; :' : -: . -jf; , ,A ... 1,V n . -,c , - - ;v. -v y;:;,, " ' ' Ml, f, . w - -ttyfyi. 2TW ?CVJ -X f i TT" ; i fi It , . ', ' - J N - jr. " - - PV uttleoAk - ; V stiu. ; T WEATHER. Portland, dr.. March 31. 1902 Tonight Tues day, cla dyand east rly wnd- 1 I,-. Ilvol. i. raro 18. GOflGEDED : f t , ; v -. Deaf liool S ? Fulton Still in the Race t for, Senator.- , It la now rsnerftllv eoneedod that fitatA Blnator N.j WUliainpon of PrinevtU ' wiU have a, walk -over f or th Congres- . ,. aloaal Domlnatioa la tha Soodd diatrlct. Tb lndtoaUftits are that J will b noml 1 Mtad oa tha flrat ballot. If not by acola .' matloo. If tha Multnomah delegatei at - tnetr caucus tonlrht oaclda 'tovaupport WUllamaoa aa a unit," whlea'- ita la aaid - they are likely to do,; Mr. Moody's name wut prooaoiy not o nuona w .tno oonvanUon. , . . .(! The convention will meat at' 10 o'clock , tomorrow la Armory HalJ, and .will be . ' called to order py Chairman Boheock of rr S ;Tha DaUe, aibert Yi. xmp of Morrow 'Cbmity WW be made ehalrman f . both tae temporary and peroanent orgaDtza V ;Uon. .The.oonventloa-aUl'be cempoaed 9i is j ; aeiegatea and T , wiu nominate. " 'iarlnf out Wultnbmab. Mr. 'WlUlamaoa - '." elalaia to of those, Thia leaves Mr. Moody - e-ut of the race, ' ,. .' t ,'.,... V Jude 1C C TBrlnk of Prlnevllle wlU " ' place Mr, WUUbumb la Domination. The supporters df tl. W. Scott are evt dandy afraid of the Astoria candidate for the trnited SUtes Senate. Btronf pressure was brourht to bea. all day . yesterday, on Fulton , to obtain liis eonsettt 'to enter the race for Govern : r,j and thus get him out of the path of Mr. Scott's ambition. He was promised the solid Multnomah delecatlon and as . much' of the other antl-Oeer force aa the Beott-Matthaws combination can' control.' Mtv Fulton doe not see ft that way, and aaya bin prospects for endorsement for th fleilaU were never brighter. , v Xhe Indlcatton today are that In the . sUte. convention It will be tbe ' field atalnst Oovernor. Oeer. Some of tht men who are avowedly working for Pur- tllMh and Johns uv that In th ivmii thay re thfcre ia no hope for their YawSr- J JO' the bomlnmtloa f Exenator Cor w - Uett. - Mr. Corbett however, - does not want th nomination and la auppoaad-to be.afBupnprter of the Governor. j " nry 'K!7Ankeney'of Jackaon 'Cotfoty V?yAi city thla morning. .At on, t tua Mr. Ankauey was a prominent can dldate for Uovernor, but la now leading the light for Governor Oeer in Southern "' Pr?n. Judge Stephen.. A. Iwell- of mllton( who was aJao-,endWa7t for Oovernorrta 1rt-Irtland." f "Ar .you tUl la the Bgbtr' he was "I never waa" replied the Judge. M B. C. Beach,- who has Just returned from Southern1 Oregon, has suddenly ob tained .prominence as a candidate for w mnter. ma mends aay that he will receive strong aniiDort. Othn uniii. i dates for this office are actively working and. the contest for State Printer is likely te be a bard-fought one. Edward Bverett Toung. of Baker City, is rapidly growing in popularity, and v Duniway, Vorter and ChauBse have many strong supporters, , It now seems more than likely that the IMmoorats of the Second district will . nominate for Congreaa BJx-Governor Pen yer,. provided alwayst that Mr. Pcn noyer will accept the nomination.. This i regaraea as doubtful, although It Is v said that strong pressure; will be brought to bear on him to -have him- thake the The Democrats In Plwlnr ta ' Vnnpth ward, mat vaaterdav mttmatin ami . ganiaed permanently, by the election 'of Frank . Bchlegel. ohalfftiaR,' and A. -T. vvniuooa, secretary. The chairman Was authorised to. appoint a committee on the rpgiatratlon of voters and a committee to confer, with, the .othea, precinct t the Fourth ward regarding 4ha organisatlntt of a ward club.'