The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, March 26, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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rof An increase.
; ;Th ,,mplbye ' o. the varlou 'jjla nng
Sips In, th city Intend to better theur
condition. If ii strong organisation counts
for anything'. - The union is being rriarfy
d In, membership every day.. , ,
Th ikdIvm o( the various- sawmills
are also wganisng, wUh th view, ofc.fnV
creating their wage, and all Indications
ro to show that a great strike fat immt-
Rent about May 1 unless the demands of
the union arc acceded to by the mill pro-
prietors. ' . : - ' ' . j
The ", latter, howeven ar confident that
the matter will be amicably settled. They
hv made some concessions to the union
of the planing mill employes,' but they
er not of euoo a hat ureas to meet with
general approval . of union ' members.
The. concession was In the nature of an
Increase of 23 cents a day in the scale of
wage now In vogue, -V- -.
r. M. Xllgore, , "sticker", man at Nlcott
L rot hers planing mill, said last evening:
''What V ask for Is 10 hours' .pay for
liln hours lsbor. In Trisco the employes
get 10 hours pay for eight hours' labor,
and we arei entitled to something near
the same treatment as Is eoord4 thepK
Th proprietors have offered us anjo
orease of '?5 cents a day, but It I merely
. a 'dodge' to; keep us tr Jlne, ' Even If, this
should' b accepted luwould- not mean
tn Increase, in Wages that we demand.
1 thlnkl, however,' that, everything , wilt
bo settled at;sf actortly without necessi
tating tt.fU9t1 lAAiiiiM'-fr '
Apotb jaAU, toan , . said : VDurJnL M
raised in , pric,, while ,pur ..wage main,
th,fcamy Groceries, ,rentf an4 plotiJlng
;,gonq upvt'suaaonr' wages teaay
wUl' not buy what, they, would. a few
5 ar pgo. 1Ys merely ask ; for what
should be granted without the asking.
The mll owner art more proaperou f
day than they ver were, while our abi'l
ties for purchasing necessities , ar dimin
ished.' 34 '''.- tiUt Vi-..-. : -::' ' .
A ?j!..r.'.s f' . r v . 4
He stepped into : the place on Third
street jointly occupied by the local office
of the Illinois Central and the Canadian
Paclflo Railroad Companies. Cutting, off
a. chew of tobacco from a plug, he stow
ed it away In his mouth and sauntered
"up to General Agent Johnson. - -The
reader has heard of people who
were "born tired." rH Wa oft, of them.
la -a brief conversation .."Mth hlni', Mfc
- J ohnson reached ti. ncjuBlon thatt
know.- tat what it was h did know.
The railroad man nodded encouragingly
and asked:
'Are you going East?"
"Mebbe t don't know" said th stran
per, who seemed fatigued with jio much
intellectual effort Then, In answer to
Mr., Johnson's question, -r he . remarked
that he came to Oregon from Iowa, soma
years ago. H"dtdnt know whether th
part of lows, heedT In was h north
tro, southern, eastern, western or cen
tral portion. "All he knew about It was
"Just Iowa. with g rising), indectlpn on
the "o" and . the last syllable, pronounoed
s tnough spelled "way." ,
That 1 man dl'dn'f know khat road; he
cam , west on. Vk . didn't know what
timo or th year :h was landed here.
II couldtv;t ,remembr,, whether he cam
to PorfUind a aMl through, ptna.
ha,. t5 ,dldnv tnp w;;,whe' her, ft ras four,
yearsr l yrs i.'l1l.wa4ted to go
baclc pa s, Vifltj-r p lidnjt know whether
he Wnt4fto, s;o this spring, during the
summer ar pt tall.. , , lu.,r .,,;v.r,
That , rnan was. so ; utteriywearyji that
Jh ou,lt(, gjet ,up energy enough r to
eject, tjir0b4ccjiuice,.so;b. let 1 make
Its )own4 ecpt..inf'Uttl,J broen, rivulets
through hls.'whisker. When he Jeft he
promlsedtq ;buy hls ticket. f-Johnson
when he .gets ready, but the probabilities
re by this time .that he, doesn't know
he ever met Johnson.- In his way this
wan is a wonaer. -
"Ttiis will be the first year slnoe the
establishment of the Oregon Sugar Fac-
weaves fa stripes, checks and plain colors. Tailoring
throughout wiU bear the closest investigation, conse
quently we guarantee them to stand hard service. Our
prices range from $3.50 to $9.00.,
Complete, at Tempting- Prices:
Saia'I Rosenblatt & Co.
