The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, March 22, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    4t --
I - t v i ft '
teilfc Appointed
The advferwy-commit, th lub-com
rnltte do wart and
owing commute pf
aleans and the can-
4i Lewi and Clark held a meeting
It the Chamber, of
Commerce Uet ovenldg t appoint om
mitt to -ral the
amount Qf UJ
stock to fSWMX -jW
Was ;. thought by
many that eon of Portland's wesJthlest
men, Urge property oWners, etc., had not
subscribed to th carital stock as freely
as tbe mixnt. and It! Suggested that
they be called en again Freparetionn Cor
the selection of a sit and the erection, of
the building will
beavn a book aa
the remainder of the
1500.000 U raised.
The divlalona and
h chairmea of th
division committees,
as announced an 1
as foUowat
No. J.-4.1I terrtWrjr on the West Sid
and north cf Q 11 tan
treett Samuel Con-
No, 2-GIlsn tre
to Burnalfle (conUn-
bine went on Wasatngtoa treet), and
from the river to tie city limits on the
:weet, XL X Gllsan.
No, Burnslds
Washington atreet,
end from the titer
r X-ona. y, T ,v " ' "
Third etrwt, J. M.
V No. o-trtantttlari
tortlon of the city
bounded by Third,
Burnaide and Wan-
jlagton streets, BL w,
I -Np. O-Wesblngtorl
to f ayiof itreet, and
-th river to Third
treat, C S.JlmeUa
end Julio I Melei.
No. 6-Waaktotod
to Taylor atreet an
rhlrd to Tenth, Oeherat O. O. fununora
ind Sol Blumauer.
No. 7-Waahlnttorl
to Taylor atreet, and
rrora Tentn ntraet
la the cltf Umlta on
lb weal, ,f, Jf, Eieica,
Hft 8 Madlaon atr
t to Pecond avenue
hm! from tbe river
o the city limit oa
Ah west IE, B. KUhlm. ,
No. -rrom 8econa arnut, aoatW In
i cludlnf all territory hrlthln the dty . Urn
lie, H. TerWtlUteiv
. No. 10-Th Elshtft Ward
(all of the i
Sat aUa aouik
tawthomo avenu), J
No. 11-AU of the
East Side between
TXawthorn avenue
a. is. tjtng. ;r:...
fid Sullivan' Gulch,
. No. 13-A11 Of the
Kagt Bid between
Bulil van' Ouich and
Ktusefl atreet, O. W.
No; 18-411 of the
paast Bid north of
Jtnsiiell street, Pr U H. Davis. '.. j.
io Fried and H. C. Breedan were ap-
pointed a .a eommiate en special cor
porations! and W. 1 Boi,' ehajrman
of a commute en land and property
owners John Driaelu was appointed
chairman of mmit to Solicit fund
:rom uuicnera, nan oqniers, eta,'
Chairman Fed aid for expressions
from representatives qf various frstentsl
order. T. B. McDevjtt, Dan J, Moore,
Judge George J. Canieroa and. Sol Blu
mauer spoke on a fttfct, each af them
promising to Ptimj Am matter of aUp 1
ocrlption up before hb yarleus lodges to
" Prefarrod Stock
nnotf Corn.
Extra sweet and to;
(Journal Bplclal Service.)
CHICAGO, , Marca St-Jcky Luclen
Xyne will be th prtinler pilot this saaoa
of thovry eholc siring of racers which
Snook Wahard I iaadling for John A.
tJrmae, ;n woajthyichlpagoan.
tio i to report tb trainer Wis hard , In
Cbioago on April ll and (or his service
during th oawpalAt of IMt'to & receive
16000 with tho privilege of outside mounts.
when soon mounts iecelv the approval of
(Wisnard. j,- ' I
XAioien tiyno ts tp son of Banford 6.
lVyne,' proprietor efLarchmont Stud, near
x-exlngton, ;Ky. t h $ U year of age,
and this is his thlid year In the saddle,
though he has beenl a rider of thorough
bred vr sine hal was abl to straddl
th horses on hi fitber's farm, p s a
fiainrat nersnmani I 4 , - .
At the oubjset of Btls career when k
twos an exerciM biy in th employ of
dohn E. Maddan, hi was thrown from a
fcorse and one of Ida legs was broken,
."When a roooveredlh went back t th
' bents O'Leary.
fn'aahlngtoa .atre
hlrty-elghth and East
ta, March IX; aged 74
Archibald Olive
177S Eaet Thirteenth
ktroeti aged J3 ft
, agjHjFj
lars, t4 f
J. P. FInley m, Sons, Undertakerg
and Embalmoral Third and Jefferson
street, do flratklaa work and deal
honorably with all.