. Chairman Bchlegel will name these committees at tb next meet ing of hla precinct club.'. , .J e - It"TUrlval-of polttldani today "in clude George O. Bingham of Salem. Aus tin & Hammond ofTMedford, James M. Kyle of Salem, C. I. Johnson, of lone. K. D. Stratford and A. N. Crawford of ojrburg. Dr. J. F. Calbreath of Balem, and ft. J. Qtna of Mora, c The delayed 6. R. ft K. train tht after noon brought to the city nearly all of the -Republican delegate from Eastern Ore- 5 on who were not already in tha city, mong thee are Frank U Moore, N. 6. Richards. John I . Rand. Fred Basche. William O'Donnell, Andrew Elliott. Thos. MeEwan and County Chairman William J. Lachner of Bakn " County:: J. H. Clarke of Bourne; Charles L, Mollquest, John B. Thoreon, D. B. Hendricks, J. D. 'Caaey, J. F, AMen..O. M. Rlcbey, E. W. Davis. J. W. Bcriber, J. H. Peare, Ed Kld d le and Chas. D. . Ooodnauah of Union Countyj Hon.. W: ft. ElliiTjudg. James A. Fee, T. W. Ayres, T. J. Kirk. li M. Webster; J. E. Bean,. JvM.'Ferguaoa.' T. J. Montgomery", Lee Morehouae : and Judge John J. Balleray c of Umatilla County. v . i "!, Amons? the other delearatos wh arrlvpd r.- this afternoon are J. frvin xt 'McMlnn-' vUle, F. W. Benaon. J. I. Bridges, A. M. Crawford and F- B. Hamlin or Rosaburg, W .Wi 8 Union :f Foaall, E. P. Cranston of Baker, C, E. McCombw of JVndleton,' u George A Peep lea and George Williams v of Weston and R, Alexander of Pendle- ; ton., s;;i;5tA'v i SPRING NECKWEAR Have on hand for. your choosing, tho very, latest f ffcreattens. 'Drop in aneast your, eyes. , f "A;' 'f,'.' -:'''-.'fv..:'..:tV'.ti.J--i-.. .,?!, . Vv 'r- Think of ywir Sprmg ' j& ' oar most rtcent Block tvery Mm' rrplthiiig. W . ef.rt ' tu ' ;: '?,; ?' t'.;'U! nj v.. L SICHEL, 288 ftSN'S rUHPflSHltR. Sola Agent for ' .i i i in ' (Berlppa-McRae News Association.) : 1 WASHINOTON.? March 3Li-It Us offici ally denied at the V. kt Department that any important public paper or private documents relating tne war witn mnm are RiLanln from tha fllea of the depart ment, as allegedf ln' a -Hoitott' dispatch. printed in that city. i-. , v i ... -i i r i ' 1 ii i 1 - tiniii 1 jaX'rj.tSertppa-McHae Kews Aasoclallon ' s WASHINOTON. March 31.Ambaaaa dor to Menlqo"' Clayton Is jplven leave of abaenne r for, th purpose of coming -tc V)ihnnf i',";i') -. urgea proferred against tint by. Wm. Mealy WILLS ' li.' ;r (Scrlppk-MoHa ws-'ABolatlon.r . WiStflNOTOV Mirfh Sl.The Philip pine Civil Govern melt bill wa favorably reported by; the tSamt Philippines Comr mlttee today. A minority report wa also The lattei1 nrottdkea to substitute a bill declaring ! tlia the ' United States relin quishes all claim 'of sovereignty over and title to the Philippines, provides for the occupation of the islands until the Parte treaty oWtion re cameo out ana peace tiasy-ben' established and an elec tion held 'for the. adoption of a consti tution for the archipelago. c L BICYCLISriNJURED. ' u While out bicycle fldlng near the Bull Run reservoir- yesterday . morning, vu Onhnrn. emnlnvmi at the Model Drua Swrr, Eat Washington -and Virand ave aue.imea with quite a serious and nearly fatal BQrtflent. The young man i coasting flown -a' hill an in order to keep on a good patn went too near a lence. tearing his, handle bars' off the wheel, f ntu J. im- -m w Into : a 'telegraph j note,-. I Hnni ifri'.irv inn . fiintuiiiiv tj.ui.. tliiwlnp sim pboi' . WJ nto tna tJHMI ana bruiRihg his siiottioer ana irg. ' The injured young man -was taken to hla home on East Fifteenth-bwt ween tea at . ie ana- wiAin. sueeitr srno-or. riynn wn uncalled. 