The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, March 22, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    4 - ' - ' ' ' l ' -
hjh pygtETEyiyfl- jcfrtrityAL;. POKTLAfrp, craEGoy,, Saturdays rrAitCH 22,
1902. , - 4 fr.- - "V ' . - -
Hire are fat
-Public Records.
ne ud me
." County Commissioner! WlUtam Showers
.;' las' made requisition t Jr. two bit's worth.
" ,-f cf "Ge Whla" mouse reps. - ,
"''j MS'wos done at the urgent teguest of
Janitor Kehoe if the Courthouse, who
-.:-.':'kphIujd that 'the tn;-lln
",.( havoc In th vault of the Recorder' ol
CM, where re kept.thW moid" books
- i The officials are "stunl pea'ton the ques.
,tlpn of ow. the Infernal rodents effect an
: entrance to the Vault, timet it la tnrougn
' tie door when it la own In the daytime.:
The bottom of the aplrtment la of steel
and the walla are all lelosely plastered
The "open door thekry, l not believed
y ; some of the -attathes of the court'
house. It 1 claimed y them that there
haa been po audden mounting of chalra lnt
the Recorder s quarter by the laay copy
1st and clerks, whlth i Indisputable
proof that the' mice Aiusr nave gnawed
through below-at night. v..'. ,"
The tiounty cat, says Jailer Mitchell, Is
working overtime about the corridors be-
l'uW now, and cannot lossibly bo spared
to do duty in the apaitment above. 1
says the county will (have to get more
cats if Janitor Kehoe' I trap raid fails.
lira. Anna, Davis, wife of H. E..Pvis
who' had apparently been in vary good
health.' wii taken Suddenly 111 last IVH'
Vr. and -every posalbll aid waa dohe to
relieve Her, .but .- without avalU , She
passed away at an early hour this worn
tag, at ber home, 305 Washington street."
The vfuueral services Iw ill be; conducted
at the house Monday at- X Ootoai. F.
to' which, an .friends
re, invited. The
e Lone. Fir e too
Interment aervlcea at t
rry,w.bc private..-
Judge Cameron
is atni doing business
at the same old stand.
He passes out
lew bunches of well
regulated justice
every day, and the chalices are good for
an Increase In the numl
ber handled dally,
now that the "Journal'
crap la, on over
the location of the Exposition alts.
' Judgfr Cameron .suggests that the'clty
needs the money, and lie passes it up to
His victims like this
Pat Munley, arrested ly Captain Robert
Holman, waa fined St nor being drunk.
"it'a m shame to do tt.T said Pat.
Harry Clark, arrested bV Officer .Psttarvf
for vagrancy, was'se'ti-eneeato tit dayii,
but seifteejfefc susMridedyA hVaeqm.t
Iset to leave tOwn"imrJedIateIy.' ,1 4Q'i
like SotUnd. ;.swryhowj"'aid! ,Cif.'
Jack Ellis, colored, Jano' Fred Hartoh,
two of the five youtls arrested by De
tectives Snow and Xefrlgan, charged wlUt
larceny f grain sicks "from Bplcer's
warehouse on -the- lAat ;8ide,- were sen
tenced to six months: injthe county jail.
The other three, CoWon 3ennett. Fred
Reynolds and John IMerwln, were hel
over for further Investigation, "'We're
up against the; real thing now," sang
the boys.
. Charles Burton, a Jouth brought up on
a charge of disorderly conduct, waa held
over for Investigation, the Judge remsrn
bered having seen tilm Jon the streets
with questionable cbmpeny and In 'acts
that wore not abovl reproach. It looks
had for. him. t .
: .: .Oeorc cuBlelolt -.brrested by ' Officer
Harklerood on-cQmblalnt of J. W. IJnd
aey, .cWrged whl asaault and jbattem
was allowed to continue his rooas until
Monday.rln order ti get-witnessSi f?
William KowellsJ who,, said hoiwa.s
kesiaent of the Fo4r. farrow was varrealed.
by Pfflpera jCarr arfl ratten on a. charg
of being drunlu lis needed a .little reat
nd he got it. ' . 1 . V, . . . -., '
Three ; French aallors, Xeuia, Taao and
Aaoipn, - arrested far "drunkenness y
Officers' Roberts ' Ad ' Johnson, , pleaded,
gumy, sma as tneyidid so they coughed
up 8 a piece. ;
. There being nothing further before the
court,'; except . a full,' house -of empty
Venenes, the court tidjourned. , . -
.11 T -
vfe Prtferrsd Stock Tinntd Corn.
