The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, March 22, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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1 ri
l" I in My II I l
1 '
! .
use a check and maRj? ts value , ;
IO tents. , Jf .you desir to buy
. some- material for your House
you can easily make money, by"
1 using" these checks. Xeti'ht
tlxctn are .worth a dollar j&
son street grocer, uses
cHecll. . Save up IO cents worth
' br.tee;andsee how it. works. t
Iikcr netting money from home.
Will Create: a Sensation
: ; on Scaffold; v;
' ?' y. (juiMl 8m1 1 Bervlct.)
- eBaTBNKEf Wy., aarch a.-Clirtoi
'Woodvafd, 'tb tottrdei it of Sheriff- Mck
w 9t Katroni county, will be banged at
CMpftr tohi-th.B8tll.o thl month, when
thmaniit of tB o rt will carrted
ut by Sheriff ubha n4 hla deputies.
' Attorney JMitnett wi jletended Wood
' - ar la in5 CMyehn oday. o bill ot
xeepon baa been ''fl ed and tt: to aald
that the c"ft wltl nbf e' appealed to the
. Supreme Court,' The wealthy pelatlvea
. t "Woodward In tha.l aat who were f
1 potted Ha'lliava fone to hla assistance
mad offered to pay'' tl e expenaea - of ah
- appeal, failed to natf lalUe andOod
ward 1 jJoomed to! h at the time act
, by : the court !-:- '' " , v5' .
WoodWatd fii'awaTe of the -fact tat
l -there 1 now no hope 'or him and ha to
. preparing for'thV eni 'He atlH'lnalata
ht h. will maka i iueech on, the.raK
low! and' that hirrinfafka will AtfceVU
: . sonaatlon, 4
x- - Frankr ' Morriaon, foFmerly a Salem
newtpapor tna, but BoWjreBcess!pK. tn
. Idaho Statesman at Bo se, la In the city.
Morrtoon 'Tiaa -rfrttved -front
S BolM eit fOttt to Salem and, In apeaklng
to the Journal, aald;
..-t,e,4lii..,jor at . preaent, the
Kaatenert arriving then by the hundred
aeh day.' ait rbtltt tfr th Thunder Moun
tain talnlnlr dtttrioto. v 1 hey ail have to
atop at Boiae on account of the condition
ot the Weather, eln inable to reach
Thunder Mountain for abbot three montha
yet. jnur hotel ara croWded and every
v . body la making money..'
' rBOtt) City," oonttnj 1 Mr. Morrlaon.
. laa Mil ver 00 hew re ldences and ev
. 'eral fine . new- buslhea b o;ka in the past
four montha. There la Under construc
tion lit the city a hew, ovemment poBt-
office, coating 1300,000,
The street bt.the city
re being Bprlrik-
1 led each evening 'Wit
natural boiling
buslnea blocks
water, aud most of-'th
are hetted in the aatna
f ' A DeW and abvel li ea Ol i wladoir
elresstnf e .seen at on Belling'ablg,
- clothing atore,' and I much admired
Oregon woodlands have been dra wn upon,
- and. treah ferns of v right green -are
't bank4 In with wild i ape and mosuea,
' and amonk them aport rabbits a?4 dtml-
. sang of " the -5 foreat Above all arise
bough and branches In a state of nature,
" on which' are hong th Easter styles In
neckwear a-nd fiaberflkf iery. The back
trroupi la a beautiful w odland aoene, and
the entire effecMs jauli i itrlklng.';
'vvZfrft!, !;' irun, ii,- 1 11, t
- Prferrwd 8tock ailcod Peache.
,: H0twnan,b,flloarJaA,;-ai;.i;;:'tL
- A i S H I RT t TO .SHI RT iTA L K
''fiiiiiii i irtnliii;iii. f i7 -1 ,i i.y n,;,;; j"; .,M jm i "i.r C.j.J,'ir-'' '. '"! "'
' r' -t ; -.'i c4;'
Most MeD ivear Shirts ai d want them to l)t. , Theyl !
. xi st. iix. , HOC HIM.
