The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, March 26, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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    tf,r-i AUfja D. BOWKN.
Mala 500
: f - X ? SUMClUptlON WUOt
WWW . T . . . . . lOCentt
Delivered anywhere In the City.
By mall to any addreaa, $3.00 per year.
-i - . il.uu ior iour momus.
The unseemly haste of the French
."' la the United States for forty million
recalls the great scandals in connection
.'V wJtft.tbe floeUng .of, lts stock at,
V ' The ehowlng that barrel of money had
- been used. in bribing officials and other
'"to boost the fctock caused' the eminent
-'engineer .DeLesseps; to be sentenced to
' ; prison in his old age. - ' : ;'
The scandal recalls the fact that Gen
... era! John C. Fremont had aome expert
X-ace with French speculators. And fo
' lt In UTSi tba French court sentenoeo.
lilrh to five year' imprisonment. Ha wa
here. In, his own "country,-at Tthe time,
y" ' aad never accommodated the Frenchmen
D going over to serve Ms sentence. ,
.. ' The charge was that 'he and hla broth
; . eMn-law anff ftve others had floated
bonds of the Memnhla and EI Paso rail'
.road, xmly our miles of which had beet.
' " built, "and tba Frenchmen were .cinched
to the tune of is.000,008- franca. It was
shown tba much money had been spent
Jn subsidising the French press and off!
- clals so aa to Introduce the bonds en the
. "Pari Bourse and deceive the people.'
. . M.' le Baron Gauldree-Botiitau bad mar-
Tied another of Senator Benton's dsugh
(fttMl saW thaV iaheti ha "came over
i to New Tork.4a-.aea the Benton aetata
Wtled 'tin anil take bacK hltf' wife's big
aUce.baj found -hat Oanerat Fremont
bad baeto running ;n election and, 'fret
1 tin . ibllngs' ttip, tor ina 'boya, and that
ha-wwld only get these raftrsBd bonds; f of
Wa JWfVa lfer.n Bo Vi todltl'them
.. '.Jiama. ad ,had the French people' make
JPeoplT.who iave lived long enough In
' the Paolflc Northwest to appreciate
and then change, their residence to other
. partis vary- of ten 'return, and are aeldom
satisfied elsewhere. Lieutenant Edward
8. Farrow la one of the latest to thus
" announce his Intention. He baa been,-
resident of New ?ork for aeveral yean
-and practtcea'Jth. profession of a civil
and mining engineer. .Ha bag' Interested
Eastern capital in the project of bulldini
a railroad from Baker City to the rich
copper mlnlntf country oflfie 7 Seven
tXevUs,, and he is soon coming back to
Oregon to P:w!,)Jl;ns, 4:
uwutetisnt rftrrow. ie otia eaer
Ttetlcrabidierii who' li iiflarterorcWtiTj!
ago was Jnhhe .fletdi' against the hostile
. andlana of tha Northwest, and, with tHi
gallant old Twenty-first infantry m
.many a hard campaign. He organised
a mixed command of soldier - sharp'
ahootars and friendly Indians and toolt
' them' into the Hugh-Salmon River roourr-
; tains of Idaho and cleaned out the Sheep
aater Indians, who had murdered many
- white nun. LTbe ; region ' 4hey - thus
. made aafe for the whites now promises
to add untold wealth to the. world, and
la 'called the . Thunder Mountain 'region.
, It was nearly' thunder and lightning to
go through them when Farrow did. He
la entitled to great credit as one of the
; pathflnders of the Pacific. '
- - ,,Taka the ordinary half-el villsed Indian
-.t cjjlhavreeervatlontandiShow hlnf aifclahk-
t na'he Ulnc teirlyou whethw
it la made ej1ftrvfleeee' 'wool "or ppc
11 'ahAddy. 'But' with White beoule- it seems
vto Wdlffarafl'tT i Alt over the land rott-
, Ilona aJ arflclBS of cldthlng are being sold
i.n"belpgrejreaentejl,a. made of wool
when In- fast they are Made of the poor
iaat andv cheapest shoddy. . Thus t the
hard-earned money of the people is being.
r, secured under falae pretenses, and the
' . swindle goes right along. Bundles of old
ra are" thrown into the loom, and inod-'
. em, machinery, does the rest, and the fin
ish Is beautiful, but the wearing quail-
. vei we not mere. - A suit oi clothes that
has all -the appearance of wool is sold
as. wool, but is not 'wool, and Will not
' t wear. The people should be protected
:... against such swindling, and t dealers
. should be compelled to mark goods
exactly what they are. -Congress should
,.; regulate such matters, when it has been
.- , Abundantly proven that the consciences
t ,pf dealers will not.
