t. . ' ' 1 '. V ? V r.' : '- .: ,; .' ..v ; :-v i "-.y ?''yy-':f; v"".v:-" Tv":''"- ' i ft tii iffT a tvi w v . nTTirn a7-.-4t.w' m pvi mm n a -wr ' - tititv - at .y. '- " rw :- fgEquitablSSir CHAS, L USD. Pn.. T. B. WHtXIi lc9m, h MckiClior; : Advertise your wants in the paper that goes to" :; -j, alltipte Help Wanud. per Lin 8 Employment Wanted, per Lin., to .For Rentper Line Is Wanted Rooms, per Line ...... 80 Personals, per Line .........,.. le For Bale,, per Lin - BJaj Contraot Rate en Application, J IM - f A VP VftIT A TXT A VT9 THB5W t Of IT aa V JBi W w -sva M XN THE JOUSLN iO CLASSIFIED iADVERTISING til I f i ll 1 1 v . li a , . fb lons-xpected ha h-PPned-f " hi b$m to advahcer Thl raorninjr tn tret Vai BoUOed tht - uotUM fhli'maTl flwline today Irt .mill Uaiis. -Butter lii weaksr.h bjjst crttmwy belnp; quoted at l2V425o gwr pound; dairy. 151Kc: tore.12VMJ44c.Jrha receipt of butter the pant week have been very Jr. California endin a - timiBtially arge-uppiyi and 4b produce tlon of Oregon butter baa been very fcfrnvy. ' ' " ' ' The teceipta of poultry the paat week liave been aomewhat liberal, but aa the jJrtrtand i excellent, pricea are ateady. The ateamer Columbia will arrive from Pan Francisco late thla evening-, and on Monday the eupply of freah greena will be. more plenUfui. Oregon vegetablea are banning to noma in and the ehortage IP the market will be supplied. Yeaterday waa an off day in the Chi cago ir&rketa, the receipta of livestock not cutting much of a flguro. The quota tion! remain the aame. Bran haa advanced a trlfla, the quota lon now being 17 a ton. The grata tnarket la etllj in a quiet condition. Mohair has Begun- to. arrive, the flrat thlpmenta being quoted at 12e. , i JRAIN AND FLOPR. Wheat-Nominal; Walla WaUa,- S3ci tluateni, S4S5Mc; Valley, 364c v fearlay-Feed, 12228 Perfon. r Oata-No. 1 white. $1.101.25: gray. tlour Beat grade. 12.80(33.40 per bar el: graham, 2.6X&2 80. . Mllbtuffa Bran, S17.00 per ton; mid Bllna, tit: aborts, 118.60; chop, $17.50. iuy-Tlmothy, $1213; clover, $7,B0fl ; Oregon wild bay. V3 per ton. , H BUTTER. EOQS. POULTRY. Batter Creamery, 22M(25c; dairy, 15 So; store, 12tti4e. r- . ,- E(T lkiiawo. ' ' Cheeae Full cream, twins. 13lWc; Young America, 1413c; factory prices, jaiio less. Poultry Chickens, mixed, HSM.B0;. hens ItfOftS per dos; Springs, t4.S0ra5.60 do; -durks, mte.60 per dosen: turkey, live, 121il8o; dressed, 146160 per pound; geese, Va 1 per osen. .... . If VEGETABLES AND FRUIT, Patitooa lUat . Rnrhankg. 11.1091. J5 r cental; ordlnai-v. litttal: Early Rose, ;l.S5&l.fi0 per cental: sweets. t2.2622.60 per cental. Onions 1.75Snt.26 per cental. Tomatoes 1.75J per crate for Califor- Jla; turnlps.67&c: carrots. 6S75c; beets, L0016 per sack: cauliflower. 76g85c per cental; celery, 5075c per dosen: pea, Hfi tf Vk; per pound; asparagus, I2l2ftc; rad ish. Per do.. 25c; green onion, per do.. UVtflSo; cabbage, per ewt., fl1.25; rhubarb, per box. 1.752.00; Oregon rhubarb. 60c do, bunches; artichokes, per do., 76cgl; lettuce, head, per doz., 25c; lettuce, hothouse, per box. $1.75& , Oreen fruit Lemons, t33.50; oranges, I2.2o0l per box; bananas, ..S.tSff; pine apples, 5 per dozen; apples, 80c1.75. Ctied fuilt Apples, evaporated, 78'io pei",poi3 sun-dried .sack or boxes, TilfomlnaKg," llliej peachrf. 8 Hot pears, nltf8c: 'prunes. Italians, 8f4c; figs, California black, H4c; do white, 6e pltiUi, pltleaa, white, 6c. GROCERIES, NUTS. ETC. Sugar Cube, $4.90; crushed. $4.0 powuered, S4.4u; dry granulated, $4.35: trftrti C, 23.C5; golden C, 13.75; beet, gfcnulated. $4.20 per 100 lbs., sack basts: barrels, 10o; half barrels, 25c; boxes, Hue per 100 lb., above basis; maple. 1&&10C per pound. Coffee Mocha, 2328c'. Java, fancy, 2832e .Java, good, 2ci24c; Java, orUl--nary, 182)c; Costa Rica faney, 1020c; CMta Rica, good, 10-8 lite; Costa Rica, ordinary, 10$12c per pound; Columbia roaat, $11; ArbuckTes, 11.T5 llat: Lion, fll.25 list: Cordova, li.75; Vosemlte, $11. Bait Ftne table and dairy. SO per sack, 74ciLlverpool, 77c; Worcester. 