The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, March 21, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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THE EVEOTNTG JOTJIttTXlV POllTIJllfrD, OBEOON, miDAV. iltAllCn 21, 1902.
. -
uso a checK and make it value;
IO tents. If you desire to buy,
.'fSome material" for your. House1;,
you can easily, make money by
tiitift, these , checks. pTet of.
them areprth ' a dollar. ,
' V S $ ' . " " , . r; . i 1 J ? V '
it'1" i T ' '.. . . ,. ,, ..... .
i s o n'-1; s tree t grocer, u s e sr. t h o C
check iSave up IO cents vorth
- of these and see how it Worka.
Like fettinrf money from liomo. '
4 n-h.,
i It is something, which will profit both the reader and the mer
chant using them.; The idea consists of a; check mostly of the value
of One Cent. r These -are put in the body of the advertisements and
when cut. out and presented to the firm ,usin them will be the same
as the coin when , accompanied by additional money. That is to say
if you cut out a chdclt and present it to the store, together with 9
. cents, it will bu IO cents worth of merchandise, Supposing you are :
trading at a grocery store and at the end of i the! month you desire to
settle. Keep your checks for the, mohnlf the advertisement is run
every day therd will be 26 of them. This is ihe same as 26 cents and
lit; will pay that much bf your bills. They will saVe money for you. It
will make advertising more attractive and give; it a greater value to
the ordinary reader, This is what it is for. liulld up the value of ad
vertising. It is to teach the, public that it5 pays to read advertising,
particularly The Journal kind. j& y Jt?.- ' & &
" ' - - JUT" x ' "v
(BerlpH-McRiU 3fwt AiMdatlon.)
' BT. PAVt). Marqlj
r tell Btorlf of.
ply tav out.' fflo
etrtf th way to
21. Three huiidrea
pMOfifer who hayl ow-toup4 d
tb Ortat Northern
arrived bur. laat n
of bi.and afcolt twenty tons of mall
. cam In at thd aant time, f The paaaen
line In JJorth Dakota,
fcht Over forty cars
graaV privation dur-
Int'tha blockada o?pM hours. Thera waa
llttlajtooa on the trllna and the coal aup-
day the know plowa
IWnilaton, Bouth Pa-
koto, jrhare' food and fuel were found ,ln
platr.r sApwdrtfti
piled flff In -aoma ipilrta.vaajss, g,A
In rlat!or t the
day afternoon Chief
In reoeived the fol
"Mr, David CatnpbJll"
Portland PP
"Dear Birr The
vr.tfvmoit nf the T
micted tn4 tel conv Jy
meht -the veatry'a
yftjir 'veryj'valuabia
tit chebktnir nd ao
under .itraat
to be a destr.uottva
f'R. tb Gliaalt, C
difficult fea,.
80 feet hlh Had
hurch flra laat Mw
JCampbeir tWa nootrt
"Ohlef lEngloear.L
krttnentt iS-
warden! and
pariah have In
to. the lira depart-
Beflrt appreciation of
Ind efficient services
retlTely controll lag.
'What threatened
Tours very truly,
Santos-Dumbrf i Vjlj Cbme to
The St LoW txpoition.
The Fred & Merrill jpycla Coqipany has
aecuf ed a rdnatannieni of automobiles di
rect rronvtne raetory it
14 the; laiosi.ahlpttieiU,
ever tnada to thl cltyl
factured by 4h name
Toledo; O.f- This
..of s-autoniobllea
were nianu-
ppm and. with the
exception of nntmporlait tJenlgms they r
verr1 similar- in kppea
t?wed up from ColUm
other aUtomoUllea and
the uutit number f
other who'admlra ;"a
Up to May 1 there wal
Portland, tut wlththia
ber Is Iniaaaed to nearly a dosen,
Henry Wallace, krrei
t4K from Alphonse hem1
in Jud paraerton's cAirt, for lack i(
eviaence. 4 . i ,
(ance. They were
li dock : by two
were- followed by
Iwnatl boya and
hlns; of heauty.'-
but on auto in
hlpment the pom
ted "for stealing
waa discharger!,
In Municipal Judge
yMtefd!y;t J6hA".. tills,
Noftort, pleaded guHty
aiealihtf grain aaiks
warehouse, 327 Eaut Waahlngton atreet.