7 ' - - The physician reports that the young nun la In a vervhmiged condition and la unable to ra We hla arm. r This Man Claims He Had Three Wives. (Sorippa-McRea News Association.) ST. JOSEPH. Mo..- March 31. Christian Nelsojv claimed by l women to be their husband, pleaded guilty when placed on trial today and-sentenced 'to three years' Imprisonment; He admitted having three wives, ptfBldr ta(Jitdtiwrs bad any ; i 't1"' " " . ',. J 'A' ! " YZNf, C A! XLOSINQ. t TheWm CTosiug iserclacs of the T&ft tana inBUiute ar-tne x. m. c a. win o held In the, Auditorium of-the Association on Wednesday,- April i. All , aro oordl allr In-rttad Ao ' attenA Th. following program will-be rendered: t Overture Aaoclai6n Mandolin and .Guitar Class f ing, President W.; M. Lidd; selection. As sociation Mandolin and Guitar Class: ad dress, W. P. Olds; statement, General Secretary Hv W. -Btone. ; ,, RIVER AND 0CEAPL, S ' TbP,Alblna Ferry' traffic 1 Increasing rapkllj every month. Every trip back and forth across1 the river the boat la laden with passengers and teama. the lat ter making up a steady stream of com merce from morning until night. The British steamship Adato left down this morning at '10 o'clock, Captain Pone accompanying, her to the mouth of the river, Th. vessel .1 bound for Manila "and tier cargo Is made up , as follows; W.85T sacks of oats, valued at lid. 826.94: in Jul' pales 'or 'hay, iTr,7S,ir: on deck,M,. 7Sf feflt of rough lumbers $347.32; 13 cedar pile, WS. rand, 2plne piles., $1,145... - ; The Oriental goods brought in the" other dav by the-lndraoura. were being tran ferred, from Alns worth dock to the- ears- thls morning. ".One trainioad of the goods left Saturday for. the East, and another ' will follow this . afternoon. "... The - goods ronslst mostly of matting, chlnaware. silk and curios, and are being shipped to New Tork,' Boston, Baltimore and man) other cities on tba Atlanio Coast and in the interior." v.j. . , r - ; ! - Hat now. Look at m th axEBRATIP 1 C7 Man. riiubl, ' ' wM . www. .o . t "t Washinston St ani HATTER tba Jameson Hat Entered March 19th. 1902. feond clB i ' li i 'KILLED i ,i (Scrlppt-McRa News Association.) OAKLAND. March 3L John Connors.' superintendent- of -the . 8outhtrn Paclflc pumping station at Shell Mound, wa shot and killed today toy Thomas Dwine, who admit- coming' from the- northern : part of California for the purpose, 'on account of Intorferenca In family matter.. PRISON FRS FSCAPL- . (Scrlpps-McRae News Aasoclatton.) : ST. XiOCIS, March II. 8lx-orkhouie 'prisoners made 'a, successful daih for lib- arty, early this ; morning. . After gettini Out of tha stockade they were nurnea to a boat provided) by friend and hurried acroaa the riven Where they dlaappeared ' ' Wedded in the dome. WASHINGTON. March Si. - A few minutes after J2 o'clook' today tha- flrat cquplt ever married in -tb Aoaa of the tfapltol were v united by uatlr 'Of the. Poaoe' Bundy, ? of this city. m The bride .rroom' la a von no" Cuban named Andres .Mas Palro and -tha bride i Mi Cather me MoConlche,,' a. t .Canadian ' girl. 