88ci Barrels, Worcester, bulk, lbs., $0.75; bale 2 to 10s. per bale, $3.10. Honey Fancy white, 1415o; light am ber.T 12W14c; dark amber. 1012c Grain bags Calcutta, $a.l23.25 per 100 for July-August. . Nut Peanuts, pV4o per pound for raw, (S9c for roasted; cocoanuta, 859 too per doien: walnuts, 10llo per pound; pine nuts, 10fil2Vic; hickory nut. 7c; chestnut. $3,6045.00 peer drum; Bra all nuts. 17c; filberts. I5e 16c: fancy pe cans, 14i314V: almond, 12Y16c. Coat Oil Case. 20Vc per gallon; bar rels, 18c; tank. 14c. Rice imperial, Japan No, 1, Cie: No. 2, CUc; New Orleans, 5(37c. Salt Coarse, half ground, 100. per ton, $20.10; 60 per ton, $20.85. Beans Small white, 314c: large white, ci plnft, io: bayot. Hc; limae, iXc- - f HOP8. WOOL AND HIDES. Hops 1314Ho per pound. Wool-Nominal; Valley, 18915c: East-; era. Oregon, 8&12Hc; mohair. SaGiUfce per pound. - - -' - Sheepskins Shearings, 1520c; short wool, 25Q5c: medium wool, 8000c; long wool, Oci8 $l each. Tallow Prime, per pound, 344c; No. I and grease, 2Ue8c. Hides Dry hides, No, 1, 16 pound and up, l&SUSVie per pound; dry kip. No. 1, C to IS pound. 15c; dry calf. No. 1 under B pounds, 16c; dry-salted, bulls and stags, one-third less than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound, 60 pounds and over, 80Ci M to 60 pounds. 7tt&8: under 60 pound and cow, 7c; tas and buy, sound, 69 BMiC: kip, sound. 15 to 80 pounds, 7c;. veal, sound, 10 to 14 pound. 7c; calf, aound, under 10 pounds, 8c: green (unsalted), lc pet pound leas; cull lc per pound leu; horse hide, salted veach. $lJiO2; dry, each, $161.50; cbjts' hides, each, 2560c; goat skin, common, each, 1015c; An gora, with wool on, each, 25c$l. Mohalr-21c per pound. MEATS AND PROVISIONS. Kresh Meat Beef, 7c; pork, CHo; irea, 78c:' mutton, 80 per lb.;dreed, VH7o per lb. Ham, bacon, etc. Portland pack Western) hams, 12H8134c; picnic, y&Wkc pound: breakfast bacon, 144?16c pound: light sides, 134c pound ; backs, UU bvttyc; dry salted aide, llH$j12Uo pound; dried - beef setts, 16c; knuckle. 18o per pound; Eastern packed ham; 12Ke; fancy, 1314c; picnic, lOo; shoulders, 10c; dry salted aide, ' un smoked, UKc: breakfast bacon, 14q; bacon sides. 12c; backs, unsmoked, llo: emoked. 12c; butt. llflJo. Salmon Columbia . River, one-pound talis, $1.85; two-pound tall, $2.60; fancy one- pound flats, $2; H-pound fancy flat, $1.25; Alaska talis, 3c; two-pound tall, $2.00. , Lurd Pure leaf, 12cj kettle" rendered, 2e; tlrc basis. ,. ! SALEM BRIEFS. , ; 1 (Journal Special Service.) . " ; SALEM, April 6. The unusually large ' umber of hop contract which are being hied baa resulted in a new record being made in the office of County Recorder Roland during- the paat month. Pour hun dred, and four dollar and forty cent w a received in all, this amount ' being about $60 mora than has ever been re . ajived ir Hf on previou month inoe ' tbe sreseot , incumbent ha been to of fice four years. '.. ' v. , ' Th Stat Treasurer today received th flowing payment of State taxes; From Harney County, $7160 State and 800 Ag ricultural College tax from Grant Coun ty. $34 Stat and $230 Agricultural Col let ta ' " MARION DEMOCRACY : mmMm4 fc A Quiet Convention U Bctalleld - . :-'- irj Salem. ' "jrourni Siiol4ii-vic.- j ; SALEM. AprU t-Tho pmoer4t county convention being: held In Salem today 1 a comparatively quiet on. There I littl cohteg fof thi'ma of the place and Interest oentkr th th nomination for SUW Senator an4 for. ioint Senator with Linn County, for-' StaU"; Senator L. H. McVahon, rh ha recently de clared himself a candidate a an Inde pendent, 1 moving heaven and earth to bav the pemocrata leave bint an pn lug. claiming that, a he 1 avowedly opposed to Crolsan. th"B,epublloan nom inee, a victory for him would p equal to a triumph for, the Democrats. Thla some of the Democrat view a scheme to divide ther vtrengtH and to Jand either McMahon ?r Crolsan whom they claim is