The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, March 27, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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t .7 s. ai -.-' .v-;
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Grants Moil.
; Donovan-Thurston
; Fight Ends in Row;
Jick' hrMt Is unauestionably n on
" est mat Strong In hi conviction and
tfue snort. He has spleodia .repniB'
tton- on tb Coast as a. referee of prise
fights and lie ha pfflelated In many
milL- But Abe best of them will mBke
niitiv KAnncf -r later, and It U the
. ODtolon of the mtjorttr of those, who t
tended last- nights 'g3 between Thur
ton and Donovan, before th ' ragtime
Club, that Jsck'fl Judgment tot- wss
at laultiaTbejr argue that there snouta
have been a decision on way or another.
Thuraton should have either, had the da-
eislon or been disqualified. . ,'.
The mea were In- a hot nils-un In the
middle of, f he last round when the elose
decision came UP. Thurswn ctaicnea
foul. Grant eeht the men vto their cor
ner and called the mill draw, , Tne
gong iu4 not Bounded Thre was 1 mtn
vte mora time left for the men to go.
Why should the contest be stopped and
a draw declared the spectators asked.
If Thurston wu fooled he was certainly
. entitled t the decision.. It b quit, uoa
ovan was entitled to- the long end et.tbe
money. ?t la else pointed out that Dutch
had iris man going and bad ne liwenllve
la claiming a foul.
' - REB-FOR-AMj fight.
'The "ringside partisans ot the fighters
became greatly excited wh the decision
was announced and a disgraceful scene
followed. Martin Denny ehlet ,"i esquire
tor Thurston, and Billy , Lvlgna. jnana-
i ger and second for Dott'ofahr made a si'
multaneous rush Sot the referee U pro
'test. Denny seemed to have lost his head
and presumably mada swing for Dono
van and was knocked dow&:.Xhfn,paa-
demonlum broke, loose.
A general fight of tie seconds "was
starting when. three dectectives and half
a dosen officers broke Into the ring and
quelled. the disturbance.
Jt was not until then that Hould prpp
1y be said that the fight had come te an
end and the public filed, out "wondering
bow It all happened. No one claimed that
they' received less than their -money's
worth as a result of ths' night's entertain
ment. The main event of the evening was
' a good one from start to finish and the
- aftermath well. It was exciting.
' xvrra yellow streak;
It wax l:0S o'clon hn ReiUey and
Duff ohook hands and went at It tor the
preliminary. J.Reilley- assumed 'Jeffries'
crouching attitude and went right at his
man, being Ills powerful loft almost ex
tluslveljv drawing blood in less than s
- minute's time. .There was nothing much
doing in tha round, however. .'
- The second and last was of short dura
tlon. Rsllley put a right and left to the
jaw "and in a few seconds crossed Dull
with the right to the jaw. The latter was
' groggy fend In a mlx-up which followed
claimed a foul, and. went to his .corner,
He simply quit, as he would have never
lasted the round out. Referee Day sward'
ed the fight to Rellley. who, by the way.
has a bright future before him. '
.When, Donovan and' Thurston stepped
Into the ring they -presented qulta a con
trast, the former long and rangy, while
the Dutohman ' was somewhat " shorter.
Both appeared to be in good trim to go
. the limit A bot pace was cut out from
; tha start and at the rate they were still
, going In tha tenth round made it look aa
though It could not last. I'p to this time
Thurston was the aggre-sor and seemed
to have the fight well Jn hand. He was
also lighting cleaner than his opponent,
who had to be cautioned' by Grant sey-
:: eral timea ' . .
v Itt the eleventh Dutch put-Mike 'on the
floor for the second time with a straight
left and the latter: went to his corner
distressed. He was fighting very wild,
.and one good punch , would have put . him
out of business,
. Thurston was showing the pace he had
cut out and, while-be put many a straight
' left full to the point of the Rochester
; man's jaw, they lacked steam. On to the
KUt round the fighting was nutlets, ow
v ing to the spent steam of the men. In
'this round Larlgne sent his man In to
make a final efTort-'and Mike did loosen
up somewhat, but to no effect. ,. '
In the ilnat round Thnrston 'muvt have
. landed his left 20 times before the alleged
; foul, but hq could not put his man out,
though he bad hltn n Queer street -
The Astoria Chamber of Commerce has
, appointed Messrs. James W. Welch, r.