The. youth were held "P that the officer
could investigate theSIr, l-ecorda. ,
I'ameron's court,
olored, and Fred
to the charge of
from Spencer"
PARIS, March .J.-AeronailW from all
parts of Europe art Interested to the aert
al contests to b held In Bt.XouIS during
the . Liouialana. -PJrcha.. JKxpoiltloB in
1901 Bpeaklngorlthi pari ho whl Haka
In these event,. antos-Dumonr, whoa
name is a household word throughout the
world, said: ,1" 1 1
. "I have decided lo go to BU Louis and
aairist in drawlngl up the rules for the
aerial contest of JlflOX I Will take with
ma as far aa Nf w fork the tf-hora
power motor, thel frame work:, knd tho
two propellers of 4iy balloon flo. V
My idea is to taak a, sort of aerial
(rack;- say - IB mile in Circumference,
aroundY Bt. Loula, narked by captive bal
loons and vlalble or th whole distance
from one t to av ral titnea Around th
the track, nut 1 1 m strongly In favor of
establishing one b g race, a sort of aerial
grand prlx, : with a ,100,000 prls. This
would be a atlmu us t? competition and
ahould attract a, n rrtbef of the tnventofs
of the various dlrl dbja balloons.. 1 1 ahall
certainly partlclpe In the coottsta and
T hnn n mMSi 'fvi.hip Hvals.
"I shall invehlt the possibilities of
a contest . in JJewlYoVlt in( the' Autumn
and'j? 1 Jlria- the' plts Offered to b of -a
sufficient amount, Ijwlll return and try to
wm it, as i aia tn ueutacn priae.
JKbWi asked hOw large thl prise ahould
pet SI. BanteaDumbnt replledt
"I think, it ougtit t b aBout Soo.oao
franca, becauao- tly efcpense win - be
heavy;, It will oootLbOUt 100,009 francs to
build it balloon heV, I ahalli, not. return
to New "Jork unii A prla 1 offered for
Preferred Itlck Tomato.
Enchtlados- wlth grsea pep(rs.) appe
V- .. .. I. ....! -j! ii tn. .
The work 6f payirua Faurih street, t rem
Madison to Qliaan,, lth treated wooden
blocks will be oommlnced lit a few day
The only legal formjUty to pe compiled
with Is advertising ffr bids for five days
and formally awarding ihe contract
,Glty.jKngipee hale'.:li . preparing ; :tha,
specifications tor th Jsphalt pavement on
Washington street frtm Blxttejnth to the
Cltprknljd fot atphalt pavement
Seventh street from traylor to Burnalde
and atone block from., fiutnalde to die-
apt ' A great hiany pihperty- ownprs pro
Jtosted against asphall 6a' lower Seventh,
Among them was Fekr SeUlhg, a larg)
property owner. " v
',, ImprovemeYtta gre'jbnng made at prea
ent on about twenty slreetA t v
The Cfty EMgineef hps purchased the
19-ton steam street roll, that wS order
ed by the council at It last meeting.
A laborer giving hil taam a 8, I
Haines attempted M Tboard a City and
SuburbArt car at Thirf and Stark streets,
at 6:S0 o'clock yhf af terhooh, while
It warin motTon." wal ttitowH to the
ground and suitaihel Sever hrute. tic
was taken, lit the" -Jatrol wagdti to hi
home at Blxtklhd peucH-tretv
-.til. I I Ht
ill Buy hV : y
' Ve have (marked them down to make
things lively in our Juvenile Department.
, 4
r.Ui-a'f SECOND
tfoday waj Very dulet on th street on
account of th,oancerlalntr of th weather,
Th poultry, markfct i cUve, there b
Ing a goik 4enWn4 M il kind.
