, TIEB; . EYESTXCr JOTONAL, ..PORraAKD.kOBEGOlT, TTIIDAT MARCH. 28, "4902..; v ? - - - j . - H ill II I? -h:,;;,.., ;;...v. : Have;Yqu-a;Ghoice ; the Exppsition Site. . ' The Journal -is fond - of public appro. VaJ ct oubllo aBalrs. - The Journal be Ueve the dtlsens -of Oregon should aave a Voice nv the selection of the site for the Exposition, of 1S05. It believe that the time to ailtate that subject Is aow-rlht MOW now. before the du vector , have settled the proposition among thetnselves., I ";-This Is why the Journal ha -wltlnated this Exposition aite -eenteat. It want everybody; to have a voice In the matter of the Fair site selection. No matter how rich, all are equally interested.' The poor man Is, probably, more Interested than the rich man. - The poor man has no carriage to convey him to and from the how. He must ride In a car or walk. He caa walk to some of the sites being voted for. .He can ride on a car" to all of them.' But there is a great difference f opinion. a to. where the Fair should be located... .Vote's coming to the Journal efflce "demonstrate thls Ohe mart senf la 100 votes: at one time for' the Penla. ula location,; which shows that be wants the Fair bwn there." Others ar"puW lng for Cycle Farav; lead's Field and Hawthorne Park, Bellwood, the Knox Tract, and. other places. ,. ' . ' " The way ' to locate the : exposition in the proper place is to express a prefer-, ence through the medium bf the Jour ntU. , And the votes, which - will x be counted on Saturday, ought to be foil lnr In at this time to "beat the -band,". . ' Have ypn Votedr ',.' f ; ' If not, why nott ; . " ' The vote on last Saturday stood: Penlnnular at r . Setlwood It Ladd's Field Cycle Park .,.....................14 1 ,.' . Knox Tract ....... t Fulton .......... . ' City Park .;. 4 Cut out this coupon write your choice ana send It in. - JOURNAL CONTEST MY CHOICE TOR THE. ' , EXPOSITION SITE Name.......,.....i.,.....,.... , ' - ' , r-T . furnlBh' bond 'until' thi contrtrt wag receited. ' - " I. A letter? from - th Portland Ship- buildlnc ComDany asked for an exten eion of time until April 20 to complete the two wood scows for which it has the contract, on account of delay in securing-material, ft was referred to Commissioners - Adams. Retlly and Sellinit. - Commissioner Hughes reported that a piece of the dredge machinery had not been made according: to specinca tions, but promise to remedy the de fect was made, and the letter piacea on file. CITY BRIEFS. ELKS ELECT OFFICERS, , Portland lodge. No. 162, B. P. O, E., last night elected officers for the en suing year as follows: Exalted ruler, John Lamont; esteemed leading knight, Richaid Clinton; esteemed loyal knight, W. tlr. Robinson; esteemed lecturing knight. John B. CofTey; secretary, B3. Vfi Rowe; trees. urer.'R. W.- Hoyt tyler, George H. Wemple; trustee for three years, T. B McDevltt: Past Exalted Ruler Frank C. Baker presided at the election. The new officers will be Installed next Thursday night. PORT COMMISSION, ' At' a meeUng of the? Port of Port land Commission yesterday, a letter -was read from Inman, Poulsen ft Co., asking that the upper river be dredged so that large vessels could be brought opposite the mill for the pur pose of loading.' -t The treasurer reported that by the receipt of -a part of its share of the taxes, the port had paid an' indebted ness of $36,600 to the Hlbernla Sav ings ''Bank, and had 110,000 remain ing. Permission was granted the Oak land Iron Works to make some slight changes In the machinery of the new dredge, on recommendation of De signing Engineer Lockwood. , , A letter, from the C. & C, Electric Company, of Garwood, N. Jv dated March 18, stated that Faber,. Du Faur A Donnelly bad not received the con tract for their work, and could not -A small boiler exploded in the Multno man Trunk and 6ox Factory yesterday-. No