VV.:T... V..' FOR PRUNES ' SAN JOSH, July 84. Paul MMWn. prominent vtneyardlst and fruit grower : a- this valley, has cabled from Agen. Rancs, to parties here, atatln that the non prun crop baa boon entirely de ' troyed by the lata cold rains and ban. - startler te the season the prospect ware for a short ia-op in France. Now, gcowd. ' lug to Mr. Masson, tba yield will hardly be worth marketing. The loss of tba , Tench crop mean big1 advance 1 price on thla coast, with according profit to the California grower. , 'posse killed A DESPERADO (Journal Special Service.) MEMPHIS, July 14. John Dunn, white, ' 15 year old, baa been ahot and killed In Tallahatchie County, Ml, by an armed ; posse. Dunn bad Just returned from tba penitentiary, where he had served a two year sentence, and was wanted at the term of Circuit Court for murder. When be learned that the indictment bad been returned against him be armed himself and together with his younger brother retired to the bottoms of Tlllatoba Creak. 9udge Cook ordered the Sheriff to bring him In dead or alive. A posse was or- ' jgsnlsed and Dnna was easily found. He snadei an effort to kill bis pursuers, emptying every chamber of bis revolver. The posse returned the firs, killing him Almost Instantly. ONE LEG ACROBAT. '4- -i - - -: "'- i'm WARSAW, Ind.l July M.-After losing fortune eUmatd at 8500,000 In the show business, Jams T. Harper, a one-legged acrobat, , well known among circus peo ple throughout the country, Is dead here. Harper was epe . of -Barnum's leading performers In a tour of Europe, and a few years later toured China and Japan With a circus of his own. Work was reported completed the last iek in June on the Chicago & North Western, on the double tracking between Arlon and Logan, Iowa, 13 mile, afford inr a cohQnuous double track line for the) entire length of the atate. About 18 mile of track have now been laid on the Ogden-Lucin cut-off of the Southern' Pacific. The track now reaches the water on the east shore of the lake and on the west side about two miles from grade. 'Grading Is reported completed on the Park branch of the Northern Pacific, which runs from the present terminus at Cinnabar, Park County, Montana, to Gardner, three mile southeast on the north boundary of Yellowstone Park, Announcement la made that a branch line 10 miles long will be built from Sour Lake Station. Texas, on the Southern Pa cific, to the Sour Lake oil field. Surveys are being made. Nearly (500,000 has been authorised on the Spokane or Idaho division alone of the Northern Pacific for track and other Improvements, since January 1. Work la now well under way on this betterment of the line. It is proposed to build several long sidings between Spokane and Ellens- burg, to relieve congestion of traffic dur tng the transportation of grain. These Sidings will be about 9000 feet long. The Improvements will also Include the filling In of 15 bridges and trusties on the Wash, Ington Central and of five on the Palouse branch. It Is said that a line is to be built by the Illinois Central from Brookhaven to Montloello, Id Lawrence County,' Hiss., a distance of about SO miles. A logging road is now In operation over a considerable portion of the distance, so not much logging road In question has been pur fogging road 1 nquestlon baa been pur chased, and It Is said that the new build ing will begin in August. The contract for double tracking 63 miles of line from Brookhaven, Miss., to Hammond, La., has been let to C D. Smith A Co., of Memphis. Tenn., Who nave just complet ed a section running north 40 miles