I v . While . the . faculties of aome of the
universities are abolishing billiards and
other jfeaturea, It might be in the inter
at of the students to look Into the mat-
tar of also kicking out the game of foot
ball. As a trade It can hardly be con -ajdered
Just the thing for a young man
to engage In, Tou seldom see any ads.
in the newspaper "want" columns or any
cards at the employment offices calling
for football players. And while .the In.
terior , Department is ' condemning the
practice f wearing long hair, college
- faculties can hardly afford to wink at it
, in ihelr football ciunse.
,. j .Whn HetVy Clreen buried her husband
at Bellows Falls. N. Y., she wept like a
; ch,, smd had to be supported to hec
carriage, by two men. The faultlnes of
Kuman' Judgment. Is seen in this, it has
been, said that Mrs, Oreen had no heart
r feeling for anything bur money. The
richest; woman in tba world was said to
-be of marble coldness.
, oumal reporters And; the ship building
and lumber business v of Portland so I
. liriak" tfca-t wttti i all ' 1ar4itiA'i-mm l
faculties It Is almost Impossible fill the
demand upon 'the ship yards and -saw.
mills. .; Portland ta a bounding metropolis.
There Is no mistake about that.'
9 Wil" V
rTne. woman' or. , limited .purse
who llkea p'reHty things' will find this a
season of crea't "temptetlon" at. least In
cnibrorderteS.' ' . "
For the. Qt'west'ere so sheer"nd deli-J
cate In color' that
tended, for wear.
they hardly seem ln-
'But .tl hey cannot be any more per
lhlle than-tulle cr mallne, which the
fashlphable. maid and matron have been
reveling in for the pant season or two.
ae may. prepare by late spring to see
the smartest ' evening frocks adorned
with thi delicate embroidery.
The -infers 'f of silk embroidery, which
come lrt'iblack and white as well as the
ppmpadouf colors, are oppllquert on the
heeret 'of 'oliMTon. -
The ll ! all-pvers. which are Intended
for blouses vestn and yokes, have the
Embroidery appllqued on taffeta.. This,
while, not an light and airy looking as
the chiffon, Is very . effective and will
make lovely blouses.
For, V",e 'ho cling to lace or net
for trimming there are the most exquis
ite if not inwertlngs appllqued with tiny
pink, blue aad green beads, , which car
rlenptit the Idea, of the pompadour col
crs on a white pr bream surface.
'Another touch of the season Is the ap
pllqulng of narrow -white Irish lace eo.
Inge on, Russian net In deep ecru. . Many
of the smartest collars and boleros' will
be made, of n)., These will 'be extreme-
iy modish worn over frocks of blue and
ilal foulards and crepe do chln?i i..
' Dn. Barrtr'sofi- cushions . must grace'
yniir enj' If you would be up-to-date.
They arjof art ticking' In the various
colors, , an effective one In gray-green
being- embroldemd with heavy black floss
and gold thread, ' In the center the fea
tures of Mrs,i Leslie Carter are depleted.
f Thi; linJtrt-waisted woman shoulii re
nember that. belts of the same. color as
the bloutfe -are more becoming 4o her.
Pretty, boitscan1 be made of." the same
fnatrl. - shirt waist,, shaped and
stltchwl by machine. - They should be
lined with llnerr and t,he fronts, bock and
, y 'i ,
Jones Prof.' Hotalr thinks he has In
vented a flying machine.
, Smlth-iia ha ttlsd it yetT
k Jones-pb.f no. That's why be thinks
he has Invented a flying machine.
f. 'X '' 1 DEEP CONCERN. '
VWell,. 'said the glri's father sternly,
after the timid suitor had1 finally stated
ills ,aser ,"do you , think you eould sup
port a family, youiig man?"
; v"Qee whli!" exclaimed the young man,
raVe'u losLTrbur Jobr?
u wt'iatmiBttiajsyia.iA f t -
Mrs. NewccmrtrEFpprey-Yau don
4re af BiftVlt 4MmfnWit tfHel pl
I ftnq, in.youi. h6wit&,,lidriad-
. i ' ; V rA GOOD REASON.