atth bottom of the , plan In the office.4 Thl Impression being preva lent, there 1 a, strong probabUity that a straight Democratic ticket will be named throughout. . The possibility of fusion with the dis gruntled faction1 of the i Republlcsns I so severely frowned upon as to hav dropped out of flight entirely. For Governor, George Chamberlain of Portland received an enthuslsjtlo ln doraement aqd th opinion I freely ex pressed by many well-informed politic lah that hi popularity in Marlon Coun ty will be a hard obstacle for the Re publican nomine to aurtnount At this afternoon' session little pro greM had been toads, but It i well un derstood that Holme of Salem and Tom Unson of Woodbw will the nomlaea for State $natorff and that John Jeffrey of Salent wTU be the nominee for Joint Senator with Linn, th office for which the lat 8. L, Hayden was slated. B. B. Colbath wilt probably receive the nomina tion for Sheriff. DIMM Another Ticket May Be i Named In Marion County. (Journal Special 8ervlce.) SALEM, April 5.-Dissatlsfactlon with the, action .of ,the)recentr Marlon County Republican convention 1 Wte gerieVal here and may result In the candidacy of so many - disappointed . ' aspirants for county office e-!erokr, ;inenace the success of tho partytlokot,' The latest Indication of thi is to be seen In th proposal, first broached . publicly today, to. nominate J.vHeary Haas, ai old-time resident oC SaJm, foil County Treasurer as ari Independent Mr. Haas has not as yet definitely decldedto utand. but it 1 throught there Is Utile doubt that he will accent the proposal. WEBVOOT CAMP. Woodmen of The World Ready tor the New Building. A regular meeting of Webfoot Camp, No. K, W. O. W., took place last night at their tegular meeting halt at which, some of the most ' prominent members of the order were ' present. The camp voted to subscribe v,00O for stock foe the proposed "Wodmea JIall. In addl-' tlotv to the tpolc aubRprlbed, prominent members promised that individually they would take large blocks of stock. The required stock ha, nearly all been' subscribed for and plan wilt toon be completed for erecting th hall. The Woodmen, wish ,to purchase a quarter block if possible, a the cost of the build ing to be erected will depend on the sit chosen. . ' The money for the building will be raised by. bonds and a mortgage on the grounds. During' the meeting H. Claussenlu handed in his resignation as banker of th camp and T. J. Murphy waa elected to fill out the unexpired term. Pencil Pushers' Jaunt. The annual convention of the National Editorial Aaeoclatlon, which convenes at Hot Spring. Ark.; April 15-18, will be largely attended' from the Northwest. There are. five different editorial associa tions in the Northwest affiliated with the National. , These will send it delegates. The party leaving Portland will consist of J. E. Zane of the Oregon Reporter, M. fZK Wisdom of th Rural Spirit and Al bert Toner, president of the National Ed itorial Association, who will represent Portland. Tha party will be poined at Cheyenne by the Wyoming and Utah del egation. Colonel F. J. Parker of the Wall. Walla Statesman and president of tha Lewi and Clark, State Coramls sioa, will deliver an addres on the IMC Centennial. . April K W: Oregon Day at th Charlerton Exposition, and tha dele gate win leave Hot Springs for that nlty en AprU n. ' WOMEN MAY PRACTICE. (Journal Special Service.) .ANNAPOLIS. Md., AprU tW-Th house by a vote of $4 to I passed tha senate bill to permit the admission of women as members of th bar. An amandment was adopted jto the affect that aa one should be denied admission to the bar, "on ac count of race, color or previous condition of"rvUude.',-'-r',v '.:' (i -u ;:-;;-i:-f " Tha cne passed th bill as amended by the house, and It only need th lg natur ,o? t" governot to beoome a law. Much opposition to th house amendment was shown, but rather than endanger the bUI it friends ta tha senat accepted It Tha bUI waa tatroduced la th Interest REAL ESME RrRJMS,FW MOrOYTO LOAN EXCHANGES MADS, DUSmSS CHANCES 6-room saw housa, bateraaot, batri pantry; etc.; ebole location, central taat sldtv Easy terms, only f i3r, oWoom modern house, bathi base ment bay window, bam, 4 tr'a ,ot la frulU and flowers, household furni ture, cow, etc.) west slope Alt. Tabor. Owaer leavlas; the state and anxious to sen. - ' ; .,..i.. " . .