The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, March 24, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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' I "a "' .'' ' ' ' V '
Who Should lldtbe
r, J .V,. ) 'w
' "'It wouldn't, do .to publish half Vbat
transpires- under th direction of the City
. Board of Cfaiitia,' Mid Secretary TV'.' R.
, ,Wlpol Id reply to, Journal Jhjerytewer
zoaay. 4, . y -
"We give assistance tP many deserving
. persons la tun way and Mother, and be
eause. they happen to be In desperate dr.
cumatangea we cannot, it Justice to
them and the (time I . the Institution,
make public the name of such persons.
- .You tnay,' however, state eome other
things that may be of great benefit to
- the people in general -a welt a jo eur
' members. - ' (
"We bare been greatly Imposed upon
' lately by professional beggar. "For In
' stance , there's a young, smooth-faced
man, apparently W year pld, named Wfl
Ham Coll, a moat undeserving fellow, who
makes bis living by preying .: upon the
.charity of good-hearted people, He op
plied to me for aid last February. He
exhibited a barn ' of tor on the right
. wrist and said he, bad received the Injury
In a.flrfc In Wyoming.. He also claimed
to be betr to IW.ODQ, but explained that be
rap away front bis guardian in the J?st.
, j gave him meais ana loagings, in
; k, 1 the last' I aaw of him, though be pron
' leed to show up and have me tend blm to
the hospital. Next be applied toJrB-
ton, whose offer to administer a .cur .free
ef ehsje was rejected. Dr, Panton was
given to understand tht th Injury had
been received In a railroad accident. Ha
finally got fifty cents out of the' doctor
to go to the hospital. . I am Informed that
z the youhf man has not reached" the lot-'
pitel yet, s ; ,. . a ,tt '
' 'There's a woman, whose ralnnin Is
G!l. who works an Ingenious scheme to
get money,-, Bhe goes about under, the
aliases of "Fisher and 'Steven,' ask
, ing In a pitiful manner for work to. earn
money fQi the, support of her starving
children. If no work be given her she
wblnes and begs for. just a HUH monfj
fap the aid pf her poor children. Many
times the advance Is made, In lieu of the
work, and the woman goes on to the
next one. The fact Is she ha no children
and wouldn't work If she could get It.
una was sent oown into a Basement or a
private nous once p wash clothes. How
.- do you suppose she washed themt By
taking the garments out pf the boiling
water "and banging them on the line,
Never a rub did she give them. The
she begged off and said she bad tn ia
home and wanted to. take something along
to eat. The lady gave her a bucket at
"graham flour. The woman went out on
- the front porch and, without being d
teoted, emptied the contents of the bucket
all over the porch and disappeared.
, "What d yon call them
I Gratitude," ventured the reporter.
Tes, gratitude' with a vengeance," re
plied Secretary Walpol. t
"On my books I kava recorded the name
' of another, female fmposten, Bhe la an
Italian, medium height, black eyes, slen-
der of form and face, and always dresses
In blatlb- She's a shrewd one and has
, 'worked" this city systematically off and
1 on for 'over sin years. She changes her
address so often that I have been nnable
to tell where aha Is -at any particular
" time. Occasional reports of her doings
,. com to, the office and I know she Is still
in the same old business. She usually
rarrtefr. alio bearinsr tbe folio wina an
i peal: '
Please listen ;U the distress pf this
unfortunate woman. Her husband la aid
, . and sickly and not able to work. She is
the grandmother of live children, and as
her dead he ba to help
' - them to their need. She appeals to a
. kind and generous public for assistance."
' Another ; professional beggar, named
: Jatnoa fnmfnra. rone around with at mint
ed tale ofwoe. He Claims to be, para
,i lysed." "J i1' f w?,rf
' "From these names cited warning may
. be taken not to help this class of indl-
- it they are unable to work, send them
to me, I Jbave a record of everybody who
; has ever applied to the board for aid,
ana waice ll a ousinees - te sacertsin
Whether the applicant la deserving. They
- will continue to fool the public as long
a their smooth 'talk' is, given credence."
rs aotrndetl their ynemttfe of gco4 cheer
Tiui sito ajLx di, vs s ! va fwvus ssswsv
and entertainments In w eatera Academy
hall. ' It was a representative gathering.
, The Mlghlander Orcheatra. led by Will
lam Barksdale, furnished the music of
the eveiung. .
