Tins evektng jotjmtax; totitiAot, oitEGoir kam)AYj:MATicH at, isog. -1 u j: ABOUT -.PEOPLE. :f , a . -. , i -v, HJm Faye MacPfcenon la apudlnc th Buur lkiUdays'arttA "Hands to Astoria -Bary T.. Baadryjc, 'a. well-known eoln ... lag nromctar a Saker dv. Is In ort !' - land.': " 5 v '"".A'" v li . -tlATk Tabor. on at the wirs of tha Rd Boy com mine in Grant county, i l the caty- - v . ItlM K. Alice cjuigg, of ' Portland Academy, wnt to Oregon City, today to deliver an addrwa on "Natar Btvdy.1 Won the Clackamas County Teacher' , Jnatitut. ' Mia Fauol G. Porter, or the JtalUnc -school, thla city, iUI open the mbrolng program ty a paper on "Civil '? Ctovernment Our New Text."', '"- i - f, lBayrey, mof thr anv1ui tt men of Kelao, WMb.A Is In town. i pueit iot the Esmond. , j . " David West, a pioneer resident of Cayth- timet; -Wash:, is enjoying the; hospitality . af the Esmond (or .a day f hv.V; ,. , . 4 Colonel William Coach, an ; extensive 5 timber dealer add - capitalist, of Harop I ton, Mlch.,Vnd hla eon. J".;fw. qbacS, J mining nan from Idaho, era for the pre. f ant guests Idf tha Esmond. . "--y i 'john Hariman, " a 'logger,and'iunibe'r i: man of BtfeHa. Wash-; taat the Eamcfrd . E."BielUrs; 0peMrrndnt of Ithe State Rf aranRgbtfoU h l n Wtf I j ,J.( H.. Neal, . a well-known Harney .. County - newipaper' 1na(l,""vwa" in .town " '.-Hunan. , - (;-'"." ' J ,Jrwln Burke, and R. E. Davie, promt enaanneryaen,a'Aator't 'eh.'ar ;n-tha W' '? it, ; X j Jv JPresident JacClelland, ot JCnox CoUegt, f. 9V waai 14 ; the" cityyoaterday ' on hi 'f fiurnl from vlait - to Foreaf Orove, v4here'.he was at ona Uma connected wW afllllo UiUverlty..::;v:-;':;.,;;..i;i,i;,:---.. Attorney CA W; Miller r returned ' thla lor soma in. -.js;a.v "..'-,; -j.- Mra R. . Montagu. Uaih Third trele t spendina; a wj fntyh ff&tty, franntrat Forest Grove.. -'..L , Forest Grove.. ' it MarshaPt $Al&&Vi IL P. Marehllt aaiftelP ali th olt: fntjjiliit,! .. man of the tower rlverv- is in ,the city today. Mr.tYeon hat JuatWchased a1 ' now logging concern at Rainier (and will, negin eaanaiva operauoaa tnerevoon, : T.- --iSn Bernard Landenperser oft Undeh' ; . herger Packing Company. . Berlin, , Ger- - many, la in Portland, for it xewyiays for .el 4 r,;lJEf4" AVlUthbdn'e', 'rtvliited' ;ftav-: v ana. -Cuba:, and aentenced to : prison, for v having defrauded the government while in the postal' serylre. bae appealed hi j-.'. a and desires to bjs liberated on: balj. ; 4 S' t Everett k?..fiakeAo( Terre .HautW lnd r. attempted sutrld at B Ha was at Ufortim'.eamiK?ti av-WnBburBiIll. bank, .Msnhom'B-atS ...4l.arM..rf f "-"the" a'Redpde. IMhoatlunV-JSng-; .JIH, dying kx Kawarkv &' . . riramejuHiss wina norm tiaanf khh - ,th Qblo . Vallay yeiterdaM -.-doing hun- - dra of tbouaapda afcarsJtrwortbiof damaso at Ptttsbura add in several vlr- - rinJa tvwna.'; Disastrous wind also "pre vllpl' on Ijtki-i Mlrhlren and Erie and Roosevelt's fHetxls rear that ' senator - JHanna aflnfkueceeod'K'te'T the : Preal 'The' quarry men's strike,, at .OuJney, t&pxef k tna'iftooneafeVi Pittsburg coal iron t'ompany t mine. ju,uw( in ; nuBber,rUl atrlke tomorrow the scale ls.,no algne4fi:;;: y..V-rn;.'V .2b wor ld' oon f rati -at Ah Reonran- laed Chufch M Mormone will meat at 1- ; .atonlr-towar April , . 1 James B,;Oarfleidt son Tf the late Pfes , ldent,thaa4teceptdl the plnon bt Civil Service CommlsstonBr. v ... .J:- rs.-WUlla McQulrewife of a clerk ' in a Cheyenne. Wyo., butcher shop,-and het- brother, Modesto Bancbea, have fallen heir to $1,000,000 left by tbeir grandfather in Santjcfergua Mexico. . Senator Jones of Arkansas, who lost the State primaries to es-Oovmpr Clark, says he yet haa hopes of winning-. The Ale partyi of Kentucky hope to vnlta 411 opponents of .the. pgeaenfa s-ealme fUhdet ne bain- and trUk a victory -this v,aU. aw-M ?'-3 Georg3Bfcftr'age5'l; ,ad,0og Jouna w:pUeJi( tM wJUha. track lo wreck 1iCHktrTflook Island ft Pad no passe rv Atv UJn-jira,Trton., Wo. They r lda lKblc,, AdiSi l fa-' 'ehot and killed by er k)vn8l(tm'ont 8lano. aget JW, In )rlw4s Pavek, Nper Xosk, beeaus she relfisadS majofir ktab, , r.,,J Th bodybS fiamtiel (Joltlns was found In a eave'neaf Salt Lake. - Ml throat had been out, .and -whether it wa aulcldo. or murder Is not known. : . .