K. Stokes, J. E. Craike, H. C. Thompson
and P. "A. Trulllnger delegates to the
Basin convention, to be held in Portland
April 10,' and abks SecreUrj' Moore, of
the .Portland Board of Trad, if any ar
rangements will be mad.s for reduction
Jn fare on that occasion.
Tha following delegate have been ap
pointed' to repreaent the Portland Board
at tha convention: F. E. Beacn, TV. L.
Boise," J.- W. Cruthers, Samuel Conneil.
Davidson, . Ward & Vv., A." . D-kum.
.Thomas Gulnean, p. J. Jennings,' l' T.
Keady; G. G.' McNamara, JVed Meriilj)
C, 3 OwenAB.' lee Paget, H, W.- 6Mtt
I B. Setty and Seneca Smith.
TrcaU Saccessftilr AH
IKlC. ; ' Z.
Office! 416 Dekuiri Building,
7; W.hlnqton St,
''" 'v
Harriman iCtay'VlsH Portlno-i-
Telexraolhe advices show that Preafc
dent Hamman Tof ' the Southern Pacific
passed .through Phoenix Ans., TUesnay,
on bis way to ahe Pacific Coast He did
not deny the purchaaa ot the Bock Island
road. Neither did he admit it Whether
the Harimeft panrjr irm come to Portland
after leavlnav Ban ' Francisco. Is not
khown,' but 1t;x is more than probable,
since the iresent trip is one of inspection,
and will likely Include all the Harriman
linen, ' -. . .' ..
Traffie Director Btublw is in the Harri
man party. . Iocal railroaders re won
aeHtig why a succqsaorto Sen Campbell.
Who ' was- transferred to Chicago from
tha traffic 'managership of tb O. B. A
jy.,v has not yet been flamed. No ddubt
some local aspirant' could worthily nil
he place Mr. Campbell so creditably 00
ctipled.Vin soms quarters this Is not
thought likely to eome about It is fig
ured out that the reason no successor has
been -named s due tor the fact that the
arrivsT pT"Mr. ; Btublw Is :,belng awaited
and that this is why no local man ha,s
been appointed,, tt Is probable that Mr.
irarrlmanrand Mr Stabb wtU be (n
ortteB44lrtti'lii ."waeki-ii that tha
aftermath of their' ytslt will be the bp-,
polntment of a traffic manaj-er for; the
o. r. tt it, ,v . ;"v"
F. M. Schumacher Is till being talked
of for the place. At present he. is act
ing traffle manager of theOregon Short
Line at Salt ,JUkev V Jt ' Unargued that
his office tbsie-will , be consolidated with
the Union Paclflo traffic managership at
Omaha, "in th interestg .of economical
oneration. His friends nrofess to see with
;Tthe O. R. b N, a place Mr. Schumacher
Is perfectly qualified to fill..
1 There is .spme belief thaY h "original
plan ot consolidation pf the Oregon at
California the Southerh Face's Oregon
Unos-lth the Q..j B. . N. will be de
ferred lor a Bhilai JdrJtHaWlman,!, It Is
reasoned, . wfll await , the ? s-Mlpn ,. of the
United rStater court in' the Case of the
Northern Securities Company the Jdor-gan-HlQ
merger of the Qreajf: Northern
ahd Northern Pacific Instigated by G6V
fcrnor Van Bant nf Minnesota. (;Be is not
at all dlrpua to ncur ostOe- adjudlCa
t?on r .: do anything tbati m? :. 8ffct
the safety of the liiagnlflcent.. combina
tion his brain has evolved. . Jttis Indeed,
a battle worthy of. the giants. ' - -This
is no idle talk either, reasoning
from analogy. ' The consolidation of the
Southern Pacific with the Union Pacific
I already endangered .in Texas, where
there is a law against-railroad combina
tions similar to that of Minnesota.
'One railroad man say' that the pur
chase of the Rock Island by the Harri
man syndicate will work advantageousiy.