Comkin&j all the good q atitiesand ore ruade right
tten'tiiPdrtlaiifl by wh te girls.' No Chinese iabor '4
jyMT;HOp D SHIRTS p, 1
4l4ave Style, Fit and Coot WeainglntiitieSK JThe
; . are made in hundreds of different styles and colors
- They fill all wants. , ;Slii;l!SfiIS
A y, V6ii make no Mist ike when you-boy ': ' ' ""
yi MT. HOOI; SHIRTS1 .;,'
Life ALLEN MOilil
lcjjIS3 THIRD STlCE ST ST cor. Morritod ; j "" ,'.
i.-t--- t ' I ' -'.1 - f-''.'-"'H''V"''-''.:
' .r : ' ' ' , " ' '-:
t fl.
Union Pacific 11
nes' Resumes
- s. Charge April 1.
5e April l.
madiby the &R?4 N-
; --.'it- i.; ,r' . A.
a..yV ',"ar" fv--r---r " I ' '
ompany eeveral? yeaA , ago. In relation
to IU dining car aervkl hava not proven
satisfactory: Three Uara ? agov ithcte
were turned over to the Pullmag ,pmA
liany. - April I these wi t again -pasa, iniu.
the control of the rallifcad company.
Not alone on the 6. ft, dt N., will this
change take place, but ill over- the Union
Pacific lines. The'car ire already owned
by tha respective road , o that no very
great turn will. necei rlly. be, expended
In making the change. .: v-i
It will aurpiise the pv bllb U knew tha
railroad companies geni rally do not make 1
any money out of thel dining;. -ear: ser
vice. The price charge d. upon. the menu
card are -; thought 1 W e excessive,1, yet
the average, traveler i oldi j rather pay
60 to 18 cents Wr a w it than to bolt a
cup of alleged 'coffee- a A few sinker
at a station. at to cent. ..i,;" ".;
,f PreaWesjt JT.. T,., OmoLand the, nine
memberasof the Spokane1" 5y-Jminftr,
who' spoor Thursday arid -Friday lw Port
lahd foMrWa ftito fheJgeslrablHty of two
competing telephone ci mpanies operatingr
in th same, tf rryry iftt, for home last
-fitehK-jody,UKlc cd.'Jhto. four par
, ties and interviewed telephone aubscrlbers
on the subject. None of the visitors are
willing to say what Will e, th result of
their Inauiries. Thursdttj ntghfe tha Spo
kane lawmakera atteridecl the -Baker the
ater In a l.ody and He ised the reflned
vaudeville that 1 being g ven there, f he
party was under the gui3 ince of the Pa1
ciflc States Telephone a Telegraph Com
pany Thursday; and yesterday Vaa the
guesta. of the Columbia Telephone Com
pany- , - . . -
q DEER. . (
esirh lwarden Qui:
Btate Game and Forertrjy Warden Qulm-
by said that his.deputy, BrO. .Hodson, at
itoseburg. who had ar -ested;' two men
at that place on a chi rga of hounding
deer, failed to Seeure i 1 coitv4ctlon1nJ;h.a
men' take advantaga. ol a ' lgai : techn
ftality. they wer tW with the) -.
in their possession; AhQ. a eOmplaiat ;w
filed against thcm. out 'as .mode-to read
venison hams instead f, doer hainsw Jt
Is Mr. ' Qulmby'g oplnl rt thaV toad nhg
casf come u In the IfcultCourc ln
stead of the Justice- C lurl, al conviction
would doufatle hae re iUlted,A H ,
An Important meet! jg of the South
Portland improvement lssoclauon win oe
Lfaeld this evenlna da lobklrk's-hall. A
report of the committle which ws in
charge of :the First street gulch ailing
will be heard. : there lire 'several, other
Important measures to be brought before
the meeting.
V.vlHI-v If II MWAI '
m mm mmm V 1 m W ,
I 1 f . .' i
1 it, .
i I i ' i it t
Kbw come the i
iox and Abrams
tract and Cycle Park
lto the contest fojf
the Exposition site.