from Brookhaven. The completion of this sec tion will probably finish the double track leg between Chicago and New Orleans. Inside and Outside. There are always two political parties; not so much because there are two Sides to every publlo question as because there are two sides to every office, vis., the In Sid and the outside. Life. THE MARKETS. No charges appear today in the local ' quotations. Business was fair on ac. count of the closing of the stores yester day and the shortage In the retailers' stocks. f A" meeting of the wholesalers is being held this afternoon in reference to the " salt proposition. The wholesalers claim that the salt trust Is not doing the fair tning by them by cutting their commls. Ions so short The wholesalers have now received a big cargo of salt,' and unless some agreement Is arrived at this after noon im coast im iitieiy to witness a fight the equal of which has never been seen; Wholesalers claim that they can get all the salt they want from Indepen dent companies, and are prepared to stand a long running fight as they control the Jobbing trade. The steamer will arrive- from San Francisco tomorrow, and Is expected to bring the usual cargo on mixed small fruits. No changes appear In quotations today. 1 Receopts of eggs are somewhat better today, and there is a tendency to drag in the market Eggs today are selling a fraction over quotations. It Is expected that in a very short tlm-that a big Slump in egg quotations will appear as the market is already showing weak ness, ' A large amount of very small spring chickens are. on . the market todsy, and Sr very weak' at quotations. Receipts of hens are about the average, and are Selling welL The -market Is about cleaned - up all the time, i ' , . v . ( , . . . Meat still continue to com In at a too BIG PRICES yy c i urnim inc :.x. .: mwryn ,'e.ict .m jpo- .. .m. i HOUSES BUILT ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN IN IHlawtlhicarinie First 1 J '. 1 111 1 Tnls Tract is . . jmy id minutes on Auivcntar t ; r Morrison and'Third Streets. IFjtpWANT A HOME, 7Q1 Chamber of Commerce lively rate for. tn"W warftrperiod of the year.? Demand Is vefy light Veal Is Wheat Nominal; Walla 'Walla, Mot bluestem, T5c; Valley, B5c. Barley Feed, aOr' rolled, J2LS0 per ton. OatsNo. 1 white, 1.201.M; gray. $1.10 1.15. Flour Best grades, tS.06fi8.f0 per barrel; Valley, $3; graham, tt.S.M. Miilstuffs-Bran, 1 per ton; middlings. 121.60: shorts, $19; chop. $17 60- Hay Timothy,. Sl2fU; oiover. $7:600. BUTTER. JCCkJS, POULTRT. ButterCreamery, 2021Hc; dairy, 16 18c; store. la416c. , Eggs 20tlo per dosen. - Cheese b-wl cream, twins, lb918Vet Toung America, 14c Poultry-Chickens, mixed, U.WfiM per dos.; bens, $6.00 per dos. ; broilers, t2.509 8.00; fryers. $S.003.50: duck. $.008.60 per dos.; .turkeys, live,. 1214o; do dressed. UQVto per lb.; gee, $t0ftg)8.00 per dos. VEGETABLES AND FRUIT. Potatoes New potatoes., ft00tg.25 per cental. Onions California Yellow Danvers, p.60. Tomatoes-$l.tt per crate: turnips, 1101.25: carrots. tBo dos. bunches; beets, toe per doten bunches; peas. $H3o per lb.; asparagus, gl.SS per box; rad ishes, per dos., IShb&l&c; green onions, dos., 124l5c: csbbages, Oregon. IVic per lb.; lettuce, head, per do., 20c; California green corn, 25c dos.; beans, 35c per lb.; raspberries, $1.75 per crat of 24 boxes; grapes, Arltona, $2.50 per crate; Califor nia pears, $1.50 per box. Green fruit Lemons, S3.5Off4.00; oranges, $404.60 per box; bananas, ttifi; pine apples, $34 per dosen; cherries, f5cell oeaches. 6075c: California plums. 