- t'i-8-room splendid house, full, base) meat, awnings for windows and doors; corner lot la best part of SunnyeMe,. . S-roorn cottage, bath, bay window, barn, 4 lots, fruits and flower, over looks Willamette river. J. A. HENKLE I OR $ A. A. BAKER, f 19-221 Ablngton Buildins k:,I9j5IThW Street Oregon Phono Hood 634 ' . r t 7 1 ? f ' i- l i -J, , AH treat cities on navitfablc t a a is I S V streams start at tne neaa 01 naw kation and build down stream. This rule has no exception. The railroad to St Johns opens the way for Portland to follow the rule. There will soon be a solid city to the point of the Peninsula, and . University Park will be the center of wealth and culture of all the city between the rivers. Nobodv will dispute tMs stai rriM-1 jf you are a wahier het steo into ahv olace of business and ask, "What is the course ? the business growth of the city XI The answer will be as above stated. Now is the time to jet a few lots at University Park while they are yet cheap. We have Columbia University, Port land public schools and Bull Run water, street cars, homes costing from $1000 to $10,000, graded boulevards, (graded streets, side walks, electric street lights. Lots $75 to $200 each. Terms $5 cash and $& monthly. No inter est, no taxes, no shanties, no saloons. Abstract with: each deed. UNIVERSITY LAND CO. : 151 Sixth St, near Morrison of Miss , Etta MacMox, , who graduated from a Baltimore) law school last rear. but waa debarred by decision of th courts front practicing in th stat. The young woman haa worked tor th bill at Anniolls .during th large part of th session. WONDERFUL CAVE. . - - , Journal Special Service.) BUTTE, Mont; April S.-A special to th Miner from Kendall say a most won derful cave was discovered in the Abbey mine. lit extent and novelty thla eave surpasses anything- of tha kind yet en countered In 'a gold mine. ' A peculiar feature of thl freak of nature is that it is found in an immense or body. The main chamber in tha ear present a most beautiful appearance.' Portions of tha wall are decorated with masses of crystallised lime, and the root is hung with stalaotlte. On th floor of th cave ar hundreds ef ton of ore that ha been broken down from th vein, .aa one side ef the cave la formed by tha foot wall of the ore body. ANOTHER FREAK WIDOW. siMeMsB ' i'yf 'fi 'ip:',- ALTON, ILL., April . WilUam' Cal. th Alton man sentenced to 1M daa la Jail a a lasy man. was given his freedom Easter Sunday. -Hi wife was given a di vorce last Wednesday. Cola, on leaving jail, thanked the chief of police and hu man officer, Mrs. Demuth, for securing' a divorce tor his wife. Ha said he had triad for years to vat rid of fter-that h always abused and persecuted htm. He say an aid lova of hi la Missouri Had of his taouble, told him sha. I now a widow and loves him yet Bill loves her, toa. and aay they will be anarried abort ly. Tha police saw the letter1 from Mis souri and verify his atory, i;; Vaikouverys.! PoMand.i:fe A Joint debate will ha held at tha Part 1aad High School. 8aturaay evening,, April M, between PortUad and Vancouver Hbjb School pupUa. Th queiUon will bet "Resolved,. That . Chines - laborers should ; -aaoludeaV from th VnHd Stat.. Th pom debater will cham pion tha negative aide at tha ueUoa. : r . NEW TODAY. F08 SALE HOUSES ANO LOT8. iO-Moifiera' i-twa : house, fluaaysldeT lloa-4 lata windmills. M Bn fruit tree, bearing, near car line. lNfrr acres oa baa nn near Mt. Ta- bor. Mi mrl(H. A blka. froaa Burkaart Bldg., . Union ave. north. noLot on.llth straetnear Dlvlaioa st i0 acre to axchang, for lot. U0Q-IW-acres, all in Cultivation, to e . change. ; " " blJCL ItyGirrp, tS4 Alder St HELP WANTEjO MALE. Blacksmith ...v.;.i;.i..; 12.60 to $3 1 loggers, all KlndA..w w up Edgerman. 