fery;tL;efananhrih iiniUtution
ill k. oft Any racHcal benefit to : th
farmers and land waer of the Qrahde
Rondo , Valley said : Jt I Causer. ;f
La Grande, Mr. Causey was the pro
moter who secured th ugar factory and
as -a. real esla( vnd Immigration -agent
nas Drougnt nunareas tL people into nt
Grande Rond VUey 'from the Eaatern
' Conttnnlng, '. str. ' Causey said: "The
first year of the - industry, . 1500 acres
were planted, lit beets; the farmers not
understanding th proper method of cul
ture, the crop was practically a fail
ure and tliey lost money. " The beet acre-
nge was ItOO acres. the hext year, and
the farmers still played a losing, game.
Ist year 'only 1,100 Acres were put to
beeta. tut the crop was a paying one.
The farmers . now ' understand how to
raise beets with-profit, fcnd will no doubt
continue t0 wiake money from ,tW .fcrvP-
This year J,tO acres will be planted, and
Ibe cornpanjf Is , trying to Increase this
transportation Facilities are
Needed for the District.
,W. CConnorMduperlntendent of the
Karl group of mines in the St. Helens dis
trict," .wa tn--th clty yesterday for a
short trip In the intesests of the com
pany and reports rich strikes on several
properties In. th district 4t spsaklng
of the progress 1rt. that section and th
success that must ultimately crown the.
efforts of mining men Mr. O'Connor aald:
"Bt. Helens is handicapped at present
by th very fact that should be th great
est aid to, Its plol taction and develop
tnent, that of Its -proximity to flvlllsa-
tlon and Its reWir cesalbiUty to trans
portation-facilities and smelting plants.
Peoplev dor not bellev In mines near their
back ioor:f:.,u--4Ct . .
. "On any olear day flt. Helens may be
seen- frgBL Portland ; si easily a-Mt
Hood, and Popl hav come to associate
It with it cenlo values rather than that
ofeommerolal esslbllttiet. Development
ia-Jttf district 1iss been slow, but steady,
demonstrating hot : Only the stability of
Ms leads, but also the richness of their
' "W hav already a number of mines
that' will b big producers s soon as
adequat transportation facilities may ds
had." Work on, these properties ha been
going on through th winter regardless
of th weather, and the people through
out the district mr looking, for increased
activity In,, railroad circles and th ex
tension of thos lines over their survey
Into the heart of the section. This will
solve the problem for all time, and dem
onstrate , to; the world that we have, tn
what ha been heretofore termed a play
ground for . tourists, one of -th richest
gold and copper regions tn the country.
, Prfrrd Stock Catsup.
Dellcat flavor. -
1ut't-2;'t1? if-- It J!X
i compeiieii
juage ueorg h. Williams
to be absent fr6nrfhe city for a few
days, having afte4 fchli bjitnlng for the
neppner country in ' eastern Oregon,
where Ms presence is required on legm
business. He will find that region has
progressed considerably sine hi last
trip there, j That Wa not a Very-pleasant
trip, and (n connection with it m story is
told.-.-. .t-w-.--: :
The Judge was In hi -Portland office
on day In 1W, when a man named Joe
Cannon, ; from Heppner, cam in and
asked for an off-hand opinion, He had
been "rtmnlng a 'band of cayusea on
Khare for Dock Swinburne, and he want
ed t.koowiif under any circumstances
h would Tiave a right to sell any of th.
horses, ... ; , -' ! , , . ,
Judge Williams told him that he would
In case th band Wa suffering for food
and In danger of death from a hard
wlntr,'for instknee. Then Tie would
hav a right td U soma of the horses
tft buy food for the balance of the band.'
Mr. Cannon and ' a chum named Tom
Kimsey took some of the horses over
near Westorl and bold them, and when
Dock Swinburne heard of It he had them
arrested.. At th trial Cannon had Judge
William subpoenaed as a witness on ac
count of the opinion h had given, and
the Judge had to dcop his Important
rase and his big lyf practice and go up
t Heppner t give testimony. In those
day It meant a rough ride of over fifty
miles in a mud-wagon or so-called stage,
and at ..that Urn -th Just was simply
stifling. .--&VV-W.V.-.
