I - e . ; Fourteen Hours ' Ahead of all othef ' new j papers la Portland. That' - Portland; Has;. f - ' f , Greater resources than, any .other city of It alio In Ue United States.' Last yearns." 000,000 bushels of wheat was . 1 raised contljpious toPortland. toe .record of the JOURNAL- o nr. - For all the news yoa must read the JOURNAL. - VOL. I. A- NO: 29. - - ilER Mrs?. Capty Schrieideci ofl rn-villa Assaults Him a Rubber Hose. Thars .lr trovble at tn vauatly- auiet ltu auburb ,ot. Monu Ula. . and It Is Wl that 'the and la nit jrat reacbW.- 1 . Fathar I? A, -Broaaaai Ot th Mohtfti. HUa CathcjUo -Church 4 Captain - K. K-n-Miaara lamlly ara a uta. Tha in- ansa fUn has Vaauli In a,' publle .:'asr- ' (ult ' b tra. ' ftohneldf upon father j Hvwiii, t en an trues him with 1 rubber' garden hwa, ualrqE thlp haeauaa $ waS tha' handleat we ponJthat . would ihywhara Bear ' sarti tl I' -purpoai-Ot-- nrfackanaka" horsewhip. :-s-. fr:r . yathar Broaau adml i tha tancpuntar, ' though he' aars'Mri, Be inaldar took ad "antaw" f'hiih." flrat:J taeausr he ; was' ulta lit . 'a'd - bioaW aha . etruek,' hits. "phn ha laaat expeota aaaault Bow ' tvar, ha saya tnat Mr l Schneider fol lowad hum half . . mik, awaltina; har opportunity, 'and that fh. ha had his back turned aha ' atr I had my eana is any handV aald fathar Broaaaau, 1ut : would not strtka a woman, " I simply; hi id her hack with k. 'and eallad upon by itanders to Jntar far. , 'She etrack ma rltttout' oaua. . Tha erlala ef tha i nlmoalty of Cap lain Behneider and hli wife aaalnst me was whan they were told I waa work ma- against them la saloon keanaa tor Montayilla. did hot : work mlarapraecnted . aamlnat them, ' and 1 to. Captain Schneldaf." . That Is tha subetanc' ot FatharBroa- seeu'a inttniew. la the-atataniant l at the trouble as givai by lira. Bohnet- : iart. . ; ? "The prteet doesn't nd hs has dene4 aeuld ; to,. hUura , pw. us, ha said, inai. na a ass -and .drtra . ha front : ihar-ieouimunl v "Wnaa(-w oi vp 1pa0taav dor" (fie seurtte srsnt a liquor lleaaaeI went to. the priest, and bains:. Catholic,. I thongbt that he would alga It for us. Ha told; ma that , he wouldn't, have anything to do with IV.M4 that hk would oppose ur gattlng the .lloanaa. I Ha aald that (Sorlpps-VaXae 1 lassectatlohj w ABHINOTON, Aprs li-Tha doplor- ble oondltions in the Pt-avlnee of Ba tangaa,. ire ported., th a italfement by Jlor enoio Caedoi Flnaneiai Sfcretary ot tha proviaoeAsaa-niade peblir oday by tne Senate PhlUpplae. pemouttee, iJ The report Is the-eaa Wltkheld ' .OeW amor Taft at the time testlAeeV It states Ut Ue .morUlUy, bx disease has been twpHthtrda of the ' pepnbrtloiti fanny Dewey, the atra ge woman who elalma to have been jersecuted" and robbed by the British- a thorltiaa la the Yukon country. Is still sonfliied 'In "the obunty" Jail.' Judge Cakeils of the opin ion that the woman Is Insane. Her wyes have" ah unnatural appeLranee, and she talks strangely at timeV- - She wUl be given a careful hearing, ' however, as . there might be aometbihg in ' what, she says about her sxperleaosi up north. The fact ' that she Stlir holda a receipt for slSOO and some rings' adds weight to this theory,. Judge -cake has already written to the auperlntendent od the New West minster asylum 1 for Uentlfication, and Wlllnot release the wlmaa or commit her te the Oregon asylum until rhe're- aelvee an anewer. - TRACEY CIMLLENQED. FAMINE STARES 1 FILIPINOS- 5TRAIIQ Tom Tracey, champk i welterweight . white pugilist Of the worl I received a dla- patoh thla afternoon fro n Billy Lavlgne eKerlng 'hlra a match tgalnat - Teuag . Glbba at Bakerafleld, bill did hot anawer It right away. He: ahon ad the dispatch te a reporter with the re nark; "'What do you, tblnk ; c 1T I am get-.