The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 24, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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- OREGONlQTY.'i, !
redding of Carey; Johnstone, to
' Miss CathberV rV
' (Journal Special Service.)
OREGON CITT. Juljr The marriage
if Carey Johnstons, eon of Mra. Jaob
Johnstone, -to Miss ; Mabel Oithbert,
laughter of Mr- and Mrs. 'wmiam Cuth
bert, was solemnised at' 10 Vdock In the
jhurch at Clackamas, Rev. Mr. Simpson,
rector of St Mark's. Episcopal Church In
Portland, officiating. .. The ..'church was
beautifully decorated and" waa filled with
Invited guests. Preceding the eeremonyf
MiM Mary Couyers sang the "Song 01
, tbankaglvtng.M ' " --f '
Inthe mortgage foreclosure, suit of J.
T. Appersou vs. T.'Xt Charman, ""trustee,
cat al., an order - has been made In the
Circuit Court confirming the tale of real
estate to satisfy a Judgment of
and costs and attorneya fee. Any part
of .the land may be redeemed, within four
months, .and unlesa this ' redemption la
made, the Sheriff la commanded to deliver
to the purchaser. J: T. Appereon, a good
and . sufficient conveyance of 'the prem
ises. V :r '
Company A, Third Regiment,' Oregon
National Guard, returned ' Tuesday- night
from the state encampment4 at Albany,
tired, dusty and footsorvbut well pleased
with their outing, which was profiUble
and enjoyable. Company A was the aolor
comiiar.y of the regiment, and was by far
the most orderly company" In," Its, battal
llon. On Saturday evening. Just before
dress parade,- the members of the com
pany presented a handsome . sword to
Captain H. Leighton KeUy. Tbe presen
tation speech was made , by Captain KtA
thur Clothier, of F Company, company
A was known as the company ,, that
chased Tracy. Although the company
had pnly been , really organised .within
the past three months, yet Its drill and
work compared very favorably with the
best companies In the guard. The
strength of the company on the encamp
ment - was three officers and 46 men. ,
Rea. Norrls returned yesterday from
Albany, where he attended the National
Guard Encampment as a member of Com
pany C, Fourth Regiment, of Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Smith and son, CapUln and Mrs.
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. PaulFreytag and
child and Barton Barlow returned Tues
day from a 10 days' outing at Austin's
Hot Springs. The trip la over 60 miles,
the last SO of which must be made horse
back over, a trail. The party camped put
and report a very enjoyable time.
Miss Imogen Harding and Miss An
toinette alden left yesterday after
noon, for Nehalem. where they will visit
friends for a fortnight
Dr. W. B. CarH left today for Eastern
Oregon for the benefit of his health and
will probably be absent several weeks.
During his absence his practice will be
In charge of Dr. C S. Seamann.
The marriage of Mr. J. U. Ross, who
Is connected with the Southern Pacific
Company In this city as baggage master,
to Miss Berths, Warren, of Linn County,
was lomenlsed at Albany Tuesday even
ing. The ceremony waa performed by
Rev. M. C. Wire In the Methodist Church
parsonage. The nappy couple will re
side in this city.
(Journal Special Service.)
McMlNNVIUiBJ. July M.-A a special
meeting of the Board of Trade Tuesday
It wa decided to have printed 100,000 20
page pamphlets descriptive of Yamhill
Cottrity for distribution In the East and
committee was appointed to solicit
funds to defray the expense of having
same printed. These pamphlets will be
distributed by the Harrtman Bureau of
Information, and the object la to Induce
Immigration to Yamhill County and Ore
on. V ,
ASHLAND, July ttJ-Judge C. N. Ster
ry, chief legal counsel for the Santa Fe
Railroad Company for the division west
of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Nor
man Bterry, J. A. Graves, Sal win Graves,
Creek Indians Making Merry at
Eufatjla and,Attracting Whites.
