,S the :iyexq JtariiJ , ; - TEXAS SffEERS. Livestock Matte s as ;VeweCl Jr;;byC.J. Uillis. C. . Millls, 4lvntock agent of .the O. K. ft N. Company, haa urned from long trip. M left Portland March 4 for TV en route he t- Worth. Tnal. ' WWH tended the Colorado kttle Growera as-i aoolatlofa'i meetln ai Denver. While the 'larger live-' there he met taanj- took nun of th MlH Bwln? tattle car,; he rollV tnf Tila hammock In d down through the rtinhandle of Tevaa to Ft Worth, hro prMnted bia te- dentlala and m'aa adml ted aa lay reader to the meeting f th texaa Cattla Qrbvt-i tr' AaaocUtton, whl. h w ald there March U, IX and 13. "Mr. MI11U alao attended the Jirat annu- I convention of th National Aesocla- tlon of Railroad uMtoU AfenU, at Ft. Worth,- March, 10 and. U. at which time a permanent ortfanluxti n of the association wan effected. JI hstl the distinction of Vlng the. only, representative of eallrpad I Uv6to;k vent froih th Facinc Nonh- ,yrMt, and hxjwaa XJfea)i! P1 .hla looft-mllo .trlO Ao.the joneStaor state v - it waa not tnereiji for th purpose of having recreation thit Mr. Millie went on thla Junket. He w after. Information relative to, cattle p4llcs In Texas, and haa returned chook full of steer statu toe and comment oh cows. It Is In the the Pacific North. cattle of Texaa th wait flnda Ita chic competitor in the matter C aupplylngj the Northern cattle range. k Oregoniana . have remarkable effect upon the looalltlea tier vlalt In dther eo tlom of the country or eighteen, month the -Texna Panhand had been dry u4 nhtlmt. The Very. ght after Mr. MlHla' arrival big rala storm occurred a , regular old Oregon (taker. It seems that If a Webfootcr la forded to leave the moist vlltnatft he lovaa "ad well,' he -hajC .some tnnda t-"orderXo-flII but his requirement. t'l found thb Texan! geathearted a,d courteoua ' claaa- of neopleiWradyR MHiu. - "They re a xloue'to get? all the. Information- 'they'ea regarding Oregon . and Washington. - I their- jrtfiWltiJn these tate are the Ideal slates for cat' tie. I -waa Interview d by the t,Worth. l'upra,. and tried- to dreaefi- this eectton's merits, n 4h -properl ooorav,Jvwaa ae ",nisd- by" dne " paper If comng f roin Ore gonv-'u state where t le bepts are aoaarge r xhni ihey; ha,ve to ch.' phem ln.tw with An Bite before they cln get them into th ..'i'i mar a. number f'pfdmlheht and Washington cat le buyerir at City who were bui nc ud young ' Aughhred- cattle, TH fere hava been : of these brought tni. Oregon'Wtthi lAit six months. Tie O. K.; "N. alone , has handled not iesJ than 6 car. . "tflni that tha T4xas cattle are bruea- Ini hp rapidly. Breiders are ineroduclng the' tame blood Btralns aa are recognised ' here aa bring th Standard Shorthorn and Hrefoamt9 Wtnk r ArrMM Teja" , ter, wta.I.lC;nEl Item r-.W99'M h. na.t tctnw T auti iinhA In TAtflfl. ' rlV csslonally there U fcne. but so rarTre iW. heoamjthalteXfc atw . now to toe q.ulte a cariosity, These nii. Ions-horned cresturis that one roariitAT i ipl?antraMefsBOTrii mntary unon the erectlvenesa of breed ' Ths Pnlurahla TwllnHoni its priiumg aonn m rsr' Hinloa men sure 'other! do . ifivn iviv vitrei uvi. v " "", IWonder&l&IRCrojlStFlockV ,(8crlpps-McRe Ilewa Assoc-lation.) RAWLINS, Wyo. March . Carbon will, b greatly en-. Hip of thla 'aeaauni county flockmaatere rlched by thft Wool Many thousand i sh to wilt be shorn and the wool crop promiie , to be much larger. than ever before. It ! .impossible to make a close estimifce on the number- erf cheep' that will b shorn In ' Carbon county thla spring, aSi a lagnumVe,ri of c jlockmoater sharj heir. pwn sheep, but the- following. Hat M been, obtained of iWckmastera thatt wl I shearjftt i farger ' - ,v T, C. Millen 100.600 William Oateyl, TS. jOOO; Rawlins Live 8t tck Company, B6.000; Smiley Johnson, 5,000; Ram canon,' IS 009; Cosgrtff Bros , US.00O; Stockweli. 