one was hurt and the damage wis very alight. Rose Croix - Chapter of Scottish Bite Masons met to the number of 150 to 200 at the lodge room in the Marquain build lng last night - and sat at banquet. The chapter comprises all Masons who have attained degrees -between the 15th and 18thi The chapter closes once a year anit last night's .gathering was in accordance with a time-honored custom. ,fhe fund-aCo! Thomas K Btrowbrldga took place yesterday afternoon from hu reeldence in Kenllworth. and was attend- d by many prominent .people" and mem bers of the fraternal organisations, Kev E. P. Hit conducted tha service, at the close of whloU the Interment was in Lono Ftr Cemetery. , ; ( The excavating for the new building to be vreeted on; the southeast corner of First and Oak streets has been complete J and a force of men are now employed in laying-: a concrete- foundation for the structure. " 'f:- ' . - i . - The work of moving the old Henrlck sen house to the comer of Lownsdale and Washington streets' Is rapidly progress lng.. '."Cohfeislon of the Chrisr formed the topic. ., of . Evangelist, H. C. Patterson's sermon at the; Rodney. Avenue Christian Church - last night. The suowcr pre sented Wednesday night, was on "Re pentanos Unto. Xaf ,", There Is consider able interest manifested at, these meet lngs and the- attendance Is on the In crease. ' Mf. Patterson Says that It is hi Intentlpn to costlnye them for an Indefi nite period. ... . A list of fifteen members of the O. N. G, who are behind in, their fines for non- attendance at drill -meetings was turned over' to Sheriff ' Fraaier yesterday for collection. The aellnuueacies range from H.M to fS.W eafch, v . .;-4i- 'Frank' ft Grant, administrator of the estate of Wr Crowell, deceased, has petttlpned the eourt for leave to sell prop erty In De Lashmutt A Oatman's little homes. p,,4i,, .f ; Rev,,. George VB, Van Watters Is con ducting Good Friday services at St. Da vids Church, corner East Morrison and Twelfth streets, today. Special music was rendered and addresses delivered. There will be an evening service. 1 As a tesult of the trus' doubling its price on salt. It now coats S cents apiece to preserve sheepskins. Dealers Sis kick ing hard, :". . , .; By yesterday's California, steamer com mission men Imported BOO crates of cab bage and about half as many crates of cauliflower, a 'nd there also arrived by train a carload of celery. After a 'temporary "lay-off of a few days, occasioned by the lack of material, quite a . number of bricklayers resumed work this morning In various parts of the city. - .; ;' -; a "W. "vVeatheriy . has sold his build ing and cigar store on the corner of East Morrison street and Grand avenue. Excavation was begun this morning for the new Falling building, on the comer ot Third and Morrison streets. GREAT GLOVE SALE, . First shipment of Ladles' Kid Gloves ever received at this port direct from Grenoble, France. You can save whole salers' and all middlemen's profits as we handle the gloves on a small commis sionRegular fl.75 and $2.09 Gloves will be Y1.46; 11.35 and jfl.jp gloved, 1.15, and our Leaders - at 95o pair. ' Cannot be matched for $1.25. Misses' Kid Gloves, 60c, 75c. Bargain ' Counter Gloves, 69c, Mc Allen & McoDnnelll, filoves At ted. Cor ner Third and Morrison. LIKE FINDING MONEY. The trading checks in! the advertise ments of The Journal are like finding money. Have you seen them? i. . . , - ..