A little Washington: lady about S yenr
of age, accompanied her mother to a
luftcheon f the other- day, and behaved'
very properly' until aha- discovered that!
nhc .btid not been, helped from a I
"You must not eat- any. of that," ex
Dlalhed the mother, "for you can't dl
gc n." "t ' """r.
PrOmbtly turning to the waitress, th
smalt guest directed:. "Take this away
l .musn't ,at ,!(,. fprimsmmal says
can't die Jes' yet."
Mrs. 'Grinder- Mv dear. Dardon mi
frankness, but really I fear your daugh
terTcaa'i'never-"be a Qclr succe'as., '
Mr. Yearner-wWhy so, dear?-
,'Miss:j?rlnder,-jWcil,. she hai no no
aplomb ar air. ' "
j Mrsu. Yearner Is,- that all? Shaisha'l
nave one. , Me , ami jonn will, spare ne-
expenae -with MHe. - She shall hove th
best supply pf (t that can be had.'
The .Rev, Mri .'Goodley Do you think
you observe, the Sabbath as you should
Jlggaby well,' I usually spend the dav
quietly at' home.
The Hev.i Mr. Ooodley Ah! but do you
never go to church? ' '
Jlggaby :No. Howe-er, we have stained
glass windows In our library, and the;
afford - a1, sort Of church effect while
read my Sunday paper. ' , '
r Preferfea Stock Pineapple. .
Excellent fos punches. In" large cans.
Charles Sandin and" Miss Minnie Holm-
strom had an exciting experience nl
Manthfleld the other day while out boat
riding. They had started for Kentuk
siough, ami when oppostte Marsbflcld
the boat was overturned by a gust of
wind, throwing the occupants out. They
were finally rescued. -
About ten inches git snow fell at Long
Creek last Friday evening.
Mi en& : Has, a resident-of Salem
since 1860, died in that city Sunday
evening, aged 64 yearB. .
Robert B- Cray ton, an aged pioneer of
the Pacific Coast, -and an old resident of
Salem, died i In. that city laslj Saturday.
He was 72 years of age. i
Since the new law went into effect
the' sum of $34.063- has - been collected
at the Clatsop county clerk's office on
the old 4eUnquen(t tax list.
; (Journal Special Serylce.)
EURBKAf Nev, March St Frsncls G.
ewlands of this State will soon begin
nri' derive campaign for'theseat In' the
Senate now -eeeupled by Senator John P.
Jones. Newland.' now In the House, was
A" candidate for Senator three, years ago.'
' " ., ' . "
' Preferred 8tock Sliced Patches.
' Nothing caa be nicer, ' .
sides'-ea"ave' a bona casint,'. the bone
to be slipped out when the belt is tana
dered. '.
Scotch or English tweeds and cheviots
lead everything for plain tailor suits this
rpring and later on mohairs promise to
be uwd. Some of the more Individual
of these costumes designed , for. use in
sports, such as golf, show severe trim
mlngs of kid. or leather, bur even after
one has become acustomed to this Inno
vation th mot beautiful -da- the Irtd
trimmings appear.
TTtilverally the Eton Jackets for spring
near are to be made with belt, with
tabs or coat tails n the bac. and with
the front slightly gathered." -The Jack
ets have no collars, being, trimmed more
or less elaborately In the m s-Jacket
style. . Velvet or silk are us J te set.