-- ting . the bloomln' dime: and quarters pretty fast right here. nd. would be a NEW THINGS INiWi Our Stock, wbieh.bea Just arrived, There la no room for which wseannot;,furnlba suitable wall paper. We e will BOWCN'B TRADING CHlCK 1 ' -.v".- . : f : in TRaoi in e am at One Teath of Falue. rv whra arrnwiMuiir lawtitl f R bf IU Srm oi . CP. 8 CO. I ' Note. Coupoa not gooeor lead and plla 'J ? BFIO t Mdnta- ith' ' We never : rare; hi: i anything and ; he weutlh't do anythi tor tua v"IJa also aald, itlnuad Mra. Bchnel- dar "that, the.oth saloon gave hUri wlOa,' Uquora, and ?lgara, and ; he waa gomg te do- all he could to help them When we , were ..talking of getting -tha llqanae, tha prleat wkntad to know what we were going to. doi that for, aa he aald ws could run Juet ila well without one. I .told hint1' that) law-abiding people and Intended . reipect the la wa. His ..answer-wiMUJU it .ha didn't think Lgh bualneas to pay that wa' cputfl do, ai the - Uoensa. "On the llth .ot . . . y ? .- " -J , oh,": asserts Mr Behneider, .-"I want to telephone- to lady friend ef palne," nd 'when. I took off Jhe , racelvep 1 hear with, a naighbor ot the prleat talking ure 'and say that he was going to fix thl t d d Schneider. I hastily called my h band to the tele- phone and he heard t whole eonyersa- tlon.t . . ' :-v:y ' iAto Thursday ' afteinoon. ; while , Mrs. Schneider waa In her Warden, the prleat came: along and she Waked him about the conversation over the 'phone, when accosding to Mra.- Bohpeider, the prleat told her ha would-bdve her arrested. Hastily grabbing up. 4 piece of rubber hose, Mrs. ' Schneider I says that aha ruahed at hlm: and-hll him two blow as hard ss ahe eoultl over tha face, thereby She aaya, givlik htm something to have her arrested ior. Father Broaaeau sayalthat he will not hae .Mra.' Schneider, aireeted, and that so far aa ' be la. concerned ' the Incident LwWbe-droppad.c;E-it. .il i It Is common reDort s'erlfled by Mrs? pchhwer; ;'herae!fj7'tha't after the death ox nr jiratflusuana a raw years ago, en ob terKerowau eaRing upon her. iTha Ul-feeling between the two Jjas been? growing .stronsr-es. sineeftnat Urns.' ,t is 4lso charged jby yui Schneider that some enmity waa engani dered between hint and the prleat two years ago over a commlaafen on the pur chase of. soma land, by Sctneider. t . IN THE FACE that ef the JO Puebloa la the province reUtive Maoa la enjoyed only In five. - Ha torceeea the coming lot the famine, as agriculture la dead.r in a letter te senator Governor 1 Tuft Meniee withholding a mthe senate J-Conwnlttee the report, oi Bate nsas. xand ifr iht he and SeoreUrj Boot believed It Jaught to he mbmltted tee before heltig-made pu , -"r-T to, which waa none. go to that bleodyfeountry to- fight fellow for k few Hundred bloomln' lars, you knowj.-t , '., -j.