The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, March 24, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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i ir : '
Company on the checll.1 Voti"
need. floods. In: tHls"1 lltto.M lt
Hll pax, pout carfare if ;npth( 1
inr' else. Every
w- 'J-'
a cent made, jz?,
so stroet gfocdr uses thb
check. Save vp lO cents Worth,
. of these and see how it works-
iJ t IllJlJ iA 'A','. ,-; M d'th T. i ' ' t, -r V . . . Villi-
V " Q" r"'' " ' . ' " - urn -
Castigates President in.Southern
;.. Fashion.
' (Tobtnal Special ServUe.)
WilfiiHOMH. 26.-The blen.
Dial battquet t th Virginia pmooraU
AiMctatiott wai hell W h baBut oom
vt tha Itetrodlltah hotel Id this City last
Bight, ahl altordei taany peakera l
aauanaf fans, a tiKportonltf tolr their
KJllUeaMflewe and ttpttia tbelf political
ifhtlEo.nU. .: Ther ;wera .apamlonUte
ail aAti-fxpanalonlata to ha throng that
atwnaea tneeaar, an?
Hon. B.Mt WittiMdrf,
LeuiaVilie Courter-Jq
after DroftOttneUia hie
ooratla paHy'a love lor th atftrefirtiHieat
arid aovernmental lnsUtutlong, eata ni.
ovemthnta itiBttons, mm ,
a flit hand. ft truftfe iw4 twtow i
It to the those to Whom It bo-
lon4the people el th Uniud Btate.,
He alleged that th "Republican party is
yndlcat partyirbltfarjr m lu mo-
tivee, the almighty dollar Its trade-mark.",
Referrlnf t.a jPreeideat UdoaeVelt; the
speaker .said! "Onsi agala la the White
Houee bar the man on horseback.
Affecting the aimpllolty of the cowboy,
he conceftls betlMttW th. aelf-eonfldence
and queer meaner ef th brencho-buater
the sentiment 4hi arabltlofti, if not the
talents el ft Diaa To hlra a UtUe thing
like treaUnff an lAdrtiiral t the Navy
wearing tbl ltUfet Jyei at lMperishable
rtnowri, It he were a baby In, arms
bw" ti be dahdiefl hd nflw to b spahk-i
m&, U. merely itl ttndr affatf Mf un 4n r
' end atrldg bfl taomehu tetween break
tut And luncheon. .To. him the reprl-I
minding it the IMeutahaftt-Oeneral of the I
Army, growi gray In fighting the battles
ifcr.-MaHj awy,' .feMnel amusing
herse play meant to relax his muscles.
nd illustrate aia high roightinws while
uraat , The speaker. fai 0J ji ,Jh-, liom , vole
:-irmi&&Umri...m&t. :thiArhhf td ; There will be one' test f a democrat in
lid lh,nV i v -i- '9M-toe the Ilne. toa be'Jilie,; iaylffg to
- rtttrnffronth,Whltoue Id ite arbitrary power and", absolutism, "Thou
CapltoJ, and loolt a.t,tha Reputillcana in shalt go no further! we-are In tie epan
OingrdM.; Th i Ail ft the tfadetnart l ? slo4 business; but our panlw' :-tm for
Oirer them lITJOl HlfH TaHff dances tha religion of the Gotietltutlpn ito less
the caft-oail(n the House, while Old Ship ! thaii for the religion of CHrt and him
Kubsldjr de Jlia reirulati iakwalk .Wjrervinedj our Ixdanelorf fceah peaise. net
lh senate, pverythint for lh eyndl-;
airi wowing-aorine peopiej ana noi ;
ntnt With tha arbitrary power' in the
White House" and their , mercenary power
la Congress, the leaders of this party of
federalism and false, pretension would
rip open f andora'i , bo to mch thence
the W, piratical, flag of hegro domina-t
ettAte at. . . iil aiHk.L..i.l.i - A 1. 1 j - .