- . , . i - M. P. Smith, Deputy JBherltt, attempted to .arrest Walter Hits for dlaturblna re- HIte for disturbing- re- Eid Lvnn. Maes... and Jigous service at ifia lynn. Mass, was snot ana xuiec . . A Macedonian upritlng U expected. : Mjnteriegre jftrni' lnviflolahe province of Jpelc, Albania,- In behalf Tf the oppressed CbrlstUna. -,. v . s ' The Boer peace,, proposals have borne no rnuit -. t , t The. arrest, of Moscow rioting student Y. -continues, , ' " ' It. I nofr alleged that "the Runian Colo net Grim sold army secrets to France and Austria . bud not to Garmany, Mohammed Rechad, the Saltan's broth er, is dead. Foul-play Is suipectedw , Fire o In a Cincinnati "theater badly frightened 1,009 spectators, but no one was Injured., Property to, rT5,009. . . -' the. State Capital newspap f 'printing f lant, , the Hotel Capital, the St. James Intel and the Cammick livery barns at Onthrle. O. T., were burned. Xosa, 1330, ' TAl 't H e" ,, Two) Chine and one Japanese wsre dinmlsaed from the United State -navy or infraction ot th rules, ; , ; t Frederick PloreV,' aged 77; a pioneer of Mi, Is dead at Wapato, TfamhUr County ' Couhdlman York of Baker qitV voted to - award the street Sprinkling contract to , the highest bidder whipped si man who v criticised him, was fined 135 and resigned. Ha has withdrawn bis reslgn&loit-"v v W.iK.-Reeves seed 60, killed himself With a rill at Jacksonville, Or. .V- u uiiceuio p,.cuoa nouse .Mnteu :.. ;rku.a .nnmourr Bteaa BeefRteak ...... , Mutton Chans r'i ';.. .J.-80 lb -k.-4,ii.....tvtC lb Roast-Beef, lean ....,v,.,..8c lb - Nlc,tren Pork .Hocks iv......;".6c lb " ' Corned Beef-.......j..........5o to to lb Breakfast Bacon ; XZiXUZW. Good Mocha and JavaV Coffee ......, ....Be . Rump, of Beef ..,... .y...-tc lb A lull. Cream Cheese for vf.-?"'..-;;?? - Cmhd Java ;......J....,....124c lb t' Large bottle Pickles, any kind, t (or..l5e Mb can Pork and Beans .'i.,.iraSt for loo '., agle brand Milk, .-.,......u.,t for Bo , S-lb. can. Cove Oyster ; 15e "' 1-lb can Baklnr -Powder 6c Loaf tiuaar, the best ...6c lb v I retail Butter and Eaff at wholesale. Baklna Soda pkg. ..,,..( , ls oks. dtaroh for i.... '.",1UainesS. stii. y iiiail yviu (Aen, o Awer. i4 nnr xairo.' JE MARKETS. :7 .. The grain taarket It at a standstlU, rery little bsio l tha eaport Una. The prospect tor thla yaar'n crop Is eaceed. in1y Jbright,.a larfaerop bamt eapactad. j The grocery market la ery ult, MSt -being sold at former QoetatlonS, and buying are vary hsavy 'holssalrd are worrwd on aceetmt ot tharwe la Califor nia prfe but id thla city thy remain a formriy:"Tber I no au lor this. t The itamT--O0Trs VfV Kldrr will ar rive 1st this evening, from San Fran cisco and iarre supply, of green 1 ex pected. .Potatoes, ,uottUry to report, ar flrm at Saturday's auotattona It 1. said that some of tba stock wa even sold at Wo advance. A carload" of bananas ar rived thla morning and ha been distrib uted amona; the dler. Quotations ar the amsj.'4' .'.J,,'--: t-l .'--- i Butter chowed a decided weakneee .to day. areamery and dairy remaining at fur hier prices, but a drop of bait a cent was made en tore.---4-..t ;y fT .' ILL Egg ar very-weak alVome of .tut dealer selling a few at tSVC. Br tomor. row, if receipt-still oantinu large, ade-, 1m, mm i'Jn la ftVttMtM. ' 'Pourtry i very weak, the market haf nwa do jpf holdovers from last weekJU stock. , -y,:-. ? VV..Y-;; -g:,:; biuestem, Hcr vaiity. w4c. . : ; , "W-mA;, $1.1081.20. r in At )n 1 - -- - .-''.-v'-- - Flpur-Bssf frade. -f2.80. rel; rsham. Minatutra-Bran. tit per ton; middlings., H: ahorta. S18;.cho tl8: clover.' $T.BO0 & per ton. .. Hay Timotny.' tu 8; Oregon, wua nay, : BBTTKR, BOOS. POUI-TKT. ButttiCreamery;- 1327c; qalry. 1W Kh&; store. 1216c. , LrsTi 14r ? Cheeae-Kul I ream, iwlna1 U9Mfii young lmertca, ll8ei-fatory prices. 1 Votryntekimv mtaed. M.504f "nena, t!xtpi.bt) per oaenj Ufciao .per ponnd; gpringaTc per pound: t.WW.6a per doaen: duk S6 per doaeoi turkey, live, I2f lSe; dressed. J1J pet pound; gees, C(97 .per. floaen -,,,. v 's, VEOKTABLEB AN& PEUIT.