The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, March 21, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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    fTVj WATCH V; "
f ?; TKE
: W.
: 4WIATttltV."
y Portland, CrM
f- March 2lt 1902,
J TonlghtandSat
( urday.showers;
l-TTfTit westberfywiads
rr; r
OBTLANDi lOKEOOX, jlrRlDAY ( MAUCII .-21,'n 11)02. . .
VOL. I.? NO. 10.
-.1': : ml'isJ
The Independent Republicans, who ere
nMmbtn ot th county Jconventlon, have
not completed ft ilU v
county and city
omcers, due , way wui
Those who are In a
bosltion to know
say that this slate Is ttlnj made up by
the leaders and baa only to be Indorsed
by- the caucus. ; .
-Th position Of IdayorlU Conceded to. W.
P. Ayer, the well-knovm young business
man and a member of
tha Board of Dl-
rectors , of the, Chamber ! of Commerce.
Kx-Mayor Storey is alsb
a, candidate, and
ahould ha by any chalice sat the norol-
natlon, It la understood!
that Mayor Row
nay run as an Independent,
For Sheriff, It to saldj that K. C. Smith
or Dan Moore la slated- Tha caucus will
probably give tha offkfc of County Clerk
to jr. C. Jamleson; but k atrong fight wilt
be made for the plac
by. N. 'H. Ale- t
ander. Frank B. Fields
la also a candt-
date . 'A t'i
-C. JL. Burkhart has
been promised the
nomination for County
For County Treasur
two men are
mentioned, Bobt. I 8
evena, of Ladd A
Tlltone bank; arid. J. Jf .
Lewis, who was
m. deputy under Ralph
chants National Bank.
tHoyt, of tha Mer4
; There la apparently n
opposition to the
Charles McDon-
renoml nation of Capt
nell for County
r. v in we same
manner, tho office of CI
;y Auditor Is con-
ceded to T .C. Devlin, tie Incumbent
There will be a caucus of Independents
to consider; " candidate: for Governor.
While Governor Qeer his. a strong per
sonal following In tha delegation, it will
Vote as a unit, and , the! county will be
against tha Qovsrnor., E1M. Crolsan, Mr.
Oeei's menagor, 'coneed this. Ha be
lieve, however, that ; the Governor's
strength In be -WUinelt) f Valley, in
Southern Oregon and front the counties
cast of tha Cascades, 'will, be awh that
Portland exposition cannot defeat him. .
Mr. Crolsan don vot fwfrd f; J. "Fur
nish 4a a formidable eppbftent to the
Governor j Mr. Gear's .Mentis believe that
chance ftr CA.,$dhns orJohh L. Rand,
of Baker County, Bakai.
nlon and Wal-
Iowa Counties will cast
for the Governor. V. 1
State Senator Ji ft.'
fhelr large vote
fWIIIiamson, ot I
Prtnevlla'ls In tha city
in the Interest
or his candidacy .. for thfe
nomination; Mr. Wllllahison does not de
sire to make any statem
nt at this stage
of the game, but he feeli
mora sanguine
now than at any time
vase.J .Mr. Williamson
puling the - can-
ill come to the
convention with the Bailer County dele
gation, a part ef, the
elegatlons from
Union and Wallowa, and
a fair share of
tha representatives from
lies. " '
he smaller eoun.
Marion County Prohlbljioniate will hold
a mass meeting at SaleM,
April Land 2,
to nominate candidates
county offices. '
for state and
Cap. Sam White, vhalrliaa of the Pern-
ocratlc State Central
(ommtttee, will
ome at Baker
leave tonight for his
City, but will return to
Portland In five
or six days to temaki
until the close
of the campaign. State slid county head-
qunrien win tie opened
his return to the city.
Immediately on,
xi was practically-arranged
W, N.
uemocratlc leaders todat that
Oxford,' Madras ciid Percale Shirts
.. .4
Jutt .a Dttl th latest; ji
Htlla th alaJntieit. St
toay.- Bttter sat you
pattarm now, kefor thi
M. SICMEL, 28f
y ' -' iiwPS f UHNISHE
, - " Sol Agent for tl
Our stock, which has lust arrive
There Is ao room for which we cannot
so nave tha men to hang It. Wa will
f ; -too toil t v- O
M S lAtf ef On. 'Tvnlli nt IS ..Ik.
n "
wHrn rumipiilr4 by lawful money of
"y i c. p. & o. co.