-.i Ully Brown, his conflBentlal man, , co incided wlthvhla Auatrhllan friend, - so Ta-aoey wlU atay hera knd serve fancy I dt-tnke. ;Hy5n IfllElUa Pa; Hylnj Machine) Company. ElUa PSrrotL tha JHa.t Portland alrahtn Wiventor, has v associated himaelf with 1 libers In'' the fonmatUn of the Aerial Navigation Comapny. Urtlclea of Incor forauon were filed with the County Clerk today by ,B. D Parrot i , W. S. Davis. J. B. Easter,';-Joseph Monjaghan and H. H. NewhaU. , The capital letock la J1.000.00O. yhe object ef the company la to- control f aerial ; maohlnea. , t 3lAiAVIBE INSANE. t r Sam - Cable, '; who ; taicen into cue tody, jy Officer JPattoi at Piedmont yes terday, haa been pla Jail to await ekamlnati In the county &. He waa found wandering about ,the 1 aubitrba. County. Judge Cake and a examine bis mental alclan will likely Kjitlon today. -. lor LOOKING TROUBLE.". Scrlpps-McBae News Association.) BRUSSELS, April .Tha atreeta are again quiet today, - llhe police, howevery ara preparing "To'f aatuTDftncea' tonight and tomorrow. contain ehly tha . choicest patterna, aurnaa,. you with' the reasonable SEff Tf"" auuwvuia; Uium, ws ay V"i.l if full ; atock ef HOU8B PAINT BL'feBKR eCKMKNT.' Ft OOR rinij biAOUA ai low . a pncee..'. : . , 1FIRST STREET,' Cor. AMer. SSEAU it" -' ' tLPAPER. PORTLAND,- 1 . t. . - . 1. t., . 1 r E CLACKAMAS juRYMEN. , v (Journal Special Strrlca) 1 BEOON. CITY, April tt-The, follow ing. Jury Hat Waa drawi. today for tne AprU term of the Clrci U ' Court which will convene one week fn ra next Monday: John Page, Abernethy; ohn P. Cple, ?. Koeher, Barlow:. A. F. 6 okea, Canemah; T.W, Puffy Beaver ,Cr ck Paul Dnn, Sandy: V. B. Dlx,- Ca yor Creek: A. Kardeatyi Kellln: John Tracy, Garfield; Roacoe Oard, C 0,,Boyn:on, Milk Creek; H. Smith, Mackaburg: -3 hn Darling. W. F. Harrla, Maple Lane; Henry Tblesen, Milwaukee: Fred Wlllli ma, Damascus James. Evana, Canby; J Ho Gard, High land; 1 K, Klrchem, Ixi ran; A. U Wall. Ing, Oawego: R. O. Plerc , J. H. Howard. T. Ii. ; Charman, 6. S. Walker, Oregon I City? George Kandan, New-Era; Oeorge Springwatar; ! Frank 4 Kidder, y Pleaaant Hill ( Ell Peter a, J. jJ Krvse, Alfred 8harp, Tualatin. 1 . . I Near the Odean: arid M Soon to be Opened for Settlement; (Journal Special I Servlea.) - THEf DALLES,: April I12.--CJV11,. Engi neer George R. Cam pbel I Ihua departed for Qulnault Indian ReaerAiUon, istates of Washington, where he wf 1 organise three field parties and make k complete sur vey of that large traci of land. Thf work is one of conalderAila extent. - Be sides a survey of the reiervatlon, It em braces the meandera ol the Qulnault River, Rapt River, Quetlhee Rtverr' Qul nault Lake and many miles of couat Una The opening of thla reservation will de velop great Interest In th tt section et the. Coast, as It is the laat or a of any magni tude remaining In posse sion of the red man..' . .;"' ''- ' y- i ' -V- Jt comprises a large po tlon of Chehalla County. , lying betweer .the Olymplo Mountains and the Pacli e Ocean and Is to be traversed by :the xtenaloh Of' the Northern Pacific ralrroafl branch now building northward from Hoqu!am,;en Gray's Harbor, toward the; Straits' ot Fttca.. r' :y,y.. u;. A small portion- of the held for the small band ! reserve wdI be loj 0uinaul n diahs who now poasess. IV and. the naV aafee wlllha thrown npen to. public, settler Went by the la.tur part of next gear, t i SffiLD FOR!OmiX,JlJRy. "J William Wooda. who oiened the Wrong letter at The . Dalles . eld appropriated another man's money order, waa examin ed by Commissioner feiadt! n thTa morning and sent on to await ehe action or the Grand Jury, He was ball. Lnabla : to give William Anderson of nattle was also examined. Anderson waa In accommpdat i a man ho did Ing cuse who as a favor not know brought a trunk over tho Ca nadlan border line. , The trunk was full of "dope", and now the hold poor ; Anderson t (ice re want to sponsible- for smuggling opium. He fulhed ball S hts appearance at the fie t term of United Statea Court .'f.AvV" v t " j " ' '' '"'''' ... , . i.