- Potatoes Best ' Bflrbanks. llftW. per -cenulj ardinaw -fleokf Early Kose, fc53l. per cental; J.J3.or per juonteWi'.li JiA). w J t" A Komatoes jpercratefo Mld.t.vnlna K .i7 - SarrotB. 8WI7S4! bests. Etoffta Per liicicauunowef, 768Se, pef xei thubarl rhubarl .lettu'i'e: hothouse. , per bi Orwil' trini l-emona. $2.25! tet; box hunanna UBE.r nine- apple. $5 "per dosen; appiea, vxwii-'RJ iirled fruit-Apple, evaporated. 78H clor5cK.Tli pUUll, JJ'1"". .WrT ;-' f ' fc. . , . , , i, I , & m.t ' - GROCBR1B8, NUTS. ETC. Bugsr-Cub . - WPI!:.-' fTSX poWderet; .6r l"t aTafiUlated. HM; eatralY t.7&) ld) V ! beet, f gratiuratef; a.icu peruw io., dw, barrels, lue halt barrel,, awi boa , 60e per loo lbs. "above oasis; mapie, www per 'Pound.' !, is'-H ;; '; eofJeeMoch!. SP2Sm; Jatari' fancy, 32ol Javi, good, M2t: Java, ordl nary 18Ac; CoHta Rloa fancy, 10J0c: Costa Rica, rood, laflVd jCoeta Rica, ordinary;-. iopijc - per poom, vw , roaat,. $U AcbuckV.. Ij1!' UV. til , l.t; Cordova $11.73; Yoe.m t - al-yine table and dairy, 60a e. til. 60s) per .b 4 1 1 Worcester, noc; acreta...Worowile,. bulk Jbe,.V.tS; KutPanota. I14o per pound for MMm - rnmmtmA- oocoanUtS. 159 nuiaa ra- isinwc; Taney, p rant i4HHc: aimonas, ij-awiu-; Cost Oll-Casea, tuHc per gallon; Dar rein, 10c; tanks ts,- lee." .: -. . Klce-Impflal. Japan NO, . 9ei o. s, &1&V-eal5.. half grund,100s, per ton, "20iWrSis-per:i.ton .W.bV r'j ..vf-;., . -J.an.rT h,h l-n.L- mohair. 21ffi21Us per pound.- .- ! r . ' -" . . '. Sheepkin-8hearlnga,i-.: 1020ev short wool, !a5t35 medlunv wool,! t0e; long wool, ajcSl-:;eacb..' v ,,. .-. kJ . Taflow-Prlme. per pound, 4V4c; No, and frease..8H&3e.; - ; Hides-Dry hides, NO. Via poun" up, 15lCe per pound; dry klp.J 8 to iTpoudriodrycalf: No. 1 S pound. 16c; dry-al HxJ. bulls and , Wid ury nioes, so. . r1, vt , KID, C, under tags. one-third lose than dry funtr'aaited hide, steers, ound. fl pounda and over, UsSOcj SO to ( pounds, TVtWBcf : under JO Poad ndneow 70! stag And ibulls. Sounds 6ffl htos kJD sound,, la te w pounos. ?c veai, under o peunasj i"i5 sjrs ,.bwea,o: Fiatn-on. aeh,, ii;BKi .An- gora,.vwKh wool on, esen. ssoofaa. s awrHi.ei-"-l r ' . ir, aaon4,i7i f TFtewi Meata-wr. eji-fc,. pwra, raww Sealnitf: UUttnii0: pet lb;Vresea ytjBPntkM' pack (Westerny ThawtWVWPlWtei w.undvbtatT-Woa,v 4Hia pTundTllght sides. lVAt pound- backs. 11 lane; dry salted idelVfl4c pound? Jfrled beef setts,. 16! knuckles, ,1; per v pound; .; Eastern ; lwked hams, Ucr fancy, 13c; picnic, Me; shoulder, 10c; dry salted stdea, - un. smoked, U1c: breakfast bacon. lc: ko-on iidaa L2e: baekj"uttmoked. llfle; ameked, 12c; butu, Uf 11c. tall, II SI; two-pound talis, fi.SU; fancy one- pound flats. $2; H-pound fane flat. at.a5; Alaska tails, V&i two-poua4 tall, 12 00. 1 """ tard-Pura leaf, l2.c; kettle raadTend, Mo; tlrce baala, , .ii-' jMoaa-eUw;''-v.fec Our readers should take note of th BO-cent trading check la the Stewart Grant Ughltng Co.' advertisement. - $56 LOT ... Beautiful lots at Point View.' High, Fsightly And healthy location ; tjure ur; puro vater, one view. , - Point Tie overlttoka the scene of Portland's three T eatest enterpriset &The .ektenBion of the 0 f R: N Co;'. Ike o St. ohni tmd round the. Th(rtiposed;wtt rlv1r &-:e fr'fl lih. : 'The probable ;it of the Letrti and 1 park (ntenniarEitiofl, LoU at; PoM.Viev mll largely Buy a few .while they , axe cheap, Titla prfect-Trm aaty- m& Title Guarantee & -Trust : Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. ' Ground ftf&itthrtii ita,U celery,, wo-jof per u't,tTfi; -p 1 nouttA: noararu. !Biacw xad-1 . utt,,Ak 'Kinll das.. XaCli rtlh Vagst-Catcutta. l-or 100 T"t NORTH :U3F - ten residences now tin K'.'i: der constructlon-jev eral more contracted fori f ; SpeciHceVtions for street . 'gradini have been pre pared,,; and wort will (AnAKat Ufall ntmAmUml ' 4 " WIIM.Tf VII MI4VI v North lrvincton Park C a , 1$ beinj put- In, fine p f conditioiv and its beaiH , . umi lawns ana snaac t ? -V : i -it .t, ! ' a . yi Xfx)t$ ' Will maKC . It, r et i for the ; rtsidentt or 1 ' -NortK Irvlniton nd I North Irvintfton and a U recreation ground for ' their children. ' ' y North Irvintftbhl ' beautifully located, well 9 drained, has city water ' v and splendid . 