76,000; Cottonwood. HOW', Cow Creek, . i-t.600; Pana S4.800; MeBlclne Bowfi6,009; total or TW.yW aneep. Shearing -will pomnience About April 1 nnfl ' will . continue about five or.i lx week. Owing to the open winter and the fact that more sani haa. been blowing n th tanjge than lair year, it U believed the fleece ' wilt ' be little heavier thlx expected that the " ' year than last. It c!Id will average abfcut 1 pound to the 1 animal, in which evfcnt the total clip in Carbon county,' figuHng on th bast of the total number of sheep quoted, above. ; will be In excess of 600,000 pounds, which, nt 10 cent :perpou d, will bring to the flockmoster in this cbunty something like: WO.w. Of course It-.,, will cot about 1Q cent per theep td harvest the Crop of wool, and then t herd are the expense of, freight charge, sal- hauling an4 delivery artea'f foremen, cajnp movers herders. let.. but it I safe.t say thit jwhen the ,woel crop of ;.M0t Is njarketed thlaxounty' ill hava lncreaaed Its wealth by from four k. Ave hundr ,thosand .dollar ' from th. wool clip alone, to say "nothing of hundred of thdusand of - dollars that, will flow into the. coffers of th flockmaster by the increase during the : iamblng season. DOG POISONERS a' ., There la trouble In store for. aombodv lu whose name and aldress Is at preaeat , ' unknown to the peojie of the. quiet neurh t For some time .- bornood of Sellwool - there haa been a nul reber of sick canine tn the neighborhood who lilnes Was brought ,on. by th too . liberal. . use of r t'rychnlneT, and ' othqV equally appetising ' foods. i A number of. own Ir. of Valuable... dogs Ktinfias IthOe- n the I fffi Wftb togeth and re nreDarinr , wi" yjngs iropf at for the unapnre- I : . tt the Kennel' Prote ,11. I . .V. tlve Association ha been called in vogu and active Work being don to run ItH e poisoners down. DRY DOCK What is Being, D ne to Build v -""''One "He Th necessity for a dry dock at Fort land is again being aetj forth by marine men generally, and it li asserted by thoso well Informed on th ai bjeot that the tabllshment of such at enterprise would soon pay for the larg outlay required for it construction. . - One t to be built tn lie not distant fu ture, -but the matter I being talked baut mor now than ' vet, owlrif W the tact that evral vess had to b tkn reeehtiy. to othr porta for repair which ahoald have been ma her, had there been ample mean at I l place for doing the work. - Un reference to the eo latructlon of a dry dock at Portland,, Mi rtlh .C. Banflein President of the Port of Portlhd Com mission, said this mom ng thftt a contract for specification of th proposed dry t-k hBd been Jet to ttie Faber D Four Donnelly Company, dnsuiiin engineer of New York, but not! for th construe lion of the dock . Itaelf, a erroneous'.) stated.: ' The engtneera will receive I per cent, of the actual cost1 of construction of the dock and Ttefjen Long, the patent right firm, W per cent It i almost a assured fact that Portland Will have dry dock ready for bus' nes by the early part of January or February of next year , A well-known marine ban aldt' "Then is no doubt In my mlij id but that a dry dock her would' prove Lv paying proponl- tlon. It will be the nlean of securing trade for this city thJt cannot be pro cured through any otter channel. It I something w have ne ded for somettm pnt, and the oltlxtns be congratulated for thd Interest they erl manifesting in the mat er. IS (9c-Hpps-Mcfta Association.) ' ? v wtehehshaven; russla, March il. rThJ Kauei ha Arred .th : torpedo- boat' recently converted into a guardtblp to be rechrlatentd Alii e Roosevelt. - Preferred Stock JrinnaA Corn. . Extra sweet and tender. THE DEM 1 j -1 ait ';!' Chirhian Adams Calls upon ; the Loyaf fo Support. The Imoortlo State -onventlon, which meete .lni iht city Apt I, IV will elect a new State Central com ultte. It I gen unfiWtpP! m f IWrtV lar jxirsonnel of hoi oomn ittee, ,; it now stands, and fh(fcaptJ i Bant White wilt b elected olmirman. " Captain!; Whit W regarded aa -th personal choice of Hon. Oii. Chamberlalnl and 'hla