The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, April 14, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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'111 . ' ,
A'!Wll7 It,. !
i -
rYou Don't Know ;
' ! How big Portland Urrpwlns
tit covers forty square miles
, of land, and contain i to;ooo
Of advertising If well known.
. II need po propaganda. ,v
Joseph C. Hendricks, Preside
... National Uakoa Bulk, N. y. .
- A- ; ti-
V "TV"? r
v v V. prie' jjetve: cents..-.
TOL; I. r NO. 30.
X' " M y.1. lit,. . ... . , l. i ,. -v . " . r i-jm ,
. -
Coiintrvori the'verffe'bflRevolu
tScrlpp-McU Nwa Aaaociatlon.)
i BftUSSBXS,. April ll-Th altuatlon in
e!itnn growMv out of ;Soda)ls$ig. d
' auwd.4tw tinlverwa Suffras to darker
ihn'ver this momin '' f ' T " .
DyHt-ht foand tha atrMU of tbt .Ur
ult, .but .the popUUf IfnrMt ? t only
ttumbeVtav. -'fy i -
"In tnaiy qii4era ' th. brtlif pfevalla
Biatitha aauatrr la oa tba.targe of .a
WttUonA . . . . ,1-.
Th itaation la agrravated today by
3. 9. Menefeo, Health OfBoer, will aend
M realgnatloa" to Mayor Row In a few
lay. ',.;''
Mr." Mcnfe ,Hu beMi' offered and ha
ccepted a position with th ftU Guar
oitee A Trust Company; ' . '
It 1! understood that , the resignation
rut take affect oa the flrit 'of May.
' Mayor1 Row will appplnt uocor
o Mr. M,nfe a oon a the resign.
Ion t; accepted.- tJriif' u
; ' (Scrlppi-MoRae Kewa Akaoclatlon.) : ,
' WASHINGTON. ;!- APflt -. H-Attorney-Beneral
Knox ha sent a letter to 'the
House Comjnlttee, making plain . the de
partment attitude toward "the alleged
beef trut " .i:'ri i
.Theleyer wlll be made public tomor
Th Chairman of th commute say
Iher I no question but that th Attor-ney-Oenerat
will probe th matter to th
ootom and prosecute' all violator of th
j'law.- ' 'j---- .:, "
(Journal Special Beryl.) v "
ROSBBtRO. April 14.-TW man who
o unaccountably threw himself into the
South Umpqua near Ruckle last Tues
Uy has- been found to be Fred Holt, a
work hand for Unci! Weaver.? Holt
had been in a-very dejected state of mind
recently, caused, no doubt, vfrnm. family
Iroubl the mui$ year. He leave , 41-dt-wlfa'd'-'ehUd.-',Vi
-'iU'i f V ' ' . rii"nVii':lri -"ti0
Uthrop is Press Agent.
John i tathrojpt for-ieVeral year tli'
m nanagjnc aitor l,f th, Pndleton tEaat
.' prgonlan,.f ha-' been- appointed pros
agent 'by th I)mocraB :State: Central
We Have It
..i fjast the Hat' You1 Want;.' The celebrated 'Jameson, latest
vWcets, and cheaper hats in all he new jstyles soft and stiff. , . .
, Jut the feolf Shirty You Want. Take 'your choice ; Oxford
"tr Madras, many fetclung patterns. ',$..... , ,-.
1 - 'Just the Spring and Summer Underwear You Want. Silk,
Lisle, Lineri and Wool ; any weight you like; V
: ' ; . Jut the Neckwear You Want. Attractions to Suit You.
Drop in eind
M. SICHEL, 288
ooi Asent for
Tonight and Tuesday, -cloudy, and threatening, witti' occasional-showers.
We will of fer all our lines of Furnishing Goods
' and Hats at t Greatly Reduced PrlcesJierB
are a few of our prices :. , ; ;f
"Derby. ribbed UNDERWEAR-in six 'different shades) a
bargain at 75c, our priced. ..... ,.;,.W....;.,.....J. ......
