The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 24, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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SouthCTn Pacific's Men
z Complaining
Brotherhood President Visits Em
ployes at the Sacramento
SACRAMENTO, July ;4.-There la dls
tuieting news here of possible trouble be
tween the Southern Pacific. Ha employes
and George Estes, president of the United
Brotherhood of Railway Employes, ac
companied by representatives of the or
. A& from different parts of the coast.
held a meeting; and stated to a large
; , gathering; of railroad men that ttte
brotherhood's general committee had in
; preparation a revised schedule of wages
(or all railway employes, Including men
la all branches of work, Including the
telegraphers, clerks, mechanics and labor -..-
era. It was stated definitely that this
schedule would be submitted to the1
Southern Pacific etTicIala at once, and it1
, was Intimated that the company would
have to adopt It .
Purine the course of the meeting It
transpired that- Estes and his associates
had been denied admission to the South
ern Pacific shops during working; hours.
and were forced to meet the meT on the
, i outside, i
'General Manager Kruttschmltt, of the
Southern Pacific was asked if he had
. heard anything; of the new schedule
which is to be submitted, .and rep) fed
that he had not yet been officially waited
on by the members of the brotherhood.
"I, have heard of this association of
; Estes," he said, "and it appears to be
about Jtho same thing as the JRallw.ay
In 1893. This brotherhood is not recygnlz
ed by the regular railroad organizations
such as the' locomotive engineers, the
firemen and brakemen, in fact they look
on It with disfavor. 1 have not been ap
proached by Mr. Eates yet and as I do
not know anything- about what may be
asked I cannot, of course, say what ac
tion the company may take;"
Mr. Kruttschmltt said that he knew
nothing about the story that Estes had
been excluded from the Sacramento
: shops, but he had no doubt that the story
might be correct. v
i ."The regulation applies to everyone,
he said. "It Is strictly against the rules
for anyone to visit the employes In the
hops during working hours, so that no
exception was made in the case of Estes
and his associates."
(Journal Special Service.)
BEAUMONT. Tex., July 24 The Guf
fey Company's well. No. 2, came In with
such strength that It wrecked the drill
ing outfit, demolishing the derrick, and
left itself free to spout a 200-foot column
of gas, sand, water and oils. ...
The well kept spouting for hours, with
a roar that was heard for miles. The
wreck of the drilling r(g- made It Impos
sible to shut It off. A year ago tho
Same company's No. 1 Well came in In
much the Same way, choking Itself into
uselessness after several hours' blow
out and never developing into a servlc
able oil well.
Guffey No. J has been drilled down 600
feet. The 10-inch casinc was set at 700
' f " i
Five Hundred in Gold for
the Queen The Pro
ject Is Booming
At last night's meeting of, the Elks'
Carnival Association, Chairman B. B.
Rich, of the committee on - ways and
means, proposed ' making the award of
Discussed in convention ot Milters
at Put-in-Bay.
Journal Special Service.)
PCT-IN-BAT, Ohio, July 24,-The sec
- ond and last day's session of the annual
convention of the United States League
ef Local Building and Loan - Associa
tions was marked by even a larger at
tendance than that of yesterday. Presi-
dent Kostmayer warned his associate.
that a heavy day's work was before them
In order that final adjournment might be
taken this evening. Jay W, Sutton, of
Sault St. Marie, Mich., led off with a
few notes on the practicability of the In
terchange of funds between state as
sociations and James Clorency, of Phi
ladelphia, followed with an interesting ad
tatiss on The Worktngman'a Opportu
nity." Joseph P. Walton, of New Or
leans, closed the forenoon session with
an elaborate and able argument concern
ing legislation affecting building and loan
The speakers this afterooon Included
Charles W. T. Nagle, of Bt-llevue, Ky.;
Theodore Seldon, of Chicago: D. El
dredge, of Boston, and F. W. Thomas. of
Toledp. This evening the meeting will
. be brought to a olose with tho election
Of officers and the selection of a place
for ..holding the convention next year.
