ALFKD D. &OWIN. TeJejbon v t Mala 500 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 'wnk . . . . . . - JO Cvt Delivered anywher In th City, By wall to any address. gSOO par yar. . v , . $1.00 for (our month . ; JOURNAL PRINTING C0 PlBUShERS PORTLAND OB., MARCH 20, I 02 . ., tiillrn UADQ , J. . .J' WWWW : w..k riAtiAi-nl Rhrmtn 4yc1 Aimed. V 4 sTW UCW . i va . - "-- t ' "War i hell,'" the world wondered .that 'ne ao good could be o.. prof an,. . Rut xincfl tt exDresalon wa mad . many niru nw kwwiw .. "ftetnnl" vtra,'. and have found vt fHm ' actual experience that hat the General aid was actually true. Every war, no matter ,how insignificant It may be con- tinu to demonstrate the truth ot Bbc:' man' remark. ' Not only does war mei hardship, suffering and death for the men actually engaged In hostilities, but It mean uffering and. torture for Innocent Women and children and non-combatants fwho have no thought of harming any- Wdy. . . " . . , And 11 expense la elmply awful. FaoJ, and . flaure go. to how . that the war which the United Btatti la carrying on lr 'the Philippine coat 0.0op,000 during 1901, while th "profit on American trade thr amounted to .'only fl,065,6t . , There' were S864 Flllplnoa killed during the year, mak ing the coat of killing each one 123,000 net, which la much more - money than any tittle brown man ! worth to the world, ; either dead or ally, r Still,; hla .life la previous" to himself and hie kindred, atd "tits'7 death la reryJ&iy,.to lnflltufrcr Jngv xn "women, ; and chUdcan. "And lb - American' .Uvea, that have been aMrmeed ' In Connection,, with the' Filipinos -de ith ' are causing ma,njr a Jneariaon. in 'ironies. ofhe United, ptte a4. jnanr-awea4 parent la Wt 'wlthomtM support wt lis taiwan son . wnp .naq, peen Taisew- r man 'estate merely, to , drop, down '; Filipino ambush, and he dropped -rfowf Mils mm moNkln frlllAH In ant'nni If the gtgantio sums expended- on 1 war In the Philippine caujd nsv been ril trlbuted among the worthy poor of the United' States.. What' an immense amount r relief It would bestow. How, many a struggling father or' mother of a family ould pay eft the lingering mortgage on the little home and clothe and . educate their children as they should be. , England la also getting dally reminders of 'the' truth of General Sherman's re mark. The lives , of many of her. men liave been snuffed out' In South Africa, and many a Boer has been put in proper shape to be thrown Into the trench that Iti usually used for the common gravfljf the soldier. 1n h Held". Xhh !everr''ont nf these dead Boer' have lcost EnarlaiijJ IS7.000, and, -the t slaughter' still goes Humanity shudder a WhsTt may, Happen, worm n an ends, and at the terrible trial of th Boer women and children.' f , , ' - h- f- 1MPORTANT INTERESTS. ... . The plan of continuing the Republican City and County Convention until March 2T i a commendable one, and In the in terest of the people and good govern ment. ' - --VV Such a continuation give time for thoughtful consideration and' reflection, and In the Interval he best men for the positions may be "selected, 'and decided on. While the matter might have been rushed through at the convention yeater day, it' was a well that it was deferred to a -later date.. Candldatea who might have been sprung" and vrusheA througlv on the Jump ' during ;f lie exltemt of ,y terday may , now ba picjke to. pleee' and : have'their' Quallflcalpns thoroughly -a!."f vassea.r, in t hla .way the aelegate5 rah yol-r understandipgly . and afterward point wfth pride to what, they have lionet Candidates for .city., and. .county offices can confer with convention delegate and explain lnatter, to j .thenv which there would not be' time to explain during the actual rush of a convention. ; THE TICKEJ. ; - The