4- MUSKOGEE, L T., July 14.-
f- Bight miles west of Kufaula the
"green corn" dance, the annual -f
festival 'of the Creek Indiana, be-
fore which none of the tribe are
. allowed to taste green corn of the
V year was held. The medicine men
f have lighted the great 'fire from
which each of the Indians must
f- take light for the fire In his own
home If be would prosper another
x year, according to the old tradl-.4-4
tlon. The emetlo that prepares the
f Indian stomach for the new year's
f fruit, malse, has been mixed In
' f . the mystic crucible ot the medicine -f
f man and after It has been taken " -f-
f each Indian will begin the greatest
t of Creek festivities. The dance Is al- -f
a ways held In the full moon of July -f
"and not 'until then can the menu 4.
bers of the tribe eat green corn. -4-
The feather dance ofthe squaws
f . also was held. The town king has -
4 .announced .that the festivities will . 4-
continue three days. ! White people 4-
'from all over the nation are flock-
4 Ing to the scene." - " 1 -4
('!'' (Journal Special Service.) ' ,
MEMPHIS.- Tenn.. ,July M.-News has
-ached here of "the killing "of James
Clnney by R. B.jand A. C Harrison near
F. Kng.Bernhard Zachau and Harry
Graves,'' of ' Los Angeles, arrived In,
Ashland; in, their private' car last night,
and yrlll be taken tomorrow by John
Hoover, t to Spring Creek, on the Klamath
Indian reservation, where they will enjoy
ii few weeks In fishing and camp recrea
tion. This, will snake the fifth season that
Judge Bterry with a party has left Ash
land for an outlna- In Klamath land. r
Thos, ' HOUham. and family, of La
Grande arrived! In Ashland yesterday and
come with the Intention of making this
place their f uture home. Mr. Gilham Is a
Union County pioneer of 1861 and was the
Republican nominee for County judge at
the last election; but went down to defeat
with the rest of the ticket
.V','" -'aj - -w'v.
A Foarteen-Year-Old Boy Starts on
Career of Crime.
BALEM, July t4.-Chlef of Police D. W.
Gibson, yesterday arrested Ernest Lane,
a lad aged U years, on the charge of rob
bing the J1. 3. LoBgcore second-hand
store on last. Monday night, and the boy
confessed the theft, and produced the ar
ticles, stolen. The. plunder consisted of
two 22-callbre fines.- on revolver, a
quantity of ammunition, a number of
rings and other jewelry. There are sev
eral knives and raiors missing, but the
boy declares 'he did not take them.
Young Lane was at work on a farm ner
the city When arrested, and he denied
being the bey wanted, swearing his name
was not Lane. The officer took him to
the farm house,- where he found he had
the right boy. Pressed by L the marshal,
the lad confessed having entered the
Longcore store on Monday night, and
taken the guns and Jewelry, and he pro
duced the stolen articles. He was locked;
up and his mother, Mrs. Emma R. Lane
who runs a lodging house in Portland
was notified, and she came up last nlfrnti
to see the young culprit. The mother
formerly lived here and conducted a
boarding house" near th woolen mills.
Eugene Bosse, who hia had trouble In
securing help to pull h flax, of which he
has several hundred acres, ha solved fhr
question to his entire satisfaction. Yes
terday be received his first shipment of
Japanese laborers from Portland, mil
more are expected today, and with this
labor he hopes to be able to harvest his
crop without loss.
John Pender, the Veteran horse-trainer
and owner, has Bold his 3-year-old Hilly.
Lady Jones, and a I-year-old, Bessie
Jones, to George Mlsener, of Portland,
receiving $2000 for the two. These splen
did animals have been shipped to Irvinsr
ton track, Portland, where they will be
put in training, and will later be re
turned to Salem to take part in the State
Fair races.
Chicago Excursionists Will
Entertained by the Miners,
(Journal Special Service.)