(Journal Special Service.)
CHICAGO, July 24.-In a room on the
second floor of 280 West Adams street the
dead body of a man has been found. It
had a rope around the neck, with one end
tied to the knob of a closet door,, show
ing that-the man had hanged himself
by throwing the rope over the door. A
Bote was - found addressed :
"My brother, J. J. Wise, 240 Third!
Street. Philadelphia."
On the back of a photograph of an at
tractive appearing- woman was written:
Tfou will find her (my wife) In Webhs
- fllle, Mass., with a man named Finch,
and she will never prosper for what she
has done."
The body was sent to the morgue.
i ' i ' 'iii If i
V mmm Mm ft
iff f
EUhoral. Ceremony Was Held at
.' Newport.
Was included In the general amnesty proclaimed In the Philippines on July i
Since being freed he has been afraid to venture Into the streets of Manila for fear
of the vengeance of his Filipino enemies. The former Filipino chief intends soon
to pay a visit to the United States.
feet. While the drill was at work in the
cap rock there was plenty of gas and
splendid showing of oil. It was expected
then a regular oil gusher would be
brought In when the cap rock was punc
tured, and this expectation had not dt
mlnished when the blow-out occurred.
It Is believed the sand coming from the
well Is from the 40-foot stratum passed
through after the 10-lnch casing was set
at 700 feet. , I.
Spain's Prime Minister Reaches
75 Years.
(Journal Special Service.)
MADRID, July 24. Senor Sagasta, the
Spanish Prime Minister, 'was the recipi
ent of innumerable congratulations to
day on the occasion of his TBth birthday.
The felicitations came from the youiur
King, from the Queen-mother and from
eminent persons In all parts of the king
dom. The venerable Premier Is besrin
nlng to feel-the, weight of his years and
his desire to relinquish office and retire
to private.llfe Is no secret. But Spain
can ill afford to lose his services. After
much hard work he has succeeded In
brlng-lna "the country'a finances and In
ernal affairs into a more satisfactory
condition than they have been since the
war with the United States.
It Is Interesting to recall the fact that
n his youth S,ugasta Was one of the most
igorous revolutionists and untiring tn-
rlguers of his race. By profession he
a civil engineer, and at various times
when he has been out of power In the
overnment he has supported himself as
teacher or JournlJLt. When fie was only
2i' years old he was ejected to the Cortes.
He allied himself with the Liberals, and
wlce had to flee to France for his life.
His first ministry was that of the inte
rior, under General Prim, and since then
has been Prime Minister time after
i me.
; (Journal Special Service
. NEW, YORK. July 24.-General Hor
ee porter, who has been enjoying a
.two .'months' leave of absence in this
. country, sailed today on La Savole to re
turns this duties as United States Am
taasador at Paris. . '
:Now is the
Time r
(Journal Special Service.)
BOSTON, Mass., July 24.-There was an
exodus of Democratic politicians to Nan
tasket today for the big meeting and
dinner of the New England Democratic
League, which Is to take place this after-noon-arid
evening. The presiding officer
will be Mayor Patrick A. Collins, and
the list of speakers embraces such prom
inent party leaders as William J. Bryan.
Edward M. Shepard, of New York, Sen
ator Edward W. Carmack, of Tennessee,
and Senator. Joseph W. Bailey, of Texas:
While the ahalr is tended to mark the
formal opening of the congressional
campaign in Massachusetts, the promi
nence of the speakers gives assurance
that it will not be without its bearlng-a
on, the . national campaign two years
.,. . . ' r
Astoria, dally 7 a. rn., except Sunday
The Dalles, daily 7 a, m.,, except Sun'
day.. "-. A ' . t;
Alder street dock. Path 'phones, Main
100 in gold to the successful candidate
for Queen of the Carnival. His sugges
tion was adopted, and this amount In
double eagles will be exhibited in some
prominent show window In th business
part of the city.