65ffi86c box; apricots, 66$0c; cantaloupes, $2 per crate; watermelons, t2.503 per dosen; prunes, 75o per crate; apples, $1.50 per box. i Dried fruit Sun-dried apples, sack or boxes, per lb.. 4Qoi e vapors tea. ixjpizfto; l8o; prunes, Italians, S4c; figs, Califor nia blacks. Itt4; do whit,, to; plums, pitted, WttC. OROCBRIE8. NUTS. ETC Sugar Cube, $4.75; crushed, $4.75; powdered, h.h; ory granuiateou m.w extra C $4.10; golden C. $4.00; beet barrels, 10c; ball barrels, wo; bozos, 60s per 100 lbs., above basis, Mo per lb. dis count tor .prompt cash maple, 12tt13a PCttifocb t38et lava, fancy. vyaaxci java, jguoo, iugwi Java. oro nary,' lfiBWor vosta jKica laa fanev. 1D4920: Costa RIci a. aood. iai8c: Costa Rica. ordinary. lO&lUe per pound: Columbia rn.il SU Arbuokla'a. XII. 13 list: IJon $10.(3 list; Cordova, $11.13; Yosemlte, 1L Salt-Bales, 2s $s, 4s, llSSrts, 10s, $5.10; Fine - table and dairy, 60s, per sack. Mo; Liverpool, He; Worcester, 6c Worcester, bbla, bulk, 820 lbs.. 16.26. Bait Coarse tottit ground, 100. per to. Honey Fancy white, 144Hfo: light am ber, . UHOl4ot dark amber, loVlio. Grain bags-Calcutta, tt-KKZHSper 100 lor Juiy-AU(ub, Nuts Peanuts. ' 7o "oef nound for raw, tsjse for roasted : eosoanuts, 869 uo per uuHDiy wuiuuui jswuio per pouna; pine nuif-Wiwric; nioaory nuts. ic; tuuiu r r arum; xJrs- sll nuts, l7oj Alberts, ittfttot fancy pe cans, 1414V4oi- almonds, J2V416c; cocoa nuts, 90o per dos. Col Ulf-Clises 800 pier gaUon; bar. rsls, 19c; tanks..: Iso. Rio, imperial. Japan No. 1, so; No. I IHo; New Orlan, sJffe. Bslmon Columbia RiVet, ene-pound tall, $L7i two-pound talis, 0.49: fancy one-pound flats, $1.86; half-pound fancy flats; $1.15; Alaska tails, pink too, tSk $1.25; two-pound tails, $2. ; Beans Small whit, guo; large whit. I l-6c; pink, to; bayou, tio: Umaa, iZ HOPA WOOL , AND HIDES. Hops lt18o per pound: contract, u 14C. , Wool Nominal: Valley. llOlfic: em Oregon, 10014c. BheepsKine-eneanngs, l6W2Ue; abort wool, 2&$5c; medium wool, toraooi Ions wool, owe!! each. Taflow Prime, per pound, MMUq; No. t and grease, 8U4$9. 'TV, . Hide Dry Udes, NO. 1, U pounds and n. lS815Vic ner sound: drv kin. M, i 6 to IS pounds, 16c; dry calf. No. 1 under pounds, lfta; dry-salted, bulls and stags. n klftjl i.e. than n bw 4t I w a m i a j a w sound, 10 to is pounas. ts calf, sound, under 10 pounds, c: green (unsalted). It par pound leu: culls l per pound lass: horse hides, salted, each, Qi: dry. a eh, 161.60; colt' bide, each, 88a60et goat skins, common, each. lOOUta Anl gora. with wool acb, 36c6L. jaonair c MEATS AND PROVIBIONsj. Fresh meats Beef. nrlm. tamttt WViko per lb.1 veaL 47V40t mutton, iu. I WV WlMaaapv V7rU Jr Wg amaU U, Qffi aAjJ ptg lb. . - - . . , . t , .: . i ... Haras, bacon, tto Portland pack breakfast bacon, 16n4c; llghi sides, lie; uKvas, uwi orr hum siaes, lie; ansa iwc wviM,, w, iitBiww ftuuuftm, jeer outsldes, 16o per 10.: kettle leaf lard, 10 Ib. tins. 13TAc: do. 6-lb. tlna. 14a lb ern packed hams under 18 lbs., 15Wc; over U ilbs rUHet' iancyi. 16c i plenfo, Ucl shonldere, l2ct- dry. salted sides,, uni smoked, lSc; breakfast bacon,' lc; bacon sides, lHc; backs, unsmoked, UUc: do smoked, 14He; butts, laeiJo. -7 t Lard Kettle leaf, 10-lb. tins. 14tte; do, f-lb. tins, 14H lb.j sttam rendered, 10s, 1 BH ell MsV JJt4 t steers, sauna, ow pouna ana over, 89c to to to pound. 