'ear i iet vice. Lots are tellintf fast-r-size 50x100, and ' th price oniylOO tcX T $500 each. These very ' low prices will not con f, tinue lontf. Terms, ', onefourthcash, balancer, in monthly payments ;, K, ' n r! n often "dollars a month. Title?i)erFect and guar- for maps and !jrats. canon. . ' - trf IIT GUARANTEE A TRUST COj t rti.' ft and 7 Chamber ot Commerce, ' OR AT THE NORTH 1RVINGTON OrriCE Corner tJnlon AVenue and Falling Street Tak Woodlawn or Vancouver Car.) AH great cities on navigable streams start at the head of nav igation and build down stream. This rule has no exception. The railroad to St Johns opens the t Peninsula, and University Park w'hT " be the centtTof yitmii aiwtture' of I all ? the tfeTjfitween th Rveri. Nobody Will dispute this state ment' If you are a strantfer here step into any place of business and ask ''What is the course of the business growth of the city?" The answer will be as above stated. Now the time to get a few lots af University- Park while they rare yet cheap. We have Columbia University, Port land public schools and Bull Run water, street cars, homes costing from $1000 to $10,000, graded boulevards, graded streets, side walks, electric street lights: Lots $75 to $200 each. Terms $5 cash and $5 monthly. No, Inter e n(ri taxes, no shanties, no saloons. Abstract with each deed. , ' UNIVERSITY LAND CO.; , - , ' 151 Sixth St., near Morrison AUCTION SALES ... : :-L ';-"T' fly --" !'. . ' -;, '"-: Auctioneer . - - Successors to J. T. Wiison ' Wednetday, Apri 2d, at 182 Hrst Street, at IOA.M. "W will sell a fin assortment of house furnishings and ' a miscellaneous lot of other goods, comprising- In part, excellent tone King organ, oak Sideboard. ..lady's desk, One pictures and oil paintings, an assortment of portlerea in attractive pat terns, bedroom- set, ' spring, hair and other mattresses, dining chairs, oobbler roekem, upholstered parlor - chairs and settee, pretty ruga, linoleum,, a tine lot of baBtboo furniture,. i large showcase, bracket saw.' aa range, eook and heating stoves, kitchen treasures, dishes, g lass war and utenella, tV'-j-tr - ,;'-'-!; . N. B. On - account ef alterations and necessary repair, to ur salesrooms ' wa bT omitted Monday's sale, which wiH leav a large atock for Wednesday's sale. Plcate attend. - --. FORD & LAWS, Auctioneer. rriday. April 4th, at 10 A. M., at 182 :',v -first , street. Special k ele' , of .LadiesliTailor-Medc) Suite, Shirt , , waists, etc. s " .. Having Instructions from H; B. Lttt, w will sell, without reserve, 100 shlrt-walata In French flannel and ether fabrics,- alio number of ladle,' tailor-made auil and aoonsignntenti from the 'railroad com pany, constating of men', women's and children's, shoe an a mlieeUaneou lot af other useful -doods.- ' - xAWVXM UAWt. Auctioneers. r Rountrco & Diamond I; Loans andjnsucance. ' Phone Grant 291: ".2,.SUrk SL Advertise your wajtU in the paper: tha goes to " a all the people NEWT0DAY. FOS SALE-HOUSES AND LOT8. t200fr Modern -room, house, Sunnylde, , lull t1':r''2-.-4.- : no&! lots. wlndnitlU.'M fine fruit trees, -'' bearing, near car line. 150010 acre on base line near Mt Ta- 1100-401100. f blks. from Burkhart Bldg., Union ave. north. " . 750 Lot pn Uth treetmr Division st ,10 serea to eichang lot lot. JoOO 109 acres, all In cultivation, to ex- j:'. chang-e, , DIEL , PE018TERf,5t Alder 81 " HEL WANTEDilClALE. t Blaekamlths 12.50 to 10 loggers,, all kind K up Eda-erman. 2.50: planemaif. I4.2B 10 mill and yard men tl.TS to $3 Drag saw man, S3; boom man 12 mill carpentors i--- S2 Men nnd teams, cjty and country, U toJ7 Man and wife, camp, to; one ranch.. $25 Pole cutters, lo ft.; woodchopppr, (We to 1.25: 1 farm hand, 25 to $30. - CANADIAN EMPLdTMENT C&rt im Morrison; branohes; 247 ..Burnsld and 51 . North Third- ';j--:-.ir, WANTED Fl bright boy about 1 year old. to aarry Journal Route. Call at once. The Journal. 28 Yamhill. ; V BUelNESS CHANQE8. .