Much credit reflect upon the
committee,' conslating of Dr. M. J. Den.
vty. chairman: Mrs, Ppter Vandenbput,
- Mrs. Nella E3. Roark and Charlea J.
. jiepuricaioa, lor ioe-, maraea success
with which this initial party ef tba ss.
. flcs , was received, an especially pleas.
ant evening being enjoyed by those pres.
at. t 1
The floor oommlUe comprised. Misses
AJeaanderina McDouald and Minnie 1
Sperling, Dr. O. W. Cpeadla an John h,
Hoye, ,
. Among the beneficiary Societies hold.
fng membership in the National Frater-
Third Tloor,
-sM$ Weddins-Card?,
3 m
aal Congress the lUyal " Highlanders'
steads .welt as teTthe protestton f Its
fnnds, Jthe same belBg held by the 8tte
Pt Nebraska for, absolute guaranteV it
baa an anuitable plan of ccumulatll
a ufflient rserveal4 to be the largot
per capita of any org anlsed t$ the 'Biw
states waging a ma voogref. v
u prgoa Castle JN. ',-of this aoeleff.'
wm duly srgnniand in Fortian with t
14fo charter membership. 9. 0. Stray
er was elected illustrious protector; tr.
Qeorge ,W Cheadle. secretary; pre. M. J.
Denajr esS-KIbiasMh' - Hi - Denny!
phyalcol examiners. , '
The instttutlon. of th cattle was en
tertalnlngly accomplished by Deputy
George Btrayer, State Manager for pre
ron and California, assisted In the for-
mautnv and, equipment of ;a,degrea team.
by willam i Paimor, wno Jun recently
moved his family t6 Fortlftfid froh. Au
rora, Nebraska. , . .- ; .
i The'eataWlwhment of the Beyal' fflgh-.
landers upon the aino poast bespeaks
6 advancement dr tha.dnallftcattotia of
fraternaliem'snd home protection.
Sheriff Captures the Man Who
f Kidnaped His Daughter.
EUt3ENE WaVch i5.-8herl(t W. Wj
Withers ha captured W. B. Rohreir, the
man who kidnaped his own daughter and
who assaulted, his wife and mother-in-
law here tli dtber day. He wee" found
at Kate burg lata Saturday night, iiower
was brought to Eufftne and arraigned b
fore Justice O. A. Wintermeter yeaterday
on the charge ot assau)t'and earrylnjf .a
conceaiea weapon, na i
Wednesds-y Roiriys.
conceaiaa weapon, na ewecea a iiieo u
B. wa put smder sjoo bonds
mtry examination
wife9 today com
aeaeed suit for a .divorce
"A oisirict x. o v( convenuon tor
iise ana vougias ouiuib mei a xne
WUttan vnurcaisn-tnis ty yestarasy
alnlr ' Tia4tnnsiSrifer0 .Tnhn
Willis Beer was In, attendance and ad
dressed the convention on "Tne annuence
of the Enoevorersln:ihe-dliurch.'! He
poke t night on "Ttie xnnuence ot ine
C. E. on the World." ' Other addresses
were by . Rev, -Marry B. Tewpleton, of
Portland, and Rev. F, E. Bllllngton, of
Eugene. Ths general subject for discus-
Sion at ne convenuon s i" ieio m
Christian Endeavor,"
J. 8. Chambers, one of Eugene'a most
prominent oitlgena. U 111 and his condiUoa
Is serious.
A change of city editors on the. Morn
Ing Beglster took placa today, Lea Hen
ry, raeently from Atkinson, Neb., has
taken the position, .succeeding' -Claude
-W. B. Aylsworth U on the sick Hat
The pewlvf erected .nlon Church", will
' 'v. birka'a new'' l-'eildsnce" oh' East 'An
keny end Ilbbar4 streets is nearins; comV
'pletlort. r j ffK
- The Red Cross Society "have three can
dldates for initiation next ThurSduV.'
The following letters remain unclaimed
at the Montavllla pbstoffloe. Mrs, Ed
ward S, Bryan, M. It Carter, Louise
Perry, 4 fi" . ?
Mrs., Burdette. wife of tbe postmaster!
has recovered front a recent attack of
the grip. ' ( J .
- There Is not an empty house In Monta
vlla and butldinga . are going up on all
woes. , t -' '
- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wolf, of Monta
villa, celebrated ,the 60th anniversary of
their marriage by a golden wedding at
1. O, a F. hall one day last week. They
were married in tonsvllla, O., In 1853
and have six children. Mr. Wolf la
years or ago ana Mrs. wolf s years,
Mr, Wolf has been a, member ot tho J. O,
O. F.' sine baoomlbg o( agf and Mrs.
Wolf a roember mV tha Rebekaha for
nearly the same length of time. A large
circle oi rrtenoa -attended the celebra
tlon, tha happy couple being presented
with a large number pf presents.
