The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, March 21, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    . :-.t . ".
.. . .'.:..( .. -,-
,i V - yt.T ,iiilri in till Py, . i-J"-..f .
Vote forjlic;tecMn
of faifjmio! in.
the l,wls end
Th respons to the Journal plan of
having1 the people designate- the location
pontanepu. - Already th coupons, are
beng yecelved in
Is being' discussed
ides." It Is a plan
to all, and as each'
. - Tomorrow! afterno
publish the' number
each Bite
No new site hav
any of the voters.
in view. It should
ahbwera, and the plan
d commended an all
hat is Just and fair
11 being recognised..
in The Journal will
lot votes In favor of
been ! suggested by
bit If anybody has ona
toe mentioned. Only
The contest wilt
U finally selected.
The site mention
Bated a fcllowe:
FTJ.TON.' '. ;
Cut' out this cou
and send It In,
lark'JFa'Ir. hae bean
those that have i"ecved public notice are
named in The Jourfial Hat.
continue until the ttte
d -here , will be delg
I Hawthorne park).
n, write' your choice
. razes ft pupils; :u OLDEST V
Circular hvbl
pali of the etty echoe.
IMgler. stating tv
Society invite, ctn(
ent to th princi'
the Oregon Human
titty ompouioni
on any of the follow! n ubject: The
Value of W4 Life,
'Example of Anlm
Household fVts."
Should 'Give Animals
mane Education." ,
-For compoeltons of
grade, first prise,-1
prlxe, IT: second print
' (Scripps-McRac N
passed ,. good night
Intlllgern;e." "Our
h Protection We
' .'Influence of Hu
he eighth and ninth
ftecond prize,
th.rwi prize, VL Six h land aeventh grade,
first prle 10; tfcdnd prlie, $C; t-ifd
prize, 14. Fourth nH fifth grades, 4ret
take some nourishment. It l now be.
lleved that the putleli
depart for London
General l'assenser
(). It. &. N, Coniany
The Check RehVM- 7n8l oldest andmot revered piano In
America i the Ch fleering of Bdstonu This
famous instrumen had won Its wonderful
popularity before any of It later fellow
bad become knot a to . th publtoi This
great prestige of the Chlckcrlng la not
merely matter if senlorfty,-but Ona .f
excellent. The Jndoubted superiority o
the rhlckClng ,t'no pverwal other. In
the real reason tack of the Clilckerlng
success: If yori ince -near a' Chlckertng
piano played upol you. wljl. recognise Its
pcouJiitrlY bejjUill; tene ejer after.' It Is
t'hV 6iAy thtim tol that "cannot be imU
tated. although aulh ha been attempted
by every later maker. $ hi'i t ,
If yon would JiaVe' th, finest piano the
world produces,. you must buy a Chlcker
l. and th slight art
d nary good! piano Is
5; third prise, IV
wa Association.)
h 31. --Cecil Rhodes
Lnd I now able to
t may be able
irhlit a-coupla
Jjgtat Cralf, of the
wilt preside at a
plduslug , little CuiM)tiv Thursday,
Apt U17. Hawlli epeif
ter at wlili'.b no doubt
corral many a .f'snari
- C
t v '4 f .
Address ,. Z.
..! a .,-
thflr, fuleapadtjr
The Eat Side lslgrowina; so rapidly
that all the school imldlnv are taxed to
n,d still .there I not
. room enouKh for te pupil
The Board of Education ha decided to
make more room aid will enlarge three
school houses a soon a poaslbl.