GRANTS PASS. Or., July 24. The
Board of Trade of this city and citizens
in general, are making preparations to
entertain the J00 excursionists that will
arrive in Grants Pass next month from
Chicago. The excursionists will be her?
ten days or two weeks. The excursion
will be conducted by the Golden Drift
Mining Company, who own the Dry Dig
gings hydraulic minesj three miles above
here, and who are ' building the dam
across the Rouge below-their placers. C.
W. Ament, president of the company, is
now in Chicago arranging for' the excur
sion. WSrants Pass "will be their objec
tive point but the party will also visit
other parts of the state, stopping at
Portland for a few days.
The annual hunting season for big game
has now arrived and nearly al of the
sportsmen of Grants Pass have hied for
the mountains. A greater number of the
hunters make for the Wilds of western
Josephine County and the country of the
Lower Rogue. This section can onlly be
reached, over the last twenty miles, by
pack trail, and it Is here that deer, bear,
panther, wild-cat and all big game ara
Lexington, Miss.. All the parties are
white. Miss Harrison, sister of the homi
cides, had ridden to the store at Richland
to make some purchases and was about
to remount her hourse when Kinney, un
der pretence of. helping her, made an in
sulting remark, which was heard by a
nego woman standing nearby. Th.i negro
Informed tMe girl's brothers and the lat
ter, sought Kinney out and shot him to
death Instantly. The Harrisons were re
leased today without bonds.
A Nebraska Elopement Spoiled After
a Long Chase of Parent.
' (Journal Special Service.)
4- LINCOLN, Neb., July 24.-A stern 4d
parent and. a shotgun were tnft.e
agencies which .prevented a wed- 4
ding following an elopement in
Madison County. Henry Simpson,
a well-to-do farmer, discovered
that hi 16-year-old -daughter had -4
eloped, with Everett Thompson, a 4
young 1 man of the neighborhood. 4
Simpson pursued on Jiorseback and 41
came to a . farm where Thompson -4
4 had stopped for the night. The 4-
4 latter was In the barn , putting up 4-
4 his horses, Simpson leveled a shot
-4 gun at the.: Lochinvar and then 4
4- locked him in the stable. Thomp- 4
son' had left the girl at another
farm, two miles distant,, and after
4-. a three , hours', siege confessed to 4
4-, her. whereabouts. Simpson took her 4
4 home : sad then iurned Thompson 4
4- loose. t - V " v 4-
.f J 4: .4i
. f
found in .greater abundance than in any
other part of the .Oregon mountains.' '
Grants Pass Is exeperlenclng series of
hot days unusually hot, in truth,' for
July. During the past week the- ther
mometer registered 100 In the shads' near
ly every afternoon, and on a few occa
sions got as high as lot Weather of this
sort is usually experienced each season
in August but seldom during July., True
to Oregon, however, the nights are al
ways cool, allowing no discomfort in this
regard. The not weather is good for the
melon crj-and for ripening fruit , There
Is a large acreage of watermelons In' Jo
sepblen County this year and the pros
pects are very bright for an abundant
crop of this luscious fruit'
Forest fires are again breaking out In
the pine woods of the surrounding moun
tains. Fires are burning in the moun
tains of Western Josephine County, and
are reported to be doing considerable
damage, as much valuable tfmber Is be
ing destroyed. The fires are probably the
result of the carelessness of prospectors
or hunters. r.
Company H, Fourth -Regiment, return
ed home yeterday -morning from Camp
Williams. The company did not' make .ts
good showing at encampment this season
as In years past Two members of the
company were dishonorably discharged..
(Journal Spectat Service.)
