The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, April 05, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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F THE. - -
.Enisled Mrch.l9th, 10J, xfeonj elasw mttr. FMtoffloe t Portland, Ortyon. 7 Act ef Contrm of Mtrch trA, 7.
' J "
1 -Jt
, - . . :: . .
, (Scrfpps-McRae News Association.)
' PENNVILLE, Ind.. April B.The Bank
of PennvIHe' was burglarised this morn
ing. It Is believed , the robbers secured
about $3,000.
ill! MW
Electric Car Runs Wild on Haw-
i - thorne
Southern Pacific Baggage Car Set Afire, But
' VV No One
A costly wreck occurred . at 7:30 thla
nornlns at ih eaet end of the Madlsun
iret bridge when a freight car of, the
Portland City and Orefon Kleotrio road
crashed Into the incoming. CaUfortiia ex
press train from San Francisco. (
,The eleetrlo car itruck the baggage car
' ef' the Southern' Paclflo train splintered
tt and broke the Plntuch gas tank under
neath, setting lire to the train. The fire
department ' promptly ' responded and
aved It ' ' :' -"'f
The passengers received a severe fright,
bat no one was Injured. The fault was
entirely with the Oregon City road.
A Journal reporter. residing, on the East
Side was on the scene Immediately after
the crash. In fact, he could feel - the
hock and is in a good position to tell,
from bis own observations and the nar
ratives of eye wllneies. Just how the
accident occurred.
i In the first' place, the Southern Pacific
Company can in no way be blamed. It
ha the right of way, Its train was pro
ceeding alowiy, and by Its- Automatic elec
tric bell at the crossing, which rings
when a train is approaching two blocks
away, gave ample warning to all to
'lookout" On -the other band, the street
car coaipany has a large 'sign suspended
. betweenv Its electric power wires reading
a:foUows: ? : . ... . n-s4-
' .i - V)Anhe order Is generally obeyed, eye :
- 'tt?' claim . that the flagging precau
' tlon was not theueht nsueaaarv this mnrnt
' .Kieotrw express if No. J WltbI,.
Captain Spencer
; manship of the
The fusion of the dissatisfied Repub
licans and the Democrats in combination
with the organised labor - of the city,
made much progress today. The first or
ganised steps will be taken' tomorrow. It
la probable that a Joint conference will be
held Sunday and a temporary organiza
tion, effected. ; ;.. . -J .
By unanimous consent of the young Re
publicans and citlaens generally. Captain
8. C. Spencer will be the chairman of the
movement It Is understood that he has
consented to act as temporary chairman
and at the Sunday meeUng he will be
elected as such. "Be will then call a
anas meeting of eltlsens to be held some
time next wuek. -when the movement will
be organised permanently and steps taken
to bring out a ticket
AH the people Interested In the move
ment say that, so . far perfect harmony
reigns. X, Kfr'l; -
It Is agreed by unaslmous 'consent that
the offices of. Mayor and State Senator
shall be given to the Democrats, the rep
resentatives in the legislature to be even
ly divided between the Democrats, the
Republicans and the labor forces. ;
Among the candidates that, are promi
nently mentioned are the. following:
Mayor John ttfion-R2- D. Inman, W.
25. RoiMtrtson.
State, Senator John 11. Oearln, Sylves-i
ter pennoyer. - j'":' '
legislature-Mark O'Neal,' Newton Mc
Coy. James Oleajon, 0; AUeifW O.
McPherson. John A. Bushmau. Mr. Cuo
: (Scrlpps-McRae- News Association.)
IvONDON, April 6.-A partial list of the
British casualties in the fight with Da
Xarey's force near Vrelkull was issued
today. The list shows four British of
Our stock, which has Just arrived, contains' only the choicest patterns.
There Is ho room for which we cannot furnish a suitable wall , paper.- We
also have the men to hang It Wa will, surprise you with . the reasonable
y Vint' (
tllAOt C&f
I Hl"sT irf of
Iwtim aratnta
of On Tentfl of the vehtr.
e ey tewtur money ot
ol C.Pi&O. CO.
, Nota Coupon not good for lead and oils.