The ooard feels very much encouraged
at the vim with which the local mer
chants are taking hold of the matter of
exhibits. Present indications are that the
112,000 will be very easily raised, and per
haps even more. B. B. Rich has this In
charge, and at the rate he Is moving he
will soon pile up a sum that will make
the association treasury look like a bank
contracts nave been made for many
special attractions, and the Midway
promises to be bigger and better
than it was even at the memorable gath
ering: of 1SW0.
1 he encouraging report was made by
General Owen Summers, who Is In charge
of all the parades that will gladden the
eyes bf the sightseers during- the coming
carnival, that Portlanders alone were
not the only ones who were taking an
Interest In the event. AH portions of
the state will take a hand In these dls
plays. General Summers declares posi
tively that the processions will not be
the cut and dried affairs, but that they
will be up-to-date and filled with, novel
exhibitions. , S
The sub-committees to the general
committee -of the Elks' Carnival Asso
ciation have all been appointed and are
as follows:
Buildings and grounds D. Solia Cohen,
John F. Cordray. M. J. Malley.
Booths and exhibits Harry Beck, Jo
seph Barrett. O. A. Wlndfelder.
Illumination and decoration John La-
mont, Frank A. Heltkemper, Phil Harris.
Press printing and advertising A. D.
Chnrlton. Leon Hirsch, E. W. Rowe.
George L. Baker.
Parades General Owen Summers, Sand-
ford Whiting. W. J. Riley. J. M. Gellert.
H. D. Orlffin, George Baker, Al New-
Music and special features C. E. Mc-
Donell. W. A. Knight, J. P. Kenedy.
Ways and means B. B. Rich, W. M.'
Davis. William Davis, M. O. Myers,
George L. Baker.
Badges and souvenirs Leon Hirsch,
George H. Wemple, J. P. Plageman.
Program C. A. Malarkey, T. W. Bar
rett, Charles F. Dotyi
Transportation W. J. Riley, Leon
Hirsch, Edward Ehrman, F. A- Spencer,
J. C. Lang, Clarence Jacobson.
Concessions W. H. . Upson, John B.
Coffey, W. M. Davis. .
Country store John E. Kelly, George
H. WemplS, Henry Westermeler, Thomas
Dowllng, Richard Clinton.
Public safety David Campbell, D. A.
McLauchlan, W. A, Storey. , ,
Reception C. W. Cornelius, W..W. Rob
inson, Otto Schnman, M. R. Spauldlng, J.
lArch Stuart, Louis Dammascb, T. B.
1 T,
(Journal Special Service.)
NEWPORT, R. I., July 24. -Miss Lily
Oelrlcha, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Chas.
M. Oelrlcha, and Peter L. Martin of San
Francisco were' married shortly afternoon
tbda yi'n old St. Joseph's church. More
than 1000 guests, including many repre
sentatives of the ultra-fashionable aoot
,ety of New York, witnessed the oere-
mony, which was performed by Rev,
Louis J. Deady, pastor of the churclj. I
The musical service was elaborate, in
cluding selections by the church choir
and the Casino orchestra. The, ushers,
four in number, led the procession, to the'
altar. They were Kiegtnald Ronalds,
Philip Lydlg and Charles and Henry Oel
rlchs. Following the ushers came the
matrons of honor, Mrs. Henry . O. Have-
meyer Jn and Mrs. Cameron McR. Wing-low.
The bride was accompanied by her
father, who gave her away. The bride's
own was of the heaviest Ivory-white
atln, covered with wlTTie chiffon, except
i front. , Here, narrowing to the waist
and again widening to the hem of the
skirt, the Outer material was lace, hand
sowed, with large pearls and satin flow
era. At elfhgr 'slide of the center piece
ond clear around, the chiffon was tucked
over the wlTole surface of both walsrani
skirt. At the top of the bodice was used
old point Venetian lace, loaned by the
bride's aunt, Mrs. Hermann Oelrlcns, by
whom it had been used as a wedding
veil, The bridal veil was fastened with
diamonds, to the bride's hair, upofl which
rested also "a wreath of orange blos
soms. - i .