In in oddly shared panels with embroid
ery or braiding giving thera a very at
tractive finish. ' '
The mention of spring suits Insblres a
comment upon the almost lavish use of
whit In the decoration of the latest
tailored things. , White vests, eufTs, col
lars, rewers, pipings and stitching 'and
facings are strong features in the world
of sartorlcal Interests. Hats pre not only
trimmed with white flowers, but faced
with white or are all white: white belts
nre being pushed into ' notjee" and white
gloves have never been worn so- freely ae
at the present moment. .One of the nou
reautes de Paris are carved or plain
Ivory buttons. A set of exquisite ivtry
buttons for a new spring wrap cost $2j9,
while in bone they were Chafmlngly Irai
tated for $3. A. pretty and typical gray
and white walking dresa is stQehed to
now bow the very conservative women
use their contrast, .The skirt of gray
checks pn a whit ground is stitched with
heavy white buttonhole twist, and these
machine lines are re-echoed on the coat
waist that has a squared "collar Of white
cloth braided In gray. -The vest PeeniniL
between the coat fronts Is of white peau
de sole embroidered In gray silk spots,
each one of which centers In. a tiny ash
iwari. The White gloves that .are worn
with this are stitched In. gray and fast-
enea with very light smoked-pearl but
Captain Langfltt of the Vnlted States
Ehgtneer Corps went to Seattle Monday
on business for the lighthouse depart
Colonel P. Donan Is convalescing from
a most severe attack of la grippe nnd was
able to be out today. The Colonel has
been under fire.- has experienced . ship
wrecks,- lived at Fargo, and oven indulg
ed In heated political campaigns, but de
clares that they are all as nothing when
I fompnred to la grippe. -
W. C. Outhrle of Chicago, a prominent
ajiQrney. ana an . ex-Judge, is registered
at the Perkins-'''
,ra;ljMl Jones, edUor of thei Com
merclal WcsU Minneapolis, is at the Port
land. H He'-lS' stabiishlng- an agency , for
his Dnui r here." .'
ueorge Hibbert, editor of the Chinook
Wssh., Observer, Is In the city today.
A. J. MoCabe of T(6lba Md TC . Ir
vine of St. Paul are. at th Portland.
C. D. Mitchell ond.wlfc" of Chattanooga,
Tenn., and E. J. Potter and . family of
Memphis, Tenn., are Portland guests.
W. E. Mosby and M. I. Causey of La
Jrande are at the Perkins.
K. W. Magn of Lyle is In the city.
H. V. Gates of HillBboro, ex-Mayor of
that place, is a Perkins guest. . '
E. D. Cowen of Denver and R. Stoldl
of St. Paul are Imperial Iranslonts,
H. G. Van Dusen of Asforla, Master
Fish Warden of the State of Oregon, is
In the city.
C. A. Shurte, a well-known merchant
of Arlington, is registered at the "Impe
rial. Victor H. Beckman of Seattle Came to
Portland today.'" He isnU shrinking any
: In' weight. ' Mr.' Beckmaft Is acheerful
person to meet, and" manages to ' carry
,hls avoirdupois sticceasfqlly, . together
with a number of' other things. "Those
Include quite a variety, for. he Is the edi
tor of the Pacific Lumber Trade Journal,
secretary of the Pacific Coast Lumber
Manufacturers' Association, secretary of
the Fir Lumber Rate Committee secre
tary of the Washington Red Cedar Shin
gle Manufacturers' Association and secretary-treasurer
of the: Seattle -Lumber
Manufacturers' Exchange,' He cannot fill
any more positions at present. - If he doe
he will be compelled to enlarge the size
of his business card. i
Ersklne Wood Is still with his mother
at Phoenix, Arizona, making a bravf
struggle against Incipient at i sumption ,
His father, -Colonel C. E. 8. WJOd, Is on
a business trip to New York.
Walter Lyon, private secretary to Gov
ernor Geer, spent Sunday In Portland.
George ft. Baker, a prominent citizen
of Goldendale, Waih., Is a visitor In the
city. ' ' .
W, M. Blakeley .and S. ' R. Thompson,
prominent Pendleton citizens, are in the
city. . ' .
, John- P, Wilbur and ' J, F. Phelan of
Union and Mr.' and Mrs. J. C Smith of
I.uOrnnde are in the city.
Z. F. Moody and J F. Brown" 'of Salem
are In town. '-'"'.''.:' ' '
. James Jone sand wife of Morrow Coun
ty, ploneeers of Eastern Oregon, are at
the bedside of their . daughter,- who has
undergone an operation for appendicitis
at St. Vincent's Hospital. '
Albert Toiler, president of he National
Editorial Association, has about 'comple
ted arrangements for starting the -North
west delegates from here to the national
convention next , morh at Hot Springs,
Ark. ." t r -if. . - -
Mrs. Klein and Miss Frances Klein are
In towrt. from -Pendleton.
M, L. Causey, a prominent land owner
nnd broker of the Sugar-beet town of La
Grande. U In the 'city. Mr. Causey was
the promoter who brought the sugar fac
tory to the Grande Ronde valley. '
C. W.' Klbtey, a Baker ;Clty capitalist,
Is In tha Mty; Mr. Nlbley Is at the head
of Whsf ,fs called the Mormon fiterests
which opera tea '. railroads, ml nasi and
farming lartfsV y y j..; ;r -
Votef j)ming infor the
position Site.