- full line xf GOLF SHIRTS," with' $wb separate 'collars f
' and cuffs, regular price4 90, our price"...C....v.;i....'...- OOC
Four-ply LINEN COLLARS all
men and boys, THREE FOR
H ENRY'J. WH ITE, 169 Third Street.
'-'V-':-';-riv;v;T.'t. : ( lit ' DALA III
at Grammo.
,t; ,, 3"-! v f . (
' i V Ji'
atrlka Inmany part of th kingdom.
No aympathy la heard aaywhqr , for
King Leopold, whoso gay Ufa baa Uea.
atod tfia beoplo from' him. . '
.. r S . ... . - - --. ... !;..
- ' .'THfi RIOT8 ARE ON. , -'
BRUSSftLft r'Aprl ll.BIg Hoti oc
curred today'at Oramma j Tlw pollco
charged th s, rioter, , killing two Jnd
wounding many.
The ktrlk ha apread to -all part of
th klngdonL'' ' -y '
Th ttrikerW thsy are not oppoaing
th employer, but the government, .
Committee, t Mr.1 Lathrop will formulate
'all the campaign' document and will
ward pit the reporter who mak the life
of Captain ' Bam Whit. ' burden when
they kr In Quest of Ineld Intothiaflon.
. . .'.. ,-..- J '.' .. Jt.- i .. .
' (8crlpp-McRii News Association.)
NEW..Y0RK, April'.lf Attorney-Oen.
eral . Pavles has decided " to Investigate
the o-cailfed beef trtfrt.' H will make a
thorttghprellmlnary 'survey of th eltu
atlpn'.w.lth th Intention of preparing the,
strongest possible 'case.' ,,'
No Other-Mint Employe
So Far; Suspected.
,v?f '. v ":' i '
; (Scrlppe-McRa New Association.)
BAN FRANCISCO, April 14,-The testl-ttony-thl-imornpg'j(!f''th
plmmlck ca
showed that blmmlcktampered with the.
vaulttlockaJ taking olt the plate on sev
eral occasion. " ......
Dlmmlok wh the first to discover the
t30,0C0 theft, Cashier Pole' being home fll
at the time :'
While . Col ' wa absent, the discovery
was mad that the ailht had been robbed,
piM d(nhm etn ttv 0) dn puv
on no. on butuhnmlck. . ' ' '
-. (Bcrlpp-McIUe.Tfew Association.) ;
. 'MADRID. AprliH.i-Bevea persons were
killed and w Injured in, the collapse of the
CathedraPtdwer.dOrlngthe; service, at
Cnencav yehterday. -' f ; ,
Lrook Around
Washinjjton St.
the : Jameson Hatv
the ' Latest. ; Styles ''for
,'.. ..';....4.t...
Gommunicatidns Pass-
! Mng: Between HighH
! ( Authorities.! ?
! ; (Scrlppa-McRa News Association. t V
' LONDON. April 14.-U hi reppr ted that
'a communication ha been made by the
Boer leader to General Jxird Kitchener
jwhlch Is little -more than a request for
permission to use Its cable to consult with
President Kruger and the iJoer delegates
!ln Europe with regard to n bal of et
Itlement.. , - r , '
-m i 'vf'Jt ' ' t' i
' ' , MEESAQEl RECKIVfiX,,...," '
f. LONDON.- April 14.In the House of;
'Common today the i Government, leader
announced that a message wa receiver
from General Lord Kitchener on Batur
day in which was incHided a communlca
tlon which General Kitchener had receive
ed from the Boer leaders una the reply
he seht. ' ,
r Tbe Government eapected further com
munlcatlon and this, he addsd, wa H
It was aosslbl for him to sty,
For a long time past the .three large
Faclnc Coast cracker factories have been
at war, two of them being pitted against
the third. Now all 1 harmony between
.the firms and the . retailor will pay W
f per cent more than he did last week.
