The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, March 24, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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MM . II i ill ' 1 ' ' jr .' . Jr r ' -ST ' r ""V. STaW.! . .... .. , t..i,... f w . I I I S
Portland, 0r'
March 23, 1302,
Tonight Wed
nesday'cloudyt I west r winds.
1 - ix,,,.M:;:mr-
i v: 0AK;
. 1 -N. J- A li TIM "" ' 1 l , 1 i ' u Hi l i I IWWWWWWWWW
"VOL. I.' NO. 13. ,
i;l ;T H E
4 .
KSW TOIWC, March K.SecreUry Ea
Uy or tb National CIvlo .rederaUon U
buallr engaged In preparing fpr' a meet
tig ! U. Conciliation Committee tomor
row. Senator Hanna wlU preside. ; v t ,
,' 1 . . i ax.n.j rf.nJiiirTir,Oiir i
f'jrjScrlpps-MoBe Mews AasoclatiprL) ' i
' -VASHINqTON, March 25,-The- Com-
toUtes on Foreign Affairs thle afternoon
authorised aavorabjs ,reportpn the
Mltchell-Kahn blH to prohibit the Coming
In and residence In any of the Btates and
Territories or United States powiesBlons
(Beripps-AcBas News Association)
ASHJNQTON, .March 25.-In the Sett
Ms: tbto morning ' the agreed resolution
by Piatt of Connsctlouti calling on the
Becretary of the Interior for Information
relaUre to Indian treaties of 1851 for the
Territory of Oregon, especially as to
whether such treaties were ratified by the
Senate, and to report whether the govern
stfext Is equitably bound 'to further eem
pensate said tribes If such exist.
The House today-decided the contsted
ass from Kentucky In favor' of Moss, L
Republican, against Rhea, Democrat, by
party vote. Viva voce. ITien the house
took up the army appropriation debate,
which is limited to ten hours,
, 1 J4 yt I
i r , Ms-aBMSBBBais mmmgm. .jt '
f ' - ' CLEVELAND. March tK-Whlle
' excavating for the new gas lieuse here
today the earth caved in and nine persona
were burled. Five bodies have been tak-,
ma out dead, .. ,
nun. im.'
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
WASHINGTON, March IS. The Amerf
can consul at Kingston, Jamaola, reports
am. outbreak of the yellow fever there. '
- ' r.
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) '
KANSAS CITT, March K.Judge Phil
lips today granted a temporary restrain
ing order at the request Of the Interstate
Commerce Commission, preventing the
Rock Island, Missouri Pacific, Burlington,
Chicago Great Western - and the Alton
railroads from cutting rates. : v - .t
: ' " - v t
' The gospel meetings eonduoted at the
Rodney Avenue s Chrfatlan Church by.
" BvangeUst H. C. Patterson, of Indiana,
assisted by Miss Nora McCormlck. also
of Indiana, as leader of song and sollst,
are-, having an auspicious beginning. At
tendance and Interest show appreciation
of the efforts of both speaker and singer."
Mr. Patterson is a speaker of much pow
er and as a Stbla teacher has few super-,
fors. I He Is now' presenting a .series of
discourses which should be heard by all.
Miss McCormlck Is, an Inspiring chorus.
leadeV and her solos win all : hearts.
These meetings will continue indefinitely,
beginning each evening at 7:30,
' , (Bcrtppi-MoRae News Association.)
T I .-( n n-in - - " r i t t. n i
'AMSTERDAM, -March t5. Kruger'S in
1 tlmate friend's say that he has been aware
iof the' Intention bf the Boer leadors for
I some tune past. , These leaders are tm-
' 0ur. arrived; Contains only the choicest 'patterns.
w .w ,ul wan. n.
also have the men to hang Itv-We will -
' - '"-"L.!'
m r OOOD SOU , J-i
jr vww ton , O-i
tm liatrii 4f One T.ntli of lh irnlsr
g '
wamrcwttMnlr bv lawful rnotir a
S.,ty ll.r flrm of C. P. &O.CO.