. ' A (Journal ffp'cfal Servlcs.) -TONA
WANDA, N 3., March B,
Post, a farmer 80 years old, living on the
Worth road, four miles south ot this vll
lags, bound hi wife to a stake in ths
bullpen of his stable " recently. She
wore a red calico apron, which aroused
a confined bull to frensy.pnd in its rage
tha animal attacked ,' th woman and
gored her to death.
It hi said that Poet's act was caused
by Jealousy ot Hiram Coetas, a Free
Methodist preacher, who (Ives at Ken
more, half a mil pouth of tbe Post farm,
Alter the killing-, of his wife. Pout
started for the Niagara river, with the
supposed intention pf pasting himself in,
if was stopped on the way by his broth
er Frank, wb Asked whpr he waef going
ana why. , l his excitement, Post was
unabls to give a satisfactory answer and
Anally broke down fend contested to his
Dromer. y-, - 1
Annie Buckley has filed sult.for divorce
against Daniel Buckleyj; pausertTOsertlon,
earn wootiy has neen appointed admin
lstrator of the estate oft bjs father, am
uel Wodtly, - Th estate consists of per
eonai property valued at I LEO and a dam
age, claim against th Northern Psvchrf!
Terminal Company on account ef - the
death of Wodtly resulting from an aoci
dent. T 4 ' ,
C. Syaith t3 Co;
' ' "
Fourth and 'Washington
; Streets, over Lttt s.
II h -1- -t itrl t
im innll f rt r rrv lo thni
Delegation to State
. I.
t -, ' (Journal Special -Sol
'OBEdDW CITf, Maroh nT.A(thoup
tna republican county. convention ot
Clackamas County does not ttouvepe un
tlilO a. m. tomorrow, the city Is filling
up with delegates and candidates from
the outside precincts
Walter JUyona, private "secretary ""of
Governor Oer4 was here yeaterday feel
ng. the puis on the governorship ssnrl
tnent- , . -
' ft Is now pretty eortaln.tkat State Sen.
ator Brownell will control ths delegation
to the stata convention and,- oint Sen
ator Porter depends on him to "carry Ma
candidacy for(State- Frlntef ttq a.sijciea
tui issus. 1 , .,
It Is dlncult to tell at ha,tme jus
wno win receive nominations on tne beg'
fslative ticket, although It is now' be
lieved that C. 0. Huntley will receiv th
nomination from Oregon Clti ton Repre
tentative. . , , j . t : -
. The Dallaa City ot th Regulator tn
la being overhauled, repainted and aup
plle4 with 'new engines. Tb. 'work map-
pea out to ba don upon it will oocupy
about a month tlma. , ,
A San Francisco dispatch sayst A new
passenger and freight steamer for ths Ban
rranolsco and Coo Bay trad 'is to be
ttUIU by the; i. D. Spreckeli dr Brother
Co. The vessel will b St feat long and
wtH have a apeed of about U knots no
hour. - . - ,-i
The British bsrk Otenmark, whlcl car
rived, at , Taooma Friday night . under
charter to Balfour,, Guthrie Co., ts to
load a' part cargo Of salmon and fill up
with wheat. Th Qlenmark come tq tha
Bound from Newcastle by way of Chile,
after a lt7day passage,
The sohooner- Peflance, which has ' ar
rived at Port Townaend from Suva, In the,
Fiji islands, covered the long ciatanc V
thirty-nine and one-half days, the fast
est time on record, It Usually requiring
about sixty day to make tb trip. , ;
Bom of th Malay crew of the Brit
ish steamship Quito- were promenading
the streets yeaterday and attracted eon
aiderable attention. They wer thinly,
clad and did not lopfc. comfortable br at
horn. In their Oriental
reminded ona of Xipllng
-.ff KJZ7'
-nays.' ass unn vranwn 10 wn wim
ve.l now in port. , - , .
Th steamer Newfoundland, ft ssallrtg
ship, has arrived at St. Johns, N.-F., and
reports that the season's fishery was th
worat on record, She has only m seal
skins on board., whereas she can carry
40,000. The news occasioned a grave de
pression, especially after the sealers' re
cent strike.