It was a tough trip to Inflict on an ex-
attorney general 'of th United States,
but the Judge went through It cheerfully.
and th majesty of the law wa vlndi-
catd,, i --A K'f-H.i - .'
!! address this advertisement to
T Mothers who Hnd it a hard
matter to get the right kind of clothes
for their boys -at the right prices;
Onridea of the right kind Is
Serviceable Fabric
and CoiTect Style
We give yon choice of r Urge range
of Boys' Suit in single or doable breasted
styles, Norfolk Sailor Blouse and Russian
Blouse' effort .. In sill tka mw ,.! ..,i:i.
Trout Season
Portland trout cntchers are now rigs
ging up (heir tackle, and when the open
season begins, April 1, a large concourse
of fishermen will be found along the
streams. People who go out trout tislw
Ing before April 1 are liable" t arrest;
Just now, trout fishing Is a timely sub
ject, and a brief abstract of th law i
as follows: '
It is unlawful to flsh for any trout by,
any menns whatever except with. hook
and line: or to take, catch or kill by
any means whatever, any eastern brook
trout. Loch Iven trout, or. grayling,,
before April 1, I'Mi; or to take, eaten.
kill or to have In possession any trout.
char or salmon less than flv Inches in
length, or to take, kill-or capture more
than 125 trout In one day; or to take,
catch, kill or have in possession an
trout except salmon , trout; during the
Months of November, December,. Janu
ary, February or March, or te flsbfor
salmon trout Jn any other than (tide
waters during said months; or to flsh
for any trout between one . hour after
sunset and one hour .befor sunrise; o
to sell, offer for sale, or hav In pos
session for sale or exchange any species
of trout at any time..; ' .
The penalty is a fine of not less than
KO not mora than .!!& or Imprisonment
In county Jail or both.
It ts also unlawful to explode or causa
to be exploded atiy giant powder, dyna
mite or other explosive, "or to place, cast
or pass any .sawdust, gas, lime, or olhk'
poisonous or deleterions substance Ire
any of the waters of this state. The pen
alty -for the first offense Is a' line not
less than f200.and Imprisonment In county
Jail : second offense, fine, not Ms ' than
tl.fluO and Imprisonment in penitentiary.
The Oregon FUh and Game Association
is taking an agtive Interest In the en
forcement of the law, and It energetic
eocretary, A. E. aebhart, therefore looks
for few violations. t
A dispatch to the New Tork Commer
cial tells tbnt a a result of hot taking
a tow from San Diego to Portland on her
recent trip up. the Coast, the British ship
Inchcape Rock lost $6,400.- Upon leaving
Ban ' Diego the ship had rJ ly two weeks
in wnicn to reach Portland to save he
grain charter of 0 shillings, and had
not the greatest good fortune attended
her passage she would - scarcely have
reached the Columbia river with more
lhan day or two Jo spare,- Rather
tnan pay tonnage Jem of perhaps l,5QQ,
the eutatn of the Inchoape Rock sailed
re' Pdrtlahd and wa ii weeks on the
way;'lrslhg the ehdrfer, .V " '
1 Thi"ilrana nturchah' and the Centurion!
iiy ah Astoria paper, wer, towed -to
ea Monday afternoon.' They t did not
have to wait, after all,, for. th building
of the ocean dredger but one, will ,hav
to be built before they can be Induced
to come again.
The ill-fated torpedo boat Ooldsboraut
has been hauled out on th ways at
Bremerton and a temporary roof put
over the forward part to protect her
rmie tne new bow is being put on. It
Is estimated that three months will be
needed to complete the new bow.
The American bark Harry Morse ar
rived at Astoria froinTllarrTrancisco
yosterday afternoon. She Ib under char
ter to the Alaska Fishermen's Packing
Company to take supplies to its Bristol
Day, Alaska, cannery,
It is reported that the third tug which
the' a R. V N. will place- oh the bar IS
the old Escort, which ill bf repairerf
and have a towing machine placed In Her.
The British shlD Fulnood Killed venter-
day with a cargo of isM.?56 feet Of lum
ber. She is bound for Callao,1 Peru.
