rrnutSEflll XllSSlFIEDfADIS.: tvUSSIHttADSiCUSSlFIEDDS. t" 1 ? Senatorial Contest tn Umatflla and Union. tha BUU convention r:ovef, V tad j tho etnif glee for nomlnationa ar ,: lulnga of the jtuit; tb political Intereat ' Umatilla and VpJoo oaatiee will bo ' Hntertd In tha aonteet for tt. aen- aloe, .elected Jointly ; Iron .the v. two counties. ' .VWr-7--'.:' -, - The result the Vnlon bounty P." maris wauld Indicate that the RepubU- can will nominate J.-W." Sortber. of Za Grande. 1 Mr. Bcrlber to the head of i-tb anti-Church faction la TJnloiv ounj la . uhurt the Farmer' nd Trader' N tlpnal bank, and to an extremely popular ajtleen.- U tart4; sertolirttiar :? k. n.mrwmta -. will ' nominate to -. TUIl ln.t Mrw crtber Walter M, Peatc. ' the ' wheat . king, of iUmatlUaQualn .When It eomee Xo poMUct, Mr. Pearee . -waa 'Urp under a tftj nf w i dufojL ted for office only once and that e,t time when vno .Democrat, cpujd tte elected. ? On the other hand, he baa . efun been '.elected whe the odda were aaalnat him. f The people of Vnlon. an Umatula eountlea have, a neon pi Cf then ratbirlhaa partyTfor lefialatlv a4ldatea nd a lively Um jnay be ' ypected. 1 ;;-s' .5 THE INSULAR SERVICE. I 'liavtoiiaalfle the concrete reaUUa of I honeat and efficient Iheular a4mlntatra , - tton auch aa eaUhllahed order," eoo . .:' unmix revival, rrowlnr achoolf. apntadi , - Ina ' highwaya, . raoMtruote: n4 MultBhla t.iatlon tne moat coiwvwn- ufAt-.i th- aln 'f native truat and cpidahe;.lM traa thaa tha llrat American :3uW-im- fih .received vwith wavln ;,brJiehea. But aa.4fte9An dTiden the btee; knd i ammaa ml toot" eraaaj?iiatvf4 .,Mkti aid iMwrf!fet. " riaVuAl iuapfcron of'i loh preaa per rieirie.--IWt.i ..n Tnrt Rioa that have made It p. We. mvat tool for n aenUmental out buntsi'. Aafthe doVmanL Inarticulate el ajmenU of the race awaken under the Hlmulua, of - Improving .etajdard of )K,' ' the" llrat ' ory wnr be lolnf .. not eonUnt. But thU la the paradox of dT la W aecond pIace,etMln tuillBhtened 6BcWf"of enauUr lfllnlaWaon ara ervatallxlner Into firm .eofidltlone. Thua tha, native ijmcal partle4;aa. tending ' to ftnd. the baala of jrty: difference In leaitlma taeuea Inatead of in the eon ' to a faith In the American nauonp, totejiOwnpwardoBfcfcata the "-Xa&to'aM tie' aellVlttoil it ih .men tre) of publia patronage. The jpurlty of th Judlciserrand tba tntecrltr of the treaaury are-paaatnf :. from" mere phraaea : . taidiepeneable aondltlona. The merit jfiyjfeiilierMh aervloe, eatabliihed 'vtjferacifit batoocepted in theory, knd It tan acarcely be doubted that if aa preaented at.tha . comliur aeaalon of t Uiiuiat leglaUtttre; Uwtll recelva "th 'eo"raTaI supporf of ha iiatrve'houaea Of .iejafiii'4l)aeaiaaaaraiah,r aa learnlhar it political llmltiutona a well f U fit llttfc?eJWard 3of ; 1 $wUa1caMtaii4iHyMB,l -(.tttlve ceiMwit ita edr retarded ba n" taUiHuant; aenttment f Af gorio, .Rlio: the aureat auarahi!ee ef pontioai prol-r:' Wheo the hlatoi y of modern ooloplia ' Oea.la -wrrtten.! bHeveH wlU rfveal m mrf aiieditrfbW plod thktth.ea I Habbment of lvU Jarveirriintni In Porto I Bloo . For mora than te.ur centurlenSthat f ltUe-;tokhj,trtaewdl$ every ad- f vantaf that bounteoua nature could b f 'atawjatruirrflei'' far- life Under Ja aver lgatjt that- etood (or mllUarr. deapotiaa', - economle eiploltlon and aoolal iaola tlon. "'Than oamf the' American occupa- tlon and in laaa than three yeara after the atara and itrlpea roae above Morro s v?aim evary Amerlcah , soldier, - exoept tha.bAsdfuMeeded to -man the ooet de- aa'stwa beejl irtthrawnfrom tbe la j-ilaaASnd oiv rule, .waa rq, iMfeifre; aim f , lranuU wotWn..; Tbai ' bad beeo but ia in jpSeratlonr it ecoaomlo volley fash 1 lvlaMwMtz.'tlMi:' Wtrat,'W the lalaodand ;alch free ,cce ta bur markata and lmtnunity from tha federal I tat bwena are tlment; ' Finally, om I .laercfel laflueoeea, intellectual ourrenta I an eoclal forcea are breaking up the I Ut laolaUonTahV ? OjTtbj Rlgo rtjnlng '"by.lta ewn ohoibe and volition, American In MWWH 'weir, aa M f aa JT H. Ho!