The sailor ot th French bark Ren
Blanche, whloh has arrived at San Fran.
cIsco from Newcastle, declare that cruel'
ty and' semi-starvation War tb distin
guishing features pf tb passage across
th Pacific. Many of th sailors have de
sorted. The ship's pincers charge th crew
With mutiny
The German steamship Theodor Will,
a new vessel now on her maiden trip, J
lying In the stream off ths Eastern Lum
ber Company a dock, ' She will begin load.
ing lumber an soon af k berth is mad
for her, Sho 1 a modern, freighter '6f
over 6,000 tona capacity, una was oniy
day coming across the pacific,: falling
short but ona day of the fast record, made
by'.the German bark Cari; ,.wnjpb" l also
in pori lor at vnrjo oi viucv.
Next month the keel for a great six
master Drill be laid In East Boston. Th
vessel is designed by W. Starling Burges
and will be named Edward Burgess,- She
will cost $175,000, and Captain' crandall
will be the managing owner tor th syn
dlcat who wljl build her, , , :
The British ship Fall of Hatladale,
havlna left hers over Ave months ago
with 4,797 bushels of wheat and M.020 cen
tals of barley, was spokto, March I in
latitude 18.62 north and longitude 97 west.
The German ahip Blckmet RlCkmers, on
of th November, fleet, was spoken On th
enbator n Jongitude 2f west,. February Zi.
The steamship Mario, i an Australian
tramp which will com to Portland from
San Francisco, has 'cut the rat on flour
to tbe Orient, From this port She ha
been engaged to take flour to Vladlvoa
took at the rate of M.7S, a cut of 26 cent
on th schedule which hss always been
maintained by all regular liners. It f re
ported that still lower "rates', will be
.Quoted. j v ;v ,
At -Port Townsend Saturday th preflra-
Inary hearing pf th. cajje'of tb United
States vs. James Jamteaen and Frank
Wilkes of Victoria, who,fwert heia Odder
bonds of $200 eacn..-xvwas hearq aefor
United SUtea Cothmtssloner Knhn. Th
customs officer wer unable t prove that
the prisoners had landed any Chinamen
or opium, and they ware oraerea nis
charged. A 4otrmlnad ltor. .wl b
mad there to break up th gang who
elan from that port, tor the Hscal month,
and. according; to the Ixilri, brings for
eign ek ports for. this month front Tacom
to. better than., a wo per cent increase
oVr'Ma(i)t,i-J90l. ' lC; V vtV.v
Btlniay playing bost)-Well,,old
what dp yea-'think -pf thai Wlnsr'
Sharp (lariag down Wl small, glass)-
Th sample taatedad good I ; Wouldn't!
mind, having-si drink of It,- v , u
- ' Prsfsrrod Stock Oystar.
Blfgest oysUiat biggest tla. . .,
PnnVPnt ftrt ' n ku Ini tTZSSZt hf CWc Pao over ail tther.
' J ' f (J. Stout jin4 flft, pf t. Pnl,r Success.. Jt you- once bear a jfjftickertpg
' rew- a fuiisaoew yior( Twf. xtui8ji ftret, room wnt ! opened t member of th
Chinamen and opium.. ;,., March ; sged t Tem, ' , raglnient a4 frlend or dancing.
, Th German; bark Schiitbek flnlshed ys- Amos 2. Kartln. HI 7htrtseatk trrL V y . L ' PTj . , i : - - .
Urday loadlna- big narg of whsat a March Ift aged it days.. ' ' . -r ' '-V' ' " " ' Z ' i - :'
Tacoma, amounting to ever il,00 bueh- S. 8akamot. St Vlnoent t HcSpItl, - DR. R. B. KORn.IiUP
els. She Is th last vessel to clear for- Mareb aged jtt year. - - - f : " , - . " , -
f :mm people?
I'M rtba Cvoiti aeerelary -rol W
. u. . . 7 - z " - f a ' ; ' . w - i -. .
f Monl VWVM i4)taf ''
f 9nt Wawen a - Ckriatiaa Ai9P.
Ut be bVfhia H tM Vftl frej W
, r : - ,
t. Mtsi If. effet4 WiU 99tM
A- eW W
.,..... a
j.w.,w.,n inn cnnvtniiDit ( mi a.. .nu..m
m. wiu meat a sorest uwvtni' Jrear,
the lsth, 4Mb h4 Wtb af hx snonth.
,. sea i . m . ....