!" w Huii ...icvumu uw biouoj u
mii lAitlt: M
Whitney's Flghtfbr-State
Pr(pter-;A Chair Factory. . ,
AIJ3ANT, Or. March t6.a-Conipany a.
O. it. Q., treht by boat td Independence
Sunday to attend the funeral of Claude
' Dickey, ton of I. C. Dickey. '
Special, t'estofflca Agefct demerits Is
here going oter the pMposed rural free
delivery routes. He Will probably estab
lish fouf new dufs, making five out of
Albeny. Examlnatlou for carriers will bd
MWlMitdayi'i;.--: "
. Workmen the Teal chair factory Is be
, Ing pushed ge ' Mtpidljr as -th wea'tber .
, will permit . Workmen are grading, for a
witch train the- R. f. Railroad .and lay
ing th foundation for thre. larg buiid-
. Th fJotltlcii situation Is quiet since the
, Republican primaries on Friday. Tps
main contest Id the county convention ft
Wednesday Will tie over the delegate1 ,to
the state- convention. J.R.- Wharfe J"
pect to win 4 delation, that m pent
to the last to aecUte his omlnarf.for
State frlhtf. Considerable QfK. sent!-,
mtnt Is belngj'e'xpressed. '-n'
Wima Raid 'of Ihl Htf engagea in, i
looklnf WiformatIon tetkti tarfhef
ppmahltlei whloh Cron offer to thO
oer colonist. From iniormsuoai si von i
cent saved Is,
1 -k JL'V
r V
tihlrt of sectional egltetion-end In order
to ftiak mure of the House they are pro
posing to bring forward another Force
bill to emit the Bbutni to blight the
North, and cbnyeH a land ieemtng. with
love and peace Into a lend" reeking with
hate and etrife. 8uch.'ia the Banquet' to
-which the exit -of McKltiiey, theatatee
man, and the advent at Reoeetelt, the
Rough Rider, haavlttytted os.r , f
I am fcemethlng of a linfo myself. I
American lUw':IM iMiwf
It. T tlroalA eftr It IflViolate,
keep it spotless.. And
wltH thJslit vww, I
fa going riaay5p
1 want to know Vhat
out yonder across the multitudinous, the
mySt.Hous Wave of "the Pacific Sea. I
want ether wltnesfcf thaft el-eeklng
polltlotene and eelf-exploltlnf soldiers to
come here and tail trie.' I refuse b hold
my tbngoiffl refute to teat content. And
if 1 am told by. whlptfersnapper In
shoulder strap Uit unless 1 de I am a
traitor to my country, ihy' repl to him
nhali be aytiap tn th fade tv ;
mends, brothers, DettloorrV let ; ae
ba done with dteenel.n, Let tie turn bur
backs oa the past, fur eye te the future,
calling the old fight off. arid the old kcore
square. He wha efaqd .frith me against
these things 1 tnf comrade, M matter
what he thinks .or eVftv thoOght aboht
silver or gold. Hs whft would deny me
a place by his fight them must
either be ver jarveraHafc xery, blind.
Let us cross no bHdgegnjtlf We come to
them. But already,., we Can see far
.nouch ahead to tuv. "n
wari tt honori not the degradation at A
the flag; and Jusl as adreiy Jefferson
wrote th Declaration of Independence
d ;jfaeksbn tdukht .thd(. battHv f Mew
Orleans-to resist ae8potlsnvshall we
make a hew Fourth of Jut fend celebrate
another 8th of January,. W resisting thef
scheme to Abolish, ttfSc Constitution and
' T7
Mexicanlze the smvernm(nt.'