The tight amons the prnduoers was
precipitated by the Amei lean 'Biscuit
Company and, th '.Pacini! Coat JBlscult
Company allowing a; rebate of 10 per"
on the' inarket pric to th wtailef. Thl
was met by the Bishop Company. Who
L went Its competitors one better, an4 mad
the rebate her cent.
This condition of affairs crtuld not last
forever as -all . three firms were losing
money. At all event tho three concerns
have notified the trade of the wise. ' ,
1 r- mm ii ' iii 'Dlif rar''-rt
-rtta-r Tin i-i- tlwr oubllowhoi' im -unfa
miliar' with; fir' 0ghiihg apparatus ah
Who never felt inclined to visit' n engln
or truck housed have had their 'oppor
tunity today. ,; . "
The sidewalk In front . of ; the head
quarters on Frouth and Yamhill street is
being relaid and the large truck' Is Stand
ing at the YamhlH-atreet side of tho Y.
M. C. A. building. A great mapy people
have stopped to admire and ask questions
bout tne equipment. The large lire pet
enveloped In canvas, excites more curios
ity than anything else.
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
LONDON.' April M.-Ocneral fLord
Kitchener' In his weekly budget reports
severaf engagements In which the Boers
lost heavtiy.. ,
'"On i'-th eighth' Colen Bra nder'i 'force
were attacked by Boers under Beyer,'
laagered near Petersburg. '
. Beyer's losses were 106 kilted, wounded
and missing.
Near ; Rooawal the Boers attacked
Bruce Hamilton' force, but were repuls
ed, losing killed,- 84 wounded hd
captured: '-" : "' . ' '";FfS'
' Commandant Fotgleter was among tho
killed." v " ' ' "
Th British losses were six killed and
five wounded. ' ' ' .v.'rlim
General : Kene wick . pursuit th Boers,
caDturtn two fcunn and ono DomnonL ! ':
It Is believed that It wa General D
larey toToa -wmcn -maae'ine siucil,
Fred Mansell of London, England, who'
i to Judge the entries at -th 'Portland
Kennel Club' Dog' Show, wilt arrlv ithl'
evening at 7:45' O'clock. The''dog-hOw
will open tomorrow night at "th Ekpo-
sltldn building and will continue for your
nlghtc-:rThi yar how wUl excel any
held ih the way pf the number of entries
and decoration of kennels.' Many Eat
em priceWinhera are entered; Th work
of the officer of the Kenael 'Club must
bo commended, as It has spared no work
In making -this show one to be remem
bered. , ;
' ":','s-, . ..... T. w-'.-.-
" (Scrlpps-McRa Nw Association.
FORTi SMITH Ark.,'-April VU.-A
Bregg, !. T.mediage says, that nothing
is known there of a battle between of
ficers and outlaws. in Which tour Were ri.
ported killed and three' seriously wound-
d , " H 'Z
- ' . : ,.' . - v.
1 ". " r i- 1 1 1 ui'f'ff'm
nn Kimiiri iifivc
i in ii ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 in hi
Streets Flee i SUfim Isdla-
. vtede ScL.vIs Closed .
. i
(Borlpp-McRa Nw Aatoolatlon.)
BERLIN,- April I4.i-A; stefrmo' torra
bnrt 'overBrTl- ;snd; vicinity today,
causing great. d,araa ' . . -v.
Many' building f were Struck by tight
ning. ; V '
A number of railroad utn ar too.
by -Water and street si- Boaded..