Qna voter, speaking
of the Knox ana
Abrams tract, writes
that Jt is located
beUveen' Multnomah
tract and tke Wii-
lamette river, contal
90 acres,- now a
and 'sightly and
cow pasture is hlgli
lies Yiot more than
taree quarters ot a
mile north of Alolna
He says ,that
the base of tha
lakes may be had
bluffs and that,' In
His opinion, this Is
tbo ideal spot at which
to hold the she.
"i Captain W. S. Oiidwold seconds
tn'otlon, and praises the Knox
lAhrams tract for allkhat's out
I Cycle Park Is recoaimnjded iy sevpfa!
toiera,. who- praise , Ijjt tocatipo for its
,ghtllnes, its fine glove of. flr trees and
ove pi. jirt ireesni
',ftil- '
"its ..hundred, aace&
Bellwood Is lauded -to , the -sklpJ, and B
itoi..tlc.,i;ennsulr4oratUn.-'!. - , t '
f i A hnlf & docen -ladles attach thntr ulir-
j natures to ballots all.luclpstd in one'j
1 envelope, . ana express themselves as
hopeful that tad
thome Park may
s Field and Haw-
e chosen. They ask
the Journal to asld
their' friends to "ba
up and doing;' na
thla lnfttlnn.
iThlB contest has lust
begun and The
Journal will not end
It until every person
desiring has cast his
or her vote.
Remember, it Is no
necessary thai vot-
ers shall -be stockho
ders. Every reader
of The Journal is en
It led to vote. Bend
in' your preferences.
The following will
me want thetn.
Ihow how the ballot
stands as we go to p
Sellwood .........
- Lfldd's Feld;
Cycle Park
Knox Tract
1 Fulton tj.a
' ? .
City Park,.. Xyj.
i Cut put this coupod
write your c
hnd send it In.
; MY CHOiaCfOR THE - ,
. r - i s . .. '
v '
Address. ..J.,-.. ..u.:,
; At the irst- Bapl
1st, church, Alexander
f ijia-eKDurn,,
i' Sunday, JO. 30 a. ml
pasloiv will , preach
Subject: "The Bap
list Churches In Aiierlca.",. At 7:80 p. m.
i'subject: "Vihy I .J
nv a Baptist." ,
. The Woman's
hMstian - Temperance
f trnion will, hold id
regular-meeting with
f the .Volunteers, a
their Jiall, 28 Korth
, m. Sunday.
Second street, at 3
The IfBdles- Aldi
Society of theSFIrsl
t Baptist church hai
dhbeh the offlcWs for
i, the next year, a
folfows't President,
' Vice president Mrs.
Mrs. E. II. Runya
Addle Mohler; sec
etffry , and .treasurer
Mrs.. TV'. H. Seigned
A meeting is cslled
at the church on
'ednesday: March 28
at. 1 p. m. The Tlung People' Society.
hua suspended Its
tietlnga tha pas4 ,two
week on account ol the revival servlc!r
Thrae will! be resunlcd on Tuesday even-'
-Cn-ttf. VTfco will1 K Af.,nrJ K.
a Sunday: school vifrlcomar; day--at !i the
church hour in the Jmornlng, and special
service in -the evening. "
: There wilt be no slrvlc 'at the" .1(7 W; Ci
A. pulMlng Sundayl as th-members wflt
attend service' atl trierirst Cdhgrega
Monal church,
; Purlm services 'llMTield thtsf evening
at the various gfewtb houseg of iworship,?
T'-" Preferred' 8'
oiiit Tfeirtatoe
.1 to T'iWi'
, It is something which will profit Both the read e r and theV'mer-
chant using them. The idea , consists of a check mo Jtly of, the valuo
of One Cent. These are put in the body of the advertisements and
when cut out and presented to the ftrxn using them vill be the same
as the I coin .when accompanied; by additional money That is to say-'
if you cut out a check and present it to the stpre - together with 9 f
tcents, it will buylQ cents worth of merchandise. Supposing yox are
trading at -a grocery, store and at the end of the month' you desire to
.settle.. :Hjb,ep your ches fqr the month. If, the advertisement is run
every day there will be 26'of them - This is the samel as 26 cents and t
it will pary that much of ypurhills They viH save miney for yoti.' f t r
;will make advertising more attractive and rive it a greater value to '
the ordinary reader This is what it is for..' Build up the value of ad-
vertising. It is to teach the public that it pays to read advertising.