It , will prevent Jhat road from building
Inttf Callfornia'terrttory. -Its acquiaitton ;
places the Harriman lines In a very
strong position, for It enables the combi
nation to hold the Santa Fe In check. St
Is shrewdly thought thai the purchase jof,
the Rock Island may have been sua
pasted by Mr,. StubbiCns excellent policy
from a purely competitive standpoint:
It cannot" take ' very, long betore alt
Ihedrlei will' either' b dispelled and ru
mors shattered," or else .that the floating
tylk: and speculation, will be fully con
Armed, in whole of in part .
President Stanley, the fne president of
the Gobble, Nehatem ' & Pacific, propoaus
to open the line pi operation a, s sopn as
lwsslbleyand under most encouraging
conditions. , This line went' tnto the hands
of Receiver Maxwell ' about six months
ago, and recently passed Into new hands,
- Court Mt. Hood. No, L Forcstera of
America, will give a benefit ball at For
esters' Hall Monday, April 7. .
Baltimore John Hilly, according ,to a
statemeht made by hht'wifs (his morning
and supplemented by ft statement written
by himself, ' and Cprcsented'-'tb Justice
White iflf the 'Northern - district, Was
stricken (dumb last n(ht hfle curxtng
and blaspheming.
Kelly, was arrested on the complaint
of his wife. -Mrs. Kelly informed the
policeman that, her husband, who was
Intoxicated, had Vehased her from' the
house, and had threatened 'her life with
4 rator. She said the blow had been
warded off by her oldest son, a cripple.
who struck the arm of his father wltn
lils crutch. , ,
While Mrs 'Kelly v told her story f,
hear some hols' from' Kelly,, who was
tnaide the house. ' '
"Tour Husband ' appears to be very
quiet," said the policeman.
"He la quiet just, floW because he was
ptruck dumb while lie was committing
awful blasphemy,' said .Mrs. Kelly.
Kelly then came ,frtm the house and
was taken Into custody. When taken
before the deek Kelly made signs for
paper and pencil Oh the paper he, wrote
his name and ageVTbis mdrntng Jt,xraa
etlll dumb, and when brought before JtiS
Woe White made all his statements in
writing. Kelly pleaded to be excused
but wds fined ts and .costs. and- sen.
fenced additionally to thirty days in Jalt
Mrs. Kelly told lieutenant Dempsey
that In the midst of his cursing and blas
phemy last night her husband suddenly
choked and trembled all over as though
he had a chut. Then he tried to speak,
but, could only choke and groan "
Captain A., E. Cann of Astoria, repre
senting the Bar Pilots' Association, held
conference yesterday with i S. M.
Means,- president of tha Portland Cham'
ber of Commerce. plana for deepening
the channel over, the bar -were discussed
at some length. It wasagreed; fcy .boUi
that Immediate action Inthe mittff s J
necessary, ana tn sunjoct will come be
fore the next meeetlng of the trustees
of the csambar. Later a conference will
be asranged' between representatives .At
the pilots and of the Chatoherf Com-j
merce. wnen aennite piaw wllHiV cow
L0015 08 THECHECI.,1?,
The Jounial of, March M was worh
more than SO cents In trading checks.
This one issue pays more than Jt costs to
pay for the paper for an entire month,
JDo you realise Vhst-fact? Do you read
Peninsula Site
'On hundred voUs at one clfttter. from
one Individual is not a bad record for the
Peninsula. 1 That Blahtlyi SPOt1 Be t
be in the minds of many others, also,
for this "bunch" Is not the only ballot
cast for that locality.
Cycle Park and Ladd'g Flftt.d are also
being substantially heard from, especially
tha latter, gellwood seems to be side
tracked to not have many friends,
but few votes are being rscelvsd favoring
that locality. However, tt l not o laU
yet. and the charming suburb ,, may t be
heard from when we least ex pact it
Voters should ' be wide-awake. Keep
the baH a -rolling. Don't , a)U Don't
sleep, This contest is likely, to locate
tha show. -'j t
The vote on last Saturday. stood- t t -
Peninsular OT.,.,...n-.ii,.., ll. ri
Sellweod .......:... U
Lfldil's Field
tyele park .,:'.,.
Knot Tract .u
Cut out this coupon, write your choice
and ''send It in. , ' ' i. r
? f ' !