The Sunnyslde achlol will hav a i
room addition built till year on the west
hide of tbe building. I The.acbOQl Itjpre
ent is,eo overcrowd that two1 rooms
. .oulstde have had to ft rented to hold th
overflow and . these too, are already
crowded. 1 I "''''
The Sellwood stholl at present consists
of only tour, roon and an additional
four,' room 'will bf built. I Sellwood Is
growing- w rapidly that ' an entire new
building Is being'
The': old si'hool b
will be used in thfc
most overcrowded
present.',., '
Iked of.
lldlng at Woodlawn
erection of a new
structirl-e. The Wcbdlawn avhool is th
hool tn the city at
It 1 likely that times .will be quite
lively at' the Qrai i Central Station In
Portland tomorrow ;, Asaiatant General
Passenger Ageht C arlton, of the North
otn Paclfle has 4 en advlaed that the.
enow blockade on 1 he, line of that win
l.any in North Dak ta havet"bcea broken
. b ccniscjuence sc me half doun belated
tmlns will : com , i jlllngj in. Passenger
Atfnt Dickson, of tl e Great Northern ha
Ub received word from General West
ern passenger Age it DonrUston statlntf
that the lines jpf th
that three trains Ailed with settlers and
bomcaeekerl would
An :nnovatlen. tn
ruls is to be made
; twecn Umatilla -and
tS hw on the way
pound, ateel. rail, a!
track tor a dtstan
ouires 12,000 tons, ol
lirrlv tomorrow., : x '
the way W railroad
i the O. IL & N. 1ia
Huntington. There
a.oonslg-nment Of 80-;
fllclent t.1 relay the
e of J mile. It re-
betwan. 33 and 41
train loads, to eovr thia consignment
C- Overbaurfi,
egent Of the O. K
hfis charge of the
threats en its rlvtr
-trlp through the W
R. W.' Jit x ter, !
I'nlon Pacllic, With
ha. Is in the ctty
v. ife. He was bus:
viHiting hi old frii
road colony
Itlds for the majol
itat-Ljle Railroad
-within 1 he next SO
after the completlo!
rcmaiiider of the tot
Two crew are now
t roa Art open, and
traveling freisrht
4k N. -Company, who
omparty'a freight in.
lines, is back from a
llamette valley.
perlntendent of . the
headquarters at Oma
accompanied by hia
ing himself yesterday.
nd In the- Iocu.1 ratlr
prises a lot ,ot .Unclaimed baggage which
the t mpany'
,Alnc..cavas and"
rueset iruukSt'teleMultf. valises, baskets,
has accumulated ' (111
hand. It vonaist or
chest, bundle n
rtety. No doubt thosd
wlU.b glvefi a large
evcltement.. Tq buy i
which one know hot!
up a bargain conn-
shrewd buyer will
The stock conw
lynxes in great va-
attendlng the sale
finiaunt pf .pleasing
trunk (vlt o gtuff
LiK of until opened,
'will be nroductivs of Viany surprises.
.: 'Among the motley 'i aorimeht Of atl
tIc re several Tkyel v a golf tape and
two tent poles. Sale w II be made .to sat
lstyejomjany' llih i f charge on the
'proiKtrty "for- keep) stc rage, car and et
5teilUon.,'. ' , i 7- -- J ?
an i ,
: Bpeclrtl Officer Nash f arrested . Charles
Burton, 17 years old, list night, at Front
And Stark streets, for fleorderly eonduct.
Gordon Bennett, Fredfe rick Reynolds and
John Merwin wer arrdsted last night by
pctex'tive, Kerrigan aid , Snow,- charged
With , being implicated In the lan-eny of
grain sacks from Sodln v eV Sptcer Stf
East WMhIngjton itrecir' 5 "
76 Salmon
,:t Mrs. VV. H.TBe
treet; March 11, a girl
'To Mr, M, T. nidgllfim, S8 Margnret
avenue, March B. a boy
""To Mrs.' GuS Frsh.lm, February 9. a
To Mrs.'W. V. 8'. Lajvraty; 10 E. Four
teenth street, March If ; a boy.
To Mr. C. T. Wellnlan, IT4 Grand ave
nue, March II; a girt L . ' i
The hearing of the liat account of Wali
ter- J.,- Hoi mart, admhiletrator of the es
tate of Alfred, G. Tuvier, .deoeased, shows
cash and -personal (property valued
XWi.'ig.' Outstanding debts amount to,
The steamer Charles W. Bneneer has
. Bert rand, for dam
Iter's acow house In
boat was released to-
Capt. B. W. Spencer
ing;"lt bus no eg
dttlonal cost over
but trifling. , ;
We are always
spoct our splendid
have pianos of this
to have Visltdr in
dickering tock, Wi
"okiJO-'! lheslffei!
cnt styTc and cotots of wood.:
351 "Wellington streei
Branch stores,' gal
mento, and SpokarieJ
eppoalt Cordray'
Francisco, ' Sacra
Finest assort men a
In the city. Write
of hlith erade planes
ror prices, term ana
any other Informatlbn desired or call per.
