2 t 0 ;Btearjief Crashes Jhto i- Ship Barmbek, .. . ' (Journal Special Service.) ' i A8TQRIA. March .-The British Steamship Oceano'. which wai anchored ' fa the lower , harbor " with. a , cargo of lumber fet. the Orient. dragged er an chor this morning and swung- acroii the bow ot the German ship Barmbek, The Barmbek had Hearty all her head rigging carried away.andithe teemshlp was eon aiderably damaged n deck. To repair the vessels will coat Several tbouaand dol. lara i 111 fate rseetni Id he following the BHt. la heteamahlp Oceano, uts thla ia the see ond serious secldent , that has befallen tier In the taat few days. ,.".... t On Monday, ' while going ' down the river. ah raft., against the! Sylvia da - Grease reef,, and at the earn time ran v Into n "senk' two barges which were " used by Hale Kern in removing the - eef. The , damage sustained by the Oceano wa. hot to great as at first be- ileTaA.end fftefv undergoing-,. A. careful . Vxamlnatlon'by Lloyd's surveyor, she was . i granted. permission to continue her Jour.. ; MASONIC TEMPLE. Ids for Its Construction Were ' Opened Today. ' ; fiids foK thtbuUdln the new Masonic i ttempla, is fca 'BatJ a t 'tlw corner ot itoMsoii and fifteenth streets, were open ad 4t the offlLJdf iUthltect Martin in. the ' Zua building, at 9:90 this afternoon. Vtt4 Maaonia Templa will be of stona and ; fcrtlc. Its oost-wiu p aboat.K0.00a and fthedeoorations and furBtshlnara will cost "HOB more. It will oomprise three stories 'suitk Usealnt ,Tha flrat sory wtlije fltted.ujfae a danolo ball or fcr aanom I fcuaa of all kinds. , It will have a ataee, ! tnta-rooial ladles' parlors and other con-'-, .j Umaenoea. 7 f-tk . ' .- - V V'wa- - " ' i The baaemeat will be uUltsed aa a tsaraent.' wnH foe two upper stories Vllt b devoted exclusively to lodge work t Trth Masonic order. Every oent of (noaey fot the payment of the new build Ingu ia In rsadlnea and. tba lot haa al ready been fully paid for.' EUGENE. . (Journal special Service.) . XltTQXKE. March J8--The Lane . and STouglas County ftndeavor district con. ventloh eleOted the follnwina ofllcers for the eniulnf ear:t President. ' Majtft J&A Munaon ot ildabuigi secfetarf" MifaJte-J Callum of Eugene; treasurer. Miss P0 1 stance' Handsake at Eugene.- An ad visory committee was elected aa follows: Baik W. A Wood. Rescbara; He v. jy. Tkaaineoi 'fteSeeurar Revt' J. V. MsnrlU. XuateM; RV Mr H."Wallaaees-BB-er Baw; b J Beek,,Coage Giieve. jgha UiMtiUe. JlMnaaA . Mll -a gT.tiuuuu mvjvy iww v slii a mxij ga a Congregational Church, : Company Fourth regiment;- O. N. 0 tnany members ot which were engaged In th battle of Malabon, on Luion Isl. and. Mart gS, .UW, celebrated the third anniversary ojt the event, last night by giving a, reception to the various mill tary and patrlotlo organisations of the city. It waa largely' attended and voted gt pronounced success. polonel Oeprge O. Torsn of the Faurtn regiment, O. Jf, Q. haa issued orders for the quarterly Inspection and muster ot . Companies A and C and the Fourth RegU ment Rand, a I) of Eugene, on Monday, March .'', ART EXHIBIT DESCRIBED i The loans xhlblt of American artists, In the LtWary))uiMMg'wafhe subject ror dlstoftMitlnof, the Cur Mnt Events Club last evening. A d crtptlon ot .the ethiblt waa given by pharlal,afBarre hnd Miss Bjrfonf , iho U in chargl of the exhibit read an" In tereatlng.papero American art and arts, lata Addresses were' gtveq by Mrs. Ab Un Gilbert and E. B. Coovert, after-which Vocal selections, were rendered b)P Mtos thuppe and Miss Edwards. ACCOUNTING ORDERED. Judge Fraser has signed an order noti fying the Columbia Jteal Estate Company 9 appear In court April 7." and make art accounting-. In :the garnishee proceeds ' lngs. Crown Cycle Company vs. Sherman ! JJ. Brown, defendant v. . The Crown Cycle Company secured a Judgment fof $SS,85 against Brown in the Stats Ctrcuit Coartr"The Tasa was ap- fOljr 1 W lllsL-Msr hy fcoddy, poorly v7 - put.togather ejothlnf. , , , . s";Xsi t irv?' . ',:?''