2 TheTournal U receiving a great number
Of votes In favor of the various sites or
the 1905 Exposition.
j The total vote Is announced every Sat
urday and by the time of the next an.
neuneement -there will be some aurprlsea
(for sites that were thought to be the mos
Vhy shouldn't the people express an
opinion on the matter? The, Journal he-
llevea they should and Is therefore giving
them' an opportunity,
The vote on fast Saturday stood
' 8e)l wood' "'
yLaiid's Field ,
Cycle Park
-Knox Tra"ct
-City Park
, Cut out this coupon, write your choice
and send id n.
- . . , 1
i . a. .
Address. : a.'.....'.,
"r -,i : , - -
(Journal, Special Service.) '
GREAT FALLS. Mont., March 26.
News conies from Lewiston of the death
at that place of Pierre Laverdure, the
oldest Inhabitant of all Montana, and tor
that matter It Is provable the oldest In
habitant ' of hte , United States. ' Many
Great Falls people have met the old' man
In the past and in the neighborhood of
Lewiston he was looked upon as one of
the sights of thfit- beautiful little met r op
oils. At: the time of his death Laverdure
was 111 years- of age and had lived In
three centuries. For nearly thirty years
ho has lived near Lewiston.
The dead man was a French and India)
half-breeu and there Is not the slfghtesr
doubt as to the accuracy of numbering
of his years. IJp to the time of his
, death be was straight as an arrow aad
maintained his mental faculties. Tfcp
plctoral edition'1 of the Lewiston Argu
Uisped last yewntained. Jpioture oi
Laverdure together .with an account 6f
his llTo, which Inmost Interesting In th.
dnnals of longevity. Owing" to .the dts-.
tanee ' that Laverdure lived ,frdm railf
roads but little has been, known of his
existence outside of Fergus cbunty and
northern Montana.
His ; father lived to be 112 and his
mother was 120 when she died.
,'rr '
People who, Ylwtftthe armory at Tenth
and Davis street? -this evening will wit
ness a military spectacle well worth
Feeing. The Third regiment of the Ore'
gon National Guard will then bold its
quarterly Inspection fcnd muster, and the
full regimental band wilt be there, and
all the field music, and the bugles w::
be blown, and their stirring notes will
echo and re-echo throughout the big
building, and it will be a great occasion
All people are welcome, and there Is no
charge for admission,, and the" Beats in
the big balcony gives the audience a goat1
chance to -see all of the military ma-
nouvrea on the floor1 of the great drH'
room below.' . ' : i
wJ : i.'.. .-' i
Strings of. Pearls and Jet Ornaments
Aretha Newest Fads
Not even the gaily Blaves In "Bcn
Hur" are'more laden down with .chains
than are newest; smartest and loveliest
of the spring hats.' Why chains, should
be appropriate to headwear the fashion
makers do not stop to explain., but simp
ly spend their time arranging the bar'
nric looking beads in greater and
greater profusion on -each model as it
comes from their hands.
On one beautiful French bit of millin
ery an Inquisitive woman counted not less
than-Ave strands' of pearls. She, called
them pearls by courtesy. They were su
large they would have been worth many
thousands of dollars apiece If they had
iwen real, but at any rate the strands
jangled, when the hat was moved. In
way to make one think" of 'the little
old jorann with rings on her fingers
and bells on her toes
. Another enapeau was wreatned with
chains of jet. ;. which rested upon" the
hair of the wearer In the back and
jangled also. If somewhat out of tune
what matter?1. . ,,
"Whether or not this will prove a pop.
lar fashion remains to be seen.. The
chains make a .heavy trimming, and not
ii particularly beautiful one. They r
minded .the Inquisitive woman, - for some
unknown reason, of Algiers, or a part
of Rider Haggard's Africa, and what a
maid- of one of those outlandish coun
tries might be like.