7tt& under BO ounds and cows, 7c; stags and bulls, -sound, 6a SUe: kin. sound, 16 to 80 Bound. Ta: vaaT . uov ana i nreu-iuurwis 01 the finest suburban property in Portland. r - t " Becoming Hats. Ths value of a becoming hat cannot be issUoulaa. . It ix -4fe article of atj- than any other which brings out the good points or accentuates tbe bad ones, not only of eyes and hair, but of complexion and the shape of the head. Let the hat be suited to the wearer and all els IS for gotten' and forgiven. The picture hat of the Gainsborough, suggests beauty of patrician type of the brilliancy of a Rubens beauty. It Is suit ed rather to the large-faced beauty than tor a woman -with a small face, who must not hide It under a bushel, The round faced,' plvjmp beauty may wear a hat turning back from the face, one following too closely the outline of the face sug gests the framing of tnb full moon. The woman with a large, round, and rather red face must not crown it with a small hat suitable for some fairy. A thin face needs soft, full f ramingjjp, ton down all angles. " - A woman with a retrousse nose should not wear a hat that is bent down di rectly In the middle, trying to meet ths hat; neither should she wear a hat that goes up sharply in tne front, as it looks as though it was a continuation of the nose. A hat that flares at the sides Is one that she can wear; also a turban or toque, In soft folds, Is most becoming. For the woman with height weight and color, hats are a difficult question. Shs must be cautious In this matter to ths point of cowardice. Few flares and few feathers and flowers except when the last are closely massed with much foliage and always tending to dark tints, pon pons for the modern Brunhilde. Shs must be tautly rigged as a yacht, ready to take every breese without a loose end fluttering. REAL ESTATE TRANSFEREE A. L. Baker to M. C. Moors & Son, lot t, block 201, city, or nwV4 and nw!4 of sw, sec. 11, tp. 4, n., r. 2 w., Columbia County, Or Laura Break and hus. to C. A. Haettinger, lot 18, wft lot 15, block 68, Sunnystde 3rd add 625 David Ooodsell and wf. . to K. O. Hayward, lot 6, block 2, Mayor Gates add v. 150 E. Ryan to A E. Milton, lot 2. block 119 West Irvlngton f 460 F. West to H. Thurmann. lot 10, block 14, Riverside add to Alblna... 200 J. Frank Watson 'end wf. to J, L. Wheeler, lots 13, 14, block 16, Point Velw 109 M. J. Funk and hus. to E. J. Elliott, lot 4, block 2, East Tabor Villa..., 750 M. C. Thompson and wf. to M. Mur dock. lots 13, 16, block 4, Willam ette Heights K00 J. F, Chase and wf. to J. O. Oroves et al., lots 1, 2, block 1, Chase add to Pelasant Home 100 Underwood Kutch to E. N. Hudson, lots f io. block 2, Baxter's add to Taborslda 80 F. L. Chambers et al to M. J. Cham bers, sec 14, tp. 1 s., r. 1 e., in Ed- 1 ward Long D. L. C, love and, af fection F. H. Phillips and wf. to F. M-Jurg ana wr., lots u, iz, diock z, epaw- befrydale 150 Macleay Estate Co., to A. M. King, lot 16, block 19, Lincoln Park An nex Northern Counties Inv. Trust Ltd to Wm. Clark, lot's, block 265, Couch add 262 850 The Alliance Trust Company, Ltd. 3. C. P. Westengard, lot 1, block 119. city S250 Mary R. Thompson et al. to Chas. Zlehr, wh ot eH of eH or nei of nwK and wH of eH of nett of nw4. sec. 20, tp. 1 s.. r. 1 e 1 2500 Chas Zlebr to Robt B. Case, same.. The new directory lusi Issued bv- the Columbia Telephone Company show thai company to be growing. BU8INE8S CHANCE8. FOR SALS Three fine sightly residence Diocas, on weaiern siop Mt. Tabor! free wSter. Call at Mt Tabor drug store. O. F. Botkin. MACHINE SHOP for sale; lathes, motor. Mi-iu wwm, tie, rnon muss 1746.1 . ENGRAVING CARD8. WEDDING AND VISITINO CARDS En. gravea; w. u. tsmun t CO., TtUrd floor, .Washington Bulldlng.j ' Addition imc iu CALL ON Phone Main ISO RISING ARE VALUES We own lots and blocks in all parts of the city, on which we will build for you. You may pay In In stallments. Call promptly POfiTUDD TRIM (0HPMI Of OHM 109 third Street. '! ll.'ft'ti "MB Said witb or wtthea BllUn saS Taba. I I Un Attaaas&tt. BaobaandTRMiUd. 