-'M v.ri GOOD, STRONG siid STYLISH i x; '; never enter their rotods. -Bovi Clothes 1, 4 mw f-i FAla0t CLOTHING ICQ; JJ SECOND AND MOrJUSON ST4 . pealed to the Supreme, Court In '81 And the decision - of th lower tribunal -we kfflrtned. ,.V - . - U la cleaned that the garinshe co pany has property helongfng to the. de fendant In addition te answering under oath concerninf the earn, the real estate company li retrained' meanwhile from making any disposal or transfer at De fendant Brown's Interests. HUMANE SOCIETY METS . The Oregon Hurtian Bocjety held It 30th nnual meeting at the' Unitarian Chapel last . evenlngvlviee-Presldent" T t Eliot presiding. 04 account of L the death of the president.; D. P. Thompson, during? the year, a report of the work for. the past U months tu presented by Dr. ESloL " "." . pThe;work thua eonslst chiefly ot ention being retorted t only In eatress cases. He asked the hitty eo-operation of all good citlsehs In the work, "and x pressed a desire for a closer corelation with alt form' of charltiee. . The anual report ef Treasurer Mills showed the receipts to have been f2,368.tS end expenses t?.8C8.28. - , . Trustes and o(tlcersjLor the coming year were sleeted, as follows:: - Trustees for two years Frederick Jtawnaend, ' to suc ceed D. P. Thompson, and Mrs.' Cleveland Rockwell;- f of Threy "ra-Mra. Roea. F. BurreU and Judae Alfred T Sears. Jr. C. H. Woodward wig lote4 president Rev. T. W Eliot,' vlea-prealdentt W. T Bhanahan. torrespending secretary, a. H. Himes. recording seceretary, and A I Mills, treasurer. .' - 1 MRS, FOR D'S -f UHeRAl. : "M-.jf;. '. V"T"" 1 .''"'iVvr';V..'-'' Mrs.' Harriet fctlsateth ford,--Wife of Petective tfenry Ford, wha died In this city yesterday morning, was burled at lUllaboro' this afternoon. . t Mrs. Ford was bbrn in Tillamook Coun ty s years ago, and was the aiurhter of s, pioneer who, fell fetors ana of the murderous raids tor'th reasxina. Mn. Ford'a fmfne.' in cars of Funer al Director Holmanr wefi sent to Hills boro in a special car attached to this morning's regular passenger train on ths West Side division of the Southern Pa cipc BONDSMAN WANTED J. P. Mock Wtthciravis From Supervisor Hart's Bonds. jr. M. Mock of trnlverelty Fark appeared before the Board of County Commission ers this morning and asked to be relieved from Road Supervisor. Hart' bond. Mr. Mock stated that Frank Walker had promised t gV tin the bond with him, but had not yet dona so. He seem. ed to think that, ha nad teen Induced to teirthbnda feymlstcpresentatieik ana firitnil region flesuW tolLa reltk a - m 1 i El .J . k. jl I B i . ved The board refused to allow the with drewal until hnothsr botldsraan could be seuradY'i I ' .4 '" .fe,.,,;.5-' -fo. j HrVerad-6t6ck Xystara. ..jnr1 ousters; wgg tins " T 'i. ' rl" T RESIGNATION- SIGNIFICANT The fact that W. Ck, fearc, .General Manager of the Northern. Paciflo Rail road has resigned will give color. In the oolnlon of sema of the members of th losal railroad" world, to "a slgnKluant fact. Gossip is always Interesting, wheth er founded on truth or hot." Speculative theorising will often do. M well as any. thing els in dlsousslng" railroad mat ters:. Sometimes .these rumors come ' re. markably near to the truth. i Boiled right down to ths narrowest pos sibie limit. cerUIn1 ones, see In Mr. Pearce's resignation, ' cbnilrmaUon of their belief that Old tlans of President Jamea . J. Hill regarding' the Northern Pacific's statu -In