ALBANY, July 24. Prof. J.-'M. Martln
dale left this morning on a trip to Se
attle. . '
Miss Wlnnlfred Hawtey., of Portland, is
visiting at the home of County Treasurer
Miss Nellie Hogue, assisted by a num
ber of young ladles of Albany, last even
Inc at her pleasant home Hn the ' First
ward, entertained the members ' of the
Baker City company in a delightful man
ner.' Games were played arid delicious
refreshments served. Miss Hogue is a
tescher in the High school of Baker City,
and several of the young men are In her
classes. '
Le Jfayne. of Forest GroV3r 4a 4he
city on a visit- und for business. His sis
ter, Miss Fmnkie Payne, has been here
several jlnys the guest of Mrs. James
Nanny. 1
Mr. f.nd Mrs. Luke l.lncIierRer, of Santa
Paula .'al.. atv In tho eounty oh a visit.
Mr. Unebtrtei r was u pioneer In this
F.tHte, of WIS. remaining here Until 1867,
when he moved to California.
The Albany Democrat says that there
is a live dispute -as to who Is entitled to
the possession of the warehouse at Philo
math. It has bem operated by G. A.
Wcsitgate. of this city, under a lease to
the C. .E. The property Is claimed by
K. M. and E. G. Howell, of Oregon City,
under a deed from a receiver. John M.
Somers, formerly of this city, represent
ing them, went to the warehouse Sunday
of last eck and took possession! by force.
A demand was" made for It by Mr. West
gate's agent, B. F. Kelger, which was re
fused. On Wednesday Mr. Weetgate. Con
Sullivan end a few others went to the
place on a special train and the posse put
Mr. Boiners out of the building and the
property, is now being guarded by armed
men. '
Burt Heaton, Murderer of Benton
Tracy Was Hid by Friends.
(Journal Epeolal Service,)
ETJOENK. JlltV 2. At a meeting of the
Eugene School Board yesterday -a letter
of acceptance from Prof. Arthur Sneeden,
who has been elected principal of the
High schcol. was read. Prof." Sneeden Is
22 years old nd comes from Pittsneld,
111., where he Va principal df the High
school last ' year, fae is a graduate bf
Illinois College" at' JacksoWllle.
About the arrest of Burt Helton, the
alleged murderer " of ffEnJon ' Trbcy, a
stroy conies from1 Junctjoii dlt'y," where
the murder was committed, , to the effect
that Heaton was wounded by Tracy be
fore he (Tracy) breathed hia, last. It Is
known that Tracy fired several shots
from his own pistol, but there was a
j Live American Merchants Are
Ousting the British Tradesmen.
(Journal Special v Service.)
LONDON. July 24. Inquiries at Cape
Town into the trade situation in South
Africa tend to show that he Increase
of American trade Is solely owing to the
war in freight rates from New York
to South Africa. So far most of the
Increase Is in produce and breadstuff .
American flour Is ousting Australian and
Argentina. AH complain of the conserva
tism of the British, who refuse conces
sions which are cheerfully granted by
pliant and energetic Americans.
WASHINGTON, July , iV-Postoffice
authorities are considering, the advlsa
bllltyi of Issuing a' series of. -emall-sixed
stamps, of the 2-cent denomination, to be
used on envelopes containing calling cards
and small slsed notes. .: .
The gentlemen who have requested the
Issue of the small slsed stamps believe
that there would be a popular demand
for them, av large numbers would
be used In the prevailing custom
of using small envelopes for, the trans
mission of calling cards and cards of con
gratulation or condolence, and in many
of the little -forms ot Correspondence de
manded by social castoms. The , matter
has been presented to Mr. Madden, the
Third Assistant. Postmaster General, who
has been active. In Introducing e. number
of reforms la the service, Mr.' Madden fg
11 1
information in
question as to whether he Was firing at
his assailant or to attract attention and
assistance. The. story runs that one of
the bullets from Tracy's revolver- struck
bis ' fleeing assailant, and that the latter
found refuge at the home of a friend in
the vldnltyj that here suocor and relief
was afforded din for eight days, during
which time be was kept in hiding; that at
the end of that time, dressed as a woman
and otherwise 41iguld he was taken
away In, s vehicle.
Company A, Fourth Regiment, O. N. O.,
of this crty, tiaa done away with drills
during the heated term and will resume
on the first' Tuesday night In October.