The French bark Yarrisdale has moved
up from the flour mills 'to the' elevator
dock' hhd will begin to Jdad cargo of
wheat this week for Europe. ' ,
The French bak Vende Is at the
Greenwich dock discharging a cargo of
190,000 Are brick, SOO tons of coke, 1023
tons of pig iron, 10,250 sacks of sa,lt and
100 tons of Are clay. Th salt is in a
very poor condition, attributed principal
ly to leakage and sweat from the coke.
Elaht or 10 davs will be reoulred to com
plete unloading; the vessel.
The folowlnir canrn is fioltir Hlattharo-eri
at the Columbia dock from the British
Ship Dovenby Hull: 1U00 barrel Iftpee-
meni, za cases or Deer, over 7U0 cases oi
preserves and 200 cases of mineral water.
The vessel Is chartered by Balfour.'Xjaith
rlc & Co., and will carry wheat t'otj.the
t'lilted Kingdom.
The British bark Lota is lying at Mer
sey dock, and will probably begtp foadlng
wheat tomorrow.
A. 0. U. W.
Supreme Lodge Meets Here 1
June lOto 21.
: The Grand Idge of th A. O. X3. W.
will provide for the entertainment of the
8upremer Lodge of th order, which con
venes in Portland June 10-21. A meeting
of the General Committee of th Grand
Lodge was held last night at th office
of Grand Recorder Clark in the Commer
cial block, at which plans for the pbject
tn view were formulated. "
An excursion from Portland to Corval
11 and return was planned; to go up th
West Side and to return ;vla the East
Bide, with luncheon thrown In at Al
bany en route. A trip to Cascade Locks.
Astor and one out over the Jetty at Fort
Stevens or a rati trip to Port Canny ar
contemplated. The wlU be In charge
of the excursion committee, Captain E.
8. EdWardsB.tLC Durham and W. .
Reader. t! N I
AcoomrBodtlolfor th , visitor have
already beef) jnid by the committee on
notei Bcccrmmoditlons, J. K, werleln, J.
B. ManRnd ftaiph Feeney. -. . ,
A CrdJt4fc;outjlr bdg f th
148 THIrd Street.
Ve have jost received!
sixes, JL75, 12.8 t2. W and (3-00.
Homelmad E3Q NOODLES (Imported),
rsife. ' ' "t1-, '
Rem and Whfle) BAR LE ,0UC.
NRTsy 8I2E PIM?L8, 3 for 25c; reg, 15ci
1iwi MKLO " (An'cTiovtes. Olives and
Pickle, in OIL) i
HUTLER'S'LUNH, ROLLS, ffie each.
casion Will be proyiled. The city will b
gttliy decorated wltK color In honor of
the Supreme Lodge, whose .emblems will
be seen at everjf hand. The hall of th
Catholic Order of Foresters, Sixth and
Washington, ha been secured for the
gathering and one will be provided for
tne Superior Lodge, D. of H.
A feature of the event will be a great
parade, WTwhleb ; Workmen from Ore
gon and Washington will participate.
An adjourned meeting will be held on
the evening of April 8.
Those present last night were: R. L.
Durham. H. D.;Bamsdell, C. J. Wheeler,
T. M. Stevens, J. R. Mann, S. C. Beach,
J. E, Werlein,. Newton Clark, A. W. Al
len, T. H. I'earey, W. H. Reader, Ralph
Feeney and J. W. Paddock of the com
mittee and J. H. Zane.
Board of Publfo Works Award
J, Many." Contracts.
Many, contracts were awarded syester-
dMi afternoon for street and sewer work
by th -Board of. PnbHo Works. In each
case the lowest bidders got the contracts,
as, followsc f -' "
For th Improvement of Fatten avenue
from the Willamette to the Portland bou
levard, N. B. Golden & Co.. ,mK,
For tho Improvement of Patton avenue,
blocks, Debuhr o Bauer, 39.4. ,
For the improvement of Ivy street, D
buhr & Bauer, 537.W.
For the improvement of Sixteenth
street from Montgomery to Harrison,
For sewer oh East' Ninth street , from
East Flanders to East Davis, Portland
Asphalt Company, (288.30.
" For stone driveway In front of Fir
Department headquarters, to Edward Kl
feather.,$l50. , v.', .