Secretary Hay by theHtted Statee Cos
sul at Bombay, lt seems that the ftoer
prisoners, how confined tin Ahmednari
expect J.qjreTOjuilr:'iibei:'i-dooiu:'-As
they do not care to return, tAheir foN
bier horrtea, they ate iooktrlf ,(vfhe PA
ift Cdost. Some kro without rnonn
and are consequently interested ill pubiH
lands land ti ilki While others ard men
of tneani who detlr td pUrUhasO land
for ultiwtif.j, , , :
. k pariyt'ef local flsherfneri who twuldn t
wait for he open season of trout Ashing
en Aill V wertt Out for almoa trout on
t&;' cJoiumbla above s Vanoduver, The
u'ta tote , doe not etend it yrotetatlrfa
aegfs over this Kind of Hsh., jwe Attach-
nail Jl, iimv niiu call ipvlF tne.
euccessfuflr. BeVenteen ". fine' .'rovt re
garded the effoHl ef Oscir iJcn.qtn, who
etands at the head of fishermen. Nearly '
all managed to get a few flSM r
, Incidental to th' outing, "the lt
saw great nocks' of seagulls, 'whlcK were
following up a school at imeii sWlfnm.r,g
up" stream toward the Bandy: Ther wefe
bo maay.imelt.that ilqhir the banks of
the tivef .it ona bolnf. hra th water
ts mallow, thouiandi wefe ffoatlng dead.
. : : i - ') I " i -
r tH!8 13 M0NY.bft'Yriu,
s Th reader will' profit bf .'Observing- the
newtdea Interjected into' the advertise-
lng of th Laue-Davl '"Df ug Co Cheae
oil & Paint Co. ind i. iVBrlstl in an-
other column; Vtt Will pV to'eof the
coupons out, , i
7. 1 - i Zt IbeHat W-ba eapandlnlr Iteatftese ahd
I (' I doArU HA coaW. i eMr aee the
' wtttv MpBBUd,glad thought nhatT aWli
!S;.NtDE4 IN
: .i
? Odd OlLldws' H6Mtv,
I r 1 . r .r-.ji yr-i i
:The Oddfellows of the State are laW
tng hard te prepare an effective program
. for the dedication, April te, of Ihetf hew
home at Keniiworth.
1 Av' tamttUfee has bean appointed, and
Robert Andrews, of Orient Lodges is
chairman,: and W. . A. Clark, of Portland
JUodge, M treasurer. . , - v ? !
Thif.liew home Is situated Just aouth PL
Aha suburb of Keniiworth, and . has aft
acre of ground. ,
-It. Is proposed by the Odd Fellow! td
oake this Institution a haven wkere bid
wtul' Indigent , members Of the order call
find a honie and resting place when .Qfe
cesstty calls them there. '
The home I under the management Of
County judge Ryan, of Clackamas
county, who. is looking after the) proper
llttlng up Of the structure, j .1
Odd Fellows throughout the State are
preparing to witness the dedication flf
their hew hotne, and it II ixpeeted that
the number bf those coining will be yerf
large. -'I;:. ,, ' ' : ;
iaiins..sW ' ii. ' i rn aan i i ii-r sy ' ,
". .. .(Journal Special Service,
JtJNCTION CITt. 'Ore., March tt
Washburne A Sons shipped 13.009 bushels
of wheat tl the Springfield Flouring
Mills from this city last week.
'A'seHealf, ?evlvar meetings ar1 being
ifelbr-heW .Ui the Methodlit Kplsehnal
- P'ifVr
, ,
lureh cjiptebthe'' WW,
Rat. C. A. wnolev of SuMM. siiNiaAhed
la lha? quijfpertand VreabytertancCuro'
nere Haay, .. .
; MrSi Kellli Qustin, grird preeldeht ot
the Daughters of Rebkah, mad. an of
ficial visit la the lodge of this city last
evening,. A special, meeting was held. ,t
Mrs,?. A Buahnell Is visiting friend lh
Halaer. ' ' , -
J. H. Aiken, grand chancellor Knights
of Pythlis, will pay an official4 vM to
the lodge of this city Wednesday, March
, .
f The. ysung Belgian hares in the show
window at the Cascade Drug Store, are
attracting considerable attention.' . t ,.
Mrs. K. E. Starr began teaching, the
spring team of school at Lahcaster Mon
day. ' - if""
Attsrney F. Q. Sklpworth of this cltyi,
haa been appointed United States Comi
missloner, and final and commutation
proofs can b made before him. " ' '
" A. J. Kaiser has purchased' the Interest
bit. it. Pollock .in the store of Pollock
fV Warner. A full and complete line of
cRy goods and groceries -will be put.ln.
