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About The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1902)
y .'.-..... ....... r . - ' S . , i ' ' - - . 1 - ' - ' , , " ,,'.''.'" 1 -v" r,'K. ' ' - " - - r i - ... : . I ' .-aasaTt'sTBTBTBasaa- . . -f? Ci " .. : , ' MVMi'v- .Portland, Or., March 22, 1902, bowers; westerly winds If. PMCE TWO CENTS. ' 1L Tn3 PCOPLE. - V ' I 11 l I ' "HBSai ) I r,. ......... n ' ; voii. . i J ; .no.-m: r. - 1 1 . - , , . Portland, oiieg6nv V ;V--n . i , t. . i.i.wiwn I - ! ' I TT . A ... ... I . " n n 1 1 ' i r r n J 1 1 1 o ' ' vl t i i r ;" k I it n i T v :;;pjipyFEAff, i 1 - 1 ' ft V' f.; 1 Lt President Warned notib ifcmfyt ' t i'" 'l ' ! -rit- v lt , j I i (Joutnal Spel 4Berlppfl-UHaa NWa Auoctktton.) 1 VWA8HINOTON,, JlUrch ,22,-Wnlii ku bn ary4,q UrIden.KoMYlt by a number of RpuUcmn Benitom that It h atUmpU t disdplln 0nral Mile bacaUM ( hla teatlmvnr before tb BB ata MUiUry CotamlttJe lo antaroniam to thnRoot bill far- thl raorcantsaUoa at tAa amy," troubla irll anaua, ?Aa'a ra-' ault,' tba lmprcaatow plavalU that, tba ln aidant will ba allowadito paaa unaottcad. It la. pointed out tfclt H wlll ba mora aiy ta do thla becaaaJ tba offlciai raport of tha haartnc bafora tha comnrtttea will not contain tha allaid s objectlonabla ; Tha fenaAtlan of a. hrge smelter com pany, which has been Jnder way by Port land capltaiUta and buulde Individuals , tar nearly a year cBlmUate4 today In tba filing ot arUcles'. of incorporation of tba tPorttaatd Smattlnf Itoflnlng, Cor X) ration, Umitad." "'t ' ' ' :.t.Tba eapltsj atoeft'ta am.m. .TT" TBaiwefaai .aasai O, M,;ytoaatdait Tvank F. Sadaaat aW'ICastle SavndfoYd. ahd Ernest Brtob. m number-of other Portland- people are a&ttl to be interested In the enterprise.. ' The smelter, It la aa: at Portland, and It la lH.'wlIl be located bald by one who baa seen the plans, to 400 tons day.' Kaye a capacity of The promoters are munching the cor- poratlon as a strictly! buslnesa proposi tion. There ha long blen need of a smel ter at Portland,' te hakdle the ore from the many mines trlbitary to thla sec- tion. : . - A larg number or mejn will be employed . in me reaucmg won ana a great quan- (tlty of materials WU1 bb ased. MIT (Bcrippa-McRaa New Association.) MANILA, -March 82. f Sixteen aaa of Asiatic cholera la reported among the na tives, and fifteen deathJ. CommunloaMon with the proWncea' bis been ordered atopped. WeHs and cfcterna have been . ordered closed. The Twelfth Infantry will I go aboard the transport urant now In the I -harbor, a a a, pracautlorkry measure. An 1 epidemic la feared, ' AN OFFICB ROW. ! Tljere waa a hot flghtlof some kind at . the office of Martin t M errttt, 420 Com - m atrial block, eernet" bf 8cond and aahlngton atreeta, thtf forenoon. For five mlnutea or more chairs and tables were tumbled about, until the tenants on "the floor below feared me calling would fall.' There la a treat leal of reticence about the building- aa What the exact 'trouble waa or who wehe the partlcf. pants. T t u ,4 SAILORS DESERT SHIP. - Tha British ship DoVeiby Hall af rived this 'morning at 6 o'clock and anchored In the rivet.. Sight of h r crew deserted a Astoria, and .the rem Uhder have an nounced similar Jntentloi s when a favor able opportunity . preaent i Itself, BIRTHl . . To Mr Frank Wdjod, corner East 84th and TamhUl streets, March 21, a boy. To Mra, John Erickaon ta Quitda ave nue, March Wj a boy". To Mrs. Luls HanaQn.7K Front street J March t; a bey. J"c,;'. NEW-THINGS Our atook.' which baa Juat arriveb.' There la bo room for-which wa caiftiot' Kill OWCN'S TrAoIN O CMtd TJSN CENTS