1 ad Repaired. Faruroa tnmilir HiMwns I ror u Haeaiaa. ums rapers. oarkaa Y mvt. and Usoeluaauu TOMwrltar boddUi and furalture. ftTasoaSAisss ma Unas I mon osAaaa. , . Msrrypiens! Wytkoff, Ssssisss a gesesTct. 349 Stark St, PortUnd, Or. STOCKHOLDERS MEETINO. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The Title Guarantee aV Trust Com pany will be held at the offices of the company, In the Chamber of Commerce building, Portland. Oregon, on Tuesday. July 22, 1802, at i:30 p m. ' T. T. BURKHART, SecreUry. CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HALL'S safe, standard ef the world; safes sold on easy payments; trade your old safe for a new one. Norris Safe A Lock Co., 11 First St. PERSONAL. A E. Devere, the specialist in treatment a,m vain. tea nnK. r,.i...: phone Red 2849. SKIN AND SCALP SPECIALIST. BATHS, massage: scalp and skin dis eases permanently cured; manicuring Cottage 167 Park near Morrison; tel. Front 1615. HOUSES FOR RENT. DONALD O. WOODWARD. 246 sTartTiTT mi and insurance. 'Phone Main am DRESSMAKER. Mrs. B. 3. Oliver, Millinery Parlors, room W5. Macieay mms. ' f HELP WANTED MAI p . JxiOESTnuTnTyarff mm; wu-"i' jih nana ana milker; work of all kinds in and out Of city for men and women; 80-day guarantee on every ticket Call and IIS CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, I26tt Morrtonbnchl4Burnw and WANTED Two bright, actlv canvassers nnllatora OH CltV ClPnnla tlm . , be well recommended and give security: don't appiy " you nor a hustler. Apply to W. A. Campbell. Journal office. ; WANTED 12 boy, 14 or 16 year old, for journal rmm ai xn journal office, 289 Yamhill St. i . . TRUNK FACTO liY. Harris Trunk Co trunks vallsea, satcb els, etc, -m Morrison UL , . Now is Time Ml Cs4vS '' '-, 'iMQQMS FOR RENT i ? 4S5 ALDER, oor. lltb Nicely furnished . front rooms; all eonvalnoe; suitable iot one-of two gentlemen. . ' ' 1 N1CELJ-TI PRNlSHJDD ROOMS, light and JS IUI (., US IH soww THB ROBB 4UH 1st., cor. Salmon; ele gant rooms; transient solicited. Phone Red 1891. . FURNISHED ROOMS-lllV, 1st st, cor. Yamhill; transient solicited. Tel. Brown tn. t. FURNISHED ROOMS-Bath. tel. 881 Yamhill, near cor. West Park. Phone OreeOj 628.. THE BURBANK, 234 YamhlU-Wsll-fur-nlshed front rooms and board; also table board. THB LOCKWOOD, 85M Morrison st. Furalshed rooms; transient Phone Ore gon South 606. MANHATTAN COURT Brick building; steam heat, newly furnished. IllVs Stark. THE CASTLE 878 Wash.; rooms for gen tlemen; transient. Tel. South 761. CLAIRVOYANT. MADAME JOHNSTON, trance medium; reading dally; cards, 25c; clairvoyant 60c. 251 Fifth street. MRS. STEVENS, tbe leading Palmist and Clairvoyant, give reliable advice on all affair of life; readings, 60c 221ft Mor rison L ' ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER. idABallln, 48 2d st TeL OakTeTv sels and machinery ot all kinds de signed. It ATTORNEYS. Pax ton. Beach A Simon! 610 Chamber ot Commerce. James Oleason, 3 and 8 Mulkey Building. AS.gAYER AND ANALYST. Paul Baumel, Assay er and' Analylst gold dust bought. 228 Stark st IJ BARBERS. - . Joseph Reidel, 85z Morrison st wm i no.',. v v Snowden Bathrooms, tCOH 'Wash., room L Vapor baths, massags i and electrio treatment,;-!' Iptrf, ''.: v, BARBERS' SUPPLIES. Grinding of U sharp edge tool sps- BICYCLES. ; 'rsd T. MerrtU Cycle Co., .106-111 Bin t BOOTS AND SHOES. A Dreyers, Third st J. Sanger, Repair Shop. 449 Washington. cfNJ!i51A N 5 B u 1 L D E R8,, John A Melton, carpenter and builder, 307 Stark st.; office and store fixtures built and remodeled, altering and re paring house. 