Constable N.J. Long, of Ashland, re
ceived a telephone ; message the other
night to be on the lookout for a man who
Was supposed to be hoboing his way
south, , who had burglarised the office of
the Roseburg Plaindealer. The man was
described as tall, slim, small faced and as
wearing a brown colored suit of. clothes
and a black derfjy hat. Besides other
things he had taken, he had secured two
cheeks made payable to the order of W.
C. Conner, one on the First National
Bank of Roseburg. and the other on the
National Bank of Cottage Grove.
Mrs. Mollis "Thompson of LaGrande met
with a painful accident Monday evening.
She was struck by the limb which fell
from a large tree In the yard. The
branch was about, fifteen feet long and
four Inches In diameter at the lower end.
Fortunately the lady was struck a glanc
ing blow. Had, the limb descended
squarly on her head, it would undoubted
ly have caused her death. As it was, the
glancing blow cut an ugly gash In her
While C. H. Lansing and Cul Staples of
La Grande were returning home from
Hllgard they found a horse fast in the
railroad bridge at Black Flat. The horse
belogned to an Immigrant, who was un
able to get him out Mr. Lansing made
an immediate arrangement to Hag the
passenger train which was then overdue,
but before the train arrived the horse
was extricated and an accident averted
A freak of nature in the form of a pe
culiar growth in a tree. has been discov
ered in 'Lakeview. A young pear tree
with a number of pears the siie of wal
nuts hanging on It. is Just beginning to
bloom for the second time this year. One
peculiar feature of the phenomenon ts
that the blooms appear at the extreme
ends of this year's growth.
Will Norman Al. Kent and Roy Sloper
of Roseburg returned recently from a
hunting and fishing trip to Brewster val
ley Among the numerous wild beasts
the boys bragged about was a huge pan
ther, measuring S feet 4 Inches-over all
encountered, by "Messrs. Norman and
Yamhill County pubUC schools have de
creased largely both In population and at
tendance during the past year, according
to tin annual report Just Issued.
The' Supreme Court at Salem, In a de
cision just Issued, practically approves
the payment of bounties on the scalps of
seals, sea Hons, sheldrakes, shags and
Ernest Lane, a 14-year-old Salem boy,
has been arrested for robbing Longcore's
second-hand store In that city. He took
rifles and ammunition, evidently desiring
to follow Tracy's footsteps.
Details of the shooting affair at Klam
athon, on Monday night, enow that J. A
McDonald, the saloon keeper, now under
arrest at Treka, Cal.. deliberately killed
ftt least one of his victims.
South Baker, which was annexed to
Baker City by the last legislature. Is to
be connected to the main town by streets
and sidewalks, In order to secure a free
mall delivery. ,
Mrs. Martha Jane Cummins, an Oregon
pioneer of 1!C2. died at Tualatin on Tues
day. The Independence Light & Water Com
pany will submit a proposition, to install
water works at Dallas.
Ed, Wilcox has secured a verdict for
1700 damages against the Southern Pa
cific for injuries received last fall at Gas
ton. '
not tlckled.,over"tbe- propostlon to" Issue a
small sized postage stamp. He says that
If It were practicable, he believes the
Department would Issue a rule prohlblt
ins the use of the tiny envelope now so
popular with society folk. However, as
the small envelopes will be used.' Mr.
Madden has promised to See what can
be done In the way of preparing a stamp
that will not entirely obscure the envel
, (Journal Special Service.)
PRETORIA. Jul5' 21. There is a serious
reaction from the optimism that prevailed
at the end of the war. There are now
evidences everywhere of the Boer deter
mination to continue their own national
ity. Tho immediate opening of Dutch
schools before the British have organised
a system of education Is advocated.