m a haota atOaeerrathof thevalsv. wfcea arcmnvaiiit-4 by lawful noarr oil nv tt,r arm t i k. hi u. o. Nqte. Coupon pot good for e-ad andl SHELTER mm pi Willi! oils. lafigua-e t of Mllei, who also aaya tha remarks .were pubUahed report! of nil Cronly ox&ggerated'. .ThJa, thougb it ( declared tba Praaldept la pncllnod to ra aent what be calla th disloyalty of Oan-. aral Milea, thara i nothl jft of an offlolal charactar .whlcb ha co(ud baaa any.cen awe an.T ' ft- -Hi , , Senator Bavlay. chairman of - tha Sen ate Military Committee, opboaea tha JRoot MIL and aaya ba hopee ail d believes tha commttt will make an adverse report. Ha aaya all military jnen owe a debt-of cratltuda to Villee for tha position- ha- mada- on Uha bahaustlva. - buhjaet bafora, tha committee. . '(Scrippa-McRae News A isoclatlon.) ; SIOUX pITT, March It la offlciaiiy reported this morning that the Ice gorge on. .Thursday at Little .Brnd went out night. The result was a tin-foot rise at Chamberlain, South ', Bskoja, yesterday, but another gorge has beeni formed above the city, and the: river la again falling, The lowlands wete swept by the. flood, causing heavy damage.?. Did f mil: (Journal SnecUU'f erfice.) , MJB8QVLA. iJkTopUfrrh. 22,-Ttie proaperteror K .brilllfmtjnwaremlaed the MlsaoiM peoptV j;tef"nae-lode of Elks continue Ho row brighter. -". Instea dot a achodl of fifty fawns to be linduetd-lfflo-harTOyM8' bf the antlered herd, apliiatlona .frofh over, 100 candi dates were considered at a special meet log of the lodge tonight, i i (Scrlpps-McRae News" Association.) WASHINGTON, March22.-Oovernor. General Wood of Cuba arrived In Wash ington this morning,' and wka immediately driven to the White Houe During the. day he had la long confer ence with- the' President Ion the Cuban problem, the chief 'feature of which Is the evacuation of that country by. the r American autnoritket, Mayii. if (Scrippa-McRae News Aanociton.y VANCQUVBR,. B.v V March 22 -The ateamer City of Seattle,! bound, from Bkagway to Seattle, weat" ahore this morning In , thla harbor. I Her- engines would not reverse. U lsl expected she will be floated tonight. Xs far as ca,n be ascertained ' nd dataiagl was ddno to the; big ateamer,--f!' (Scrlpps-McRae News i .ssoclatlon.) JLONDON, March 22.- Lahore dfs- patch says the b,ubonlc lague mortality has reached 200O a day. ELKS CONFER. i Dr. E. B. Met)anlel, a, eadlng physician; George B. Small, busin a manager of the Morning Democrat; os Fuchs, mer- chant and. broker, a.nd WllUam Pollroan, tha Pterpent .Morgan of Eastern Oregon, all officers of tha Ba er City lodge of "Elks, and Richard fito in. Of Perry, rep- resenting the Elks of ainion county, are In Portland, conferring with the members of that order here .regal1 ding an excursion to Bolt Lake City ne: ( August, on the occasion of the Elks' ulg carnival at that plafe N WtMPEIt onUlna 'Only" the choicest , patterns.: furnish suitable wall paper. VWe surprise you - with the -reasonable 1 We' t Jull , atock r of HOUSE - -PAINT. ; "BUBBER- CEMENT, " FLOOR-. rS PA,tNT, iENAMELS, ETC, at low j prlcea. ; ,r ; ' " , Ch PaLnt'ftsd Oil Co. 10 FIR8T STREET, Cor, Aldef. i J 1 -.1 .a. if i t' fit , , - (Joutnal Spei lal Berrlce.' 'BUOENE., March ii Bart Nunh. City Marabal of Cottage klrove- was arrested It tha thefi of 11260 there on the charge from Or, E. F. Anderson,- who fa, vaPir, ttU Ha waa given a pi-eUmtnary examlrta- tlon yesterday afterioon and bouad otr tn the aum of 500 tb appear at the next term of Circuit Coin :i which meet: In June. Depoty Proaefutlng Attorney Si. T. Harris.' of this city! and, ' Attorney, JEby Of Cottage Orovt conducted th proaesu- tlon and Attorney J for the defendant. Miinn claimed that Medley appeared A. few months .ago ke was-held up by, masked, mat) bed of oonaldOrabla of the, city's money.' Whlchv be waa carry Ing at tha time. bu it 4a thought' bli hold-up atory was a ' '. . . .. .i I V ;? j- f,. r V r A -a- v: f (Scrlpps-McRae NJwi Assoctation.) LONDON, March 2 .