'Phone Main 747. L. Mitchell, Expert Chiropodist Knight's Shoe Store, 8M Washington at. Plion . 4 A. J. Coffman, Chocolate and Bon Bona, 3a0 Washington at W. J. Powell, Candle and Cigars. 420 Washington at Sewing Machine and Bicycles, 835 Mor rison street CORNICES SKYLIGHTS. Metal Skylights, Galvanised Iron Cor nices, j. v.. Bayer, zee uecona st Oregon Fuel Co., dealers In all kinds of coal and wood, 844 Morrison st Bsnfleld-Veysey Fuel Co., dry flat wood, 80 Third st Phone Mam 363 and Col. 3a. DENTI8T8. S. M. Hamby, D. D. S room 3 Wash ington Bldg., Washington and 4th st. Theodore 8. Thompson, 50-61 Washington Bldg.,1 Washington and Fourth sta Phone Hood 414. P.fl. Langworthy, rooms 7 and 8 Benson Building, 114 Morrison street near Fifth. DRUGGISTS. O. P. 8. Plumcer. 260-262 Third st Rows 4k Martin, Sixth and Washington, Frank J. Btrelblg. 148 Washington t Laua-Davis Drug Co., 175 3d st Phone 648. ELECTRIC WORKS. Portland Electrical Works Offlce, 892 Washington t Western Elecfrto Work, 806H Wash, st FOR SALE REAL. ESTATE. 'ORALEReal estate offfcTwiufa IllCe I1BV VL yi HCO. OVA JUOff, on it. HAT MANUFACTURERS. HAT MANUFACTURERS AND RENO-VATORS-Only place in Portland for good work: union hatters. Boston Hst Company, 82 Fourth street; phone Blaok 1831. ENGRAVERS, Hicks-Chatten Engraving Company. MorT rlson. oetween r irst ana Second sts. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Oregon Employment Co.. 227 Burnaid- st FURRIERS. sTlve'rneld Fur ' MTgToToTMorTn i st Tbe son GROCERS. . Pre er A Co.. 140-842 Washington t MAIRDRESSING. MANICURING Pari Hair Store, 208 Washington t. uT to-dat hair dressers. r HOTELS. Hotel Belvedere, European plan. Fourth and Alder sta HAY AND GRAIN. W. S. Lauthers, U0 North Third suTjnTeT Shingles and Cement HOU8E FURNI8HER8 some Furnishers Furniture. Carpets. Parlor Good, Stove, eto. See i. i As Sons. 178-175 First tls-228 Yam. JOIL Both phones 804. LAUNDRIE8. Clean Towel Dally. Comb, bruah, soap, 81 per momo. ,"1''B'vvr uo., to. 48 N. Ninth st Tel. 410. : v MASSAGE. - ;. ) .. MDME. H. iBVELY. Dermatologist, mas sage, electric uwumu udi m irt st INSURANCE. Buffer Burgard Co., 851 Washington st. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Ca Iavea DEPOT FIFTH AND I STREETS. Arrives. For Maygers, Rain ier, Clatskanle, West port. Clifton. Asto ria. Warrenton. Fla- 8:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 2:80 P.M. vel, Hummoiia, Fort 11 :10 AM, Bteveas, uearnart Pk., Beaelde, Astoria ana Seashore Ex press, Dally. Astoria Express, Daily, ex. Saturday. :40 P.M. Portland Seaside Express, Saturday only. Ticket office, 255 Morrison street and Union Depot. J. C. MAYO, General Passenger Agent. Astoria, Or. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama end Hongkong, calling at Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamer tor Ma nila, Port Arthur and Vladivostock. For rates and full Information call on or address officials or. agents of tbe O. R. A N. Co. JEWELERS. Beldlng Bros., Diamonds, Watches, etc, 4a Third st V. The L. C. Henrlchsen Co.. Jewelers and opticians, 2H4 Washington t Th O. Heltkemper Co.. manufacturing Jewelers, 286 . Morrison st MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY to Loan on Cltr lots- and im proved farms. W. A. finaw 4b Co., 43 Stark Street MONEY LOANED on furniture, pianos, etc. 392 E. Morrison st W. A. HATHAWAY-Mpney to loan. 10 w asnuigtotn uunong. rnone now MU8ICAL INSTRUMENTS. FluTeTfurmanwTmIna bnJoIri structfon. Prof. B. A. Smith, resldenci 254 Twelfths Phone Brown Its. PATENT .FOR. SALE. FOR SALEjaf a aorlflce.4 interest in a valuable patented asphalt paving pro cess; has Deen operated successfully. Address' Box iti. Jonrni offlo. -PAWN R0KER8. UjwJey "ifiiy, NorthrThQTt, ,t r . Portland Loan Offlce, Dad Marx, prop:, 74 Third at, near Oak. Phone Brown 475. Uncle Myers, Jeweler. 