Trsfflo Is practically suepondrd and the
pchool are. closed on Socosnt of the Im
passabUUy of -the roads. i ,
'i ' .-',J..' ,. ., - . v4
' (Scripps-McRae ?! Association.) . ,
WABHIKGTONy Aprijt M. Sergeant
.Cha,' Riley, ' formerly J th Twenty
sixth' Volunteer Infufitr.'av Sensation
al, testimony before ttio B nate PWUppine
Committee- thl roort.inj. j '
- He 'told a tory of th infliction' of th
watorure torture to mo th .Filipino
gtve.lnforinatloh gl)!it rVolr brofher kt-
He sali( that the Pr jident of Icbarros
(wa suspected of giving Earning to th
Insurgent' of the jupw nnU, of American
troops, 'and wd fcounfl and placed b.
neath' a water ank an his mouth wa
held open and water a t allowed to run
into, hi; mouth8 nntU hV a illled.',". '
It was then forced i.if-ljy rsttftf S
foot on hi stomach. ''
This ws dpn aevenl, 4ime and the
Pfldeht' flnaily" 'conTe,ed,'
V . ..Saleai Reput'ian CluK
SALEM.: April lii-Orl Baturday Vnln
lastnh aJeih' Republican X3ub soot m
the City Hall -here 4a arrange matters for
th somlog .campaign.,; In aJditlon to.thU
ttte manner In wilch th Mub ahould on
tertgin, the; Repuplfcan jiemtne ror ov
ernqr, cam up and furnished a ..spirited
discussion tar, ,,iis-poio flk.tb9re
fnavr-Wiatmg- tne iueg
ince, ot( the ; elubvto.. Mr.; Furhiah, ' .but
Wlserf heads, ,:sedegr that , such an an
nounoemf n. would be . plain admission
bf the discontent prevailing, among th
rank, and ; hi,. promptly ..turned the
scheme down. - The next matter consid
ered wa Juf what form th- reception
to th candidate should,; tak and after
much' discusstonnand the hiring, of many
and .various opinion. committee, con
sisting of J. Hi" UcNary. C. H. Murphy,
J. I?. Lee, Dp. X N. Smith and W. J.
Culver,, were agreed on to take th mat
ter in. hand and-to arrange- both for the
rcsptloi . of Mr. .Furnish and. for , what
wa termed "a reusing rally and ratifica
tion meeting." v , . J;
The election of officers for the. ensuing
term 'wag the next business No. partic
ular' desire was evinced by those present
to ho) d the office, but the selection of
the following was finally deslded on;
President Claud Gatch; vice .president,
GeorgO'W, Jones; secretary, W. HaU;
treasurer,-F. C. Perrine. .
Th headquarters of the Marlon Cpunty
Republican' Central Committee have been
Opened In the.Bush-Breymaa Blook with
W.' If, - Culver chairman, in charge. Mr.
Qulyer wilt b assisted Jn his work by
Robert A Crossan. ' an old-tiro political
worker., i",. . . i-
(Journal Special 8ervic)
i SALfiM," April 14. An . Important meet
ing or "th Balean Fruit Growers' Union
was held here on Saturday 'afternoon, at
which" It wa decided to Mil the full can-
nifig proiUct of the members to the 8a
lent' cannery at price -ranging from 2Vi
to Vk cent per pound.
0.","V. Allen, 1 who uprpoae operating
th 'cannery during the coining seaaon,
wa present and atated' that .he had
tflm to & practical agreement to operate
tho factory with th Oregon Canning
C6mrny of ' Portland, bnt -thgt even
shodtd- anv difficulty arise ; wherebs he
,cOUld ot secure tho preat plant, he
was prepared to install an ..Independent
factory ef his own. ' j ,'rf wt
A great effort is to be mads .by that Sa
nt Union to acquire a reputation of put-
iing oniy nrsi-ciava iruii on in marxat
ajid'to this end it wa "decided to secure
the service of one or' two men thorough
Jy familiar with th bulna to aupervis
the. .preparation of th crop. o as to
bring it to market liv prime condition.