particularly The Journal kind. '. & :j&; j&
- ... . 1 ' " ' i ' "
mmm t
t "AM,
(Journal Special Service.)
rENVjsi. iivvb fA juintev-Jtten u.
rettii'ned from
i4vaa" ylffl JgfW reports, ot ,haf h
a,w , Whlfe fllvfj pognciw An)oqg .f tuer
tiling, iie said t Jday:
.4 yThenubiio si noor system in Havana
has reached a r markable.,staso of devel
cpment since tin Anjjflcan soldiers occu
pied the lelund. 1 "he greateBt stride's hayo
bn na3f ltlil i theJasVvear under the
management of .leut. llanna, who. la su
perintendent of schools In ,the , capital.
The princtpar ai a tachrs are. all native
Cubans- -Thg.!! gaat ;schoo liij Hayana
is Installed In a mammot.h building .that
was ueed tinder he Spanish, regime as a
yellow- fever hos dtsl. About 1,"00 ptplls
are tftrfght' here The state Industrial
phpqr.tor gtr'la the perfp.ct insti
tution of Us kind one can' find anywhere.
An . old Spanish uest Iioubo . has, been
cleansed and utill ed for the school.
, 1 "you. would bdi jrprlaod to witness the
educational ,work llyii is being acom-pUM-'.-bere
-undei tj) .tuition, of the
Sisters ot yercyv .1 fvisitfrt tho' school
for dependent chllllren ut, Santiago :dQ.los
j Y s 4 Uf f n pv where' more
ttoUft bys Irlfel; I -
i-i.liarinatltmiojrt . fol jebf 'jajjut 2.,.mife,
lrom.Havaaa, '.vvmoaei:n,wi-r,ionlce
4b fimpd at both selogilsfl., CmK, U-.j
Crawford Win oliarc'e, of th buys". pc,bool,
ahd-tvnder hi fnaaagaBieot..ttie bugMa are
tnught, useful trade.
St. mef Col. Shdnton, of Wjomlnaa cat
tle man-. He tfcldr me, thiit tnnre were
"i greater proipecb In Cuba for cattle rals
ush .nrth VOttis fOrjV. owV-,Vw;-ond thate
Intended to lo
vllle M. Dodfje.
te ' ihrff. (ion. preen- ;
ho built the Rio Crcandc
Western rallrooli
is In Cuta oonstructlng
the: Cuban Cent
1 railroad, whloii wll be
Tt'O miles long, running
bet wean COO ami
from Matatiink
located about -40. rnlk
from Hava mi, t
Santiago. , The ( of
the Island will do
tvavcr.ywraiid owe of
tho' richest com
Vld. oiencd.
There are great
fnr A.uierl-
cans m Cub v.-
etneves :
.V good ;
in touch with
.American hotel
:wh fAarts onr
VI. und the
jite:u li) Havana yet
gabul ths da' before,
IWWfBMIl.flqiaUt's-tenji it.
iat 135.00,0,(0. fp
ktrJiftjija; . flfwg lage'sys te m. vTht
wrtrks System Is
e of the n lie si In lhe !
World, and thAjfcl
tier Is e:dM' nt! .Tnere i.'
hst(,o?l b5n,,A,
ase, of yrilow fever in
; Tnt re are itt.
.-. Ip Ifiivftrift,
ifiinessed jjnj-Vo
th?! trki I of N'.-t-lVy. In
tnn rwntef)Uy
i!. W'icWK'r aro re-
q;nrel,to n
we a any.