143 Third t PHOTOGRAPHERS. E7w76ore?ciayonQnBll portraits? Third and Washington its. REAL ESTATE. The King Real Estate Association. Chamber of Commerce. 723 Chas. H. Koretl, real estate and mortgage loan. 251 Washington. Main 681 M0NUMENT8. Otto Schumann, monumental and build ing work, 204 Third st. Estimates h first-class work and stock only. REJ5TjMJR A NT 8. Morris' Lunch and CoffeeHouse. Below Imperial Hotel. Btrouse's Restaurant, 228 Washington st City Chop House and Restaurant U Third t, N. SIQN WRITER. Jessie WaddeU Sign Writer, 269H Taylor treet Phon Hood 175. Portland. SLOT MACHINES. All style; repairing; phonograph, rec ord. Transcontinental Machine Co., 848 Washington t - STORAGE AND TRANSFER. C. O, Pick, office 88 First st, bet 8tark and Oak; phon 5M. Plahos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping; commodious fireproof brick warehouse, Front and Clay sts. Furniture, Piano and Safe Moving and Packer. Charles M. Olsen, 128 First street TYPEWRITERS. The Smith-Premier Typewriter. 122 Third street All makes of typewriters for rent. Supplies for all machines. L. A M. Alexander A Co.. agents. TICKET OFFICE8. CSrTXndrckTOlr to 820 saved to all points. WALL PAPER. H. P. Chrlstensen, wall papers, and painter. 141 Seventh st, corner Alder. Ernest Miller ft Co.. wall paper and dec orations. 127 First st WINE DEPOT. THB COLUMBUS-Callfornia Wine De pot P. Loratl, Prop. AIL kinds wine, 6e glass. Fin wines, liquors and cigars. Headquarters for cooks, waiters and bartenders. 148 Fourth st Or. phons Main 75L BANKS. LADD A TILTON. BANKERS. Established in 1S59. Interest allowed on time deposits. Itnerest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on fa vorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available In Europe and all points in the United States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Washing ton. Chicago. St Louis. Denver, Omaha', San Francisco, and various points In Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris. Ber lin. Frankfort. Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE With which Is amalgamated THB BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Capital paid up 38.000.000 Reserve 3.000,000 Transacts a general banking-business. SAV BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of 810 and up wards, and Interest allowed on minimum -,v.iv balances. Rates on. annlleatlnn 44 Washington st , 1 E. A. WTLD. Manager. LONDON 4 BAN FRANCISCO BANK, Chamber of Commerce Building. Third FOR SAN FRAN- From v u and Stark streets. " CISCO. Ains- . Head office. 65 Old Broad street London. S8. Geo. W. Elder- r This bsnk transacts a general banking June 1, 11, 21. ; P?P" ' ' ' ' business, makes loans, discounts bills and 88. Columble , . 