.. Mr. Frank Drugg has sold bls.confec
tlonery to Mrs. Anna Pitney and Mrs. C
I. X,ewis, W. T. lewis. John Pitney' will
rcanage .the business.
t: ii n ii.ii i ,.,-mni..wi '.- '
Chairman Steel and Secretary Hunlway,
Of the Republican State Central Com,
fnlttee, have secured from the Southern
Pacifle Railroad and the Oregon Railway
and Nvi tint. r.nn.n, . a
- - . ..w.. vu.,,..., , a,, VHIMa II If
rate of one and one-third fares for the
delegates and other visitors to the Re
publican State convention, which .- will
he held : Jn . this, cits iA.prH t Th.. rate
Will be In fbre one day before and. one
day after the convention.- .
-i.. i. ..I I... ii( , .. . '
. , J ..lMl'l 'l ' V t
(Journal Special Service. J .
LOS km&ms. Cat., March 2S.-Aftef
Opeeding from Denver to- wed pretty
Nofa'Pflce, resldlhsj at Oxnard, P. t.
Sehallert found his Intended in a hospital
at the point of death, suffering from, a
gunshot wound Inflicted by a Jealou ri
val. During th oast few months Chartai
Tamaechltl has paid her attention aU'
oay snowihg me depth Of hi affection;
learning of 'ffid expected visit of hi
rival, he fired (h shot that cent a bullet
craohlng througlt her body. The girl
Want to live, ' but the doctor say tht
Wound la fatal. Tmasf hi tl Ha departdd,
With no trae of hi Whereabout.
, gQOMtNd Trig ifAlrt.'.
The Lewi hd Clark Exposition move
ment has two strong advocate In th
tdttora of th Republican, ftawlln. Wye.,
ajid ; the Daily Iveader ;. at ; Cheyenne.
George w.Ferry: editor ..of the ReoUbft
tan, who Waa here In U&9, at the anriuJ
ai meetmg of the Natloual dltorlal.Ao
elation, 1 enthusiasuo ia, getyng (hat
org-anisaUon to Indorse thJfalr. Colonel
BlocTf, ot the Dally Leader, has been en
hualatld i; th matte (or sereral
. it. is sotttotnintf vmic i Wi proilt bbth the reader and the mer
chant uslntf llleta;i The Idea Consists of a check, mostly of the value
of One Cent. Thefid are put in the body bf the advertisements and
when cut out, and presented to the firm using them will be the same
; as the coin when accompanied by additlonafmoney. That is to say
if you cut 0tit:ti checn and present it to the store, together with 9
cents, it will buy lO cents worth of merchandise Supposing you are
trading at a Jjrbcery stdre and ttt the end of the month you clesire to
f settle. Keep your chd cits for the month. If the advertisement is run
4 every day there wUi bd 26 of them. THM is the same as 26 cents and
,it will pay that much tot your bills They will save money for you. It
f Will malie ad vertlsln more attractive and give it a greater value to
the ordinary. reader '.TTils, Is what it is for. Jftuild up the value of ad
vertising.. It is td teach the public that it paysi to read advertising
particularly The Journal Kind. JS 4 7 &
f J.J.. ''"ft f
Orgihize and Make
Several Demands.
Irnployers HM Balked Up to
r Hostlers.
r " hi
' And how oomes the Stablemen's Union,,
"recently .organised. In this city, and
huirla'a big; bunch of demands at tne
, broftd aided of their employers' Hvery with a iou$ "whang."
The stable owner and hack, proprietor
have formed a defensive eonfederatlon
and fluhf back at the bristling hostler
a buget jOf replies and counter demands,
. with a prOimptnesa and ire not unlike
the longitudinal recoil of an rabused
mule. .The employers have, balked, bidl
Vidually nd ooHectlvelyr --.