-Injured- . '
a Selnke as motorroan. was coming
An-mn tho Hawthorn avenue incline at
rapid rate, just as the) jCaltforhla express
ornaaMl ITafarthnrn avenue' on East First,
The. electric car-had a, heavy trailer
hooked on, and too late the motorman
found that could 6t stop. , Tne en
glne and tender of the train had already
crossed the. InterseoWon, but the eiectnc
car crashed Into the train's baggage car
Thla in Itaalf did' na sreat damage. ' II
did, however, break the connections of
the gas storage Unk under .the baggage
car. The escaping gs became Ignited
and created a pretty blase till the fire
de Dart men t arrived and extinguished
The train which came to an almost
Instant standstill when collided with
could PPt proceed until a part of the
front end of the express car naa Deen
chopped away with axes.
Superintendent Tiffany of the electric
company.- who was somewhat late in put
ting la an appearance), seemed all at sea
when he srlanced - around . himself. He
immediately commenced Uwulng contra
dittory orders, and the clearing away of
the wreck was delayed.
As in all railway accidents, those 1m
mediately concerned refused to talk. ' It
Is claimed, however, by the street car
representatives that the track was cov
ered with . a frosty formation, but such
Is -not a fact. Even were this so,, the
car . which crashed :lnto the train' was
not provided with sand with which., to
sprinkle. th$ jails. Jt was simply a case
oX fasffuftnlng and a. disregard for all
oxduHwry pccaou8. -
Offered Chair-
ry, T. J. Concannon, I-T. Peary, P. A.
MacPherson, Fred W. Mulkey, Frank
freeman, hi. a. Mosier, Ben Belling, mr.
Hareltine, Frank Bcbiegel, W. A. Clarke,
Prof Kroener. se"' ,v fc "
Sheriff-Thomas M.tKamee, N. H. Bird,
"WTw B. ; Steele, TUomaa Hobkirk, garry
Meyer.'john. Drtecflll."'' . ;?' "" f-.
County Clerk-Major J. P. Kennedy. '
City Englneer-OscAr Bellinger, Doug
las Taylor. ' ; '
County Judge-J. V. Beach, H; B. Ad
ams, ET B. Seabrooke, v '
. County Assessor-Charlefl K. Henry, W.
H. Orinstaff, Capt. C. . McDonnell.
C. W. Nottingham would have been a
nominee for Representative as he as at
first very much dissatisfied with tfie Re
publican ticket, but he has "later been in
duced to accept the-Republican nomina
tion for Joint Representative with Clack
a ntts County, v ,
; Mr. Inman ' has a strong followlns for
Mayor; for the reason that in 189 he was
elected Mayor and wasr counted out. The
voters seem to think there will -be a kind
of poetic Justice In giving him the office
( John Gearln does not' desire the office
of State Senator, for personal reasons,
but it Is .believed he. will accept It if the
nomination is tendered him by the, com
mittee. ;, ,'
1 The Republicans will probably insist on
the nomination of Capt. Charles E. Mc
Donnell as County Assessor. He will be
acceptable to tnost of the Democrats.
ficers killed and 16 wounded and 23 men
killed and 110 wounded.
, PRKTORIA. April S. The Boers admit
their easuaiitles In the Vrelkul fight
amounted to' lit. "', !
. VMU a .wVkik - .will ' t.K
' n v .iu iuiiiuu
handsome designs,'- We ' tarrjr a
full stock of , HOTJSB PAIIT,
-iPAlNT, ENAMELS. . ETC.? at 4 low
prices. t . . ,
m Chase Paht wid 03 Co.
Lm''x iia JTRHT BTRRiPT'.V r'f,. strf .
Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
LONDON, .April . The afternoon pa
pers here discuss at great length Cecil
Rhodes' amaslng - educational , bequest.
They see In it a magnificent bid for the
friendship of the United States. ,
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
WASH1NOTON,. AprU S.-rNext week
promises to be the banner week In the
House. The program contemplates the
discussion of the Payne. Cuban Reciproc
ity bill. .
Attempts will be made by the Demo
crats to amend the bill so as to open
the .subject of tariff revision, but the
chairman will rule all such amendments
out of order.