-The ,aiinual boat race of the Oxford-C imbrtdge crews to day Waa ' won by Ci mbrldge I by eight lengths. It X''-: Cambridge won bji five, lengths ln"l minutes "and 9 seconds, .' : '. The result waa not b, surprise, and bet' ting before the race Was S ta 1 tn favor of Cambridge. .'C - .,;.' .VV? The uaual crowd liked the banks! A1 though It 'was cold ahd windy, it was a Cambridge race fromjthe start. A. After eresslng the finishing Una 4e Ox ford crew collapsed aad fen to tha bottom of the boat ,7 ; f ' - 'ft 1' JUWsiiLL OUT:? T , (Scrlpps-McRae News Asaoclallon.) ELIZABETH C1TT5, W. C March 22.- The jury in the, trial lot James Wilcox accused of the mruderof Nell Cropscy, formeriswestheart, la s till out, - Wilcox was chargedlwlth rendering the girl unconscious with a blow,'on the -head and throwing the bodr in the rlyer. ' , The dead girl was Ithe daughter of s wealthy planter. It COLUMBUS, Marfh 22.-The supreme pooy or tne uiuteo orae ,,er uaeeaau Hooters was inforpork ted here today,' with Columbus sXitif Nattonal fceadquarters,., I TV T il'IIIHITTMif , (Scrlpps-McRae Nehra Assoclatlon.) fil. PAt'L,, March tl-A great Tire ts reported .' raging In Winnipeg; ' Man. 4 , It started at midnight In the great sheds of - the Canadian pacilc railroad, .Which were destroyed. Just before comfflunlca tion was cut off it wai aald ibat the fire was .threatening the entire business dis trlct.'V-'i :i v ,; .,ic '-. I irii-i H"A W , A lively hreese was btowlngr across, the vast, prairie, .and It 4 as feared . the Are department would be inablet Tio.rop with the fjamea..-s r I J,iM-. ',? -i, K DIDN'T AMOTJMT' TO .MVCStX?, , WINNIPEG. March 25.-A flraearly this morning in the fJelght sheds of the Canadian Pacific caustd f damage. It waa feared, at one (time that' the 'fire would destroy the entire jplant and spread osyona ntne rauroaa a mropertyw; (Scrlpps-McRae Nefwl Asaoelatioa tf HONG KONOMaifch H-Jtebels have captured Kamchotf, waogtung prlvlno, and have slesed the nala and granar- lea. The mandarins of Aeigarrlson Aed and appealed, to Canton for reinforoemenu. but were Informed tlat the Canton gar rison could not be fuf ther depleted.';; rrfl' v (Journal BpeVlal errioe. ( A'r,i i SALEM. March Cfoamtv Judge Bcott bays Experts Oarid aad-i Suchanan,, .of Portland, will ret on favlaletti early next week and resume liei work of 'cxamin Ing the booka o Mhrio7ictmty..offlera The recorda of the pherMt and Recorder have been praeUealK sAasabed, -.and tha books of the Clark tad'Trejamrer Jars' to be examined. Jtwl Kaaanhra the moittn of April to? cotmfle the aaork, A' report of ike experts findi igaNrmiM preseaUd the County Court at its May- saaetln.""' II I I; li I lll 11111 1 Villi I III iriLi. - ii uiiiii m-Awt-m " , T. ' ,r. lllllll . Thla avenlnri the .'JeWs tall ' 0V"5 th wo'rhl srllt elfcbrat' their T aUst Way;' PuMmr' H!sonman0raaoh sr-.lhafsa ing ipeir ancrswrs uram mh"ii" In tkS' time of IHerxes.' by 'thwrctefaeiW tioh'of a JwlaH maiden,' Eher, yhk hiJ earns .the wife of the Kln.The bsaitirdl sf'ory' la ilstsdllu'''th'Bosk''s4.Vstar The feast is cdntlnued for 41 hourA-and ntinued for zi houravmna of rejoicing asj'd of pend noor."' "'.' '' e held this , bventr f is nc" ss a oy in gifts' to the - Services will be (he