--. Oood 'laying 'General aiercba'ndi BuaP nea,ln a thriving town. Oood country blacksmith shop. Good oountrv sawmill; plenty of ttm- V ber. ""' ' Good hotel In a thriving town. , J. A. HENKLB or A. A. BAKER, SI Abtngton bldg. BUSINESS 1N0TIC2. The Ames Mercantile Agency Is In a po sition to advlss you as to busines con dition In Oregon. : They can find you a purchaser tor your 'present buslne, or a nw location. ; --i pandrufP'Cure. ; R. Shte1fls7 40 Third Btf'i. Herplclde, Inf dividual duplication ot by the bottle. - fOrt SALE-REAL ESJATE. Good Bugar Pin Claims to locate timber claims on. Call at one. W. H. Rtdg ley. Room S, 140',i First St. Lots in Polntvlew Addition at half price; Motter dt Donnell, 24S Stark street. REAL Estate and General Business Agency. D. E. Budd, 110 First St. For 8ale Miscellaneous. Furniture wagons, truck, hacks, coupes; also 200 other vehicle,, 250 set hames. 10O saddles., Tomllnson & Hall, 211 Washington street. ' For sale at a barm In. a n-room flat In best location in Portland. Cheap rent; well furnished. 371 Washington itreet. AGENT8 WANTED. Live, energetic young men for route agent at SellwoooV Fulton, Southern Portland, Mt. Tabor, Irvlhgton, Rich mond, Waverly. St. Johns, Peninsular, Oregon Oty and JTgncouver. Address, Tne journal, sow lamnin street. LADIE lor-made suits brotqeri m ,annuni6 i dras-,-and- ilnav'sui upha;aii Alder , at, f 1 Jin JJ'.e. rr TXU ' ' nur money trp loan;' stfWrT to Loan on (Clly lots nd m- proved farms, Gtark, Street. W. A. Shaw A Co., 343 ELECTRIC WORKS. PORTLAND Electrical;; Works Office, 392 Washington St. Western Electric Works. 305.. Wah. t. FINANCIAL. S3U0,0i0 ta loan, st S and per cent Wm. ' Beak. &21 Morrison st. TICKET OFFCIES. Overlsnd Ticket Office, M to 20 saved to all points. 140 Third St C. H. THOMPSON'S Cut Rate Ticket Ot- flee. 12S Third St. Phone Main m. TEA$ AN C0FFEg" ' i Haines Tea" Store, Famous JMUsUetoe Teit FUth fit, opp. Pottjlo. TURKISH BATHS. W. ' Hubbard. .BestTurklsh Bath in the city. 714 Ltkum Bldg. 8AFE.; Safe for Banks and. Merchants, bought and soldi lock-outs apenea ; general re : :! pair. Jalla 1, B. Darla Third St OPTICIAN. D. O. Gengrlch, the leading graduate op tician. 227 Yamhill st PHYSICIAN3 AND 8URQE0NS. Pr. Amelia Zlegler. 02 Marouain Bldg. Dr. Cora C. Talbott 1 years' experl nee in diseases of women. Writ or sail. SOS Salmon st PLUMBERS. Taylor & Stanton, plumbing and steam fitting, U Slxtl street, . 9LOT MACHINE. AH styles: repairing; phonograph, rec ords. Transcontinental Machine Co., 843 . -Washington St - r-- - TECHNICAL SCHOOL. The International Correspondence Schools Scranton. Pa. John J( Wall. 217 AUaky Building. - t . - Motter & Oonnell Real Estate, ' ! and Loans, e , Phone Grant 1071 245 Stark St, VIOLATES ITS CHARTER. .f H (Journal Special Bernce.) OREGON,CIfJt March " .-At the meeting of the City Council to be held Wednesday night, the matter of the Port-, land City Oregon: Railway Company running freight trains In the city will re ceive apectal attention.. About six week awo Judge-. McBrlde handed down a deci sion to the effect that the substitute franchise, giving the company- the- right to run freight cars on 'Main street, was invalid, for the reason that the ordinance was not passed aoenrding-to the require mens Of the charter., During the pend ency of the suit a temporary. Injunction wa granted retralnlng tile city from In terfering with the running of freight or other' cars,' and It la new claimed that 1 the decision virtually 'dissolved, the in' junction. . . : - - -'- ? Under the franchise on 'which the com pany Is now running Its ears in the city, it Is only permitted ta rim passenger cam and one express rar. Trf company still continue to run freight' tralna ., CLASSIEnEDaDVERTISING aka, -----,f-la- A ATTORNEYS Paaton, Beach Simon, fUO Chamber o( Commerce. r H. K. Sargent. General Practice, notary ' public, &3-&'ld Chamber of Commerce. R. A. Frame, 019 Marquam Bids. Charles A. Lucas, Room B!29 Chamber of .Commercs. . N James. Gleaion, 2 and Mulkey Building. ACCOHDION PLAiriNCu" Mlaa O. Gould. 801 Marquam Bldg.: ac tion and knife plating and pinking. cordion and y AfcCOUNJAJNTAJ George"fMurton, 318 ChantToTConv Phone Brown, 456. Booklceepln, , ' pertlng .teaching, j . , , f , A8SAYER AND ANALYST. Paul Baumel, Assayer and Analylst; gold . dust bought. 