(and. gueat.
i Jam C.' Kid well, pf tbe National Bank
of Commerce at Walla. Walla, is in th
city,?oday; , ' ! . ; .
pr..f W Vincent,' of Pendleton, vho
k ex-Mayor of that prosperous Saltern
preg on town, is at M imperial, . t ,
f-Ai -f. Johnson, f Sclo, and B. to Car.
son, of Statu, bank examiners, are tran
sient-t the Imperial.
C. E. Moulton, of Tacoma, and Adolph
rreetnan, of Boise, are reilerd nt iU
rrkn, , a ' -. -
pdhtor . pt tb Martin. County SanURti
and,' former member of tbe Legislature af
J iAs JSTorth tar Kite, (a In b,e city.
th wljfe'of Henry P. Ford, tb Wty
detective, la til af th famllj bom, J
Johnson Itrcpt, vltk low aHoetlon ot th
i1 4,vH, Kiey,- tne picturesque attorney
pf Pendleton; In In th city. '
Among ffao transient today wad Stl
penatar Proebeatel, of Usnatllia County;
Ifrsrr. J. Fellows, of m West Park
street. U entertaining Mr, A. M. PrkV
ano;, miss Tveaver, both, of Hlnneapoiii,
Minn,. , ,'.i
Among th Sunday visitors C, fi.
Hopkins, of Spokane, who waa rcntly
appointed 'United State Marshal of th
Stat fit Washington, and who qualified
for the offlc. today.
s &3i Coreoram of Pertlanl, sunarlnten i
dent of the Pacific Stataa Telephono Com
bany; is looklng over Port Towasend with
'a lw tp seeing whethff tb re-wtring of
that city Is practicable at aula Urn. ,Th
matter ot extending th ayitem down the
strait to Port Angeles will site ba looked
State '.Senator Wehrutig, of HUlabor.
ls. her .talking over matters with th
Democratic .politicians of Portlaas.
District Attorney J, N. Hart, af Pol
County, Is in th pity.
From advices wired her to his agents,
Charles Francis Adams, ths Boston flit
anclerand wen-knowA railway promoter,
Is expected to arrive in Frtlan4 tomor
tow. It. Is understood ' that Mr, ACamf
Visit, bar I merely to took ever Invest
ensWmatt .h. piiu Vorthf
I wi.V , ia. vi-
IT PT-A1 PantonrW'PortUnd. ban, re
Ptuma fron., .trtnat with his Wife.
i i. . i .
.21 7. " Tt. T2win. . "r" . 1
I tern in that oitv and tha bnuaeai are
dratnelby open gutter, running Into
Chesapeake Bay. Thera are erls ef
pest-breedlng oesspoels prhlch are usual
ly cleaned out once a year. Too city
there Is .looking for state authority te
Issue bonds to th amount of anlllioni
to establish a, aewer system.
Local freight men r In ftcelpf of Sup
plement No. 2S of tb trahooBUnntl
. tariff rati sheet . This avts i$ pupplei
menu to the tariff still In effect. - At th
meeting held recently fit Portland ar
rangements were mad to publish this
tariff, and whansvw conditions warrantee;
to issue a suDnlsment - All chanawk are
clearly indicated and eaxm 'supplement n
plainly Indexed, n mattoe how slight th
change. Tht innovation,' -will be greatly
appreciated by shipper who have hereto
for experienced not little difficulty in
keplng track of rat changes.
Tbe Canadian Pjj BpFat Mall BWain
Ship X.lne ha Issued Its ftpw sheet giving
sailing dates, together fsrtth a Chinese
calendar. Th sheet i printed )n Chi
neee characters, and Is quit a novelty
In Its way,
General Agent Johnson of th Canadian
raoino wno nan oeen on nrmg trip to
tb Pufet-Sounft ountrF (s beo!. nfrala,
Tber was nult an exodus f ton m
ploy bf th general freight department
of the Northern Facinc Saturday to v
rlotm points, - F. G. Donaldson, tb rat
clerk, fled to Tnopm. M Bchloft, n
of th stenographers, Mcompanled by bar
frepd. Miss Parrtah, also tffenl to PVSf
Chief -Clerk Ostrandar"- has a 'ranch
omewhere out beyond Washougal In the
Cascade Bange, wher ho wont to look
after his budding snowballs and to pull
th weeds front bis crop of irowlngr id
cles. After leaving the. b.oat at Washou.