- f y. ':.'iV':."i, y.Xt: . (Scripps-Mcltae Nef s Aoolatlon,)i 1 WASHINGTON, . Apr! 1 The extent of the military co-oper Jtioh el ihe Ameri can Filipino forces In ate capture o( Ma nila was the subject! of sharp cross examination of GeneraBMscArthur by the Democratic member of the Benate Com- mittee on the Phlilppl nt-a today. The general replied tat so far aa his own knowledge went ier was none. Senator Patterson H ve you; any doubt that there was. not y understanding rriards, which re with the American 8p sulted In their surrender of the dty to our forces T ' J : General MacArthur ea, a good deal. I substantiate that never found anything' atory. ;'; J;L . ' -JJ. ' '. 7" Senator Patterson Have 'yoo ' any knowledge of the enllrtment of men In the Philippines for aefvlce in the British army In Africa T General MacArthur-ffone, HARRIMAN COMINQ. Information comer that , President Mohler ot the O. R. ut H, Company has received a letter from President ; Harrl man ot. the Southern pacific to the effect that ha will arrive li this city Monday. This Is the bare ata ement and all the news there Is In It. What will, happen after Mr. Harriman : eaches Portland , or what will follow aft' rt, his departure's, merely a matter 'of speculation. .It .Is probable that some clangea.wlll OcCur-A thoy uanally do, for fiat la la line wttn Mr. Harrlman'a policy! The , blunt 'stater ment of fact made la that Mr. Harriman wllU arrive In Portlandl Monday on a tour of Inspection... "4-,, 1 - . ., ;,'.:. :fy : i , 1 . " .. ... i . 1 , . 1 ' v ,'v .ij,; fj WHEAT MARKET SAN -FRANCISCO, April U. Wheat, CHICAOO, April 11 Wheat.'IKft MANN a ABBOTT 92 SECOND STREET . Between Stajk and Oak, ... , OREGON, ISATUIIDAY ... .A. .-, ',....'.1 ... . ; ;i Boers Will W V-: ":0W Certa n Eriehdly.'iPowers, to f ' :v0ut:b;Terfms .(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) "'LONDON, ! April U.-Tba . rumbrs Of early peace aroused unusual Interest Irj tha ; Ctilnet " DiHtlnr ' tolnv. Prnwdl Crowds Surged about Xownlng street, r.calllng the meetings when the war was' altout te Sitoak ', out. ViArj-lYlng I Mlnlateri .'.were began grieted with cheers, j The Iheetln atS:S p.-aiiassfca , .RCMPR. PEN1EO. ' LONDON. April ,U-Trd ; Chamljerlaln, Colonial Secretary, jwdax' denied khe ex istence of thel aUaged-difficulties between hlmaeU and Chancellor i Hicks-Bekch. The latter, before' thei Cabinet meeting, had, CcjnferencevWlthj the, dlreJ the Bank 'England,' 4ndktln'g tore of that a loan issue la desire.' -. The Cabinet ,Beetni lasted lels thgn two;hoursi'butiriothBig us to th ubjects r . (scrtppa-Menaa newer Aeeoci tloh) WASHINGTON.: April 1?.-The debate Ort the Cuban reciprocity ' bur. promises to extend over nearly If not Quite, all of next week the House. 