2U8... Stark at ' , ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER. Fred ATBalllni 43 2d tTel. Oak 76. Vea els and machinery of all kinds de- BARBERS. Joseph Reldel, 853 Morrison st. Fulillove A Moore, 252Whlngton. C V. Hare; 140 Fifth street Browning Navajo Herbs and Vine Roots for Dandrfuff and falling hair, 150 lit ; ' BARBER8V8UPPLI68. 0. K. W. wTlson"ft"co., m h st, leading barbers' .supply house Pacific Coaat LEWlfl-STENOER Barber Supply 'Co. . Grinding of all ahnrp edge tools a pe Clalty. 151 First St BICYCLES. Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co.. 105-111 th st BILL POSTING. . ' J. T, Williams Pottlnt Co., 846 Morrison . street ... . " -if ' BILLIARD TAB,LE8.r" The BrunwlckBalk Collender Co., 4 Third tret. . B00T8 AND 8H0E8. A. Dreyera, 67 Third street Leo Selling, 167 Third street J. Sanger, Repair Shop. 449 Waehlngton. The Kelson Shoe Store, 43.. North 3d at. Mark Shoe Store, 203 Morrison st., near Srd. Agent Jennes Miller Shoes. BUTCHERS. B. jr. Jone, 172 Sd street. Union Mra-ket. Phone! Ore. North 1406, Col. 1400. 812 Burnalde street a Pacific Market Phone, Grant 1411. 864 Washington street BRIDGE CONTRACTORS. Smyth ' dTlIbwara ICO., 618 Chamber of commerce. CARPENTERS AND 8U4LOER8. !joh Av.M W7 Btara istji -omoe; anu atone i fixture built i-sndi remodeled, -jeltering and !re palring houses.0 Phone Main -747. ' CAFES. The Bell Saloon, 336 Washington street Th Hoffman, 83.. Third trt The . Knob Hill Saloon, 641 Washington. The Oriental .Cafe, 829 Washington t a- l?f.?p.Y,..wP...MANJ9Rfll-NJ?;- Wm7 Deveny and Estelle Deveny, 801 Alisky Bldg., 3d and Morrison. L. Mitchell, Expert Chiropodist Knight's Shoe Btore, 294 Wash. t. Phone Hood 728. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Fred Boakowlts, 279 Washington st Dreyfus A Germain. 261 Third street Plana Cigar gtore. 211 Third st. . . .' The Railroad .Cigar Store, 834 Wash, st M. Bullut, 81 Third st No'ftB. ' ': Big Blotter Co., Mfg. Tobacconists, 12 Third street, Portland. .,..'. a . . ' ; CYCLEISTS AND MACHINERY. E. P. Keenan, Columbia, Hartford and Vidette Bicycle, A'er st, - Phone Red Sewing Maehlnes and Bicycles, $39 "Mor rison street CURI08. Andrew Kan Sc Co., Morrison and 4th st. D. M. AVerill eV Co., Col. phone 70S. 831 Morrison st., Portland. CONFECTIONERY. A. J. Coffman, Chocolates and Bon Bona, 350 Washington st W. J. Powell, Candles and Cigars, 420 Washington street , Henry Blum&naUer, Manufacturing Con fectioner, 430 Waahlng-ton st CORNICES SKYLIGHTS. Metal Skylights, Galvanized Iron cor nices. J. C. Bayer, 265 Second st. CREAMERIES. La Grande Creamery Company, butter, eggs and cheese, 204 Yamhill t. Phone, .. Ore. Main 770. :..- Arlington Creamery, butter, egga, cheese, oar Rnmnlde at. 7 COAL AND- WOOO,; Oregon Fuef Co., dealers In all kinds of coal: and wood. 844 Morrison. Banfleld-Vysey Fuel .CW dry flat wood, M 3d st Phone Mala 853 and Cot 378. , CHINESE PHY8ICI.-iN. Dr.. C. U Gee Wo, 132 8d t, NS. cor. .Alder.. a. . ' -OECORATORS. '. H. P. Chrtstensen, wall papers, and painter, 141 6th itreet, corner Alder. B. H. Moorehou ACo.j wall papers, SO? Washington street . ' , . DENTISTS.? - ? .. feTf roomtl6Ba 131 Thlrd:?treet M. Hamby; D.i , S.l room" 8 Waah Ington blag Wahlngton and 4Ut ata Theodore 8. ;Tbomqn.. 60-81 Waahlngton " bldg., Waahlngton1' and 4th sts- Phone .,. :.".v;a!1.,-; P. a LangWor.thy. S1V4 Morrison. St; f Rickey A Hlekey, roams 81 T to 81 Dekum bid., 3d and Wsh.ta. Phone South 81. - fsK - - - DRESSMAKERS. Miss LoughUn. 14 Lewis bkl. - Mra fc. J. Oliver, MlUlary Parian, room 406 Macleey bldg. . DRUGGISTS. Gradon 4k Keehltr, 841 First street O. F.'S. Plummer, 860-262 Sd street. C A. Watson, SS North Id street :: -Row A Martin. 6th and Wash" sta , Frank J. 'jStrlbig. q Wsh. atreet ' Laue-DavU Drug Co., 178 Sd st. Phone 64 ELECTRICIANS. . ' r i i"i 1 isr i' H j i ie in"' iii i i 1 1 IiSs'iii i. ii n iii.i ARTHUR T. WALkERiRoom tl. Cam- onage Duuaing. rnon JKea Wi. Rest dene I'tnk lifi. . .. Mrs. C B. Fsry, 8S1U Morrison st ENGRAVERS. Hlck-Chattn Engraving Co., Morrison, between 1st and 2d st. . ELECTRO PLATING. vrwiu, niivvr. vuu LTJt , aa'saaa ww Jt out lar Plating Work. 882 Wash. flr.tA atlM- rwmmm.mm tal'l.,t.l ai ..... EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. CANADIAN Employment Bureau, t29 Morrlaon street. Pbon Grant J3L- Orgen Employment Co., 227 Burnsld at Red Cms Employment Co., 128 1st at, upstairs. . , , ACME Em p. Bureau. 