admin 1 stratioh of affairs of the party for th four months that, he las directed their ' movements,' has been entirely satlcf:ic i Jrt t4 (tVerank and !e. The - tfenWcitlo--"unty -onventton, Which meets April l,'Wl elect a city and (Kuanty committee. ' .man, H. B. Adama, b present cbatr- s not a candidate 'for riloetlon,' and 'will not again accept th position. Mr. Ada in resides out of the wty iand cannot give th necessary time It requires. While ,tO jthe- position that tils presumed that most of the present fonrmitteemen and 8 cretary Gatens a-111 he re-elected, no one i slated for chalr- man. . In the circular' le ter that Chairman Adama and Seoretarsl Ostens sent out to the m Democrats, w 10 Voted the straight Democratic ticket At he recant primaries, the following paragn ph appears: ."Pight hundred . Efemocrats voted -the titraight iiDemocratic ticket at the late primary -election n tils city. Their cbri iranoy and fidelity tr duty deserve i pe al commendation, Guard" of Napoleon ls said of the Old at it tiled but never surrendered. 6 it Might b aald of the taithful few,- who",;' leceasary,:- went - to- hough ''It was not 1th perils, registered and. , vpted the Demot-ratfe. tcket.'V '. Th '8IWF and OtHeJ tmv i.i. mtm lit vlted to a mas, mee lng in Eagle' ball; Saturday, night, to ward Clubs; form, precinct and. Preferred 8toik Plntapplo. In larg can. Excellent for. punchl. (Serlpps-McRae Ni ws Association.) 'BAfiUUK. Me.. Ml n ii, i ne big ton bridge and the' Main Central bridge be- twee Bangor and away by the flood wr were carried st night, and it U reported a number of live, were lost Itritti structure we niiea with Right- srs at the time; fowl many of these succeeded la reachln thnhr In Mfety la not known. . REAL E5TATQ TRANSFERS. I- flit Lea v Barnes, trbvtee, to Laura ; ? JtCepnedyi,lot: t, a block; i. Arbor . J LXXig ...... Margaret A. 506 M ... a. .... ..j.. i rtooems, to Haute tie E.i. A- Madden,' lot , bktk.8, Sellwood..-;! i no ts utm. arne, rssiee, to - J. P.' i Kenntdv. Iota t. d a. i. 5, . block 1; 1 lot I to It, block . - --. - - -- - -i lot 4. S, T, . tr 10, U, tt. IS, It, block IV lot 1 1, 15, 14. 17 and II, block IS, Arbor 1 Lodge ............. B. B. Madden and ; A. . Roberts, . lot - wood fife to Margaret1 block SV Sell- ' no A. B, Mauley to MI nnl B. Knltsel, . lot t 1 block 1 Lincoln Park. lone a lot 8, Shut to Cktherina Bcherer,- , block tt.'Bt pben'a Add., Carrie How, x., tfc J. H, Colt, lot i e e. iA t.iMw I uM.t. & . . . 4W Perey H. Blythv ed ux. by attorney n to Mary B. Crfroni tot I, loek i iv. t-oocn Aail..J W.a H.-KtrkpatHcJ to Thome K. : r Edwards, f radon ii B. Caruther "Add ........... SOD ; Get your T1U Insurance and Abstracts to Kai iL'stat rror th Title Guarantee Trust Co., Chamdar ox I'ommerc. aTA-A 1,-;, .... . - - j i A . H ra rr : : r r : '-AClFlCCCASTBlMilrtCa!" - C. CfEWO, The CKeat Chinese Doctor I called great be cause his wonderful cures ar - so ' well known throughout the United State and : because ' so many people - are thankful to him for saving their .lives from operations. H treat, any and all disease with pow erful Chinese herbs, root, buds,' bark and vegetables, that are entirely un- known to tueUlctll inft in this coun- try, and throuah t ies Us of these harm- leas remedies. Thli famous aocior nw over.. 800 different th . action , of remedies that Me hat successiunT : 'diseases. H used In diffenrnf guarantees to i cdre re catarrh, asthma, miilim nervousness. lunsr troubles, rheJmatlsm, stomach, tiver. kii lifieys, 1 diiease. iieys, femal troublfs ana en private le. " Munoxeus oi moderate. 1 roNatiLtATlON testimonials. Charke Call and -see hii FKEB. ratient for blank-' and cl ut of the city, write cirqV'ar. Inclose atamp. Address-THK C .,.M,'iffl.co. : pER. WO'CHINKbb 1 !'A Third Btrl, -ortT this paper, v - land. Or. Mention! WICKEtf DENVER. Crime Runs) Riot in Every Sectionof the City; (Journal Special Servlc.Jc ' v DENVER. Morrh 21,-Vice runs riot In this city at preei nt. 