Otto Schumaifi, monumdntal and
buildirr work, (04 Third 8t. Esti-
mate on first ciaks work only.
Tao drar Helaaaa Uaisrtak.
tac Co, f maeral direetor suad on
oauaom. ZSO TisaUU. Fkoms 507.
Chkago Packig-HotisB Market.
.....w....,.....8c lb.
'tumours steak'
tttalest,iOC IU.
J 'risi .m ......
sc 10.
lunon coop ..j
',M.4.M,.,4(, 10.
oa oeei, iani
.-..,w,..SC ID.
c.rned beet ..-..........,;.....5e to sc 16.
' " i"cna aiM Java CofCee.w.......5e
roil Cream. tfojesa-lor,.-..
rushed Java I..., ......:.,..:w4c lb.
! f ye botiie Hckles, any kind, a for.,le
.. can porknnd beans..i....2 for.. 15
Jo brand filk ..;.,w:nor..26
. ran Covff Oyster ... .....jse
. .. .... uw .,....,.. ..00
i r-ngar M v-..,.rt.i.6e lb.
t no. s tjbn. for ...i..fc......2oe
r t;,K!3oa
-r i fM'ia ,w......,.M.....,.tOO''
t- l .............5c nkar.
J '-if. pOlddUSt; ..o..wr
'Th for ....................... c
1, AlOer St., near Third,
Jackson. County j, TurnY yt
' Much f rfQtous Mftai.
Jack; Cooaty likely to prove wa-
dr to tho-world tn account of tbe di
oovery of a vein If g old there whlah U
producing Ba iBtoifxhinlt yield. The mint
In which thi Vela Ova found 1 known as
th Roaring Olml
and 1 located near
Gold Hill. .'-
An Eastern ma
named Mendenhatl
fewweks ago for
ved that ha had got-
bought the mine
J4000, and many bet:
ten Poor fcargaii
witbrn two week a
1 fissure tela wag at
k. Wlth,ooy one
man at ;thO pan thi astonishing 'amount
of tits a day was panned out v f
St l the opinion el Captain a F. Lv-
gnwortn of Oold Hit, who I hi the city,
that thta discovery mean much for jack
son County. I: '
W, H. Rohr
1 I
er tarriea
His Daugh
er Away.
(Journal BpeciU Service.)
B. Bohror U
wanted by'tbe autoorittea her for Wd
naplnf hla own daugi tr and for aaaault
and tttrrvupon 1 1 wU and t M
fnether-ln-laW, ,Mra. BheJton Jonklna,
near Eujren yeaterd ' afternoon. Jtohrer
ba been separated ot W wife aeverai
yean, harlny reeidedbt Olendal alnce. f
TMterday be came lo sucen ana, ae
I coring hi totnMn4k off the place with
tbe Information that a neighbor wanted
to aei.hliA about pu ehaalnf tt piece of
land, wnt to the he ji and attempted
to carry off the UU1 girl, who I only
five year Old. ' Wher hla wit and Mr,
Jenkins tried to preveht him from taking
the child, ftohrer kivcked , them 7 both
down aeferal time And took the child
with him. The officer, are now looking-
for him; t y :-'J-'"
! Aa JUbln fallow ha4 Long
Drank a , dosen oockttllo, which
- wrong. : - '
ftett your wife you onend.
Mold your breath,",'
Ud a friend.
"l can't.f h replied.
t's too strong,"
'v The fir department
wm caned out
reaterdoy by. a UH aji
am to a Are In
th rear of the East Portland saloon,
9 Uplon avenu. Thi Are was located
In the rear of the buldlng, th damage
amounting to .about If 00, .The origin of
th blase Is unknown,
A mother' meeting
was held at th
Thursday after
of forming better
tha, teachers and
North Central schoil
noon for th purpoed
acquaintance botwee
the ptrenU of th dupUa, A Ano pre-
gram was presented
lind speeches were
made by . a number
ot visitor. The
netlng was 'very ufccsful, and
Is ft movement
on Joot to hold
A lecture will D gtva "by Ttv. -Robt.-
McLean this evening
on South Ameri-
ca" at Bnrkhard ii
II for th peneflt
oi the monument furfd,
A petition t oehtaj
circulated for the
Improvement of East;
Harrison street be
tween East - Third
street,, with gravel,
ing signed freely. '
nd East Twelfth
The, petition 1 be-
Fred Jtf Fy and Mhs Annl Bush lack,
both ef Sunnyeldewfcr mrrld yester-
dny afternoon at the
home of the bride,
East TWnty-talnth
nd ' Bast Yamhill
tracts. A largo .cri-
of acquaintances
were present. After
present repaired to;
he ceremony thoa
the ' banquet hall.
where a wedding dlnVier was served,
jsEEK omm HOMES.