ThU condition of affairs was manifest
last night when theatableowners' ahiwer
tO the union moos' demands was return
ed te. the senders all shot to pieces.
,Some Of the provisions are mutually
Otreed upon, but the more vital ones,
'iuch as Increase of say.. and the employ
meht Of funion, a are the ohetaeles
' iH"iB wr, .April 1 is the time limit set,
'ft'tnest;nIofi ha' agreed tO ApHI IS.
Seanwhlle bcHh6 sides are sleeping eu
elf arm, l ! v .
"Ori-ih part of the stable owners there
Ik "manifest rid email degre of pugnacity.
'-It "would seem to a man up in a hay
mow that if he doesn't like it, ha knows
-what he can do. Following are the de
mands of the Union, aa set forth in the
cptftmurtlcation of President Joseph Sofh
mers: - , '.,
"Hours of iabor shall be f rem ( a. m.
tO t p HI., with the pMVIIefs to change
off: when so desired, to shorten the day.
"Wales shall be ICO per month, mini
mum, payable monthly.
'A 'string' shall not eeed sliteeh
head 6f stock.
"Ail hew men employed shall be mem
bers of the union, or make application
foir rhothbershtp Within ten day after
"This contract shall Include all men
- employed on stock and floor.
, "Thre hall be nothing binding oq the
pnrt rtf employer td keep in service men
who-prove themselves Incompetent pr
ftekiect 'their duty. '
. "ThJ above contract Shall) be in force
AnrH I lSOf, .until March 1, IMS."
And hero la the reply i
Mr, j,wrfh Soromes, President Stablf
., men's tynlon:
i'pe'sr' Blrt . The organisation of sUble
Owner 10 conference, have unanimously
agreed upon the following Concessions,
Whlrtt w. submit to you by seotipns;
:'Fl-sl Section We will agree to the
hour ol tabor asked tor for seven months
of the year providing you will age for
the remaining five summer months to
extend the time one hour, te 9 p, m.;
J fni .,r..i
among yeursel
provided further, that you will agree
vca in each, stable- that
en ' man shall remain thirty rtHnutes
linger when necessary: and, regarding
bnahglhg OtT-athat must bo: eubJaet to
hgrcement with the proprietor. There is
ho reason "to suppose that the 'proprietor
will be unreasonable in allowing A man)
M la oft, provided he can arranK bis
wont saUsfaotortly With hie fetloW work-rrten.'-"-'
' .-
' "Sedoria Bectloti-W win accede to thl
increase Ih wae tfii oondltloft that thr
meh ere to give the proprietor fen daye
hotide before qulttlna?, and wlt also
hare to pay a fine Of .13 M druntt When
en duly, or when off dot v, providing- I
fltsables them from reporting the next
flay and properly attending to , their
Work; hd, further sfwlng- that. If they
f will provide suitable eubetltute. - I
j i Third Section . Wo . will limit the
tnng to aa averaa; of elf hteen head,
tut in up case to ece4 twent head.
t ak. this because It oometltnea ec
turs that a stable can accommodate a
tertaln humber of head that maynecov
Kate.ene mart taking one or two axtra
fcorse, add ret there ' would pat be
Inbugh extra horse to warrant the em
ployment of onother hostler. .',;
(Fourth BectlonWe will agree to give
he Onion men too preference, and will
nt our employes understand that , wo
have no objection to their belonging to
She Onion, - but ; wa, do not consider tt
ut to compel mea ,to belong to tv, anion
against their desire, neither do .we wish
t bo sompelled-to employ union men
When we can get better, non-union men
at th same : price, ,v The acceptance of
this eeciioa would limit the number, of
men 0e have to choose from: and we (eel
that 11 is vour bnalneaa ta bsrsUade th
...... . -..
men to. join your Unloflj and not Insist
upon our. comptulhg them to da so.
;MFlftlr, feebUohIt kftot eiear to
in tht .seotlofl, hat yoil mean by men
"on tbe HooftF "
Sixth ,4eettDftTh), 0f eourse, la rea"
onable, ., .