Two ! new sprinkling carts were asked
for. This, request was referred to Super
intendent Ferguson of the Street Cleaning
Department )'., it .--i,i-t: r
.Th requeet ' of Mrs -Ferguson for '
horse: an,d tbuggy ; was r referred to th
Purchasing Committee;
.Th matter of th purchase oP th
steam street roller was. referred to th
filrchaalng, Committee for Investigation
aad reppru ', ':
Local Firm Looses Valuable
Goods In Transit,
While In course of transit a large ease
of goods billed to the Moyer Clothing
Company of this city was broken into
and 8T pairs of trousers were stolen. The
thief evidently knew good goods when
ho saw them-Ir. Selling, the manager,
says that heTiardly knows what to do
ifl.a Cas, like this, as the trousers stolen
were, a, part of a whole suit. How-ever,"
hi firm i decided to jK;et, rid,: of the -remaining-coats
and vests and In conse-
quepc ls today advertising them at .one-
half of the cost prlce There is no clue
to the thief, but tho railroad is making
every endeavor to caDturehim.-
(Journal Special Service,) ,
McMIINVILLE. March 26. Mrs. Barn
hart has gone to Sheridan to-look after
her Interests in the Bherldan Sun.
Louis Nelson has gone to Eur-eno to re
side. ' ::. .
Houser & Gee will open u bird store
here. -
Court ronvned yesterday. " ' , ,-;.
Mrs.- M. E. Hendrlck is the mother of
a new daughter.
Rogers Bros, are putting In new fix
tures lit their drug store at a Cost of
about ?6O0. '
. Iti thq Circuit Court yesterday the case
of Mrs. Emma Newbouse against Yam
hill County' for $5,500 'damages for Inju
ries received on a bridge during a run
away near Newburg was) brought up and
a decision rendered In favor of the coun-
ty.' T. I
NERjVE killing in teeth. i
Killing; the herv
in a tooth Is one o(
the things in dentist
ry1 that is terrifying
,to more people -than
any - on thing
of which w know.
The old- - way was
bad. The demons of
Hades , turned loos
would -not put up a
worse trouble . than,
-the .means' of some
dentist employed
In killing a m-rve.
Stin'people want to
save t heir teeth, and
are willing to under
take th ordear to
keep the tooth. We
want to tell, the peo-'
?ie "that we hav
ound a - wuv unit-
have been
long enough', to pro-
i)V It worth
' xWiaV "'tho-t- ealn any
"Jf. f"' J1? r! .r'" BMsT- '
- Cor, Third 'WtiT Washington" la. 1
. . t-.
"t, ,K, , I III . lim r 111 In I 1.- , i
1 Genera! Buperluitendept, O'Brien pf the
O. R. A K. C9. said today that the exten
sion th company -ia making 40 St, Johns
Iron th maia litt IriTAtbina' is progr
Ingflnsly. Ail -thei tu nd rall(ar down
aad , th process of rlpsapplng ia now In
progress. It Is Mr.'O'ferien's ojilnron that
th new; extension will b. in operation
Insid of sis weeeks. Werk on thW spur
was commenced about, two months ago.
When the line I. opened it will give Bt.
Johns-siich an Impetus-a It has never
; General Manager Edwin Stone4 of th
CorVaJlia Jt Eastern; with headquarter
at Albany, was In-th' city' today, H
visit Portland about twlc a month. Mr,
Stone, say "that his Mine, 'Which now 4s
ltj mile, long, Is not contemplating ny
extension at this time.; It l doing 1)
4t' ran to furnish Its patrons with good
Mrvic, Tiowevery and successfully. '
. . Ellis, general agent of tho Har
Hman lines at Seattle, is her consulting
with th officials of the Southern Pacific
and thos of the O. R. A N. Co. on rou
tln . matters of business.
C. 3. itlttl livestock gent of th O.
R. AN. Co., Is on a business trip to East
ern Oregon.
Industrial Agent Jud'son of th O. B, A
, N. Co, states that the outlook for the
sales of Hereford cattle under the aua
pic of the company at Baker City, Pen
dleton, La Grand and Heppner is most
flattering.. The sales will take place In
April, beginning at Baker City April IS.
and .continuing for two day at eftch
plao,. Buyer will attend from British
Columbia, Montana, Washington, Oregon
and even from. Northern Nevada.
,Th Rock Island is doing Its part tn
bringing In homeseclters.-eAbout SO were
brought In from points traversed by Its
tines Saturday, and. hardly less than this
number on any dy. .'