.Piano Co.
Agents for tie celebrated
326 Waihingtoh St.. New Sixth
Phone Main 677 I Fine Piano Tuning
Special Tor
been , libeled by A,
age sustained to
October, J90I. 'Thel
day on, $HW bonds
lb . Iers owner. .
Margaret Allen
FqrrlCber htiebai
errls and Clarence 8.
,.bave filed an answer
to the II 000 foreclosure suit of Dr.. Harry
F .vMcKayu It 4 iaimed that the asslgn-
ge by Thee. Gibbons to"
t made for a consider
, property ;; i wortH
ment of the morti
PR McKny was
tlon and that
diOOO.- .'':'
AVUUam J. Netlifcrton and wtfe have pe
fltloncd the couft for the adoption of
Monit Kvelyhr Wlmer, aged two yearaf
now in the chargfe of the Boy' at)d Glrla!
Aid Society," , I , i i
Judge Cake had received a.Jetter frtm
Hampton Camp 2f q. U02, 8.-Ai W. V De.
part ment et Oreakin, located at Portland,
giving notice thai the Camp 1 now ready
to undertake the! eare of indigent veterw
an or tne untori ana Mexican war sol
diers, sailors iml marines, provided for
by an set of thf State legislature, ap
proved February K, $8b. :
I "ill"' .f'.". u
fjortton of the Kllrk-
111 be advertised for
ay, within a) days
ef the surveys the
itraels will be- let.
it work on the sur
veys.", anil fluperintdndent of Construc
tion Simons believes
line will bo In read I doss to do business.
AH matdtial for tra
k ha been ordered
nd the laying of tlfs and rail witt tx,
immediately commended as aoon as grad
l'ig is completed.'
tleneral Agont. Ky, of the t'hlcago
.ircat Western wit
lMttle, Is in the cit
that before fall the
today, accompanied
tympany a represents
A certain woIl-knoJ
s-ked for new thta
I'm not handing o
i. -tiitist a dead-cold
-houid have anything
vonls would get chill
Mow put sno
t .1 state of mind as
utter with the roidi
ive given him the
rrd Stock
cu ts' finest
headquarters at
He was around
lllng utmn the' Pott land railroad 'men
bJ OeorgfO Coopar, the'
ive in Portland.
'n railroader, when
lornine, remarked t
'hot', I'm-up
proposition. ' If I
to say today,' my
d and would have
ne Is left in a pain
o what may be tne
Somebody must
y stare. . -
Etrlngle Beand.
Infant WnofJN' It iJLawray,- 410 JS,
Kourtcentli streetJ Muroh 18; aged Z days.
Joseph Snelbcl, Wt. 'Vincent's hospital,
March IT aged 32 (years.
Ah Yoke, imi Second street, March IS.
. Willlum McUraCi,, 'lS.iEaat , Ninth.
March It; aged 8 tear''v"-;vi;,r
Herman Mlhkertk, March 13, aged 24
years. . '
.' Th .Edward BaWan tTndertak-'
lng Co., funeral dpreetor and m
balsners. 880 TanlkllU Phene 507.
" Otto 8chumnrf,
building; -work,- 20f Third St. Est)
work. only.
mfenuiAital and!
mates on first class
J. ' P. finley & Song, Undertakes
and Ernbalmers.
Streets, do flrat-cla
honorably with all,
Tpird and Jefferson
work and deal
Has Illustrated 1U aiiiity te cure all
curable disease after all Other methods
have failed. Consult
DR. L. B.
Of 409 Oresobiaa Building
Fourth year In Portend. Graduata nr
A. T. Still's School of Osteopathy. Con
sulfation free at onTr. - Call or. writ
for literature ' and Pirtland references.