Bait hiel llAd4vUie. rls of iSc
being tiuptd. ' . - 'j ij. i
Th steawjer eork tv" Elder Artlves
frtm.Bafa Prahclsco foptght and wlU bring
a. frtih Supply of dallfornla" regtabl
Ohjofajha.0 afljijinc rase sack '
xnere la no change In th price of augar
today1, but the marklt is Very active
- Wheaionilnal; JVall Walli, 6c;
BarleyFeed, mSi$ per tonT
.Sr& J,mti : U&&1.20; gray,
PloufwBat'sradesI I2.fcxg8.40 per bar
rel:- graham. la.aoelib. ,
MilltufrsBrn, 111 per ton; middlings.
iiiuiiiuT, .i.u crover, aivu
8; Oregon wild hay, mtj9 per ton.
V ButtfiCramery, p5f SOcj dairy, t8
Cheese Full creai i, twins. IsAlSHc:
Young America, , 18c; factory prkei,
lOlMc leas, i
Poultry Chickens, mixed, H5r hens,
t&8 per dosen. 1 UUe ner DOUnd:
Springs, ' HOlte; ped pound, I3Q4.BU per
aosen; aucas, sojper aosenr turkeys.
live, otija; .aressea, ivgiwt per ppuna
geew o.oiM(i pec.aosen..,....:? . t.,,.
Potatoes -Best Burbanks. l.l0li?0
per eenuii ; orainKryj ilko wxs; jtsriy ob.
i.i.a par centaii sweet,- p
cental. . . ' I ,,4 t
nlnn SI 7Mfi ! hap wnta1 ' " -
Tomatoes $4.80 pef crate for Mexican;
turnips, 65S75i cahroU, 575c: beets,
bUqwc per ack; calainower, lattsae per
cental; celery, T5c pfcr docen; peas, BW.
per pouna; aiparai nn. a-OK.
Green fruit Lemi ns,' 13; orahei,
$2$2.T8 per pox; ha lanaa, 2,253: pine
apples, 3 per doser ; apples, ftx$1.75.
, Dried fruit Apple evaporated, 78
per pound: sun-driea sacka or box,
45c; apricots. HHifl2cr peaches. 8llc;
pears, m9c; prunes! Italians. met figs,
California-, blacks. ttc; do whlto, 6c;
pluma, pitlosa, wau,. c.
4tO; crushed,
Sugar -o Cwbej .
i. (o: - t sosien v.. ea.wi; )i
granulated. S4.M perl 100 lb., sack baats
powdered, f
extra C, IS
drt granulated
i golien c, aa.Wi:
parrel, nmt half, aSe; boxes, ftuc
per iw iu... huvvv ., ih(iio, 4viw
per pouna. - , j - .
Coffae-r-Moeha, "S3ia2Sc; Java, fancy,
aeeaacr Java, rood.! UofllMe; Java, ordi
nary 183Uc; Costa JRlca fancy, lf 20c;
rna Ulna .nnJ StU1tiM- CnatH tlf.
ordinarv. JOgl2e ipej pound; Columbia
roast, n ; Arpucajej. u..u use: 4oi
111.25 fst:' Cordova, fti.75: ToaemlMJ. Alt,
-Salt-rih table- aid dairy, Co per
sack. 74ct- I4verpooi. 7c: worcesteri w;
Barrels, Woeter, lulk, 820 lbs.,
h.i. 9. to Ittt. nr bale. U.IO. '. ; .
SattCoarae. half etound. lWa, pet ton,
20.M5; 60 jr ton, sp.ww, , , '. , ,
ttrnm tigilcuttL is,120.25 per 100
Nuts Faanuta.-.evl'ftTe' per pound far-
. Aanif. M A - A . m ' Si .ft
raw, W0 iui rur mi, vvuikwu,..
ftOc per dosen; aii uts, Ui&ltHc per
pound; pine put. w latyc; hickory nuts,
7e; .chestnuts, I.B0C 00 peer druni' Bra.
all nuts, UT Alberts lSlcr fanef-- pe
cans, 14tfl4ftc; almo ids, 12V4lc. ,'
Coal OilCases, 20 per gallon: ,bar
rels. lc; tank. l4o. ,.