-. lander la the Forum. Prerarrod ttock 8trlnglaaa ara. New Torka flseat production. RURAL SCHOOLS County Superintendent of Schools Rob inson is devoting considerable time to viaiUng the country achoola. Ha waa at . the aehoola at Falrvlew Monday and found them In excellent condltlqn. Mr. Roblpaoa: will visit the other country cheol aa aoon aa the dutlea of hla office will permit, , ? . . Since laat' year there have been added to the country achoola one additional teacher at each of the following places: Falrvlew, Cresham, District 14; TroutdalK Clatdqt n. - " Thera, ro 104 teacberg In the :cunty outside of the city, and the average dally attendance of the puplla la about 2,600 1 A majority of the country achoola have aes alona ef nine months. I -T..; i . .. i ii in GIRLS PLENTIFULv. Qirla for housework are mora plentiful aow,' said an employment agent yester day. "For a long ''time we bad pundreda t of order on our book that we were un e able to fill, but aow that la changed. . "We can get all the glrla w can' use I af present. ' ' " j ' ; "They art coming In by tb hundreds. , Tacoma, eJeattle and the East are glv V.. Ingr aa our- present aupply . - ' i't TXha wages here. "nearly all the girls Claim, are much lower than -elsewhere,' and you ought to aee how surprised they loolt when we. tell them what .the wagea ,. "Glr get on an ..average about faj. a " month' and oard.'' but In the Cast they . fat narbr a third mor," - vl , preferred Stock Tomatoes, FHohtudpa (with green peppera. appa t 'f k ''ml 'Aciric coast esscutr CGtEWO.T he Great Chinese Doctor Ia called great be cause hie wonderful cures are so well "TTT" - known throughout a , I l the .. United fltatee 11 and because so I t many people ' are C"vVk thankful to hlaa fer I ..x,u,m their lives from operations. He treata any, and .all diseases with pow Ph iMu herbs. roots, buda, bark jTd Vegetablea, that are - eniiruii known.... try., ana tnrougn n ". fc nawa ! fe.il??. rU"- different over euooeaafullr remedlea- tnaj - , He used la v dlffw4 thtaa stomach, liver, ' kidneys, , female trouoiea and all private dlseaseg. , unrv f r; testimeiflala. bhergee moderate. Call and -aae blm CONBUt.TATlo FRatl2nUBout of the clty.wUe for, Wank and clrcutor. l'JKBJ21fc Address THK C, OKB WO ..CHINK8B -mkdiTN-B CO., IttH Third etreet,. Port land,, Or., MaMlon thla paper. , SHIP CONTRACTS. How a French Captain Rcpudi- tediHls-AgreeiTient. , y.- At,("T ! The shta contractor 1n' Portland gen erally are.a-"annleaaant, frame- of mad,,'i4s1hdBe vary irate, over the maaer.t3Wblekbl4a,tor( work are asked for, acted 'upony accepted, and then per haoa thfefolffiwlhftlduy rejected, without Utefaby, anfiHU4on otf.r firm. J An examejgt-iuiSfc uiry . -" here Saturday, when Cyjuli J-ffesirrt. f the FrenDhvbarV.Vnd caileil at 'th' olflce of Robert pttland awarded the tne IhVir'tKm ih't,1obcrt! .Jawlar had aa- 'ciirrd,-thfr eor.trast. ' ., ,, ' "Thaednt UKa it 'aaythat theae-aata of rfV(lcnv-:bbli'rthreF. - too frequent ttoor. 