W.. L.' i Clark, freight and passenger
gent 1 of th Northern Paclllo at Port
Townsend, Wash., flitted in and out; of
town today.... ,,
r Aprttlttlur1aatBpike, marking the
completion of the Kettle Valley railroad
lift, will b driven with appropriate
Ceremonies. -' This line' extends from
tlrand Forks to Repobllc. A special train
will 'b' provided to Grand Forks. This
Portland raHroad 46tdny has received in
vitations to'attend. ' '
Construction work on the Columbia A
Nehalem Railroad will begin in a week or
s. This line will be 20 mites in length,
and will connect Columbia City to Pitts
burg. The rails, for the new line are now
tn Portland and will be sent at once to
Columbia City, at which point construc
tion' wilt begin.
The Northern Pacific Is contemplating
extensive Improvements at Ellensburg.
Wash, Among other things a survey has
been mads for the new yards at that
point. . It Is believed that the company,
intends to at once build the Llnd cut-off,
surveyed some time ago!
Th Great Northern has received a set
tlon forbidding tne G'rea'1 Northerhio ex
tend fls lines througH the boundary creek
district, under the, charter rights of the
yrctqrlai ' VahcolJy jjt- -.Easttri, : (he
stoppage Is -only ' Vmjiorar i',' ho wev'eK
pending Jhe adustmnnt'of matter's In con
troversy between property holders aha!'
the Great Nbrthern In the matter of a
right of wny.
The news comes' from Tacoma that W.
a. Pearee, General -Manager cf the
Northern PaclHc Railroad, has resigned.
Thomas Cooper assistant to the presi
dent with headquarters at Tacoma, suc
ceeds Mr. Pearee. . The latter will become
general manager of the Griffin Iron
works, In which he already has an In
terest. II. V. Jones, editor of the Commercial
West,' Of Minneapolis, who was In the
city yesterday, says that upwards of 300.
000 people will come to Oregon and Wash
ington thW sUmroer. Farmers 4n North
Dakota and Minnesota, Who have become
tired of their rigorous climate', look upon
this Section as ah Ideal nlaoe. for found
ing ft' home.'-' Mr. Jones Is sustained irt
hlsWlewa as to the Wtent of immigration
coast wine by . Both General : Passenger
Aght Miller of the Southern Pacific and
Industrial Agent Juasort of the O. R. A
,Th Columbia , Telephone Co. has v i t
printing-, done in Portland. Are union
men sure others do 7 .; ,
Cardinal Glaoomo Mlssla,' Archbishop of
Gont, Austria, at Korrte, aeed 64. '
J. Whnrion Golden, principal vitnes
aftaihst thu conspirators tvh.i 'tnwdered
Ooverifr Goebel of Kentucky, 1h dyn
oK.onsiimptlo.i .in New Msxico. .: Ills
death, wm remove much of the testimony
that Is keeping - ex-Governor Taylor an
exile rrom his State, and will set t ease
many of those ' accused of that atrocious
crime, - -. , : '? '.
Captain g. H. Frances of the State Geo
detic Survey at Seattle, Wash., aged
S3... H was an authority on the naviga
tion of Alaskan waters. v '
Prfrrd Stock Pea.
IXnn Held to can same dsr.
: in its plans tor railroad extension
British Columbia: Trie full cotirt there
' aiisflnet the 'lower court In Its be-
using it
will destroy a live mrpr -whhrh I.
. pain wha'tever, , pwrBundai-s, J
i 17 1 J
Columbia hone J6L rcen k
, G.hii oon i
y' eicr iKounds of Rambler ;
riders ii the "Northwest to testify to
' Tlie Attest of material, the best
skilled workmen, and years of ex
perience have made it
' C7
Satisfy all classes of riders
$25, $3ot!$35, mtt:
, i in ii lli i ii s II it lAV)
Also some brand new wheels fat
lower prices. If you are looking fbr
a snap we have it, but they will not
last long. Buy now.
Fred T. Merrill
-"105, 107, 109, 1
Vppef Alblna car No. tS wr.s run Into
by a wood wagon backlns in(o It Mon
day, the front platform of tin car bolus
considerably smashed.