RIce-ImDartal. Jap n No. t, BHc; No. t
Be; New Orleans. 667c. - . ,
Salmon voiumouu ver, un-wu,ni
t.ii. ii ma- twn-Dnuil talis. S'i.60:'; faney
nt,. Wiunil Hals, S2.-U-Dound fancy flats,'
ll.att; Alaska talis, ttc; two-pound tail.
Hop1H per poid. I-
em Oregon, si2cT , mohair, iheume
per-pound. --1 .
Bheepskins Shenrltir, 15$r2ftrr short
wool. fca:t5ej medium! wool. 80Cf)e; long
wool, tee$t each. -r I "I.
Tallow Prime, per bound, M: N.
8 and grease, 9mt3e. .Li..-i;i
Hides ury niaes.1isp. I, 10 pouna; sua
un, imiaWi Per pouna; ary np, io.. .
tto 15 pounds, 15c; dfy eaif. No. i unaer
pounds, lc; dry-sailed, bulls sd Wags,
one-third less than drt flint: aalted hides,
imh. sound. 00 ourids and over, Sflflct
60 to 0 pounds; 7V4Si under 60 pounds
and rows. 7: stag aid bulls, sound,
BVsc; kip. aound, 15 to to poung. ?c? veai,
Sound, TOto ii poui.. s. to; cilf, Aoundj
under 10 pounds, 8e: l reen unaaHdil
r popndlea; . cull .P51P'n,;
Eors hldeij, salted v ach. Q&r&
wch, ll.jJo; colt 1 ides, f,':
goat kin. common, each. .lJS lAJI
ora, With wool on, e ch, 24ceiV
: ; MEATS ANU ikwvjbivj.. -"
ixiiitaa nrei. ts pfcr pound pdrossed,
Uf 7 wrpound- i yJiJ,.i " ?
Pc Pountt; breakfast 1 bacon., wrtw
KMindrllglSi aides. 134dpoundr bacAa, 11H
feliic; dry salted sldesUI W12W pound;
tinea oeei, ran".,,
I8e per: pound; ' Eastern - packed
hams, V12U fancy l.f4e: - picnic, IW:
shoulders. Hc; dry Salted , side,. ui
smoked, 10c: break tfet baron. 14 VI
bacon sldM. 12c; backi unsmoked, lJVicj
oaeq, Asac, nirni, wiwuw j '
; -BV ft, . Roger of
Kaser awf wife oi
th Imperial.,,
jv Jrod .Baker, ot
JDay of the Caacad
i .Mr. JL--fi.tjymtm
tcliinnvllla and T. M.
Walla Walla, are at
torla and Dr. J.
are la the city,
of Chehall is reg
istered at the Portland.
, Dr,. j. A,. Kloeber, owner and manager
Of th Oreen, River lanatarlura at Green
: River Hot Bprlnga, ,' ash, la in th city,
'accompanied by Mri Kloeber. -i
. -vV. R.. Wlnan ni Kate caaaldy, both
Of Hood River, are at the Perkins.
C, R. Morse ot A i torla is a" Perkins
gUOBt.l f , j .
E. R. .Bklpwortk ct Eugene is in the
city,. kcoorapMed b his family. He is
wall known, on acpouit of hla connection
With Democratic poll lea In Lane county,
ts ..will s for his. r iputation a an at-
amey. He . is here on account of his
alth,! which- la far from.,belng good.
P. L. Campbell, pr sldent of ,the State
kofmal School at . onmouth, . Is lii the
cltjr for abort att y. k
Circuit Judge EUls of Heppner Is visit.;
Ina; Portland frlenda . :
. Levi Wooater and Harry F. Wooater
Of itapletonda and ; t. Baldwin and Mta
Baldwin Of Astoria i re registered at the
Bt. Charlaa, r
' i W Weatfall, of Rosaland, B, C., ac
COWipnol hu fa Tilly, fe fue4 of
th'-Esmond. They will malt, bprt
ty in Portland,: an then go pnJ;o; Cali
fornia for health ani recreatln,K t 4
Oeorg 'W. "Sain; i 'bomeseeker ifrom
Btatesville,' it'.' C, Is at' the Esmond. .