Lady'4"...' v ;fo-!
at., rexular tl
gas Light fin,
ga tapers
riday and Saturday
GOOSB LJVKS f ATE, pure de fols
gras,.reg. v
Trourciefl, reg,
luco with tnaH
elmlitly bitter
dines In oil. with
ic, .-.'iftiri'AAivv.i.
par, servo on, lot-
nHlse ,i , ,,,, ,u
gular oc. 1 l
Keller's Dundee.
2 for
ular fio Jar,
BOGS-Kvery ojie guaranteed, per
c r
..f,...i....,.,,..." I oc
lg. Breakfast, As- Jn
span, per Jb.....;1 U.UL
TEA Oolong, I
- ReJiIar 75c lb.
Imp. ROCK CANDY, to make OA
Rock and RyeTper lb ZUC
tR RWL fun M 1C
m) I . IJ
Including one box A C.
ra Germany. Lenui.
ana Potato tour.
uat received frbt
fiften Kernla
."Undoubtedly the
ia a pronounced lr-
good pipe, good tolitcco and good cigars.
and .thu obtaining droper comfort out of
a good smoke, I eld
perfect pipe tobacco
have studied long tol
Own Mixture," a
perfect blend. ' The
os. in carton)
convenient 'and It
every day. I do nod
Umq( will soon come
tlemen will smoke
man enjoys his pipe
lishman. Americans
for you may be, u
more enjoyable pipe
"Our Own, Mixture.
m there 1 Only omr
and that 1 what I
produce. It Is 'OuS
tweet. cool-smoklntr.
dopular else package
that , we put up la
lakes" new friend
doubt but that the
tvhen American geh-S
kheir . pipes on . the
street with the sank freedom and good
sens that they do'
the ocean in England, tor Instance. No
better than an Ew-
may do the am"
e that there l no
tobacco' made than
PARIS, March 21
today approved the
the United States
Company's assets.
tlon bv Co'ombia of
Ing the sale of th.
powers, j
ws Association.)' ;
The t civil tribunal
ventual transferee
the Panama Canal
kubject to : modiflca-
the article prohibit
concern to foreign
DR. R.'0RrilRlP
Treats SucJessftilty AO,
, Office: 416 Dwum Building,
Third and Washington Sts. ,
Call for literature
Wise People
It ha stood the ts
are sick In any wai
of IS year. If you
microbe are th
cause. Spring especlUly I the danger
(jus, Jjime for- slcknels. Take Radura's
Microbe Killer. Ta It now."" ' , -
i.(W s.. j v" 1 h '
trlfard ra Solve. r
1 l'll .1 ' 1 . V-., '." 4 ' ..-
5': r '
WAoiriNGTON, March tl,-Thcre
contddefaNe pecplnlion today as to what
will h the result of Miles' testimony giv
en before the senate! Mfiltary Committee
Tiuradtiy.- -Th' imbreeaion growing
that .President Rooslelt will 'retire htm
tinder 'th ace limit. I On the other hand
It -1 Johtended that President Roovtt
and SeowtsryvJJoot iannot take cognl
ftnee of tHerjtofflciul' reports of Miles
strictures; IttCMUse of the xwlvlleged char
oeler or the testlmoily arlven before th
senate commit tee In tne privacy of an ex
ecurtvee8stdri.JAfrbttempt to punish
the oflicei for giving expression to hi
cpltlloti:. en", a. measure before bongroae, ajt
the request of a.. oiBiitae, oulJ. it
said, read to vigorous 'action by congTs
for the' protection of lis wltnessee and lu
defense of it own authority.
Lover of Flowers Active In Making
Portland Beautiful in 1906.
, The sugestion made! at a public meet
ing not, lotfg ago tliatjit a fin
Idea to trahsform Portland Into a famous
Ctty of Roses by the time of the 1906 Fair,
ha been. taken up like wildfire'. toy the
ftubllosplrited cltlterJi. "There seems to
be 'a general disposition r' on Vh part of
every one that this lan excellent scheme
and entirely nracttcaide.4 "Ih fact, vision
of beautiful roaes Iwtnlng the "fences-
growing in every yatd arid sdorhlng v
ery residence In ourkeaaf lfut clt trtng
before th mental gdze of our population
a great- deal more tlan the hurried bust
ness man "might thik.