The spectacle as the bridal party
passed up the aisle was most imposing,'
and presented one of the most beautiful
pictures ever seen in the historic old edi
fice. The display of gowns and Jewels
worn by some jf the fashionable women
present excelled1' anything ever seen In
Newport. The decoration;'- of the church
were elaborate and beautiful. Baskets of
asparagus plant, ferns anri other delicate
foliage were suspended from the celling.
and the windows were banked with palms
Alter me ceremony thts ';ueStB went
over to the cottage of the bride's parents
In Kay street, where an elaborate wetfi
wing breakfast was served by Sherry.
The tables were placed In a large addl
tion, which had been made to the cot
tage. Throughout the breakfast and the
reception Mulally's orchestra furnished
exquisite music, Late this afternoon the
bridal couple, departed from Newport on'
a steam yachi,v After a brief trip they
will return 1,0,8 city to spend the re
mainder of the season. ,
Very pretty gifts were made to the at
tendants. The matrons of honor received
dainty gold purses and the ushers arid
best man scarfplns of gohl and pearls in
The form of a horseshoe. These souvenirs '
were encased in boxes of white satin
marked in gHt with the da
ding. The wddlng presents were shown
wlthoutfcardtn4occuPied several rooms
of the cottagy fnev consisted bf costly
and rare JewaJs. works of art and brlc-.
brae of every description.
The bride of today Is the elder daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Oelrlchs,
and a niece of ft Hermann Oelrlchs
who married the rich Jessie- Fair of Sari
Francisco. She is 21, tall, stately and a
blonde. -Though her parents ere at tfu
top of . the social-ladder, they are not
Zet, y Co1?t,veIy WW".. Mr.
Martin to, however, possessed of great
wealth In his own right, which Is In the
form of valuable real estate In Cnllfo--nla,
ranches In the West and m
In Colorado, all of which came to him
from his deceased father. Edward Mar
tin, who was ope of the early ploneerl
of California, and president of the First
National Bank of San Francisco.
Used by Boston Tea Party and Por
s chased by a Banker.
' t '(Journal -Special Service.)
j PROVIDENCES R. ' July . M.-The
famous punch bowl of history from which
.the members of ' the j Boston tea party
'drank has come Into the' possession of
jMaraden' J, Perry,, a .Providence .banker.
- The bowl,- It is undSrsto6d,was .held at
a large figure by a Boston dealer In an
tiquities, and a "large 'sum was paid,
therefore, by Perry, who then turned H
oyer to his wife as ah embellishing orna
mentor the "Immense dining-room which
is now .being finished at a cost of many
thousands of dollars.
5 Mr.; Perry's house, known as the old-
Recognition)! ycterans of. Spanish
American War.
WASHIKOTON,,,uly. J4.The follow
ing pensions have . been granted In the
state of Oregon: ' ," -;
' Originals,: William H, Byara, Salem, 16;
John Welkley,' Baker 'City, ; Doran H.
