be light In the afternoon I'll go to the
gymnasium, where I will box with my
partpers. do the machines and punch the'
bag. : '
"Yes, r will work right up to Friday,
but as I said before, my work will not
amount' to much. You see 1 am ready to
go into the ring at a moment's notice and
make the fight: of my life. My training
Is practically, pver, and when the time
comes t will make good every thing I have
promised." ' .
When Fltsslmmons arrived In San Fraiw
Cisco from Bkaggs' Springs he was 'met
with a lra;' band and escorted to the
California . Hotel. . This Is what one has
to say ot the Australian upon his arrival
in the Bay CItyr' ; ; ;
As "Fltsslmmons stepped 'off the train
If was apparent at a glance that he was
In the best of phyiJIconditloh.'t JBright
bf eye and -clear of skiiy. wHh.a 'ineye. J
men t in speech and gesture mat , oetoa
ened a inn who had eonltfsnUousrtr -d
voted himself to exacting work. .'there
could be no mistakins his ce, fettle, .
"With Fltxslmmona were Edward M.
Oraney and W. W. Naughton. " ..'
' "Feeling somewhat tha fatlgual of the
trip. Fltsslmmons Indulged'ln a slap ye
sterday afternoon 1 "wHen Mrsr ritim-'
mons, Bobby, Jr., and Clark Ball ac
companied Louis Metsger on a drive
through the-park. t'""" '
Following his dinner Fltsslmmons
went to the freight depot to mojte in
quiry for his three pet fawns Jtyt Vhte
safety he was somewhat 'alarmed owing
to their non-arrival.' Falling to. locate
them he continued to worry mt 11 the
evening. While seated In hot; at the
California Theater he Was told Of their
arrival at the hotel. - He left at once
and superintended their housing Jn com
fortable quarters, feeding then) from his
own hands." . " ;
LONG BRANCH, N. J., July 2- Bright
weather and a brilliant "gathering of so
slety folk combined today o mske .the
opening of the ninth annusl exhibition
of the Monmouth County Horse Show As
sociation a decided success. -The show
li held as heretofore at, Hollywood Park
There are classes and oil of them
well filled. To the winners will be dis
tributed 8I0C0 In prises. ;
The fourth annuaf open. tennis" tourna
ment, which Includes the championship
of the state, will bs held by the Mult
nomah Amateur Athletic Club on the
29th of this month.- Ths tournament will
be held under the auspices of the t'nitej
States Uwn Tennis Association and will
tnke place on Multnomah Field.
LThe personnel of. thr, tournament com
I mfttee follows: ' J,. Wesley Idd. C. D.
I-ewls, W, A. Gois, A. B.'McAlpIn and
W. A. Bethel, ,who Ischftlrmon. . R. A.
Dtter has been selected, a, referee.
A resume of the different events fol
lows: . " ',; - , ' '.-. ' S '
Qentlemen's open singles Winners will
meet A. T. Goward in the -challenge round
for the championship of tho State of Ore
gon, and the Kihk Challenge Cup. This
cup has to be won three times to become
the permanent property of the winner,
and has been won once each by W. A.
Gentlemen's open doubles Winners will
meet W. A. Goss and C; D. Lewis in the
challenge round for the championship of
the State of Oregon and the J. Wesley
Ladd Challenge Cups. These cup must
be won three times to become the perma
nent property of the winning team, and
have been won once by W. A. Goss and
C. D. Iwls. '
Ladles and gentlemen's open doubles
For the championship of the State of
- Ladles' open singles For" the champion
ship of the State of Oregon. . .
Ladles' open doubles--For the oham
plonship of the State of Oregon.
Consolations Open to players beaten In
the first match In gentlemen's -singles.
For gentlemen's Singles and doubles-
Best of three sets. Finals In singles and
doubles and semi-final In singles, best
of five sets. Advantage sets throughout.
All other , events Beat of three sets
throughout Advantage sets throughout
Suitable prizes will be given in all events.