representatives of the RepubUcan party In Multnomah County have held th itmllmtnary part of their, convention, and their legislative ticket is now in tne field and before the people. f On' tlje ticket ar representative men who have been tested in the business walks of life and shown their ability. Some of them have already had legisla tive (experience, and will undoubtedly acquit themselves with credit and uae to advantage what they have learned nt previous sessions. Such experience is valuable to every legislator, and ought to be made valuable to hla constituents. ; . . NEW GOLD FIELDS. One of th first big booms in Portland's mercantile , clrcje a as caused by gol mining in th mountains of Idaho,' That was during the Salmon River excitement 0 years ago. Merchants made money, end In fact foundations for future for tune wer laid. Not all the men who wxmt to the mine made money, but many did. Considering: th large number of men who engaged In the stampede, but a small Wffl&mfflm ... - -i i.,::':.1':'e.i''4..iwi''tv,;;-'i; precentlg wer )aid wy -In tba lUi! graveyard called .Booe-Hill,.: aearlor enoe. And of the nearly there, ajntoet all died wfth their boots' etr k Now, history i threatening to rencct Uself. Th1 Thunder Mountain country; on th waurshed of the Salmon, Is slw Ing that it possesses vast fields of inln eralt and It estlmated'that 1 rom .to 10,000 people ar going to (lock there' this, year. It is said to be a poor man a coun try, in that It contain both quarts nnd placer, with 'plenty of timber and' wat r. The army f men who will go there will ! n-ed vast iantlties of general suppliei. end the merchants of Portland ahould U? tlvely reach ttt and supply- a very loise portlo'n of the good. The development of the district ought t mean millions of u" -lars-to Portland trade. - Theae be the times when the delwat to the eounty convention loox own up-' on us tiny, mortals as a pumpkin looks dowh'upon a'twtU of popcorn. H In the gentleman that amounts to Domettilng occupies a front seat, and knows all about .how tfco whole thing happened. No wonder 'Congressman Hepburn, ol Iowa, manfully opposes all rivers nnd harbor Improvements. Scandalous nn I outrageous a-It may soem, the prairie . schooner fleet Of his state has never nnd a dollar from the public treasury. No. hot on. . ' King Edward has informed, his Port land chums that If thsy expect to stay at h(s house during th coronation, tney will haV to brihg their blankets .vltb thcnC i His spar room have all been er. gaged to prlnatt and their frau. . ; ,t - - ,Jf the Philippine insurrection. was end ed in May. 1M0. 'as General Otis says it was. who's'lhi hungry glutton that "on-Jt sumes he provender'se nt to the Islands from Portland and San FrandscoT He must hav an appetite for bear. If1 our Board f Trade could bottle up a fw counties of th ,lat Dakota tH 'saVd an.d a Ilk section -of this Or.ron su'nahlhe snfl send them East toitet'ter. Immigration Ae' Oregon would make tie railroad locemotlvei grunt. lMTh City and Suburban Railway Com pany' is '(On Of h" eoncern I hat his reahiidel'' lit' th"vpbulldlng of Port landc;4CW T Wund that there l pretlt in th enterprise. : If 'nothing in th way of labor troubles happen, to retard 'its- progress, Portland will build fnore private residences this season than in any previous year of the city' xlsenc. h . ,-.(". ' V,i: tumm. ij. -.-i jjasb ; ; 'King BdWard is to give th poor London' a toyaT 'fekst at the, time of hh coronation: If h feeds them b we fen hi eousln Henry, they'd be glad to hav: ,him coronated klmoti every day. "Wheti .they met, the Kaisar .embraced his brother, tkUslngv him n orn chwk 'Oues 'Hnry.irWlshs . w that he( had remained Itt AmeHcS-ambHg hU frien, :, lorn' Bpol,ltiiif were hangtng krnnlha the cohvtntWn TldoTcInf ror pointers on how to dO' business when . their party come )nt bower, l ".'