The snow-bound homeieeker who hav
boon hibernating in forth Dakota while
enrout for Oregon, pegan to pour Into
Portland yesterday afternoon over the,
Pioruern rmcinc , vyner were upwards of
100 In tbo tetachmerJL Various sections
ore favored. Some pfefsr the Willamette
Valley, while othcrrf Intend to take np
lands In Eastern Orcfeon, k v ;
tc homeeeekers tho O. R. V N.
and the Boutharn TAtitHt were more for
tunate than the othfrs, because they did
not pave to contend K-ltb enow. -.
Thg Canadian Faclho and great North
ern traing reached leattie alt right, all
bringing with them lomeeeeker. most of
whom will jnoko Ofcgoi) .their objective
,61 1 . il ,. i. ,, linn, '.
-odchlhg the 1
-tie west."'. So
A otorra Is aporodchthg the cout of
Washington from -tie west. ' Southwest
storm warning hads been displayed at
th mouth of the Columbia, on Dray's
Harbor and along tie Strait of Juan de
Fura west from For
Crescent, r
Cold local rains ha
occurred generally
during th last 24 hd
trs In Western Or
gon and western
fVashuigtott.i Ught
snow, followed by 1'
ar weather, ha oc
curred in Souther
IdahO. pt'i::-f.-.
Bharp frost worO
reported, thi morn-
log In . Northern, jCa
forota, Oregon and
Southern Idaho, and
th general temper-
atures are below thel
normal west of the
Rocky Mountain.
Th bar 1 rather;
rough.' with mod-.
rat southerly trees.
; DR. 17. Dl
'ft Si?
:: exam:?.'
OflicB 416 bekuii Batilding,
third ''and iVffsWnglori Sts.
Call for literatdr..
11 '
KixostftjIIy AO . '.
.,1 ,:,-U-'::
STATE (f ; i;
Primaries in ten Cosine
Jfiepubllcan prtmaflle gr! being- held to
day in vten " coantte.! Hi mr; Salter,
Ciackamae, ClataopJ
Dpuglaa, . Ollllam,
Jackaon, Lane, chert
in, Vnion and Tm-
These counties wllf haV a represent
tlon of 113 delegate! out of at total of
343,'aRd much 1 at alak oh tho result of
today.. In Baker Codntf the n I WIW !
llamaott or Moody ! Congress, with Ino
odd decidedly In fator of tho former.
C. A. Jahne, of Bailer City, haa formally
announced himself I for Governor and
Baker and Union CfcLntles will aend dele
gate in his favor. Mr. John hai kept
himself clear from ah factional Ughta and
will no doubt come ho b tat conven
tion with solid delAatfon from Vnion,
Baker, Malheur,
Hamey Counties.
allow.' Orant and
'n leoond eholc of
these counties I
aid to bo .Oovernor
Qeor. Mr; John'
nds claim that ho
will have a bigger
to oa tho Ant ballot
from Eastern
on than ' either Mr.
Furnish or Judge
well, f . '
The Clatsop dibatlon will be for C.
W. Fulton for thel Senate, first; last and
ail the time; and il will aupport for Qov-
ernor the Candida , who can bring tho
most vote to Fullon. ;
Th Southern Oi
gon counties of Doug-
la, Jackson and
osephlne aro expected
to com to th
onventlon- prepared to
vote for Hnry H
Ankeny for Governor,
with Geer aa a Mcond choice, U I un
derstood that In fie event ef Ooer falling
to get tbtbltomfhrftlon hlsatrengthwlllgot
to get tb nomination his strength will go
to Ankeny.
Republican primarlea were held In Linn
County yssterdayj
orabl to Govern
The dMegatlog I fav-
r Geer dhd will vot for
J. R. Whitney lot
Stat Ftlnt
Th Afro-Amerl
can Club, composed of
the colored voters)
who participated In tho
recnt primaries, was organised laatltlght
wlht a membershk of 73. The following
oflleers were electVd: President, William
A. Minor; vlce-preildent, Charles Palmer f
treasurer, Joseph Olark; secretary Fi H.