Address t . : y v V
WABHlNOTON, March" 2T. Charmed
khlrts are tho latest In the way of dress
es used by the Filipinos for,, protection
In warfare, aoeordlng to mall, advices
from the islands. These are worn by
the members ot a rellgiotia seoret society
ailed the Cbloruman organ!xatlpn..;w61rh
includes both sexcB and Whose members
are sworn to be forever a tmmltyjslth
whftemen. : ! i-' -
An important official of the ordTfrls-the
charmmaker, who prepares a oonoocllon
en uett m rillplno parlance BntinK-ani-
Ing," hnlleved by tht natives t$ possess
alf sorii of wonderfuliproprl4e4cnlf
among which Is that Which absolutely
protects the fortunate' man who, has it
on hia shirt from bullets and disease.-
A spe'clmen of these shirts recently was
obtained by Captain BdUghton of tho
Third Cavalry; It is made of nnbleaohes)
cotton snd Is decorated - with fantastic
designs of fishes, reptiles, birds and a nl
mala in India ink. To theHe charmed
shirts Is attributed much of the- reckless
courage exhibited or the more fanatical
Itolomen In recent engagements . with
American troops. . - .' ';- f
Rev. H. H. Wikoff, Coast secretary of
the Congregational Church Building 'So
ciety. New York," with headquarters at
San Francisco, is in the city, registered
at the Perkins. Rev. Wikoff la the finan
cial agent of the society and helps .raise
funds for the construction , tif new
churches Besides helping ''build the
Congregational Churches In Portland he
has assisted in the establishment of 48
Houses of worship throughout Oregon.1 '
.. The society has loaned $5,000 to help
build ' parsonages in the State, eight 'of
which Institutions have returned id fh
building fund all the money they '
cefved. The" loan is made without Inter
est. Last year of the 56 churches In
Oregon, 46 sent contributions to the so
ciety. The little Church of Sunnystd
recently paid back HtB obligation and Is
tri a 'prosperous condition, ReVvktt
traveled 15.600 miles last year In the mak
ing of ..his circuit, - which extends - east
to Bale Lake, south to tha Mexican Una,
north to British Columbia.- La'at Bun
day he spoke at Ashland.' Next Sunday
he will appear at Waflhougal,""'Vah
thence to. near Spokane and Rttavli.e.
Hillsboro and Hood River will be Visited
early in April. . ' ' :i ', .'. -'
you tried Peacock hard Wheat
Another ntw venture has been launch-
Irf. Portland. The organisation , of
the Miaiand Telephone & Telegraph Com
pany was, effectad with. H, V. Gates as
president, C. A. Coggswell as vice presi
dent and E. B. Reames as secretary and
treasurer. The new line will Immediately
be constructed and will run from. Ash
land to Lake view, connecting Pokegema,
Keno, Klamath Falls, Bonansa and BIy,
and will probably be In operation by Oc
tober 1. Berliner transmitters will be
used. Wire for the. new line g already
Stored at Ashland and pole eontr.tcta will
be let at once. . - -
Themm9 appointed bjr Pomona
Grange to look After tha location-qf is
publio v market have Investigated i-the
transfer of the old- Market block to (the
city and-.found that It was deeded to (the
City by W. W. Chapman In U86, the don;
ildaragionbeinr fl.t. There wa nath
nW iff
thedeed td hbw that tha Mty
tnde7to:-:jip: the loc at g markn
Pf vsjiil' W:-'4' 'v"'iH
f Tltl waarmtner? a disappoihtment " to
the committee, and if the Market block
cannot be secured) the committee- will try
to. secfire a place for a building on the
East Side. '',(','.
Everybody likes the Peacock flour
V . .jr..
sAVbllfln-tfi UtMi
wood Crtuiwrr Comnruv.. at Sw wash-
to , ngind pd theiSMtsW
polifU, l He kas been absent only
thirty day but has viifted not lear tttgd
nineteen autes during that time. ."31
though Mr. Brown ha traveled far and
fast he has done sd with an observant
riyrs. i f ' ?' . " : tn&!k.
Mr. Brown, although going Bast .'.In
the interest of his business, ostensibly
could not avotd Uklnit a great In terrat
In the homeseekerar , movement, - which
has assumed such Immense, proportions
that it could hardly escape even one'Jsaa
observing: than he fa. . . ' .'.-;
( "I was in St. Paul March & said hi.