gal, be started oUpb bin -"bike." Wltblo
" "f M' Vf
bars and wa forced to -lb 'mia- WUd I
i rJ! V r ;!a f,m " .h I
waV than ana , ' " ' '''-, I
way tnsn na, . , -
neitup ' " I
MaWll3r , .y-r i
Infant daughter of A, B. tTrlibt tJool
Ik Ennrati CeUam taiVtak. '
tn 9t fnaoral llreator pa om
baimar. KSgi TamaUW fti ftQT,
r- Otto Schumann, snanumtntal.. and
BUiWinf wprk, X04 Tblrtf 51, -tl.
ia . a. . U lt.a LI. ...I. I I. l ... 'in'
W! 9 rVft ' r Wfrf
-. " "J- - . w
1 F,n'y .fans. UnMHakar
ana smpaimm, f aira pnatfanerfon
straats. at flrft-c'W W9r. ltd fn
honorably with nil, , . , . t -
- . I f i tne Portland. . , f-, -1 piano played upon ym wui recognise its
Vlce.) :V;. '-t; -v- 1 5 n h.j . am..n u pf. I pocullarb beautiful tona aver aften it Is
ia ... 1 sassasasassasweMaa , I
-c ? -a. i-.
I t Th eldest and most rtVored piano in
I Afttrica. 44 Ue Chiaksring of Boston. fhl
ismovi mitrumtnt PW WB l wonon
I Bnnui.Hi kran n, n i tiw
..: - '
k a was vnwim -i-uiss' w iiroBisnnun . am .iwsi
great prestige ef the Ohiekertcg la net
(nsrely a nttr f as nlorttyr but one of
the ably xtlaao tona that cannot' he 1ml.
iated, although such pas been attempted
py everjf Jntsr makers t j
i 11 yeu. would have the finest plana the
World produces, you must buy a Chlcker
ing; It baa no equal, and the slight ad
I fli&losal cos ever ordinary good pianos la
But-trimnav . . - -. ,
,; -,Ws pre always clad to have visitors In
apact pur aplendid Cbicaering stock.; We
bav planon of tnin make In all the differ
nt styles atjd colors f wood,
131 Wablnsrte'n atrt oddosU Dordrar's
J .( Thaatsr. t -.
Branch Btors. Baa Francisco, Sacra
bvnntok. Mdi Bpokan. .t
V t
MInlvter6 be Tried fgrHwwy
(, v. , WW'UIU PVWIM BrVWW"-;isj
M'PHERSQN, Kan., March 2S.-Bv.
Pranviu Iuther. D. p., pastor of a Id
eal church, Was nerved with1 paper at
a Methodist Episcopal Conference her
charging lum with heresy, and say.
ing hf would be tried at Arkansas City,
Han,, March M. JRev, Louther. who Is
n member,' of th Southwest jEansas Con.
terenoe, is charged with being guilty "of
disseminating doctrines contrary to and
aubverrlv t th doctrine of the Meth
onset Episcopal ehvrch," and it I alleged
tnaf I "athelstlo and evolutlonlstlo."
Blerrixruther b charge with making
and teaobtng th following; doctrines,
which kte pet down a in violation of the
confession of faith n4 the catechism:
! "Tnt tn Serpent woo talked to Eve
wag manjne of tb race to which she
god, Adam btflonge4,tnt h nnd. not come
Into, a consciousness pf Ood, therefoi'e
was.,clasnet with tn beaata, and that
thai 'COfhe lahiCltahtn r nemhers
of W ot 'Ttr ot bow Naur Cam find
bib wlh ia hie Jjaod fl KodS hertf nbae
of AdaWa children oaoept Cain had goner
It, net, wnpno cant th daughters of
whom ah, aon of Ood look for
i fr'Tp' reasonable JrUerbra
tlon, it aescenifenta, pf IdanT
called Son. Of Ood because, hrfvlhir etitar.
cd Into a consciou knowledge of Bod.
they would, claim Hint a their Creator
and worship iro. ?h other, not know
Ing God, wer called sonp and daughters
ni men.