- - Tb politicians m to have hod fun enpugh -yeslerdey , to lost them for tt week. j'i wy.. ' - v BuJohn yinc; didn't take his Fourth and Alder hennery, along. - The fUv Oemocrat looks on und smites. PINO PONQ. Mysterious game.v With the mellifluous name, Ping pong! , . . i wondef what thou art? Mow ever1, didst thou start? How are you played T - Must you itavt aid ' ,Of card .and -chips, -;'; r:- And various Slip LUL paper where so oft we read anew For' If you do, r '.rv, 8olong;,i;04i',aa,;' '. ., Ping. pong-. -: . ' r - flut-1 In fhith' aril half-Inclined to say That you were hever really meant for ... ...-play ....'' v.. That nature brought you forth to soothe ,.thear'-v1. With sweet monotony, iubdued yet char, take disUnt bell',, which from afar w v heart,; .;,.-f ' .. -. ... . sing ong;!.-;.-- . 'Wng dong,1;'??"' 'V ; Ping Pong, rv' j Washington Star. THE THEATERS. The program tt the Baker Theater thin week la mad up f top liners in reflned vaudeville. The Bull dog boy puncher s a. decided novelty. Frank Bacon and a capable company preent a -clean sketch: Annie Montgomery 'sings sweet, soil' Swor, and Hathaway are dancers, who have new and difficult evolutions to show; Byrne and West hav a musical comedy sketch that makes good; Billy Knlgit black-face minstrel, has new songs and gags, and th other features of the pt grafti are. wel) worth seeing. This week's bill la unusually good, and will comctr favorably with .any bill ever, present!" At tne vrpheum, or any other vaudeville theati In the country. ThSe. MARIQUAM. -Mlei Rose Cognlnn. the talented actress, will appear 'at th Marquam tomorrow and Saturday in the thrilling orit-ty drama,. "Forget Me We 1r t ml f Lunches f1.WAnOt:TE THIATRtS, -: ir. Jj y-amwj i5 K'Jg&y it ; 27Z Morrboi. Street. THROUGHOUT THE STATE. FOgetie's new city directory shows that te city has over 8,550 population, an Increase of over 1.500 over th last census. . '-V " ", ! ,. ,mm . ... . Eugene Infeated With graveyard vandals, who steal flowers from all the decorated graves. , - While paying a game of cricket, Karl Smith, of FoslJ, had his left ye knocked out last Wednesday by a schoolmate. . Kmcne llosie, who secured . the old North Mill at Salem, has purchased the property of the Oregon Woman's Vis KUmt Asuoctiiilon. 1 lur prlte paid Is not known. The Bnlem people. art ? very much t-ncoui'flged with th prosper of the mtubllshmcnt of the flax Industry n: that' place. ; . : ' It it' the'trnfuvorable condition of the routfa In the db'trlct Kant of the Qitndy river lhat huve lirgely retarded tbw le veloment of the roaO In that pitrt of the county. A strong effort Is to be mado hv the tarmcrs In that ectlon to hue thewc romlx Improved by graveling. With a ? ell -I roml over whl'.h toame run haUl products to market, that part Of M'llt nomuh county will nil up with se) tiers. fntllemen In Iikc tounty are gronjly relieved to ler.rn that u disease . which Ik afflicting their ctttle Is not aninrat. hh was supposed, but only blackleg. Tli latter Is not eonrWIcred a serious aiec tlon. It wnii found thut on the removal ot the snlmals to more elevated ground the trouble disappeared. - T. J. prowrt, of Roseburg, has bro irht suit agulnut tn Houihern I'ncifle 'or personal injuries on account of the ex pioHion of an airbrake March 15, whereby his arm was greatly Injured. He dtmundu J10.0U0 damages. It is the opinion of Senitor J. O. Meg- ler, the Hrookfleld rannerymiin, that It IM hard:y jirobablo that the price of flsf' for the romlnif searon 'would be eveil e cents. He said it wss pcssible that the ennnerymen could paywfhat sum, though the cold storuge pecnle might do so; ; . . i - ' A short time hIi; Ralpff Kindred, f 15-ycor-old boy residing at Astoria, diM from blood Poisoning. He ran a '!ver Into his hand r.d picked It out "wtllt ;. pin. 1 hl. ratised u silent irritatlos lnd a few days later he .