Atkinson; eorrespoadlng seorotary, Burf
Williams; . : executiw committee. W. A.
Minor. T. H. Atklison. BuH-, William.
Tom Clark, James Bonds, Monroe Tornn
kins, Frank Johnsonl Th club will meet
again neat Wednesday evening.
Few candidate fori council hav been
mentioned. J. 8. Fossil probable can"
dldat from th Ninth mrd. HO Is a Ro-
pbbtloan. In the elihth'Wardi F, 8.
White I mentioned, to., Sornov I a
candidate for ecnstableloa the West ild.
Til Demoorot entldlpats aa enthusi
astic-time tonight, t thr W- ratty-!
Eagl' Hall, oomer Bdcond and Ttmhlll
streets. Th W0 Democrat who voted at
th primaries will b gilesU of honor, and
ward and precinct
wilt ho organ
Th old auetpn th
w fully lrd
two years ago, of th
of Judge Alex 8 week
reputed illegality
hold tho one Of
Joint Senator from thi
counties of Mult
nomah, Columbia and
athlngton, While
retaining the -Federal
appointment- ot
referee ta bankruptcy.! Ilk tJhlfPpk of
tfca Ipt Mi- Ttanntinl lll 'mat rkmatH
underneath. It ta given! out that the Inde
pendent Republicans May a plan that tf
they . control the Stat .convention, Id
nominate a candidal for this office, who.
If elected, will contest Judgo 8eeke
pia,co in th Senat.! This plan, te bo
successful, has to hbv In Its favor a
majority of the ndxt- Senate, fudge
8week was one of thejfew Democrat who
refused to vot for the election of" sen
ator Mitchell, and he think the Mitchell
Republicans Intend tb punish him for his
allegtenc to his party, aa attempt waa
made two years ago to fore Judge 6week
to resign hi poaittoi of referee in Bank
ruptcy, but on th fadvlci of nearly ail
th lawyers lit th city, he did. not do 10,
It 1 that It is a bart of thi plan to
nominate for this one S. B. Huston, of
Hilisboro. a former I Democrat.
W, H. Whrung, of UUlsborcu' SUM
Senator from Wasljington county, Is In
the olty. Mr, Wehjung was on of th
DamocratU eonatork who. did . not -tot
for Senator Mitchell
The Independent Republicans will bold
ocaucu Monday night and tho place U
said to be on of til, room In th post-
office building. At thi taucua It Is ex-
peoted that the . all
t of tho'city and
county officer will
: C. D. Hopkins, of
pokan, who ha re-
Oontly been appoint
by President Roote-
yelt united State
arabal for thO sut
ot Washington, 1CH
th olty Mr. Hop.
kioa will Qualify for
ifflo nest if endty.
A : n ,
- uuumu epeuiar service. , v ; ; i
MCMINNVILLE, itrch 2.heriff Slf
ton has collected abbut tOO.000 of Tam
hill county taxes.
Tbo smallpos; ocarl
ha Abated. Tho
on patient here i convalescent, t ' "
Arthur Lambedt,
FhlUppIn veteran!
Is th latest Candida
e for County, Clark, i
A new mercantile
eoncenv employing
largo capital, it 1 rtporfed, will engage
In general mercandlall
hg in this pity about
April L
Oldest settlers -' prdclatm puy preeat
March weather th most incimnt they
hav ever known. I . .
Professors Alderman and Duncan have
pur schools In fine condition 'v,
' Jo Matty i promiatnt TamhlU county
farmer, shot hi nliibr, Caleb Bryant,
In the leg with a gd
pher gun poay-Me-J
MlnnvUle. Tbey Ouati
reiedbout s teas.
' Preforred Btotjk Plnppi.
Excellant for puswhek. ; la larg cana
; the tl4tnd' cQ9l mM ui W
fVmtrlca to tho Chlckerin of Boot4 TM
famou intmmnt had won lu wopdert ul
topuiarrty before abrfof ft later fUowt
ad become..knewit ti to pubU This
treat prestige of hel Chlckerrnf II net
merely a patter, of' selnlority, but on of
Moellence.-"The undoubted uportority. 0
the Chlckerlnc piano I over alt other I
the real reason back I of the CWokertB-f
fenoooos, ' If - yeo nco hear a Cnickrlnf
piano played opon yeL wUl reoogal IU
pacoUarly boaAiUful tofie vr afur. Jt I
tb tnly piano ten that cannot be 1ml-
Uted. atkoua;b uoa4ia keen attempted
hy orory later maker J ,-.'