'There k no dis poaltiett on the part of the Ways, and Mfeens. people to farce an agreement They are, content 'to) U tije beet sugar interest feelfTtKenwtesVi.A epu JlcAlW-JWiH.. Msltimit.'the btaIt there. la avota before Bamdeyi he wext meas- - IN CONGAS! fy y. " ' ' " . . - y v - v.r m: OFFIGESI ARE lost Democrats ; Getr Cit zens V; The terms pf fusion between the Dem ocrats and the dissatisfied elemint 'of the Republicans are now practically agreed upon. "The lion's share of the offices fall to, the Deraocrata, but the Republicans say they are reasonably satisfied with the apportionment asilfc.standi , The Only .point at asuereiowJif the office of Sberift Both parUeS wanf this idum, wfth its: big patronage- and emoluments, and the eonf erencer.n .yesterday 1: did not settle thla dispute. Another; conference' will pel held - this afternoon 1 and j earn agreemelit Will be had In order that Or. "Welch'af committee of 10. may make Its report tonight to the Democratic Caucus. v The Oemooratic - caucus appointed a committee last week'to maice the SP portlonment With the Democrats and la bor representatives. This committee Is composed-of-Dr. John Welca. . chairman, John VanZante waa appointed secretary, although it U doubtful 'tf . ne-knows it' yet. 'The rank and file of tie committee are John Montag, Thomas u'Day, Frank Curtlss, Alex. Sweek, Ogles Jy Toons, W. N. Oatens, W, T. Vaughn. (Harry Ourt, W. A. Munley, William Relit. - This, committee appointed a sub-committee to confer with the! Republicans, composed of William i ReidI and W. N. Oatena. .;: , Vy The Republicans were gdtten together by an informal call Issued y Captain . S. C Spencer at the request of the young Republicans of the coupty The Repub licans . then appointed Ja committee of Which W. Y. Masters hfoba rman. These genu of the two parties I held a pro tracted conference last evening In W. T Vaughn's offlee andvaareedl en the di- vtalon of the loaves and flsHea with the CHICAGO TO HONOa jAcKINLEV CHICAGO. AorH ll-4Thal reeeneratlon ft Clark street,, even. Ur the. point of naming It McKlnley avenut. la to be. the bject of the First. Ward 9 uslneas Men'l Aasoclatlon. which was 4-ganlaed st a meeting in the Great Nortlern Hotel to bight. ' ' p;pf;if I '"i'-uY ' ' " 4 The association starts with a member ship, of; 0 merchants, wnpae stores are Within ihe loop They Intend to petition trie Council to change the heme of Clark Street , to McKinley.. avenue and replaee the grantte pavement wit a aaphalL i The Chief of Poller wdl be asked to Suppress ll disorderly Ctiiractera, BALL The first chance the ans'Nwlll have of acalng .. tha reconstiiieted Portland league blub will be afforded them tomor row, afternoon t the league grounds.. The lineup follows! . . I , ' i Portland Mahaffsy F.ngle. pitchers: APRIL' 12,' 1902 RMS OF P Indep endenct nve Conditions. Superintend of; Settlement under dlcuasloh or its Iccision. If any was. divulged after adjiiurnment TERMS OF BET4LEMENT. ( The Edinburgh-News :oday prints th alleged terms' upon whidt nre baae.1 th peace " "negotiations ' no proceeding: n Klerkedorp,"SS;;V.'