-iit-: ii--. Bbys' Confirmation Outfits - The richest product oi the best man ufacturers in Boys' Clothing Highr, grade materials at the low cost. We offering SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to tasty and economical parents. WHy not bring your boy here and purchase : ..Can entirely new r OUTFIT FOR EASTER OK'CONFIRMATION -V'S il, ; Beys' Norfolk and Sailor SidU, ages BOYS' VXSTJCK SUITS, ages 3 3 W 10, lnSerev itJ. A f rfc 05 uievwis, ana r anaes, TTk u4 a , v-ofnriui, ej.vu ' , . . i SnecUl Values at . values . V BOYS' HATS, CAPS AND FURNISHINGS ' r. REUAM.IT. (lOTMttS, ThW and korrisoV .StreetsV ; lit POLITICS Charles A. Johns, of Baker county, a leading candidate for the Republl can nomination for-Governor, camei down from -the snow-capped bills of his mountain home last .night, to re main until he is made the RepubiK can standard-bearer, or Is carried out of the convention hall on hit shield or a shutter. He is accompanied by that old Republican war horse. Dr. O. M, Dodson state committeeman, from that county, and the leader of the Moody faction in the bunchgrass re gion. Regarding the widely -circular ed and much believed report that dicker: Is on between Mr. Johns and Governor Qeer, that Is ta make the former Secretary ot State and the lat ter Governor for a second term, the Eastern Oregon lawyer said: "There Is no ground whatever for such statement. I am for Johns for Gov nor, and for no one else." Mr. Johns professes to be pleased with the out look. - a The same train that bore Charley Johns to the city of convention car ilea w. J, Furnish, of Umatilla coun ty, to the city. Mr. Furnish will also remain until the agony is over. He remarked last night that he expected to stay until he got what is coming to him. Hon. Otis Patterson, Register of the Land Office at The Dalles, is In the city. Mr. Patterson Is not taking an active part in the contest for the offices, but in a quiet way Is working for the nomination of State Senator Williamson for Congress. , ' Walter Lyon, Governor Geer's pri ate secretary, came down from 8a lem last night. He is hopeful of the renomnlation of the Governor. E. P. McCortnacfc. the Salem bank er. is in the city in the interest of his brother-in-law. Congressman Moody. Dr. J. N.- Smith, of Salem, member of the last Legislature. Is also in the city. ' The Washington County Republican Convention yesterday was a stormy one. The fight centered on the candl dacy of Governor Geer. Seven of the 12 delegates to the state convention are .said to be opposed to Governor Geer, while the other five are avowed ly In his favor. The following ticket was .nominated: County Judge, H. T, Buxton, of Forest Groves County Clerk. B. J. Goldman. fo Tleardvitte; Sheriff, Samuel Galbreath, of East Cedar Creek; Recorder, Emll Kuratli, or Phillips; Commissioner, W. J. But ner, of Beaverton;-Treasurer, Wil Ham M. Jackson, of Hillsboro: Sur veyor, A. A. Morrill, . of Hillsboro; Coroner, E. C. Browa. of Hillsboro. The Crook county Democrat met In convention at Prinevllle yesterday. Resolutions were adopted In Opposl tlon to the leasing of the public ranges', In favor of using the reserve for gracing purposes and in favor of Chinese exclusion. The following county ticket was nominated: Judpe, W. A. Booth r Sheriff, C. B. Smith; Clerk, A. J. Smith; Assessor. J. J. Mellll; Treasurer, M. H. Bell; Com missioner. C. B. Allen; Surveyor. Knox Huston; Coroner, Joseph Crook. Delegates to the state convention were elected as follows: E. S. White T. W. Robertson, J. W. Henderson,-P. w. Doak. AMUSEMENTS. TNE BAKER THEATRE George I. Baker, Manager. Phones, Oregon 1076; Columbia 4508. ' Another laree house last nieht. Polite and Refined Vaudeville a Great Baccess. Note the, Big Acts and the Time They ADDear. Lieandn Eros ...8:; Wm. Walton 8:45 Lynne & Kennedy 8:54 Frank Bacon & Co. :06 O'Brien, Jennings and O'Brien :S3 Clara O' Moore 9:45 The Great Duffy Children 9:55 Carter and Thornhlll 10:15 The Benaatlon of the .Hour The Great Cycle Whirl 10.25 Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Prices, matinees ....I. .......... .,.101535 Evening .,....,!