conxrea-atloil Nevah Zedeck Ta.jn4 Thork bad congfregation! Qhata BGholijra. mi I :au. - ai i enitiie .aa. ii Mal'aarvirea will ba held. '-. ' ' t ,A Purtra entcrlftlrtment will be given "to the children -of the Sabbath school g morrowmornlnglat 10 o'clock.'; - 1 frit. Resents, Statemeptf oX Laal night Kabul Wise, b hla sersoa at Jlhe Vnluriaihttreh ebaae(4Bord the Otegontan for Its Wdltorlal sttaakj arhere. ln.the edttor'statea that there 'Jm irattfat hatred betweet Ihh Jews and CathsllfcA' vj the, Rabtook e,Boog of athr as a tures and made striking eomparisoa. ;He sal-f M ' Hordesab-Jrtrf aaeded .at tberj presentlraa. ,bqth, la,. slylk as, well ms s- Ktlcal affairs;;. l;. V W 1 Tne iroupje nowos," jnaajw eonun do. that there aH ,tao; niaoa;,' L e. people who arlvinUlcattve.. Ha nook Esther aa a a-ood exkmnle dX ai tree Jer- caaK when, Mfrdeeal feld her a k( th ing so ; mm taave areepie, h i'aaktdroe if I MrisV" an4, Mer- dacal seswered, 'If tou pertab. thyeaa-' muring eompia nr missions, ?v , ; tr. W, then JdmarlBJb1 with such Ideals as Wordeeat and Esther retain hatred ep the ir feUewnjent Here pudlated such perse is who atitak 4 Taa of people without s,i y provecatloa wmtt ever and Jhen ,kw Id , fover 'it np Hh honeyed phrses. i e' also af-rmd J thal the Jews forglva aid fbrget. jind as an example- quoted Alexander,.jUlipf, Russia. Who,,. during,' bis i Rftttms oppressed the .Jkwe'. severely ndA-t. at hta death tha Jews' "forgave' and fV tfo. hitlaiac.' ser VloeVahd faadM m-kl sneasvfe VQuron ana .moss qwib ,ewin vatsren are Always on the bet ef Jrihs2' H A'Mo aald that he- did - sou care to' have him- sojf or1 his race misrepresented, and that no was ai.o caoaoia ei orgving ana ior- geiung. .--.. -v.VtiJ., ,$,,; W .. , The High School aitls' Basketball team'- Dwnocratlo mass meeting defeated tha Seattle Jttam last night at the T, M- C. A. gymhaslum, by a score Of ZS tO 7. -A .The gams was a' fait, one and the play Ing". was good, despite! the fact that time was called, very fonen on account of slight Injuries to bUsyers., ' , ...ha individual wOrk pf f he Seattle team waa. tclevar.ubut 'the! team ; work of the High School (rls bul-cHased the vlsitors- jfroraOha start. . .; I ;A ': i " 'it Si'i ,t-'V 7 t i I ' ' Trevlous ' to,, the! girls game.: the Nob Hi; Jomors u plajfed I fhs T. M. CM A.H Juhlor Basketball tram and lost on; a iaeore of "M to- VJTlie pUylng:.was .astj but the T. M. C A. keam work was too, wuch for tha, Nobfls. : The Y. M.C. A. -Unfc-u was: Bennett and Callahan, guards Johnson and Smith, forwar4... Wilson,, , sner. 4 Nob .Hinsi Scott,' Kerrigan, gba -da; Benett, Acker, man, forwards; IJart ins, center. j Van Buren, the cjokch player from the cwumous, onto, tears, nas Deen signed to play cehter'fleld and catcher by the Port land Baseball Club, .The players s ner by April L week later. 1f pmmence to arrive add will begin work a 'Charles SwtndetK Isf n(or tn tha law de nartment and coachl of the. baseball team of Stanford Unlvty, California, has been signed as esq her of the Tacoma club of tba Paclflc'l orthwest League. 1 At. Nell knocked it Rube Ferns In the twelfth round, by J stiff, punch on. -the jaw, at' Bah Francl lelast nlghtr The eantest was a good is,' but NeHshowed superior' cleverness.1 ith TOen ritet ed bevers, punshmeht : Willard Hean..of pvormldalesrfaght, lost a decision, oa i foul 1 thetweifth round of what was, o bo. a tooumt obtl- teat with Crist y bef. Jte fait Lake Ath- letks ChJb laat WjrhlA. Frank Erne was vetf the dectstoa 'over Qua Gardner; at Icto,last night ' "in.J the end of the sixth una. i ne ngm was Erne's from the s rcj Gardner made n poor, shewlnar. 