The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 24, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    Vf .1
Prices of Wood to Be
It Cannot Be Got to the Homes as
Rapidly as Needed.
. According to iomt of the prominent
tordwood dealers of the Columbia River
ah advance In the price of that commod
ity U among the probable thins in the
1 bear future. ' There are a great many,
iwood wharvee on the river, but for the
past- two month the ateamer have ex.
perlenced ' conalderable difficulty in ob
taining; wood enough to operate upon.
Thie scarcity u due not to the fact that
the Supply has been exhausted, but on
account ef the dry weather and the In
ability ot the operators of the wood
camps to get their product front the
woods to the head of the flumes. Wood
ha beert taken from the dumps Instead
ot the rlok by the steamers for several
weeks, and It has been almost decided
by some ot the boat, operator to Install
either coal or oil-burning machinery.
One of the most Tromlnent dealers In
wood onj the river, O. a. Mayger. ot the
Vlayger - Company, was la the city last
evening,' and said that consumers of wood
had better prepare for as advance In the
trice of the article. Wood is now sell
Jhg over the wharves for $2.60 a cord.
M price having prevailed for the past
mo yearv but within a week the price
. will go to tt75 a cord.
"Our Oompany,, said Mr. Mayger "has
ever MOO cords in the woods, - but we
. cannot , get it out nearly fast enough
to supply the demand at our place. Our
company has decided to raise the price
end we will be Joined by about three
other large companies on the river, and
I am satisfied the price will go op at
There are two of the largest steamers
on the river now burning coal, and It e
claimed that the saving la time of hand
ting the fuel and the -first cost of the
Article ie greatly reduoed from that of
he expense Incurred from using wood
ixclusiveiy. Whether or not the steam
oat owners will. Stand for a raise In
Jhe price ot wood is not altogether cer
fain, but It Is not at ell unlikely that
mere will be considerable changing done
n the boats In regard to tha machinery
need tor producing steam.
In UN the price ef wood sold over the
ffharvee ruled at about J1.50, and there
yere. instances where some of the less
prominent dealers along the river sold
.heir product as low as (LiO. The price
Sa gradually increased, and U wood
over the wharves is one Of the things
likely to soon take place.
The fleet of boats engaged at towing
togs are the greatest consumers of wood.
!t requires about 40 hours for the return
'.rl9 with a raft of logs, and on one of
these trips about GO oorda ot wood is
joneumed, and it la claimed try the ope
rators that they are paying now all their
business will stand, and if a raise in
prioe is forced on them they will have
to resort to other means of supplying
steam. The amount of work in their line
has greatly increased, as a matter of
fact, but not to the extent of paying
such an advance in the price of fuel.
The owner of the steamer Vulcan is
seriously considering the advisability of
putting oil-burning apparatus in his boat,
in the event ot which there will be others
follow his example If the experiment
proves a suecesa. The use of coal exclu
sively, even generally, is prohibited by
the high price of the article by reason
ef proper transportation facilities not be
ing m existence between the coal beds
ef the state and the metropolis.
Any tendency to Increase the 'prioe of
wood, however, will have considerable
bearing on the projects so long advocated
to build roads to the coal fields.
Wood companies claim that they are
Justified In their act by reason of the
increase of cost of production and the
increase of distance they have to con
vey wood tq the river front It Is not
an uncommon thing to flume wood four
or five miles, even . then after having
hauled it a mile or more to the head of
the flume. The price of stumpage has1
increased, and greater expense rules all
along the line.
' At the stockmen's meeting, held In this
city last week, say the Blue Mountain
' Eagle, published at Canyon City, quite
a number of he growers of cattle and
sheep wer present tor the purpose of
considering the range question and com
ing to an understanding in order to avoid
any trouble In the future.
; The Blue Mountain Eagle has been un
able to procure any definite report of
what was accomplished at the meeting.'
It. is understood. that an agreement was
practically reached relative to the range
between the Middle Fork and main John
Day river as far east as Austin.
Relative, to the trail to Logan valley.
it Is learned that no understanding we
However, It Is likely that a future
meeting will be called and a thorough
understanding had regarding the use ot
all public range in the county; '
School Attendance Good.
County School Superintendent Robinson
Is busily engaged at this time in prepar
ing the report of the schools of Multno-.
man County, Contrary to the situation in
YarahnV Marion and Umatilla counties,
Multnomah will this year show a marked
Increase In both population and attend
ance.4 The work-of tabulation, however,
is both tedious and arduous, and it will
still be some day before it la completed.