13.60; planeman S2.Z5 10 mill and yard men ... 11.75 to K Drag saw man. S3: boom matt 12 I mill carpenters $2. Mea and team, .city and country. M to V Man and wife, camp, US; one ranch. .$25 Fole cutters, lc ft.; wooochoppers, sue to 1.25; 18 farm hands. Its to H0. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT CO., 226H Morrison; branches, 247 Burnslde and 51 . North Third. WANTED I or 8 live, energetic canvass- . . I . . .1. ...11 . , ...... nul office. SS Yamhllt WANTED-JIv bright boy about If year old, to carry Journal Routes. Call at enca. Th Journal, m Yamhill. WANTED? ar food husky boys. Call at once, vu xamnui. BUSINESS CHANCES. M TR 55mTo3 g I ngfi o u ; airfresfiTcKan ana new.- New flat; very central; choice location; long lease; a money-maker. , If you are interested, don't delay. J. A. HENKLE or A. A. BAKER, Ablngton Building. BUSINESS NOTICE. The A me Mercantile Agency la in a po sition to advise you as to business con ditions In Oregon. They can And you a purchaser for your present business, or a new location.. , ,, 3 . DANDRUFF CURE. , Shields. Third Bt N. Herplclde, lo- dividual application or by the bottle,. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Good Sdgar Pine Claims to locate timber claims on. Call at once. W. H. Rldg ley. Room 8, 140 First St. Lots In Polntvlew Addition at half price. Motter A DonnellJifi Stark street. REAL Estate and General Business . Agency. D. & Budd, 110 First St. For Sale Miscellaneous. HALL'S safe, standard of the world; safes sold on easy payment; trade your old safe for a new, one. Norrta Safe & Furniture wagon, trucks, hacks, coupes; also 200 other vehicles, 250 sets harness, 100 saddle. Tomllnson ft Hall, 'Hi Washington street. FARM One of the finest farms In Yam hill County1, 110 acres, 85 acres In culti vation living Water;. 1 fine orchard; , mile to good town and railway station. Box Mi, Postofflee, .. . AGENTSJ WAPtTEp-f Live, energetic -young1 -men tor rout agents ,at BeJUwqod, Fulton, Southern .Portland, Mt. Tabof. Irvlngjon, Rich mond, waverly, Bt. John) Peninsular, Oregon City and Vancouver. Address, The Journal, U8 YamhlU street LADIES TAILORING. LADIES' tailor-made suits; fancy em broidered and , applique dresses and trimming. Stepnarfs, 289 Alder St MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY to Loan on. City iota and tm- S roved farms. W. A Shaw ft Co., 843 tars Street. ' " ELECTRIC W0RK9. PORTLAND Electrical Works Office, 392 Washington St Western Electric Works, 80S.. Wash, st FINANCIAL. T000 to loan at 5 and par cent Wm. Beck, 821 Morrison st ... TICKET OFFCIES. Overland Ticket Office, 15 to 120 saved to. aU points. 140 Third St y C. H. THOMPSON'S Cut Bate Ticket Of fice. 128 Third Bt. Phone Main 628. TEAS AND COFFEE. Haines Tea"stor?rFamou8 MUtleto Tea. Fifth St., bpp. Postofflce, TURKISH1 BATHS. W. F.' HubbardTBest Turkish Bath in the city. 714 IHkum Bldg. . . SAFES. ,. . Safes for Banks and Merchants, bought and sold; lock-outs opened; general re pair. Jails. J. E. Davla. 68 Third St OPTICIAN. D. O. Gengrich, the leading- graduate op- llclan, 227 Yamhill t PHY8ICIAN8 AND 8URQEON8. Dr. AmeUa Zlegler, 608 Marquam Bldg. Dr. Cora C. Talbott ,18 years' expert ne In disease of women. Write or eaU. 808 Balmoa at PLUMBERS. Taylor ft Stanton, plumbing and a team fitting. 88 Bixtr street. " 8LOT MACHINE. Alt styles: repairing; phonographs; rec ords. Transcontinental Machine Co.; 343 Waahlngton St. TECHNICAL SCHOOL. The International Correspondence Schools Bcranton, Pa. John ..VaU. 21T AUsky Building. . LODGING House At 1 8t and Morrison Sis. Prosperba ktuslfless ror Sale) Cheap MOTTER A DONNE tL. 345 Stark SL. ReJ Estate; ReiUftlsJ - Sales, 8mi,lisrai.cci ' Reenf X CfcainW ef Conmwrca. Rountree & Diamond M Real ' Estate- ' Loans' atid Insurance. ' ' Phon Grant 291 241 Stark St. ATTORNEYS. Paxtea, Beach ft Slmoa. 