The Boers who surrendered In tho
course of the war and took service as
national scouts under the British are ob
jects of the bitterest hatred. Reports
ot beating, shooting ana boycotting them
are frequent. The Transvaal and Free
State colors are freely Wbrn, as are also
the letters "Z. A. R..' similar to the
British regimental badges.
Tb Boers demand the appointment of
burghers on the Executive Council and!
Reparation Committee!.
And Hope Returned
As the patient returned to conscious
ness he saw that during sv paroxysquhe
had kicked the covers, off. . Proceeding to
replace them he remarked:
"Ha hal .Despite the doctor's doubts I
will recover." RlcbmowJ. Dispatch, -
f 1
Mayor Williams Will
Name 15 Delegates to
' Butte Convention
Mayor Williams is In receipt of a letter
from the Secretary of the International
Mining Convention to be held at Butte,
Mont, September 1-6, asking that he ap
point delegates from Portland. The re
quest Is that five original delegates and
one additional for each 10.000 of the city's
population be named. This would make
15 In all, the Mayor estimating the city's
population at 100,000.
But the Mayor la in a quandary. Not
being In the mining business himself and
being more familiar with delving into the
tomes of Blackstone than he Is with
digging his way into mother earth, he
don't know .whom to appoint. Some two
or three Inquiries have been already re
ceived, and all' mining men who are anx
ious to represent the honor of Portland
In .Smoky Butte are hereby adjured to
send In their names, addresses and qual
ifications to the chief executive, when,
if they can make good, they will be duly
entrusted with the duty.
After tomorrow boats will run only
every other day to La Center and Wood
lawn Instead of daily as atrftresent. It
Is said that it requires too long a time to.
make the trip to both places for the
amount' of business to be received.
The steamer Walker, of tho Lewis Iklver
Transportation Company's line, which
Is being repaired by the Portland Ship
building Companjfi Will be off the ways
In a few dayB andpuK,lnto service again.
The steamer Anterlci, 'which runs to
St. . Helens? Is receiving a general over
hauling. Both her machinery and wood
work are being repaired, and she will
also receive a coat of paint. When the
force of workmen complete the job she
will practically' be a new boat. t Dur
ing bar enforced idleness the Republic
will take her place.
The British ship Dlmsdale arrived In
from Newcastle yesterday, with a full
cargo of coal, after a passage of 82 days.
The Dlmsdale has frequently loaded
wheat here, but so far as known she Is
not chartered for an outward trip. The
Brambletye and Kuphrosyne are enroute
with cargoes from Australia.
It Is reported that sailors are more
scarce on Puget Sound than ever known
before. As a consequence ships are de
layed In the port at Tacoma for weeks
at a time. The British bark General
Roberts, which has lain wheat-laden In
the stream since the first week In the
month, la still four or five men short of
having a crew. Coasting veseels employ
ing union crews also experience great
difficulty In getting men.
The British ship Ardnamurchan has ar
rived out at Queenstown after a run of
121k days from the mouth of the Colum
bia. The Bot 'onmshlp Company has
just estahlii . an American line of
steamers from Seattle and 'Tacoma to
the Orient. Maurice Cheal, of the Frank
Woolsey Company, has been appointed
local agent. The company has five steam
ers. After making two unsuccessful" at
tempts to launch thp schooner I.unnsman,
which has been built at Everett for San
Francisco parties, a tug has been sent
for before the third attempt Is made.
The revenue cutter Bear has reached
Nome after moving a bund of reindeer
from Siberian points to St. Lawrence
The Hale & Kern Company will com
plete the work In about a month of re
moving the Silva de Grasesa Reef,
The Oriental liner lndrasnmha, which Is
receivlns a cargo at the Mersey dock,
will take over half a million feet of lum
ber to Hong Kong. Among her Inward
cargo were 30 hardwood logs which came
from Borneo. The largest of them Is val
ued at over feOO.
Reduced Rates to Newport.