Sufficient details have been gleaned, how
ever, to show most satisfactory condi
Deputy R.'H; Xjngbt sieseA three un
licensed bicycles .oa. the JV teenth-street
path yesterday, - -j ' ' ,
; X tire; In the Occidental7 hotel yesterday
afternoon caused but little damage. The
origin la unknown, ; ,; V -
R. ,L Durham, Ralph. W. -Hoy t, and
John SV Bamford, have returned the ap
praisement ot the estate of JBugene I.
Bchaeferatmsa. .: ?i V' ,
John Thomas, an alleged horse thief,
wanted oh Akanogaa County, Wean., war
taken from Portland Wash
ington o (Boers to answer to the charge.'
S. A. Arnspttr, who rode hi bicycle on
the sidewalk In AlbineW was sorry, to the
extent Of tt. when' he concluded an In
terview with Municipal Judge Hogue yes
terday. .... V;- i
T. Martin, a habitual kpe fiend, was
up In the municipal court yesterday en
the charge of having morphine in his pos
session. He was given 90 days on general
principles. (. ,
eQorge Williams' cottage 144 Macadam
Road, was damaged by Are last night to
the extent of several" hundred dollars.
The Fulton volunteer lire department
ssved ths turn; .' :; . '
Lars Swenson's shoe store, en Williams'
avonue, near Fremont, was ' burglarised
yesterday morning. . The booty was a
large number of boots, she and rubbers.
There ie no trace of the thieves.'
A. X. Parker of FernhiU has written to
Coroner Flnley, . asking for a de
scription of the man found drowned in
Mock's Slough. He thinks it may be a
German who disappeared' from FernhiU
about three weeks ago.-. .
Commissioners William Showers .and
Frank C. Bajfties held a short session of
County Court yesterday. County Judge
Webster is away In Southern Oregon, and
until his return next week, no probate
oourt will be held.
C. A. Thomas, a gentleman of color,
who desired to engage in the champion
ship fistio bout with M. J. Benjamin, In
his store on Second, near Burnslde last
night, was put out of business by Police
man Parker, whom Benjamin called as
his substitute.
The A. o. V. W. lodges of this city
have elected tha following-relief Hoard to
lo6k after needy members of tha order
who may be discovered in this city or
throughout the state: President, H, E.
Emery; vice-president. P. C. Caverder;
secretary, N. C. Joyal; treasurer, T. H.
Feahry, Jr.
B. Mutch, foreman tor Brown ft Mc
Cabe, stevedores, has preferred charges
of assault against Charles And Henry
Wolf, former members of bis crew. He
assert that the men became enraged be
cause he discharged them, and beat him
up badly. Justice of the Peace Reld wilt
hear the case on Saturday next.
A moonlight excursion Will be given by
the Elks' Carnival Association next Tues
day evening. The steamer Harvest Queen
and a bCrge have-been chartered for the
occasion. The party. wllj start from the
Ash-street dock at 8s30 p. m. An orches
tra on board will furnish music for the
A horse ridden by a lad named Brown.
while running at a, lively gait fell upbn
the pavement at Sixth and Yamhill last
evening. It was at first though that the
boy was bandly injured, but when his
horse, which had Skipped away when
helped to its feet, was returned to him,
his agony was over-and -his fsce was
wreathed in smiles.
A horse belonging to Brooker & Pan-
nay, Sunnyslde grocers, contracted sev
eral bills for Its owners yesterday after
noon. It became frightened at the music
of a street band, dashed down Fourth
street from Taylor, partially wrecked a
fruit stand near Wella-Fargo's express
office, smashed a bicycle at the fire en
gine house on Fourth, near Yatn hill, and
collided with a vehicle hear Alder, where
its mad career was cut short by
a by-
Under, who caught the animal.
Portland Club, Fifth and Alder.
Finest lunch in "city:
Portland Club. Fifth and Alder.
Mrs. 8. Paxton is visiting ; In New
H. Hirshberg, a capitalist of Independ
ence, was in the City on business yester
day. ' - ,
R. Alexander, a prominent business!
man of Pendleton, was a visitor in Port
land yesterday.
Superintendent H. E. Bickers, of the
State Reform School, wsa an arrival
in the city yesterday.