Entrance fee One dollar for the first
event entered by each player; for each
additional' event . entered. 60 cents. All
entries accompanied by the fee must be
revived by the chairman of the tourna
ment committee before 6 o'clock p. m.
Saturday, July 26, 1902. Rule of the
United States National Lawn Tennis As
sociation will be observed. Competitors
will play on such courts and . at such
times as the committee may appoint
Competltdrs not appearing at appointed
time will be defaulted by the commit
tee. Play will begin at 10 a, m. and 2
p. m. each day. "
SAN FRANCISCO, July 24.-Many of
the sporting men Who are her from out
of town to witness the heavyweight
championship fight, tomorrow' night win
go to Oakland this evening to see the
20-round go between Jos Gans, the light
weight championship, and Ruf Turner.
Though Gans is a heavy favorite the ad
mirers of Turner, who has made a cred
itable fighting record . during' the last
year,, express confidence in hla ability , to
give the Baltimore colored by a hard
tussle for the decision. .
Dave Sullivan, the young Irish pugilist.
has returned from the West and Is now at
his home at Homecrest, L. I, (Sullivan is
very mucn aisappointed over the fact tnat
he was uanble to tackle Young Corbett
The pair were matched to box on two oc
casions, once at Denver and the next time
at St Louis. Both fighters ware called
off owing to interference by the authori
ties at hte last moment. Sullivan still
clings to the opinion that he can whip
the featherweight champion. He Is look-
lng reamrkably well and says that he
will soon be ready to box any 128-pounder
In the business.
The returns, by rounds of the Fltsslm-
raons-Jeffries prise fight will be displayed
In front 'of the Sportsmen's Resort,
Fourth street, between Washington and
Stark, tomorrow night- Messrs. Tracey
& Denney have leased a special wire from
the ringside and will give the puUto every
move of the fighters.
Is proven by the great number who have
taken advantage of our July Clearance
Sale of high grade' Shoes for Men,
Women -and Children. ..', Thsse are no
Cheap John goods, tbut ars first-class In
every particular and "r' guaranteed.
- To make room'-Jpr our; large fall stock
our prices will be reduced during this
sale. '-V . ,
Our regular 25.00 valuta, kale pries 2415.
Our regular 24.00 Values, sale pries. 2125,
Our regular 23.50 values, sale price' 22.85.
Our regular $2.50 values, , sals price 21.23.
We have also ,409 palra : of . Ladies',
Misses' and Children's , . Shoes broken,
lines to be closed out at less than' cost
'This sale will close . Aagust 2, 1902, as
advertised. ' - 1
Y ' '..: ' M.: 'BILLINGS,"
... - . . 229 Morrison St.
Canada lias over SjOO lobster canneries
In operation. ' - - r .
The Director Will
Again Tonight.
Said to Militate Against Selection
of a Location on That Side
of the River.
"Ninety per cent of the stock of the
1805 Lewis and Clark Exposition (s
owned on the West Side of the river,
j and this should control the location of
the Falr.y vsald Edward Mendenhall, at
tornejv for th priposid Portland-HUIS'
boro electrld" rullwny. And that fact Is
the reason given why the exposition
should be held' went of the Willamette."
ejaculated -a gentleman later on, who Is
greatly interested in thp success -of tho
Fair project but unwilling that his name
be made public. "The trouble," he coni
tinned, ''seems- to bu that a number c
tluj directors are not looking so much to
the paid , admissions us to thn expo
sition, as . to other mutters really ' nyt
pertinent to -the -show ar all. The tnu.
ter of - improving the park as uad
been said, bfore, ought to be a secondary
consideration. t. - That of ownership
of the stock , now- subscribed should be a
still more, distinct thought, because - it
is not to b a Ciy Park affair. To b;a
success It -must b$ at least a trl-state
enterprise, and It cannot be expected
that Washington and Idaho will look
with favor" upJh" the request that then
commonwealU), erect buildings In Port-J
ana witn uri eye single to tne Deautin
cation or Improvement of 'a Portland
Tonight the' Board of Directors wlll
SbW' -nhOthr'-MellTrn wheff'Y von'
il tire location at the KxpoBitlon may of
may . not be taken, hut in any eVent it
Is believed that a site on the East Side
will not be closed. Tnere seems to be a
strong aversion among the directors' to
the bridges that span the river, though
it Is not explained how much greater
will be the difficulty for persons to cross
the bridges going) east than to travel
over them bound to the west side of the
Present Indications are (hat the - City
Park discussions will be abandoned, rt is
thought that not enough votes call be
concentrated on that point to make , it
win, and that the tract .at Wllamette
Heights, in the northwestern section of
the city, will be chosen.