'i nn ceremony vwas witnessed., by onl.V. a few? persons, aa the dome waa, cloted for the time being to the general public. fflU rVhy He Caused the 7 Desperate Jame son Raid. . v ' : . (Journal Special Service.) , , IXJNDON, March , . Cecil Rhode level ruibllrlv . avowed, the reason why "1 orgfinised the? "Jameson raid, 'They arq low svt rortn-itv, rifs own woru Ji'y one r hia Dingi-aphera. ' v! :.H.ti)iot Mr .KboderfaB aavlngf "Ther were ttirw reasons. .In, theiwt ilace, lffowu tho5Knre3ikAlai in- MHraite "onstacie a ine nmn nn nnum ri(fi him In cv-ry way I could on what ;nu may call Afrikander principles, but It xit of no use, and ro long aa ha ruled the Transvaal the brake. waa put on all pro resa In South Africa. (( - ' . "The pwoml reason was that there was n' English-speaking- minority opposed t vrugor, out at least as raurn opposed to 'eelng South Arrlca under the lirimn lag. Thetv was then a small minnrity; ut a growing on', and If If ft to develop t would have become a majority. When he hour came to set rid of Kruger., that vould have balked the policy for which ' hod ntruaaled nil my life ti make Jouth Africa an Integral part of the Brit- sh Empire. - ... . .i,; . "The third reaaon was. yoh cannot nake revolutions in these days, without money, and 1 had at my command at that I me a combination of millionaires ready .o support me, - whom I might, never be i ble to get together again.' .i i . ... ...in i. i .i , (Serlpps-Mc'Raa News Association.) ' , LITTLE EaCKi March M.-Lata, re turns from the doubtful counties "how ' Conclusively that Senator James K. Jones ft defeated for ra-Iectlon by Jamea ' P, furcountles, Governor Clarke carried th . xounty iwnicn -waa nttneno . senator Jones; stronghold. : . ': j' . ' MASONIC CATHEDRAL, -Contracts for th soavailoa of the new f Skittish Rite Cathedral at the southwest itimw- of Mnfrfacin and Lnnsdale atreeta were signed Saturday and excavation tor the new cathedral was begun this morn ing. The property 1 12a feet long on Mor iaon by MQeet did on Lonsdale.- , When complete, the building -win. have qo superior or it Iklnd In : the United States. - Itwlll be In the Grecian style ot architecture and will cost, about $60,000. The walla will ba of pressed cream-colored brick resting upon a foundation ; of pressed re dbrlck. It will be a great or nament to the city. ?J i i j litlllf: , . v ;. : x t! "'t ; . . " (Sorlpps-McRae News Association KANSAS CITT. March 31. Th annual Grand American Handicap live bird tour rtnraent opened thia morning under far- orakle weather icondltlons, ..j.,; . i, - The first event, the Kansas City sweeps stake, had' almost entries, causing th number of birds to be shot at. to ba cut down from 12 to i. j 'iJt -t .TliE WEATHER v . . : - m Cool weather In the- Pnoiflo Coast state has moderated, and the tempera' tures In Oregon arid Washington are gen erally above tb normal, ,. - There ba been ho enow of consetttlance west of the Misouri River In tha last hAufL. Hut it Ift rlntldv. and ihmn tAnlnff in the North Pacific states.- Showers are S rotable tonight an Tuesday m Oregon, outheaatern Waahlnatoa and Idaho. It will be warmer. ? tonight in i Southern Idaho. - , .'. -i. , ... 4 tf TT?.. . ' POTATOES CO SOUTrt r , A large shipment : of Oregon sotatoes. aPKTPgrttlng about .14,1100 sacks; were ship- f pea riaay evenmsr on tne ateaiaerxH umhl to Ban Frameisco. AHboueii the Calltorolai crop haal a- shortage thh'yer. prices are" rather weak there account of' thef large Colorado crop. 4 4A amnber DID ff carloads hav een shipped o . tb Bound lately to 4iU a 4arg gwernroent order, ' , t V '; mUft- Potoffl,cf jt Por' anfl, OroB, I . in) )l f n, C J. , I i ( .,). II, i I i i i aaf 11 I. II. libit VUUftli Tha crusade of ' tha L(wia,and: ClarV