"I :taiked.-.wltb the railroad emigration
agents of fh.e Northern Pacific and Oreal
Northern -regarding-this flood pf. travel
of. these persona who desire t better
tbeir condjUpn' by seeking new. hemes
In the Wet. They Informed. p me' tbftt
they sent out not less than ,(09 on March
4 and S. i' ....' . -
"I left Sfc Paul March II,: pn ithe first
train to get through after the now block:
ade in North Dakota. That train pad en
board between 450 and 909 spaasengers.
The conductoit Informed me that fuljy M
ler cenu- f, these .were destined tor
points west of the Rockies, and that they
were persppa. seeking locations to found.
r ....... T! ? ,
these located 'between 'the Rockies and 1
uie Cascades) while the other half went
further ersatz " 1 1
"I think; that Oregon ought to ke freir
ter advertbx.d,.T0 may rest assured that
Washlngtoa profiting by every cbanoe
to make her ;ad vantages known. Oregon
has equally as many, and ' Oregonlant
pwe It tothemsetvea to see to It that
this Is remedied. ,
A significant feature of this year's
travel 1b that the tickets purchased are
mostly one waAwestbound. The tsay.
elsrs are bringing their furniture with
themxt-an evidence of their Intention to
stay-. At Be station In North western
Iowa I saw - thirty- cars of emigrant
moveables that reached there in one day.
in st. Paul, while the blockade was on.
C00 cars of emigrant moveables collecteo.
"I firmly believe that the fertile Soli
amfthe climatic conditions Ul hold the
newcomers fn Oregon. The condition
here for dalrvlns are nartlcularlv fayor
ablei nB Utiej East farmers often ' havt
to feK ueifiioauie xrom uctooer to Hay
h 7iM theyNlo not require thla. Then
Agrfs,' tll dairymen can here obtain, on
the,ttyrftgs, 8 cents per pound more for
thefr, WW then In the Best, ? t
"The ."hew. settlers belonging to the"
farming lass V- and most of them, do -r
riHv iiwueywnq are resay 19 ouy lanaa.
These are "the class of settlers who will
assist. In-fiuildlng un the interests bf this
..great commonwealth.
;,Next Tdtidav pvenlng the annual lom-
mencemerft exercises of the medical de
partment pr the University of Oregon
Will take place at the Assembly Hall of
tne rortiand High School. Constant ef
fort has bean made to raise the stand
ard of scholarship In recent years. Great
credit is due to Dr. Joseph!, th- dean,
tor his efforts In this direction.
Twenty medicos 'will be presented with
Sinlomas, H of whom stand well; In
Scholarship -nverage. In the order of eg
rctser Rer,v H. Ii. Pratt win give the
opening praVer and pronounce the betie-
dk-tlon at the close. Rabbi Stsnhen S.
Wise wlil deliver the annual address and
President . Strong of the University o
the State 67 Oregon wiii confer : the dei
grees; n. lfircst F. TuckeV wlll deliver
the chaige te graduates and William
K. HaWland. M. D wUl ' deliver the
valedictory. The Baylor medal and the
Koehler medal will be bestowed.
. The program will be pleasantly varied
by musical numbers In wblch the Spits
ner sextet will take part. Following
are the " 'members rt 'he.. ; . grtivtiAhilit
class: K. Martin Adams Alys Ablgait
Blxby, Walter B. Braden; ' Charles S.
Edwards, A. B.; William King Havl
land; Alfred E. King. Maud W. Kr
mer, Sanford Loeb, Edward 'Albert Mari
shall, Ray William Matsop. Ralph
Charles Matson, Kell A. CLeary. XM, j
Elsie Deputy Pattob, Trederle Be. Lan
der Smith, Alvln B. Stone, George Wil-
B. 8.: Flovd Marlon White. Nancy New-
kirk; White and fiharald Ffshe? ' WUtslf .
j: "i BIRTHS.