'Th scriptural his tory of Bodam a d Gomorrah might well be written of th s city, a crime exUt under th presen administration. , Market street d ties description. It llki wit defies all fo m of decency and law Its bracenness is only another Indication ot, the brasenne! of the whole of the alum of Penver. It Is. a principal of Hut which ha ever f undreoogflttloftpy" th supreme court of the United' State that a city may . Confi ie the vicious -element which It deems I ipractlcable to entirely suppress, into a district beyond the bounds of which It may lot trespass. This was once done In DenLr, but no longer. The vicious close withtutrcheck from the rwf' lice has spread leyerywhere' it llstedT There are disreputable house In the ime block with pretenfous residence. Inhnh- ited by people life of the city. imlnent In the better omen of the street pa- rnde the principal lualneas thoroughfare by day, seeking make acquaintances and making it ui safe for any woman to be abroad in amy part of town after dark without dangtr of insult. The vin ous classes have o ?rw helmed the testJtu rants and Invaded tome hotel. Within the lait two weka two new gambling houses h ive been opened, one' within a stone's thi iw of th finest bu'.M ing In the city. T tere Is no longer any limit to the gamble 'a actlvlties,.and they may enmesh whom they ae fit. Boy and young men who , bvlpuBly are risking mohoy which Is nc : theirs to Hkr may be found. In. the i imbllnox bouses, fr haunting the policy shop.. Th door pt both kind of garni ling den stand wide open in fact.' on r 1 Aoor of one of the latest to ofafii Jit ag lettersj are the word "Walk In." One doe not- need veh to' go through he? forni of passing a guard a$ tn door. Ther no ear of, pouce inierierence. With on set of ws aet at den.ance, with oh class of li breaker that doe police know what with a clas which not car whether t they ar doing or no l typically unwort y of confidence al- Way exempt from i rest, it I no wonder that oach day bring r it new' crime and no day brings It rc rd of successful ar rest and, conviction o the criminals. The peace and good nam and security of the 1 city of Denver la th price 'which Is be ing bartered away: ly by day by Chief of Police Adama, in th hope of buying senatorial toga for Ii brother, a Pueblo doe not Oar what man, who apparohtl hi ambition may do long aa he can t&k to Denver people so the trtn and get away from It. Preferred Stock Stringiest Bean. Nw Tork' finest production. . ' FISH AMD GAME. :. Stat FL-ih and Oane Warden L. P. W Qulmby i In Portland again, 'after sev oral. -week spent in California. . H peaks in the hlghe it term of the Inter oat which the Call ornlana take in the protection of their Hah and game,' and ay that Oregon t very far behind in that respect. -The Fly Caatlnr Club,1, th membership of which la llmlte I to on hundred, I doing moro than a i other ' organisation In that state for he protection of. fish and game. Meetln a are held every two weeks, and vry I ranch of the trad I represented in the membership. Every on contribute to a general, fund, and traveling represent itlve ar kept on the road all the tlm . for th purpose of forming caaoriatloi a fori the. enforcement of th gam law. v'V" ' :t. In addltk.n to tl a large appropriation, alt fine collected t go to th State game and fish" fund. In 1901 th tourist mlon pent n.OOO.W In th ) state In hunting iad tUhlng. A a resi It 'cf this protection, th people are save I thousand of dollar very year in the p ir'chas' of meats, etc.