Extra sweet and Under..
James W. Qlndet by Attorney Ed.
Mendcn hall, has fled a petition to pro
bate the will of
rancia J. .Olnder,- de-
. The oath ot Mark
A. Bouser, executrix
of the estate .of Cllhton Bouser, deceased.
has been filed, add George Taylor, A.
Tarnaden and Jamli Barry were appoint
ed appraisers.-
1 Judge- Beara has
granted A. J. Mark
ley S divorce from) Julia
Markley be-
cause of desertion.
' A. Hamilton. 1 ast . Seventh street
v dwelling,, cost 130i . .:..'......,'. ..
;? ;X E. Roper, Sch yler street, dwelling,
cost iiaoo.; . "
. Western Transpoi uttlon A Towing Co
Madison street, rep lira SSO0. :. ' '
. . cwa, sireei. oweuing, cosi, j
.:.,1, . .,esbv.w,olitrtblt4:yoterday, nd -St
""riiu, Bwriung, si zom ana i
V""w f IUW. 1 ' i
Not even" the gUttring allurements of
King Edward's J apdroachlng : coronaUdn
were ufflrtent, to dVtaln "Cornel . Job,n
mrringtonin "Bnglid.f;H arrived In
FortUnd ywterday -sifter ' a winter vaca
tion In the old', couitry, bringing Mrs.
Harrington with hlnL The Utter has
oassed two , sUeeessi'e- " winters there.
Colonel Harrington islthe .manager of tn"e
Pillar "Bock Salmon Cknnery, and the in
terests of .Hhat oreilaation demanded
his presenc In Oreg n,,
J. M. Foster and "w e, of Butte, Mont.,
are at the Portland. ; . ' .
George H. Kmmer oh, of Hoqulam,
Wash. is i Portland uest
Mrs,' A; Jf ,i VWX. 'f , McMlnri vllie," Is
registered at the Peri ns. 1;
iiO.i,Ai'ilkyK''Nr Ti maj'''and ''James
Wrlght,"-ot North flri lma!aiVinP0r6
Inhd. i' .'. '."i.."7" -:
T. F. Maekmillor,v rtfe' and daughter,
tnd : Miss Thles e, of Iron River, . Wis;,
nre at the Imberlat They are on their
way . honw tfrom California,' where they
have spent the winter! months.
Mrs, E. D. Plshum ind Minnie N. Dish,
m, of Kw Jersey, ale In the city.
I. I Pattersont 'of
customs, is a iueat o th Imperial
. J. S. Aiken,,, wea
cltisen' of. Hu'ntlngtor
khy and Influential
Baker county, is
In the oltyMiv'AlleeK Is leader In Be-
publican politics and
two 'year. 'ago, "for!
was a candidate,
the . State' Senate
against William fimitl-v .
on ft last nfght
- Hon.iXN."WUI
for ,Ka"stera'6rgon.
He la, an aspirant
for Congressional h
or from his dis-
trict..,.- . ',t
Frang Wright
antl-Oeer forces wt
n who leads the
arlen -county, waa
In the elty yesterda
A. M. Bmlth.the
well-known Demo-
cratlc politician and
an Imperial guest.
wysr of Astoria, Is
" .
T. 8.,tlrquhart a
paps Noma mining
man. Is, Portland trlnsient.
' RepresenUtlve. . a. Smith of Marion
county, was a' Portland vUltor yesterday.
le Walllnf irirphapt and lumber
dealer of Tsooma.iisi registered at me
Esmond. ,n
,W Hopkins, a replesentatlve cltisen ot
Hooulam.".Wash.. i;l4 on .a business 'trip
rto Portlands y-- '
T. I Steward,' a. aamem Oregon mm
ttog .rnarw 4S;jrgtsted at the. Esmond
Albert, Bru. y will-known logger of
Astoria; Is at 'tho ifsmond.
A grand PurlRi Masquerade ball was
given last Sunday-lb ths. Ladles' Auxllt
gry i of the ' congregation Ahayal 8hoi
at AHon Mall. A lajrgs crowd was SJ?
Snt and the bait wal an entire s
Albfna Oreimizition Discusses
,VThe Central .Atblnk Board ot Trade
held Its regular' meellng last ivenlng In
tke-.Mlsslppl.avehue engine house. Al
though 'there was no a vetT largo crowd
present, ,th' uembei wars very enthnst-
titii: a-i'.'W '9i
The Secretary whs Instructed to corre
spond with the sup ltttendent of streets
relating to ths clean- if Of the crosswalks
in the" vicinity.:, - : tv . ,.