BeVerith Bectlbh-Wa sk that h( dot,
be advanced nfteett.days, as w'ahallvb4
obliged to Ihcrease out1 oharge" for board
ers, , W arder U rlmbura us tor thie
additional tnereas of wags, J and want
time ih Which' to notify '6Ur customers.
ToU must f iiridsrsUnd that this increas
of pay will be a heavy burden to ua, un
less we can get ieffia additional receipts
from boarders,' we tkre now getting
th sahie price "ft we, were when feed
wa only abOut one-hal what it Is now,
and when - rent ware . less i had labor
lower, and th, of u In the hack busi
ness cannot Increase, our harges for
hack hire, a .'that, regulated by city
ordinahc,o,'j " i " i
"If these term ata not satisfactory to
you. and W think we itaVe given good
reason- for; ecH One, w luggest that
wa meet some of yOut officer in eoftfer
ehio.',:-'"i''Sit'.--JF.4 f "
lsmsi'.'W,'!'-iil-1l(rftfe, Btngman
Fredertoltton,.; Cfc0i M. J. Drlscoll
. Co., a O. Pick, a0, C. Snider, J. B.
Haley, L. M. Hubert II. J. Kirk wood,
F Ransdelt, ts'Xdyaey,' F. Matthias ft
Co., United Carriftge cd.i FrtMer Mc
Lane, Anderson Broa.i Mfsner at Haydeh.
W. a BrWfe; A.l. Wales, Isaac Lawier,
jam Nicdl, Jam Avert,
The Hlc fflufd'tf trial U I drawing to a
close. Argument of -counsel are being
made. ii"---.T"'-. :P
Oebrg Irbn. abcused of being the lead
er of A gang of. western, postoffice rob
bers, after ll-mdnths' chase haa been
caught iiir take to Wichita, Kansas for
trial. - Three e his . confederates have
confessed.'; . : .
BUI Bleglef, eftlored,. Wk lynched neat
Troy, Va , tot attempted outrage upon
a ilttUi; erhit:':girbsy':S
The thai. Of Itmll A. Hysenburg. ei
councllmah. aecused Of 'hovltig ao'-epted
bribe' 1(1 eonneetion With the St. Louts
suburbsfi rallwtt frtnc)W. ha bgun.
Clinton DoUon, c6kd of eonivnlrtng
to kilt hti father, wilt u hsnged at peer
Idgei.Mohti.VAM-rt 4. ' James MOArthur,
his co4eohplMtol. Whd did the killing,
wa fiahged last September.
Charles Shepherd-,' 4d barber, ehOt his
wife nd himself, at Red Key, Indiana.
Both Will' - ' '
: i,r . A, i... y r , k
" PrkhttM ttohk Catup.
Delicate flavor.
BtlTtK. Mpnt, MH fi.-Henry Man
field, aft Inmate Of the county jnll, be
lieve he l Agfcdt and the county
HUthortltfs'beilere 1W 4 craty. To 1f
cide wio la fight thpro win be an lh
Vf tlration into the fhenlhl conilttin of
Mr. ManJRea oofl a the sheriff cn
secure the Accessary witnesses.
And tne'.Witnwrsee-will, not be hard to
get, foe tha friar- wnp ta powssefl of the
notion (Hat he Isja anhderlng wreith bu
been industrious 111 fit attempt to friicht-
Teh everton Whose patH tie haa crossed
after dark, ltd 1 an old man with a
long while beard and when he raises his
bands aloft and moves forward with a
gliding motion he, look enough like the.
orthodox appartitlon to .All the bill to a
dot,;' ''ff' V": ''., ' '.
.... hi.v. i .
lion Ust hlaht. ootid wa received that
the rental of tbe rootei aAlotnlhg the Al
blna schjJOl oMse, which is now ned for
choel pilfpose. . Inereased from
10 to Ik i ihdhth. Vta no nearby room
tan be obtained, director. Warr a ug
gested thf1 Idea M bii tiding a portable
tchoot hOU0 ''ftttf board favorod thl
plan, and it was referred to Director Wil
liam fof,iti,vtlittonr'''f ,-, ,v
Aa s.ytfia sy -named Smith had
played ,'hoolteyt' andV; Had igned hi
mother', nam to Itt txeo for absence.