-. ."' ... it'. independence Is to bo i aived If t sotif factory. agreement cart b i reach nd for th futrue ? government of the" Trnnavaa Kitchener's procln?nU . af hnulahmcr is to'-, be cancelled: co:i I sex ted propert to be. restored; remuner; tlon to be mar! for thai destroyed: re ognUton'.of. tK Transvse!;;stn.te-rdeprt -ncnta until tl date of aoVerts gnnexa ion: Amnesty fr the rebels;, eolittcBl pti loners are to I released, and friendly I vrers ore. to. a pet-Intend the earrylng ut "of the Urr of aettlement agreed up m, ure to come on will bd .... ,'.L': i' '..' ". ' i.. m- . .. I the' anti-anar diii, to na. rouowca y, tha fortlflcatl r approprlatJan bill, t ;Th Chinese exciuaioni bill will rontln to occupy the. attention of the Benate L early part ef the weAt voting- on t amandmtnM fos:beg1n hext wedne. Frtacids ef -th measurd atfll xSaun'tW ' the va(e; will-: he 'edppttd,'; hut' Smld .cloeoi J.Ita ppponcntB grfc ociuaiiy conflir 11 will be defeereoi oitis of the . Plumb on the Ticket. exception of . the, office of Sheriff. An other, conference will 1 a held this aftei noon when thla will b settled. . There has been abst iuteiy no talk - candidates at 'these c inferences. Wha ever, talk lias ..ocCHrxe hp been atree rumor end Js without -i nthprity. - It II plfeMeut that andldates Will n be :d4eisi(l at ihe )erhcratl eauct. that Mto bo'hattpnlfht at.Easles', ha! butt It wilr be I "rather (hard to. keejj th matter down. With the exception of, .the, office t. Sheriff the apportion lent la as follow? Democrats State S, nator. six Repn aentatives, mayor, ' c ty attorney, mi nlcipal v judge,, etty engineer, count treasurer; four fastlce of the peace, tw constables, country d from First, Wghthf Eleventh wards, s fi. itrlcts, counclime lnth, Tenth an, Republicans Blx re treasurer, city attorn bresentatives, cit ry. county clcrt county auditor, cobsty commissioner eouncllmen from the Second,' ' Fourt) Fifth, Sixth and Save ith wards. . i There wl'l be no, nor Inatiori for counrl from the Third ward i s Fred Merrill. th Republican nominee, lis satisfactory t the Cltliens. f, The labor, people wll be taken care of by both parties., Thd Republicans wll give them two' representatives and the Democrats two. While there arc sonle Democrats who are still opposed to the Citizens' movement,-it Is safe to riropheoy that this report of the steerlnglcoramittee will be adopted in caucus ton kht with- practical unanimity. The time for the ailourned session of the Democratic Countlr Convention will be fixed by the caucus tonight. It will oe some time next metk. Vlgneux, catcher; Maiaffey. first base: Anderson, seoend base Hupp, third bsae Deisel, .shortstop; Mulfer, left field: Jan BrUen, center Held;: Wded, right Held. Monograms-Fleming I and Whitehcruse, pltcherp:-Alnslte; Catcierf Parrott. , first base: J. Rankin, secofpd ksse: Black. third baser Schmcer. ahbrtaton: 8tutt left field: Jacobs, center flelJ; Zaas, right field. REBELLION CRUSHED -,( Scrlpps-McRaa. Ne? Association.) U. Minister to ''. WASHINGTON, April Haytl Powell cables thd tne rebellion on mo wapo nas been ct) ihtd. 0RIVER APj :STED. - Olaud Jones, driver o wholesale,' Ice cream hoi rest on.a.cbarte-oX. du a wagon for a la under gr iping., refuse on I owned by C K. property on the East'Bld. 1 -: B DIVIDED;' i ' WOODAt D, . wr. r-r- rv a ri LVtKI-UAT" rlt ; PATEN 63c Herpicide 59c Liters' Anticeptic Flilid 65c Emulsion Codliver 0 75c Bromo Selzer, $1 size ; 15c Carter's LVer Pills 35c Syrup of Fitt . aas as vx s a a . X 9C rirtKnam s Lompoun 75e Pierce's Prescription wooaarai CofiadianmoneV taken at parlvalue. y. Tourth and Washingtoa Sts 7 ."Vf has Is' i NO COAL,1 NO V 't A TOUCH OP THE MATCH, 'A TURN OF THE VALVB IE Gas (urnishei th& eha pest and most economical lieht Kern burners, and the safe P0RTLAN! 