. " r
Smyth & Howard Get Contract
;Th Board of County Commissioner
hk awrde- the contract for th grad
ing, clearing and widening of th Whit
House road to Smyth ft Howard, for Hi-
fW.50. Th contract, which has all been
Signed up, provide that th work ahall
commence at the north ling of seotioa 15,
oh th Whit Hoys road to station- 8L
at a bridge south of Fulton; then begin
ning 'at .station JOT, about 400 feet south
of Blvervlew- Cemetery gats, to station
140, a total distance, of a miles. - '
,' ?J SCH00U BOARD. : '
;A regular meeting of th School Board
will b hold at itho- .3ty 'Hall tonhrht
Several petitions for th oancellatlan of
Xtttd ftn properly levied .Will cord up for
hearing. ; Th balance of th buslrtess
wilt b. of a routin. natur., This otter
noon at 4 O'clock th plan and specifica
tions Of the proposed new sohoolhou at
Sunnyalde wHl b proparM and th es&j
tract will b let BaturT ;
, B ilifl ,m
din and" Boy Killed op
thedPublic Highway. -
Negro, Suspected and
J ; Outrageous Assault.
...J . j(t' , I M, , I , t I ' 4 i
' ' fScrlpps-MoRjie Hews Association.) :
trtCS MOISfS.-Iowa. April H.-On or
th. most atrocious murders tn th His
tory of Ue Moines was disclosed Aast
Sight when tho vbodle of S 15-year-old
Lglri and a 13-yearold boy were found tn
a lonely rood near Highland Park Col
leg. . ' i
s 'Th bodies have been Identified as tho
of , th children of Peter ' Peterson,
dalrymari, ' '-..' ' '
Th head of both were crushed with a
blunt' instrument, .
: A negro wa teen running from th
scn-of th crime, - .
The motive for th murder I believed
to ha v been a desire to outrage the girl.
and the boy'WM killed for th purpose
Sf preventing as xposur.
Says.Ht Would Injure
Southern Trade 4 :
h' With, China.
js ISorlppf-Sfctlne Ns.AKQatoa.
jWASUJNGTON. Api-Foi;th nrai
time Inpe hl noounter twith his col
league,, genator Tillman. Senator' Mo
Laurin, of South Carolina, addressed tho
Senate this afternoon.
His theme was the Chinese oxciuelun
bill, and h announced his opposition to
the pending, measure not only because It
violates an existing treaty, but because
of the -commercial phase of the question
at issue. ,r
He' jcontended tna't .the result of the
passage of the bill would be?, directly and
immediately disastrous to the whole
South, especially to the cotton produc
ing and manufacturing Interests of that
section now largely" exporting Its prod
uct to China. ' .
He didn't think It fair to the South to
tear down and crush Its new; enterprises.
In conclusion he said: '
'"The bill Is faulty in conception, Jn ex
eoutlon and logic, and faulty In Its prem
ise and conclusions." . ... . .
. The flgHt for and against the bill is,
waging fiercely.
Many telegrams' to members were de
livered on; the floor of the Senate during
the morning hour.
iNumefbus petitions' relating to ttle ub
Jedt were sohmftted during the consider
ation of routine business.
Senator Foraker followed Senator Mc
Laurln. ,
In setting forth his objections to cer
tain features of the hill he said he be
lieved he' voiced the sentiment of every 1
member, of the body when he indorsed
the movement looking . toward the, ex
clusion or Chinese laborers, but' he con
tended that .the exemption clauses In the
pending. measure' were drawn In opposi
tion to the treaty rights of China, and if
enacted into, a law would seriously in
Jure the trade 'relations of the United
State with th Orient.
Dole flood Enough for Roosevelt
or Latter Good Enough
V .'. -"For Dole.
' :t V:.' . i
(Scrlpps-McRae'News Association
"WASHINdTON. April K-Oovernor
Dole of Hawaii will not be removed by
President; Roosevelt. -
In an offlclal statement given out today
th President. says that President Dole'
course ha been such as o warrant his
continuance1 as Governor and to entitle
him to. the respect and hearty support
Of . th ..administration.