S. Danlbr. i live mslnem ma of To
iedp,1 i Wash.', i; and-It.rWU, Ui well
ihown Ilwaco march nt, are registered at
tbo . Esmond.
Btat Benator L. J 'Porter and Oeorg
C.AJBrowhell, both ot Oregon City, were In
f8 Stal denatnr N. w Tinnev of Jefferson
arrived In the city last evening.
Oovernor Oeer returned to his horn at
Balem yesterday After a brief sojourn
here.' j ; ''.
O.Jfj tarley, Miyor of The --.Dalles, Is
att Imperial guest w
A. B, Hammond of Medford, who -4a an
asplrapt for the nice of Attorney Gen
eral, hit returned to his horn.
H. C. Thompsor , County Treasurer of
Clatsop -County, li registered at the Im
perial. i; ,
' frahk Geiser oi Baker City Is among
the transients. M Oetser Is one of the
nterprlitng mlnlri f men of hi section.
Judge EBiaf of P ndleton, who has been
he- for several ddys, returned there last
hlghL,. . - ' , s
, A letter has bee-tecelved from Oeorg
Llrtvllle. who Is Serving In the Marino
Corps on the Cruiser Philadelphia, now
at Panama ,He left Portland laat juiy.
Brief dispatch
m' From Many
Parts of; M ytMH
May leave
Aol!n .Civil OovAndf Wright .ln the
absence of Oovernol TaftJ.' writes a per
soniu litter t his btother, General Mat.
eua J. Wrikh. of'Wahlnaton. that th
Phillppin jnurre tlop IS fast dylrig ou(
Only fl per (cent f the territory is in
revolt' ' . ' f
All tariff iolteeted on PhlMpplnW import
tatlona 1 te .te w urnd to the Philip
pine gbvhmehi.i; ,
Brlgadlar'a eflarall Jaeob H. Bmlth has
been ordered frpnt the Philippine to take
command Of fkAD4ar(ment ot Texas.
Ben T. Cabl, antfBryan, may bo mad
leader of th Dettiotratlo party.
' ChalfmanKgrk Hahna baa apponlted
the. following toramlttee on conciliation of
the Clvld Federation; Archbishop ire
land, lsh6p potter! Franklin MaoVeagh,
John IMtchetl, Frarft P. Bargeant, James
Duncan, J, Kruttsc jtilti W. A. H. Pfah
ler and Marou M.' alarms. This commu
te I to tak tip threatened troubles be
tween eapltallstk anl worklnftnen in th
anthracit region With a view of set
tling thnt.- Th ClVld Faderatlon com
mute consist of it. A. Hanna, chairman;
Samuel Oompm, flrl vtoe-chalrman; Os
car B. Btrau. second! vice-chairman; . C.
A. Moore, treasurer AiU Ralph M. Easier,
ecrtary-ttnd nine mih to be appointed
by (he chairman a abfeve.
Th Vsnesuella ' revolution ts Uklng
form. Jt Is headed by General Matos.
Th anthracite mlnU workers have
passed resolution demanding an 8-hour
day, recognitions of- mile committees by
operator In th adjustment of disputes
resulting ift Ittdkl strikJi; declaring oppo
sltloh to working With men not members
of th Mlrieworkers union; favoring ar
bitration of11 trad dlsnute: condemning
the system of blackllitlha; by companies
of discharged mploVi
,; I. i tin .4 1 1 -i ' '
Prfrr( Stock
Nothing can b nlcej
itleed Peach.
We Guarantee these
. flenldies
or; RlTlnd
Oeorg Girbach. kn evangelist, appeared
lit thl Municipal (Court the other day
against Andrew cagen, an expressman.
charging him with larceny, aa -bailee, of
furniture valued sit 150. which he claimed
Gageit offered to ktore and haul free of
charge, Gagen clhlmed to have ' taken
Charge of the furniture with the under
standing that thel usual rate were to be
Charged, and offeted to release the furni
ture if Girbach batd Si. 50 for express-
Judge Cameron
had better pay $1
There haa been grfar acUvltr in th
al of trm , lands The past Weelt at
Pleasant' Home. TiSree fMarg sale
amounltng'to 7400 wete made, th follow.