crusade of the.Lwfs ,nd. CI Civic Improvement AtKKn i.tflott to 'clear tne sidewalks. o- ui euy, fi au advert Msemenl, bjcycle ,rcka, Ko waa, cam menced this morning In pai-hest; .. Sidewalk Inspector- W.' f. ; Llllla started out early ami made Ij Sweep 'of th territory be covered.! t AIAit SO. person were visited, and.aU4iroiiiised to respond promptly to. the orden, -ti-irchants' will bt allowed to use but two fJet of th aide walkr, bloycia.raeka will 1 aal'-l come out -where thy. oocupy a vrt of the-alde. .walk) bootblack stands r, included. The work ot Jioiuyin air n. business house ot th city Individually wlU re- nniM avriil months' .li)..... C C. Murnhy. ha been atiDointed ta mm.' aist Mr,,uiu ana ,w(ii ) art. M. work on ,-Tuesday morning.- r -" ' j f. ' Tha sidewalk Inspector wilt be. clothed with the-authority ot a regular nolle of ficer, and tiwlr iippolutmt-nt will; be -con. firmed at 'tonlf"tn-meeting of tho police commissioners. , (Scrlpps-McRai- Ncw Association.) " WASKINGTON," March 8L--Beeretary Hay announced today that the Colombian government' had presented a definite pro- Soaal for aJ-:rtraty between the United rates and Colombia, id which the latter give unqualified -consent to the sale ot the-Panama Canal to the United Sta tes ?.na provides- an adequate-and aattafac ory guarantee for the maintenance, op eration, . cnntrnl-. and 'protection of th canal by this govramit.- t (Scrlpp-McRae Kw Xsaoclatlon.) .TAcOMA, March- JliA." great body ot goid-heertn ore ba been found near NoolVck Falla' 4 vv,- TljrJ of the ledg, the largest 800 feet wid on the-aurface, assays $37 in gold per ton. . t - ., f The discovery baa crwtd groat oaolte ment Anion' milters and prospector and a great hegira. to the nw gold Oeld I' timrSTOLEjNllBIKE Oic i . ,,,.-.- bontrtta Thief' Rcflrnsrtf B$' k ;J iviother-in-Law. '..; rJ Fred Leckenbv. Who Is In the. emDlov of the Bswen Seed Company of this city, ha had, nn, unusual experience." About two and. a half . years ago he purchased a Columbia - chalnlen ..'bicycle for STBs Wbll? he was up, hi Eastern Washington at that time his wheel was stolen. He spent. $20 IA advertising It, but In vain, t The way of fate work out mysteriously Indeed. Several days ago Mri Leckenby received word from hi mother In the eastern part of Washington that his wheel was ,at her hou4 and thar she would send it to him. . ; It appear that one day a yoUnr man came to her.house and asked her If she knew -the address of Mr; Leckenby. She said aha did. Thep he told this story: - "1 Stole that Wheel from Mr. Leckenby. I have never dared lo wa It for fear the, theft would' be: traced home: to me. . i have been attending revltat meetings and have come.'t0 the Lord, I see what a wrohg I ani'unty of and I am wHIlng to return the 'tyiieel and make any further reparation I can.'' The younc man seemed Ivery ccjtrite; nut aeennea to give m name. F. Cadanan. driver of a milk wagon. ca need the 1 arrest this morning of Clar ence Blaster and George Thumer on charge of assault and battery.- Each prisoner 'depoei ted $25 to Insure hi ap pearance in" the police court tomorrow. CONTRACT BINDING. Xn interesting question of Jurisdiction was decided by Circuit Judge Alfred Scant this morning In the case of 8. C. Beaoh vs. Guarantee Savlna ft Trimt Company. . . BeAch entered into a contract with the defendant company- and, made -his last payment May 4, Wi; be claim mtarepre sentatloh.on tbe, part of the. company's agent and attorney invfact, X! W. Bfaln, by which usurious overoharges were ex Beted. Judgment' waa ' asked -In tha amount that aod . th loan,.