:'-. to' -i-
March 15 To joe. Baumelster and wife,
IS Arthur street I a "boy. 4 a.'a-$"'.-:
Mar .i isTo Alex J. Brault and wife,
231 Chapman: boy. ':-,rt.:.:Kti
March 18-Te W. H. Bryan and wife;
187 Brooklyn: girt. ,?v.j.i
March 1-To Lewis Wast ann) wife, tSl
Ankeny ; a gW. "s ;. -i a-.-: . ? W -F & ;
Has Illustrated its ability to cure alt
curable diseases after all other methods
have failed. Consult 1
Of 409 Oregonlaa 9h041rs
-Fourth year In PortlajH. Oraduate "of
A T. Still's School of Osteopathy. Con
sultation free ' at office. Cap or rrite
for literature, and Portland references,
Lady' assistant. . -
Phone; .Oak 4H: residence.. Black 2Li
Treata all diaeasee-aoute' and chronfa,
holding an unrivaled record in chronic
and nervous diseases, spinal affectionrl
and diseases of women. ' Call or write for
"Osteopathy Explained." Me charge made
tor consultation at office. '
(SUll SchMlgOrateopjathy. . Klrfc.
Dr. G. Lord dates
Only Lady Graduate of Osteopathy la
- ' - - . - - - Portland. r f 'f
!' lit ,.',! ". ., .A i i....' 'tl
mux i'r ai.'.
fi Sr?fnti4 la thi sua mi i?1?""-
Ail tbf ,piao soodnBAf-. that, the best
iftane-makere' knewj and some excltisive
f ektorek' Mntrrflied b tetter -patent only
by the Kimball manufacturers are em
bodied In this king of pianodom. -
I Wo. chronometer could be . mad ;with
greater .'care' or more painstaking accur
acy isvery, part of tne
Is In perfect harmony wirn all 'other i
parts, v 80 careful Is the adjustment of
ths rtoale that the tone of the Instrument
:l Absolutely balanced throughout every
register.'1 Their action 1b the ver quick
eit possiiii; Vdroitung ef the most 4pi4
;repetltlb.V Speolal provisions are made
InJha Kimball plan&stto .guard against
the effsois Of dampness of moisluie. gold
4 Oregon Washlngtoif Idaho and Cali
fornia -by Vfli')!!'! It
161 Washington Street, Portland, Or.
Four" line stores, Portland, San Francis i
. As : . m i .... . I
co, pc aane, ana uacramenio. -
Marion, Baker; Linn, Harney,
Uacjanr)a3 Conventions,
1 1
The Marlon Coufity Republican conven
lion Instructed Its delegatee-td vote for
amrnor-Oy end nominated. the fol
lowing .tlekeW .... -
SepBtors-rSqulre Farrar, BalenvBPd B.
M. Crolsan,. Salem. Representatives-
Frank; Pavey, Salem; T. B. Kay, Salem;
H. T..udd, Turtief; A. M. Lafolletl,
Brooks ; Jerome Simmons. Monitor. ' Sher
i IIT-iJohn Btewer, Jefferson,' C1erk-Jthn
oumuu, Dmiq, necoraer. jonn :
Sfefcijiund, - OeraI;. 'Treasurer w," V
Richardson," Stayton. Assessor Charles
Lsmboke, Buttevllle. Surveyor B. B.
flerrlck, Salem.. Coroner A. M. dough,
Salem. Comnjissioner William Mlley, An-'
rorgi' ueiegates to tne state convention
Lot Pearce, Frank Smith, J. V. Poor-
man; h;t c Porter. K. M. Lkrore. K. u
Meyera, U tX Russell. B. M. Crolsan, W
H. Hobson,' i J. I- Calvert,- Oeorge O.
Bingham. George Hughes, Robs Moo res,
T. J. Crenlse, D. W. Smith, L. G. Breth
erte'li, Robertson, J. T. llosst F. J.
Geedr-K L. ;D,unagan, Jennings Smith, .
.' Rowland; ' Congressional delegatee
William Brown, Henry Workman. C. L.
Ogle, B.'-A.-.'M.' Cohrf, T." W. Rutherford,
J.' ! J.;, Murphy, George ' Riches. Oliver
Beers, Henry Zorn. P. D. Prunty, A. W.
Drsger, "K A. Jehnson. X H. Riches, E.
A. Kurt. S. G. Slegmupd. B- F. Oleey. 8.
W.' Read, J. W. Young, Fred Drager, J.
F. Blanchard, J. T. Jones.
The Baker 'County Republicans In con
ventlon yesterday endorsed Charles A.