JiSuppnjnotsoodJot-L'Sd jind.olls
' ' 1 ' V - Or"' ' .v.'.'.
r Th anthracite labor trouble to Tlewed
by Walt street with complacency, a It la
believed there will be no strike, the min
ers having carefully refrained, from press
lng the chief ! pokit of irritation to the
operators In recognition -of the union.4
or 'the District of Columbia of Chinese
and persons of, Chinese descent,
; The bill Tiad already been favorably re
ported In tha Senate.- end the most im
portant change in the bill as report
ed to th Senate tdrri v;the elimination
of the. clause ,p,rohlbifl: V the employment
of Chinese on Amerioau ships.
(Scrlpps-McBae News. Association.)
1, CUMBERLAND, Md... March ZSWohn
Murphy. member of the Rough Riders'.
reglmentwas - today sentenced to bang
for the murder of John English. 'He sa
luted the- court in the courteous manner
of soldier," S ? k.-
I If I I A 'fMrtl C it ITT
(Sctipps-McRae' News Association.)
KANSAS CITT, March. 25. -The entire
"day force of telephone girls, 17S in num
ber, struck at noon today! The manage- I
sent promptly granted thw demand of the i
girls for the retention of Miss Troubrldge,' i
for sixteen years chief operator,' "t
visit abandoned;
i. if
v Scripps-McR New Assoolation,) i
THE IIAGJUE. March 25. It U official- I
Ur stated that the Queen has abandoned
her annual visit to Amsterdam owlnge
XMiguei ; j, , r
(8crlpp-McRae News, Association.)
MEXICO, March 26. Another earth
quake is resorted from the Collma and
vCnupanclngo districts, making fifteen tUb
present year.
(Journal 8peclal Service.)
8AX,EM.rMarch'm-Ryaj the Socialist
candidate fot Ooverniv4was asKed to
withdraw On account of an iart pub
lished In the mornlnr papers. This he
poBltrvely" declines to do. and wiu, pub
lish a long letter in" the Oa(f;ai jjurnsi
. tonight .declaring' Intention to 'stand
pat. v ' 'T,-vr
. The Socialist leaders. Willi meet torilght
He has the support of the rank and, file
of his party, : ' - I i
i s...J if!
- , I I t
, . ... (Journal Special Service.)
OREX30N CITT, March' 2S.--Indlcations
are favorable for. a prosperous building
season, ana several new dwellings are
under way. ' Frank Busch Is erecting two
8-room cottages on Third street, and
William Godfrey has plans for two more
on Jefferson and Ninth streets.- There is
a demand for the better class of cottages.
and the buildings are Usually spoken, for
before the contracts are let.
powered, he said, to merely receive pro
posals, which must be submitted to the
Boer delegates in Europe. : On the result
of the v present negotiations V depends
whether the . war ends next week of 4s
maeonueiy ooniinueo,, v -... - , i ...
lumisn a suitable wall paper. ' We
surprise - you with the reasonable
Prtce at ; which w will Turnlsh
handsome designs. We, carry a-
full 1.1. .. . . i
full stock nf- WfitTaia Dium J
prices, ... , j ,
Chasa Paht tiad 6a Co.
iv s iKBx- sTnLET, Cor. Alder.
T" 1 jL ' r '
li 1 11 Kaii-pit
Villiams: Not : HankerV
; ingJo Be Mayors .
, , . ' ' Tonights,"'','44 V J .;,
1 Judge .Williams baa not given hls-an-
swer to xne uepunucan eiate-makera as
to whether he will accept, the tfomltuUlon
for Mayor - He ;had' decided last night
to not enter the contest, but the Inde
pendents persuaded bin' today so ard
that he withdrew his . decision' and said
that he would finally settle the matter
this evening. The chances are now; that
be will accept the nomination..; : ' .