President Dole refuses to discus th
matter further than to ray that th Presi
dent's announcement la good enough for
SAN FRANCISCO. Aoririi-Whai.
h.0M4i6Ju. per cental. ' w -
f CHICAGO, Asrll M.-TThat, 72?4aH
tent per bushel. Jw - ' ' ;
Between Stark; and Oak "
': . r f WOODARO; CLARKE 4tCa?.',- dT -1
; .: f ; PATENT MEDICINES ' -;iT:'
63c Herplcide
59c Listers Antlptic Fluid,'
: 65c Emulsion Cocflivcr Oil
75c Bromo Selzer, $t size
,15c Carta's Uvcr Pilis ,:
35cSynir of Rff$
';. 75c PirJtham's Compound '
75c Pierce's Prescription-
Canadian money taken at par value,
; To our hew stores, comer Sizi and AIIer, VV 1
. ( 1 34 Sixth, and .3 1 1 Alder) Jts', soon after'. ! a ' 1 7'
k tha' I5th as' pqssiMe.- la tba Wantage. we ;f
are offering ecrae surprisuig bargains wUch t '
; are worthy, ct prompt tnvestlsatioiL;.' ' 'v.
- .....
k'w.'a! '
v . ;?m wi 17.
r -ar ;-,
f j
a m
Asseb $330,862,861.14 j Surplus $71,540,937.86 f
L. Samuel. Manager. SOS Oregonlas Bu,lldlng.'lPortland,i)i,.' y .'
if-wvrv "'" r," "' n.""iii 1 !" ; I'
5 I
, FIRE aoriWATPRio harm them In th least, Thoy r la- - , .
dispensable to you Who keep your valuable at homo and 'at : "'. !
your ofllce. ' . "
small size!". ".....V. ..J...:.." ro N 7
SMALL, 8l2Br Cabinet Interior.,.... , .71........ Iiaoti
LAROB SliSB ....,....'.............. I. $lt.00
LARGE SIZE, Cabfnet fItrlor S21.M ,
lnHk w. Mmiita. Am o IkA Km il WaM MUf ' "
:' - ' '.;r..:4Ceriv;.ThW sod
42 Yeaii of Conservative Growth ? .
Assets, $16,500,000. Qaims Paid, $37,000,000.
Best life lnsuranc In th world. Operat Sl.0o6.000 department la OregoS
and Washington. Writ for particular regoeotlac our per cent Gold pobsatures, '
Pension Bonds, and ComblnaUon Bond. ; .-'VC, fl
: ..::.T BLAIR r;SC0n,,6e
CBdnber of Commerce? BMg
No More Dread of
York Dental Parlors
V .r-'-"V-'..,4'---.- a -: v ..- 'V-.-.' '.' .---.'v'-'.'!,t:., '
i? 4th and MorrisottStsPortla-Cp )
No Pain
RFdl Set ofsTcctlT 05.00 hlft .
T,eth extracted and Oiled absolutely without pain, but our 1st ssntiflo
( Baethod applied to the gums.. No'alecp-produeing agents or cumin,,
j ' These are the only dental parlor In, Portland hsrin patented sn"'l
' ances and Ingredient to extract. All and apply gold crowns ana por' a
' crowns undeeetabie from- natural teeth,' and warranted for 10 years. Y .
out tk least pain, ,-I ' .', J "t .-. , ; .-; f . '-.,
'':vy;vr'Hcm e:36taC.COSim4aysaja to2.C3. ""
i l$c Piefce's CoWcn Medical
) y r Discoverv""" '
57c Umbert'tUsteriheVr'
J! 63c Avers Hair Vigor t
' i5c WarneySafeCureVr
$L25 rellows Jyrup nyphos
1 phites':, Kr
$U0Vin Marian! :K -'
j Tourtii nd Washlngtos Sts ; ;
X(' , U t v t ' t
w mm
"ini i ii hi i
absolutely lndeotructlble. Neither ' .f:
! : .'M:,r
v-f '.r.sVrv i tin
foftlsod, Oregon
'tho lia'CiiaaMfiH
fNoCas r
i '. ' 1 V.-' 1
IS k 111
i .
. I