Johns for Governor; Johtj L. Rand for
joint nenaior rrom waaer, siaineur ana
Crook, end nominated the following can
Ifdatesf . Representative Oeorge Chand
lor. County ' Judge-Charles Duncan, of
Baker City. Recorder Robert Henry, of
Sumpter. Treasurer Robert Palmer, of
Baker City, ' Assessor R..W. Frame, of
Huntington. Commissioner James R.
Giiklnson, ' ot.-: Burkemont. Surveyor-
Charles M. Foster, of Baker City.' Coro
n'er-DrT. N. Snow, of Baker City. tel
egatei to- the state and congressional con'
ventlons-"F. '.t Moots, Dr. O. M. Dodson,
Fred Huntington, Fred Base he and J. L.
Rand, all pC Baker City; Davls Wllcux;
pt , Haines I ! John Clark, N, C. Richards
and Thomas McEwen, of Bumpter; O. W,
Ayrs,.of Express: K. P. Cranston, R. J.
LangreH, of Richland. The .delegation. Is
claimed by" hts friends (or Congressman
Moody. ;-
ki&lUSK COUNT.Y. V .
The fight in thp Linn County Republi
can conrentiod wes altogether for J. R.
Whitney for' .State Printer, and the dele
gation stands ready to trade along those
lines, t The folo wing nominations - were
made; State Senator p. r. Kelly, of
Albany, jRepresenUtives J. H. Glass. F.
p, Comett and C, H. Purggrafv Clerk
J. fL Van Winkle, of Albany. Sharlfr
Joseph Hume, of Brownsville. Recorder
n-Charla Barton, of Oakvlle, .Treasurer,
Jem fclkins, f Albany. Assessor
Bruce McKhlght, pf Tallman. fCommls.
siontrQ.; H. Russell, of Sweet Home,
gunrsyor Hugh Fisher, pf godevtlle. Cpr
QoerWUllaia. Fortmlller, of Albany. ,
authority of thetTnlted States Sen
ate ibe government will purchase a val
uable hlsiarleal rella now owned by John
T.Polan 9t Portland; - This Is a manu.
script e5py -of the order book of General
Arthur fit. Clair. It eon tains entries for
a half Tcaf ' or more in 1791, tip to the
period oi .General at. Clair's defeat at
tha bands of -the Miami Indiana, In the
famoue af 'with the redskins,
The: order took Id question was the
property Of Mr. Oolan'a grandfather. It
ot right; should be a part pf the files of
the .-WaryPepartment, The Librarian of
Pongrsss. to s whom it was sent for
examination, 'offered Mr. Dolan $100 for
the hook. Senator. Mitchell , Interested
hlmselt ln. th. matter and the result was
the passing of a bill by the Senate au
thorising ..the. Secretary of War to buy
the book at price not te eaceed tsoo.
..i-, ifu j- -f . i
.The poMtioat pull I Mten Applied to I
.Is. i;-fK-.4;-,it' '4 ft .
The man with rnoty to burs, generally
taeets his twft. -..:...'.:,. V y. , .
Th Jailor sheuld not, be known by the
compear he keep. , - ' J. ,
-Tbe oiltoom of a courtship often de
pends on tht income. w . s -, -
JEve q. the: vegetarian ign't averse to
making hot eode meet.-; i
Some people eeuldn't break Ipte society
with g burglar's kit.' - r . A - - " ,
The f Sins with email ' -wnitxf'1 usually
have gresS Ataying qualities. '-"J S .
Most Men wctf Shirts and want them tp fit; :;Thty -
1 1 MT, hood snin.TSi r ! r) -
; CoralLie :i thegobd qualities, end $re risht
. here in FortlamJ by white girls. No Chbesa Ubor
, j f V t W,-HOOD SlflRTS
: Have Style, f Coot WfirtofC qualities. -They
) 1 ere mide in hundreds of different styles and colors
They O an wants. . s. 1 .
You taake no Mistake when you buy
CM' ' n H
,1 J'i'I1 " , ' I . '!-"! i. I. i,
t Xmtt6e4 ; i - skroraiaJ 1694.
a?.2? MertJaSt. :!-.-', ' ' - : 23J.235 0alf St . '
.' v
; . . Has remove to r 1 . -,
342 Washington Street
Where he will be plee4 to meet
ariil friend an? . patron -. .