- Judge Williams was asked this' after
noon what he had to say about iU lie
replied?, , r , .
"After having determined last night and
this morning that I wifald decline -to
'ci:pttthe ! nomination, t, ha ve' told' the
irotrng men who have been pressing me
toi run that I would further consider the
matter .today and that my reply tonight'
must be final. 1 1 am still as strongly die
inclined as ever to-run,, hut great 6
of pressure. Is being, brought to' bear on
me. .I may yet yldbut-I do not think
so jww. -.There an be no appeal' from
my decision, tonight, because I will Jeave
the city tomorrow to be gone several
days.". . r , ' , ' '. , - 4 j-.
, Should Judge Williams decline the plum
It Is believed by many that the best man
to nominate would be Mayor Rows. : '
A. L, ' Mills Is mentioned as. a strong
man,1 and What to do with ex-Mayor Sto
rey. Is yet -a problem. Mr.', Btorey has
some friends and some enemies In the
I ueiegaiion, ana me mention oi-nis name
r. -"ss.js
delegation, and the mention of-hls name
be satisfied with the office of Sheriff' if
that Is given him, but-others also, Want
this Job. , t t.v , - t s,,
'A' caucus of theTne hundred' Indepen
dent delegates will b held tomorrow, and
It IS likely that all these battles wlir be
fought then, although there is considera
ble talk of 'art '."open convention.'" ln
fncOthe Independents Virtually pledged
themselves.' after the nommatlon otthe
Legislative ticket, to give the regular, or
ganisation ,-a fair division of the offices,
T. 5,.;. . 4;.. ...... ' ' H y tf.M;x
State Senator C, W. Fulton of Aatorie,
is in the city. Mr.Vultoa is n premlnent
candidate for the United States Senatei
He was asked about bis nrosbedtst 'The
Astoris statesman- replied that he'cdulal
not truthfully ten of this wfthoutjlappar-
ently blowing his own horn. This ' the
Senator did not like to do. 1 At any rats'
he is sanguine. ' satisfied and se'emingiy
anIM with th attllKtlAn '
1 .f
Judge Stephen A. Lowell, the Umatilla
County Jurist, scholar, statesman" and
Utopian politician,, who la- ajed a candi
date for the Republican nomination ' for
Governor, is in the' city, , Judge Lowell
says his candidacy la Just where lt'aj-
ways was In the hands of the people.
He' does not take any interest In ward
politics or factional fights, and believes
that he will develop considerable strength
tn the .convention. . . . ?
The Democrats are. having almost as i
much .trouble over who shall run for
Mayor, x as - their Republican brothers.
Much pressure, Is being brought to feeae
on State Senator R. D. Inman, but sa has refused to ,altow hlo name to
be mentioned Hn.'sonnectioni witn the oft
fioev .' w. B.. Robertson has many follow
ers, and so Has John amonx ,.Mri ,i-
mont la understood to be the choice of
,Mr. Jnman. , .,: K ;
Tbe Democrats apparently, will have"
Kilkenny . cat fight over the struggle for
the nomination for County judge, too
latest avowed aspirant Is Judge Thomas
0'Day Othar candidates who will make.
a fight are Oglesby Toung, L. B. Adams,
K. B. Seabrooke and C. J. Snabel. , .
The Democratic .nomination for Sheriff.
is apparently conceded to John DrUcoll.
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
HALIFAX, March 2S.-Marcont depart-.
! cd for . new yorg suut England today.
He will attempt to Keep up, communica
tion with Plodhu all the. way across the
Atlantic '
SENT TO H00D:RiytR;;
An Inquest was held ever the remains
ot Mrs. Ada Taylor, who committed sui
cide Sunday afternoon In Albino. The
Jury returned a verdict that she bad com
mitted suicide while In a fit of despon
dency. Her body was shipped., back to.
her parents In Hood Rivsr..,t , .. - .