Stearns, Drive,' ; Henry N. Cobb, Rose
burg'.'- $10: tuehis W. Brown, Portland,
6; Charles J. Herb, Greenville, 8 (War
"wlth'Spaln).::;!;'.'':. ,.s.: s,..v. -;
Increase, reissue, etc; Michael O'Hara,
Weatherby, ; Columbus Weed, - PhUo
matt,r.l0; : James P. GoodalVv Jackson
ville, 112 (Mexican War) Samuel Henry,
deadiMedford, ,30; Burchart , Yonngable,
Lewis vll le, V $12; .Milton Lee, Boseburg,
s Wi t f ? Atz vny:., J
X A famous'Boer officer, released rom the British prison camp at a
g Bermuda, sailed yesterday on th e steamer "Tartar Prince" for jjj
S SoutH Africa. He has taken the oath of allegiance. S
Ten:TIi6tindMen Join,
i in the Parade in ,
V S-
"Ten thousand people will be In th
Portland Labor Day parade" Is the ant
nouncement made by Q, Y. HarryJ presl
dent of the State Federation at Labor, ' )
The following men have been appointed
as a committee to make. the preliminary
arrangements , for the event; - Messrs,
Harry, Steiner, McDonald; and Gold.
ralner. . At the next meeting of the Fedj
e rated Trades Council other committees)
will be appointed for the same purpose.
Quite a number of the unions are- now)
at work on the uniforms, floats and get .
ting the paraphernalia ready tor the pa
rade. At the regular meeting of the
Sheet Metal Workers Tuesday might V
committee was appointed to prepare ban
ners and uniforms for the occasion. The!
union also gave out that tho organization
h at work -upon something 'unique for1
the celebration, but ot Just what nature
It is to be refused to state ;
An effort, will also be made, to secura
speakers of National prominence, and
taken altogether the Indications are Very
favorable that the celebration wll be. at.
red-letter day In the history of Portland.
' The committee Is visiting all the mer
chants, asking them to) close their places
oi Business in noner ot the day This)
has been the general practice in nearlyjgi
all the large cities of the United gtateeJr
for the past few years, and It Is quite
probable that Portland will also, fall lq
line this year. : , ,
Skeleton of Prehistoric Monster
Dag ap in Wyoming.
bur C. Knight, of the State University,
has returned from the mountains in the)
vicinity of Medicine Bow. where he has
had a force of men at work all summer
digging out fossil remains.. He says that
during the past "few days over 60 bdnea
have been taken out, and that the unl
veralty has now secured the complete
skeleton of the largest dinosaur In the)
world, the collection making the most
valuable and most complete known. Ai
week ago the workmen uncovered the
tall and neck of a huge dinosaur, which
must have been 90 feet long, and weighed
15 tons. Heretofore specimens of small
dinosaurs have been secured, but this la'
the largest skeleton that has yet beeq
(Journal Special Service.)
GREAT FALLS. Mont., July 24. -An In
teresting discussion Is expected before
the state undertakers' convention which
l.rgnn here today' 'over the proposition
of Butte members Of the association for
the construction of a crematory In that
city for the reduction to ashes of the bod
ies of deceased persons and also for the
reduction of the carcasses of animals
and also garbage. There is considerable
sentiment against the Idea of a joint
crematory and a lively debate is ex
pected. The convention Is well attended,
the presiding officer being E. L. Flaherty,
of Helena.
Gammell mansion, is one of the earliest
of the colonial In the State of Rhode Is
land, and "it fell Into the hands of Mr.
Perry about a year ago.
Parts of the house were constructed
more than 100 years ago, and when the
trade of New England wa a good deal
in the line of rum and negroes the man
sion of the Browns and their descend
ants figured in the social life of the town
and the plantations established by Roger
Hence, when the Boston tea party
punch bowl is finally nestled away In
Providence It will have a flttlnjr roof
over lta wide earthenware trims, and the
timbers of the olden mansion can vie
with the history of the bowl . in claims
of distinguished pedigree and renown. '
The punch bowl,- it is learned, came
down safely to the days of the 20th cen
tury through the care 'and painstaking ot
the forefathers of Mrs. Perry. They
were the Llncolns, and they have figured
in the history of Massachusetts for more
than 200 years.
"I have decided to spend my vacation
at Newport." j
"At Newport? AV'hy, man, I thought
you wanted seclusion."
"I do, and I'll be secluded all right. I
don't happen to be recognized In the New
port set." Baltimore News.