,ii i 1 1 ' - ' i ' i ' i i ' . ' ' ' 1 i
I I , ,. J " . 'I .'I L.I I l i Mil il I . I
i Proprietor of tne:
Bottled Beer Specialty
Largest and post complete brewery In ffe Northwest
EBtabllshed 1 862-. v t,- Office, Thirteenth and Burnstde Bts.. ' -j
Telephone N. 72 ' PORTLAND, OREGON
C GEE W0, The Great Chines Doctor
TTs ..called; great be
cause his wonderful
cures are so - well
known - throughout
the United States
and because so
many people are
thankful to him1 for
saving their lives
from; operations. He
treats any and ail
diseases with pow
erful Chinese herbs,
roots, buds, bark
liw f. , entirely un-
known to miTal science in AWm coun
try, and through the use 0
less Amedles. This famous dootor knows
the action of yover ' W a,"e,
remeaieB mat ne ..nei i irww,,
used ., in different, .diseases. -He
guarantees to cure catarrn, """.,
lung troubles, : rheumatism, Berrousness,
Stomach, - liver, kidneys, female troubles
and all private diseases. ; Hundreds of
testimonials.' Charges moderate. 1 J
Call and see him. CONSULTATION
FREE. -Patients out Of the olty wrlte
for blank and circular. Inclose stamp.
MS-OKINB CO., 18U Third Btreet. Pert
land. Or, Mention this paper, ;
Some months ago the rather of a young
man who bad recently kntered the mar
rTied state had, occasion to dupatch. hid
faithful , nut eomewnai outspoxen oia
ft.rvant to his aon'a residence. ;
Ii When he returned, eager to learn the
old man's opinion ef the lady, be asked:
-"Well, you- saw the brlde.Thnmaa.
Tigh; Dw seed her.l', ,-.-,-, "
"She's a very rich' lady, Thomas."
Tlgh: po she ts. Aw've yerd.- K-
"Well, then, what's your own private
opinion, Thomas, hT''. . v . t
I "Aw thing ShS'e, ryt bonrty wehch
to tawk to," asvwel as beln' rich 'and .
Oliver,' but, Hialsther, IV beauty's a sin,
she' wain t ha' that to answer fur!"
II v'l
i to- mv k sk
London Tld-Blts. , ,
' I' j ' ! 'j' i i " p '
THJW) STlLttT ST, cor. Morrison . .
M 'Li ni ' ' ii i' 'mini ii 'inn
RetiencgphcHve Hflk 571
if 4
' " Buy Wire Coo4 fromtJve yvfrt Work, , ,
. lire and .Iron Fencing pf Vll .kindi, Bank - -
v and Office Railings, and all kinds of uteful
S - - ' and ornamental irorkr "
v - '" '
Portland Wire-ana Iron Works
J. fi. (IiO i (0.
, Oi. Chaniber ot Coqfc
We Guarantee!!
It you are Buffering with rhtuaatism
get one bottle pf LA-Cas-iKa aa Snake
pll Unimsnt snd if 1( ee not ewnefit
you return, the. bottles and rwt money
la refunded. At all druggists at MS eseh.
Yucca Root Salve ; will cur the most
obstinate cases of skin diseases, belle and
carbuncles, It la a sure Specl&o ure tor
plies. Try a bos. " Only Mo nt all drug-
glStS. ' r f ' I , f i 2
'A' S-blt bottls of the Oreat Tauls .
pough Cure never fall to euro the nest
aevere cough or. cold. Stops It in one
dose. " The only sure remedy knew for
croup an,d whooping cough." At all -drug-gist.
' . - -
f: If your druggist doe not have any ot
these remedies on band pome ' te bead
quarters, 1 ' 1 - , - '
'.- - 4!M Washington' etreet
Easter sjs,15q
California utteri, ,t
9 and 6$
Best creamery , J
... .I....,,.,. UW '
full crepm cheese
M . 1
k..w..)......,)e, Js
awns i-mwt ,..,...
IJmburger, eac ,u.....i.K,.t..i. Ke v
pall IsSd, for .....,'.ii...4.M.w;..-aie
iolb pall lard, for .:..:.V.'..!..iW.'lf
LaGrande Creamery; 3d ' - Yarr.W.I
0 v
it '
v 3