Judge Alfred S. Bennett, a prominent
man of the bench front The Dalles, paid
Portland a business visit yesterday.
James O. Walkert a San Francisco
electrician, is in the city, Mr. Walker
has the contract tor some electrlo en
gineering at Falrhaven, Wash.
John D, Carson', has returned from
visit at New Haven. Conn., where he at
tended the triennial reunion of. the 189
class at Yale University.'; ...
Samuel H. White, chairman of the
Democratio State Central . Committee,
passed through the1 blty yesterday for
Seaside, where He gees for a brief stay.
8. H. Brown, Jf.V-of Boston, is in the
city on business. 'Mr. Brown is vice
president of the White Collar line, and
is looking over the affairs of the com
pany. " ' 'i
Professor Charles R. Fay, of Amherst,
is in Portland today. His wife accom
panied him. Mr. and Mrs. Fay are visit
ing st the residence of is parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. I. Fay.
low Jinks by Multnomah Cfab.
The annual lowjlnke, of the Multnomah
Club will be given. Sunday, at Oak Grove,
near Sellwood. Those intending to at
tend will please notify the club officials,
o that, the club will know how many of
its members to accommodate. - The cluu
has been making extensive preparations
for its outing this' year and a good time
la assured to elU"
Yes,v said the lawyer, ''there are many
things to be investigated In this case. The
flrst thing to be looked Into"-
"I my pooketboeg, asseated the eUent
with perfect assurance. Puck.
.. .. - ." - .
- . r
City & Stiburban' Ex
pending Thotisands; r
.... - - -o,.
Doable Track on Richmond-Wood;
stock Branches line to
Be Moved.
The aty 4k Suburban Railway Company
has In progress at this time improvements
and extensions of it track facilities that
contemplates the expenditure of many
thousands of dollars. The new 7-inch
rails en Third street, from Olisan south
to the southern boundary of the asphalt
pavement, at the plasa blocks. Is the most
eoLspicuoue Improvement to the eye of
the average cltlsen, but the East Bids
lines will have a share In these additions
tfaatfWltt be gratifying to the company's
patrons across me nver.
On the West Side, within a few days,
Third street cars will be switched to the
Second and First street tracks, for the
purpose of facilitating the laying of the.
new rails on Third street, and to avoid
transfer of passengers as has been done.
tor the past few days. This piece of
track will be so substantially laid that It
Is hoped by the company it wljl not have
to be disturbed again for, years, and the
street pavement wwl not be injured' by
I the jarring of the rails. , ,
I On the East Side the. most conspicuous
Improvement will be the double tracking
of the Waverly-Richmond and .Woodstock
branches from- Grand avfcnue and East
Harrison street to Eaat Twenty-sixth and
Clinton streets, a dUtapce of about two
miles. The line between East Twenty.
first and East Twenty-sixth streets wilt
be moved one block north. Tor the pur
pose of avoiding two at present snnoytng
curve. It is possible, too, that ths pres
ent line from East Twenty-sixth to Rich
mond will be moved far enough north to
permit k straight track from East
Twelfth ii nd Clinton to Jhe terminus at
Richmond. The present route Is full of
kinks and curve, and If straightened' out
much better time can be made, and Rich
mond people will be benefited nearly five
minutes In reaching the West Side. Some
persons along the present route have ob-,iect-edto
the proposed change, and If they
can be mollified the line will be rebuilt
on the new route, and seven-tenths of the
residents of that section will be better
served than they have been heretofore.
Ralls for these track extensions were
ordered In Antwerp more than a year ago,
find the hip carrying them to this port
Is expected here at uny time.
The St. Johns, the Montavilla and Sun
nyslde bronchos will also have attention
?o soon as possible after the ship arrives,
and altoirethfr this company has under
way Improvements to Its property which
will require the employment of large
numbers of laborers, and an expenditure
of money that the general public has lit
tle knowledge of.
Those Established by Postofflce
Department Now Equipped.
Postmaster Cronsman directs public at
tention to the fuct that the recently es
tablished postal stations on the West
Side are now fully equipped and resdv
for business. Citlsens of Portland will
find them very convenient, In many cases
much more so than the postofflre Itself.