' Air-East Side director said today that
the 'trapble ever 'Ibere is that Sellwood
is Jealous of Central East PpVtland, and
bitterly;; ppoMd: to University Park! or
any other locations tn that section of the
city. The same Jealousy is prevalent In
the Alblna regions as regards Sellwood
and 'Hawthorne Park, and this antagon
ism is seised upon by, those - of . the
Board opposed to alt East Side sites, to
land the Exposition somewiiere west, of
the river..' - J". I ,
'' It is rprobable that further time will
be taken-to dlseitss ' thk" matter and that
a conclusion will hot be reached tonight,
yet It ia believed that an informal, vote
may be taken, Jnst to test the sentiment
of the directors. ' " "' !,. , " '. ' ,
Mr. . Mendenhall, - will renew his offer,
made 'In the Interest of i the HlllaborO
proposed electric road, to fun a Spur Into
the City Park, and he paid this morning
that. for. that matter, his line would go
down to the Willamette Heights site If
the exposition Is -located there.
The La Grande .Trades and Lkbor As
sembly Is. making preparations for a
grand celebration on Labor Day. .G. Y.
Harry is In neetpt.of a letter from-the
union askini? that some prominent speak
er be sent from ths Stats Federation of
Labor, to deliver , an ""address there'1 on
that date. '
The National Building. Trades Council
has sent notice t tha New York unions
affiliated with U that It has adopted a
metal union Jabel to be used on all build ¬
ings constructed by union mechanics oon-
necceu witn me council. .
An Impossibility.
Charles Steckler tells the following joke
on himself: j - . :. . - - . ; s . . "
He was taking a short cut through
Frankfort street one . afternoon a -few.
days ago when he came upon a child
crying bitterly. He stopped to ask what
was the-rnatter.
'Mamma says I can't ever be Presi
dent." sobbed the child. - ,
"WeU, what If you- can'tT" consoled
the .lawyer. "There are lots of other
ways of making a name ' for yourself.
even If you don't get Roosevelt's lob.
You can grow up to be a good man. and
that's better than being President. Don't
you' think so?" "' . -
'But I can't grow "up. to be a good
manl". walled the youngster In a fresh
outburst of woe.
'Nonsense!" said Mr. Steckler. Of
course you can " A
"Can't neither!" , bellowed the . child..
'Why not. I'd like", to know r
" 'Cause I'm a little girl! J "
When a woman begins to flatter you,
run. . . '
Don't let your mirror do all the reflect
ing. ... t, t .
Where the saloon Is the poor man's
club. It Is the DorTiroman's hell. '
First love feds on Ice . cream soda.
and, like It. is tooellclous tff lst long.
-what-excuse can janjr woman offer for
making her ht tn tadvertisement t the
murder of beaut 4nnocence, mndaoAgf
There, was s.itu.awho married an amrel,
clipped her wlngBShd then swore at , her
because she 414 aot fly to do his bid
ding. " ;
l Woman forgives and - forgets: : tasa
forgets that b has forgiven. :
pi ait ureters i
, -" . .: N-SF I w. -sr I t --gsjr: . vrx-sv--rjr'.f-f,
: -!'
Is our present temporary
maicing prices so low tnat we keep ail our old customers and make nun-?