It la more than possible, and very prob
able, that the City dc Portland will mak
a grand showing In hi direction In 1905.
- Already the st-owels of rose, and prom
inent dealers are busy making great prep
aratlon 16 supply ihe demands for the
'ovllest: rote on eiiith, for It Is a fact
tnat the finest roses known to civilisation
can be sAwn'ln Ortfcon, .
The oldest, 'and perltp best known seed
hoiiBe in .the Worth fast, Buell Lamber
son's Sons, are amon ; the most active. Of
these people' engage In a patriotic and
praiseworthy effort t help on till move
mens. : They offer ev m now for 10 cents
a wen-rooted one-yeJr plant, and permit
you to name your oHolce of many varl
ties. They have Justllssued a tpelcal de
lrtment of their Cojnplete Catslogru of
CO' Varieties M reset wWehi they- give
away f feaia'i revues j. Cry -n'- ahould
have orm'bf ttseeie catalogue right away,
make their Selections bnd plant their' rosss
in good'ttime.-oo thai! they -will bloom In
heavenly splendor by Ihe time th popula
tion at the earth set pur boundaries In
vieitlng the 1005 Expo ition. , The Lamber
ion people -have lea ed a tract of land
and will cultivate a li rge and exceedingly
choice variety of it e, which will not
only assist to beautiiy our splendid city,
but make the name of Lamberton famous
all over the world.
creaae in the demand lately for An lual.
ity pipe tobacco," I said 81g Slcbel,' thK
wrii-anown tooaccov isi,ot imro sireei,
this morning. "Prftabiyth decrease In
cigarette smoking nns something to do
with It. but the chldt reason Is that men
are' obeying their gdod sense. and buy1ngSClub, and resides at 171 Fourteenth street,
The funeral will bel held tomorrow at i
P. M. I i
Mrs. Haittie Whiteni' re died this morning
Ing at 3 o'clocJt. . 8hi had been 111 several
months with comp icated 'troubles and
her demise was no unexpected. Mrs,
Whttemere was the Jrjfe of A.-C, White-
more,, president ,, on tne irwin-Hodson
Company,. printer, Mr. Whltemore is at
so president Of thf Portland Baseball
J. Beaton, East Twenty-first, barn ; cost
Harry Froggert,
pair; liooo. -
C. E. Splller, East
A. Racher, East
Iherman itreet, , re-
otirt, dwelling;cot
Eleventh itreet ; re-
Amanda W; Reed,
cost tnaeo. - . -
Faolling Estate,
store building, r ,
Isaac Peterson,
dweling; $100.
. E. Bplller, East
Isaac Pearson. '
dwelling; cost $1-100.
Preferrad 81
Solid peek eansf
Mill street, dwelling;;
third and Morrison,
Kawtnornt avenue,
Couch, dwelling; cost
(Hawthorne- avenue.
ck Tomatoes. -j-eapeat
Only Lady Gradudt' of Oattopathjr
Treat all diseased-acute - and chronic.
holding an unnvaild record, In chronlo
ana nervous aiseases, spinal tireottons,
and diseases of worien. CsUl or write) for
"Osteopathy Ezpralhed." No charg mad
for consultation- atlodlea, ; '
Dr. A. Coders
A. T. Btlll School bf Osteopathy, XCtrki
vui Mo. ,
Dr.O LiirdGate '
Phone.lMaln tt.
Offlcesj 633-3-4 -'
" s foiV lKdies 1 ;
' Flrtt BaVh tn thej
City.' AldMaa
netl. Vibratory. Massage. Nothlngr
(ding up the dead
ism mired n a
eaunl to it for bull'
tissues. Bheumaiii
few treatments.
ATI nervous disease treated In a
clenttil jrianner.
Near 10th.