0 Chamber ef .Xomnere. ---. tgammamm ! H. K. Sargent Oeaaral Practice, notary public, 6M-039 Chamber at Commerce. R- A. Frame, 1 Maraam Bldg. Charle A. Lutas, Room t Chamber f Commrc. ; Jam Oleaton, a aad 8 Mulkey Building. ACCORD I ON PLAITINCL - Miss O. Ooold. 01 Marquam Bldg.: cord Ion and knife plaUng and pinkl ac- Ing. ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. George Tv MurtonV S18 Cham, of Cobu Phone Brown eOa. Bookkeeping, ex pertlng .teaching -A88AYER AND ANALYST. Paul Baumel, Aasayar and Analylst; gold dust bought. 28.. Stark st ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER. Fred A. Ratlin, 4.1 2d st Tel. Oak 76. Ves sels and machinery of all kinds de signed. BARBERS. Joseph Reidei, aHldorrlson'st Fullllove ft Moore, 2S2 Washington. C. V. Hare, 146 Fifth street. Brownings Navajo Herb and Vine Roots for Dandrfuft and falling hair, ISO 1st ' BARBERS' SUPPMES; G. N. v. Wilson Co., 80 8th "st., leading barbers supply house Paclflc Coast. LEWIS-STENOER Barber Supply Co. Grinding of all sharp edge tools a spe cialty, 151 First St. BICYCLES. Fred T. Merrill' Cycle Co., 1CJH th st. BILL P09TINQ. 3. T. Williams Posting Co., 846 Morrison street. BILLIARDTABLES The Brunswick-Balk oTlender Co., 4 Third atreet. BOOTS AND SHOES. A. Dryera OT Third tretJ Lea Selling, 167 Third atreet J. Sanger; Repair Shop, 449. Washington. Th Nelson She Store, 43.. North 8d at Mark Shoe Store, 253 Morrison St., near 3rd. Agents Jennes Miller Shoe. BUTCHERS. B. F. Jones, 1T2 3d street. Union Market. Phones, Ore. North 1400, Col. 1490. 12 Burnslde street. Paclflc 'Market. Phone, Grant 1411. 864 Washington street BRIDGE CONTRACTORS. Smyth ft Howard Co., CIS Chamber of Ciammerc. . .', CARPENTERS AND BU I LD E RS. JmTaTH elton,Carpent TinT"BuTider? M7.8Urk st.; office and store fixtures built an4 remodeled, altering and re-, pairing bouses. Phone Main 747. ' CAFE8. The Bell Saloon, 836 Washington street The Hoffman, 83., Third street. Th Knob Hilt Saloon, 641 Washington. Th Oriental Cafe, 829 Washington st. CHIROPODY ANDMAICUJJINGj Wm. Deveny and Estelle Deveny, 801 AJIsky Bldg., 3d and Morrison. L. Mitchell, Expert Chiropodist Knight's Shoe Store, 294 Wash. st. Phon Hood 728. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Fred Boskowlts, 27S Washington at Dreyfus 4k Germalne, 201 Third street. Plasa Cigar Btor, . 211 Third t Tb' Ratiroad Cigar atore, 334 Wash, st M. BuiWt'81 Third at North;' Slg Slchel ft Co., Mfg. Tobacconist, 98 Third street Portland. CYCLEI8TS AND MACHINERY. E, P. Keenan, Columbia, Hartford and Vldett Bicycle, Aluer st Phon Red 1963. r Sewing Machine and Bicycle, 835 Mor rison street. CURIOS. Andrew Kan ft Co., Morrison and 4th sts. D. M. Averill a Co.. Col. phon 703. 831 Morrison St., Portland. CONFECTIONERY. A J. Coffman, Chocolate and Bon Bona, 350 Washington t. W. J. Powell, Candle and Cigar, 420 Waahlngton street. Henry Blumenauer, Manufacturing Con fectioner, 430 Washington st. CORNICES 8KYLIGHTS. Metal Skylights, Galvanised Iron cor nice. J. C. Bayer, 265 8econd at CREAMERIES. .u ,.rtt 7- La Grand Creamery Company, butter, eggs and cheese, 264 Yamhill st Phone, Ore. Main 77a . Arlington Creamery, butter, eggs, cheese, etc.. 267 Burnslde St. COAL AND WOOD. i. . Oregon Fuel Co., dealers In all kinds of eoal and wood, 844 Morrison.. Banneld-Vysey Fuel Co., dry flat wood, 80 8d st Phon Main 853 and Col. 873. CHINESE PHYSICIAN. Dr. C, U Gee We, 13JV. 3d t, NE. cor. Alder.- '. 1 " -"; 1 DECORATORS. H. P Xlhri'stensen, wall" papera and painter,. 141 8th, sUeet. corner Alder. E. H. Moorehouse ft C., wall papers, 807 Washington street -z. DENTISTS. Cvf. Pre'TorioTHam 8. M. Hamby, D. D. 8.. room 3 Wash. Ingten bldr- Washington., and 4th sta, : t 1 ' 1 ''" "V- Theodore S. Thomson. BO-51 Washington bldg,. Waahlngton, and 4th sta. Pbon Hood 414. - P. B. tantworthy, 201V Morrtoon. 