('Issected- tha foot of a Cow It'll t had flled from some toot disease. Whether the blood poisoning rc siillcii from the pin or from any mutlei from the cow's foot ,1s pot known. Thi e Tect of polsoninfr Wk very rapid and would not answer ti treatment. .. -' ' Kdward lrenso hot himself through the hud nt Warrenton Tuesday morning while suffering from chronic neurslylt The bull mtsHcd clear through his heal and was found lying on the floor within a few Inches of tvisi revolver. He died Instantly. . He wasva. Frenchman by birth and leaves, a widow and two chil dren. t. y A valunl)!e bull belopging to Walter Wpqd, tpt, MU.u.,idltd laSt, week While undergoing the dehorning !.rbccss, It Is thought thq-animal disiocsted Its neck while strugling to (roe himself from, J.he rope) Wills 5whW 'hel w! tfou. d. . , , i. in .i . .1 i.i , ' 'Y' ':":' ' A stamp atiart min is wader 'construc tion Just east of Haines.' It will haVe' Ave stamps, with a capacity of ten. The building nnip and pnrrof the mnhtnry" In p:aoe. Tle owners or the Hurley and Morris Brothers. They have av tunnel run on their mine ldd Xeet In length, and the 'ore 'averages i per ton. i - . . r. ,-- The Westim Oregon Lumber Compauf Is building V-shaoed flume from its anwmlll on a branch - of the Clatspanle river four miles to the town of Clats kanle. Th'e flume wtll have twenty-four inch sides nlid be thirty-three Inches in width across the tog. The flume will have a 6 per cent, grade and wtll be built In a substantial ntyLt, Orant's Pass I given a wide berth? "by all the tramping fraternity on account of the new law compelling them to 'Work on the streets. , 4 ' Charles Powell, of Brownsville, while on hla way to Albany his team became frightened and Jumped .into" the Cala roo!o river at Webe'. Ford. . -t-' A cheap Uncle Tom's Cabin troop got Into trouble at Springfield' and the pro prietor of the show was arrested, also the manager of the opera house, both being fined $5. . . - Miss Edna Levy, of Union, has been unable to speak either audibly or in a whlHper for several days, the vocal chords of her throat having been partially para lysed. She attended the Morris Sommer nuptials at La Orande Monday, and while there her throat became thus affected Her physician thinks Bhe. will regain her speech after proper medical treatment-., FILIPINO WEAPONS. A curious lot of weapons are on dlsplay ln a Third street gnn store. They are the property of' Major Harry Rees, a former Portland uiun, now stationed at vtneouver. Oi-e of the weapons is a-blowgun which is about 10 tot long arid is as rouni ns broom bundle, was captured' from a Tagal chief, who Wept when he was 're lieved of It. The gun is used to kill small birds. J : . 'The NOgritetand Moro "lances, which were captured '-at: ,'Zambanga, are wry curious, looking weapons. " ' ' - . A carbine made of old, telephone, wire and gas pipe; and captured on the Island of Samar, attracts attention. This Is con sidered very dangerous by the natives on account "of the 'nolee It makes. - The head-ax Is a grfm-looklng object. When taken the Instrument was covred with blood. A large number of Chinese have been decapitated with this same ax While the Thirty-second -Infantry was engaged , in battle at, they cap tured an .old wooden ennnon, bound with wire and- iron hoops, The cannon Is not a very warlike looking Instrument, VETERAN'S FUNERAL The funeral of John" Cochrane,', of the Fourth .United States Artillery and R veteran of the. civil -war, ' was held from the undertaking parlor of Flnley A ' Kimball this af terrvson at I o'clock. eeHirdC Barden Officiated ' v v !ttu people