; dreds of new to. take, with us tot f$iv'-; -tyf h jr. 'i A ' r ;
where quality and price, backed by our standard of Pair Dealing, will al-
ays.Keep us la pjUBLiu
Ladies! vyrappersand ;
: Wasts
For a fbt of summer styles in very beautle
ful Colorings and patterns. A splendid
91.50 vaiue. . .y'"ri-.,-
... .. . . f , . . . f m
tO Shirt Waists are keeping this department
40 V ' busy; We keep putting all 'our small tots
or 75c goods on this table; It's Roberts Bros,
way of making customers. ' ' v
Fancy Goods
BLACK ALLOVER at 25c, 30c and
1 gooa vaiue.,
WHITE ALLOVER at 35c, 30c, 35c, ,oc and 50c
is unquestionably great values.
CHIFFON Veilings at 35c and 35c In black or
.. white, fancy dotted, Is about Wholesale price;
APPLIOUE. black or cream. nlLc. inc. nUf isd
Ladies' Hosiery and
3 pairs for 1.00, Imported novelties and
staples. A wholesale sample line worth
from 50c to 75c a pair. v - .
Ladies" Seamless Hose, full shape foot
form, a aoc value, white foot.
L:;dit', Union Suit in plain or lace trim
med, worth 60c. (We always hava- bar
gains in Underwear.)
A limited stock of the famous R. it Q.,
Vigilant, form-fitting corsets, They will
go fast. Come quick.
J) 1 U Mills cassimeres, are
in all Portland
A Shoe Story Short, but Sweet
t f 70 is a power at this ore.on tJe Ladies Shoe Question. We are selling real VICI
J) JVAJ-' iace aina DUon
value, at
I', s if '
HULL, 1 Canada. A ' rurbin Jnlllwhcel
which runs si gkng of saWaithe Chaiid
lere wateffaK stopped suddenly this week.
Upon' shuttlng)iadwfi the mill and un
screwing' the'upper cap It was discovered
that the wheel had beeonw packed full
Of eels.. It looked as though there nfust
have ben hwvdreds at thousands of
them.-. . . ,v '
i About Valleyfleld on the St. Lawrence
It became necessary a good many years
ago to . set uPpeclal guards to prevent
eels from crowding Into the canals which
supply water-power to the factories. Anrt
at these guards thrifty habitants used to
do a good business catching the .eels In
wicker .traps and shipping fnem ln'barrels
by boat to Montreal.
One. of these enterprising men volun
teers the Information- that he has noticed
that until they attain a weight of two or
three-pounds eels travel In droves, prob
ably families, of some hundreds of Indi
viduals. Possibly the stopping of the
great-mill here may have been caused us
this man suggests by. the desire bt a
family' of lusty young eels to pass that
way. -
The Incident reminds lumbermen here
of an occurrence at a little lake to the
north' o? the Temlscamlngue some years
ago In order to supply a rapidly-falling
stream wfth water enough to float a large
number cM logs the Ottawa River, it
became necessary to cut through a rocky
natural dam and allow a little sheet of
water to discharge into It. !
' The' blasting powder did its work well
rand 'the log drivers aocompllshed thetr
objectcomfortably. On the Tiext Bundayx
several of the men made their way back,
to see the result ,of their sudden drain"
age. of the lake.. They found about au
acre of 'thick mud 'at the;ve,ry ,'centwe
of where thepond had been, -and this
was alive with a struggling, writhing
mass' of great eels.,.,.' - , ;". "f J -ili-:
, , The "specimens they ''dragged to camp,
weta so huge that 'the cook refused to
have anything to do with them,, as tie
did not believe eels grew to such a slsa,
A few days afterward a number of men
went "to see the monsters, but found tha
mud quite dry and not a fish to be seen.
Various theories were advanced to ac
aount for their disappearance, as that a .
heavy thundurstorm had furnished water
novghIor, them to leave for the almost
drled-up brook. Another suggestion was
that wild beasts and birds of the' eagle .
tfy'decand hawk family had cleared aw
and havwk family had cleared away. the
stranded fish. The people of. the coun
try dlard that tha eels had gone' over
iiied at Advertised-Frlces
Notice, at Fifth and Yamhill Streets, i
quarters where we are
i vJi-'l i'-iX
AC , Bedford
1 UtV usually
50c is a special
For 35c
For 50c
For 4c
Yard wide
the best bargains ;
or patent up, au jeatner flexible
land to another , lake not half a mile
a5ay,: for "puis-often 'come out of the
water and crawl about" the fields in wet
leather.'' . t ' '-n , , J.' ' '.'