$10; John Atkins, Saint Helen, $8; Mounts
Story, Sweet Home, $8; Thomas Ryals,
ortland, i2; Hartwell F. Hunnicutt, Soft
dlers' Home, Roseburg, $8; , Lysander
Downing, North Yamhill. $8; Russell A.
Johnson, Ashland, $10; Thomas T.. Not
son Ballston, $8; William W. Davis, Gar
field. $8.'
Widows, minors and dependent rela
tives; Martha M. .Johnston, Medford, $8;
Anna Henry. Medford, $8; Sarah Wlck
am, Coquille, $8; Frances L. "Russell, Oak
land, $15.
Howes. '
Hospitality John Lamont, J. F. Olsen,
E. D. Johnson. Louis Rosenblatt, M. J.
brisco!!. Clyde Bills,- Matt Foeller, Ham
ilton Meade, A. P. Hansen. L. B. Juston.
Otto J. Kraemer, Thomas McNamee, T.
B. Devitt, C L. Schmidt, J. P. B. Cope
land. ' -' ' ' "-.".v ' . ;
Accommodation C N. Rankin, George
Streeter, Felix Frledlander, S. j. Mur
phy, William Hahn. ,t,' -
Gertrude Myren,' New York's eeltbrated
clairvoyant, la now located at room 607.
Goodnough building,, corner TamuUl and
Fifth streets, ' ' - t
(Journal Special Service.)
WASHINGTON. July 2. Startled by
the volcanic ercu rrenceV in the West In
dies, Colonel Henry C. Demmlng, geolo
gist to the Director of "the United State
Geological Survey in Pennsylvania'; has
evolved an extraordinary scheme where
by he says the human race can get all
Its steam power for nothing.
Colonel Demmlng says that while the
events of the last two months .are ap
palling In the los of life. It seemed that
Nature was emphatically calling the at"
tention of man to an enormous power not
utilized for human wants and comfort.
The deepeBt hole In Pennsylvania, in
Pittsburg, nearly 6000 feet, produces hot
water; 3000 feet further.'and, he says. It
would produce steam. ' ,''' , "''.'.
Continuing. Colonel Demmlng says:
"As Professor William Halleck of Co
lumbia University says. In' order to give
the steam commercial value a method
must be provided for . dropping water to
the hot areas, allowing ft time to heat,
and yt having trreturned to the surface
as steam without Interrupting the flow.
To effect this two holes might be bored
into the earth 12.000 feet tjeep and per
haps SO feet apart. ' : , .
t, "There would be a temperature far
above the boiling point of water. Then,
If very heavy charges' of dynamite or
some 'other explosive were lowered to
the bottom of each hole -and exploded
simultaneously a .Sufficient connection
might be established between the two
holes. The rock would be cracked and
Assured in all directions, and shatter
ing It thus around the base of the holes
would turn the-surrounding area Into
an Immense water heater.
"The water poured into one hole
would be heated and turned Into steam,
which would pass through the second hola
to the earth's surface.
"The pressure of such a column of
steam would be enormous, for aside
from its Initial velocity the descending
column of cold water would exert a
pressure oi at-Jeaat-6000pounds to the
square Inch, which would drive (pvery:
thing movable through , the second hole.
The problem is therefore a mechanical
one, concerned chiefly with connecting
the two holes. This accomplished, the
water heater would aoperate Itself and
establish a source of power that would
surpass anything now in use!
"In case of seismic disturbances these
holes. If we had them In every city and
town In Pennsylvania, would serve as
Tent and tend to lessen any serious
shaking of the earth In any part bf the
state. ' We have harnessed the lightning;
why can we not now put at least the
bridle on the heat beneath us to our
W -S:fM
Vie -s s v
Barbaric Ceremonies Forbidden Up
on the Reservation.