Some of the beet sugar Republicans
will seek the adoption of amendments
also, placing a differential- on refined- su
gar, but the chairman's course of proce
dure will be the same.
Usually a large number of Senators de-'
sire to make speeches on, this measure,
and even friends of the bill scarcely ex
pect to reach a vote on It during the
There Is an Impression that the Ben-,
ote'n action on the question will be con
fined to, the extension of the laws now'
on the statute bocks. " , '"' : i;
WAsHl-fON.ijSHl n ' Senate
Steering Committee this morning decided
to take up the Philippines Civil Govern
ment bill after the . Chinese -EsjcUiston,
bill is disposed of. r, ?! "'
At the Democratic county convention
Thurrday It was decided to adjourn un
til Aoiil .19. Several other motions for
adjournment were put and carried with
out reconsideration. The chairman now
decides that the convention stands ad
journed until such a time as la selected
by the caucus of delegates, which Is to
be" held at Eagles' Hall Saturday, April
13, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. ,
(Bcrlpps-MoRae News 4spocIatlon.)
WASHINGTON, April. 5,-Senator Fain-
banks spoke at great length on thet!X
elusion bill, detailing the history of re
strictive laws In America, stating that
the bill before the Senate is jnot.a depar
ture ; from the well settled policy of ,the
aovernment. It. was necessary. heTtald.
to maintain high wages for. labor, and
the admission, of the Chinese, would un
doubtedly lower wages. The government
would be recreant to the high trust com
mitted to It should It enter upon a policy
which would undoubtedly lower the
standard of our civilisation, Our first
care must be for' our own people, and
'this country mlat beware of a surplus
of labor;,, - A Serious objection to the Chi
nese ' is their general disregard of the
home relation which unites a republic.
Exclusion laws' should ,be stringent and
effectively administered. . .
An interesting colloquy afoae ' at the
conclusion of Fairbanks' remarks. Oal
llnger thought that certain provisions of
the uendlng measure, would violate the
existing treaty. , Lodge and Mitchell de
nied the charg-e. Galllnger took Hon.
John P. Foster as his authority. Pen
rose charged that Foster was the-accredited
agent, orally, of the Chin so govern
ment.1 Galllnger expressed surprised, but
declared that, if any existing treaty was
to be -violated he could ' not support the
measure, even if his own state demanded
It. ' "-.' .-- ,x-v
- (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) ; -LONDON,
April 5.-A not her extraordi
nary feature of the Rhodes will devel
oped today. Lord Bosebery, Earl Grey,
Lord Mllner, Alfred Belt Dr. Jameson,
L. I .Michell afid B. A'HawkSlo are the
executors and residuary heirs ei-
laie. -ney witi aivme more than a mil
lion pounds between them. n " r i
The curious feature Is that as eacM fg-
tee dies his: share goes .to a common
fund until the survtvtna: legatee beoomea
sole "hgra tee of 11 the vast bequest' '
CHICAGO. April 1-Wbeat WMmic
; SAN , FRANCISCO, AprU &--Wfcet,
Protecisslor lie
ruption In
(Bcrlpps-M.cRaa News Association.)
8T. ,I.OUIS, ArH 5. The most start
ling report ever. made by a St. Louis
Grand Jury was returned this morning
by tho body whlcji has been Investigating
the municipal boodle scandttl.
True' .bills were reported for rnllllon
arles and members of the Municipal As
sembly, who have been arrested from
time to time wl" charges of bribery and
perjury. -'.',
The report then recites that combines,
for the purposes of bribery, exist In both
branches f of th Assembly, and that In
recent c years, few ordinances have been
Margaret Sheperd Can
not Gk a License.
Several . cltliena Including Archbishop
Christie, called upon City Attorney Long
thl morning to relation to ths public lec
tures of Margaret Shepherd, In which she
criticises Catholicism. .They asked that
the attorney fender n opinion of the law
governing eW where trouble Is likely
to follow publio lsctures ot a defamatory
character, and as to the right t the
city authorities to withhold a license,
Mr. Jxing, tr his written opinion, said
that the'clty authorities were Justified in
not issuing a license where trouble was
likely tp follow and that the polloe had
tit right to arrest any lecturer whose re
imarB were flkely to cause a public dls
turbanea, t-tMMcivnrae. an AdoHwUon
fee wttliauuaMicahM. ' ' -i
The woman .has ,a license, and If she
attempta to lecture and charge an admis
sion fee she will be-arrested. To avoid
poUce Interference, sh ppoke last night
in the Rodney Avenue Christian Church.