Commencing June IS, the Southern Pa
cine Company will sell round-trip tickets,
Portland to Newport and return, good via
cither East or West Side divisions, in
connection with the Corvallls tt Eastern
Railroad. Three-day Suitaay excursion
tickets, good going Saturday, returning
Monday, $4 50. Season tickets, good re
turning until October 10, 16. Baggage
checked through to Newport.
For further Information call at City
Ticket Office, corner Third and Wash
ington streets. Portland, Or.
A Discreet Lover.
He I love you, darling. I swear It bj
those lofty elms In yonder park.
She Don't swear by those, Reginald.
He Why not?
She Because those trees are slippery
elms. Detroit Free Press.
Charles P. Stahl, 25, 429 Eugene street,
on July 2d, drowned at Clatsop beach,
J ma Story Montelth, 44, 62 East Eighth,
on July 22, heart disease.
Harriet A. Smith.' 64, 415 Prescott, pn
July 20, drowning, suicide.
Gladys O'Halloran, 5 months, 346 Ross,
on July IS, bowel disease.
The' Edward Holman Undertak
ing Ce. fanaral directors and em.
bslvevt. SSO Yamhill. Phone 507.
J. P. Flnley & Son, Undertakers
and Embalmers, comer Third and
Jefferson streets, do first-class work
and deal honorably with all.
Otto Schumann, monumental and
building work, 204 Third St. Etl.
mates 'on first class workonly. -
Clarke Bros, for Flowers, 298 Mor
rison Street. ' '. v,','?.
.' Bids of contractors for building are now made on tb same tests
as they were before the strike. -
Parties desiring to build or to have me build for them this season
should make early application and secure desirable locations.
Houses will be built on plans furnished by purchasers and sold ea
the Installment plan, whereby the monthly payments will hardly ex
ceed the usual rental for a similar house. Deferred payments bear 0
per cent Interest The following statement shows the detail. Pay
ments on the principal In excess of the monthly payments can be.
made at any time. More expensive houses and more than one lot
be arranged for on proportional terms. v;f "
For a house costing.... J2009 .
One lot land costing... 750
Total cost...,
Cash payment,
Deferred payment.
cipal. ..$12.38
.. 13.12
.. 13l
.. 14.74
.. 15.61
.. 16.57
.. 17.56
.. 18.61
.. 19.73
.. 20.81
.. 22.17
.. 20.93
1st year..
2d year..
3d year. .
4th year..
5th year..
6th year..
7th year..
8th year..
th year..
10th year..
11th year..
12th year..
C. H. PRESCOTT, Trustee,
aia-3i3 Chamber of Commerce.
Favorite American Whiskey Vt
BLUMAUER & HOCH, Sole Distrttntcrt '
Wholesale Lienor sad Ogar Dealers. lOS-l 10 FoarASC
Mayor James Parker, of the Adjutant
General's department at Washington,
computes that In 2156 engagements In the
Philippines 139 officers and 4016 men have
met death.
Representative Hepburn, of Iowa, who
has been visiting President Roosevelt at
Oyster Bay. predicts that Henderson will
be chosen again for speaker of Congress.
John P. Reese, of Council Bluffs, la.,
president of the United Mlneworkers of
Iowa, will be a candidate for Congress
on the Democratic . ticket.
A teprosy cure evolved by a Brooklyn
doctoV has been forwarded to Honolulu
for trial by the Secretary of the Inte
rior. Tests will also be made In Ban
Francisco and New Orleans.
The Secretary of War announces that
despite the establishment of a military
post at Haines, Alaska, a permanent
garrison will be retained at Skagway.
Two hundred persons have been drwned
by the capsizing of 4 steamer in the
West River, near Hong Kong, China.
Generals Botha and Delary are In Caps
Town on their way to Europe. They
spoke to large crowds asking that they
render obedience to the British govern
ment. ,
Magnificent coronation fetes will be
held at Delhi, India, from December 29
to January 10. The Prince of Wales will
not be able to attend.
Emperor William of Germany will not
visit Poser during the army manoeuvers.