T If yen would have the fineet plaao tb
World produces, you must buy a Chlcker
ingj tt Jiaf .&o equal. I and tb alight ad
ditional cost' over ordinary good piano if
bur.trtmng. : I ', :
W are lay glad bo have visitor In-
pecr 6ur tmlendld Chiekerlng stock. ' W
hav piano t this m!ko In all th differ
nt stylet and color f of wood.
S1 Wahlngton atreet.
lOpposlt Cordray" i
Branch store, Ban
Francisco Sacra-
mento, and Bpokane.
Awaiting Shipment on
la acordance with
its regular custom, 1
th Southern Pacific
has Issued from It
General might Department a Hit' of I
marketable product 1
long Its lines, which
can be had for shipment.
th report shows: I
Croon apples at liubbard, 1400 boxes; 1
briekr M Whlteson
fakland and Wood-
Burn, 08,000; dried
prunes at Grant
Pass, Deny, Hubbal
d. Amity,- Albany,
Oakland, Btayton
ind Turner. n,700
pounds; dried apple
at Hubbard, 11,000
pounds; wheat, oats,
seed oat and bar-
ley at Carlton, Hill
aboro, Brownlvllt,
Woodburn, Derry, McMinnvllle, Hubbard,
Forest- Grov. McC4
Albany. Klmob,
Sublimity, Independe
c Karrlsburf and
Baliston, 180,400 bush
U, else 3 car seed
oat at Hllsboro; I citrs of oats at Bub-
bard; 1 cars oat at Hlomb, and 1 car at
Thero art m tons
hay on sal, dil
tributed among thel
utions: Hilisboro,
Roseburg, Junction City. Derry, Wilbur,
Albany. Marion, TurnWr, Corvllls, Inde
pendence and Cornelids. , -
At Woodburn. Albaay and HArrliburg
there are a total of 1517 bale of hop
awaiting buyer. I
Of hog. Sheep, cattla and horses, thers
ar 1S5S Head, located 1 various number
at; Hilisboro, Rosebdrg, BrownsVUle,
Shedd, MoCoy,Albanjl Brooks, Tttrner
and Corvalli. ; 77 ' ' i'J - :777'
There art 181,000 til at Woodburn, Oak
land and Whltoaoh, and2S carloads Ot Ul
at McMinnville. I
There I a large amolint of vegetable
ready for market. Of ed pea there are
JO sacks at Hilisboro; I darsof potato Ot
Hilisboro; 0 ears at McMlnVille and Hub.
bard; TWO sacks of potdtoe at Hilisboro.
Clackamas, Forest . prove, Tualatin,
Wbitesoh and Cornelui .7M buhel Of
potatoes at Jefferson, BrownsvUie, Wood-
burn, Btayton, West Stiy ton, Turner and
Baliston: J620 sacks orl onions at Wood-
burn, Tttalatin and . CO rpetlu, and 1000
sacks adWhlteson. Al 1S0.0M pound at
Hubbard' and Ahland.l There an 1SQ0
sacks of onions piled kplat Tualatin alon.
Of flr and other wood tor fuel there am
CO cord piled up at Tutner and Cornell-
pr. J M. Thornton,
Dentist Room I
302-308 Marquam bldg,
hont, Wood 007;
residence phono Westil
Miss Peart Foulds Is recovering front t
recent Illness. , - K
Mrs. J. W. Batten, who ha oe uf sr-
Ing with heart . troubli -for tv mpntha j
Is very ill Her husOaod I reeoyfring
from a three month Illness.
Mrs. O. T. Rowland
Is very in with
.the dropsy. .