- Proforrod Stock tlictd Paathoa, ' Nothing caji bo uri .IRVIfJGTON: . Beautifully located, perfect! drainage, cityjwater, splendid car service, full sife lots. 50x100 feet and over.. . Price $100 fco $500 a lot; . one fourth : caslc balance jn rocjnthly payments of jen dollars a rnonth. Title perfect ihd guaranteed, f ; For maps! plats and full par ticulars apply to - ' " . , ' TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 0 and, T Claniber of Commerce, Ground floor, Fourth-street aid. . . .'CJFl AT THK, NORTH pVINGTON OFflCE Corner Union 1 venue and Falling Street. ' (Tak Woodllwn or Vancouver Car.) Rountrie & Diamond Real I state, ' ; , Loans and Insurance. Phone Grant 291 I 241 Stark St. a. b.. Maxvvell&Knapp . Real Es ate, Rentals, ialev V wnSt Inwrancei Room 2, C lartiber of tiommerco. , . uX.t a . Shaw. I ,? ;' phone ClaJ BlU;'Bes., A. SHAW W. A. A. S. 8haw. Front 11-W. OfBc W. A. SH AW Co. REAL ESTATft AND OKNER lL, AUCTIOKEERS. Money to Loan Taxe Paid, Abstracts Fvrnlshed. Grain fruit, and dairy farmB a specialty. Renti ig and collecting. Prop erty taken harg of for non-residents-... Farm La ids a Specialty. 243 Stark Streeet , PORTLAND OR. ANXIOUS-PEOPLE. Homes Mat ; bt)" Crushed to ..Atoms at any,. Moment. WILLVIS .About 15' memra'of the City Council'. and ., the,,- Board,, vlxlt Siioqualmle of ,,PubiIci'(rvrprks will a llf, , .Washington,) noit .: Thy. wttl be atcam-- Wednesday, ,nlghtl panled.by- Wallaie Mot'AmapU attorney for C. H. Baker, who has. been grantel ah electric franchise In th(s city.. Mr. Baker proposes to obtall his power at Snoqnal- tl i Sl 0 c i a ! mle, and the visitors on this trip will bt his guests. PretorredJ Stock Cyatera. suggest oysters; Digpest'tlns. FOR 8ALB REAL Good Sugar Pin Claim to locate timber claims on. Cull at once. W. U. Wds. ley, Room 3, ll First Bt. Lot in Folntvtet? Addition at half price: . Motter Sonaell i Htara street. Ford Employml nt and Real Estate Agency, I4t'i Hirst. J-hone South 811. WW TODAY. For Sali Miscellaneoui. Furniture wagofas. truck; hacks, coupe : also Sou other vehicles. Uiiu sets harnean, lixi saddles. Tomllnson 'Hall, ail , Washington stfeet. ( WANTtD- . Live, ertwrgetic ung - men ; for route agents ' at Bellw oo, i" uiton. sou t Hern ibof. Irvinatnn. Rlih. roriianu. mi, j, monU. Waverly. bt. Johns, Peninsular, Oregon City and! Vancouver. Address, Yamhill street. The Journal, xtso HELP WA4TED-CMALE. WA NTE D Five tla-ht boy about 16 - years old, to carA' Journal I Rout tea. Call at once, Th Journal, t$S Tamhili. BUSINESS CHANCES. QoodyltUfSene arTerchaidlaeBuBl- nes In a thrivink town. Good country aoksmlth shoo. Good country sl wmill; plenty of tlm- ber. Good hotel In hriving town. 3. A. HENKLE r A. A. BAKER, tli Ablngton blag. BUSINESS NOTICE. Th A me Mercantile Agency la In a po ns to business con- aition to aavise ypu ditlons in Oregon They can find you a present business, or j purchaser for yotf . a new location. Nice Clean Roomtnk House, doing good business., near Pq rtlandHotel. Room XIV Abiugton .building, DANOftLfFF CURE. R. Shield. 46 Third St. N . Herplctde, In bv th bottle. dividual .tppllcatl n or MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY, to Loan On CltV lots and Im. proved farms. Vt A. Shaw. A Co.,3U ' Htara street. CLASSiFIEPDS. TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Th International Cfirrespondence Schools Bcranton, Pa. : JoH n 4 waiin AUsky Building, - TICKET OFFCIEaV, Overland Ticket Offl! be. 15 to;20 saved to i all polnu. .leOThll' TEAS AN p COFfEE. Haines' Tea Store. He mou Mistletoe Tea. A tftn Bt, opp. Poitomee. TURKISlttBATHS, wrV" Mubbard. est Turkish Roth l UtO city. 714 (Hailro Bldg. i ".i-.,-i CLASSIF ED. APS i ) ATTOh NEYS - ,; V7 i Paxton, Beach t Bldion, 010 Chamber of' i l . K, Sargent.' Qen ' public. G34-&30 Cba rat Practice, notary tnber of Comraercei - R. A. Frame C10 Mjarquam Bldg. Charles A. Lucas, Commerce.. Rbom 820 Chamber of Jamet Gleason, 2anb t Mulkey Building. ACCORDION PLAiriNQ." Mis a Gould. 801 cordlon and knife Marquam Bldg.: ao biating and pinking. ACCOUNTANT George T.'