It Is feared that he might, be assassinat
ed because of the present Polish agita
ta tlon. ,
Twenty-three persons were killed and
40 wounded In a conflict between Agrar
ian strikers and troops yesterday at
Csortkow, in Qalicla.
Iord Dunraven. of yachting fame. Is
slated by the British Cabinet for the
Vlceroyalty of Ireland.
King George of Saxony, who succeeded
his brother Albert In June, is seriously
ill from pneumonia.
Fifty-eight thousand dollars was re
ceived at the headquarters of the strik
ing anthracite miners at Indianapolis on
Tuesday to aid them In their fight against
the coal operators.
The Argentine, Kan., smelter, which
was at one time the largest in the world.
Is to be torn down.
R. M. Little, D.D., of Chicago, has been
elected president; and Miss Dox of Al
bany, Or., secretary, of the Young Peo
ple's Christian Union now In session In
James T. Goes tias been given a con
tract to construct double officers' quar
ters at Vancouver barrackis. Wish. The
price Is 116,817.
Puget Sount fish trap owners and glll
net fishermen are In conflict over their
rspectlve rights and will fight the mat
ter out In the courts.
E. G. Graham and wife of Spokane.
Christian Scientists, have been declared
guilty of criminal negllgehce for the
death .of .their three children Who suc
cumhed to diphtheria.
Everson, Wash., has denied licenses to
two saloons which still persist th doing
business. The temperance element threat
ens mobblnf. '
Mike Julio, an Italian from Boston, was
killed yesterday by a train at EllenBburg,
The bodies of Mrs. A. D. Carpenter of
Butte1, Mont., Miss Denlap of Ranchtown,
Pa., and Stanley Healy of Vancouver.
Wash., were found on the beach at Nome
op July 12. It Is supposed they perished
In a storm. -v -.'.v; ' :
The 'North CoAst Limited, "bound for
Portland Snd a, freight were in collision
last night iat Sumner, Wash. '. Both en'
gtnes wert ditched.''-'' nVo "
Ex-Governor Frank Stunenburg of Ida
ho, la out with si positive denial, that he
Is a candidate for any office, whatever.
Because sweet briar became too abund
ant in Tasmania' goats were Introduced
t head them off.-as. It, were. -by ratine
tnemk but the briar came out ahead by
killing the goats. , - i , . . -
12476 or 124.78
terest. 112.37
cipal. $148.55
223.33 '
Portland, Oregon..
Between Stark svad Oak
Second and Oak Streets
General Machinists
and Repairers
Manufacturers of Sheaves, Fins and
Loggers' Supplies. Pattern and Model
Making.. Laundry Machinery. Prtriters"
Machinery overhauled, rebuilt and re
paired. Paper knife grinding. ..
84 Second Street, Portland, Oregon
Telephone Red Syg.
las 1
Can It be wondered
that he la eallea
great, when hia wen .,
derful remedies euro
and help so many
sick and suffering
people. ot only here,
but throughout the , '
United Stateet Many
are given up to die:
others told that aa
operation waa the l
only help for them. '
yet their Uvea were '
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. great suffering of en
operation. Cured by
these powerful Chi
h.rha. . root. .
buds, barks end vegetables, that are en
llrely unknown to'medtcal scUnoe In tws
country. Through the use et these "
tea. reVnedlS hf treats ." J fc
eases ot men. women and children, t his
famous doctor knows S,wlh2; '
too different remedies that he has sue.
cesafully used In different. I;" He
guarantees to Cure catarrh. t
troubles, rheumatism. "rvouMeeej Itom
ach. liver, kidney, female troubles, tost
manhood and all private dtme..
Charges moderate., CaU and eee him.
Consultation free. W ."
city writs for blank and clreulsr. Jn.e'J ;
stamp. Address The C.OW C'"?
Medicine Company, 132H Third StreeV
Portland, Or. Mention this paper.
Now io the