Th Mason, hav wo
rk In th first do-1
free this evenlns-.
j. H. ptrubio ha Mid hi old rosiduicel
to Mr. Baker for
An Illustrated lectul
Was given by
Rev. J. C. DougU atlthe M, B. church 1
last evening. The mibJect was. "Beenes li I
th Wonderlands of Ihe WrW.f .'..
a-, ml Taoor AssemblM united Arusans.
will have a number of Initiation Tus ,
day. All member M rlsltor are re-1
guested to b prntl .-.,:-)
Mrs. Mary S3. Tedrfrd is preparing tel
move Into her new I residence. Church
and East Burflsld alfeeta.- 1
r F. W. Bait, th Iprlntel1, hag pur
The how doubio-tralk ott West avenu :
,ha been completed knd cars 'are now"
being operated,
Prof err4 Stock.
irlnalMd iean
w.Torko finest
freducUoa. , v '
Has Illustrated It
btlltf U ouro' Oil
Curable diMs afteV ail other mothods
nave latiea consult
du. u n
' ' T Of 409 Ores
Fourth year tnv Fo
tland. Oraduat of
A. T. Still's School df Osteopathy, . Coa
suitation rre at ome. -call or writ
for Hteratur and ftrtla&d Nfrnce.
IAdy aaolstaat 1
Phen: Oak 4Bf reildan. Vlaosl glt
i World.
Sugar beet soon boD to yet win the
fight against Cuba sugar.
i fRepprted "that Harrlmaa has secured
contr! Of the Ro4k Island, and f that
mesh ; that h 'yajd , 'wtM hot come to
the. Const, i r I t - i
Charles Francis I Adams, of Boston,
want -Presldenls made Senators-at.
4uvo ,-tof 'tttovj? I r;r. ,
i 'Tb, river and pLrbor bli passed th
hou, . it mrrle 180,000,000:
VGomPtr' object ho the amended con-
pjracy bill., H u tor the paag of
toe original or sons pi au. .
-!Two, hundred atddent of Hh Omaha
Medical nd Pontat College Degas) fight
Ihg.with s4 another, and after thro
hoor..thoxoi!gO luralturo warn wrecked
.and many Student were badly wounded.
1(, wag th result dr a long standing feud
hotwem i th two I branch of ; th col
lege; AVj'!:;' f aii'sc r'7,7
?' KX-Frosidept Cleiiland ddlne to com
ment en . W. X Bryaa'O dltoral calling
th former ' trdltor in general and a
ponueal nonentity
-Michigan Repubf cans 'n' Congy
poa. reciprocity wlUt Cuba.
Revenue Collect Chart E.. Sapp, f
JCntucky,'and several subordinates, have
boon Indlcttd tor iollcltlng and receiving
contribution for pbUtical purposes.
Outlaw at JUttoh Springs. Tex, were
Surrounded last nil ht by cttisena posse
and eh Pa fight lensued. The result is
hot yet known, I
, Germans hoy eaised to speak pleasing.
ly of Princ Henri visit to America.
VAndrow -Crngld will give 'Denver
200,000 library tf tie tity will appropriate
30,000 annually tol support It,
NebraOka Is badly Infected with small.
- ' A revolution, has broken out In Albania,
f Turkish troop slid Macedonian rebel
Ot Bistov bve cam in confiiot.
rrlnco. Hary th-uked .tho ' American
Embassy for th delcom horn it gsv
him.;' - '- i,' I .
. EmperOr William lis studying th cause
of thd industrial predominance of the
VhiUd Bute. " I .
- Tb body Of a man bearing tho nam
Of Josiyjfc. with J ticket - from Terr
Hottt,' Irid., o Poltland, was found near
th Big Horn Nation, Monuha. He had
rail irem trln.
Tk Meglcgn Lottery I denounced as a
rau. if seii tlcMeti, and that is all
Th Canadian P4clflc freight sheds at
Winnipeg burned. 1
Mr.,,WK0r Betlencourt, wanted at
Bk jetty for lartkhy ot oaoo worth ot
jewelry and.clothln from her employer,
Photographer Howel, has been located In
; Al Moy t. Herman! Wetnstein and Al
bert Bllnakl, of W4port, aro under 200
bond In Clatsop couhty tor stoaUng saw-
log from vAnguf a. rooto. Hoyt had
charto of th loglnd permitted tb
others to steal the. '
Salem port a1 Bn fruit outlook.
Frank McCain anti W..1C. Bmith wr
killed by ah'br t near Wmthrop, Me-
tno w vgiiey? Was hi
W. A. Campbell, h veteran ot th civil
wkr, formerly ot lancouvr, Wash., but
ior a yearresiainir at Salem, U dd,
agao..' s V I--. I 7iV
Mart Hsrtey, iged C, hurso at the
Btato Kerorm chool, u dead.
Pittaburg, P clntUlUta, ' have con
.riuuisa , exv.uw to Bompiet the wagon
roe from volte to founder Mountain
Populitloh (j rowing Notes
aftd P,
f :.' vtJOttMal apeclal gervlo.