'i(if 'JTrtncK' officera, comtng Into this port,' arid step ' will be - taken to gnvrrf -niiiinst toy future entonglement vt t rUst" kind.' . "" '-"''thfevbtVactora-'lalio'allefa. that the 'French' captalna are not wholly to blame but Intimate that a French i capitalist at ' Astoria la the man 'with the influence to away the aea doga" aa be sees fit ' Preferred Stoef "inned Corn. Extra aweat and TtlC dlltf K HOT. (journal Service.) StiTTttrMpntCwh, ai-Soon after Chiet Or xOiice eyiiiu nHHrpvu uvui Ban Franclacd the' other day , ha met Po lice Offtoor Farinl 'Vn atreet car and ha tapped Htp to the officer and extended hla -hla hand by way of oourteoua jgreeUng. The officer, it la said, refused to accept the preferred hand.. x f The chief looked like one who. bad lost on a long shot and then he ruminated among hi thinking apparatua and con cluded that an officer with 'auch uncouth mannera should be suspended. Now it la given out from the sanctum of the chief that the matter of expend ing the obstreperous cop will be pushed aa far as it can-be without breaking any thlag. Mayor Davey and the chief have eon aulted.bua the result of the consultation la not made public: But the chief aald tonight that he con eidered the act off the .policeman a.lla grant . fntctur of, Ihe rules- of dlaolpllne now so strennousry In force .In the polloa department Of Butte. Xh1? haa been III feeling among the officera and the ehlet since the big scrap In January, whan a quartet of cop ware laid on the ahelf to SUNNYSIDE. .Mrs. Barhea.la very 11) at her home, 1602 East Morrison a'treet. . Ma'rlott -Varner, ' fealdln at f Jfcaat Thirty-fifth atreet,' is about to depart Jar bla old home at ZaneaylU. Ohio, to, t tlo up hla affairs tbore. ' Ralph Kroner recorrint from an t tack of ackrlet taver," ' ' -"TaJWl Of ' i FJpglatary, the Grand avanue, book jneaier,, if quite ut it w home.'VTt East Morriaqn ftrtet, with the acarlet fever. t ' Mrs. Harrta Is recovering from a recent ' Perry- Shlelda pt iBuperlor. WU., la Va King at the home Of 3. V. Honeyman, the Bunnyslde grocer." Mr. Shields baa lust proved up on, a mber elaim at MUI City and; will return: aorna. fof. , ahort time in .a iaWday.-7,t: -C4-1& The- aa'w drinking fountain recently erected on Eaat Thirty-third and Belmont atreet 4 provlna;. -.reft boon to tb thirsty. . r mmaa a ' fh,t '4lm fnr tvnftlrlns the 1 rVTVsef'd'f hlch he la chief offlcorv ,0a 4 $75 O1 ktfrW. V'krnheench' omccrnoti. eSt, IW 1 ..'fci'.; 5 ::'-W0iHTHl Beautifully located, perfect a: drainage,! city water, splendid car service, full size tot$, 50x100 feet and ver.!tl:? M ': Price $100 to $500 a lpti one- tourth cash, balance in monthly payrnenb of ten dollars a month. Title perfect and Fomaps,: plats and full par ticutars apply to i;.' ' ., ' TrTU GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. O and T Chamber of Commerce, , Ground floor, . Fourth-street aide. , OR AT THDS ' ' '.VORTH IRVINGT0N OmCE Corner Union Avenue and Faillftg Street. (Take Woodtawn or Vancouver Car.) ancs ilD. DDI - 41 Ali , great cities on navigable streams start at the head of nay jtfatiorianolJbund this rule has no exception, r The railroad to St Johns opens the -way for Portland to lollop the rule. ; There will sobri beia so)fd citv to the point of the Peninsula; and University ParK will be the center of wealth and culture of all the city between, the rivers. Nobody will dispute, this state ment If you are a strantfer here step into any place of business and ask, "What is the course of the business growth of the city?" The answer will be as above stated. Now is the timrto get a few lots at University ParK while they are yet cheap. We have Columbia University, Port land public schools and Bull Run Water, street cars, homes costing fronv $1000 to $10000, graded fboalevards; graded ' streets,? side walks, electric street lights. . Lots $200 each, nerms $5 $5 monthly. .No inter- taxes, no shanties, no saloons.' Abstract with each deed. UNIVERSITY LAND CO. 151 Sixth Si, hear Morrison Rountf ee & Diamond Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Phoo Grant 291 ' 241 Stark St. Motter & Donnell - Real Estate lr : and Loans Phone Grant 1071 243 Stark St. NEW TODAY. t Always Consult tbe Best COMTEDE ST. CHARLES PALMIST, CUIRVOYANT, ASTROLOGER ' He baa stood the test of 12 years before the puolic ot isucope ana America. - Why - consult a palmist or clairvoy ant at all. unless yoq consult one - who thoroughly under stands his profes sion? Imitators merely confuse and tell you things to please you, while 1 tell you the bad as well as the good. My Keaaings are entire' Iv different from oth era. and no matter what your troubles.