. Note-Coupon not good for lead and oils.
were held In Ben-
ton County yesterdiy,
Catena will succeed
H.tB.T! Adama '.'as
chairman Of the CI
and' County Com
mittee, and that Oajlesby " Youns wilt be
Mr. Oatehs' successor as fiecretary of the
committee This
i practically, the
same administration
of tha party's affairs
In Portland.
' (Scrtpps-McRae Nws Association.)-;: ,
WASHINGTON,' Mlrch 21.-Tha House
sub-eommittea on navkl affairs today pre
sented report on we various Schley
resolutions preeented Jin the House, and
recommends that YnrtW consideration of
such bills ' be lndeflnlitiy postponed, and
no further action be tkken thereon.
be tas
(Journal Speds Service.)'
SAXiEM,' March tl. rhe remains " of
Samuel L. HaydAH,:-de eased. Were con
signed to the tomb th s afternoon at 2
o'clock. Mrs. Jr Q.-Wll ion,'leader of the
Second Church ; of Ch iC Scientist, f of
which Mra Hayden is a member, con
ducted tha services : at tha- family. rent t
dance. The service wai a very beautiful
one. Its ImpreMlveness wing apparent to
all onlookers, and addl tonal Interest at
tended it on' account of the fact that few"
of those present had evkr before vltness-
ua or listened to sucn c n onermg oi con
ndent love at the bier c r the departed.
The Order of Odd Fel nws, of which the
debated had been a pi amlnerit men:ler.
had pharge of the tuiral, members of
the Bar Association act
g as pallbearers.
Salem Lodge No. 336,
enevolent Protex.-
tlve prder of Elkn. tlM
!wlsi attended the
funeral In a body.
Mr. Hayden waa bora
In Polk County.
Oregon In 1867. He ban tha study of
law at tha age of IS;
mltted to the bar, and
at n he was ad-
1896 til elected,
as Democratic prosecut
Ing attorney for
the Republican district
of Marlon, Polk
Unn. Tamhlll and Til
amook Counties.
He was rapidly ascendltg to the place of
leader in the Democr:
tic ranks, nno
would, had be lived, be
n nominated by
itor for Marlon
his party for Joint Seifi
and Polk Counties-'
. He leaves a wife. n4
son Ave years
ox, age, and a father.
if Other; m mister.
Eatelle and -two brothe
Is, William and
That He
'asN to be
Killed by
(Journal SpeHal Service.)
irch 21. The Inquest
Into, the 6eath of Jafrne Faulkner result.
ed In a verdict of
ensure for the paper
mill for not havl
f g the shafting, pro-
tected. f
It developed that
Faulkner had told an
Intimate friend yes
erday . morning that
he had dreamed the
previous night of be.
ins: cauaht in the
shafting and killed.
and that he dread
d . to start to work.
Faulkner left his h
me In West Virginia
about three.years ako and went to Alas-
ka, where he remal
ed a couple of years.
He was a member
of Willamette . Falls
Camp, Woodmen, on
the,, Wqrlfl,,,,,
denies it;
; (Scrlpps-MeKae News Association.)
ST. LOtTIS, Marcl 21. Frank Sargent,
chief of s the Brothe -hood of Locomotive
Firemen, denies the r he has been ten
dered .the i office of ommlsaioner General
of Immigration, now filled by Powjlerly.
st a EttJ tha best; just
b ear window display
pick of tba choicest n
y ar all sold,
. if.-
Washington St.
. and HATTER 1
Jameson. Hat" i - " "
furnish a suitable wall paper. Wa
Jiurprlsa you with the reasonable
at which w - Will furnish
handsome design. .we carry- a
full stock Of IfOUSB PAINT. -
PAINT",, ENAMELS, ETC.', at low,f
prices.- ' ' ' , , 4
-Kase Paint and Oil Co.
140 FIRST STREET, Corl Alder.
Republican primaries
Circuit Judges fFraaeT, Clelond . an
George ' rendered b Joint -decision ' tpla
morning against tie City of Portland, l
tho mntter of ansefclng abutting property,
tor street repairs.