The money order feature will surely
meet with the approval of all. for It will
prove a great time-sayer to the" busy
man. As matters now stand one is often
compelled to wait fully a quarter 'of ah
hour at the postofflce In order to procure
a money order. These sub-stations will
relieve the congestion and greatly facil
itate business matter for the busy man.,
In the United States Circuit Court
another move has been made In the dam
age suit of Charles T. Jones v Bunker
Hill-Sullivan Mining Company. An ex
tension of SO days from July 24 has been
granted to defendant to. file Its answer.
In fie United Slates Dls.rlct Court,
in the matter of the bankruptcy of
Charles J. B. Malarkey, the data ot
hearing of petition has been set for Fri
day, Juiy 25.
Fun and Frolic
George C. Stout. A- C. Spencer, Dan J.
Malarkey, J. H. Upton, Edwin Mays, Joe
O'Connor, Earl C. Bronaugh, L, A. Mo
Nary, George Black, Robert W. Gallo
way, Thad 8. Porter, Jerry Bronaugh,
Otto J. Kxaemer, J. H. Klosterman, Hop
kins Jenkins, B. L. Stowell, J. M. Am
brose, A. M. Compton, Herbert Nichols,
A. A. Ays, Charles Bronson, Orin Price,
D. F. Price, Arno Dosch. J. P. Kennedy.
R. H. Hurley and Clinton P. Height,
members of the Chasse Chapter, Phi
Delta Phi, had, their annual frolic at the
fraternity houseboat, near Ross Island,
on Tuesday . evening. There was a
plethora of refreshments such as these
young men might be expected to have
with them, and an evening of tun and
frolic wae the result.
Earl C. Bronaugh was elected consul.
Jay H. Upton pro-consul and treasurer
and J. M. Ambrose scripto:
Great Council Adjourns. ;
The . Improved Order 'ot Red Men con
cluded It great council yesterday .even
ing, after a .kery successful two days
gathering. The, organisation now ha a
membership of over 1600 In the state' The
various tribes are reported to be la fc
flourishing oonditlaft v. : ..c
'The ioeal .Office of the Weather Bureau
In Pertlamfl headquarter fa. the North
Paclfio Coreqast district, comprising the
state t Oregon, Washington and Idaho,
Forecast of the weather and temperature
are made twice dally by ths official in
charge and in addition to these forecasts
he Issues warning of the approach of
gale likely to prove damaging to ship
ping along the Oregon and Washington
Coasts Vnd on the inland navigable wa
ters of these states.
it la known that these warnings have
been the means ot saving the lives of
numbers of . fishermen at the mouth of
the Columbia River and have prevented
casualties to sea-going, vessels by holding
them- In port just prior to the breaking of
a. storm, when,, without the information
contained In the warning they would
have gone, to sea and shortly afterward
encountered winds of hurricane strength.
Another featum in connection with the
work of the local weather office Is the
forecasting of flood crests in the Colum
bla River between The Dalles and Port'
land and In the Willamette River bejween
Albany and Portland. These floods with
out accurate information regarding the
stages to be expected are liable to cause
an Immense amount of damage, the char
acter of Which Is well known by the peo
pie of Portland. .
Next in Importance to the forecasting
of floods and storms, comes the gathering
of information regarding the condition of
the growing crops. Each week during
the growing season from 150 to 200 crop
reports are received from correspondents
located in the agricultural sections of
Oregon. These reports are carefully read
and from, them a summary Is prepared
and published In the form of a bulletin
which is sent free to alt applicants. This
bulletin has become very popular and the
number of persons requesting that it be
sent them is constantly Increasing.
The collecting of statistics regarding
tha climatology of the State of Oregon 1
also done at the Portland weather office.
There are about 90 voluntary observers
scattered throughout the state who keep
a dally record . of the . temperature and
rainfall at their respective stations, using
for this purpose government Instruments,
sll of which have been compared and ad-
Justed with standard' instruments-' kept
for this purpose at the. .central office in
Washington) D. C
The computations of the voluntary ob
servers are carefully checked and. after
any errors that may be found are ellmln
ated, thelr-reports are tabulated and pub
lished monthly. This publication contain
Ing cllmatoldglcal statistics is sent to all
the well known libraries in the United
States and to others Interested, whether
from the standpoint of the business man,
the health seeker, or the' student.
Letters requesting information about
the climate of some particular locality In
Oregon, nre received almost dally from
persons In different parts of the United
States, who are contemplating moving to
this state, but before settling up home
affairs, want to know whether the climate
IS favorable for the Wnd, of business they
expect to follow.