-! doubts - or desires may be 1 will give, you the nroner1 ad- vlce regarding them and tell you how to. cnange a- me oi mis ery ana aisappaint' ment to one of ... t SI TPPRSS iNn TTAPPTn '. i I don't ear haaV doubtful you, are, t wDI convince you that there are truths in -what I te you. or my reading costs you nothing. Call at once and be convinced that there IS yet hope for you. Parlors 25-26-27, The Cosmos, corner Fourth and Morrison. En trance 268Vi Morrison 8t. i- Oamti de Bt Charles tesches his profes sion to others, Mediums developed. Palm istry taught. Hours,. 10 a. nv to $ p. m. daily and Sunday. - FULL LIFE READING 60c. : Mra.tockju.Sciantific Falm!$tr No. 205 Goodnough Building. MM A lUa Tdmon. running from B4 to !4th and X pEi!otort ThurmaB at . near Mat, WWFuil lot, aoutb front, Marshall at., flSFuiMot oa Marshall at., near ttth, llfsOollJSorner lot and two cottagea. Cor ; bett and Arthur ata. . K. 000 60x100, Irving, between M and 24th. Full , lot and 8-room house, 704 Flanders illlsojArgehousa and one of the finest iuarter block in Nob Hill; fine shrub. ' bery, beauUful locajlon. A good bar- tl 850 Lot on Columbia t., easy terms. , U.00O--1OOX100 and two,i bouses, Caruthera. vt.i near Front., , , t. . ' rt tl,h-B0xl( and two'liouses, Caruthera , at., near Front. . f , . '2i 2,S6o--Corner lot and f-fjiom house. First and Curry sts. " . . ItlOtr-TBxWH and -room house. Front sty. near Arthur, v.v . , 13.400 Lot and two cottages, .Hood st., interest paying. ., . " BPEClAt. BABOAINS tN EAST PIDK-j 6xlOP-.Beautiful corner, East 16th and Oak: .good house. A bargain. -S,6 'Corner -and'H-room house. East Second and Wasco. 12.864 f 60x100 and modern -room house, East 10th st.r 60 feet north of Gllsan st 13,600100x100 on Union ave near Holla- day ave.i knd new house. 12.(Ki6Vl-ot and two store, buildings, Rus- " sell St., Alblna. '. ' $1,60010 lots In Erwin A Watson1 s Addi tions, adjoining Alblna. t3,750 100x100 and 8-room house, Holladay avegear steel bridge. $5,000 Two lota and new- modern 8-room house, partly furnished. Holladay's. . H.toO-lOOxloO and! new -room house,. Pat- ton Tract; close oar lne.- $2,40O-Two sightly' lots and desirable cot tage, Page at. and Oantenbeln ave. Several fine quarter blockit, Holladay's Addition; aewer, and street In.prove nienta. 1 $2,650 Beautiful' quarter block, East Third -an Weldlgr, aewer .and street lmprove- ments, . --. t" $l,000-8ix line lots In Central Alblna. - $2.000 Corner lot and good "-room house. East Ninth and Ilncoln streets. J3 200 Two lots, modern 8-room houne and earn. z bsst oevenrnr $2.2SO-rlO0xl0O and two cottages, Eaet 12th ,. ana t-iay sis. , $3,000 100x100 on East Ash. between lllxth ; nnd Seventh, Good buy. . A '' $4,000 One of the most deHlruble half -blocbe- In Holladay's Addition. J ; $1,450 Lt ' and' 7-r66m house In Sunny- t sldeisewer conneetiun, eto. . : $3,W7lOOxllO!ta;eiley.,rand modern T room house. Arbor Ijodae. -. $850 Fine quarter 'block, Fargo and Kerby streets. . - ". $2,000 -Corner, 60x100, E5t First and wasningtpn ata.: choice warehouse nrooertv. tl.eoo-Beautlful block In Waverlv. 