8i0pal 5 Issues letters of credit available for trav. June 8, 1, 2d. - ?:. ri ,, x elers and the. purchase ofmerchandioe In fOR ' ASTj5RTATan3 ,:do pie I 00 pa any city of th4 orl&. peals In foreign points, eonnctln Dally t Dsiiy , anS domestlce whenge. - fop Uy,mco ?nX ,so? e Uu lntr.t psld North Beach, str. Has- Bat X ' , W A MACRAE.. Manage-.: a,0 Agh ,treet doek. p m J M-RCHANTB NATIONAti plr '' FOR CORVALLI8 ahl 7;i4JO f:W pot 4 MKRCH,POIOTLANt? QBTt f way Points, steamer Mon., Tu.a. I Frank l.Trni 'M.JSt S ' JiT' fi. L. Durham ...:...........Vloe-Preslden (Water permitting. R. W.Hoyt ...................... ...Cashier f OR DAYTON. Oreaon flwl am w put Geo. W. Hoyt ... "Assistant Cashier City and Yamhill River Tue., Won., TRANSACTS AOENERAL BAJSKINU points, str. Modoe, Asa Thur v .. . 'BUSINESS iJreetdook. - sat, Frt . ' . United States Depositary.-'- (Water permitting.) . Drafts and Utters of credit Issued avail. 1 " 1 I" T ebleto-all parts of the worid. TICiUCT O FICH 1 hlrd and ssi.. , Collections a specialty. Qold dust bought lsiephone, Aaia 7- TIME TABLES Without Change of Csrs ; BETWEEN ''.:,'.: AND RUN OVER CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RY. - TIME 70 Hours to Chicago A. G. BARKER, Oenersl Agent, CAN. W. Railway, 153 Third St., Portland, Orejon. EASTvu SOUTH pon cnicAoo I $UMCT I Q (OODIH. SHASOkl " I if BOUT IS. JO I I Depot Fifth and I I I Streets. 1 ArUve, joVERLAND E3t- ' . (PRESS TRAIN8. h:4 01 8:80 p la 8:80 am ror naiem, nose-l ,. burg,Abland. Sac-1 '.' ramento. Oarden.l7:W n fn San Frandaco. Mol . i-- iave, Los Angelas.!., . CI Pmao. New (' -'-ss.waiB'i-leans and the Be'..! ) .. At Wo o d b u : (dally except Sun day), morning trsi"; connects with trail:! ' for ML Ancal. Rii-I ' ' verton, B r o w n s-l v I I i , Springfield.) uu iiBiron, ana, Albany Local for Mt Angel and Sll verton. 4:00 p m 7:80 a m 114:60 pm Albany easssnrer .. 110:18 a i Corvallla Daasanaer 6:W n DS iBnenaan passengsri i: a l 'Dally. HDaily zoept Sunday. R5bt tickets .on sale between Port land, Sacramento and Ban Francisco. Net rate 217.(0 first-class and 21 second-olaa Becond-clas includes slssperi flrst-oiasl doe not Rate and tickets to Eastern points and ?u,r.I? Al JAPAI. CHINA. HONOLULU- and AUSTRALIA. Can be ob Jflned at Ticket Office, No. 254, cornet Washington end Third. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot foot of Jefferson Bt Leaye Portland dally 7:20 a. m.. ll:80t 1:66. 2:26. 4:40. 8:25, 8.80 p. m. Daily ex cept Sunday, 8:30,1:40 a. m., 6:06, UM p m. Sunday only. 8 a. m. Arrive Portland daily. 8:80. 10:68 a. n4 1:36. 8:10, 4:80, ;15, 7:40. 10 p. m. DailJ except Sunday, 8:85, 8:80, 10:50 a, m.1 s rept Monday, 12:40 a. m.; Sunday only, 10.06 a. m. Leave for Dallas dally seept Sunday, 6:06 p. m. Arrive Portland 8:80 a. a 1'assenger train leaves Dallas for AlrlM Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays st 8:8( p. m. Returns Tuesdays and Baturdaye Except Sunday. V. A. SCHILLING, City Ticket Agent W. E. COMAN. Freight and Passangea Agent TIME CARD . 0FJTUINS POR.TtAND.,'5' r-'i arlwSL' North Coat Llmltd...l:00 p. m. 0 a. ssk Twin City Eaprss...ai:80p. m. 6:20 p. so., Kansas City and Bt. ' ' " . anni-i . iidiam. natan. Pugt Sound Limited. 2:26 a. m. :4 p, n. Take the Puget Sound Limited 'fo Olympia, South Bend and Grays Harbol points. All trains dally. Four train! dally to Tacoma and Seattle. Taxes through te the East i A. D. CHARLTON. Asst General Pas. Agt, 1 255 Morrison street Portland. Ore) UNION PACIFIC gistj.iniii s i J THREE TRAINS . lMi 1 - , FOR ALL POINTS EAST UNION DEPOT. Leava Arrive. dUCAGO-PORTLANl) J-OO an, U pm SPECIAU Daily DaUy. For th East via Hunt- Ington. , SPOKANE FLYErt" 6jl6m A For Eastern Washing- Daily ton. Walla Walla, Lew- Is ton. Coeur d'Alen and .... Ot Northern points. ATLANTIC XPRE8S. 840 pm :latu For the East vie Hunt Daily Dally , Ington. , ; ,.- ; t OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE -V ... 1 i . A -. ''5. , J H