Uia'vKorthen Securi ties company merger, ana assuming deft njter ahue,., ,M ?,,,,ot -i;- . . r,i, :, i,, ,,-' COUNCIL IN SESSION An adjourned meeting, of City Council Is in session this 1 afternoon. The law. makers are Considering an ordinance amendjnjt ths present tew rcgulatlna plumbing. This matter has been under trie consideration of ths Conimlttee on Health and Police for several months, but no reoort nan been made on It- plumb ing inspector Hulma Is anxious for ths plumbing ordinance to be , amended, as some of the terms IA the law as 'It new stands ere ambiguous. - "''t; ff.l L' '.;yv;:rt 'i. '''' Preferred. ttack-Salmnn. Canned from Royal Chinook only. I the only argument advanced ougnt to ec maae-nouDiy strong. , Material . hould be the very "best and up-to-4ate, too ,Ours stand vthe test. , They have, been tried by thousands who always come again.' Cheviots, Tweeds, Wortteds, Serges Sailors, Vestee Suits and Double- , eseaBssssBSBssssisswssisssaasBBpBBssBBssBsssssBBssBBsso esiessassasasssasssssMsMssssssssssslsssssssssssss : YoURjREDitP i VT'--'ra ! fJ t A'VAflf:: Iyour credit h LOW PRICES 4 We cannot afford to be tinder sold, We must ell goods to live. ! To. do s so' ve 'must;, make prices, that are the loirest. Come , just to gee.' ' t ' . This is the loir est pxtbt -we have ever made on an Iron bed, but it is not the cheapest - bed that is made. It it Is our regular $J.2S bed, "We ant all the people who read this paper to trade with us. Mention f he paper and you can get ths bed ?- For $2.65. " A Few Spruce Chiffoniers PuU -size, ' J T while.they ' last; . . $6.00 Ash " Chiffonier Finished in golden oak eolof,? f Ash is aigood hard wood. $8.50 lav- We offer a fine selection of odd pieces, frames mostly Mahog any finish; all kinds of cover ing's. Chair like the one shown, $8.50 $I0--Hair Mattresses-$I0 Buy from the maker . We do not claiitok6he;cheapest Half ISIatlsesaes on Tth'i ml ve can! sell you a better Mattress for; $10.00 than you cari get any place rise iui miiii,c. 185-87-89-91 Flfst DEATHS. Margaret Busby, aged 62, 70 East Blath North, cerebral trouble. Harriet, Elisabeth Foard, aged S3, 798 John street, heart failure. vra Isabella Irene Pummer, Infant daughter of Matt Pummer and wife, SI North Twelfth, bronchitis. William Gillian, aged 75,; 0op Samari tan Hospital, exhaustion following- Katherlne Neomeler, aged 65. 170 ttnth street, asthma. - John K McDevitt, Infant son of John R. nd Nellie McDevttt, 23 Wdlef.Ti Harry Mash. 49, Sellwood. lesd poison inir. ' T :Ptef TPeterson, aged H 913 Garfield avenue, pneumonia. Tfce Edward Holsaam Uadsrtasi laasr Co- foaeral directors amd ana. b aimers. 280 TasablU. Phoma 507, Otto Schumann, monumental and building work, 204 Third t. Eitl mates on first class work only. P. -Ftnley & Sons, Undertakers and Embalmers. Third and Jefterton streets, do flrst-clasrs work and daal honorably with all. CHRISTIAN CWURCH REVIVAL. At the Patterson-McCormicK revival St the Rodney Avenue Christian Church last evening Mr. Patterson gave a masterly discourse on "The Faith that saves, - ana was listened te Wltn ciosesi- anenuon throughout. Miss McCormicrs- solorf brought every heart into accord Wltn the sentiment of the gospel Songs whlcn jlhe sang. A' list of aubjeots'on whtcH Evangelist Patterson will discourse- Will be handed to all who attend this evetr- Ing-. He will preach tonight on "Hepen tanc ftnto Life." Miss McUormlcK WU1. slna- a solo at the owning of lh ser vice, and also at the close. Hervict be gin at 7:80 o'clock. ' ' V REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS j J-' ' v.," " ' 1 1. i. 