- and inter- The trust compgnyi- in defense, mea "a motion to 'uuash' the. summons oa. the grounds that the said j. Blalh had resigned as a director of anoVagent of the company,- wsldent-In "Oregon that tb company's headquarters were in Ohio, therefore the Oregon courts had Ho Juris diction, , Judge Sears -denied -t ha motion and'&tnh)a)ted on tliet application of th law in tn case in part as ioiiowst We are constrained to adopt th view that to hold the. court wUbout Jurtad te flon of the defendant corporation under the facts presented would - reault in tha nullification of the' statote. cat Oregosn its destruction of legislatwajntenv and 1 Intolerablf hardship to the cittsen of oar stat. who would be -compelled to reaorf to a distaht tribunal; and In oountenane lna a total reoudlation "of the hinrfin efficacy of conracta aoltmnly entered Into.' a ' - " ' . 1 THIGiAL ' '...i'J.i;."::.-". y lA,CK!namanGae f 1 We nloy atUCUumil fiai i "t. w . 49!. .saakjsV r"-rt"-TM. pw yo tmni ufmucturar't pneaa. - - , gui eqr spool fW-vnioi-,r el n tuNs,v;c::-c.u'j: coLixra)cQ. Tjnnxx Act of -Conri of March rd. It7f. I i i I I , t TORTURED of a Soldicrl 1 4 i W'" t C ,-7 . '-(Sertpps-'McRaa News AasocIaUon.) . ' WABHINOTON. March . JLVThe W'ar Department has ordered an investigation of the charges mads by the Manila Amer ican, 1 a newspaper, to the effect that Private Edward Rtchter, while a prison er In tha guard, house at. Do Marinas, was tortured to death by the lieutenant commanding th detachment. It I said that, he wa . bound hand and foot, and then several gallons of water were pour ed on bis face, drop by drop, and that when released he was dead. r FOOLISH WOMAN.i .s.',;,f, ) f' f (Journal Bpeclal Service. ' NEW TORK. March Sl.-Mrs. Addle M. Francis and Albert T) Patrick, the- law yer, convicted of the murder of Million aire William M. Rice, -are engaged to b married. Th . romuiftic announcement ha lust been made. ' . " :: 'Mra Francis is now making prepara tion to dispose of her household furni ture in order that ohfe may gi to Oasln- ing to live near ping mng rnson waen The N. P. Makes Effort to Resume Traffic. (Scrlpps-MoRa News Association.) ST. PAUL. March' SL-Northarn Pacific truffle 1 tlll blocked by the hne at Mc Kencl,. North Dakota. Officials of the road are unable to say when regular ser vice will be fully reaumed. The floods In th northwest are subsid ing, but the troubles of the road are com plicated by severe storms. One Coast train wa tent- but this morning fully equipped for the through trip. UNCorJsqious ; , L .'.,. t. .i.i,:, . 1 . Mj(n Thought ioHave;e,ef) At; 2:80 Vclbckf this morning Specla' Officer Chlldera found a man lying on the sidewalk near the Fourth street en trance to the Chamber of ('ommerer building in an unconscious condition and had lm 'conveyed to the police station. At Drat It was thought that the man was simply Intoxloated. but a. close ex umlnatlon by 'Captain Holman oonvlnred him .that' Such was not the fact. Tht pian' wore , nulther hat, coat nor shirt, and ilt la a great wonder he did not dU from exposure. The supposition is that the man was given "knock-out' drops In a neighbor ing saloon or lodging house. The man's Identity haa not been thor cughty established yet, owing to his con dition, but When questioned mutters the nam of Hass in a rambling 'sort of way , .: 1,1; i .. ' Flood Fatalities Re- "UltJcll L0b3. , (Scrlpps-McRae NewvAaaoafatlOTt.) NASHVILLE!, March 3I.