-Mutton! AND AUDITOR. ' 18 .Cham, of Com. . Phone i. Brown: 450. g;BookkeplngJ e- perttng .teaching. )- f It'll' v l ' AS9AYER AND ANALYST. Paul Baumel. Assay el and Analylst: gold uus Dougnt., x.s.. Stark at. ; A?jCHjTECirAr D ENGINEER. Fred A. Balliu, 43 'id it Tel. Oak 76. V of - all kinda do eels and maoiUner signed. BARB Joseph Reldel, 852 MoVrlson Bt. Fullllov St Moore, 2i Washington. C. V, llafo, J48 Fifth street. BrowhlnirB Navalo He bs and "Vine Roots for Dandrf UU and filling hair, 150 1st. BARBERS' SUPPLIES. G. N. Wilson As Co.. Ho eth at., leading barber' supply houas Pacific coast. TING. ' . J. T. William Postlngl Co., 040 Morrison street, BILLIARD TABLES, The Brunswick-Balk Collendtr Co., 49 i nira street. BOJ?T.8.A,y?, ShlOES.; Dj-eyera.- erTThird Itreet. - Leo; Belling; i67. Thlrd -r i. Sanger,. Repair 6 ho The Nelson Shoe Btord Mark Shoe -Store. 2T.:il 3rd. : Agents, Jiiineas Mlller.Bhoe- BUTCHERS. B. F. Joeal72 Sftatdeet. Union Market. Phone, Ore. North 1400, Col. Him. 813 BurnJlde street. Pacific Market. Phoi e, Grant 1411. 804 Washington street BRIOGE CONTRACTORS, Smyth & Howard Commerce. do., 613 Chamber of CARPENTERS AND D BUILDERS. John A, Melton; Ca pentcr and Ruilder, mi KtarK st.: om i ano store nxtures d. altering and re- built and remodel pairing houses. Plione Main 747. CAITES The Bell BaloOn.. S.'ii Washington street; The Hj)IKman, 83..'i Third Vtreet.; . vTh: Knob Hill 'Saltion. ,541 r Washington. The 4 Oriental, Cafe, Si!). Waahtngton t. .CHIROPODY. AND MANICURING Wm. Deveny 'and lEstelle Deveny, .H)l Aiisky Biug., yi arid Morrison. L. Mitchell, Expert Shoe Store, 1HW W 78. ' hlropodlHt. KniKht bah. st. 1 honi' I ; .Kid CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Fred Iioskowtts, 'J. VVaShlngton si. Dreyfus & Germalnfe, 201 Third street. Plata Cigar Store, Jll Third t. The Rallcoad CIga Store, 334 Wash. at. M. Bulluti' 31 Third at. North. 8lg Slchet Jk Co., Mfg. Tobacconists, 1 Third street, Portland. CYCLEISTS AND MACHINERY. Fred T., Merrill; Cyi I. Co, JrUl,6th t. Et P. Keenan, COllrmblai"" Ha.n'rora' and, Vldette Bicycles, lAur t. Phone Red 1MB. Sewing Machine a d ;BIcy(fles, 335 Mor- . rison stroet. -. CUSI08. J Andrew Kan & Co. Mamoh Ond 4th tsv P. M. AvsrlU Co Col; nhone TOB.- BSl Morrison .at.,; for aand..,..,,, . CONFECTIONERY. hoctTates and Bon Bon, A. J. CorTman. CI SuQ Washington st W. J. Powell, Candle and Clears, 420 wasmngton street. Henry Bluroenauer, Manufacturing Con- fectloner, 4Ju wi asnlngtou st. OORNICES BKYLIQHTS, , Metal SkvMabts. GdlvenUfed Iron ' Dices. , CJ Bayert 200 Second st. CREAMERIES La Qrande Creamery .Company, butter, eggs and -cheese, Ore. Main 770, 204 yamnui at. Phone, Arlington dreamery, butter, eggs, cheese. etc.. Ml iJurnsiae t. COAL AMD VyOODX j Oregon l?ul Co.dtalers lnoTTnTiSrof coal and wood, 841 Morrison. Banfleld-Veysey Fufrl Co dry; flat wood, 89 3d st Phone Main St3 and Col. ITS. CHINESE PHYSICIAN. t Dr. C' L. Go" 'WoS tiidroo?: Alder, r ' DECORATORS, H. P. CbrlatensenT wall- saner, and . painter, 141 6th street, corner Alder. E. H. Moorehou fet CoH wall paper, 307 Washington streex. ' DENTISTS. 1 Prehn, roorh' JanuitonrKdT: im 'intra street. S ' M. Himbir. D. p. 8.. room 8 Wash- Ington bldg., Wa ningtQB ana 4th at. Theodore 8. Thorosbn;; 50-(!t Washington mag- v asniiunonj and 4th st A - Phone Hood . . P. S. Lang worthy. 001 Morrison; SL Hlckey ft Hirkey. rfoma 817 to 819 Dekura bio., sa ana wasa. au. jrooa outa PL FINANCIAL idUU,000 to Joan at k and 0 per aentv Wm, . necx, aiorrison at. ELECTSIC WORKS. Wetra Electric iWorka, 805.. Waah. aC CLASSIFIED ADS. I,.-' I .DWfeSSMAlCERS. Mia Loughllnl 14 Lewi hldg. Mr. E. J. OINer, Millinery Parlor, room t tUi Macleai.bldg. DRUQQIST8. Gradon A X ehler. 241 Frt trL O. P. B. PI amir, W026 84 treL ; W. D. Lau let. UP Worth 3rd tret a A. WaU a, SS North 3d tri ."' Row A M rtln, 6th And. Wash sta. Wank JL :relblg. 3tt Wash. atreeC . Lau-DavlsU)rtig Co 175 3d at Phono 6tt ELECTRICIANS." Mrs: C. B. rryJS51M Morrison st ;. ; - EWORAVERS. Hlcks-Chatten Engraving C Morrison, between 1st anil 'M ata. - t ELECTRO PLATING. Gold, Silver, Copier, Nickel, etc Peninsu lar Plating WorkV 803 Wash. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Oregon Employment Cow 237 Burold at Red Cross Emph mm Co.,' 123 1st at, upstairs. FUBRIERS. Th Sllvarilald son trt Ir Mfg. Co 885 Morrl- H. Llebes ft Co., Main 24. Morrison at, Phn : GAS kUPPLIES. Paclfle Specialty land Ga Lamp Co., '.Ut Morrison street GENT'S B. Garich, Genta' URNISHINGS. rurhlshlngs. 85 N. 34 at A. Kdaenetetn; Clolhlhg, ate, 23 N. 8d at GRpCERSV Paafe trt. Owen it. Serpie ftTcoT, Fancy Grocerle, 883 Morrison -otroat ' ' " - 1 i C. O: D. 10lh' Cgnlury Grocer, Hamtna . ft waiaer, soi Traro at. ruu tiay F.kS. Godftey. imily Orocery, Slkth and Burnside. Ifcleohone tllacK wait. HATTERS. Phoenix Hat Faotiry, W O.' Allan, prop, 387 Wahlngtont Phono. Red 8948. nHATrssnig Paris Hair 8tTr, 301 Waab,; at. -tip-tor aate nair oresae Tha Arista Rro.ut Parlors .1 manieurlnsr and massage, 3i3 I 4orrlaoa street, . Mr. F. J. Lynch, skin and scalp peclal lt. 30 Alisky y ig.r d and Moirlsoa. HOiELS, Cosmopolitan Hotel and Cafe, 81 North Third tret oorojer Davl. ' Hotel Belvedere, ifiropean plan, Fourth. and Alder street. v v Esmond Hotel. RLUat European, (Oo t tl.60 per day, Front and Morrtaon gta. Hotel McCaule. 3. F.' McCauley, prop.; ' m Morrlaoa mono, voi.' is, urs. . North U. Merchant Hotel. Rate. tl.O a day up ward. Third arid. Davia streets. HOUSE Furnishers. Home Furntsheri Furniture, Carpets, . Parlor Goods, Hove, ete. See I. Oev- urts ft 8ons, 17: 170 Flrt 818-ZM Tarn- hill. Both PI hoite 304. . i " .- INl iranCeT Q. Rosenblatt koma : KSU3 Sherlock bldg.. Sd and Oik. ata., Phono,. Mala in, Putter. Bulard 'ft'.Co.t'-W-'vVmalu5 at " rELERS, pddlng Bros., Dlamonda, Watch, tc, 41 Thtro streew .f; The L. C.'Heirtchsen Co.. Jeweler and optician. XMVW ashing tea trt The Q. HeltkeApsr Co., . aaanuf acturiflg jeweler. 384 lIrrlon at ", " t- John A. ' Beoh- atchea, olamond, - te4 t8u7;. Morrison. ftt u: '.y tr , . VandWburg7 Wtch ', Houi"ltOH gt Uncle Myer; iewder, 148' 3rd st ; -'' SUNDRIES. TMAii A.tlwf rAMh KM.h anan ,1CII1 A v TV vi aar ssa j . vviUHf ) hu. V"Ki ' i per tnontbl Novelty Supply Co., 40- sa n, niDia as. - -j.au us, - LIVEBY STABLES. Mlaner ft Haden - Fashion Livery Stable. h aJd Oatt at. Bumaid Liveryl Stabl, eorcer Fourth. and Bornsia sss. jrnono vre, anaoK set. Fraxler ft McLeski Livary gtabl. Both phone 89. No, Eon to 30 4th street. . MASSAGE. W. H. Faulknr, room 16 351H Morrtaon street. MINING C0MPA,NIE8. Mining Co.. 31 aa 81 Homestake Gold Lewi bldg. MUSICAL. Piano, clarionet tons. Prof, B. Cornet Violin . Instruct A. Smith,, rea AM UUk, MONUMENTS. Otto Schumann, tnonumantal and build ann, fnonumental ,304 'lhied t. E workVand tock OSTHOPATH. , .lng work, .304 "lhied at. Estimate n L. B- Smith. ParloU, room 038 Otoconias puuamg. Dr. L W. Alklr. rfom 83-3 Lk4 bldg. OPThCIAN. .4 - rJ. O. Oenrrlch. th leading graduate op- tlclaa, 337 Yamhill OREOON VtVt COMPANY. s" ' Liiwia Bldg4 Parklanoi MorrTsoa. ,Sn4 for Health Book.1 Consultation f re. , PATENT MEDICINE. ' c rprl."mrM.diia.(-tIakV" ulldlng. PHYSICIANS NO SURGEONS, Dr. Amelia Zlglr.l9 Mamuam Bids. Pr.- Cora; Ci 'To.lbot U yaxpr4. - rice in aiseasea o women, writ or calk tut Haimoa u PRINTER ANDl STATICNZRY. J. R. Rogers, Job p; In ting, 823 Morrison. , PLU'-rrv Taylor ft Stanton, Mumblng and steam nttlngr w eixta t mtt t I . CUSSJFIED ADS. PAWN BROKERS Unole Henry, 41 North Third jKreet Portland Loan tffleo, Dan Marx, prop., ; 74 Third St.. near Oak. Phono Brown 475. ' PAINTS AND OILS. Fisher. Thorson 4pCoC Front and Mor .. . . IV MP. PIANOS. Soul Bros. Piano fo., 32t Washlrgtoa St. Ellr Piano Houje, Htgnrado Plan antt vrgan. ait waamngton alt. s -( Piano for aala or rent K. Blnshelmeiv 7i mira b Fisher Music Stor. I Everything la Musk. rnon. ea w i Jlo Third BU .