'i ' ' " ""'-v-. ; -' .it .4 -'?! Evelyn Ar Steel et ukj te Id J' , Bohlman Parcel land Ella and ' Everett streets I tv. T. Scott et . to Clarence flv i Fanchrr Lots S and , blk l) Patrvlew ; moo Ida M.' Johnson et ax. to George Rupprecht-loLT lk SB, Central Alblna K..,....,V..; i 1100.09 J. P. Menefee and I Menefet t Clark Hewett-Lot 1 arid part ot lot blk L Piedmont .100.00 R.t VAH. Tltlk lt.iiM,M,.n4 ikifMiitl io Real Estate from to Title" Guarantee at Trust Co Chamber of Commerce. Reasonable Terms "j We sell, on tasy payments if you wish. - It costs but a trifle more to buy that way, than for cash. Do not be afraid- to ask lot credit' At ouMtoe you can find the great est number of : , Dressing toielectfrom. A neat , little- .one like ihe cut, with French mirror, made of polished quartered oik,t&.7 S ; others Up tq $25.00 To those who .read this ad. this $1.50 Rock er wiU'be sold' for ' (CooHt36bblerse4t; solid oak Vurld Rocker, $2.75.' - Un'lr4- Here Is a . Special of more than ordinary interest. There are. lotsof$2.50 Rockers, but thts is our $3,50 Rocker, at the price of Vy; $2.50 Vj:'; coiches. :.( t we make them We sell them' at reasonable prices; Come and see wnai you can get tor tiu.uu. Stv SERIOUS The Barbers' Union of this city Is inves tigating serious charges against the of- Octal Board of Barber 'Examiners. The charges are in the hands of a commit tee which will probably report at the taeettng1 nest Tuesday night. " Barn Howard, president of the board. Is 'absent 'from 'the city and other membrs of -the1 hoard are reticent, but the affair li being- discussed with more or less free- tyjflr-bir the individual member of the WL V ' i If yeeasged by some. that the board receltd for an applicant for a certifi cate 'a larger fee than the law permits. Should these eharges be sustained the uniph .will ask Governor fleer to remove the members of, the board who wtre im plicated. It la, understood that ths union as a body Is opposed to the law regulating the business, and the next Legislature .will probably be aske dto repeal It. U S, GRAND JURORS. " Following Is the venire of Grand Jurors drawn today to appear In the United Statee tMitrlct Court April 14: Frank Stilly, farmer, Dayton: VVm. B. Xaalr.' agent. Astoria; Roy Bartlett, mer chant, Grant's Pass; Fred A. Bancroft, railroad freight agent. Portland; A. Hop. sohf farmer, Melton; Caivin Btcniey, mer chant, Kewberg: Dennis W. Crowley, cai. 'Hllt. Portland ; Alfred H. Mallbry, drug gist. Portland; P. I Kennedy, farmer. Washburn ; A. H. Blakeuy, hotel man, ftt. Helens r,Wm. H. MeadTretlroad man. Portland; Wile Hitman, farmer, wells; Yf: TV. Idvln, merchant, fjarlow; David I fovey. mawufaeturer. Portland: E. M. Brannlck. merchant, Portland; J. J. Ka. deHjfj hardware merchant, Portland; Jess Crandall, undertaker, The JDalles; Joseph Pollvka. tailor, Portland: "Frank fltout. farmer, Caritonr Gustav Bimdn. merchant, Portland r Ed Hall. Insurance agent, Port land; Bernard L. Stone, capitalist, Port land; oeo. b, srnau, eouor, asaaer city; J.1 L. Savage, farmer, Worth Powder; J. R. Braver, carpente)m Oregon City; Ben I.: Cohert, banker,' Portland; wm. ve Ha ven; miller, Sheridan; J. Jfct- Carmicnaei. itrmer, Lexington; Ktnara crow, tarns er. junction CUjel Wlrt.Laugniin, termer, JJortft TamhilL ' " ; SCpkCHER ARSTED. " The pollee have started another . cry- tads against bicycle scorchers. Archie Hooker will have to. answer a eharge In the Pollee Court for scOrtntng. He was arrested by Officer Chlldera imff flsr ! BOWCN'S TRAOlNO CHCCK -flffY CENTS lhareiKWnlr4 sy towM aioney af No. I Cranlte Sane Pais . 