8t Hlckey & HlCkey, room SIT to 818 Dekum bid., 84 and Wash. sta. Phon South 1. DRESSMAKERS. Mis LpughHa, 14 Lewis" bldg.' " .- k Mra ft J. Ortvr, MUlinery parlera, ream 4Ud Maeleay hide. DRUGGISTS. Qradoa Meehler, tl lyt street. O. P. 8. Plummer, 860-262 84 trt, C. A. Watson, 88 North 84 street Row ft' Martin, th and Wash sta, Frank J. Strelblg. 848 Wash, street Laue-Davis Drug Co 178 8d st Phone 848 ELECTRICIANS. ARTHUR T. WALKER, Room 21. Cam " bridge building. Phone Red Resi dence Pink 1241. Mrs. C. 8. Fery, m Morrison st ENGRAVERS. Hlcks-Chattea Engraving Co., Morrison, Between ist ana za sis. ELECTRO PLATING. Oold. Silver, Copper, Nickel, eta. Peninsu lar Plating Works. 8W Wash. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. CANADIAN Employment Bureau, 22 Morrison street Phone Grant 23L Oregon Employment Co., 227 Bumsld st Red Cross Employment Co., 128 1st t, upstair. , ACME Emp. Bureau, 185 Morrison Help free to employer. Phone North 23U. Col. 287. FORD'S Employment Agency, 14tt4 First street, Portland. Oregon. FURRIERS. The Silverfleld Fur Mfg. Co., S8S Morri son street H. Llebes ft Co., 288 Morrison st. Phon Main 24. : 0A SUPPLIES. Paclflc Specialty and Gas Lamp Co., 841 Morrison street OENT'S FURNISHINGS. B. Oranlch, QenU' Furnishing. U N. 8d. A. Roeensteln, Clothing, eta.. 23 N. 8d st GROCERS. yrEfesser "ft iSSSiS street Owen H. Berpl ft Co., Fancy Orocerl, 863 Morrison street C. O. D. 20th Century Grocers, Hamma A Walker, 207 Third St Phon Clay 790. F. 8. Godfrey. Family Grocery. Sixth and Burnslde. Telephone Black 2ftiA HATTERS. Phoenix Hat Factory, W. G. Allen, prop. 887 Waahlngton L Phone, Red 8848. HAIRDRES8INO, MANICJJRJNO ParisTHa1rFto'r, 808Wah. t, ap-to-dat hair dressers. The Aristo Beauty Parlors, manicuring and massage, 868 Morrison atreet Mrs. F. 3. tynch. skiasna 'scalp 'pecial- ist, 208 AUsky bide, 8d and Morrison, ROSENTHAL SISTERS Wlg-makln and manicuring, 160 Fifth St. Phon Mood 814. ' HAY AND GRAIN. W.8. Lauthera, 110 North 3rd street lime. shingles and cement HOTELS. Cosmopolitan Hotel and Cafe. 81 North Third street, center Davis. Hotel Belvedere, European plan, Fourth and Alder streets. Esmond Hotel. Rates: European, Mo ta 81.60 per day. Front and Morrison eta. Hotel McCauIey. B. F. McCauley, prop., 810 Morrison t Phone, Col. 15, Ore. North Ht Merchants Hotel. Rates, H.80 a day up ward. Third and Davis streets. HOUSE FURNISHERS. Home Furnishers Furniture, Carpets, Parlor Goods, Stove, etc. See 1. Gov urts Son, 17S-175 Flrat, 219-225 Yam hill. Both Phone 804., . INSURANCE. G. Rosenblatt rooms B0rt28 Sherlock bldg., 3d and Oak at. Phone, Main 132. Puffer. Burgard .ft Co., 351 Wash, st ' - JEWELERS. . Beldlng Bros., Diamond. Watches, etc., 4S Third street The I C. .Henrlchsen Co., Jewelers aad opticians, 284 Washington street The a Heltkemper Co., manufacturing Jewelers, 388 Morrison st. John A. Beck, watches, diamond, etc., 807 Morrison street Vanderburg Watch House, 148H 3d at Unci Myers. Jweler, 148 3rd t LAUNDRIES. i Clean Towel Dairy. Comb,' brush, soap, 31 per month. Novelty Supply Co., 40 42 N. Ninth st Tel. 418, LIVERY 8TABLEB. MIsner ' ft Hayden Fashion I4vry Stables, th and Oak sts. Burnsld Livery StabU. corner Fourth and Burnslde sta. Phone Or. Black 89L Frailer ft McLean Livery Stable. Both phone 89. No. 200 to 208 6th street. MASSAGE. wT FauTkner, room It 861) Morrison street MINING COMPANIES. Homeeuke Gold Mining; .Co:, M and St Lewis bldg. . MUSICAL. FLUTE, Guitar, Mandolin and Banjo In struction. Prof. E. A Smith, res. 864 Twelfth. MONUMENTS. Otto Schumann, monumental and build ing work. 304 Third st. Estimates aa first class work and stock only. OSTEOPATH. Ik b. Smith.' Parlors, room 40 Oregenlan building. - -si- Dr. I. W. AlklT.TOoma 33-83, Lawla bldgf. OREGON VI A VJ COMPANY, Lewis Bldg., Park and Morrison, ; Bead for Health Book. Consultation free, v PATENT MEDICINE.'' ; Brinmeeameorriil building. . PRINTER AND STATIONERY. 3. R. 