200x230. IdSO Fine Quarter block, Central Alblna Addition. $400 Fine lot on Alblna ave., near Morris at.: beau. .cut view. $180 Good lot. Lincoln Park Annex. $1,200 Full block. Pattun's Addition. 40 acres of line land., on Base Line road, nines irom center or city, 3,zw. 20 acres near Mount' Tabor, $2,000. Favorable terms on nvi of thhnv OKiNOSTAFF & BLAIN, 246 Btark. ugar claims on. Call at once. W. H. Rldi- ivyi rvuvm o, iwyt r irsi Dl. Lots in Polntview Addition at half price. Motter A JDonnell, 246 Stark street FOS SALE-HOUSES AND LOTS. .. rr-r- -rrr - rr--y '- $20Q(li-Modern f-ro9m- house, unnystde, ; full lot ' - . . i - 1100 4 -lots, wlndrtfllW, '64 fine fflt trees, bearing; earca .tine, -' ' ' t 150018 acres jon. base, line near Mt Ta- , -H ' . 'llOQ-!xfoO, i blks.' from BurkhaH Blhg.. 1 t nion ave. nortn, . , ?j0 Lot on 11th' street near Division st, citift seres to exchange for lot. $500100 acres, all in cultivation, to ex change. v DIEL & REGISTER, 254 Alder St ''. ' ' ' - . . For Sal Miscellaneous. Furniture wagons, trucks, hacks, coupes; also al other vehicles. m) sets harness nss. 1UU 4ddles. - Tomllnson & Hall, 211 Washington street; For sale at a bargain, a H-room flat in best location In Portland. Cheap rent; ; well furnished. 871 Washington street. AGENTS WANTED- Llve. energetic young men for route asrents at Bellwood, , Fulton, Southern - Portland. Mt. Tabor. Irvlngton. Klch- mond, Waverly, Bt. Johns, Peninsular, Oregon City ana Vancouver. Address, - The Journal, una Yamhill street. . . ; HELP WANTED MALE. ' WANTED Flvi bright boys about I 19 years old. to carry Journal Routes. Cajl - at once. io jnunw, w i.uiuw, - . - . . . . . . 1 All . ftlPM aannVGneraTlMirehan nesa'm a mnvina xown. nnnd country blacksmith shOD. i Good country aawmlll; plenty of tlni CinaA hotel In a thriving town: 3. A. HENKLE or A. A. BAKER. 2l Ablngton bidg. . , BUSINESS NOTICE. The Amea Mere&ntUe Agenc la In a po - si tlon to advise you aa .to business con : dltlona In Oregon. They can find you a ' purchaser for your present business, or a new- locauon. Nice Clean Rooming House, doing good business, near Portland Hotel. Room Zltt Ablngton building. DANDRUFF CURE. R. Shields, 46 Third St. N. Herpicide, In dividual application or by the bottle. . MONEY TO LOAN. MONET to Loan on City lota and Im proved farms. W. A. Shaw V Co,,, 343 - Htars oireei. - - - CLASSIFIED ADS; ELECTRIC WORKS. Western Electric Works, 80S.. Wash, at. TICKET OFFCIES. Overland Ticket Office, all points. j40 Third I to $20 saved to I 'TEAS AND COFFEE. Haines' Tea Bton Fifth Bt, opp. : u Fa'mpua Mistletoe Tea, roaiomc. - TURKISH BATHS. ' V. Hubbard. - Best Turkish Bath in the city 714 Dtkura Bldg. SAFES. Safea for Banks and Merchants, bought and sold: lock-outeopened: general ra- pairs, Jalla. ' J. S. Uavta. at Third St PLUMBERS.! Taylor Stanton, plumbing and ateam ftttlng.. ra Bixtr svrewu - . SLOT MACHINE!, r Alt styles; repairing; phonographs,, rec ords. Transcontinental Machine Co., $i ,- Tu.-hlnftnn fit- K .-..j, , . V. TECHNICAL- 8CH00U - The International Correspondence Schools th'ranton. Fa. John J wu, 1217 AUsky Butldlnt. ATTORNEVSi:, at Simon, olOChamber of Vommerca, - ---..r H. 2C Sargent,- General Practice, notary public ftsa-fisa Chamber of Commerc. R. A, Frame. 618 Msrquam Bldg , Charle A. Lucas, Room 639 Chamber of James Gleison, 2 and S Mulkey Building. ACCORDION PLAITING. Miss O. Gould, sOl Marquam Bldg.: ac- curuion na ami piaung ana pinking. ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR, George T. Murton. 318 Cham, of Com. rngm . jirtwn soo, tjooaaeepmg, t per ting .teaching. . (). j.-., . AS8AYER AND ANALYST. Paul. Baumel, Assayer and Analylat; gold aust oougni. U8M Btark at. . ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER. Fred A. Biun?s2d at. Tel. Oait 76. Vea- sets ana machinery of all kinds de signed. . - . . BARBERS. Joseph Reldel, VOi Morrlaon at ' FullUove A Moore, 232 Washington. m; " Cv V. Hare,, 140, Fifth atreet. Browning Navajo Herb and Vine Roots tor XJanarruff ana failing hair, tau jst. BARBERS' SUPPLIES. G. N. Wilson & Co., 80 6tb St., leading Darners' supply nous psoido coasu LEWI8-8TKVOER Barber Supply Co.- unnaing or an snnrp edge tools spe cialty. 151 First St. J. T, Williams Posting Co., 840 Morrison street. I . - "BttLt A ROT A B L E 6. The Brunswlcli-Balke Col lender u cira street. . . , ' BOOTS AND SHOES. ATfcTeyers, $7hirdjitreet..' "7 T Leo Belling, 15T Third street J. Snger' Repair 3 hop, 440 Washington. The Nelson Shoe Store, 43.. North Bd at Marks, Shoe Store. 233 Morrison at., near aU. A?!UV tfIinss initivr snun. BUTCHERS. B. F, Jones, 172 Sd street. Union Market. Phones. Ore. North 1400, Col. 1411. ilia uurnside atreet Pacific Market Phone, Grant 1411. 804 wasnington atreet. ?PJ?EJTRjOR8. ; SmytW A Howgrd Co., 013 Chamber ot commerce. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. John A. Melton. Caroenter and Builder, sut Btara St.; omce ana store naturae built and remodeled, altering and re pairing- houses. Phone. Main 747. The Bell Bkloon, "fie "Washington street. The Knob Hill Saloon. 041 Washington. The Orlentsl Cafe, 92 Washington st CHIROPODY. AND MANICURING, Wm. Devenyv and Estelle Deveny, 801 Aiisay Biag., sa ana Morrison. L. Mitchell, Expert Chiropodist. Knight's Shoe store, km wasn. st. pnons ttooa 7m CIGARS AND TOBAWO FreJlBoskowtts, 375 Washington st Dreyfus V Germatne, 201 Third street Plasa Cigar Store, 211 Third st. The Railroad Cigar Store, 834 Wash, st M. Bullut, 81 Third st North. Bi Slchel & Co.,' Mfg. Tobacconists, ($ ; Ttura street, jrontana. It .i ui rlllT. inn uiiuiurDV bTvktt.l. rynu mnwnini.ni Fredf Merrill Cycle Co., JOS-Ul Oth et. 5 Vld'ett Blcyeles, - Aiuer'st. Phone Red Sewing Machines and Bicycles, 830 Mor ,' rlson atreet. CURIOS. Andrew Kan fc Co., Morrison and 4th ata. P. M. Averlll It Co., Col. phone 703. 881 Morrison at roruanu. CONFECTIONERY. A. I-, Coffman, Chocolates and Bon Bona, 3uO wasnington at. W, 3. Powell, Candlea and C!ffara,,4a0 wasmngioa iroi.. Henr? Blumenauer, Manufacturing Con tecttoner, 430 Washington st CORNICES SKYLIGHTS. Skylights, Galvanized Iron cor nices. J. C, Bayer, 205 Second at; . CREAMERIES. La Grande Creamery Company, butter, eggs and -cheese, Yamhill at. Phone, Ore. Main 770. - Arlington Creamery, butter, eggs, cheese, , '.etcrttff Burnstde at COAL AND WOOD. breaon Fuel Co., dealers In ail kinds ot i coal ana woou, rn . , . wwh. BanfleKKVeyeey Fuel Co-, dry flat wood, "lo M st Phono Main 3 and Col. 271 CHINESE PHY8ICIAN. Dr. C. U Gee Wo, UZVt adV at. NE. oor, Alder :. DECORATORS. H. P. Cbrlstensen, wajullpapej and painter, 141 Oth etreetrcprper Alder. e: H. Moorehousa & Co., wall papers, $ot m.ihinrtnn street . .-; nOkiTlSTft 131 Third atreet v.:,, B. VL Hamby, I. D. 8.. room Waah- .Ingtoa bldg., Waahlngtoa and 4tb ata. Theodore 'fc.Thbmson, ttVastgtoa bldg., Washington and 4th sts. - Phone p. S. Lang worthy. ltt laon t ? ) HloVey at Rickey, rooms 81? to 1 Veknm fbld!d ano'wash, ata. Phona .-IkmtH ju .FINANCIAy- t300,Dn-to loan at 8 and 0 par sent, Wa. r77,uir. jl21 Morrlaon at - - DRESSMAKERS, V Miss Lovghlla, U Uwla Wdav '- ;"-; Mra. B. j. Oliver, MiUiaarf Farlora, room DRUGGISTS. Gradon Koehler, 841 First atreet ' O. P. g, Flumwar, 800-803 M atreat W. D. Lauthera, no North 3rd atreet " I C. A. Watson, 88 Nortk 84 atreet Rowe Martin, 0th and Wash ata. Frank J. Stratbig, 142 Wash, street LkUe-DavIa Drug Co., 178 Sd et. Phene 048 ELECTRICIANS. Mra C. 8. Fery, 261 H Morrlaon at ENGRAVERS. Hicke-Chatten Engraving Co., Morrison, between 1st and 2d sts. ELECTRO PLATING. Gold, Silver, Copper, Nickel, ate. Penlnsu- ar naung worxa, vat wasn. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Oregon Employment Co., 22T Burnalde at Red Cross Employment Co., 128 1st at, upstairs. . i . . s i ACME Emp. Bureau, 186 Morrison Help tre to employers. rum Morm Col. 2s7 FORD' 8 Employment Agency, 14V4 First street, rortiana, uregon. - - FURRIERS. Th Bllverfleld fur Mfg. Co., tW Morri son street.- Hi Usbes 4V Co., 880 Morrlsea at Phona naa anosti lira Morrlaon atreet GENT'S FURNISHINGS. B. Qarich, Gente' Furolshinga, 85 N. Sd at A. Rosenstein, Clothing, ate., 83 N. Sd at . GROCERS ; f."-treMer'' doWM " WaaS.' "atriat Owen H. Berple A Co., Fancy Grooerlea, ass Morrison atreet. y- C. O. D. 80th Century Groeera, Hamm Walker, S07 Third at Phone uiay (w. F.-8. Godfrey. Family Grocery. Sixth and Uurnside. leiepm Telephone ttiaca n HATTERS, Phoenix Hat Factory, W. O. Allen; prop. m waaningtoa - at . rnoao. ea arte. HAIRDRE8SINQ, MANICURING. Paris Hair Store, 80$ Wash, at, up-to- 4ate nair aresser. The Arlsto Beauty Pariora, manicuring ana mass are. gu Morrisoa atreet. ' Mrs. F. J. Lynohv skin and aealp apectal- ist. age Aiiaay bldg., aa ana Momsoa. Cosmopolitan Hotel and Cata, $1 Ncirth eoraea .Davis. iSji, . -,1 itSi and cite, $1 North Third atreev riAI,5..H5itI- if'.AJM $1.60 per dsy. Front and Morrison sta, Hotel McCauley. 9- F. MeCoulay, 210 Morrlaon at Phone, Cot U, North 041. ' prop., Ora. Merchants Hotel. Ratea, $1.00 t day up- I pnta $4 to 810: gulta $18.80 to 885. Char ward, Third and Da via atreeta. ley L, 106 J. Third Bt HOUSE FURNISHERS, Home Furnishers Furniture, Carpets, Parlor Goods, Stoves, etc. Sea 1. &ev urts A Sons, 173-178 First, 818-820 Tam- nui. aotn rnonea so. - INSURANCE G. Rosenblatt roome 820-223 Sherlock bldg., $d and Qak ata, pboaa. Mala 138. Puffer. Burgard as Co., 851 Wash, at JEWELERS. ' Beldlng Bros., PUmonda, Watohea, to. 4$ Third atreet.'.: . The L. O. Henrlehaea Co.. lewelera and opticiana. xst wasningtoaj atreet. The G. Heltkemper Co., manufacturing lewelera, sua Morrison at John A. Beck, watchea. diamonds, etc.. 207 Morrison atreet . , Vanderburg Watch House. 140Vt $4 at Uncle Myera, Jeweler," 1 $rd at LAUNDRIES. Clean Towela Dally. Comb, brush, soap. $1 per month. Novelty fiupply Co.. & . u . JNinin at. lei. uew LIVERY STABLES, Mlsner 4V , Hayden Fashlea Uvary Stablea, tb and Oak ata. Bumslde Ltvery Stable, comer Fourth and. Burnalde ata. Phone Ore. Black $01. Frailer A McLean Livery Stable? Both phones W. No. aoo to 200 0th atreet MASSAGE. W, H. Faulkner, room 10 851 Vs Morrison atreet - '-'",-'' MINING COMPANIES. HoniestSke Gold MlnlOf Co., $0 OAd Lewis bldg.. , , ' ,'4..-.. MUSICAL. V Piano, clarionet, cornet .violin . Inetruo fere aold an New York. Washington,, x .ni tons. Prof. E.. A. Baltavpaw.ttlSUb aaaV8tIu.vBaW4r, , i h'iwii 1 " ' Francisco and arlous points .?9,,;on' MONUMENTS. wXswXU, Iaho, Montana, ond Britu,. Otto Schumann, monumental and build- mg worn, nt 4 tjiru i c.nm.w. u Ml . 1.M K. .b mvtM .Im), Ml. . tan HU, mmm.,, ... OSTEOPATH; L. 3. Smith. Pariora, room 400 Oregontaa tJtttW.-AWiCISiaTa ff. OREGON VI AVI COMPANY. - ! Lewla Bldg., Park and Morrisoa. - Bend (or Health Book. CoasultaUpa tre. '.v: '. PATENT MEDICINE. ;. "-'-'''' SorTnTitrema Meo1oliroTATSkF r pttilalng... -.kv;, ;;.. '.;-t-r.:W ,:t:S .: .. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, pr. Amelia JUeglar. 