If they do grow In favor, Imagine the
furor that will be caused some Sun
day in a very oulet church when the
wire on whlclj these beads nrs strung
breaks and a shower of , pearls r goes
dripping . down the" wearer's back ana
falling like hall on the floor ' under the
newt What i , trying moment , to the
people beblnd . who must' sea - and be
calml And 'wMt a test if -thenerve
of the vlctlair-who might even be mis
tress of herscW though China ; falH and
hVe hysterics-at this! v; vC? l. '
But perhaps; they'll make .the wires
strong enough-to prevent fsucfc a 'cataa
trophe, so )alP- this conjecture Is vain.
BsaUmdre.Newjt,-.;' ,, kV:, -
Shi p4B uiidmgiaricl st-Umbfei
Markets5 pc.uveiy.
Tha ship-building industry. is ; in
fjauruihlng condition and growing ail tba
every day from tbe Cour d Alerie country,
every day from the Coeur 'Alene country,
Idaho, San Francisco, Lewiston, Hunting
ton, Alaska points,, and even from. the
New England and other Eastern states
concerning the coast and 'facilities for
constructing boat and ship at Portland.
Every - yard at present Is filled up with
orders, and It will be some time before
work 'now on band is completed. " ' -
Some delay Is ocasloned, too, in secur
ing the right kind of lumber at all times,
becaase of . the, great export demand.
Jarger here than "at an other .port tn
th United States, there bains' advance
orders now booked . for': more 4hah 20.-
At0,00b feet "i Many ships. Indeed,' of the
capacity of the Oceano, which left this
port with a cargo of S.OOO.OOO' feet, will
l .required to clear the books of orders
already on them."
Portland is. of a truth, a flonrlahlng
city. There. Is not another like it to be
found In all. tha boundless West.
Articles of incorporation of the Peclfle
Mercantile Company have .beeif filed. TU
Incorporators are Frederick Lane, Jr.,
John J. Olson, H. D. SmHh. H. F. Den
ham, Nadlon. The capital stock; Is tlO,
Mrs. Mary' Taylor, who arrived her
from the East a week agols unable to
locate her son, Frank, who Is supposed
to be In this section. He last wrote her
in Pnlota that'he was coming to Port?
land.' Mrs. .Taylor Is in poor health and
is provided with but little funds..' v. j !
Peacock flour for sale at all grocers:
"the next regular meeting of fhe'Retdi
- Clerks' . International .Protective-, Asso
elation, No. 294, to be held , tonight, at P
'Alisky ;buiiaiijg.,f there will be a debate
concerning th adoption of a. slcV bene
fit,' planse. in; .the by-la wS. At the cloi
oi me - iut;euiig inere wiu . n uance.
' Portland mb;-' Fifth and Alder.-'. '
, Finest lunth In city. '
Portland Club, Fifth and Alder.
.rtlclesof Incorporation of the Olympta
iiottiing works nave been tiled with tne
County Clerk byHenry Wank. W. F.
Graham and S. M. lumauer. The capi
tal biock is fd.UUV. -
: The debris left after fearing down the
old Failing buildings Is being, piled and
burned ion the block at the corner of
Third and Morrison streets. Excavation
for the large brick building will be begun
as soon as the ground. Is cleared.
Everybody likes the Peacock flour bei
"'eause'lt is the best. ' ,!
Mr. W. P. Olds- wlIL dellvexjglccture
at the closing exercises ( of tbp Xofinff
'Men's' CljrBUaij A'sso'alatjon bn --tldnejit.
flajf, fVWntng.-'Apnu. V"'v I, .if
j . Excavtlpnyvs .brun- ssJenJsiy.fiOrinf
Ing for a twb-stori? dwelling Ifor Mrs.
-Ines, -Wheeler on-the northeast 'VoVner of
Thirteenth af Ta0t 4trers.i wV
cost about
rre-wl;'W- a meeting o7 W civlfe
Improvement Assocla'tton at'tne CffVHail
this evening at 7:30 to take ytp the ques
Hon of street obstructions and lo formu
late B, definite plan of action for their re
moval. All persons Interested, are cor
dially Invited, to attend. . .
Have you tried Peacock hard .wheat
flour?, - ' ...v-.
Secretary Moore of the Board of Trade
Is constantly receiving ,. inquiries from
Easterners In regard to the climate, soli,
resources, etc., of Oregon, showing the
Interest which is manifested' everywhere
regarding this State. The latest Is from
New Sprk, general Information concern
ing Oregon being wanted. .-Ti
" 'Mrs. W. M. Anderson - died Monday
night In the Good SamaHtan Hospltdl,
aged 61. She was. the mother-in-law of
Toll Thompson, the Insurance agent.
t Do ;-notdelay trying tho Peacockflour;
X99 Wttl jpevec fegrft It, . ', ,
Court. Mt,,. Hood, N.o Foresters of
AmericailrjBlVje a benalit ball at Fob-'
esters' Hall Monday, April 7.