MlltoniW. Smith. : t
.Tha suit "has. been
L, are plaintiffs
dragging In. the Jourts for nearly four
years. It was, be;
rd In this Inatsnc as
a demurrer to th
third , amended com-
plaint. '
The material qii-stlon at Issue Is Tare
the sections of th
present CHty Chartey
and the one next Lreoeedlng, treating, of
street repairs, so
reiatea to tne sections
relating to Impro
ements, that, changes
noted In. respect
and control the
to th: taUerlnyalv
brocaedure (Jn'. muklnk
repairs.'; t,v I r
, Under the Chartlr, mtca'o Tpalri td:
streets ytnust be given, tha eahie,as in'
the case of "Improvements," Jn this case,
the' City Council passed an' ordinance; di recting
repairs to bi made to flood, street,
between Sherman and Curry, about the.
time Oie Charter ol
188 beoama InvforMt
superseding tho one!
Of 181 Tb nftnner
of proceedure. for
aklng repairs differ
somewhat between
lie two. Thj Charter
Of 'S3 required ten
cays' notice ,
given In which, ren
onstrances could be
Hied -to the -proposed
repairs. The Char;
tef of '9i requires.
mong other things.
that the City Engineer, wkhln three days
Of the first publication of tM notice of rr-
pairs, post at, each
nd- of the; proposed"'
Improvement, a "No
ce of Street Work".
which shall contain t
e tlmf In which the
remonstrance may
. The ordinance for
he Improvement Of
Hod street was appri
ed October 20. 1S0S.
but In the meantlmei
ctober 17. the new
Charter for Portland
ad gone Into effect.'
The Council,'! notwit
tandlng, gave the
notice. Under the old
arter. Noremon
the work prbaeeia-
strances were filed an
ed. The property owifers affected declar
ed the proceedings w
court has so decided.
re illegal, and the
It Is understood tha
t at) appeal of the ail be taken to tie Supreme Court.
Ending of
Divorcfe Suit.
(Seripps-McRae Ifews Association.)
21. The sensational
Thomas divorce case, in which 'Harold
Thomas, son of General Samuel Thotnaay
the New York mulfl
-millionaire.' seeks a
divorce from hla wif
Adah, on statutory
grounds, came to
absupt end this
morning, when the jcourt,' on motion. ot
the plaintiff's attorney. Indefinitely post
poned the case. It n
claimed that news
paper publications, and statements .made
It in open "court, which!
the Jury should i not
have heard, 'Were sa
prejudicial to tne
plaintiff ihat "nil eqditable verdict could
not have-been" rendered. v , ; t
i i
Cofumbia South
fern Locates Its
line. .f
President Turtle ot
the Columbia South
ern stated today that some 00 mile ot
. . . . i ' . . .
tne new extension ol-tnat roaa.-xrom lie
present terminus at Shanlko t . Bend,
Ore., has already tMa located. This
leaves only 40 miles rftlll unlocated. The
grading," said" President iytle, ("will be
gin as soon as possible, probably not be
fore April 15 or May 1 . Our company con
siders t the better oilcy . to, wait until,
the entire extension ! aa been, located be
fore letting the gradl ig contract. ; -l ;
"In my opinion it w 11 take about a year
before the, line will b In readiness to op
erate. The time of lti completion will de
pend entirely upon w i ether labor will be
plentiful or scarce. -: t Is to our .Interest
to push matters a rapidly a possible.
We would be glad i o finish It in six
months t we could dd in: : J, .
"There are many Jew towns, sure to
form along the extension. The only place
of any considerable Importance In - that
section now Is Prinevllle. This town wills
be some twelve mlleslor so from the neV
line, but we do net intend to leave so Im
portant a place out bf our calculations.
We will run a. branch Una to PiinevUie
to connect with the mnin HrieV hW,&tj 1 '
It, will surprise mfc if Bead will hot
even excofd North Yi klma eventuellf la
Importance. The tnte eats of the new re
gion are varied, and omprlse stock rais
ing mining, vast tra ta of virgin Umber
and Immensely , valuhble r wheat-aalslng
resources." , , I . , . ,
. v
(Scripps-McRae lews Aasoclatrn.)