QibblBh, & JopUn, who have the con
tract for grading several blocks of tht
Williams avenue addition, arc making
Ifood progress. . A large number of men
nnd teams are constantly employed '
L. B. Chtpmau, the St. Johns real
estate man. Is sunering with an attack of
the grip. '
The through St. Jofcvs car on the Up Albln ilne ran ovpf a big dog at the
corner of Williams avenue and Mason
street yesterday, instantly ; killing him.
;ThJloK had ben . ln .thJiablL. of .run
ning after every cat that passed ..and
yould catch hold o everything thatf
;qotyid get his tepth !nto; The through
fan doe not Sto tt kit on the Kast
fj.ile and run at a good rat of Upeed.
; Thoma Anderson' employed-as a. ca
rfpalref t the Bavlet street ckr barn. Is
tit the' Good Bamaritan Hospital, suf
fering with a very sore am. A short
time ago he received a small scratch on
his hand, but paid no Attention to It,
blood poisoning being the result.
Mr. and Mrs. M. ' B. MeCaul returned
Monday -from an extended trip -throughout
the East. ; '
The clerks, employed -In the department
store of Kennard & Adams, in Alblna
have recently Joined the Clerks' Associa
tlon and the Arm will hereafter observe
the early closing movement, theg first qne
on the East Side to. do so. ?
The Kangaroo Social Club gate a, hard
times ball at its hall. Grand avenue and
East Pine street, last everting. A large
crowd was present and were all dressed
in th costume of the Knight of tho To
mato Can. v
The Sellwood Board of Trade has re
ceived a comunlcation from M. 'N: John
son, representing a Nebraska incubator
company, who is thinking of locating
a factory in this city. The board 'has
tken up th propoaltlon.
Amend, the young daughter of William
Lewis, is ill with a very, mild case of
smallpox at the home of her grandfather,
491 Vancouver avenue. - .. ,
Miss Carrie Mankerti, daughter, of a
prominent Alblna baker, i suffering with
th tonsllitls at .her home on Williams
avenue and Sacramento street.' . '-
Eureka Ixdge, No. 125, A. O. U. W..
received a', visit from Grand Master
Workman Hogu last evening. Four hew
candidates were Initiated into the order.
The shad tree ar being trimmed In
front of the.- Williams avenue . school
f . TrtHVftiail DMAAlal O.... k
Et'OENE, March 28.-J. B. Chambers, a
prominent cltlien and capitalist, died lat
night. Mr,-Chambers was a large prop
erty owner and ha been largely Identi
fied with ' th. buslnes Interest of th
-, ..-.
U !
-::,'! BKCLESF
Cycle Co., Inc.
1 1 Sixth Stmt
George L. Baker, Manager.
Phones, Oregon 1076; Columbia B06, '
' Another large house last night.
Polite and Refined Vaudeville a Great
(..' '.'Success.. '.. t
Note th Btg Acts and the Time Thy '
iv, Appear. ''-:-
Leando Bros. 8:10
Wm, Walton ........................... 8:45
Lynn & Kennedy ..8:64
Frank Bacon ft Co. .................... :0
O'Brien. Jennings and O'Brien ....... :
Clara O' Moore :45
The Great Duffy Children 9:55
Carter and ThornhtU , , 10:15
?he Sensation of the Hour .
Th Great Cycle Whirl ....10.23
Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. , ' ...
Prices, matinees ..101525
Mr. Ben Stern present i
-lAiiw iicr fxceiseui Compaq
J ny," "Thursday and Frida
nights, March ' S7-28, in
, Saturday .matjne and1
Jght, 'jk&fKfl, MERE-,'
Special SALE
Rookam. Gerstley A Co.' "
. Renowned Pennsylvania
; A, D. G. RYE
' "FuH Quarts. 1.2S. '
Delivered to any part -f city.
D. Germanus, 22S Morrison Street
wise reopie
It ha stood th test of IS years, if you1
are, sick in any way. microbe are the
caus. Spring- especially is the danger
u Mm for sickness. Take Radam'
Microbe Killer. "Take It now "
i v MorrisofKStreeU
Turkish Baths
v . . , . - H '
Finest Bathjn the City. ' Also Mag-'
netle Vlbrafbry, Massage.- Nothing '
equal to it far building up th dad
tissue. Rheumatism cured In a
few treatment. ,
All nervous, diseases treated la a'
scientific manner. ;
Near 10th. " " " 'PJione, Clay 711,'
1 -r
i i
: s. a
y, ',1
Read The Journal
city and county. , , v - , -