'v delphls, last night SB. is Ruhlta met Peter delphhr, last fighV us Ruhlln met Peter Maher. for what as Intended to be a six-round gol In tl sSesad round Maher wnt down and oul from a smashing left toVthe Jsw. kuhuj a. aa-J had all -the best of starM Hlil (Josrnal beolai; BenrieaJ I BAXEM, March r S-Tke reatdenos , tf MoAlpln. area. tnaker. .waa robbed scan -early bour this moralaav od lids saarth ef Jewelry Vm la jaeasy sOMStt A w i-a.--it:. ;,,-r-. i iCTiir. -i.iiiiii k - I I ,i CM'.' ft.'. M 1 II I a I I . A :'.'' . " ., 1 III : II llll II R ST-" I 1 :s ' ' 1 ' ... k I . inim m n i -1 ru h, " Already XN 4 sasn 1 4,tnough ."the managers of the. campaign for the nomination? of Governon Oeer are very 'hopeful of the result Lf the state conven tion. They believe he. will receive the nomination .on the tdlrd and. perhapa on the -seeohd ibatlot. t t-.ft Is conceded tha In ithe casting of pride and personal the first, ballot Jocal friendships i win bel Important factors. Favorite sons- and local spellbinders will thave their innings. ( ompllmentary Votes galore will be given s party workers, for sectmiiaj reasons, f a id many ambitions 'wlll be considered: t , . - u ' ' When the .third ba lot Shall have been 'tikea it-Is.axpeoted that It will be'tteer against the fle;d., Tl 1. Is what the' Gov 'ernor's friends are c xintlng on and and pfeparin to meet. ' ' ' " l" ' ' The'cortvntion will be made up of 343 JdfclagateV and It will t these.'OoveHiot' fh following : ltarl require 171 to ftleet: fleer's friends claim n." 22: Tamhlll. H: Wasco, 'II; ' Washlnskon, 12; Union. " 10; Baker, it; Josephine, 7; Jackson 11 : Coos arid Curry, 10; Linci In, 4; Klamath and LakrJ amiam. 4; Senton, 7; Bberman. 4; Valo,wa.j;.Malhe' r; i; arantt 7; Har SeV.' It iJnn: '-14L,WI ealer. 41. Tot'oil.Tin. flhwides these it Is klown thnt a part of the Multnomah detgf tion Is favorable to the Qovefhoriahd wll vote for him If the' Ufllt- rule ls ,Kot , foned on .them. It Is aid,, too, that Qovfi ior Oeer Is sure of one or, two delegates rom Douglas Coun- fato rtl' ' " ;ln ('Bddllon u this several delegations hve no particular ch iice and will be glad ,ttf cast- thtlr vote foi the strongest man. In anyt-event, the Governor's friends say .tmttrit' looks Ilka Oee -thls regardless of vhat the." Multnomal delegates may do, The 4 'Multnomah lelegatca will vote. ,fojp Judge Carey- on (the, Ant ballot, but without oottalAarabia .Jul ma tvrlni . uQ ' from Ihs pirat-districts, this' Wilt avail VoWng.t;. it? . i f T'flijtjeBiOcrstJp'delegatea to the county '?0vetiton from the Tenth Ward held a meeting last night. f No attempt, was made to formulate a slate. The ".only thing. of importance that was done was (He-unanimous adomon of a resolution to Oppose' fusion or canlltlon in any form In the oouhfy 'oonveijtlon. Nothing but a Straight democratld ticket will satisfy the Tfntb-WM. i C. K. Henry will (probably be chairman In Eagle-r Hall-tonlglt. v Senator Mulky, )f Polk County, Is in Portland today, ah king, hands with him salt and other f rlei da, over tne reiiult oi the Polk. County p Imarles. ,- t: l, . i . .. " . t Pr.j,J. N Bmlth, member of the lgls- Jature-Jrem Mario t Couhty, was in the .1 . . - jjr .is'.' , Frank, wrlghttnah. of Salem, a proml? Lneht'L oandldate ' fol Xt'torney-General,; li in thc. Wtyi Mr. Vlrigbtman led the los ing ngnt against ucryernor ueer in Marion A-.NJlSmitti.'' wlil ktiow lawyer and. 4rommet Bemoctalic politician, of Clat opt couhty, ti cn ;r .1 (Bcrtnps-MtR&e News Association. J DETROIT. March i.