1 Royal steel enamel ware, 20c No 20, : same, 30c. No. 18 Granite1 Sauce ketti..' Royal steel en amel ware 23c - Noj,jtame, 5: We Handle the product ' o seVeral foundries. The celebrated "BUCKS, and the theap BEtLEYlLLE'llne, also the SlaridafBanges A gbod'6-ole Cisi. range, 22-inch late pattertl "auareHjven ; our guar antee with each, " $23L0QL Those who want A food Stove smaller slse we cansupply at '$7,50 in Met List T i yiii c .35 ctsJ 50 cts .65 cts .75 cts Half-tool Carpu.....k All-wool Carpets. a..,,.. Best All-wobl Carpetr.. rrs ititrkWWW. wl '" at . The season Is, nearly over. We have reduced the price on all Lamps excepting ihe very cheapest ones t OPPOSED TO SALOON There l t present One saloon at East TwentyAraf and Powell streets. At one time. there we;riwe 'sajoons there, but one of ihent Went out of business. An application J te he presented to the City Council for a Ucenss for a new sa loon Irt the huildlng formerly used for that purpoaei and In opposition to this wU be presented a largely signed peti tion hrsylhr that Jiuoh license be not granted, 'c... r f, Mrs. pkpttlfl Kerns' presented this re monstrance tooths Clinton Kelly Board of Trade last night, end It was signed by a)t hut two; ot those present. The pefsotl oonduatlng the present place keeps what I known as fen orderly, law abiding saloon. where, minors are prohib ited from; drinking Or. loitering about, and It Is not so greatly objected to. she Had Nd License. Captain "Bob" Ilolman. got "up against It" this morilng whsh am Arabian wo man Wasblbught before hf mto oe bootced on a charge of peddtinf without a li censee - "What'iur nllms, jaadamr- tie asxea. Nothir.fV'hut a, blank sure rewarded tne official. - The, genial blueooat tried an Ms per-1 suasive Dowers, ' for hlc" "e is noteo, but In the end was compelled to boon the woiaan simply ''Arabian woman." The woman has ten peddling notions on the street for some time, but neglected to take 4tit a license. It Is not known whether sne can speak much English or not, but it is suspectod that . ehe is. nhxmmln'wltn a view to pleading1 Ignorance of th city ordinances when she gels lnte court, - SUDDEN-DEATH. jlii f i i., .'tJournal feptclal Service.) " " atTGSNsV March jWVlncent Btraub, son or Pfore4sr Btraub, of the Oregon State University, Hied 'At 1:18 this mom. log while sittlrif In a chair. Bfls death was unexpected and was a great shock te h family and friends. :;DULC,COURTS. 1 . After dtspttsing of two 0 three miner matters rl' the 8tU Circuit Court this mornlnf. Prtsldinf Judge Fraser adjourn ed further proeeedlbfs udtil next Mon day. JUdgfea-Qeorge., Sears and Cleland did not appear on the bench. a ' ' There, U. an, almost; .unprecedented dearth ol legal business being transacted In the courts et this time. Uo Jury, trials have beeb had for two weeks ,and none will occur tilt April. A good share of the work U et parte, ' , , 4 .. iw 1 y 1 -A ii'jr4 ill I ENORMOUS. STOCK Our big store Is J00 ft. squire, three stones and basement all full of up-to-date goods. If jrou want to furnish we can' sell you everything you want ? i Tableware, Cutlery, . Etc Are here at price! that are right. . HEAVY : SILVER PUTEO SET. . : 6 knives and 6 forks, $2.50 - 4 Thi cut shows oneof our best values In A'Medium f Prtcetf Clock Good time- "keeper, neat brass frame, well-nnished, Price $10 - Handsomely up holstered v SPRING-SEAT ROCKER Solid oak frame, .finely polished, regular value $9, special price, ' $6.85 CROCKERY , . Come and see an English 10 piece, decorated porcelain Set. worth $6.50, for ", ' ' $4.50., ' Do not buy It t you do noi want it. . . v;J , . ........ i j-j r"vr t"r-ir-j -m PILL0VYS We make them. - We know what we put in them; and. Te Till tell you truly 4ht rod Are buy Good Pair Feather Pjllows, $2.00, I mm finsfvi'mt"--; .Arts DR. B. LWR!GHT,TTIirDENTIST, -y Hs removed to 343 1-3 Washington Street ' , corner Seventh, Where ; He ivjll be pleased to meet i Ms friends and patrons. Oregon Phone 2191 , ReWeace Phone Pink 57 Our pretty window. See the class of merchandise we carry compere our prices with others, who handle Inferior goods you'll be surprised to see how many times our prices are low then others, notwithstanding the difference in quality. --".JOHN.AI.LESINA TWO STORES. ZM Washington Bt , near Woodard, Clarke A Co.: SOS Morrl-' -: gjJjerMejfj' Frank Cp. ,..-;..;..:. ti Oil i tlfll! That sturdy old-timer and well known citizen, Richard 8. Perkins, is very 111 et his home 655 Flanders street,' and It Is not likely that he will ever again mingle with his many friends and associates of the busy world. ' , ' ' . Mr. Perkins, who ia ft year f age, was taken sick about six months ago, and has been confined to but home most of the time since. HJs affliction Is. a geperal breaking down of a, Vonetltutlon once as robust, almost, aa a lion ths natural col lapse of mas abo has led a life of al most unexampled activity, : Mr. Perkins. In the early days, made a fortune Irv the stock business, for many years looking after hie Hooka and herds himself. Few western stockmen are bet ever all the vast -domain ot Montana, over al Ithe vast "Bomain of Montana, Warning, Idaho, Washington and Ore-Sen-r- V.3,K::r;:4;; Retiring frem the Stodk business a,dos en rears ago, Mr. Perkins erected the splendid hotel .that bears his name. When the panic came he,'witV hundreds of ethers, found" hlmeelf vnehl Uf realise on. property he owned la Various parts of the city, and in oonaeduence lost the ho tel and 'several place of turn land of greet value in former years. . Frem the wreck, however he saved enough to keep bfm comfortably, the . test : of Ms days among vs. He has heen one of the rug ged, enterprising men of his day. The Unitarian Church It being thor pughly repaired- New windows are now being put In and after Easter the tnlnt Ing; of the building will be complt? ud. Courteous Salesmen; . We employ , 'only first class salesmen They axe not ' persist ent. You are free to come and go. . You will receive the same respectful attention whether you buy or not. ' .'. V lip'; Our Stock of IRON BEDS : Is absolutely the most attractive in the city to the buyer of modest means, It Is our constant effort to give the best values. J The above is a staple bed, brajtsrod, head and foot. The foot end "4s curved out what we calf a swell foot. We have them in colors, white, olive, red and cream color. $8.50 SoHdOak' Sideboard French (. Mirror, r " SweU-- i Drawers, Golden ' i . Finish The very lat est desiga, $17.50 PRICE LIST Lace Curtains, pair ..,......$1,00 Sheets, per pair 1.2Q Pillow Cases, per palr....... 30c Pprtieres, per pair....'..,. 2.25 Window Shades, each. '40c Door Mats, each ,..'.:.4.,..;. 40c We Guarantee these Remedies , OR REFUND Tilt MONEY If you are suffering- with rheumatism get one bottle of La-Caa-Ka and Snake ; OH Liniment and If It does not benefit you return the bottles and your money Is refunded. At all druggist at fide each. Yucca Boot Balve wiirVfetr the most Obstinate eases of skin disease's, boils anil carbuncles. It Is a sure speclno cure for pile. Try a box. Only Ma t all drug-' A bie bottle of the t3ret Yaqu! Cough Cure never fall to cure the wont severe cough or cold. Stops It In vna dose. The only 'sure remedy known for croup and whooping cough. At elf dn- gisu. , ' .,- - .'. It your druggist docs not have a,f dt these, remedies on hand ecwa'fo h'd quarters,- , . OREGON aiEWICAL CO. i .- 42t Washington street. . JJ L. Jill. U EA5TEU EGGS 15c California Butter, . - CO end t'j Best ereamery Pull cream cheise Cwlns rtipfsc Llinburuor. esch ... 5-11) pml lurd, .r . Wlb l"'l 1. !. ..r . LA lu.A.i . C Jmi..'.'n'M?'.v)i t.-Js .