."That Adam and five a em created
had no moral perception of their obliga
tions of obedience that in anting of th
f -, v. y ifiuirwuav v ayvu
and vil,they had done nothing exopt
what the others about them were doing.
and tha. they themselves had formerly
noa;thnt la, IJket beasts, but they had a
highfr Vision of spiritual things than
formerly hd. " coneequently . they felt
fui"y. fir;
"That Christ diedfor man to show
man how to die for manj that this wil
lingness to 41b for man. should be multi
plied by exactly tb number of desclptes
of Christ And that th atonement can
never be completed until thi Idea pre
valla'r s-. - !j i .( f
1tfr. louder1 haa ' been-:- identified ;for
year with th Kansas Stat Holiness at
soclatlen no its paidnt He believes
that in religion a well as tn world build-
(ng Op4 in proceeding from lower to high
er form and that this procao must Con
tinue In lb future a It haa In the pat,
Htf '.'contends : that creed ' Arw valuable
ahljr' (and marks; says that lack of
freedom for the soul I Ilk compressing
A lady' waist In corsets to compel it
fe grow according te certain fashion
aM (deaf, and declare that religion can
neyar rsaeh -?b fwlinsss of naturalness
until it le free from- fear of persecution
for t hlghst and holiest concept. ,
' f arm ,m . uniH
Cntin tangatt say thera will be no
further surveying don at th mouth? f
th Columbia, ryerr g Jie baa a signed.
Statement' from tho pllqt ahat at low
tido'ther I more than twenty feet of
sufficient for .th average vssoei.
Bids hav been opened by Captain
Lnnglltt, pf the Vplt4 State nglnsers,
tor' tb vtmatructlon) of two llghthouser
pn tbe Alaska coast. The Captain 'con
.Mm thi'Mdk Mthar Mrti anil U of
il At.i .i... .u- a:; -a.m
Pr to any of th
present contractors.
in- 'fmrer , svegimoni, y. w., ana
th ai-Bit-l detaehnaent wHt have their
tnspeotion at th nmott to
morrow tveWng. a th coticiusioa ot
inspection ana er mnie tn targe arm
fHtuMif M :
A -
r 1 o
tti atftd rVasniastpa Su,
Call for litcraturf,' V , 11 '
ew '"JSjrf 4Hfr
V':a:' s7C '
" . ntapuabtn W. , ;
;. .i -i.V? ; .r OF0aTEBS:
2729 Martin St.
,t c
twa.1 i i r i , a
iropritor of iAtP
. i
Bottle ner. SpeeUlty
i if f tui
j-v.! Mirjge. a)nR jntH ipinpia
. Eitabllhd 1832
''c.OlSc; Thirteenth and Burnslde fit.
Tlphon No; 72.?
Mines and Mining
A rich atrlk tin naln peea mad In
th Roaring Gimlet mine on Kara Creek.
The Drummond Gulch 1 showing up
well. Tb owner hav had a crew of
men at wbrk this week building an er
atla to make k teat nf th ore. , -
Vh Ifarahall Brothtrs of tbisdty hav
opened u up a nn body, of or on their
property tn tbeOrenbora district, near
th piadem. The abaft ba been punk W
feet and it face exposed f fn pf or
assaying from $0 Jo a ?n, ,
- Th flrafct hundr4 feet, of, 4evjopment
vork at tb Snow Creek groMS paa been
flnished. Th shaft ha been aunk M
foot on th vein, which has bean crosscut
for" t feet, giving assays from tfur to $
av ton. ..- . ,. - . ; .,
.'Another rich strike ha ba toad in
alto' Boa Juan ailna, .At th bottom of a
Winze, sunk to a depth of SO feet,' body
of 'ore 4 feet wide,- of th average value
of ',111X1 a ton,, ha been struck,;
Deer etAotshndlrnQrufywcbrdlncmfwyptP
Work has commenced at fh Deer
Creek plaoara. " k t ' , '-;- tf e,
""The Chelan group hit btR Incorporated
In a $1,600,000 company, to b known as
th Bed Boy Extension, Gold Mining
Company. - . "
A deep sinking plant,' with a. capacity
of 800 feet ban been ordered for tba Gold
en Wizard. . "
A 100-foot tunnel "ha been driven on the
Romona group at. Qurtsvllj" and fery
promiiilng ground has been struck. '
After sinking V shaft' GO' feet tn the
Copper Dyke, the -vein was crosscut and
ta-s fet wldn and assay lKto 5 per cent
copper and also carrying ,noma gold, , -t
Th Wisconsin Oold,'MlnJnr''eompan-
bave Installed their deep aluklhg. plant
and. It I how ready for operation. At
Kpresent the nhftft Is.W'Icejt deep,' . -. '
' "ii ii i ji "ii . ,
Priltmi 'Stock Salman.
Canned from Boyal Chinook only.
. ' ' 1 ' I .'HA IP, WW1 It ,7
Samuel Rosenblatt C .ThW and
Morrison street; .are, making specialty
Of Easter suits for iroung men and boys.