-. ' J n PHOTOGRAPH ERS. B. W. Robinson, Corlmerclal Photography javrrisvo si E.W. Moore, Craybn and Oil Portrait iniro ana wasnuocton Bis. Th Photographic lo., commercial mo luKrapner. nut tit jbio., tn wasn. REAL B STATE, Lehman Loan and Clllectloa Agency. Tot biuuiwr oi .v-ommarce. J.F. Compton. Phi ne Black K9. SOS . wftsaington ot. : The King Real ' Esti Araocla'tion, - 723 Chamber of Convmelce. -.. .: E. F. Riley, tot tr of Commero. C. F. PI ton. ' Loan Negotiated. AUsky Bl nira said Momsoa. Chaa. H. Kerell, real Istat and mortgag loans, mi waamngtpn. Main two. RESTAUIlANT8. Morris' Lunch and Coir Hous. Below imperial Hotel.. New Pott Restaurant Vnd Oytr Hou., w x iura ana mt r me ibis, , 8lrouse' Restaurant. p Washington St BIRy'a Coffe Hou, fa Tamail if City Chop Hou and , testaurant 13 Talf : RUBBER- STAMPSLAND BTENCILS, Cha7Jli; Potter ftCo..' nafr. rubbe , tamp !. atenisU. at! Falling Bid. SAFES. Safe for Bank oata Merchanta, bought and sold: lock-outs opened: general re pairs. Jatllau J. El Davis, W Third Bt SHOOTINd GALLERY. Th lateat quarUsJop vlwa, tt Id L 8L0T MlACHINEP. All stviea: reoalrinar; niionosrranhs.' l , prds. Transcontlijfcntal Machine Co., 348 Washington St.. H . STORAGE AND TRANSFER. C. O. Pick, office 8l First St., bet. StarH . .ana uaa; p.iune otm.- fianoa ana iurm ture moved and toacked for shlpplnsr. commodious ftre-pFoot brick war ho use; Front ana ciay si Btorag at low rati can be had at Fred Bicker torenoui9, u t. u rout bu , STATIONERY. Th Kilham StatloJ ery Co., 267 Morrioa 8.'. 'it- .J v Jsmes RT Ewlng, ' dbokseller;' T, at'!a A. ma., iwt rourtn ftj, rortiana.. n .j lLOHtonift fy-V't Klcoir the Tailor. faahlonablo tailoring, 108 Third St t We call for. eleaa. press and deliver on suit each week fdr j..uv per montn. om Washington t.; a 813.50 to 835. Char ley Lee, 106 N. Tr iro i St Bon Ton Tailoring o.. 84 Third St, opp.: Chamber of Comrrfcree. TRUNK ACTOR Y. Portland Trunk Co. 60 Third St., whole aal and retail; seild tor catalogu. Pjillllp Trunk Co. SU Morrlaoa tret Old trunk, taken fin xchang., Harris Trunk Co., ftrank, valise, aatch ola, etc 831 Mors son st - . TYPEVTRITER8. The omltti-PreroieTypewrltf."y:a ThfrJ ..n,t'. ill . maleha - of tvuewrltara for . rent, ouppnss ipr sui maenmss mj. es 'M. Alexander ft oer f-w agoiuav . ; ; - . Neerly new J"e Itt Typewriter at half t fro Evening Journal. price. Box-A, i IIMRRnLLA WORKS.: PortiandljmbrWckr tbtoliai aad ' parasols mad toi order, iw laira mu Mr. C. Cornells)! Alisky Big.. Third and , Meriison. Circle WAUL PAPER. Ernest Miller A qo7 ' Wallpaper and deo oration., ixt ntst bu INKS. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMSRCaW - With Which t malramatel . THE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. cTpttl paid up ..f...-......i..g0.g2 Reserve ....... .. Transact a wniw ranuni duj otw . savings ba: uirnia.i i Accounts opened sums of 810 and up wards and inters mnnthlv hAlfinees. allowed on minimum ate oa application, GTON BTL . 4 '. 34 wash: WILD, Manager. LADD A TILTON. BANKERS- Transact a General (Banking Buslnis. Interest allowed onlUm deposit. - i Collection made at kll point on favor able term. Letter Tot credit avallabl in Europo Ud th Eatera .8 sight toehang iaAjr?,?i,to5t fr Told on New Yorkl Mhgton, ChU cago, St Louis, Denier, Omaha, Baa Fra.nciseo and various! points in Oregon, Washlnon CiJhs.M old on liorlaon. Part. BrUa, Frankfort and Hong 4-ong. MERCHANTS NATlOliAtt BANlt- J. FRANK WATBON1 " j,!3,n R., t. DURttAM....p.YlC-Prslden w unrr . .....;.I.u...i..., .Cashier OEO W HOYt....ii...FVlnt Cashier SSANSACTfl A GENlJRAL BANKING ... . - BUSINfcf A - . ' i ... . iA nn lima I denoKita. Draft. r& 1 lot Toiodlt Ud 011 .CTl ..ii ...i. V thl world. ",;:,;",:,;.' : aoeciahy. .gow dt bought i t. " CLONDON SAN FRANCISCO BANK, T TUTTTKlb. , Chamber-of Commerce building, Third -and' Stark s reeta. Head offlce, 65 Old Bro 4 street Thta bank transact general banking business, make loana. iscount bills sn4 ls.u.1 .Otters of credit i vallate for tr.v elera and th purchsf of merclianu.s fn any city of the wo 1 1. Dl in fur elrn nd domestic e '"'..,. - Wrest paM on t ;f UNITED f-TATl- 3 N-' loNAL PN ' -l.ras avMUni.la in ul '' t f-re: '"nt icu-i'resiJtint Cashier ....J ' .. .' -L rV Y?