1&5 Morrison Help free to employers. Phone North 23L col. 17. ; , ., , ' FORD'S Employment Agency, First street, Portland. 'Oregon. rr - s fr: - FURRIERS. The Sllverfleld Fur Mfg. Co, 289 Morrt , son street. '. - - : H. Llebes A Co., 28 MorTMOA; at. Phone Main 8A " - - 0A8 SUPPLIES. : ' ! Pacific Specialty attd Gat Lamp Co., Stl Morrison Streeti' - v '"ENt'S'.FURNi'S.ril'NGS; r H. Garish, Gent' FVrnUhing, 89 K. Id it. A.',Routeln, Clothing t4n 23 N. 8d St GROCERS. BCDresser A Co.. S4fr$2Wah. 'street. Owen H. Serpl A Co., Fanay, Groceries, . 343 Morrison, street . C. O. D. toth Century Grocers, Hamma A Walker, 07 Third st Phone Clay m F. B. Godfrey. Family Grocery, Sixth and Burnalde. leieoht leleohon Black 2832. HATTERS. Phoenix Hat Factory. W. O . Allen, pVopT . 287 Washington st Phone, Red 294. HAIRDRE88ING. MANICURING. Pari Hair Store, 30 Wash, st, up-to-dat hair dressers. . The " Arlsto Beauty Parlors, manlourlng ' ti tA '-Mnu.ai. Vr.4' U.nldnH mt a '' j T" f1 "wrTa, f i ,aniMya ifw"fr". Mr. F. 3. Lynch. kth and ecalp 'speoial Ut. 80S -Alisky bids-,, d aad, Morrison, TtOSENTHAL ' B18TER9 -i Wlg-maklng' ' snd manicuring. 10 Fifth St Phone Hood 814. - , HAY AND GRAIN. W.S. Lauthers, 110 North 3rd street lime, shingles and cement HOTELS. Cosmopolitan Hotel and Cafe,' SI North Third atreet. corner Davis. , Hotel Belvedere, European plan, Fourth snd Alder streets. Esmond Hoteh Rate; European, SOo to ll.W per day. Front and Morrison, ste. Hotel McCauiey. B. F, McCauley, prop., 110 Morrison st Phone, - CoL U, Ore. North 441. . ...v j : . , . Merchants Hotel. Rates, 1.0 a day up ward. Third and Davis atreeta. HOUSE FURNISHERS, Yfntn ITtimlahara Furniture..:. Carpet, e. etc. See 1. Oev- Parlor Uood. stoves, etc. aee i. urtaASon. 17:U17&lrat. 216V223 ,Yam hlH; I oth Phones yjj, f '.iV- ; INSURANCE. G. Roaenblatt, rooms 220-22S . Sherlock bldg., Sd and Oak ts. Phone, Mala Ut Puffer, Burgard A CO...JS1 Waih.:'-aL! ' JEWELERS. Beldlng Bros., Diamonds, Watches, ete H Thlr4 ttet The L. C. Henrlchen Co., jewelers aad opticians, 2M Washington street The G. Heltkemper CO., manufacturing Jewelers, 88 Morrison st. John A. Beck, watches, diamond . ota. 207 Morrison street :. Vanderburg Watch House, 140V 4 at. Unci Myers, Jeweler. 1U trd st LAUNDRIES. Clean Towel Dally. Comb, brush, soap, II per month. Novelty Supply Co., 41K 42 N. Ninth t. Tel. 410. i,. . LIVERY STABLES. Mlsner A Hsyden Fashion Livery Stable. 4th and Oak ts. Burnalde Livery , Stables, corner Fourth snd Burnsld sts. Phone Ore. Black 191. Frailer ft McLean Livery Stable. Both phones 80. No. 200 to 206 0th street MASSAGE. W. H. Faulkner, room If 8S1H Morrison street. ' V ' :'..' MINING COMPANIES. HomeUke Gold. Mining Co, St aad H Uwla bldg. . , .... . . MU8ICAL. Piano, clarionet, .cornet violin i Instruc tons. Prof. E. A. 8mith, res. ' 2B4 12th, MONUMENTS. Otto Schumann." monumental and build Ing workv 804: Third t Estimates on " first ola work and stock only. , OSTEOPATH. L B. Smith. Parlors, room 40 Oregoalao building.. :':' Nrr-v..;.-R.. Dr. L W. -Aiklra. raoma O-SS tawia bldft OREGON VI AVI COMPANY. Lewis Bldg.,; Park and Morrison. Send '. for. Health Book. Consultation free. ':"';; PATENT M ECICINE. ::':W , ITprlnTsTSS bulldlna;. ' " PRINTER AND STATIONERY. J. R Rogers, Job prints -s, 2.3 Morn eon. Help Wantedrper Line lo - Employment wanted, per Line., f) Fpr Ilenuper Lin .......... t . wanted. Room, per Lint t Pfonal, per Un t.,',M..... 5 , '.For Sale, per Lia W v Contract Kates en App.lti4Uoa, PAWN BROKER. ' Vnoi lleary. 4 North Third street ' , -"'T ' ' '. ii ii .i hi . " Portland Loan- Office. Dsn Marx, prop., 7 Third st, near Oak. Phohe Brawn 4.A : iPAINTr AND OILS.-' ' Fisher, Thorson 4k Co., . rtsoa Sta Front aad Mor .PIANOS. Soul Bros. Piano Co., 826 Washlrgtoa St ' Hes Piano House. High-Grade Planes and Organ, tst Washington St . ''.-'' "aaiiBBNaaaanws-ai - :M "-''--' p!in2iJ'tJ ." H. Slnsheimer.' 72 Third, St. - Flhr Muate Btore. tCverythlng In Music. ., Phone, Rd Ml sl Third St v- ' PHOTOGRAPHERS. ' S. W. Robinson. Commercial Photography . SM Morrison St . -.;...