Th forgery wait discovered and the boy
wa susparide n-ein ;th Thompson
chooi." ThO parnt ot th boy appoalad
from, the dteuilea of thb principal, and
the boVwai retntted.' .
'. Supeflnleadentlilgler. wa Inatructed
to elo h night echooU rriday. -
j PrffrOd toelt Temdtoat. - .
Vfiolld paca-en theapest lo consumer.
rr ' ..Hi.'ini
1 :r.
A Sill Itt -TO
Most Men wear Shirt, and want them to fit" They
abo want good quality. r
Comhine all tne sood qualities, and are made right
here In Portland by white girls. No Chinese labor
touches them. r
Have Style. Pit and Good Wearins qualities. They
are made tn hundreds of different styles and colors
They fill 101 Wants. , ? , I r -
You make ito Mistake when you buy
iTri00D SHIRTS .
iiUiH trllRD STRJtET STt eor. Morrbon
Banfiefd-Veiysey Fuel Go.
slab wood .
Get yonr orders fat early and give your wood
: a chance
Office: No. 60 ThlrdS tree!.
Ore. Phono, Main 363. Columbl.
Equitable Saving and Loan Association.
- :...:." ' b 22. stAiiK' stmet; ' --.i W 'l jj '
CHAS, Es'UOO, Pre.. T. B. WLCOX, Vlce4r es., McKERCHER.Secl
Buyers Securing Contracts for
Next Season's Crop.
J. Plncus, Bcto, ; H. L. Hart, Korth
Yakima, and B. 0. Pohucklng, of thl
city, hop htovers. were Oweni at th Belvs
dere Hotef today. "Very little I said to
bo doing in tha hop market now. . Most
of last year1 crop h been disposed Of.
About m bales, remain lit the hand of
Oregon, growera and the dealer have not
over iOoo baiea. Th ruling pHo la U to
It cent a :i':'4---'i 4iHiit:yli:
f There la considerable activity ta mat(
ing eontracta fof ' hext ' year 's Orop.
Twenty thousand bale have been report
ed as signed for at 'tlgurea ranglha;' 'from
UHO to 1214ai' On lot Went tor 130. - v
Hopmen are- looking forward to' a big
yield next season. The railroad com
panies have Just completed .their est!-,
mate ot the quantity raised ih thl ftiate
the past year a being H,m bale. '
v Thl output la considered low. With tbe
to dry.
flcjsc CkL"? is cpc3 yco
We can help you in this '
with our well-selected Wall
Paper in all grades. . . '
E. H. M00R1.0USE & CO.
Art Store, 307 Washington St.
CO., Tat nd Barnifdo StsTT;., 1
Increased acreage ' and " more , favorable
conditions this scRSon the estimate U
placed at from kS,QU0 to tO.OOOlbale. ;.
In thaTahtma caantry.: Eafft'r Wash'
Ington, only 323 bale are left of tft old
crop, and 3300 ara said to be contract" A
for. The total yield. In that Ua Uit
year waa 13.600 bales. - -,
, SEWER BURST." f(" .
: The sewer on Hood etrwt. to front OT'
the soap factory , burst Sunday and th .
thordughfar for" a considerable aiUn
wa made Impasmtf.a, ; Th'
break waa eai'eI by the- se1!-! of n
fill througn whi'.?. the sewer pnwed,
The sewer ok' East Btimslde etmet w a
recently choked for a distance of W f
and wa - cleaned 1 out at consiJrahla
post Tha Korthup Street sewer was alao
recently choked. -
s. - I? i HIS 'TYPIST."
' The Emnloycr 1 rigret having
you go, Miss Keys, nut my '
eera to like you, a nd -r i'"i
can't dlschar.-s sr.y w.f.
tn I-
m mmm w V 'I r- r -T irrTlt r
- J