Ing being the purchasers: N. Layman,
11000; F. Shaw of ouiahoma; IMOO, and
T, B. Hamlin ha diiposed'of 'hi prdp-
rtr tw riaoo ' t - 4 " i 1 - .
decided that Girbach
for expressage and get
hla good. This lie refused to do. Gagen
was then discharged, and as he walked
Girbach said: "If you
do not giv me back piy furniture, I will
renounce. mv eitiaenshlD oaDera and, leave
h United gtatesr
Marriage licenses have been Issued to
tho - following: , Frederick John Pre, S3,
Anna Catherine Blslach, 2fiJ R. Tl Dria
hlll, Jackson, couhtlr, 2ft, Hattle B.. Bush.
t; Nel Poterson, Bp, Mrk-Lsai Coates. 28.
Ir you. ar 'suffer
get on bottl ot
on Liniment and
you returtf the
ts refunded. At all
i kg with rheumatism
LL-Caa-Ka and Bnake
iJ it doea not benefit
bottle 'and yourV money
dVugglata at 60c each.
Tuccl Root Balv
obstinate ae or
carbunole. It t
pile. Try a box
glBU. p::
a 4
A l-blt bpttil of
Cough Cur never fall
over, cough or; coiB
dose. Th only kUrtl
croup and, whopping
But W do cell tti
Ferrir Delirious .
Crttaim Soft Shell
Sanborn's Teal
Standard Tomatoe
fJNLY, one ran
aeon, 1-lb cans Maple
-raos (3 in ran), cnaso
and Coffee. Extra
new goods TO-DAY
each, caih customer,
... a. s i, I '
r .
Mf taaoc
i W a. Iu..2 K.a.V.Nl ta, a tula.
J ssasjsssr mm rnwm ii um w uass wsssaasj.
when mxompimy-d' by towlnl moovy of
if your srugkiat d
the remedies on
quart ers, i '
4S4 Wbln'
wlU cur tho 'most?
diseases, boll and
ir specific ,cure for
t 60c at all drug-
th Great Yaquls
to cure the most
8 tons It In one
remedy , known for
ougtu At jll drug-
Most Men wear Shirts and want them to fit. They
, . i , also want good quality. ' i.
: ht n6q))sniiyts j:' ;.
Combine all the good '-qna Ities, and ' are made right
here in Portland by whit sirlsl f No Chinese labor
touches them
mt. Hood shirts
Have Style, Fit and Good Wearing qualities. ' They
are made in hundreds of different styles and colors
They fill ail wants
..... I
You make no Mistime when you buy
161-16i THIRI) STBJXT STnConMorrUon
Pigiios I Organs
v . ' - -- - - - 'J -
Portland's High Grade Plane House. The home of all that ;
is best ia piano constru ion. - Here you find the -
t kNABE, "STE(Xf HA1UMAN ' .
and other nottd makes, all if which have gained highest .
honors at al thevirorkt's gre test expositions. "We are the
oldest, largest and most ex ensive dealers in the Pacific '
Northwest, which accounts for our having the cream of.
piano construction, and vhich accounts for our being able to
- offer greater inducements thz n than can be obtained else
where, , Our easy . payment pi in is popular with the people
1 - m T .
, : t , , ' ; Successor to the VII ey B. Allen, Co. , , '
is not- have any of
lfend c6me to head-
ton street.
l w
-'7 Ml
i f "vr -
- - il J t Jp 1 - 4$
rrtfna an artlctlc
hotogTaph Vy
Id the fekurl
We're on Heavy Duty and
And dur time is yours, if
iydu vVant it VVrite us
abbut Loqqinq tnnines.
With laterchancfeable Parts
Tf 8x10 Yarding Engine
' r Vtsi
Heavy Road Engine
'Sail CombinaUon-f-Yarding and Road Engine
. . , , . ; M POSH WD, 0I5EC0N
, bU 4ttAfKi5UiStf,