Moderate pries prevail In this depart
m.MtiiiA tha tanra volume of buatnaaa
onable tho p tf or better value
than ean ba found nnywbe're' els. The
rtore has Jarg llpe pf Single and dou-blo-breasted
style. Jiprfolk, sailor and
blouses, in all the pew style, and tailor
ad throughput",,,,.; w'
Prtferred Jtnck Pang,
From Held to ean same day. 1
Treats all dlseases-oUt and ' chronic;
holding an unrivaled .record n chronic
and nervou diseases, spinal , affections,
"Osteopathy Eiplslof d.No cbarg mad
for consul tation t otQca, .-, ; ,
Dr. W. A. Robert u
A. T. Itlll School fisteppthy. Kirk
- 4 - yllls, U. v A
Dr. Qe Lord Gate
Onry Lady Graduate, of . Osteppathf in
, Pho'n. Main 17,'
eS, p-M
Ha Illustrated' It ability to efa ail
rurable disease after- ail other, method
nv failed. . .Cpnsulf . Jr-n. Vi, , ,
;C40 Ortsopiait BuBfln , ,
J ' i - i - i - ' - - " V,
Fourth year la Portland.' Graduate if
A. T. Still' School Of Osteopathy. Con
sultation frat offlc. .Call or writ
ror uteratur ana, rprf ian , references,
fady uslstant. ' " ; ' f ;
phonei pak tn; resldenca, Black; p,
i 9 pw'1aslSai
i u ii in a in
. vii v vvt
op. Cbixaptr nt ?on. i
j;,. .IncorftraM IA94. "v.y" -
7 , ,233-233 Oak St
Wire and aU Wnds,' Jankj
and Office RalltaM, and aifttnas of useful
on4 AfnavnAnv sit waVIt 1 ! 'I
WIro and irnii Wnrfrn
prewery ia ui npruiwesi
., ' t
J (
From an arfilc tJvpiozrsph far
"5' .t
In tlif D&va 0u343ng,
We Guarantee these
- 'An n'miam' nir i iiAtirw
uk Ktriiw - inc. tviuniLT.
II yon r urring with rhwnntinro
gst-on boty fit jPa-Cfts-Ka and ftnak
914 iplment n if 1 doss.not benefit
yon return In Ibbttle and your money
is rffunaed.' M 4 asrffslt t (O9 faa
Tucca Root Sabre' will aura tba most
obstinate eaef skin dlssasea, bolls and
Carbuncles.. 4t da a r poiH cur for
piles. ' Try a boxi , Only (On at all drug
gist. . ; - i .- 4 v,-;, -n ; '
, A- a-blt botlta mt tb . Qreat . Vaaulf
Cough Cur joarsT fall ta urf th most
soyor coug r oi4,tflp it s
dose. Tb pniy aura remedy known (of
croup and whooping cough, At 1 dru
gists, - ' , -
If your druggist does not hav any M
these remedies on hand some if heads
Quarters, -
24 Waahlngten ntrt, -
l.'l II I,. 1 .11.11 ilsllHJwn, M.iWIH
Always Consult tbe Det
CbMTE DE $T CllAKttiJ1 ?
H ha stood tb test pf U gears befor
th public of JBarop and America:
Why consult m
palmist or clairvoy
ant at all, anies yon
consult . -.! on . who
thoroughly u n A r
stands his profes
sion T Imitator
merely contuse and
tell you thing to
f 'lease you, wUl X '
ell you tbe bad M
'well as the good. My
' ers, and no wiattef
- doubt or ' dean-el
-.-jrnay.b I w slrd
.1 vnu th. nroner . Afl. 1,
Vic regarding them.
,! and teu yea hew tj
change a life of mie
I don't rare how doubtful you are, f
will convince you thaf there are truth 1 -In
what I tell you, or my reading costs -you
nothing. f . " ' -
. Call at once and b convinced thaf tber -te
yet hope for you. Parlors ti-U-tt, Tb ' :
Eosmo, comer Fourth and Morrison, fcnj .
Comtf d St. Charles teaches bis prfM
flon t others, Medium develupedV rimf
try taught. HourslO Z uZ iq f m,
dalijr and Sunday. -.h ' .
' FULL L1FP REAOlNGT 60s. '' I
" ".' " .i'i.ii ""iiiiii n ii) im.isj i
Rcad Tho Journal
6 ':
1 J L l'.