-.r . , J.s- ,v KW." Moore, Crayon and vOU Fortrnitov Third and Washington. Stt, - Th PhOrogrdbhie Co.,: Commercial Fho. tographera, Ruasell Bid-, 4th V Wash. 'REAL ESTATE. t LehmanToan a nTcoliectlon" Agency.' 701 Chamber of Commerce. Jv?- Compton. Phono Black S3, an . .Washington Stt - , , 4 The King Rest Estate Association. 728 v Chamber of Commerce, . E. F. Riley. 801 Chamber f Coremeros. , C. F. Plympton, -Loans NegotlaUd. AUaky Bid. Third and Morrison. Chas. H. Korell, real cstatsand mor'tgafo loana 261 Washington. Main 6aA ' "RV H. DUNN, real etat and flnanolal agent. No. 1H First street Portland, Oregon. - . . RE8TAU RANTS. Morris' Lunch and Coffee House. Below , Imperial Hotel.- ,.. - . : , New Fort Restaurant and Oytr House. i,HThlrd'and2ff7Pln Sts. - , v- ' . - -'i mi., r e--"'1' , 8trou' ReUurant, 22 Washington St. Billy's Coffe Houe, Sty Tamhll St" ' city chop Housa and Restaurant, UTnira St, N. .',. iftUBBER STAMPS AND STENCILS. Chai. EV' Potter it do.,' wfrtT rnober; tamps, aeals, stencil, zn Falling Bid. ' ORIENTAL 8HOOTINQ GALLERY. The latest quartl scope views, It .Id st r STORAGE AND TRANSFER. c. u. ficx, mtre 68 First at, Dot ntara and Oak: phone 696. Pianos and furni ture moved and peeked for shipping; commodious fire-proof brick warehouse; Front and Clay sts. , , t Storage at low rates can be had at Frsd Btckel'a storshouse, 81 N. Front St, , Furniture, Piano and Safe Movlngand Packer. Charles M. Olson. 128 First street. - STATIONERY. Alia AUWIUl B,.uwu.i .VI . ; 8t,''.?.i.''-'i.''..'i'-'-'j'''-.''-i"-,"," , , . . ' tTI".f;y,B'fJK on r . t -0 l 10 is James R. EWing , BookselleA T. Vfiu A. Bid., 109 FourtnSw fortland. j, fPU VIlk.M d a .1 nn . f. OAT UMflUIH IT TAILORS. Nlcoll the TaUor, fashionable tailoring, . 108 Third St- - -.---!-. , We call for, elean, press nnd deliver ene suit each week for S1.U0 per month, US Washington St, , Pants 84 to 10: auita 813.00 to S35. Char ley Lee, 105 N. Third Bt , . Bon Ton Taltortng Co.. 8 Third SU spa. Chamber of Commeroei i n - TRUNK FACTORY Portland Trunk- Co.. 66 Third St., whole sale and retail; send for catalogue. Phillips Trunk Co.,- 8U Morrison atreet, : Old trunk takn tn encbanga, Hsrr'i "Trunk to., trunks, valise, aatctv, els. etc., 231 Morrison Si, - (T.:it' TYPEWRITERS.- 4.- e ' - itreet - All makes, of, typewrltars, for " rent. Supplies for all. machine. L. 4b M.. Alexander Co. aa.nta. Nearly .new aawett -Typewriter atrhalf rprlce. : Box A care Evening, Journal. - "UMBRELLA- WORKS. Por'uand Umbrelia Works. JUmffSaiai And parasols mad to ardor. -10 Third St , Mr. C. CornellW. Allky Big.. Third and MorrlaonT Circle Friday. ltUng daily. Ky'yy;'- WALL'PAPER. ' ' ,,, , i5rnt Miller Co. Wallpaper and do- ftratton. 127 First St BANKS, CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE- With Which la amalgamated I - -THB BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Capital paid hp i:......v'',?5J'SS Reaarve ... ...r-"l,WA,,''u'' Transacts a' General Bonking Business. SAVuJoS BANK DEPARTMENT AcwiVts opened for sums of 10 and up- MMitbJV DlUiriccs a. .: irrr,'-T'- d'anagar. r t inn A TILTON. BANKERS , P STABLISHED IN 1830. ' " - Tranact a General Banking Bu!na. ierSt allowed on time depolt. collections mads at all points on favor ikWim Letters of credit -lud S$LHabUmm;rope and, the Eastwn aimi Exchang and Telegraphic Trans, ferold li TNw York, Washington. Chi 8t :ioabv Deaver, Omaha, Sao FrancrSw) and varloua points to OreRon. hSgtoiIoa0. Montana ,aad BrUib t?i?nimri M London. Farla, BrUn, tl.it ..a - - - T-r . : la Frankion u "" MEBCHANT8 NATIONAL BANK- J. . FRANK WATSON-"-", ".n - M.uir WATSON Prldnl TnanaavtB, nnaiNK88. J4'i.,N;:-."' bought ,i.r;p;-pti,v- ;: L,v ' OLONDON A ffi Chamber of Con?mbuildlng; Thlri Chamber ,,oi - k .treets. . .miu "ud Broad atrt. Lon-lr,n, J?a.waet a general bnkln kTm.k r" " discount bll buslnsa makes ioa n, b, fl,r ,r;iv. Issues otters ocwo" ( m.rfhftn,., ... f any city ot ?bworid.aU. In c. L?Jt and domeatlc exchanK , ; interest P a. MACRAE ;' ' UNITED 8TATf-d N Tran.aols a ienr.. . - Draft" avallnbie n " . ,- United. tt'' Presint - ' 1 Vlre-l"r''i !,'"t Caahli-r A