"Ani-ll IS. the A
y whe 0 H.'reslden l - Elect
strnaa Fahna
111 .be In.i'ufturated, is
with gn.'at prld and
looked -forward
rhfefostlbv the no
Nves. "Thfly ti.ive utruB-
gled. 360 yenrs tot vuch $ day. and after
gled ISOyenfs tot nucii
It lt over I 'hlik ih
tij'cohsider svrlonsly of
Vnited Stales.;" I
thy will thr'ti begin
rinnexatlon lo the
Th Ccjiimijiu
Ti Hrherc Co. tun Its
i f-'ortlajid, Are union
do? .
printing done
men sura other
it talmoft- fl,llng Is
on quite extensively ,
It fa reported tl
still 'being earrifd
on tho lower "oii
season- Maw. One
yesterday that a p
.near Srwnsport I
nbl,i. despite tho Wosb i
f tne nahermen said !
ow had been stationed .
iv ii rold-storr.Re oom-
MO. nr" that th
tied on openly. - 1
nshing is bMg -ar-l
aald 'that of ot
these concerns '-in
Astoria is ' vreftfirlnit
to ship three cstrl
nils- of froseti spiring
lc. ""i 1 d
.. i " ii i . in'
sjlrtion fo Kew Tol
But' we "Oo'rein
BEST ttFtOeiCtttEB.
:itin, 1-1B cans Muple
Ferris' Delirious
Cream. "Soft Shell
runs 13 in mn), Chano
and i CoUfpes. f-:xtra
A Sanborn's Taa
Btsndar Tomato
s-ncw aoeds TO.n V
ONi,, one tun
o,eaoh cash custoaicr,
1 jafciVH-.-.' ''''
neTenthrf tKa1ii'
when nnomnnnild Hy lawlul money ofl
u.M.tythlrmu.w ;:i,,sv---:' , f
M2 MORRISO.U bet. 4tiidnd 111 A.
In Decidlrt
In deciding W, K.
gmitt' guilty of not
rdlaanco, , In, , hj
complying., with Ul'
failure ta.erit:a4
lr, escape upon, his
building,- Judiie iC.
rnr, na, ti)i-
lowing wrlttea.opinl
"In deciding the (i
murrer In this) oass
I found' on all the p
raised on tha aruui
iopovltloDS that wvrc
ent yesterday, with
the exception of th
1'Vldetice. '
"This defendant 1
Ing to provide a flr
charged, with fail
escape, or escapes,
on his building, on
.vhlch It U admitted
that he owns a half
"The testimony Is
defendant had been
9 the effect that the
notlfled a- number of
times to comply
ith the . ordinance
prior even to the tl
is that the commln-
Bionors save him a
Kvrltten notice, such
notice being require!, by the ordinance.
before any penalty
Jin be Inflicted.
"Such ordinance wJs objected, to Jy the
defendant, but was
admitted subject to
the objection, and I
bm more thnn siitln-
fled now - Uuititwi properly admitted.
It was. wall said
by one of tha svit-esterday,-
that sufh
ft prbtcctlan of nil
ildlng. kind nluo in
, an or,
, lntrei
nesses at tlier- trlal
prdinhh'ce Is. for
rested' In the
i penecMon of our ni'fmen.
."It was said In alKew.. York. case, A
; landlord is; not xitlnlttd to svnlt until
j. directed- by thn -. coimilssloners to pro
Vldo.a fire esoape. b.
In bound to provide
lUlred. and -for hlih
ct Itin mid approval
sucl a 'one us is ri
to procure their din
of same.' Th'a atn
ib the one ln(iiTej?.Hi
iltj is very similar
"In the ease of Sriltt vs. Ilarvoy, 10'
Pennsylvania. StnM ILJ3. the court con
stnilng on act "Tbntlthis' owners, tsuper
Intendents, or ir, of faetorles and
in every tenement lios-o; etc.; should pro
vide fire escapes ' thlrain the quoatlon
j nrlstng aa to-tho wor
'owners,' the court
oiwaks of th PtMut
a beltiK of grent
and ha
iig mer-iuiriona ob-
"Statutes' kltnitnr ;i
almost every atate a:
this one exist In
Id have bwu imoiuid
on by t h cnirta afl h
several itate
und found iointltUtio li. . " . it.