ef PprtlAnd are Interested IpMhe location of the Lewl and Clark 'Exposition. V: ' j, This , was demonstrated today when vote begnn to reach The journal., from dfTereat eectloni ofthe city. - It is evl dent, -at -the beginning, that the citisens of this. city have been anxious to vole their -nreference. and now that an op .porturtlty Is afforded they are not going fo neglect ltv ' ' 'TJie Journal expects, to continue this rotf est until ever)- reader In Portland, ,6n4 Itwt v.'lll rwatv every udult Inbabl taiji'of ih metropolis, has indicated his &r JWVrl choice for the location of th ShOW. - -.,...ri Portland will ba0 a big fair. Indeed, ltwiH be a state enterprise, und it aught to be "anchored where the people want ItrTf "you have a choice fill out he blaflk' bhw, hand It Into this office, 380 Yarahlll street, or mall to "Exposition Editor. Kven;ng Journal." Your vote wilt 'be (otsntcd and the result will be announced In xwt columns on Saturday ufterrrtwHiB. The voice of the people 'ma' determine this ImpTrtsnt uestion. I it every on Speak out. The sites mentioned here al t be desig nnted it :cllows: .. PEXINSriJA, ' 8ELI.WOOD. , -'.' LADD'8 FIELD Ulawlhcrue Park). V KCllON. , C1TT PARK. EASSRAJj TRACT. ' , t f'ut out this cjuoii. write your rholc and send it In. - ' ' : JOURNAL CONTEST MY CHOICE fOR THE EXPOSITION. SITE ll J f ' .ji4 'WVe Address . ' .HORSE THIEF TakeriVto Prison Boy Steals v a Bicycle. : . .'.' rr: s ;. . Bhorllf i'T. R. McQInnis. of Morrow; 6hermnv t'ounty,; Ore,, passed through. Portlandxinst evening, having WUIlnm' Ttueloik Slii .stlsiOdy' Ttuelock 'is seh tencod o a 'term Of otfe year ip thetat? polMetiry ifor- h6riie: stealing. J ,0n ., ntv rl.vlng in te vity. Bhertff li3lnnl'?ook' jhsr urlsonete the -Vounty Jal.l. wher ,h?' vaa vtvn lilititipr hlpifAAlAlclnfr' the evfl Sheriff MeGirmU' niso had' In charge, a boy, Jim Tomlin, eged 10. wanted. In Mor row for etsa!iPSLit-Plc-r!e recantly. ,The boy eluded', the authorities of Morrow' night before last.-" Yesterday when the Dulles train stopped at a water tank near MoBler. Sheriff McUlnnls chanced to look out of the window and catch a glimpse of the runaway youth. The boy was soon captured. He hod walked from The Dalles to toaler. He will be taken back to Morrow ioday.v ." Preferred Stock Peas. From field to can same day. - COLORED MEN Will Meet Tonight to Organize ; j a Republican Club. Apout 130 colored jnen:.of the . Third Ward hav.) signified their Intentions of meeting nt First find Taylor' streets to night Sok, he bHi'neie 6is-lslng-a" Re. publics n.ClUM The ofHcVrs of the organ isation ulrciidy decided uixn are: Prel ident. Will Miner; ! vice-president. James Johnson; treasurer, Joe Clark; secretary. Geo. R. Davis; assistant 'secretary. Burl Williams;, finance committee: Will Rol lins, Tomlarkvand Charles Palmer. The members expect to do some effective cam paign worn -in -the North End. DALLES PORTAGEKOAO; i ' . ; " " . ' ' .j- 1 ' '' ..'- It is -the opinion of Paul Mohr that the Interruption in the affairs of The Dalian Porta k road are only temporary., fio says that the failure of th chief eon tractor and the resulting litigation, while agKrnvatin,g. must be endured. As soon as these matter shall have been adjust cl the road will be pushed on rapidly. to completion.'- ; ,. . i Preferred Stock Tomatoea. " F.nchllados (with green peppers.) appe tizing.' ..ii..