The work of the Weather Bureau offl.
ctal Is exacting and arduous and the ben
oftts of the service are much greater than
many suppose. The work at Portland is
efficiently done under the directions of
Weather Official Edward A. Beals and
Chief Clerk Arthur Wollaber, who are to
be congratulated for the excellent service
rendered Jhe people of Oregon.
. ' - a
Mining Notes.
The Murphy and Monahan group of
claims adjoining the Red Boy have been
sold. The price paid was $12,000.
The boom on In the . Greenhorn dis
trict is reported to be on the Increase,
and a great deal of work-Is being done
there. The site for the new 10-stamp mill
at the Psyche Is being surveyed and the
mill will be completed sometime In Sep
At Butte, Mont., the ore has cost about
$1 a ton to produce; 77 cents per ton to
concentrate; smelting the concentrates
costs about 16.50 per ton; converting cop
per, 117 per ton.
For three or four months' Bob Monroe
has been washing out gold from his claim
In ths Santlam mines, with good results.
Alone he has taken out the ore, setting
aside a soft, porphyry ore which he has
washed to great advantage, already send
ing over a thousand dollars' worth of gold
to San,. Francisco this season. It Is
thought he has tlO.ono worth of ore In
sight, taken from the surface. Albany
Another large mining deal has been
consummated In the Alrao district, be
tween Spokane capitalists snd the own
ers of the property, the papers being
passed In Baker City. The property transferred-
is known as the Big Producer
group, which consists of 11 claims situ
ated In the Alama district, formerly
owned by the Big Producer Consolidated
Gold Milling ft Mining Company, of
which William H. Chambers was persi
dent, and who signed the deeds yesterday
transferring the property to E. R. Eisen
hour, of Spokane, associated with John
R. Cassin and others. The price paid
for the property by Mr, Eisenhour was
(15.000. '
The Red Boy Company has been sus
picious for some time that a large amount
of gold was disappearing from the mill.
A very close watch has been maintained
for some time, but nothing of importance,
was discovered until a few days ago,
when by accident the assayer discovered
that a small sample of the mtllmens
whiskers assayed very high in free gold.
The result was Tabor and Godfrey said
they must come off they came and from
W. H. Godfrey's wriskers was retorted
91783.M: Mr. Ames' running a trifle less.
Lanton Standard.
Harry Qallatta, Fourth and Sverett, r.
pairs; tlOOO. . -:
Joseph Scherlner, Twenty-third and
York, History cottage; fSOQ,
Joseph Weber, Nevada, and MoAdara,
two-etorr store:--tl5. "'ijv-'
J. A. McKlnnon, East $aImot and East
Fourteenth, two-story dweiUnsi 12600.
3. Campbell. Twenty-fourth and Nlcolal;
twoatory dwelUnr; I1200. - s , x, -
" ' illll 1 1 I' 1 III -III U I. Ml I. .
flt Mit Tltta Insuranna ana litfM.t.
to Real Estate from the Title Guarantee
A Trust Co Chamber bt Cttmxneroev
vSQcial Chats
- i laaaaoaci i n seaMasssa
MJss'Ytrgtola Lee to home again;
. Mr. Feidzna.A'ts'back from his nines.
Mrs. Ernest Palmer Is visiting In Can
ada. Miss Gussle Marshall has returned from
the Bound. ,
Mrs. Edwards has gone to New York
for fall styles. i
Dr. - Andrew. Gcisey is recovering from
his late Illness.
James. Loton, who has been quite ill,
to much Improved.
Mis Edith Baxter a ha returned from
her; visit in the mountains.
Mr. and: Mr. Alley Lewis have goen
to Japan foti three months.
Mrs. George F. Russell and daughter
leave Monday for Gearhart Park.
Mr. aa Mrs. Walter Cook leave early
next month for a tour around the world.
Mrs. Lawrence Harris of Butte, Mont,
Is the guest of Mrs. Rountree, SO Ella
street' ' - -
The W. B. Ronneymans have closed
their house) tor the summer and gone to
the coast.
Mrs. Rutherford Johnson left this morn
ing for Foley Springs. She will be away
some time.
Miss Mulford has returned from the
beach, where she has been visiting Miss
Viola Noon.
Lots of new sngsgements, but I don't
dare tell them. Everything is mum for
the present.