"Taking' this .yfew ;ih -Kink. rum ths-r li
i nothing lft fdr. -mv l(i '.3o. but to- IrifUm-,
j charged. "mm "cw
; . iiW,;l'..B.j,..lii;-a. Ai
About 150 Kitnbenin-jajnd mlllowner
of the TSast are pre- irlnif -fo visit PojJ-i
land June 12, a pot inn fit a trip whl' h I
they have planned u toufing'ii( Pmlilc
Northwest. They i VI .. renwln Iti this I
city only a da- or t '. a and-'will probably '
be nt.ertaliif.d hy lc ,il hii'.lmen,
Wu thy Kiutf-rri lilonnet , h ivo btoti
1 u ii1, nt, th .West I' r ep J eai atil'
si.iiv I no forests . o .their section are
,il,i.,ii. oxliauMod a. rrat many of thei i
me louKlng to the. It'eelfl!. Const to c
cure me oonnuiosa mmnev. iniiiia that ure i
ttw.i!iin the 'invasiJn'of (he lumhcrnii'ii 1
li.i; frXcunUonlatsil w4!l come by thei
Boi;Ui-rn route,, stilting , from Chicago'
nnu 'Jliey ill m.ike a short
Bta ,n CabforttJa j then come to Poiet-
inntl They win rJturn by wsy of the
r'nnuiilnn Pui-lfi... tililnif. lrw,!, m ni,.k
Columbia. 1 -
Many of the Juiri'Jermen will be accom
panied by their wile, and It Is thought
that at least HW ol
iiiciii win 09 in t) i
( tumuli iah Vrn.j
(Journal Sj)Jelal Service.)
NEW YOHK. lach a.Mrs. Henry P.
Iovclt will eeleblate the SCth annl
vorsnry of her Irilh at',151 Greenwood
avenue, East Cranio;. N. J., fiett Tubs
day, ,
3he Is America d oidest actress. Over
fty years &to Ml. Lorell was one of
the shining llphts I'f tlie stage, and wss
th ladl)i actrls supporting Junius
Rrutua - Booth,-' tfe father- of .Edwin
Booth, - Bhe also! was associated 7" with
other great plaj'-erl of the days cone by.
The reader Will rrrJu hy observing the
new Idea intorjortrii into mo advertis
ing of the Chase Olllft Paint Co.- and 3. I-
N. Bristol in snotherfcolumn. It in py
19 CUE' IIIWH vwuvw. VHHiJ;.:! :t
' 'Jt.
CE0.1r BAKER, Manager . ,
i j
: f
l 5 )
( .
til '
the ' best
Have ever
9 TOP .
" ty . . THJ&
Introducing the -
uus eeymea
-r '--..--T-T.-r .-T-.V. ,. 1 1 -'. - ' . -
IDirtct from the ORPIICIM
Carter (EL Thornhill
Frank W-B4coa
Lynne and Itenied
: THe Grfeat Dtl
Notwithstanding the enormfcus expense, We don't ,r&?
Our Matinee Prices, lOc, 15c, 25c J
T . L c - rc 'Op:'rn','''',''J '
Matinees, Wednesdl
. In 'the Delum BuBding. ',
f,," ' Preferred ttoclc Catsup. "
lONESi Ore. North I076( CoU 506
1 ' vfc .-J
show -we
4' f.
f i ft '
1 A!"i '
GREAT. - " 1
wned wheelmen,'
F, W. Sheelor. -
TltATRE, San rrancisWCaC1,'
Clara O. Moore
Co. WmVWaltoti ' w
Leando Bros'. f
ffy Children ,f
,a t : w;' tlr,o
prices. , . , &yt
' ' '"; ; ' .' ; ,'V,',t'!TI'
iy, Saturday, Sunday
it. tlH JM
',4 tit 4
We Gtiafa
- -w ' r I :'gt-. --''
"iMf-S s:ufr't
' It you are) sufterfiuf . wJKJwiia;!a(
get one bo( tla piUa.-Caii.i. ar.iT fcinlia
Oil wpiment ar
you returnY ihe be
Is refunded. At all
Yucra, Rdot, RlvUf W.4li swPf
obstinate cases of tin jliso.istte, hoj.s ai'd
mfbuncless ' It l j xMr iclSa, j?
S-KIt tin (if tfin.' T.-. ikls
Cough qur neitf'Siid 't("ci('ti' n
dose. t-Tlie W,8iKorr'Oi'ry:,ti'V'rr r
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