.. The Bible in Scotch.
The Bible rendered-Into-"braid Scats'
W-he latest crime In translation, far sur
passing the horroraof ven the-"honetlo
Bible" and ,i the "mpdern . English" ver
sion. The criminal In this case is a Ca
nadian with ' the , unsuspicious name of
William Wye Smith. In nn Introduction
he makes hla apology, for thinking such
an offense . desirable: "And thar . are a
hantet o' folk and I meet them a'-gate
wha dlnna apeak Soots thelrsela, but are
keen to hear It, and like to reaS it And
,thnr is anlther consideration the Boots
tongue Is no gettln" extendlt, and some
folk think It may be tint a' tha glther
'or lang."--Of the translation Itself the
following': passages from the 12th chapter
of Revelations win give a fair idea: And
the ylrth helpit ; th iwumman; and the
yirth jOpen't her mou','.and swallowed up
the spate that the dragon belched forth
frae his mooth.. And tne -dgon was f u'
o' wrath again the wumman.' and he
gaed awa to mak war wl' tho lave of
her ''bairns . tha that, war keepln the
commauns 0 Jesus." This is something
almost as audacious as , the attempt to
make Shakespeare out as Bacon. '
6dds;of information. ;
i Watchdogs are to .ba purchased and
trained to accompany wthe police on their
.When We
aatlafactory results In,
dental work we mean
satisfaction In Its full
est sense. We mean
that we do our rk In
:-way to satis.:, j the
customer and to ' our
own satisfaction as
welli - We do it so that
, the satisfaction Is per-.
manent not for the
time being, but Lasting.
Dr. "W A. Wise.
WISE BROS., Dentists
,soa,eo, aio.sit, sis, sij Falling Bonding, f
oor. Third sn4 Wsshlngtoa greets.
t vt-t
doing business for glory;
Summer Silks
2ft- ' For choice of a big variety of .very fashion-
M -We 6o;Wksh Silks, ' Jsyr r
i Cord Silk Stripe,! creain shade;
sold at 1.00 per yard. ' , .A ' ' '
f T.LI. rt4.U
Table Damask, turkey red, 56 Inch
Table Damask, turkey red, g6 Inch
atnask, turkey red, 5
This department teems with Wg values such as
. Inspire the confidence of all housekeepers. '
Persian and Turkish patterns, 50-Inch,
65c values, a most elegant line that will
surely please you.
quality House Lining.
t -
6c Unbleached Musiln.
English Worsteds, form-fitting, cus
tom finished. Equal in every respect
to $7 tailor values. '
sole, that is a fine 52.50
The mosquito eggs are, it is said, hatch
ed in from four to seven days, according
to.tho warmth of the-weather. ; v" i
nightly rounds at Schacrbeck, near Bru,
sels. ' -
Tha consumption of meat in England
has reached the total of 113 pounds a head
a year, which is more than double wliatj
it was 60 years ago, .f , , , -. . .'.. j
The owners of the Braun oatents. Ble
L mens & Halske, have signed a oontract
with the American Government fdf th(
installation of the Braun system of wire
less telegraphy on the Atlantic Coast. -,
' 1
Your Laundry
Might as well be done In the very
best style; 4t might as well be.
clean," spotless, smooth. , If your
laundry is not what it should be,
it is because you do not send it to
OUR LAUNDRY. We do the kind.
ofwork that pleases. Tha,
63 Randolph Street
Phones Albina 41 or Columbia 6041
Now is the
Dr. T.
P. Wise.'
Both Pbenwet Or. Sootlt aaon ColJja.
Open evenings till 9; Sunday, as r.
Vi- i