-The Circuit Court today handed down a, decision' In effect that subscribers of a which Is absorbed by to the service of hot telephone company, a rival, are entitled f companies for- one rate. . ' (Scrlpps-MclUe- News Association.) CAMS TOWNi- MaJrch K.CeolI Rhodes bsgan the day restiht taster, but a sud ..... , , . den turn for-thewvfWsobn, followed irtd ths-vatlettt sinklig, ?.Th end appears ta ei approaotilhg. 1 , ; - Journal Sdeclsi Service, SAX.EM, March 2C. a. number of can- cwses," preliminary to the work of the Be- pubRcaa County Convention, weHO- held In thla city last nlkht between dftlegates to -the convention and the party leaders. Vfkti Ihose who aitaaded the eonferences would divulf e notnms; ox the proceedings, Ifls Xnow that tha matter of arranarlns kXsryof 'lsftlve' cahdldatea Snd county officers wah the Iraportint worla la hindh i The Republican County Convention wilt be sonvened In thla city iiex Wednea- da'yi A solid Ofer deIftloa wtU-prob- ablyhe senrto jhe state convention, and tha lejlulative ti ket wHt he composed Of Blmoh-neer meq. The personnel -of- the. coantfttcket is ktuneylt of prediction, no dnidt ataua b viat yet been Sxed . t 1 1 1 v.J wild I. . .11 I1BB N JlXiT-' I Jn.'t - II ' - - ims Nearlv litSsi - - 4 Gas Js LGOuiomical NO COAL, NO - A TOUCH OP THE MATCH "'5 ' U - 'AND THE IX . r . Gas furnishes the cheapest h and id most economical lieht when Kern burnersAnd the safest 'and PORTLAND OAS COMPANY r -.' " -livx v-r'i fcrtv" .- I72-I7 Hftli Street ') - - OliD KENTUCKVIHOME CLIB0. PS; WHISKEY Favorite tLiff.iXt)a!'i WlKdesal Lkoor Yoia rtprovc By using Robertine, which isj guaranteed to be the best toilet preparation on the market. I Contains no deleterious drugs, . ' and is highly beneficial . t irade supplied py . Blumauer-Fr,ank Drug Co, WHQt&BAUS and v No More cJ of New York 4th and Honiscft No Pain ' .-( ' v. ST.. mm - " Teeth! Sxrracted and filled ab method applied to the sums, ' These are- the ettly dental pa aarea and Ingredients to tract, crowns undeactable. from- vaturx ut tha least pain y- . ' Hours:' flJQ to t l cood1) r i aii our arocenea are me sameoo I;. . . ... t' J-' t r F, I DRESSER ! Porttaad'm Leadla'9 Grocery ; I Dred 1 25;000 t S t fi , of these Kodaks' sold last" year. ' Take plates or films. Fits 'the pocket. ? Manufacturer' .price Is I $17.50. Otrr popular price 5 1 $14.00 4' Photo instructions .always free. " ' k WQbdard, Clarke (SL Co. a' f DUST OR LAH0R ft!'.' I A TUHN OF THE VALVE, d 1 X IS MADE. ' . "' . ' uel. the quickest heat, the best tied with either the Welibach or - most reliable power.r - ai :. i r - V - . -: r.- Portland, Oregoa . American Vhiskey 4 Ckar Dealers- ICa-liaFOBrti St. : the skin and fadial 1 tissues. " -. I IMPORTING! DRUGQIBT3. Nev Wholesiale Shoe-House - . . v a ' cerapf eta .1ms Ken's, Women's - 'and Chlldrens" Bboes. Latesti styles; H ths 'most artlstlo too wear r la tha . market c&rrtad by" fie. Bend us. trial t " order er will hare our representative aalL. -, - p ' ' . ' f I. Krausse & Prince v " 879 riRST, STREET , f; ! nar ra - ' ' j C ,,-1 , . t ' EVERYBODY UKES 6003 COtTEE j but It's hard to f et. Ooed one time and bad the .next, v You've ; ! found it so, havn't youl Let M supply you with our ,4 , v ?? IMPERIAL JAVA AND MOCHA COFFEE 5 V ; you'll And It food all tha time ? ' 33 cents pound d ad the time,) or your money back & COMPANY 1,1 f-'-i , i 7th and Washington Street. the Dental Chair Deiital Parlor t.t .! .' Sts., Portland, Ore. " No Gas lutely without pain, but onr late !nf .U sleep'Orodurlng- agnts or oclri. lora In Portland iiavin patnt.-i ; and .apply tuU cron aoa I ) i teeth, and warranted fur 10 year, v. : f - r r