4 r
(Sctfpps-McRae News Association.) ;
; SALT LAKE,. March 2G.-James Steph.
ens Brown, member, of the Mormon Bat-)
taiion or Pioneers and one of ths orig
inal discoverers of gold, at Sutbsr Creek,
eaU died today of Bright's disease. Aged
.71 year .5 zuci-tt' -i PiXu
'i ' ' i? i if
- At r-S'H'
... m-.A ... - f- ? $
(Scrlpps-McRae New Assodatien
..DBS-MOINES,' lows,. . 'March '2&tTbe
House today passed a Joint reralulkm fa
voring the election of United States Sea
store by popular vet a.
nnu in.
j Tnomas h. Btrownnage. whose eenous
rtlllneas was ssentloned In these: columns
yesterday, 41ed at SU Vtnce&fk Sanatori
um tn the aftrenoon.' ; , ;.r-.l s.
Th funeral will be held irot but late
residence st KenU worth at S P. .M-. en
Thursday, Dr. Kdgar P. HU1 offlelaUng.
Interment will be at Lone Fir eemetery.
( The news of Mr.' Strowbrldgee Illness
was a great surprise- to-his roanv' ac
quaintances throughout' the citjv arhere
he was born and wised and go ), well
known... Few knew ot his sickaemsv or
that he ever, bad been afflicted i With
heart trouble, and wore quite unprepared
te read tbat'be was lying at death's door.
Mr, StrowbridgelwaS a man ot fine edu
cation, a genial companlsm and a 'past
master in the art ef persuasive 'ttustness
,cenversation. : He was U year eld, 'i
; w nil,'. i i r ' d, I, Viiii ii i j; ..-,gty)
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
LONDON, March 25r-Oofrninit effle
lals Will not sdmitrthet'eiira( armis
tice hasr txea. affected ln Boulh'. Africa
pending negotiations with Deneral Schau-
burgetr. looking toward a. V&cl fnove,
menC" t ' J '
The absence of all ws,r. news, however,
gives 'color to' the report that an armis
tice exists. v - V w ' V ' ' 4
'The British press-and public aVe very
optimistic, regarding theceeatlon!oC noe-
The Bnit-d of Tublie Works Will -meet1
this afternoon at 1 o'clock and award' the
budget .of contracts- for street and Sow
work that were opened at the last meet
ing.' r i i'PAa &jf . "i
tThe board -will also' oonslde'r Jhe pur
chase of a steam street roller. rws;pur
ohafce bs been presided for by Csunoll
and It is thought tbs. roller wUl, treats
an innovation- in street work. The roller
Will OOSt H,MU , j, , i , , , ,1
fere no was held this afternoon ejt thri
War Department between Governor Wood
and- President Palma and Benor yuesada
With reference to the transfer ot United
State troops now In Cuba.: It was de
cided that all -soldiers there, with the
exception of three batteries of coast artil
lery ahalf be ordered borne on May 20.
The official order -will be promulgated to
night. ; j v ,
(Journal Special Service.
tlRSQON CITT, March tt. Albert Fre-
yar of Ma,cksburg,-this county. -charged-wth
outraglns. Ida Smith last Jine was
today bound over to the grand Jury to the
sum of S50Q, .HS will be tried at the next
session of the .Circuit Court. .
(Scrlpps-McRae.News Assoclatlom) '
CHATHAM, March JB.-The Immense
battleship Prince of Wales was launches
here today, The Prince and Princess of I
' Wales Attended the launching. '
(ScrlppS-McRae News Association.)
CAPE .TOWN,rMarch S-There ls-ti
apparent change in the condition ot Ce-
Cil Rhodes. .This, however, is not Oost-
sldered a favorable omen.. .. - ,
f i - . :- - ... . .if p..