(Journal Special Service.)
PHILIPSBfRG, Mont.. March 26.-After
being out five and one-half hours the'
Jury In the Hunter case reached a verdict
tonight, finding the defendant gutlty of
murder in the second degree; aj)d fixing
his punishment :at ninety-nine years In
the penitentiary. .
' nl .
The reader will profit' by-'Observing the
new idea interjected into'"'the" advertise
ing of the Laue-Davis Drug 'Co, Chase
Oil & Paint Co. and J. N. Bristol In an
other column. It will pay" fov cut these
coupons out i, i s' ,
tBy Big."Slcher & Co.; 82 3d street.) '
The Garcia Is a cigar made
upon honor and sold upon quaN "
ity. Try. one and you'll like Its
- flavor. . .'-" ' i; .
' The Herbert Spencer Is a light, -'
ihlgb-grade, aromatlo ? cigar;
,;f jfjuas-rlght If youn nerves'are not
Estrone.' : -',..-' '.
Chrarette nmoblna la lwNt.
I i- lng tend there Is,' a. demand for d
K'jTh sj you; bavettii"0ur.fc'Qwn.''
f Mlxtore:VPacW In oa, "
Jhi':tA V. eaohVothlpa; more '
r ltHjgo.V-- V. ;
'." i
re re t.--
House and kfttrtt snd Jackson.. riSOO
House.and lotr Llpcotn, near. 3d.. 1760
I H d ornr lot, ad nd 14n-r
' S01" df lofrtH andiUncoln... mt
House; sjd,'t JrvWrland 3d
..uw nu iotva ana tiail ... sow
- J?f"T. r'ii '"P ., .....WW
... .... ..... ... -. .- j.,--, ,
- , .,' ..... '.(j-zi'wi-, ..
'. V-')i Wbstttyt-
Attempts to RisM&CHes
-.' '' V' ''v- 4-i-.,U." si"'""'l,
It. beel the" lot ofi Tbe JbtiMiU W
chronicle." few dttKs.A4o,;ths ' war that
was- waging between th freshmen and
eniors" of the' North western. Dental Col
lege.. , It, will be remembered that a flat
ept forth that aeh . th'tfeshmerit
must grow a mustache. Failing' in thU
on arbitrary tax 6f & was ta be levied. "
- A studeht will look kl a eoUDle 'of ""cart
wneeis- a long time before he wUl pas
jnem p ; ona 'mer , Most meK woyld
rather' let their Upper Hp 'go iinshkteh.
Not all men can. induce a mustache to
r6W wtthlh,a,,asohbIior yitbtn, an
unreasonable -time, stther,; f or (hat mat
ter. In their" efforts to do so. some of
tne freshmen must' have strained them
solves i to .an .unusual -degree"-and with
tnosi uniooHea-Tor results,. , i , -
The boys weri-accused it bavin tha
lumpy JnW." and at) M. D. suggested
tnat tne trouble might have been caused
by "ehowln thA r" tnw hi oar
stuck out Mkef a ifnatl-dH'faa eAklt It's
really tod bad to say It. but th affliction
of the mustachelessf jcUdaatsi is niain. svi
fry day old-fashioned mumps. It seems to
oe quite popular among the students, as
many of them seem to have it., t " 1
. ',-.',? . . ' 1 1 '," . i' ii.
Preferred Stook Tomatoss.
Solid pack cans; cheapest to consumers.
. $800.
IJJ . T.I 1 ;
IMll i.l '-i.tjaUH'.'- ft it"'' IHUmB M
.. Oeorge Morgap.tft ypsyt - of a M
Jna,, has purchaseil iLiat. Mdry . Jol
John for
u onus ana paia in trine vm jor; ner.
V.uen w ,ne trrbey.ajia the young woman
will relcve' tWjjtitle; mover's
death.' Miss Johnris.i7jyiear. 9f fgre,,bas.
pretty, oiacg newitcjtung. , eyes, . , raven
black.' hair, and a' nut-brown complexion.