-Thsricommlttes, hs rlng'tn -charge the
Improvement of ,Va eouver avenue and
FalUng street report d progress.
A number of men ters discussed civic
improvement, Incidentally remarking that
steps were about to fce tkken to stop the
wholesale marking ,c ' fences by the small
boys of the nelghbc hood. i.
The now .hall que! :lon -was talked over
and It Is expected tl at at the next meet.
Ing of .the. board t f plsna wlll be de
cided upon and bids dvertised for. -
A onunttte hkvi g in charge the fill
ing of the boles.le : by the building ot
the-sewer oh Shav r street and Missis
slept are us-, report 1 that the City En
;giier, Aad don,e' the wotk: rji y?"--,--'-ri.-I
TKb City AiSuliu 'tB:'JRllwayCom
;pas.ipori.M that h cars on the new
efensieoj to ,8havr street' would begin
operation today. M.ifc..n.t.':v r
1 w y t
i UJnilmoi B
Service,-. .!.-!;'
h 22. The city elec-
tlon to be held
April will deter.
mine . whether Wi
bum. la, to remain a
temperatace town
ith forces are work'
lng hard.,'The gntl
emperance side, some
of whom own brick
Ulldlngs, are banking
on saloon renters
a. result of the elec-
tlon. sit IS the p
vailing opinion that
Woodbarn wBl e:
tit dry another year.
Several are mentioned for the office of
Mayor,' among the being Grant Corby,
Dr, U;.W, Oulss,' .vVZa'Tooss and the
present -incumbent, S, Tomllnson.
- Colonel - J. M. ' P orman, who secured
the delegation. at tl e Republican primary
election tocentljr he d In thin city, against
a combination 'Of i irces, will go to the
county convention with a backing of
nearly all North Marlon for State Sena
tor. FostmSster Tofcae files viar no stone
unturned in the vflfcrt to defeat Poorman
Preferred 6iock Tomatoes.
! 6H pack cans; heapest to eonsumera.
Sine the opentnb Tot thr Portfdnd Pnb-L
lle IJbary,,,2800 mlmbers have registered.
An average of K books dally has been
issued -and ths aderage dally attehdanco
has been about' MOO. : More money is
needed for new nooks. - Fifty dollars in
m. . or Indon lha mnti-itu.i .
simile 'Of the MasfcsTChnrt..
c!i Lunches
FROM 1 1 IN THX --
Son of Blind (jhaplin at Wash4
ingion laKqn 10 nuspuau ,
H. N. Coudon,
n of the Blind Cbap-
lain of the Houiel
ot Representatives, . la
undergoing trcatmi
nt at ths Good SafnarV
ltan Hospital
County Assessor!
Charles E. McDonnell.
Fast Commanaon
of- Hampton Camp,
War Veterans, stated
this morning ihn
the young mag had
been referred to the relief committee of
the organisation
Burke Tongue, of
few days ago by
Hlllsboro, Jion of Rep-
rosentatlve Tongu
Condon Is a mentor of the Spanish War
Yetaranp,,: beadqulrters Washington, D.
D. He served asl
a VoiuBteer infantry
man from the District of Columbia. A
ter the return of
his regiment be came
West at the 'sollc
ation of .Congressman
Tonnue, for his hrk
Ith. A relapse result
ed fro in the too X
lent exercise he waS
taking and his ph
Iclans advised htm to
enter the hospital.
Hampton Cump iould have ben glad
Kileta, collector JfU(, take clmrg of lthf ptft-nt.'bat ths
state law provides tliat each county snail
tnke care of Its owti. Also the Spanish
War Veterans of wlieh Coudon is a mem-
ber. has no organisation n th West,
Coudon's condition! is ifot serious and..
couple of weeks', glod care will restors
Oleomargarine, Butter
News Associafldn.V
larch a:. uieomargar
Ins and the bill to
ax it out ot existence
when colored lit Inliuttloil of butter,.' will
occopy, the attent;
n of the ,Sfcnat an
next week. It Is
aid tho question will
Involve lona debat!
Many ot 'the Bsnif rf?. believing the bill unconstltutloial, freely predict tnat
it will be'BwAnaly amended before it
Is r-Ajff:
effort will be
iade during tile week
'begin conslderat
pn of the Chinese ex
elusion bill during
he morning hour. ' '
The time In the
louse will "be devoted
to the contesting elections and the army
appropriation bill,
christian! endeavor.
Mr. John Wlills )
aer of Bi ston. eer.
tary of the -j World ! Christian Endeavor
Union. Is ruaklni I tour around the
world visiting all thl Christian -Endeavor
Societies. Hlsgarrivll In this city will be
made the occasion If a great rally to-
morrow, as the sta4 officers have made
special, arrangement "; for , the genera
meeting of all the f Endeavor" Societies,
which will be held ft the First Congrega
tlonal Church tomdVrow at 8:80 P. M.
The members of the Federated Trades
met In A. O. V. M
hall last evening.
A communication
kvaa received from the
Indianapolis Woodworkers' t'nlon declar-
Ing Henry Gauter
t Co. of that city un-
The Boilermakers
Unton of San Fran-
cisco reported having compromised on 10
hours a day, ' with
h 25 cent raise, and
till Coast points was
that the strike at
therefore declared
nr. - . . -s
The organisation.
committee reported
new unions In proc ss of formation and
they give evidence of being an estab
lished fact in the n ar future. .
At the request olf , committee appointed
for tlia't purpose, l k. Republican and, J9p-
clallst County Contentions unanimously
ndored t,he Chtao exclusion bttk; A,
committee was aisoi appointed ,to meet
delegates of. the. Democratic County Con-
vemion any request inejj also to assume
ine same posmonr- . -v , ; i -
A. A. Bailey, ha lng-' been nominated
for the legislature,; esigned his office as
secretary, but it was unanimously, decided
to retwn him s a lelegatef j'Xi'vote of
thanks was tendered fo past efficient
services: A. R!. 'J ton was elected his
Mr. Morehouse, of Aedmoht, 'is ti Call
fornia transacting Im
tor tan t business.
W. h. McCullbn, of
he Junction, Is re-
covering from
a ret.-
nt attack of the
The new residence I being constructed
north of the J unctlof is being rapidly
completed. I
"The O, R. Sc. N. Comkany has complet
ed' Its road to ',St. Jois.,anid started to
run cars today, t . . f
Mrs. John Windle, agd 89 years. Is still
In a very periidus conlifiop. on account
Of recent fall.lln whfch her thigh was
broken. There is not Jfiuch hope for her
recovery. - J
Venus, the little dam hter of Conductor
Monahan, of -the Mot r, is able to sit
up, after a reoeht Ulfte s.
Herman Neibennan ; as old his prop
erty lm Chipmah' a dlllon ;and bus
bought a. lot in jDpol i ddltlon, where he
will shortly erect a. r l,dance, Cr ' ,
Ths .St. Johns 'publ : ' school Is in a
flofirisbtng conditions An exhibition is
given ths last Friday o each month.
, Ths St, Johns' Pi-ogrei ive Improvement
artd Commercial Assoc atlon will hold a
meeting at the school I uJlding tomorrow
evening at, 8 p. m.Q. U,' Highland, of
the Portland Civic Improvement League,
gave an address,' oh cMe improvement.
A pumoer or important measures are to
come before the. met! g; , and a full at
tendance Is desired, I .
Ths Seventh grad
of Harrison school
visited . ths rooms o
tho Oregon' Htsto-
ricai society, in tne
Clty .Hall, yesterday
at 8 o'clock. Other si
amine the .relics and!
from time to lime.
hool classes will ex-
curios of the society
w' Ths books of 'the J1 free library In the
CJty HB were moveta
today to the Publl
. ii J.... k y l ii. " ' . ' " "" - ""T B V I- " ' "" " " '- '"' 1 " " ' 1 1 J- -'- ' 1 ' ' " 1 ' ' 1 , ' ', , At".
s','t-V,''; ' ' MMslsMsVslBlBBsWBllBSBlssasMBBssaBssss bsMBIIIMIIiZsZsjsbIbsssss " ' $ fi
f.' ; - . - j. " ' ' - '" V .-'. P l t v I i - ' . . - . . . eT . . - - '
"X'Si'.'Vi k-:-.;'V' ' ' ' V' . f i , ,t I , 1 It V ' V f s ' 1 1 V
Iron and Brass Beds
$?.65 to $100
Yesterday's advTc were that the
grain tonnage en rout is 34,115 tons, and
that there is now in phrt ,768 tons.
' The British steamer Vjutto, which sus
tained Injuries in the ike floes on its re
cent trip, will be repaWd "at the WU-
lametto Boiler vork..
nstead of being
taken to a dlstast dr;
dock, as was.
erlglnally contemtfated
Tift Asle will
make a berth for her mt
Smith A Howard are removing the old
dock at the" foot of AnWeny street and
erecting a new one in
its place. New
piling wilt be, driven, and
an entire new
foundation laid. It will
be used as a
sand dock, and work on
the new struc-
Itire Is expected ,ito ; be
cotnpleted by
oremini aus-
. ,W. E. Ferguson, a long
tallied severe ' injuries '
Assisting in loading ,
steday (while.
tuVnbes- on? ths
Oceano; A piece of iimbl
t ftlllon him,
.was conveyld
breaking his leg, and oth
him up 'considerably. ' Hel
to the Good Samaritan Hoi
or less serious'
ment. Injuries of ,a -mor
nature ere frequent thewfe
days around
the busy, centers of the
docks, although
no fatalities have yet occd
The steamer Leona Will
be transferred
pt once from the. Gorovalss to the Port'
land-Oregon City run.
The British bark Fulwood
loading a Cargo of- lumbe
and anchored
to sailing for
In the river, ipreparatoryl
Callao. y'.ii' ' f j. ..''
The German, hark Barn ek is receiving
a cargo of wheat from )th Portland Flour
Mills Company. The Brit sh bark Forris
dale will be loaded by th same company
In the early jart of the i eek.
The new four-masted s hooner at Beni
cla is now in the- frame i.:; She is being
constructed with select lmber, and wU
he able to carry 1.150,000 eet of lumber,
Oram ratej tohtrope, auch to tne dls
my of shipowners, are way down. The
lowest figures reached 1 years at Bali.
Francisco is 23s Sd, which vas aocopted by
the British ship Benlarig for wheat and
barley to Europe. Other i ilp there have
in - toots
"the thttigf
: ry that If
:;0Zr;.-y ' j - "'
No.25. ThU bed with'rasM- Ur-, f . 1 J?j ; '
.rods on top f ' ' ' -: - C ' W J , , " , '
, v , , I -v. This NATIONAL PEAL 1LANC C $46.00 with reservoir,
n,r.ryTcrr QVC $40.00 withont reservoir. Cqarantee I first-cUsx.
' ' WW-iMiuimiini
to more'seopis tnan.
a n v
of which
The. told
bad. Th
in klllj
are wiitng
take' sha
keep fhe tooth. We '
want lo telt the.beo-.
pie lhat .we .have
founcf a wav and ;
, . naves oeen. using it . .
long enough to rov its worti: it will destroy a live nerve which
exposed in a tpath, without caulln g any pain whatever. .v Open Sundays,
A. AS. tO XA Sl.. .l -i a- V"- m ; . . .... . . . : ... . v..
i,-4M. 1J and til Falling Bfl.-
-l'"1 n1 Washington 4t'
Bdtight hen East and ; now; pn
the: way and unloading;
' We bought 600 steel ranges
Range Co.,' of Cleveland, Ohio.
1 902. We will sell ranges as
air t";i--'t
gone to a permanent anchorage to await
better rates.
The Arttc Btream
on the way to Pnget
Sound, from Port
fLa Angeles, is char-
tered to load for
Bouth Africa, but the
cargo She will cairy, whether lumber or
brcadstulfs, has nfct been made public.
New masters of
'oast vessels were en-
rolled at the San Itranclscn custom house
Wednesday, as
' steamer Relief; E.
tlnental; Jonas
follows:. J. Sllovlch,
Stanhard, ship Con-
Anderson, schooner
Theresa; T. jobsori.
bark Coryphene; O.
Reich, - schooner
preadnaught; O. E.
Ertckson, r schoonel
Carrier- Dove; P.
Kommeron, steameV Petrero; ,W. Kelly,
schooner America
schooner ' Prosper;
CO. Brandemann,
O. Jensen, schooner
Nelson, steamer . Ar
Llllebonne; H. ; C,
eata; Olaf Johnson,
steamer J&kmeVYf ';
The ; Klose TlllJoons of - the Martha
Washington Soptar
Club gave , thelast
party of the sefies
atBurkhard hn last
evening.-i ..
secretary Moore, lor the Boa wi of Trade,
has received a coinmunicatloni from the:
Iewlston, ; Idaho,: Wafer" ft Power Com-
pany. calling attenllon to a small pamph
let which it endows, .giving information
regarding the soil,
climate, business op-
portunitles, etc., of
the tiewlston country.
Mrs. Goodrich has
resigned her position
as recording secre
ary of the Toung
Woman's Christian
Association, and has
gons to Wsshlngtoh. t Mrs. Cardwetl has
been elected to the.
' Mrs. Addltoh ga-de
a demonstration of
next Sunday's temperance lesson to the
Teachers Primary
Bunday School Union
at z o'clock yesterday In the T. W. C.
building. . '
Have you tried Peacock' hard wheat
flour? t .
The W, C. T. ' . "Noon Rest" will
gladly accent any aid current, magazines
that any one may iave. Anything donat
ed in reading matt pr wilj greatly ap- j
The . Hunt Club Wave a t Paper1 Chase
Ithe nerve
is oneuof
in dentist-.
. O -. tning
we know.';
wit - was
demons of
rned - loose
Sut up .
le than
of: some
; employed
g -i a nerve. ,
ole "want to
ir teeth, and "
to under-
ordeal tn
CoUmtla 'ph'onTsfi"' OrrBvcho1ia '
-:: ;r.: tZlh
- '
r 1
M v
frm the famous Operative" SteeJ
TneM must be sold during year
low ak $25.00. , AD Guaranteed.
this afternoon. ; Thef hares, Mrs. Buffum
and Miss. Ainsworth Jstarted from the east
end of OkKJolf UrJks, near Section lilne; i
Road, St 2:30 P. M. hounds twenty min
utes later. The fi lsh will be near the.
end of the Waverlji Woodstock car ne.
Everybody likes the. Peacock flour bo
couse it is the bes :. '
The Fargo Gold k pilver Mining Co. of
Dakota has appllc 1 to Surveyor-General
of Oregon Henry, tfeldrum,. for I he sur
vey of 30 claims n? the Imnab district,
on Snake river, W illowa county, Oregon.
. George Cross,' foi merly secretary ot the
defunct oar factor who ' mysteriously
abandoned family ind business here last
summer. Is said tc bV in Alaska.
Do not delay try ng the Peacock flour;
you wlir never reg et it. -''-.;',
s The Medical ipi rtraent of the Univer
sity of Oregon Js h )tding Its final exami
nations. They will be concluded the, lat
ter pirrt of next w iek. The annual com
mencement exercises will be held Tues
day eyenJnKAprll 1. 1 . " ' . - .-''f
' Peacock flour f of sale at all grocers.
The rooms of th Arf Association in the
Portland lbrary building will be open to
Equitably Savinga
f 243 ST.
CHAS, E. UDD, Pres., , . T. B. WILC
i $20, $25. $30,
' teara, Electric, Gasoline Aitomobiles and Motor Cycles
Send for CaUloL
Fred T. Mcriil
Branches r Bpokane,
Ucomaj, eeaiiie.
v 1 'ii "
o - . O O j , 0
v: gja ';' "" 4 T , -ja ?
i ... t-, .v . ' ;' j
finest made.
i f', '
$12.00 to $22.00
- "
172-174 First Street
visitors from
o'clock tomorrow
afternoon,1 ,
Portland Club, FlftM and Alder
Finoat lunch in city.
Portland Club, Fifth and Alder.
The funeral servllts of Hok Pang,' Hh.9
Chinese druggist, were held on Becond
vtreet this afternodn under the direction '
of the Lon In 8ocldty,a benevolent ? order
of about 100 . naemlers. Bach ot tbese
contributed ft - fol funeral expenses.
Tables were placed on the street and
decorated with youflg pigs, , fruit, and
vegetables, the besttthat coulde. bo bs
talned In Chinatown ' ,; A'1"
The body was; tan to. ton Fir 'Hot
further sorvlcee. Jt will be forwarded to
China for interment'.! . rw.
There Were not- left than 25 carriages
in the funeral procelslon. . ?
pr.-ii- it. Thorht. Dentist:'; Rooms
202-203 Marquan bid J. Phone, Hoocl 7;
residence phone' Westt 1214.'
I Cxguslre Carpet llcase :
Op. Chamber of Com.
and Loan Association
f. McKERCHER, Sec,
, f '
ARID. 1902
I.'- .-i,.-.;.-iy,J. ii .,wf.-,...'v J, fi?:;
$B5r$40. $50, $60 V
Writo for Prices. .
Cycle Co., Inc.
100. 197. 109. 111. Sixth BL,
i w
library juiJdlng.