& a& 3660 Mr. Ben Stem presents BLANCHE WALSH And her excellent compa ny. Thursday and Friday nights, March 27-28, in "LA MADELEINE." Saturday matinee and night. "JANICEl MERE DITH," REDERICKSBIRG MUSIC HALL Seventh and Alder Streets. FLYNN'8 LONDON GAIETY GIRLS fresentlng "A Night in a Turkish Harem" . Introducing LITTLE EGYPT In her sensational dances. General admission, tree. CONCERT HALL B LAZIER BROS CONCERT EVERY NIGHT 242-248 Burnside. FAMILY ROOMS Gentlemen's Resort Louis Dammasch Goodnough building. 16S and i 170 5th street Opposite poer- onlce, . Cold Lunches. Schlitz beer on draught Easter Eggs lSc California Butter, ' . Best creamery. . .1., . . ..i Full cream cheese - 60 and 55 Swiss ceese -. - f -Llmbarger, each .r HbriaraTTviyii 50-lb pall laxd, (or j.K..i.;,..,l4.7S 606 4.i.e.....el2Ct 15C ....IOC J3d ;................: 25c LaGrande Creamery, 3d and Yamhill ,' ! J - "'' - M. .For-".: rH 3 . SATURDAY om Wf:, .. SPECIAL DISCOUNT; ON EVERY TRIMMED HAT THIS DAY ONLY Latest Popular Styles. The Largest Assortment in the City to select from. The best Hats that canbe produced for the least money. No fancy prices. w HUNDREDS OF TRIMMED HAJS Have been rsold the past weeK and to give those an opportunity who have hot been able to see bur Hats the past week we make this special Easter olTerltl for one day only. No trouble to show oods. We can please you in styles. We are confident we ean as ; to yr prlce, , Whether itis a lO hat or a $2 hat. Our store will be open this Saturday -until lO'P. M. " CORNER MORRISON AND FIRST STREETS' : Gibe Largest Exclusive Millinery House on the Pacific Coast TO TATOOSH ISLAND. Willis I Moore, Ch.m of the Weather Bureau, has authorised the work of re pairing the telegraph line extending from Port Crescent to Neah Bay, on the Strait of Juan de Fuca, a distance of about 45 miles; and the construction of a line from the latter place to Tatoosh Isl and, off Cape Flattery, six or seven miles farther. A new building will be constructed on Tatoosh Island, at the terminus of .the new line. An appropriation has bden made by the department to this end. and thework wtlf probably be begun soon. This wiH put the persons In charge of this service In better touch with vessels on the outside than they are at present, A telegraph line Is also being construct ed to North Bend, and will probably be In operatlonln a couple of months. Have you flour? tried Feacock hard wheat BOWEN'S TRADING CHECK oooo ron ONE CENT IN TRAOC On a basis of OaeVrenlh of thr vslu. when accompanied by Uwlul moiit-y of i'. ikmnnr nrm oi' Lniie-uavig o. Not good on patent medlclne COOK'S TEA the great f free with 25c purchases at Laue-Davis Drug Co. Third and Yamhill Streets HENRY WEINHARD : Proprietor of the: CITY BREWERY Bottled Beer a Specialty Largest and most complete brewery in the Northwest Established 1862 " Office, Thirteenth and Burnside Sts. T Telephone No. 72 PORTLAND, OREGON NERVE KILLING IN TEETH. V" Killing the nerve In a tooth Is one ot the things In dentist ry .that Is terrifying to more people than an y .one. thing of which we know.. The . old way was bati.- The demons of Hitctes turnel loose would not put up a worse' trouble than the means of some tiefitlsts employed In killing a nerve. Still people want t save -their teeth, and are willing to undertake- the ordeal to keep the tooth. We want to tell the people.- that we have found way and ni v oeen ualns It- - 1 . .i't ''. worth, it will 1eatro a live-nfrw' which"'; l , exposed In a tooth, without causing any pain whatever. ' Open eundays,' A. M. to 12 M. i S . - Ui w IV- 'Wv j long' enough, to prove Its WISE BROTHERS JOI, 109. 21L 213 and J13 Falling Bldg.' . Cor. Third pd .Washington sts. Columbia phone S& Oregon phone -- South S91. When You Ride A Bicycle RIDE THE BEST Ue 1902 r BICYCLES ARE "The Best Wheels Oil Earth" $25, $30,$ STEAM, ELECTRIC AND GASOLINE AUTOMOBILES ' - V Fred.T. Merrill Cycle Co. INCORPORATED. 105. 107 109, 11) SIXtH STREET at 1 5'. ft 11 7 ' s.