Julia Arthur's return to the stage Is
again mooted. Her retirement was due to
bad health,, but she has Just submitted
to a surgical operation which was en
tlrety successful, tt is said that an an
nouncement , that she will play . again
will soon be made. She is the wife of
Benjamin P. Cheney, a millionaire . of
Boston. ; , .
v (Journal' Special Service. J. '
BURLINOTON, yt.', July. 2.--Demo-crats
of Vermont assembled, 'In state con
vention here tod.ay and,. were . called to
order by R. B. Childs, . of Brattleboro. ,A
full state ticket is to Je named. ', Indica
tions point -to the- selectlftn of F. W. Mc
Oettrick, of St Albans, as the guberna
toral nominee. ) ; ' ' ' 5
, ! ; Journal Special 8eryloe. , Vl ,
W1EST LIBERTY, Ky., July .rThere
la m. lively' contest on in. the-Demooratlo
dongreeslonal convention ' of the ' Tenth
district lq session here today, ' Congress
man Baoford WhlU is ,a candidate Yof re
nomination and Is opposed by Judge Amos
Davis, -t "Morgar& -.and Frank HoDkina.
The Omaha Is the only dance now
practiced among the Sioux; the was
dance died with the accession of peace 1
the sun ' dance has long been frowned
upon by the Great Father, and the ghost
dance has been preremptorliy forbidden)
ever since the trouble springing from it
in that unhappy fight at Wounded Knee
In the early winter of. 1890, But the
Omaha, danced frequently upon the res
ervatlon, has not been, actually forbid,
den, although the Indian agents in gen,
eral disapprove of It, and so far as pos
sible discountenance Its perpetuation. It
is primarily a Social function, with thisi
unqualified disadvantage', that it tends -toward
the continuance of that' ; stata
of society known to the Indians during
their days of barbarity; that It empha,
sizes uncivilized delights and that It halt
nothing In common with the civilization
toward which we are trying to lead the
red man. Every time the - Omaha ' in
danoed ithe dancers are drawn - more
elosely to the old lives and the old ways,
a reverence for the customs of theh an
cestors is enkindled within them, and!
whatever refining Influences of - civiliza
tion may have hitherto impressed them
are, for tne time, utterly forgotten, and
eventually much weakened. It. Is
great social reflection of barbarism,
Its influence cannot be for good.
Big Cattle Movement.
During the past two months the . Bur,
ling-ton has handled thousands of cars of.
cattle from the sun-parched .ranges of
Texas to the Northwests A Denver papp
says that this is the greatest movement
of Texas cattle to the plains of Montana'
and British Columbia -ever known. "Up
to noon yesterday the Colorado & South
ern had hauled. to Denver and turned ove
to the Burlington 4003 cars, of -cattle from'
Texas.' The Burlington took these cars
through to Billings. There are 700 mors
cars to bo shipped. Each car will con,
tain 50 yearlings, or 35 2-year olds. Some
of the cattle are driven as far as C00
miles onto the ranges of British Columbia '
but ' the majority of them haVe gone ta
the Montana plains, ranging' from; the
British Columbia line to the Missouri and
along the ' tributaries of .'the Missouri
River. One""ITrm alone has "shipped. 40,
000 cattle and Col. Hughes,' of Denver, has
rhipped 25,000 head. The transportation;
of these cattle has drained the Colorado.
& Southern roads of cattle cars at)d has:
compelled -the running of solid trains o(
empty cars ff&m Billings to .. points In
Texas." ...
L Spirfttialist Dymg " ,
'Journa' Special Service.)
MIDDLETOWN, July. 23.-Luther H,
Marsh, the spiritualist and noted Jurist!
seems to be at the beginning of a gen'
eral breaking down of hls-constltuUoJV
His age being over 80 years, 'chances for"
his recovery seem slight He has not yet
taken to his bed, but reclines In a couclt
in the UbVary of bis home.- His Intellect
seems to be unimpaired, but his vltalltyj
s steadily weakennc and Physicians BOM
sider this bis last illness. '