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
- NKW YORK. April S. Plans for the re
ception of the Prince ,of Wales by the
Chamber of Commerce, on his almost as
sured vldll here, are under way. These
plans . are not to be made public until
an official acceptance of the Invitation Is
- Collector Dunne has received a circular
from the Commissioner of Internal Rev
enue In the matter of shipments to the
Philippine Islands of articles subject to
Internal-revenue tax. It quotes a part of
Section of "An Act temporarily to pro
vide rewenue for the Philippine Islands,
In bond or with benefit of drawback,!"
The Commissioner rules further that the
certificate of the Collector of the Islands
as, to the landing of articles and payment
of duties thereon, will be accepted In
lieu of the prescribed certificate of the
Foreign Revenue Officer and the Consular
verification of the consignee's certificate.
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
"WASH I NGTON, April 6. George 'Cor.
telyou, Secretary i to ' the President, Is
slated for tho Reretaryshlp of the De
partment of Commerce as soon, as the
.bill creating that-department becomes a
law, -"
(Scripps-McRaa News Association. ;
LONDON. April .-An pfnclal dlarpatch
was received at the War Off) today giv
ing a partial list of the casualties In the
fight at Leeuwkop, April 1, I which 22
tvere killed and 6S wounded..
This fight has not been, previously re-
Sprted. .vji-l1 -x, ti'.T'
V (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) '
ST. PAUL, April S. Professor Cole-
grove of the University of-Washington,
who out bit throat on the train while
coming here from Seattle; while' dement-
- ------ (Jft-Vav. r irtvtt'-i - - i
mm 5ira
fed. U in -a. serious conditkwv and la vtoleat 1 4
ii- 'N'j
Discoveries of Cor
St. Louis.
passed without, the use of money.
; Assemblymen, the report nays, seem to
regard bribery as a legitimate business
occupation and frequently receive from
J100 W 1100,000 for their votes.
T)e report says that a regular scale
of prices for bribery has been discovered
as existing Jn the Assembly.
Amontf --t!)s . true bSls. reported Is one
against Robert Snyder, a Kansas Ctty
millionaire, ' charged - with offering a
Councilman $50,000 for two votes on the
Traction bill. ,
George Kobusch, also a millionaire, is
charged with perjury.
Woman Shoots Herself
with Small Rifle.
Mrs. E. A. Palmer committed suicide
this morning at Falrview, a Village on
the 0. R. a N. Railway about 12 miles
from Portland. She shot herself through
the head with a 22-callber rifle.
Mrs. Palmer is supposed to have been
mentally" unbalanced, 'as ehe has been
very-mofross since the' birth of a child
several months a g.
The Coroner went to the scene and held
an Inquest this afternoon, the verdict
being In accordance 'With the above facts.
(Scrlpps-McRae, News Association.) .'
SAN FRANCISCO, April 5.-Ulysses
Baer of Oakland was sentenced by the
Federal Court today to seven years In
San Quentln and a fine of $1000 for coun
terfeiting; silver dollars.
Joint Sheet That Opens Up
New Territory.
' A new, Joint tariff sheet. In which the
Northern Pacific, the Great Northern,
the Spokane Falls & Northern end the
Burlington 4 Missouri River lines are all
interested,' has made. Its appearance. It
names carload rates 6n lumber, shingles
and coal' from points on the Spokane
Falls 'A' Northern and the Great North
ern, In the vicinity of Spokane, to points
In Montana, Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming
and Colorado. ,
The rates named are the same as those
which have heretofore been In effect "from
Northern Pacific points only and in ter
ritory 'round about Spokane via Bill
lugs, Mont The new tariff rate sheet
opens to the territory described a great
ly enlarged market for the lumber and
coal Interests of the territory hitherto
exclusively enjoyed by the Northern Pa
cific. The importance of this move is
much greater than would appear at first
blush. The rates range from 35 to 55
cents per hundred, dependent upon point
of origin and final destination, Involving
either a. longer or a shorter haul.