PORT TOWNSEfJD, .Jiarch I't-The
bark Kate Darenptrt, ! t rem vHf.nolulu,
which arrived berekhta morning, reports
Sighting, 18, miles iff Cape riaUary, an
nnsnown vessel, nottesaup, r-,.
""t v-l
The .river, stean sr. WHavli, ownrd by
Milton ,W. Smith, waurned. yesterday
morning at ft e'clo k while njooree) at Ra
pier, Oregon. .,TheJceua..ef thf flreJsn. '
SnOKIh..'., . l.- ''. i :
There were no ralaHtles, and no one
was . injured. ,Th re wa no Insurance,
and the probable os 'i eeUmaad to, be
between tm and W. : ' ' .
The WHavls has leent dolns) wrvM be
tween upper rlyer bajnts fw si nanjber of
years.; Very few deUUs of the cnsualty
are obtainable.
' : (Scrtpps-McRai .New-Asaelat?4n.)
IWASMINOTOW. ian:-HUe,'Miles to
day ; assertd'tha whle4'lere that
he opposed the-pi ssage pf thO.anny bill
before the coram ttet yjfrt eyrrife argu
msnt In hi posb islothe tdn'tfsxc5a
kit prerogatives ti General cOmmsnaisg
the, army.; The, p ibllshed repsrtsfrof his
statements he ch arpcterlsed as iarblsd
and' ful o mlsqu stations, . For. Istaacs,
ne, aajys p aia no a ten tne cvnunue, inai
wln jlht; ; tU la jr he" Iswetary f Wat
rbenerai, and
and the Adlutanl
would fftijtne geprtsta wnn tpeir ia
vorttes,' although lhe ;dld,staU,vhe could
name the personnel ft the ft4v fte feels
bo,.hasvJen no liorelihan his duty in
0PPflnito7'the. latent of. hla strength,
. measure Whlch Wceordlng , to Jits) views,
I4hlfhiy njo.ullojis i i,
The Cabinet meeting' today was (devoted
almost entirely to the General Ml(es case,
and after a proiolged 'dlscusslen Presi
dent Roosevelt defied W-taks ae action
In the mutter unui he receives a report
on the exaot langulte Osed by., Ike Gn-
.. ... ? ' ? .... i .
erat neiora ine cpawauef. t
(Scrlpps-MeRae Jews Association.)
.SAVANNAH. Mo. ilieh 21vftewart
Fle. oh trial for sbrder of Frank
Richardson, ws avlultted this morning,
The widow of the mwrdered-nian was first
accysed .and tried fort the ' murder, but
fat 0;'ettt ;ort'. made
rtw;iiifct7'lift '4''i'w!?f!
'oh' more tan 'friendty'-terhset v
'1re-; was 'krrtsted . at JJortft Ykklma,
WashW where he Wae Ickrklag Iwjk slry
goods More, about two! gtoMba ageV'and
returned to 'Missouri foe , trial He .bad
been a clerk In Frank Richardson's store
at Savannah, and I U was alleged that
Mrs, Richardson slid Fife were on Inti
mate terms,,, and
bat Mrs. Richardson,
conspiring Hh Flfo,; Shot her husband to
death On itccount
clerk,. - r '
f her fondness for his
Richardson was
much older than his
George Lorrlngei, the man who shot hi
wife at the. Qraifd Central Station on
the morning of Match t, as she was about
to take her departure for Sacramento,
Cs,l., yWast released from custody this
njmlng. J ,
.His wife, Jessi
.Iorrfnger,' who us-'
WOMnd, was- released
talned only a lies
tram St., Vnpe,nt'H
Hospital yesterday.
"Chief MdLauchI
n and District Attor-
ney Chamberlain
gardlng the' case,
Mr. Ixrrlnger
held a consultation re-
Lnd fer learning: that
ould not enter corn-
plaint, the District
Attorney decided not
to file an informa
have not been married
The couple, who
long, will leave trie state. This was the
agreement they made with the District
Attorney, for what
reason is hot known,'
of a man who dellber
m)irder hla wife nat
Tne turning loose
ately attempted th
urally caused m
ch .comment, and es
(Scripps-McRle Kews Association.)