Morgah'la l-yjoars -pf -age, of fine phy
alque, and has atj intelligent p ountenance.
According '4o;';he toarrlage, laws, of . n
gypsies; it is nrfcossary for the suitor to
get the consent of ;he; young iady and
her parents, and then purchase the bride
from the tribe.
A beautiful! young .woman like Miss
John is considered s s, vyatuable chattel
ana as the igypsWs are-shrewd traders
Morgan thtnks he bas made an excellent
purchase in getting; the flower bf the
tribe and the coming-tjueen for an amount
so small."' ' .';;1r'i; V , ' , -
Merrrtiers-of thh'iahA' came n ' tho hit v
&fn'tly aid purcrtosei the brtdejaStrous-
ni The-weddjni4rt8f Is 4c ine Stlk
Veivet,,' trimmed hi Hit brnamebts. New
York Journal. 'i .. ! r
Jim Grady, ' charge with defacing a
building,, by .thr,owjn. a, bottle through
the window, war fined 10 y Judge Cajn
' t'r ' '' ,'' ' '.".r.: , -Barrett
Maloy, accused of robbing Geo.
-V, I ,
Kolllnson, was sentenced to 80 days.
Hasel Anderson charged with larceny
by Dave Jackson,-was discharged.!.
James Mitchell,' accused of, larceny as
hallee by . .Walter1 Harrison, was dis
charged. ' ",,5- .':' .',.- ' ' .
Dr.; L. M- Thornton; Dentist" Rooms
202-203tMarquam bldg, Phone,, Hood 697;
residence phone West 1214. , - .'..',. a
rWre '-m tin7
' ' ?':' --.'' "i."' tti ' I, ;: '' "' f!.'' ' ' ' '' i'-''"' ''"'' ;"' ' :'' .' v,''H:"''
Most Men wear Slvlrts and want them to fit. They :
" ; : , also want gopd quality. ,
Combine all the good qualities, and are made right '
: here In Portland by white jrhu v No Chinese labor
touches them. ' -.f,, ( tv H t
rHaye Styie,1 Fit and Good Wearing qualities; jftbeyj,
!v are made in hundreds of different styles and colors '
You make no Mistake when yon buy ;
a ska 'T' et w ML
: i ". essr mmr m ymmr
1 v,"w. r (,..--f
"V 'Ltj; :
V ,
House; and lot, Albina, Both'wlck '
House and lot, 5th at ,..rM
House and lot, td an4 Market. .32W
Houss and lot, corner, Corbet t at. JutfO
0x100 feet, on E. .Okk,- between
i4tb and I5th i 1260
80x100 feet, Overton at ." An.'. i500
SOxlOO feet on Uth. aad Xovejey.,, MsO
,1 'if '' ft"- '
V . - ;
, Up( UDJia HOIK ;
tns :
; , ;r Op. Chamber, of Com. '
But we do cell tha rrut nsriTva
Ferrla .Delicious Bacon, 1-lb 2na Maolo
Cream. Bor Shell Ciwbs Incin), ChZ
A Sanborn's Teas and Coffees. ICxtre,
Standard Tomatoes-new gooti-TO-iAr
one. tan . to eacn oaab jtusteme
- ...ww-.M.- ... ... W,
isis wnat you
;,;;i.need!iidwl? ',
HUil'i .iV'isi.t
(10 il' tvW
li it,'' :
- ...
Tact cnat oat of every on P(tMfea
fatJentv i treat, ebtyrQv '
cefik: beneihed; . Congtftatidn
Vital Sdence VhyOdLuiM
Dlafiaure even, the most ?'
arms. ; Weemeve htSti?
moles, ana au sues wmj!;
isheaparmanenuy v;and .j.
sec v nu javcai s yw easjivov i 1
Perfect satisfaction kusr-M''
anteed. ,i-No charge
talkJtiOver,-,. w: ,rt
Theraoe.ntirf fA,
- 7t MAkQUAM building
INO, 50,000 PACKAQEa
noum rood vAsnino soda
, - ; ' ,,.-.' ' : '. .
monthly, the largest, 5 cent package In
tba market.. Bold by all frocers, , .
" w. SM JS? .":if. YAi
rfr ... . i' r
, w.. - m mm-,.
t, vmmm r.' '
r I VUI IrVJfl
1 l"T-
W g
ij iei -.Tift', j ' -',.,