, JCUaCNB,' Martb Sl-Aeoerdlng to
Tout' directory oqfiugthe, which I hew
being compiled, tbi actual population ot
Ah eity .lg S,sSI, sfaid with Fairmont, ad
adjolnlag- suburb, fb total lo 4.3ST.
f B, W. JClgard residing a tnU vt ot
jcug0,-whu eorMng late tho olty y
rdy 'Was throwli from his horse !hd
badly klkd n tJ head.
Blghteeii hdtlnes for tho graves of
vtrahg. of i tho Spanish-American and
(Civil war arrival her ystrday : from
he V. BTQuartM-fiaater't pepartment at
Washington, O. q - - .
Btowart, fwh has booh in bust
hs At Bpringneil for 87 years, ha old
hlCgarl mreandle ttoro there to
Mi). CHahdlO OtJAtbahy.
t Th RepubUean met In th oeveria
Kugene preewctsilast night and noml-
pated mm f4 bel voted fo. at tho prl-
: ;4; LETS
ot th Chamber of
iTAmmrcov h
clvd . from Senator
Mitchell oemmifnleatloti regarding th
ItfTortt of Cohrtie
Poach to Obtain for
th permanent ti
hlbit some condemned
brdnancd from y
t Bumptef , Charleston,
V C. ' Mi". Mitchill brought tho matter
to tft attention 04
the Secretary of War,
who recuied that
condemned ordnance.
t,' hot tatohdedl
for Service, may be
' soldier' : monument i
loantd f 'given
hssoeiOtlons. posts
Of the- Orapd Army;
utd municipal corporations, Mr, Mitchell,
hurgest that, a a VunielDal oorporauon,
Portland make aptiicaUon for, thi ord
nance Oh blank frm which b enclose
for the purpose. Ms too evggts that
khejr -bo moluded Jd th Oregon exhibit j
bad brought to Oregon free ot tranporta-
iio hojrgsf 4:ii.?v i ,-,;.v; :2,;
l ,1 OSMmWMssSMi
ano 4-ewi gna ti k civw Associatioa
bld 0 meting tbls tffternoon gt d o'clock
M th City HalU Among thoa present
was tho Cb!f of FoUe and ti Folic
pemmlsionr. Thr wa a general gi.
tussle of plans fJ:, street doanlng.
mmi 1
; ' l 7 - - v
t. ) ' V.
2 ?a .
i. L
; ,.:: r . i.TRgoe V. J y-,-7r
Iht oasis ef 6ATBth ef th eala J
wnaocoeiBiite by tawlul weiitrf if
... m J nr m lJLnr-Lavi .:0.
Not good on patent medicine.
4 c 7
1 1 .-. !
Laue-DaVio Drug; Co.
L- .1
Third arid
; aUtabllsned !l76.
Sr-29 Martin SL v .
Wiie and
and Office
Largest arid Aiost complete
Fatahiiakarf IRA4. . ti Orate. Thirteenth and Burnsid Btal
Telephone No. f - '' '
The Baking Powder Trust, organised
only a year or wb ago with a' flurry of
triimoeU and a ckbltallSAtlon of 120.000.-
000 made up out Of an original capital ot
tM0,O90, comprising a combination pf five
companies, ta nowo.uit erl0usly feeling
the effect of the (competition ot th 624
independent baiting powder manutactur-
ro Whloh have ijpruhg up through the
United fttates in! eomsoutlon with the
Royal, and which ho v robbed the Royal
Baking Powder Company ot ai least 09
per cent bt their skies, until It 10 reported
that th Royal ari no' longer ible to pay
th extenslv dividends and larg salasje
they once did, so that it loOka vort much
a though this g1g ntio, fallacious baking
powder trust was rapidly dlslntrega ting.
While Various" atti mpt Tiav been made
toward advorsl I legislation V there Is
kearceiy a Woman (today in th land who
doe not know thkt the composition of
baking powder is do longer a eert, gad
that th Royal Baking Powder Company
doe not enjoy any privilege or proprie
tary secret - which! makes their articls.
Composed of creaml of tarur,,etov, of any
greater valu than that now manufactur
ed by the many put Jidg. Interest engaged
in the Industry. , 1 he American Baking
Powder Aisoclaflon mad up of some of
the largest Indepei dent wanufaeturers,
ha almost entirely driven -the Royal out
Of th Southern Stale reatott that
the lndependenttmanufaeturers can sell
their product with fair profit vastly
cheaper than tticO t the Royal people.