I" .,.-.. ' .V
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) i
LONDON, March 2S.In the Commons
today Balfour announced that no further I
Information, from South Africa baa been
received since yesterday. . , ; ?.
Mrs. Ford, wife of Detective H. p. Fora,
died thianiornlng af t o'clock at the fam
ily home, 729 JohAeon' street ',, Mrs. Ford
has been; an Invalid with heart trouble
for some time. " The body, will' be taken
te Hillsboro tomorrow morning for bur
ULv Detectives Snow, ; Kerrigan, , Day,
Welner, Cordano and James ' Roberts,
brother officers,' will act as pallbearers. ,
(ScrippaWMcRae News Association.)
1 NBWTXZ3RK. March 2S. Dlstrlot Attor
sey Osbmo today began the summing'
p ani aiie -oas of iawyer PatrfCkii
eharged wlth ths' murder of MllUotutl
Rice. 'The ease will probably go to the
Jury tomorrow
V - - ,
:; 7 i ;jrA av I
BIT .6111)11:
i . 1 I
1 iy
if KKMRXii
(Sorlpps-MoRae News Association., A -
t aiA. i. LU&, ssarcn ia. rana ituntiey,
the hero at -. Santiago, of the , United
States Battleship Oregon, fell aown a
ladder on the battleship today and broke
bis neck. - His death was Instantaneous, t
! ','t 'p
S Cqntractor Danie Kern of this city has
filed attSfX) damage sutt in the Admiralty
Court ' against the British i steamship
Oceano, on account of injuries received
In a collision with the llbellant's scow at
Astoria yesterday. - ,
Kern is under contract with the United
States government to" remove a portion
Of the Sylvia de. filras' Reef at Astoria.
He' had two work scows, provided with
machinery, -anchored in the stream. The
Ocabo,' commanded by Captain Mcln
tyre, ran Into J one of them and 'cut It
In two, doing considerable 'damage to the
machinery. The Oceano st the time was
bound Out:, with a cargo of lumber and
It is charged that she- was carelessly han
dled and responsible "for the accident, v
; The Oceano Is owned by 'Andrew Weir
ss Co. of .Qieefow,' Beouand. . - v.
r' n t , . , i f
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
' ' WASHINGTON,' March Bj-Oovernor
Wood has reeetved'a telegram ponflrmlng
the press report regarding the sentences
of. Neey,, Reeves and Rathbone, and stat
ing that the defendanta had taken an ap
peal to the Supreme Court ot Cuba, In
high official circles the sentences are
quite generally applauded, but Rathbone
has many f rleAds here ; who claim that
he was guilty of nothing more than ex
travagance.' '- j
it f '(
BAly I.ttvlme arrived tn town 'yesterday
i and-jWflltlook after Mile Donovan In' his
bout -' With Dutch Thurston tomorrow
night at the Exposition" building. Bothj
etelT aW fehhe-plnK bf condition and,saek
c"d,e"t of T1' T!""
wlll probably be matched with At Nelll.r
.(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) .
BERLIN, March 15. The, ' municipal
elections ia a number of towns today In
dicated considerable success and gains for
(ha, Socialist..- ,
t..ti-. r - . ... .. ....... U .
Searle, Wbllehouse, an English sailor,'
who reoently 'arrived here, was arrested
by OfflcerA Day nd Welner for stealing
i an ovenoatf belonging, to, the. Rev; Dr.
Blackburm ' He also stole some Filipino-
i curios f rent fieri Dr. Gilbert and atiother
! coat from -hv Fenton. Wihtebouse has
confessed "a,n(K most of the property has
been receive red. by the police.
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
LONDON. March 25 -The Queen - has
postponed her trip to Denmark to attend
her "father's." birthday 'celebration, owing
to the gales along, the coast The storms
are of great energy.
N.- H.- Richardson Is being held by the
police pending an examination as to his
sanity. Richardson haa been working in
the Vlllard House for a few weeks. He
Is iot, violent, but last ntght seemed to
have fost his reason entirely.
Malabon'$: .Survivors' Annual
Gatheringjonight, '
t- V? V ; 11 , . ,
'The, anniversary of the battle of Mala
bon wilt be celebrated at S2 East Tenth
street, the residence of J, W.' Kinney and
wife,, this; evening." The' event will be
conducted under the auspices of Gilbert
Camp No.' MS and Gilbert Auxiliary S. A.'
W. V.; and r all 8panlsh-Amertcan t war
veterans are invited to attend.
A1 visiting members -and belr friends
wllV be tendered a receptlort. ,A formal
toast will be dnrnkr to all sarvJvlors of
that battle. . Short stories and. remlnis-
eenoes wll) be.reutbad by the pavticipahts,
and" refreshments .'Will be senfed. -1 Just
before adjournment a polema toeet will
be drunk to the absent ones who fought
and felt at Malabo te Thera will b also,
appropriate songs and- rwMtatttofts. . t - 1
' The gathering this., evefttngti mark' they
third khriua! meeting of Its klhd. It wns
originally intended it have Harrington'
Hampt6tnind. Qlfbert eamv unite In the.
commtmorati-vs - exeroise but It f was
found imprecttcabie' this year so Gilbert
Camp took up thS matter. X- 1
r : ,' : ' '., ,
'.v t Lf- .... f. v
7 sMsaai
no coal; no
Gas furrushes the chaapest fuel,-the quickest heat, the best
: and most economical light when used, with either the Welsbach or
Kern burners,. and the safest and most reliable) power,'"- - f -'
172-174 Hfth Street J " '
1 1
- I. . fciSf
Wholesale Uduor and
Yoipt Can: ImprQYQ
w By usihgHobirtine; thich Is
preparation on the market, contains no" deleterious drugs, , ,
and is highly , beneficial to the skin and facial, tissues.
Trade supplied by , - . , t ' ' ',".', V
BIumauer-Franlr Drug Co,
All oar groceries are the same-good
Portland's Leading Grocery
' No More Dread of
New-Work -i Dental" Parlor
, . " J 4th and Morrison
No Pain
Full Set of .Teeth C5.CD
,; . Teeth tfttWacted anil filled absdlutely without pain, but our tn' .
i method applied to the rums. No sleep-pro. liK-ln ariits or ootmtt.
- . These are the only dental parlors In I'ortland .. havine j;atint..ii i
auices and Ingredients to extrart, HI and apply (nKl crowns an.l p.
crowns undeectable from, natural teeth, sml warrauteJ fur li) .
'out the least palnw - . -r t ,
Honrs: :30to8:CO Z
ft 1,
125000 :
of theue . Kodaks sold last year, .
Take plates or films.. Fits .iha 'y
pocket. .Manufacturer's price ia
, $17.50. Our popular price ,. .t
Photo instructions always free. .
i t """J
rWoodard, . :
Clarke & Co.
dust or labor
(t 't
i :
- Portland; Oregon
American Whiskey-:
HOCH, !, Scto Distriiutcrt
Cigar Dealers, 108rl 10 Fourth St .
uaranteed to be the best toilet
1 1
New Wholesale
Shoe House
1' A' complete - line Mn's, Women!1
and Chlldrens Shoes. '.Latest 'styles;
the most artistlo foot wear t In the
market carried by us. ;'Bend us trial'
' order or will have euPYepreeeatatlve
call. .. , v . .) . : . . r
v a
A n't
lirausse & Priiice;
4 3 C'"
35c Pound
v-'i-'A-i- .
but' It's bard. to get. Good one
time and bad the next. You've t
( found It so, havn't youf ' Let: us '
supply you with our - '
you'll find It good all the Ume. , .
' ' 35 cents pound - V
all the time, or your mosey back. !
7th and Washington Streets. ,
the Dental Chair , ' ;
Sti., Portland, Ore. ' ,