-Latest reports show that 23 persons lost their lives and the fat of three more Is uncertain as a result of last, week's floods in Middle Ten nessee. - -- The property loss Is estimated at $2,230.-00ft.- ' At McMlnnvIlla five are reported to hi drowned; tat Lewlsburg, 4; PuIukW, 10; Mountain Pleasant.. 1. and Harriman. 3 The damage at MCMlnnvllle and viclulty hf estimated at $800.000. oiTiiriB AP CONCEDED v ',?'' m (BCrtPPsltaiTSews." Aufn5mJ TACOMA, March I.-8hingle manufac turer are elated over the news that the St.' Paul and Chicago lines have met th lllllnot Central cut of t cents on shin. $les. The - tariff rate from th Coast to Chicago haa been reduced to 68 cent. '(Scripp-MeRae New Association.) NEW YORK, March .-Tha steamer Noordland, 'with 47 passengers taken oft the .burning Pretoria, 136 miles out at sea, arrived here early this morning.: . The - Ore- in th - hold of the Pretoria, which arrived last night. Is out 3 auk -Motvtrolltt wfaitkey. and vBar rixtnr of ( iad. ni :0NC TRAIIf OUT V itri4:t. FINE NEW FIXTURE, $4:75 This is a COMBINATION fixture and the very best that can be pat up. We have pther fixtures as low as $2.50. This' b new stock.. Our .old stock is being dosed out ' , it: i,- "J'XM THE. JOHN .91 First Street. Between Oak and Stark. STRONGEST IN I.. Samuel. . Manager., 8tX Oregonlan " Bq lldtng,.-Portia nd. r, :TTT 42 Years ot Conservative Growth WIS lllHTAi 11111 m u OF NEW Assets, $16,500,000. Claims Paid, $37,000,000. Best Ufa Insurance In th world. Operate $1,OHO,000 department ' In ' Oregon and Washington. Writ for particular respecting- our 6 per cent Oold Debentures, Pension Bond, and Combination Bonds, v. ..i , , i.ttrij 'Chamber of Comifiefcfi BWcC: ' m"V ' PortJk?rdioo? '.i 't ' . i v' - j', ": - :"'...Vt'Fi w T: ' . .' , , i1 1 " i1, .... 11 "1 j.,, t j . Jii '"V ..f.-.T--.... I 1 1 I I In " 1 ii ii 1 1 1 l i 1 . s- 1 1 n 1 1 " " . f i. ' v v 1 'i . "..i, 'in m'i n.i ie "' , .i-.';i a-'" "THE PERFECTION OF WALL PUSTER'V HARD, TOUGH, DURABLE. SflYS v ' ') . . ssMsjjMwssssBxss 1 '' ;"f l,.-" THE ADAMANT COMPANY k r OFFICE, NO. S PlftST ST. N. EXTREMELY STRIIUNG OUR NEW PICTORIAL SOUVENIR. which contains about Forty - Views jof the idost Pleavstng point of Interest s h and about Portland. Never In- th history of the city has there been anything half a dainty and arttstio aa tills ueautliui Jopklt.'(. - v - . v1 '- ".v" SEE OUR. WINDOW DISPLAY, ON THUU STRXXT ;7 J THE J. K. GILL COMPANY " Cor, Third and Alder Streets ' . , T' No More Dread of the Dental Chair U ; ; New rork Dental Parlors r .r 4th and Morrison. StsM Portland, Ore. ' . No Pain ru ft. T Fufl Sot of Teeth 05.CO . Teeth extracted and filled Absolutely without pain, but our late sclent. .3 mthod appliext to ths gums.- No aleep-produclng arents or eo lii. These are the only dental parlors In Portland having patented -anre and ingredient to eatraet, fill and apply gold crowns and im n crowns undecctabt from natural teeth, and warranted fJr 10 year v. out the least pal a. , ; . . ' tiour .aO to 8:00 Sundays 30 1 2;Ca 5 PRICE TWO "CEXTS. This Is the NewWay : f Jul' ' -Of making photographs don't -even wet your fingers. , Co$tt -. -. less than one cent to rflake a;, negative. Kodak at popular prices. " r . ' 80c bt the $1.00' ' $1.60...; for the $2.00, $8.00...,. for the $10.00 Photo Supplies at Cut Rates. VVO0DARD, CLARKE & CO. A NEW THING - CAS MANTELS '' " Guaranteed for ! 4510AYS Yoa cant get irytliin;BkV U V 'V elsewhere.1 4 I' u y i-ii THE -WORLD" it d IVJ.V y: - m ilvlll YQRKl' V TELEPHONE. MAIN ,T1S. f v H - No Gas 1 1 1 4 .