WASHINQTOI, March 21.-The News
paper Publisher' Aseiwlatlon ha en
dorsed Senator, McMillan's bill to prevent
robbing the maJs. It provides that all
piper money ,h4reaftf Issued' by; the
United States bfl the denomination of $1,
12. and fS, exceht .National bankinotea,
aball be of the tor m known as the post
check.; and shalt be oohvertlble bv; thel
l)tolder thereof Into (heck to a named
payee, --rnese pqsi-enecss .win dj. -exchangeable
at anjy United States money
order postofflce dor Current funds after
hlt'h the Postnatstert will cancel, them
and forward therjt !to 4 depository desig
nated .by the .wosttnaster-aeneral. , and
shall receive credit therefor. . This paper
currency will . hive appropriate blank
paces in which (tie holder may write the
name and nostoalce address of a payee.
had wherein the payee may give receipt
ED $50,
t The fire escape
ease ( the city against
w.. K. Smith earn Mp tor trial before
Judge Cameron jia the Municipal Cburt
yesterday af ternion. -Tire Chief Caatpbell
was placed on. tlje stand, as was als W,
K. Smith the def ndant, The tatec JSdted
to provide a fir escape for his building
at ihe northweit ; toroer of rront and
waanmvton streets, i even 'Sorter 'being
notified , ti do se. The extreme nenaJtv
under the 'ordJrAnce i tm The. court
tablishes a precedent lhat is not equalled
In the history of Jany 'other city.
10 1 IBII
. . (Scrlpps-McRael News Association.)
BIOPX CITY,-March n.-The Missouri
rlyer ) at, . Chamblain, South Dakota,
ha risen four inches, but there Is no sign
of a break in t thk-tce gorge 1 at Little
Bend, 00 miles abote. The river here has
regained half a folt! of a three-foot fall.
Indicating that thi .tributary creeks are
Active! '' and ; the danger depends on
whether the gorge goes out suddenly or
slowly. If the forr er, It will level every.
thing In Its path, "
, Ths city of. Chui iberlatn Is practically
deserted; and It Ao Hood should come, the
loss Jrom .removal ot families and mer
chandise will amoii it to many thousands
of dollars.", it the I e floe does ebnie down
f the rivef. ak ls anlu-tpated. It wurbe
miracle it the whole town Is not; ground
into a mass er kindlings.
.Th're la ho rest or sleep for the Inhabi
tants of the city. No one pretends to go
to bed In ny Of tie lower sections, and
hundred of butldlnks have been 'vacated'
The entire Missoert valley in thatre
gion is nervously awaiting the outcome.
SlOTRX CITY, March 21. 2 P.' M. The
Missouri river has! risen eight feet at
Chamberlain, South Dakota, and It Is sup
posed thnt the gre t lee gorge at Little
Betid has gon out. If.the river continues
to rise, and if It go much higher, great
damage must folio'
Then Generously Pro-
moted in
the Army.
News - Associa tion.)
Mareh' 2VAmonr
long lisfe of nominations for 'brevet eom-
, missions; In the volunteer and "regular
L army, sent lo the Senate for confirmation
today Were the following:
Itegtilar Army-Maor General by breY
etVColonel Egbert, for distinguished gal.
lantry In action at Minlla, Philippine
Islands, where he was killed. Brigadier
Generals by breAret Colonel Emerson
Llscomb, for conspicuous gallantry at
Where he- was killed.
and Colonel Charles WlckofT, for gal-
t lan try In the battle of Santlago.'-Cuba.
Yoluntwr Arm J Brigadier General by
Jolm Wholley, First
Washington Infantry, for distinguished
gallantry in aetlpn near Manila; to be
Lieutenan Colon
I by brevet. Major 'John
lngulshed action at San
A. Logan, for din
Jacqulnto; Luton,
where he was lulled.
The Sdattte'ljadies Arrived this
: The last basket iall . contest of the seas
on will he held JU: night at Jhe Y. M -C A.
gymnasium, betw sen the Seattle High
Snhool Girls' teat t and the Northwest
High , School Girl , for-the championship
of he North west. I The Portland girls are
the nreeent lioioqrs Of that title, ana a
great game Is exdected.