The lumber and coal Interests of the
great Northwest will, by means of the
new arrangement, find an outlet Into ter
ritory hitherto sealed to them, and can
not help but become Immensely benefited
At noon today V. A. Julian, a grocer,
reported that hts horse, and delivery
wagon had been stolen from in front ot
Third street restaurant. Later on he
qualified his statement by stating that
the horse might have wandered away,
out that he had been to the stable, think
ing that .he had either gone there or to
JalL The horse. Is a roan and the cover
of the delivery wagon' bears' Jull&Ss
name; and address. so that the outfit
ought not be hard to recover.
There was a rush of. business at the
office of Sheriff Frasler. today, . Next
Monday is) ths last day In which to pay.
U01 taxes If you escape the 19 per cent
penalty and the 11 per cent - interest
added, s -'-
t: i i i i i i t
. .
One-half pint can tsc'
Pint can t.. .... A......V.........,.... - asc
i Quart can............ J.... 44c
One-half gallon can...;.;...........; 85c
1 Quart... : -joe
One-half gallon..... 75c ,
1 Gallon.... : ....$1.40
Best made, all colors. ' Gives rich, glossy enamel, for Chairs,'
' ' '. Furniture, etc.
One-Fourth pint......aoc One-half pint,.....30C 1 Pint....55C
" " "V:'..jBATH .TUB ENAMEL .-
One-half pint v 38c Pint........; J...t...1& .
VARNISH STAINS, made to imitate any of the common - ,
woods... i aoc can ;
Furniture Varnlsh..;... 35c pint
Floor Varnish guaranteed ............00c quart
- t All our paint guaranteed satisfactory. t
Japanese Gold Paint aoc t
Favorite Gold Enamel, medium size 1..., aoc
Large slze....... .:.'. - oc
Also have the Oold Bronzing; Powder and the Liquid,
separate, In bulk. , ' ; '
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
Gas Is Economical
' ... . .... S '-, - .!--, i .
-' ' i' ' 1 ? : , .! , . . 1 f J.
, G$ furnlshej the chaapest fuel, the quickest heat, the best ,
"'arid' most ecpiaomkal lighirlMwi 5d,wilh. eith thar Welsbach or
; Kent -bureii;iui7thtst flf10 li1 iweV 1 "
172-174 Fifth i Street '' 1? , ' i Portland, Oregon
. . ' Favorite American Whiskey
BLUMAUER & HOCH, ; Sole Distiiutors
i Wholesale Uraor and agar Dealers, 106-1 10 Fowih St. -
You Can Improve Your Complejdon
' " 1 By 'using Robertine, which is guaranteed to be the. best toilet-i ",
preparation on the' market. Contains no deleterious drugs,
and i highly beneficial to the skin and facial tissues. -
Trade supplied by
BIumauer-Frank Drug Co j
No More Dread of tho Dental Chair :
New York Dental Pdrlprs!
. 4th and Morrison Sts.t Portland, Ore. . .
. 'aW - 1 vRCOtlt
k m s ta 1 ssa aa
;.r Fid! Set of Teeth 05.00
Teeth extrseted and filled absolute? without pain, but our late scientiffa
ttiethnd applied to the sums. No alery-proilueln or nKisine.
These are th only dental parlors I11 o!tiiiiuI ntvini .i.-tit. .i r""
anees and Ingredients lo extract, nit and snpiy ku'J crowns im- ...i
trowns undv(t'tWe from natural teeth, ana warranted for ' J '"
- out tne least pal a. . . ,t , (-
Hours:" 8:30 to 6:C3-r
1 1
New Wholesale
Shoe House
, A complete Una' Men's, ' 'Womsna
- and CUlldrens' Bhoes. Latest styles;
the most artlstlo toot wear u ths
market carried by us, t Bead us trial
- order or win have our re presents tire
call, n . r , J ) '
Krausse & . Prince
No Gas
Detwtcn Stark grid Oak .
' t
v ;