Phone. Cly Til.
fa I 1 r
ioir Easter Saiiut
11 1
ft'"'- . i 'ei Tt
' r - y vvtAl
... ' i x
Is ready! -WVe have waited for the arrsvaf of, full
lines before oresentina thftm fnr vniir nnnrnval
t and ; nowt Invite ' your careful Inspection. Theyi i
" fJM nrCT 1urtl -s? Ilr -r i - ' si i- r
, from choicest weaves of foreign and domestic "1
K - mills and while equal in every way . to made-to-r
. measure yarmenLs, are pricea flioaesuysomat
they will cost you but little more than HALT your " -
laiior wi i 3iarge.- nice spring uit tor x
and .with stops along the line to $25.00. - . .
- V T 5ri. .::' 'ft'
Blues and B acks lit Serges,ll
Cheviots and Unfinished Wor
steds all sizes modestly ' U
priced $3.00! to $ll,O0.' : , 'Mi
Exclusive sty(es, Idrgest va
riety more isailor suits in .
siock : man any two stores ;
Price S2.45.
45, .$5.00,
m the. city.1
$3.00, $31
$7.00 and $
r ' 'Your attire avJII not be tomplete without one of our
. - -.
' I i
r r i
Leading Clothier 4!MI 4th and Morrison
'it'' 1'
No Bferhe Against the Bryant
Estate Administrators,
County Judge W. If. Cake decided four
Important probate case this morning. .
A- C, Emmons and A. O. Barker, were
exonerated from all blame in-the man
agement of the as (a ,fIda.M. Bryant,
deceaseds The estate 1 Valued at S1OO.000.
Th guardian ad llt m for the heir had
filed petition asklr g that th adminis
trator be removed I It; wa alleged that
the property waa not being properly taken
car of and:general nlsmatiage meri t was
charged. Conaldecabl ayide. wad! takeit
on both dideaaad fudge Cake '.wa of
the decided -opinion tl at the affair of the
estateshad. beenadr ilnlsfed ln 'jSJen-
ureiy proper ana snturaeory. mannef,
and to th credit of Ith administrators.
me petition for recfoval was; therefore
denied. , I '-i s & ;i
Marg'ttret Ferris, wi 6 was released from
the Oregon lnsane Aaylum last December,
a cured,1 wa glvenla, hearing to deter
mine her fitness tol assume the active
management of her broperty, which bad
been ilaoed In th h Jnd of her guardian,
Thoma atbbona qibbon la also the
woman's adopted fattier. Judge cake de
cided that she wa Ll to look out after
her interests, and arl order wa made di
recting the guardian to render a flnal ac
count of hi management ef .the estate.
TFhf estate 1 valued
Is what Portlai d, Or.. Wlf bo called t the btf
1905 Lewis ant Clark Exposition. sSrcat Prep
. Aratlon' now oing on, and the loveliest roses
on earth bein j cultivated. We end a well
rooted plant f r 10 cests. f Name your cboket
Mamam Coche , White Cochet, Perle de Jardin,
Papa Gontier, I elle Siebrecht, and Safrano.
All 6 varietii s for 50c Our complete
catalogue fr se;;. PK-
lamber: ion,
- the neat ; "
r f r, free with 25c
at' about $4000. Mar
garet Fern was eorntnitted to the asylum
from Multnomah Coil sty in May, 1001.
Wit V 1
Judge Cake allowed
elmer against the es
ley, deceased, arising
pairing the Calno theater several year
ago, In which ft'peli
owner.' Judge WhaBey during hi -life
time refuted to pay! the bill because it
Was against hi wlarle that th expense
was Incurred. Afte
ecutor, W. T, Hume,
the bilk Vi, , I-
Ct,bon for $5,000, a
front hi right In
n urt. by their art
a claim of A. Fech-
at of Judge- Whal-
frorn th cost of re
ay was a ene-third
his dath. his e
ef used also-to allow
In th -matter of the claim of Geo, I
fcalnst the estate of
Charles 0.3 Smith, deceased. It was de
elded that th claimant wa debarred
he premises by th
tat.ut of limitatloifc. The minor hrfirs,
Ethel ahd Albert Smith, were represented
rney ad litem, Q. C
Ivlcr .'..Improvement League
The 4xeuttve confmlttee of "the Clvlo
Imprevfment t league held Its . weekly
meeting -at the Citd hall, last Saturday
afternoon, (Ht. MJrquam, Chairman of
the membership cordmtttoe.j'eported eon
slderabl.t progress In th work of that
committee. -It-was I moved that there be
Issued k rard tqr aipUcatton for member
lilp In Iha .JeagJo, lso an. attractive
ccttlncatLpOfmardberahip, which would
serve aisl. as a "reeipt for ue paid, .It
was ordef ed' that Jhese card be printed,
at an xt)en of not to exceed 15.