The Seattle partly, composed of the f61
lowing, arrived ad the Perkins Hotel this
'morning: Mrs, TJunlap, chaperon, cap.
tain: Miss Nellie UUrtlapand Isabel Price
forwards': Margar4t Southerland and Ger
trude Which; guohds: May Crahan, cen
tre, and Ahne Sodtherland, sub,
The- gentlemen Accompanying the team
are Raymond west, manager; Frank
Cheetnut, asslstad; manager; Clay Kahle,
coach, and Charlds Davis.
Tb line-up, fori the Northwest Hleh
School Glrla' teant Is: Captain Miss Alice
Tidoombe and Vfrnle Kertehem. guards:
Helen Thayer afW Nellie Tidcombe, for
wbrds; Xthet .Elarp and Erne Scanlon. .
subs., , '('. 4 I
w w,ihyiw ..jrvae niwyue; ivi uri"
Inhd antjr Boytnbnd j West for Seattle,
Cbhcft Crftabie, fill, referee and Leonard
Myers Win tot'af timekeeper.
St. John is about rid of the smallnox
epidefnle that his been threatenlna- that
peaceful mtje burg. There were only
four patients sijrfering with the disease
yesterday, and ine" of them was released
this morning,' Tlhe others are rapidly re
ti v.
. Light to--mod
rately heavy rains hve
occurred In the
North Pacific state sirMe
yesterday .mornrg... Light snow- felt this
bornlitg In, 8ou hem Idaho. -1
Light frosts, ar reported in the Interior
bf Northern Csl fornla, and k 11 Unr frost e
In Eastern Oreg n. t
The Indlcattonh are for . partly eioudv
Weather Irt thl
district Saturday, with
UiOWers in Wen
crn Oregon and Western
! The bar 7s
ry rough.' wKh ft Mirfat.
horthwest win!
The weather is cloudy
k 01
' mm-
FINE NEW TlktURE, $4.75
fixture and the very best tha - -
can U put wp. Wt hav CAS MANTELS r
other lixtnres as.'lQw . w - ,Gu-' Uj-jo:
$20. This b new stock ? 45 DAYS ; 5 ;
Our old stock bbeins closet :
' ' Yon can't gel anything like tt
:" - ' !.H l". " I; tetwher ., ,
91 rirU 'Strtet, Between Oak and Stark.
-JL, iiJij..u
42 Years of Conservative Growth 4
Assets, $16,500,000. C
Best life insurance in the World. Op
and Washington. Write for particulars respecting our S per cent Gold Debentures,
Pension -Bonds, and Combination Bonds.
:l .! ?!' it
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
i.ii J-'LUIBI!..B.'-L
, No More Dread of tbe Dental Chair -
New "t York,' Dental Parloro
; , 4th and Morrison StsL Portland, Ore. ' . .
Teeth extracted and flllej Absolutely -fiout pain, but o'.r lap , .' " :
method applied to the sums. No B)eep-pi I'-lucing m-i-m r ru,
These are the only dental parlors In I'ortiunJ tinvmi,' I i
Inwa and ingredients to extrai t, tilt and ii uiy ,K1 cm"! h -t i
crowna midvottible from iitumul tee t ft, a i i wunnu-U i n- i i ) ' -out
the least pain. . i
Hoot: C.30 tC.CD-S,-'.- ". s.:d'i ? .
--of these Kodaks sold last year.
Take plates or -films! jfiiaAht
pocket. Manufacturer' a prlce if
J -ei er ; ;.:, .
-.1 . I. ! '!
Photo Instructions- always; free.
4. -
u. SamueU Manager, )8 Oregonlani Bu tiding. Portland Or.
s Paid, $37,000,000.
rate $1,000,000 department In Qregon
Seoeral Manager, v h
Portland,' Oregon
; tkloephoneC main na.
which contains Vbout Forty V ews of the Meet Pleasing
point , ot Interest in--,' and about Portland. Never in the '
history of the vity has there ben anything half aa dainty .
and artlntlo as this Beautiful raklet. . .
Corn Thirel and AI4er Streets " rU ' '
Shed Jhe defennt S0V. -'.,v-V ! '.
and squally,