George Mason of New York City will
be the guest ot Mrs. Henry McCracken
during. August.
Invitations are out for a big launch
party Friday evening, to be given by the
Messrs. OerHnger.
The death of John W. Mackay was
most appalling. Mr. Mackay had many
close friends here.
Mrs. James Russell will return from
Canada after a four months' visit the
latter part ot August
Mrs. Newton Rountree gave a fleu de
Us luncheon Thursday to 14 friends.
Every thing was characteristic of Mrs,
Miss Eldrldge and Miss Jennings of
Salt Lake, guests of the Norton, sre
sightseeing and the recipients of much
Mrs. James Burtcheal entertained at
dinner several of Miss Carolyn Baruch's
friends (her niece) Friday evening. The
house was aglow with sweet peas and
ferns, to Say nothing of the bachelor's
button. .
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hears entertained
'big launch party Wednesday evening,
aboard the Hoo Hoo. After several hours
up and down the river the guests landed
at 1 Magoon's Park, where dancing was
Indulged in and a most glorious sup
per. Those who enjoyed the hospitality
of Mr. and Mrs. Mears were:
Mr. and Mrs. George II. Hill, Miss Be
atrice and Agnes Hill, Colonel and Mrs.
J. T. Grayson, Mr. and Mrs. Tarpley,
Dr. and Mrs. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Lon
don, Miss Pinner, Mr. Beeki, Miss Mount,
Mr. Kerr, Mr. Mauley, Mr. Harrison, U.
S. A., Mr, Horace Foster and a lot nf
others that I don't just recall now.
Mrs. A. B. Norton, of the very popular
Hotel Norton, gave a most elaborate and
charming barge party Monday evening to
64 guests. The party was in honor ot
Miss Maymmm Pearse, of San Francisco,
Miss Eldrldge and Miss Jennings, of Salt
Lake City. The barge was spost fascinat
ingly decorated with loads of flags and
lanterns. The party went up to Blk Rock,
where dancing was Indulged In and a
splendid supper, after which the guests
returned to the Norton.
Moderately heavy rains have fallen In
Nebraska and Northern Illinois, while
the weather elsewhere In the western
half of the United States Is generally
The temperatures in Northern Califor
nia continue unseasonably high. They
ranged between 100 degrees and 110 de
grees yesterday afternoon. In the North
Pacific states it is moderately mild, with
temperatures ranging between SO degrees
and 90 degrees yesterday afternoon.
The Indications are for fair and con
tinued warm weather In this district Fri
day. Oregon, Washington and Idaho Fair to
night and Frldtly; continued warm; north
erly winds. EDWARD A. BEALS,
. .Forecast Official.
Great Northern's Shops.
Work has been Under way for more
than two month on the foundations for
the new shbps bit the Great Northern at
St. Paul The machine shop, which Is
600x450 feet, will be ready for the heavy
machinery in a few months. The next
argest building is the boiler and black
smith shop, Which Is 4:x235 feet The
work of erecting walls for ,thls building
now in progress Two large storage
houses aro also to be built, one for light
material and the other for heavy Iron
eastings aud machinery The power plant.
which will furnish heat, light and power
for all the shops, will be a brick struc
ture 105x100 feet. Kxcluslve of machinery
nd fittings, the new shops. It Is said.
will cost about Jl.000.000 Electricity and
compressed air are to be Used largely as
motive power.. W. A. Truesdelt Is in
charge ot the work, assisted by M. J.
Donovan and G. A. Johnson.
W. Ce-,T. U's Important Work.
"Child Slavery In the South" was the
topic discussed by the Central Union of
the W. C. T. U. yesterday afternoon. It
was alleged that small children work In
southern factories from 6 a. tn. to 7 p. m.
at 10 cents per day. and their taskmaster
place uch burdens upon them that their
little .Uvea are soon wasted ..snd they
pine awer and die. It was Impossible, .it
is alleged, to secure remedial legislation,
because, the Northern ownejs, or these
factories) buy rap Southern legislature.
It was urged that the Oregon legislature
should .be.' importuned to forestall any
each outrages in. this state bsf ore they
had resumed a foothold here by the pas
sags of aueh legislation as would make
lmnosIW i their ' establishment .Within
the) eennaes ei Oretoac .
After all It's better to buy and sell the best.