09$ Marquam Bldg. . Dr. Cora C Talbott H T'' e--- " i .. -. . a a i.nm-n i . .... , : Jnca In diseases o( w - 80S Balmoa SU PRINTER 'AND STATION ZHY. 3. R. Rogers, job printing. S-3 i-orrlson. Vacla Henry, U Kann Third atreet. fortlsnd Loa Offlee. Dsn Marx. . intra sl. acgr uaa. rnn ttrown a - PAINTS AND OILS. Fisher, Thoraoa 4k Cov Front aad Mor rison BIS. ,-.:,.? '- '.m :ifvv".plANOS-"i,H'' v.; gKil Bros. Piano Co.. $20 Washlrgun Bt ttler'e Piano Rouse, Hlgh-Grada Flaaoa ana urgans. goi wasningtoa aw -, Pianos for agio or rent H. Blnahelmer. n -xnira av, ' - I Fisher Musle Store. Everything in Music. fnon. ttea veg. uo Third bt - - PHOTOGRAPHERS. 8. W. Robinson, Commercial Photography K Morrison tit. . . B. Moorer Crayon and Oil Portraits. Third and Washington Sta. The Photographic Co., Commercial Pho tographer. Mueaeu Jtsia., eta a wasn. -' REAL ESTATE, Lehman Loan and Collect too Agency,' 708 inamoer or ijommereew y . v,', 3.V. Compton. Phono Black 829. ffl Waaalngtoo Bt. , t The King Real Eatato Aaaodatloa. W Chamber of Comsierce. E. F. Riley, 008 Chamber of Commerce. C BV' Plympton, - Loana Negotiated. AlUky Bid., Third and Morrisoa. Chas. H. Korell, real estate and mortgage loans, sot wasnington. jtaia ooo. R. Hi- DUNN, real estate en4 financial agent, o. iWA irt atreet, rorvUf RKSTAU RANTS. ; Near Fort Reataurant androyatag Pouee. 9 1DUB SJU1 SOI nil OM. - , , ,. I Btroueea Raetaurant 828 Washlngto St I Bllly'a ffe Roase, 841 TamhU it- buae and w tsiieaqt, $ Third RUBBER STAMPS AND STENCILS. Chas. B. Potter - A XJovimfrai -ifubber stamps, seals. sUnoll. Ml FalUn,Bid. ORIENTAL 8H00TINQ GALLERY. The latest nartlseopa vlswa, Ot td at STORAOE AND TRAN8FER. C. O. Pick, tifflco 88 Flret St, bet. Btark ana wax; paone ouo. tano ana iuim tur moved and packed for shipping; eommodioua fire-proof brick, warehouse; Front and Ctayts. , r - Storag at low ratea ea n be h ad at Fred nckal'a atorahouaa, 81 K. Froot fit, Furniture, Plam. end gafe Mof and i rwsw. vmw w I street. " STATIONERY. 1 t.-M w rtn. Rnnkseiler. T mV C. a, ,,m ft . jjwlng, Bookseller, T. ! '.T fea ourtk MU Fottlaal Nlcoll the Tallory fashloaabla tailoring. I Third St ' t k I w-a call for. elean, presa and deliver one , suit each week for 8 1.00 par montn. e4 Waabtngtoa Bon Ton Tailoring Co., 8 Third St- opp. .. Wlasavauaavc w vwhi- TRUNK FACTORY. . ortiand Trunk Co,, 60 Third St. whole al and retail; send for catalogua. Phillips Trunk Co., $11 Morrlaon atreet Uiq trupxa taaen in muwh, Barrla trunlt fo-trunks, valises, oatch els, ate, 881 Morrison Bt TYPEWRITERS. .. iintu All tnakeS'ef typewWtaro l . rent SupplU for all machujaa, $ 4b 'iT Alsxander. Co fjts.f, f. ,it - Nearly 'new Jawett Typewriter 't ha f prica, -.BoK A. aara Evening Journal. ; UMBRELLA WORKS. KrUanTumT.lla paraaoto made to trdar 1B0 Third bt. Mr. C, Cornelias, Allsky Big.. Third s4 rrlson. Circle Fridays. aUttoga dauy. WALLPAPER. I Erneat Miller 4b Co.''WaUpoper and I roratlona, 127 Flrat Str- - dee- BANKS. CANADIAN BANK OFCOMMJCny- THE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBrA. SSSlSia ".::t:T.:;ftool ransscts a'Oeneral Banking Business. witn w mew " Aemunts ocened for sums of $11 and UP waTda. MdeW.rt allowed on minimum monthly balances. Ratw on application. mv " , 244 WASHINGTON OT". . E. A. WT1D, Manager. OTABLHDw'i. ; ' Tranaact a General Banking Buataesa -Interest allowed on time deposits. ' CoKonVmTd. at all point, on favorj able terms. Letters of credltssuea avallabuT to Europa and, the. Eaatern BtAit 'WTehanr and Telegraphlo Trsn. Exchange aold on London, Pari, Benin, i rnkXort sua nvui , - . - . I - mm maam , I ' , U V . 'n 1 vtf vWATaON Prealdsn t j r. u DURHAM......... .... . -"u, I Vla.tiadlilaiit BUSINESS!. i&tW! pougnt. London aV SAN' FRANCISCO ba:.. I w of i commerce bulldlnf, J cmr Ba i gtark streets. . Tfcl! Head offlee, 65 Old Broad street. Lor,-. hknk transact a. a.neral b-.j business, make, loans, discounts mu. . UNIT! D f TAT t T 1 'i riicts a ' Drat' vr" 1 PrM"' '. 4 - c.