It seems only to i s matter of time
when the Royal wil be entirely eliminat
ed from the field. Flnanolat elrcles Will
watch with oonsiderkble interest as to th
final outcome of the fight which ha been
waged by tho Independent manufacturer
of baking powder against the Royal Bak
ing Powder Truat. (The independent bak
ing powder manufacturers hav . al th
qualities of purity,) equality in strength
end GO per cent better pried in their favor.
and it is not to ud presumed that the
American houaetrlte! and wholesale con
sumer will longer lromain .Ignorant of
these facta,' regardlis of vicious adver
tisements or adverse legislation which
the Royal Baking POwder people may at
tempt to put forth-1 no one dispute or
Will attempt te dlsput that cream of tor-
tar baking powder is anything but pure,
While, on the other landv the attack by
paid;advertimnt and published arti
cles of the Royal C mpany against bak
ing powder product made of Ahhdrou
baslo alumlllc aulpht t (commonly called
glum), that tho am i is poisonous Is not
only unfair, but cr minal end libelous,
and it I believed tHat it wm Ohiy be a
Matter of a short ume tho Royal Com
banv Is taken intO thW court nd shown
bp in It, nefarious god eorrupt methods,
Quoting tho word bflthe tllustrlou Un
coln, "Tou can tool kom of the people
p.11 of the time, all of th people soma (
th time, but yu eanhot fool all the peo-
pie all the time,
me," aid thi applle with
particular emphasis
to thf Royal Bait-
Ing Powder Comparts!
Prof erred Stodk Temgtoot,
Solid Sock canst Ohpst to consxmor.
lo you. ia this
with our wcll-etlacisi WtU
Paper in au grades OTi . ifl,iuici:
fell. AlOOMOlSE & CO. J
? i t 1
- the great' v-
JPIilllQ llfDKIIIt
JSc purchases it.
Yamhill Stroot
"- . swSOtrated 1594.
r 333-235 Oak St
fctryWlroCcHMUtVpMtMVyVcniHi . ' .
Iron Tencinf of all kinds, Bank ' .
Railings, and all kind of useful -
and ornamental vorkv v J'7 v
Wire twd frbri Vorks
prietor 6f the
a Specialty
brewery ia the Northwest
May t)Q Demo
ratio Candidate
for maybri
A Btrong aentlmoht Springing up In
Democratic circle
In favor of th nomi-
nation of John Lamjont a the Demoorat-
io candidate for Mayor of the city of
It i. nndrstood
that the - Democrats
will hav ne formal
slate In the popular
meaning ot that
arm, but it is givn
out that the leadeto favor Mr Lament.
Men who claim to know say that ihe
proposed Cltlssn's
yet in mbryo, will
candidacy. . , ,
movement.", whloh
endorse Mr. Lamont'P
President Mesrs of th ; Chamber of
Commerce,'; yesti rday wired Senator
Mitchell regardlni the prospects for the
adoption of the a nendment which Mr.
Mitchell intends i offer to the river and,
harbor but ia thi Senat. A reply was -received
last even nsr saying that It i at
present ImpossIbU to forecast th dispo
sition of th bill or any, amendment
Which may be o ered, but strong hop
I sxpressed ths all inoluded M tv
Jrtous bill, will 0' regained, u '7
' Preferred
Stock Salmon.
Canned from R
yal Chinook only.
2 rests all dUeafcoacUU ahd -chrOnto, -oldlng
an unnvkied, record in chrohlo
and nervou dlsefcses, .spinal., affections,
and diseases 01 wfomen; Call Or writ for "
J'Oateopathy Etplained." Kf chargt mad
tor consuitatloa kt ofB.;
Dr.ViX. Roacrs
A. T.
StlU Schobt of Osteopathy, Kirk-
Dr. 0.flLord QaU
oniy juaay an
uato of Oataontthr ta .
ortland. , f'
Phlin, Main IT.
Oflc, 632-t-t
W. A. BHaw I - , - A, S. Bhaw.(
vum iuun tu 91, Jiea. J rvni iio.
Money to Loin, Taxes Paid, Abstri tk
On n, fruit an 4lMry farm:
specialty. Uaii
ng ana eoiiecung. jfrOo-,
arty taken chari
. , t'srnv Las
" 7t! fj :
monthly, th larjeot i cent package m '
thg mgrket, .Soldby all rocr. '
' 1 1
p r