'Rogers, Job prlnUng. S.3 Morrison. PAWN BROKERS. - facie Heary, 48 North Third street Portland Loan Office, Den Mara, pro., 74 Third st. near Oak. Phon Brown 478. " .PAINTS AND OILS ' 7 ' Fisher, Thorsea ft Co., Front aad Mar rlson Bta. . .-. PIANOS. Soul Bros. PUao Co.. 888 Washlngtea Bv ..: Ellrs Piano House, Hlgh-Orade Planes and Organ. 8bt Washlngtaa BU . , ,. Pianos for sale or rent B. Blnsheimer. , 73 Third St. Fisher Music Store. Everything la Musi, Phone, Red 843. ISO Third St PHOTOGRAPHERS. S. W. RcbtnsohTomreerclal Photograph j 364 Morrison St E. W. Moor. Crayon and Oil Portraits, Third and Waahlngton Sta. Th Photographic Co., Commercial Phe tographar. Russell Bid. 4th ft Wash. : REAL E8TATE. " Lehman Loan and Collection Agency, 70S. Chamber ojf Commerce. J. F. Compton. Phone Black 929. 3! Washington St The King Real Rstat Aaaooiatlon. 72f Chamber of Commerce. E. F. Riley, 803 Chamber of Commerce. C. F. Plympton, Loans Negotiated.' AUsky Bid., Third and Morrison. Chas. H. Korell, real estate and mortgage loans. 261 Washington. Mala 688. R. H. DUNN, real estate and financial agent. No. H?H First street, Portland. Oregon. RESTAURANTS. Morris' Lunch and Coffee House. Below Imperial Hotel. New Port Restaurant and Oyster House, 83. Third and 267 Pin Sta. Strouse'a Restaurant, 328 Washington Bt Billy's Coffee House, 34 Tamhll St . City Chop Hons and Restaurant It Third St.. N. ..... i RUBBER 8TAMP8 AND STENCILS. Chas. E. Potter ft Co., mfr. rubber tamp, seals, stencils. 231 Falling Bid. ORIENTAL SHOOTING GALLERY Th latest quartlscope views, 83 3d st J 8TORAGE AND TRANSFER. P.. O. Wfk. nfflM Rfl TTirnt Rt-. bet. Star and Oak: pUone 696. Piano and furni ture moved and packed for shipping; commodious Are-proof brick warehouse! -Front and Clay at, Storage at low rate can b had at Fred Bickel' torhoue, 81 N. Front Bt Furniture, Piano and Bat"Mdvin "And Packer. Charle M. Olsen, 128 First street STATIONERY. Th Kilhana Stationery Co., 287 Morrison. I. - d o- i '.' ":v James R.)wbig, Bookseller, T. MbCJ Air ' ma" Fourth Bt, Portlattd. " ' : TAILORS. ' ; NlcbU the Tailor, fashionable tailoring, 108 Third St We call for. clean, press aad deliver en suit each week for 81.00 per month. 438 Waahlngton Stj Pants 84 to 810: suits 813 80 ta 835. Char ley Lee, 10& N. Third St Bon Ton Tailoring Co., 84 Third 8U epa Chamber of Commerce. TRUNK FACTORY. Portland Trunk Co., 60 Third St., whole sal and retail; send for catalogue. Phillip Trunk Co., 811 Morrison Street, Old trunks taken In exchange. Harris Trunk Co., trunk, valises, satthY 1. tc, 231 Morrison St . TYPEWRITERS. - thaTsnuthtKamT 3 street. AH makes of typewriters for rent. Supplies for all machines. JU M. Aiexanaer c -o., m iiusRCIIl WORKS. PialTdUmbriUaoTks parasols mad t order. 190 Third St MmC. Cornllu. Alisky Blg.Thlrd aad -EorZinn. Circli Friday. ittlng dally. WALLPAPER. Ernest Httler ft CoTwaTTper aad dee eratlons. 127 First St. BANKS. cTNAmANBANK OF COMMERCE- with Which is amalgamated THBBANKOF BRITISH COLUMBIA. capital paid p ";-;::;":;;;S; BTra7sacUaGeneraV BnkingBulneea, ' . SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT E. A- WTLD, Manager. 1 inn ft TILTON, BANKERS ' ' . ESTABLISHED IN 1859. , available in Europe aad tha Eastern tarn sold On rw . vi - t. r i ro St Louis, Denver, Omaha, Baa cago, di. r" ";.. Aninta-ln Oreron.. - &Wttt: British . coiumms- - - . wna. Brila. Frankfort and. Hong Kong. t MERCHANT NATIONSBANK- V - r pwaWtc WATSON 'Prldnt : TRAJSBAVo:.gOSINE88.,.,.i. , S5k ;pdT.t?eMot ;irs;u.d miZ ti sTi narts ef th world. - . Snuiksa specialty. ; Oold du.l bought. cLONDON AN FRANCISCO BANK. Chamber ef Commerce building, Third tnamoer at.rlt .tncta r bSmemVOTan. duKunt. bill, anl LCTtSd to T purVhi whandts InZr eltT o ?hTworld. .Deal la for. lanTnd .dome. Ue g'. . . r.X MACRAE, Manager. mi'rTKD STATES NATIO VAL B A N K Tr"et. General Banking Rum,,-.. D?Jfr. available in all ' Un President rTWSiaani ............ , , ,, Vice-President " 1? c' 1 Cashier ,..-""""'' Rend