ALLEN & LEWIS, Portland, Or., Distributors
If you are going; East, and find out all about their
Weekly, Personally Conducted
Tourists' Excursions
To Chicago and Principal joints East via the Qreat AcenJc Una;
Oregon Phone lain 334.
Is cool and delicious and just what
you want to keep cool. Get your
orders in early. .. . .. ..
I Both Phones 154....
To consumers of current from our mains we are aov selling LAMPS
AT 15c EACH, or $1.75 PER DOZEN. These are the same lamps
that we formerly sol4 at 25c each, and are made expresslj for us
Buy Them If You' Want the Best.
Delivered in Dozen Lots Free of Charge,
If Portland General Electric Co.
And Cheap Excursion Rates via A. &
C. R. R. Make a Hit With the Public.
The excellent train servlcs and cheap
round-trip excursion rates via the A. &
C. Railroad between Portland and the
beaches have made a decided hit with
the puUtMt, Portland-Seaside Express
leaves njjrttm depot every Saturday at
2:30 p. m. for Astoria, FlaVel, Gearhart
and Seaside, making close connection at
Astoria with steamer Potter and I. R. &
N. steamers ' for North Beach points.
Round-trip excursion tickets between
Portland and all Clatsop and -North
Beach points sold every Saturday at
.50, Interchangeable with all boat lines
and good , to return Sunday evening.
Warm salt water baths at Seaside nttvr
open to the public. Write to J. C. Mayo,
General Passenger Agent, Astoria, for
handsome Illustrated pamphlet, "What
the Wild Waves Say at Seaside."
Enlarging Shields' Park. '
The seating capacity of Shields' Park
s being greatly eniargea Dy.tne addition
of a commodious balcony which will be
completed within a day or two. Most of
the seats tn the new addition will be held
for reserve patronage, and, may be se
cured by telephone or personal applica
tion. This weeks' bill Is an exceptionally
strong one, with Oleary and Fay as the
prime attractions. In their great feats of
juggling. Barton and Draper, dealers in
comedy, and Mackey and Croix, travlsty
artists, are announced for next week.
B. B
reoevted for The Journal
Rich's cigar atarea
st any
cash all Unas of checks,Msood"
"bad" and indifferent, at all hours of
the day and Bight, fadqdbg Sunday
Now is ilie
Time v
There are scores of breakfast foods
advertised, r Some, are good, some
are just breakfast' foods. But judj
ing by the way it's selling T
IS ON TOP. ; ?
There's always room for a best.
Room at the top.
We could make more money by
putting up inferior oats and putting, c
ithem up cheaper. But we'd rather ,
make a little and make it long.
That's why .ATLAS OATS are un
iformly good.
Qenerat Agent, Pass. Dept,
Ice Cream
Cream Co.
EDWARD SHIELDS, Proprietor.' -Perforssaaoe
every Night, ttm Liquor 5M.
European, manipulators, OXEXRT A3fD '
FAT. '
HELEN LAMAR, "Blair the Regular." ,
DALTON AND LEWIS, a brand-new act
A singer who can sing. MLLB. ELLIOTS
WILLIE SMTH. 'ths Billy Kid. 7 '
trated songs.
POLTSCOPE, new moving picture!
All for 10c Com early.
Klamath Hot Springs
Edaon Bros., Proprietors.
Beswick, SLsklyou County, Cal.
Finest fishing, hunting and! hesIUt te :
sort on the Coast.
Climate perfect; fio winds, bo fog, as)
dusty roada.
Trout fishing unsurpaaed. 4
Hot. swimming, steam, sulphur and
mud baths,
Rates $2.00 to $3.50 per day. '
$10.00 to $14.00 per week..
Full particulars Upon application.
Hackney Cottage
Now open for the season. 1 Mocar
from R. R. station. First-class ta
ble. Pleasant and homelike ur
rounding. Excellent surf bathing. '
Long Beach Transfer Co.
A. KNOLL Proprietor, . - , .
Baggage delivered to any place on, the
-Beach, n " , r v
Pleasure Drives made to any tola M
the Peninsula, '
-' Inquire at the Red Tower. 8
' familv rooms " -" ;
I .Oentlemen's ResortJ if, t
Ooedaeach W.. les-iT Filth St,
. - Opsealts Peatenite. , .
CoM Umches. SchZtt Beer oa erti
; i
1 ::-'-: