The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, March 22, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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    OIllTiiAyi),:QBEGrOy,! SATTODAT,': Vf AHCH " 22, 1902.
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' X
s Ditvrd .aywhr
tit City. . .
ay CMS to any ,
' rORTLANDv OR. MARCH 22. 1802
" tooBff tiM ffleUU. wlioib tk taxpayer
ant at tk. County CourthouM ar
MsJer X. Kennedy and Clerk Swetland.
On JJ occasion thy hW ahowa the
salve t be fattkfulpubllVwn'WU.wrko
are1 wn -worthy. f the Wfk te,ln
Major la Wag
tun tnsy ar aeia.
sry sturaOy mention
faa. 'tk probable
Jltpubttcaa 'WmJne' &
and k Juld certainly
County ' Juda,
r 7
-date wh would poll
than the full
vet of kl "party. Hi
peterd koth a. aol
who aarved-kU
towitry wtU, and al
a county official
who baa looked wall
fter tha lntareeti
at tko taxpayer,' fha aomlnaUoa
to 'kottar aaat f . t vt' I'- 1 1
, ' Clartc flwetlaad haa Ithorougkly daaion
tratad .bia abUlty la the Couaty Clerk;!
effl. and If bsmloatad to aaecaad Mm-
atwiu nakt a
r Met M Ul
be will rank
tttat up aawMc
lean candidate.
? Tta'Mayar-a ofll!
lae wfalnly'beek
la fooa.kaada duri
the IncunibanoT of
H. M. Bowe.' aa4
aaowa taat kt u a
I mini f a ooi
a lUfll laKaa'aA.t.U aaltk ka. a.aal JK
uw wHsa wwu w
Ndreaentin; - th. entire
enauaualty aa anjrf candldate.poeaW
eeuHL:v kCr. .1
iaaad fx a ; reaonjiiiatJoa, ' and Alt -U la
teadeMt t klta klalprMpacU.for reUfi
Con are Very food ladeed-i Tke earn may
Mt Mid of City Auditor Devlin, whoae
' aitnlatratloa 'of hiaf dlUalautl hm
jrecalYed tk kit heel 4ojrtattoir ihJL'MPmt
.w . rwowuinuon wouia wfaa ua
f ceaeuoa.By, iare najoritjr, xer booq
i count with' the people
JPren all partaot tkia Ceatraaatonal U:
trk avMeaae faakajiaf lav that the pee-r j
to aot aeam t. think! tkat th. aa
uit nnriiiiiiii and aw that ihv.
Ja Man far , tmKrniLmattt
m' Tliwr Mnn telrlia tha' artwffi.
mattonal laapertanee
M tkelr 'olatrlot and
el ev-a Aa.a '
' , at. iBparuat : 'lat
aadytbey tklak
, tkat tkese latereata
.re aot ba looked
, after a wreH;aa tke
ttltkt:kkra beea
Dad they keen in ehi
of aea atkef
I ,' apraatiUtlTe.ler
fTWWtot daaaU
faction, and a feeila
tftct tka Coagreaaoiai
Moody :Btkt b
l . .aWPraa4 .ta .tktt aiv
ktaca of kia aeju
! ' ajral that Ron, XN.
-V .aad awat availakla.
la the bea t
for the poaition.
Me he bad laalalaUra
uy oemeaatnvted hie tkitltyv Thara la
j t flaw la kta reoord, afad aa .dowbt but,
' . at ke wouUI jrepre the dutriot to
tke kalia ef Cooareaa wltk aMUty and ta-
r Baatry. Sheuld ktr.' WlliUmaoa be t-
alared the aojalnaoa, thare la o doubt
aa tekla aleetlea, fo kiafgeod pelata 4r
gfeaarsJly reeombted by vbtor f all par-1
but cenaolentiouIy-YoU
. . ' .. T. I
affale aa tke beat gaea
o k
ew I via tuna far Ffrtlaad peopl to
a'..tkalr .aan:blltui juad . detail
aiae wka ,1 the beat, baa for mayor.
7e rank of the RepukUoaAa migkt to
saraiaa snany yeog meta
a tk kaaor.-kut tker
that 11
Would be a mistake ta IimiImi.:
. , On. f ib'wrona- mi for th poaltloa
wouw k,W,:A. Story. He would net b
the cholo of the laaM and fil of thk
farty, for they consider that he ka been
lghet .to tk keiaao
Pnd found want'
-. -ra KaaahUoaa ,"rt
should surely .
enuaate a tnaa wnem
get on wfc wlUtktng
ta plenty t, Umber la
(t aaa lot, and
t. defeat ,Thar
fh party, and
pwsatatlT oak
Jd'b seHoUd-
aa wk would lead tbi
to victory;
' ' bad then b a credit i
Important of
Ml. '
? t-Tlaw and again Jt
V - kd -that casltal and
labor-eaa Indict
t daatag on each
other whdn they
get vn a uttle kit
tile. Jt Js graU-
- aylagjtkat ktk .
now found
kWa out, ad it is a hoi
1 ain that the
. .. tsaders kav come toi
er and atnUd
' k aewitte on eoncJUktloB at New Tark-
x uw nn u properly done, saaay
r penaetaa strtk will I be avoided.
; wucn gaoa will resultj te aU.
Angetea win abt guarantee nt
f ttmasea ftE.eoo tor flkbtlag Jeff arte for
, k few auautes la thAt tawn next May.
, ve thought tt w
" ' Tip dowa so deep
' asloaal, when a
be foellakaesa to
second-hand pro.
it-ciase newspaper
puts auty be hired t
go down there and
ggkt fk world aU
mer xor about a
asaato of hundred diilar.
XAOy edney ka kapUed for aivorc
w ,wra jMToges uawiey Den'
sett , Bodaty.. TkloapuUaant 'alleges
jnat m um ,t mkk bar ; saead , whole
tlgkta oat at fk other end of hi aaa;
l thai sh couldn"trmeir hi breath
'ha k returned from ale club. i
Acting Oevernorl Wrlgkt, of th PhUip-
i!ne certainly
;es a ' very sanguine
aW f tk l
Uoa there, when h
trite boGse
M per oeat. of the le-
: rnd ar
aad safe for Anuria
: - I.
--. Xt 'kls
uht i ,hr.rfdiv lir brtnf mad on
the gjn-ha. thai otby4 percent.
"certainly' bees
klng up'Oa, H
rke maierttyU-Ai
erf far th apathy
tffadrder id4 ir
-li; IpJ'WifijMs' ta:
tor concentrate hl
KWrttr that nttla J
lottlh face. of th
le wprid'ls tired of
earth at'sjeVParl
suck IttiBhr.jongj
iawn out
kaitomie 5mJ Wahlnton acaroely
cat timatad.-aowit after ona .iroitc wim
hladra.OnrlMllea whlitlei notb-
r-Aint-rofa Uralkr Jla than that pro-
Uttkil ni i,Ha kaepa kop.
XtrYMt mniLm fcmff waartn', oa
tha uert ta t tw landldat Jtof in
thea ohoerti1n--PXl, lot him ik th
batrit ''SwKo'rkohrliWthe burden In
aJlaM4y.rffliaay'"Yaa." i v '
f it lAinitoUnoad tfarHon. C. A. Johna,
of Bakir Clt. hkal ' anterod tha race for
nwMr.f' "When lit" couaa to a how
dowB6awevr. -wel balleve. tha an
I s-so ." ': i.
flnd ktaluin-tumf.
The faWpaSekk
dlaputa U ended,
we have Oeneral
bat,- tfc'ank foodneal
ICUea to 7alin4ek P
When the world it
thine alaa axoltUig
op that lie ordered
the t exaovtloB
van - Finpinoa . ne-
rauae k eonetdered
ham real bad men.
lie tnuattaiaflDeltl
the United States
If Wdrildnta wel air to be nice tna
! hav tv'tr
nt -tbay wouiont
hr I aoWrnmehl .protection. Mr.
i.-iJiHAv.'it la llmaalf kandy wltk
t ' 1. ' ' , I '
I . o.ii , tfi-s,' KftiA'. ra aromotea
iimw: after "belnri da for year
er.iw 40tt;. ! iupJoaethe poor fel:
Iowa wtteWtd blkmelfbr that,
tfkVtii4tl? aw kajaa' fw ralatlve
N aa-fnten to a.atn.
(f,ao;lthf.mprt b alhakp f paopla Ik
Sinm. "Kvidantlv Idiira doean t "want
to--WSa;,anierahi with
the Angel
; ..!vs,
lOmtmitd-ftate lurar barpni eem
toll ik Cubelnl raUfnrf can.
0,n on
i ; ( r .t. ,t ,
1 4 Viitl JiT
3 f tt 'OWT IN DHSmON.
I lakl aLaLr. j.Mt.W' I
way. out In th
(' Wait U'r
i i. ...
Tkera'4 fomd'purty lountiy, whare i
.,:Jpy to aM-:' ; I ".v . .. -'
RyatlcattaV 0f mln', ikvln auck a feaat
On the Tult an' berrsi they can't ralaa
anna warva -Mkav AAnata . ebalrry one
kwaak'48faKi wV-r
itt'winnJiMT'arpa. ' ona-pdund
Luakoua ptar an' pruifc tree loaaea oy
VlkirtAxW xiWu in Oregon.
Obiay JteaLata efewlnlihowln' thar fin
Mader.ltka"a-llpln,.ln the ol fence
Kobln itrtlnVihalrrya, Juaaboat tootln
Big blue arouae i-hootlh' In the fir tree
A4-Waii blackbird -llgn' whara tk
1 :..A4 . Ji is - X .t.Jl.f kali
. .fc.- !.. T ..
seeds out In tk
Hundnd of Aunt Llli It's out la Oregon
feigif ffeVirpSai. tha
nasts ev'ry
l-vAeeased aa,-H'
aUa down all tha
MVShi . With "freata,
an ktakiutavry
'kaotntr liot.'f 1
flic jpretervea, an'-Jet
:oa rlt to the
weet-' aulk'bythe g
M. Ithacow. - U''
Ion, foamln', from
'Appklnxlkatchard.lkraakln' down tke
H' jUut-ferbrejkflst, up at eaHy
tht,Ufe at Aunt,
I sale', out In Ore-
ktainlhXaU tk day-
Ime, rainln' all the
wkt-, w
ir' far th sun, ao
Kaite ,ja reiiff kani
'brlghtr l r
Mosa'oatM, an JhoJse-roofs, moss upon
tnrgrounjir 4
Furty Wild, flow'f' krowln' ev'rywhare
' 'around. ' "
Orate big .roe:a-retlhln' 'way up to tha
Take two men to see 'em. they're o
; everlaatln: high
Haattn' Hskla.', ranklln', tel the night
come en
Vlsltjn' Aunt XJastafout In Oregon.
' t - a. E. S.
sjiv i iaTltAVlnr
At mntld wftkttrubtad guld
I shU put out ti
rapture bl
n- H 1
"Whea aunset :.ray
Ana'g44fy th. hi
,( A .w
MyUst good.Vy'i
11-fear deny.
My partmg. kind
ckeer; ' .
I shall depart,
Wltk euadfaat'jhaa
MjrfFllo eyer
Th eutwardrtWe
ocean wide.
Shall- iear by
award bark:
The.lanrp of night
y path shall tight
V"t water deep
nd dark...
ppe shall swell "
Th fcvenlag ke.ll In
Clear, Hundlng,f
m the laa, ' .
To greet .tkf fhta
from dlsunt climes
Actpaa, th aUent I sea.
ShoUU nJsihi ehut nlwa with angry frown
And daaget1 threltea me.
Idy. Pilot' horn ahtU wake -
When, I have -eroftsed the
. . ... - - . . .. I .-. ' . A:2?. Z'
v, ,im ; - I
Owe'i,r: aair - st fa
,t v y-- l.j :"f !:
Black Spana-ed. worn this
taaon with aeparatJ walat of aoft whit
ilk, made with tptliy roW of tuckfns;.
and thla form 'of toleltfe- baa -tha advan
tage of being eomjnt It faut for any In
formal oecaaiott' after th noon hour ha
relied around. r
A pretty medel in c
nary yellow chlffoii.
o pale that It I
laroety motw than a.
deep cream, show
In unusually artlatic
color scheme . by belnf; built over shell
pink taffeta. The altrVl shirred about
the hlpa In a deep yi
k. th ahirring ex-
tending below the
fftlatllri for about
nine wchta, : Fro in
this' point (he skirt.
hang In unconfined
pullnes to the floor.
which It touches t
the f rent and sides.
lengthening Into a
deml-trkln at the
White ha constant
ly increased In favor
until lt haa reach
the aenlth of its
glory. Even tha to4t woman, who year
ago and pot o verj
many either, looked
wth abhorrence upfcn all white gown.
And nothing ao w I autted ',td her pur
pose of dress ,
white drees built of
highly finished satin
cloth. The stout
woman has on alvantag this season
that ka not httherlo been preaented ami
that I the yoke efT-fct In skirt trUnmlnga.
This by the way,
an idea which will
And favor In' at k
nd 4 Of skirts, as it
serves the purpose
to wall of a ,close-nt-
ting effect around ,t
b hlpa. The slender
woman adores it because It affords an un
broken outline of tie contour and lands
(race to th figure.
Women are anor
discontented than
jail Wheeler will-
men - aa a rule, syi
cox In Suoce, A
man's discontent Is
more frequently eoistructiv,
a worn-
an' destructive). .'!
Have .known- many
women who made
agalnat the cares .
cohsstant ' outcry
housekeeping and
whoaa soon aa thty abandoned these
care mourned
the lost comfort
The Theaters
Manager George jL. Baker, of Baker'
theater, will preaei t What 1 absolutely
th newest novoltj of ' the amusement
world at the Bunds y matinee,, when the
great "Cycle Whit " wlll be seen for
the first time ln Poi tland J will be the
first appearance of the atrtllng attrac
tion In 'the Northi 'est Its 'great cost
having . made, it imi oaalbl to i engage it
lor any exeeptthe theater of the. big
cities. Manager Bkl er has determined to
give hs audlencea he best money can
secure, and haa at : agent "East to be
constantly on the lo kout for attractions
that are features. . ... t
The "Cycle Whirl, has mad a sensa- i
tlon wherever pre nteil. London and I
Piijs have raved o er the hair-raising ,
chances taken by thi two daring cyclists 1
who ride at a tremei dous speed on what :
neems to be an a most perpendicular
platform. As a mat er of fact the angle I
of the track Is more than 60 degrees, and rl
the riders must mal italn a high 'rate of r
speed to keep the - machines on the-.
track. The "saucer tlack," with it extra-
ordinary steep lnctlhe was a sensation,
but It 1 as mild a . coasting down a j
Mmg, loafing hill fcolnpared to the dang- t
or or the 'CydeuJ'V "hlrl." J AIJ. sort of
record have beoni 1 roken.andj all sorts
of accidents have tl retened the Uvea of
th dare-devil rider . It will undoubted
ly be the biggest t lklg 4n Its line that
Portland audiences Ifavelever seen, and
WlD duplicate the i uocesd it has attain
ed In" other cities. I . . ...
Beside. the great cycle Whirl,- there are
eight other splendid' feature' a, follows.
Carter and Thortiilll 'eccentric come
dians; Frank W. Bacon and .company,
who give a pretty little playlet,-"Adrlft";
Lynne and Kenned f, tke dancing nabobs;
Clara O. Moore, trie .wonderful singing
girl; William. Wal
uik nv arei - yarn-
spinner; Leando Brfc,, accrobat comlque;
the great Duffy-.chadren, singer, dancers.
acrotat and player, and last, but by no
mean least. O'Brien, . -Jennings and
O'Brien,, the 20th
eptury, sketch artists.
with musical skit
etc This will no
doubt be the strongest vaudeville- bill
ever presented In
- THE 'klARQUAM., ' ' V
Rose Cogktan- held a; large- audience
spellbound last v
ning ln -;Forget-Me-;
Not,": . Emmet King cam In for -a ahare
of tho home, woainwh( craved, travel
and hntod .lts "d icomforts the moWeitt
tkly -aet forths ; 'om4(Who craved kfc
mountains whan it the ah,ire.;ni 114
seashore when e the mounWTni. . What
pitiful target fo thelf "own TSOPomerang-
they will be in t ielr old age! For what
la more dreadful than old age which haa
not - learned re'p se or calm , or the con
tehtment of patl 'nee?
i"- ' ''ABOUT PLANTS. .
;, Keep begonias where the air 1 not too
dryland they w II non drop their leaves.
; Jn, . watering iouse plants' 'sufficient
should be given to soak the soil thor
oughly; '
A ? tree I nes -ly dormant In winter,
eanelclally crhe th t haa been lately trans-,
Plants In a dor nant state require very
little water durl ig the winter, and an
ce will cauaJ decay. " " -
Drenching ro4bushes with atrong
quassia tea Is a Igood curative of bug
and Other destruca
,ve insects and pesta.
to root cutting
full Of aand, Intd
quickly fill a saucer
which the slip may
be at, : Keen the
mud.a v-.jf -i
land the consistency of
wevea give, up
-decaying - rosebush
until you have trftd watering-it two. or
three times a week
With soot, tea for a
short time.
Repotting ot plafc
fs "btcomes necessary
for two msonslhe "plant usee up the
available .'fertilttr I in the soil and, fill'
th pots With root.
To prevent crotlhed tree front split
ting after they colne Into bearing . twist
nnd - fasten ' two.
and as th estem
mall limbs together
grows It will prevent
Cuttings , of qui
growing herbace
ous plants, like
heliotrope, verbena
phlot, geraniums.
root quickly, chrys-
anthemums, quick
t of all. - Choose
cutting when the
lants are . moat vlg
work, and the suppo!
t was good through
out. The same piece
will be repeated to-
night. "Lady. Barter
Was given this
afternoon. '
Vaudeville Is galplnk In popularity
tnroughout the coun ryJ , . . t,. -
Florence Robert Is
Morrison, of "Faust"
he wife of Louts
Edith Terrlngton.. wlo .ts well remem
bered here for her cfe'er work in the
Burgomaster, has retinrd from that com
pany for a needed res.
"The Gibson Girl" I
the title of a new
musical comedy. , We n
ye Gibson waists,
suits, hats, and are paltlently waiting for
the comedy.
Jerome Sykes will sooh be seen In. a new
comic onera by Smith! and Kerker. on
titled "The Plunger.!' y . There t will be
over two hundred peont In the produc
tion. . I,
The Lambs, two Portlpnd chlldreh, are
the stars In Lincoln
J Carter'a "Two
Little Waifs.". It 'will
be seen here In
. John ' Drew and . his a
tlon, "The Second in Cd
ilaborate produc-
mmand." will be
gven her later in the s
Ben Stern is manager - for - Blanche
II has many
tfrlend here who
will no
doubt give hlh
a hearty weV
Rlngllng Brothers' circus and Buffalo
Wild West show
kvill both come to
oaat this season.
David Belasco will s
In a hew Idea of his,
drama. ..
ar Lillian ftussel
called a musical"
The criticisms of the
London newspa-
per on "Arlsona" are ai
favorable.. , As
soon aa King Edward skilled on th ply
It waa'olnched for a loifc
run there.
I ,. 4'
Nat . Goodwin.1 1 reported, to have lost
iuw, in a jMKer ganfc
at . toulgvllie.
His pre agent Is novi
receiving ,con-
Iratulatjon M t
Frank Daniel 'is makiig a big hit In
hi pew opera, "Mia
catob diner of kis jht
aUgh Is-"Ain't I whlmMcgl.'V Hs will
i probably be' seen In Lorlion dUrihg the
4 B 'Ai Jl..-i.'l.
pTT4a - "lir
ie,-,to bebrfltt
. . V V''. J . .
li rurtnar tjir t-mw
.'opr "houae,, to be MMJt thie aununer, on
Main atrtit.JlWtfe'l Odd Fellow build-
Ing and Orange halll- Aa planned, It will
b WO feet wnn pifoot wall.'.
' A confracf X" HOod poOnda.'of 'hop waa
WHtUa the paat weeM at Champoeg. The
prlea-waa UH f t-1
, Henry L. .Ben.ta,-ofl Buttaville. reporta
a aale In London of V lot of the Durst
Spool or nope for. tO'a&llllng. which will
-Bct the grower from 03 cent to 14 centa
per pound,.) j,, , j .
i Johh Held, of AatoriL ka a one-pound
gold coin of the Trenil'aa I. Republic bear
ing the profile of Treeldent Xrugen. It Is
a Dreaent from'Caotitn Walker, of the
Criqh ahlp JtotelieWnk. whtch1 left thla
port a few nontha a do for gouth 'Africa.
..The Southern Pacific Company' oal
xjilne, eaat of Med fold, la new. tunnelled
W feet deep. , , I , M
A - train on the Biringfleldi branch of
the Southern pact 01 ,waa wrecked' th
other .day',. near YafneU.s. Two, car of
lumber were rdeatrlyed and the track
torn up for 100 feet. 1, , v
The -oldest man tol register In Linn
. CW0ty ,wa,'. Falriek I Brapnan... aged 91
. Eighteen : monumenfa have ' arrived at
f urene for the" VpltH Btatea Cuarter-
.,-. -Aa?BaT,a J; 4 f" j
maater'a Depftrtment bt Waahlnaton. for
the dead ,1'eret-nna ofi lha civil, and Span-
in ware wno ary uurfca intnat. citv.
M. L. Hawley has fold hi intereat In
tha Union mill. Of KahUnd, to ' f. D.
Bobbin, who wjll tuan the old mill Into
in Ice plant. ' ' I
... ,, i .. ...
tienera! Jame Clajk . Tolman died at
48hland last Sa ttirdkv,- aged 9f year.
H came to Oron. la Kit.
Considerable exdtei ient,waa caused nt
a funeral atSRogie, River . laatj Sunday
by the running qway Df one ojf thhorae
j ;t,tb :DfnMiP,: n-iieyWojir
Marvin waa the deeetlsed,. , .
W. ,b. DennteT 'whb
is operating the
BuHedckartv-ftilhein; -34
'ftW5 hV-;'W a ,bbpd; forlurcli
U t4Tol4 rOoldi .FlfeM irnhieAne ml
3 Wthwest eClsslandl at 4tOW H -. K-
Anaerson, some of tie ground proved to
be a rich e a gdld pJicer In I860, and was
known a the Davenport diggings.
- a real Vhomeeeker" ha arrived at The
Dales from .Nebraska. It I a woman
and she came tp the city to find John
Lelohte. Ha . took Her to the County
Clerk's office nd tl
ore procured a mar-
rage license and th
couple were mar-
rjed at once, .
.- - -:' '"'-"X '
. -. w
Ashland, being a
wry , town, there ,l
some talk there, bf pi
osecutlng a number
of opsaness men wp
selling liquor, . r
are supposed- to b
The "Alaska Fishermen's Union, which
was organised at Aatorla last fall, has
notified the canperynien that they want
Anfncrease of pay pf
about so per cent
. A case of amallsole has developed at
1100a niver. . , r-
Astoria has appol
a committee to
raise fund for. the
belief of the widows
and , orphan in Sou
Africa. .They eg.
pert to'Kend abput
o next ; month;
' '.. t, ."' .(. J . Ml
1,000 ty the middle
A wall has gone up
from the cltlsen of
Woodburn regarding
the . untramraeled
freedom of the-bow
in that burg. The
woodburn Indapendent auys., among
other things that, the -farmer coming
to town are tired of having the cows ecu
all tha -feed out of fhelr wagona. Prop
erty owners ar . overcome - with ennu!
because the cow yie their sidewalks to
promenade on. Thej owners of the cows
are- somewhat fatigued with having th
railroad locomotvp slaughter their cat
tle. The cows themselves have not, been
heard from.
"A man who will hot tlee will make ha
foes' flee," but whal If his foes be made
of the same met 171 - : .,.
."Employment "brinys enjoyment" hjji
It bring-the means to enjoy. - . v
. uaoTH.iun i or -iiia intuitu ul tue Ljvri:,
and frequently al thi profits. ' : ' 1
: "A .wise man U moved from- hfs course
neither by; force norl entreaty,"J but.ithe
same oiten applies ta a muie. " .
''It Is 'hard to pay I for bread that hi
been eaten," but notj eo hard as to get
bread to eat that kasjhot been pajd for.
"in matter or taste there can be no
diepute,".' for every nfan Is so ftmuy enn-
Vlncod that there Is do standard by whtctt
hs taste can be measured. L. de V.
Matthewan In Er.
. as a bonus
(By Big.' Slehel- A Of., 92 3d street) -
The 'American Tobacco -Com-:
pany la hollering! loud In th '
papers pbout giving their next
four years'- profit:
In. England
to the local dealel' and a-ivlng
them alsa a bonub 1 of iAKVOV))
pound - sterllner. J This v Is the
biggest thing In 1 the tobnceo
i world "tbday, yet fright here in
Portland we havenot been out-
aone. ig Bichel A Co. have-ai-,
. ways shared their profits with
tneir customers- vy givinjr sp.
ciai values. - ;
. .......
Here are a few) of our special
values that amount to the same
-thing as offeringa bonus-to get
your traae:
The Garcia' cfcar 1 . the old
tellable, hlgh-fikvored ' favorite
of fastidious smokers. Remem- -
ber that. SoW upon- honor, -(
Worth more thin its price, .
There is oalv one ' Perfect
Pip Tobacco ind that Is "Our :
Own MixtureJ' a sweet. on!
smoke, 'M os. cartons, j5c. Re-
; If you want
a snort, smoks.
our littler
HUfTos" , ar 1nf
right mild. any. oip Hivin
eigar;' packefi l) ina --4ox,
ajses; per. boi, luv and Vh
." f-- V ft, 'V Ai I I
""'' I . I - J -' ..
Of aU the newest weaves
Mercerized Cloths, Madras J
Each Shirtwaist Length
, twtOotar4i Ua NortJi
T? E.Reardoh. "a4 Bdaton architect. Is
totally blind, nevertheless he haa deatgn.
aq iany. of - the hsnlsomest - building
in that city, and':has list completed th
pians for a atsr-atory
apartment koua
:to be erected by Ihe'Pei
kin Instltut, tor
xne iinna. ' ; - r
i 1 1
John Hie 'Chandler. I the ' Bt. Liul
World's . fair; ' commissi Jner .to . Central
American .was lorn ln I Philadelphia In
18f9. and until recently Was professor of
tha Latin ' language and! hlstorv. in tha
military poly (ethnic college at Ouate-i
mala, ,v ' v''; I.;. ., '
Oeneral' .0oymHtbli "ver'bobuu
with his soldier. in the blllpplns.. wjh
rpeak of him among iheitaelre as: 'qid?
iaa.- lz is a rajvorits joide.that k need
no stntt, because 'he' carl make hiihMlf-
"' u"i,.a- rae .wamoui straining wm
self. 'yrv.V--1- -.
Prtnc ,Adelbe'rU' th;.4pird on;f fth
emperor of Ocrmarry, wpt ' llkeiy be kh
next member "Of.thl (jiVJan royat faa&lr
to land In AmeHofc Sie,l4a.'oadedi
the ; tralhlhg:, alflp Chifrlbtte. which WW
roach BalUmofa about, tl flrst'Of MaW
,f' ;f",i-'-N si
Dr. J. Wilbur Chapma
the Presbyter
td his eongre-
lari rruniater, na;return
(ration in.' New York git.
l.ifuny restored
to htnftlf f teh, avacatlq
ofisix -wic-nlna
.-""-T-- .s
Wesi;ihaisv'?l' ',,
v ,.. j.- jt y 'i
3 HeAxont ' Whs'
gift of eieetrtU
hedral,; London,
Vtll -be t"riod -ijaf J?est
I ":
Dr. ,Thoma Ccdon
rofesaor of, geo-
logy In th Uhlerfty og' jh, just
VWW7WW-M f ..." -
ltonert ,urnr:, btrtfiiidc' at "Ajrr. at-
trncted t.-oo mot :vlsftJryat!,yar than
Shnkespware's Mrthplack at 8tratford4n-
Avon. , j . i.
Mile Adelf Hug,, daughter of Victor
Hugo, whose centenari has Just been ob
served, is still Uvingln Paris, but th
plnce Is kept secret, oilng to the wishes
of the family.
.iHtnnr;Ki Rocnrn v
be president of th
Standnrd Oil xjomoan
: bafipuTchased for
lla,TOa the, old Morrl
I mansion, oa Mor-
ls height, Nw-,Tor
and. preaented. It
to the :unitarian Chu
ch of tke Messiah.
tii win oe uaeo, ror.
i borne for ' orphan
shjldrt adopted by tl
'A. .: ..-. ... r, '
Xpon leaMng a prlvat ftmc
revef clos the doof after, you. ' '' -
' . ... i- - '
. Bhould you have no business to transact.
take a chair,--put you j-feet upon the pret
ty typewriter's desk Ind.taik to her. She
won't mind' and yonlean . wager; that' k?
cmployeY ywotf t i 1 especially if they1 ar
i waiting for her tof
a bxetfui
of.Jmportant letter.
Should, there be a
Ign reading ''smok-
Ing prohibit ed,"vdoi
t: notice it: amok
Turkish cigarettes.
r strong pip to
fcacco; the sign refe
rn Havana cigar.
8hnuld th bookke
per' be engaged
nee sheet , talk
getting out hlsH-!
l him talk loudor 'eigaga him . In a po-
liticnt argument; tie
won't m'nd, ven If
: he behind In big
BuCine8 or hb business,: drop In when-
i ever you're passing
Iby-and pass by of-
ten and discuss
he latest pugilistic
I event - with - the bo.
It help to make
the time pass pleasi
nt)y: 4
WBV. , . agj aSBBBW mW AW M I M .1 . , . i ' I
t iCtem'orden:. In al'ly : and give yotjr wood
i :: . cnantie
""6ftice: No. 80 Thlr Street
t QrePhone, Main Bp3.v Columbja
' 1 ... ..- . ,i ... f. Ji' 'In,. , . ('.. J'.?!.'.L j
Y'xwi p .A
1. a
teoaceiti 4 fci 02 .have
ill-'' 'L ' '. Tl i
far sxatissscd all prev(3u$ crfa
atlons, Words 4 ere' i2dtta
to &uaX&&'ifa had
cosia end ;sss z tied- b
7rto Iwiyausii; J
;7 i :
fend coloring. Oxfords,
... .. .. :.-.ftt . .'w.-,-
1.50 and 3
omih gndMbrtlson Si.
1 v
. It wa only a llte affair In real llfav
enjoyable to .' byalaadera at i th Unloft
depot, ai i ( I ,
"Ah! Well," well.! what a surprja! But
you bT only. charged a trtfle, and that
for th batuhn,e..iE4ght year
go, wMn'ttt .tIqu were HatUe and I
was Tom. How dm file," ,
i He was tall hanisom, had a good face
and drd right q to date. t Th same
general description would coyer her ap-
pearaoc, , ana,, tpaty iu da wr
Blas'ped r without oilier aprearjog to no
rttedit, , I 4i ?f Mi . f
ft What xaraumtatl 4hai JwaaJ. h want
,oii;a h Bwung kfr kanjiW nordikliy and
ckd t Jflown tntd k 'bluahihg rwc. -
loenanrlU Knf i. th happiest
mmqriu tmy fl,V J -' - s f
lljxoaif maQa;it,'tel pluaftt;ror me,1
pie , inere, ana poi. conawilat tui you
came. I pftta tffljrlped about It but h' ,
ucn a ts.T y
; ""'Prfd ti 'WMo'a
njfta 4tMlai. J i 'id'
Mir Ue td1 to ithlnk
afl. IkdlMSaS Mtanl mAalkil tlntalll.
5 'T
.".' . . (Journal Spedal.Bervlce.y ,
ORBOON CITT; Mlrph )0-t Repub
lican primarie are Ming field Ik the vari
ous Tlnot this fisTterhoon, and som
Interesting Contests afcdnr Individual can-
' -Xwldj J jiiij',,
The Oregon PouMdV'ABOflnlv Rotnnanv.
a commission housd on Fifth afreet, has
been placed In ftkel hands of 'the Mer
chant' Protective Association. Th new
credit system adoptld by (bk Wholesaler
Is said to be repolflible. iotf tha closing
Callinjr yelir attention to tha
fact, that out fwyotMntiadred
Htlants triaV eijhty.flv pr
cant art bulfHad. . Contultation
lavltaal. o
kMl tlolnies
Of mind and body Ji revealed by a clear
complexion. No oie charm possesses
stronger powsr of at ractlon. Intelligent ,
car can mak the s tin exquUite beyond
comparison. ,.!: i.., ; -f,
- Everything tinslgh I y, such ' as moles,
wrinkles, superfljoui hair, etc., removed
permanently antT wit tout leaving a scar.
Gray and faded hair corrected. -Dandruff
cured. No charge . or telling . you how
and why. v Hadn' yo x better oalll Do It
ow. . ; - li ...... -t '
TN.Y.P4ctro '
- Thmpenlical Co,:
sey Filjel Co.
to ry..
I 39 and Y. r Aklngtoii BufldTnS I
aesi la correct" and it
'jTrosi 4ald t caalsaa day t
of Jh approval of
Lh audleac for good
CO.,"rront,od Purnside Sts.
X - '
. 4
mm ytJi t,