purchases " ( .
, Third and Yarlihill (Streets '
ed that there bd'orga lied separate asso
ciations of school ehil Iran and the young
people of the various churches, each or
ganftatlon to have its own officer and
delegates. The men bershfp fee of the
children's societies in the asoclatlon la to
be ton cents, and thai of the young peo
pie 25 cent.
The question of rattang subscriptions to
provide for a specie
vent street nuisances
The meeting te be
the City Hall will take up the question
of sidewalk improvement an dthe remov
ing of obstructions, cAe.
Invited to attend.
policeman to pre-
was discussed. '
held tomorrow at
All persona are
n( hu granted the
i The Navy Cepartir.d
ITnlon Iron Work nlrle months', addition
al time In -which to cdmplet fh monitor
Wyoming. This on adcoupt of th strike.
The government Is breparlng to retail
ate against Germany!
latter' retatrictlon dn American meats.
Importation of vegetable containing bor
acio aold will- be proh
Oovernor-Oeneral W
route to Washington
ay the JO per cent
not enough. y-,
r It is denied that a A
for the 172.004 paid fqr
Stone and Madam Tel
JTIfty pages, of the
bod, of tuba, Is en-
Ifrom Havana., He
tariff reduction l
rand upon Turkey
the ransom of Mis
ka has been made.
river and harbors
htlt jar yet tp be considered.
dt Co,' planocfacH
damaged $300,000 by
ardlans (Irish), an
The Hardman, PecM
tory, We ,Trk,; wa
i The Londonderry O
elective body,' have bent: the following
resolution to Mr. Krikf r: "W desire to
record .eur admtrat(or
stand th brave flout
of tte magnificent
African Republic
and to congratulate
his recent great
cover England
cule, but is gratify!
clVllUede, orld, ; and
good effect on tne
helot empire the wi
William Klump,
cused of killing hii
taking headache pd
ihe Boer, Delarey, on 1
vlcfory, which not only
disgrace and rid!
fig to the rest of the '
which, must have a ,
Jngoes of the greatest.
rid ever has seen." . ,
LowelL Mich., ac-
wife. who died after ;
wders, was released, ' :
To the regular
to the visitor, one
ef Portland Is It
tloatly arranged a
many of . them, ant
mot marked atten
Etelnbach a . Co.,
Fourth and.: Morrllon,
rangement And
colore- at once attl-act
passers, and the:
ing. ' Ne. on can
there whose eyes
of th street Th
catch, them and hold
time. The art of w
ho s a perfeotloi arrangement
and keeping right
resident, and especially
th prettiest sights v
khow windows, art-'
theyare. There are
(nose wntcn attra-.t;
ion are those of A. B.
t the central corner, i
Th artlstlo ar- -
biauUf ul blending of .
the eyes of - all .
are m?st plea-
found .walking pt -on
the oppealt aide" "
; Btelnbaet (windows -
tiveir attention every
ndow-dresaing Is there
and folore nnd KnV;
i constantly, chaglng .
with the season.
Toe is
8AN" IfRANCISC. March '2L-What, ;
fi.xi 1.11 Vt."i f
C!tCAOO, March
bi.-Wheat, 1Q7.
, , - Real Estate
rv- r and Ltans...
245 Stark SU
- I
Phone: Oak 421: residence. Vleek SL
; 392 Morris
in Street,
Th rnembershlpt-oremittee recommend-
have made against
British. Empire,
Phone Crant 1071