172-174 fifth Street i hat - this AUHlffti a aye remaifaa c1 ure is wnat It. Trade 1 IN I OLDHiEfTUCKY H f- V ' Favorite A1 LLUMAUER & x;Wholisale Llguor and' SHE DIED ON BABY'S GRAVE MINNEAPOLIS. April It-Just as An rust Schlosa rode Into. St. Anthony Cem-J tery on- a bicycle he saw his Wife step ipon her Baby's grave and draw her re volver from her bosom. ' Bchloss pedaled frantically toward her, ut reached- her too late. . She had shot nerself In the temple v. '.v Aa tne woman fell across the grave, ahe fired a second shot; Into her brain and died instantly. , , . (Journal Special Service.) t WASHINGTON April 11-Rev. T, Da Witt Talma aw has not Improved, today. He Is stnr very weak.' - No More Dread NewlYork i ,4th and Morrison NoPainS Full Set of .''C.. " - - IIOT.IIfPROVIIIQ ivem exiractea ana nnee aoeeiateijf witnau .method applied to the gums. No sieep-proeuc meae mrm th Only denial pari era ancea and Inrredients toes tract, fill and- appl crowns umleectnbi from natural teeth, and w out the leaat pain. ; t a r.-j. ..... . . . . V'.i:i - -Hours: BQto&XSmdMtZQt9 2C0.' PRICE ' nvif ; CENTS., CLARKE CO. ICES ON;' POPULAR MEDICINES yu'i v t i ! 75c Pierce's Golden Medical ; -1 Dfscovery i s 67c lambert's Listerine y; . 63c Avers Hair Vigor, ''. 85c Warner's afe Care,; $1.25 Fellows Syrup Hyphos phites - -" " '. HIOyin'Mariahl? Clarke & Co.; ftp J s t ""V'.' Hl.i cbntimictal - .1 4 r DIST0RUB0R . - 1 FIRE IS MADE. . fuel, the. quickest heat,' the best and most reliable power. , '..iy 1-sA.V I IliViKArwY'' "'-J- Do You Know !..t. tJ Ham rainy weather Is the kind that rtaltet EPIDEMIC, and that the cough w&ietv ai,. after an attack ef the grijj to Will caus ' ulck eoniumDtion. unless sDeedllv eheckouf 8. B. Cougl yw neea. uoa toeiay. x our qruggisi seta aitppjed by the Blumduer-Frank Drua Co. WH0LBSAL8 AhD flANUPACTtlSUNO' erican Whiskey , CH, Sols Bircicra tar Dealers, IO-l 10 Fowthit. , . RICTLY WHOLESALE SHOE HOUSE complete line of PACEASD'd SH PES for men, also the well , known PURITAN in five styles.. A complete ML An is HD 1 1 of bhoesforyor4en,7yusses,uiud-i Boys and ".Youths,., constantly x . harii. 1 Send for catalogue, ot will hate ourtrepresemative call onyott, s . ; ) ciraiisse & Pniice, 879 first Street;: imAND; Cf ' HIIT IllllliS Scrlppa-McRae News jasoclatlon.) : IKDIANAPOUS. AprU IX-The Miners Na tonal Executive Board adjourned to day without making public the policy to be i dopted regarding the anthracite trou ble further .than -that It had been left In Hie hands of MltcheH, pending nege Mat ons with tha Clvlo Foderatloa. . - It Is Intimated, however, that' prepara tion i have been made for a genera strike Imnedlately after the -dajr-truce be-' twe n the miners and' operators, which , expl res on the rth,. if the operators re- fusel to make terms; - 4 BRITISH STEAMER ASHORE. 1ppe-McRae News Association. f DON, AprU U-The British ateajn- Infauna Castle, from Gups' Town, I at Brlghtatone Isle . of Wight. hundred and thirty passengers sad balls were landed safely : r . of thd Dental Chair r Denial Parlors Sts., idsOroe NoGai Tc6th 05.00 j paid, but eur late 9-'mt.Z t agents or eooalr e. ad hsvins patrnt4 if la Peri sold orowns and por-- a rentes for iv years. v t -j- 4 v Harbaugh, i y:f;yfySfyi;: J -. V ' V:.-v ' t--t';y-yiifiy.i.y 1 ''"yy-'iyn: y-yyi y?yyiyyyy: y'-i-. -