-..y , .W:;;1;.5,-.::-:i:JIM; NERyE KILLING IN TEETH. ',.':,,;: ;? K-CJt-"JT 'Killlnghe-nerva W I U, IJM.UI l,l, ,,.,, ., m,, , . in n tooth, the thing ry inoi is lernrying to tnor people than any on,- Uhlng of which-w, know. -The old way-, wa bad. The 'lenons ot Hades turnJ loos would not nut up a worse trouble than the mean ot some dentists employed In killing a, 'nerve. Still, people wlnt to save their teeth, and are willing to wider take the , ordeal to keep, the' tooth.) W wanfto tell the Wo pie. that we have xound a. way atid nave, been long enough to - prove Its worth. .exposed, in i toothy wlthqut causing t:wiSE fd MfslllngBlJg. f. jCorr'Thlrd and Washington- ft. -i-i-lf-ii-. . a.. , .v. ,i ... ... ' - DEHCjfcftATIC. DAILY ii 1 4 4 '' Pr6spect for a; Bourbon Organ i ri't the Capital, - - ir,Tf"i.." ' ''''''." ....-" .---' '"''- -!.. ' V v '' Journal Special Scrvle.) . ' !: "SALEM. March 20. There Is a rumor Current that a pemocratlc dally newspa per mny be establixhcd1 In .Salem' before th "present campaign - has progressed much further. For the first time in tev tral year thff,Pemocratlc party In Marlon! county find Itself without a party pnperv'and the need and value of such art or gad 1 realised. As yet the 'scheme I in an; incipient state, 'but definite de velopment may be. expected In the cear future.1 . -; :'.' ., : CHINESE DRUGGIST DEAD ,f. .- ,;V V'v' . After about a tear's Illness Hok Pang, one ef Portland best known Chinese druggists, died yesterday morning of con sumption at his home on Second street, near Taylor. Hok Pang has lived hero V, j-cur nnd was 38 years of ugo at the time of hltjleath. His Wlfo and four children. all of .whom are In China, survive, him. Mis funeral will take place , Saturday nooh from Molman's undertaking parlors and will be under the auspices cf the Ho Ih Bovinty, of which Hok Pang was a member. Twenty-five carriages will be vmployed and the ceremonies will be can ducted ip a .manner befitting the import nc and social and commercial standing of the .deceased. The remains will bo placed n a pearl-gray rosewood casket and will ventuully be shipped to China fur intetment, . - HEALTH REPORT. J.iF. Hersehler, fO .nast Eighteenth street; north, diphtheria. Clara Hill,. ft!3 Cloy street, eearletlna. Margaret Aune, Cast Salmon nnVl Bust Tlvtnly.thlr.l streets diphtheria. " Arthur. J oh Men, lot; Stanton street. diphtheria. . , , - ' Herbert Johnson, 104 fv'?f ton street! Ilphthefla' .. : Bo)f Klnj, 1T3 Twenty-.lrst street, smallpox. - Clifton Wntson. 41S North Park street, chicken-pox. , Marie . Munford, 22T Eleventh street chlckenpOx. . : W. O. Ruchy's clil'd, Bevtntcenth anj Spring streets, typhoid fever. HE WANTS TO KNOW, Mayor Rowe hss received o letter from Sprlngijold, Mass., making tnquhy about fruit Jand In Oregon. The writer states that -the rritatlon of. -Oregon fruit Is be coming wei established throughout the East, and that many . are looking this way with a view of engaging (n the busl- LAN ' Friday f and , Saturday nights. !!FoVget Ms v No.r Matinee Saturday, "Lady Borter." . preceded by he mm comedietta. "Between Mat inee and Night." CALVIN HElLlO, Mgr. THE BAKER THEATRE Qeorire I Baker. Manager. Phones, Orcg egon 1070; Columbia 006.' ' " 1 The verdlet of the people: v THE BEST WE HAVE HAD" HIGH CLASS. POLITE AND REFINED ".- '. VACDEV1LLU. IVNow aad Famous Vaudevilfians-I5 BYRNE AND WEST. SWOR . AND HATMWAT. ANNB MONTGOMERY. LARRAINti AND HOWKLL, DH WITT, DUBRLL. LA JESS." BILLY KNIGHT. Prlces-tMatlnee, tOc 15c,- 20c ; ' evening. 15e,' H5e," iVK. Matinees Wednesday, Sat-; urday and Munday. ; ' r' t ' FREDERICKSBURG MUSIC HALL t Seventh and Alder Streets. . fLYNN'8 LONDON GAIETY. GIRLS .. ; V f v -. Presenting: :m' r "A Night In Turkish Harem" . ,' r ... . Introducing ,ir' ! " LITTLE EGYPT . : ' In her sensational' dances. '.. General admission, free. . i, , ',. , i i . m ti r , ," :, , -, ,' 7 FAMILY ROOMS Gentlemen's Resort Louis Dammasch Coodnough building, 16S' and- - ' - ' dTO 6th street, Opposite post' , . office. . ., , Cold Lunches. Schlibi beer on draught MARTHA WASHIKOTON ;: SOCIAL CLUB Dancing Party. Friday Eve., March 21 WE ARB SELLING 30,000 PACKAGES WV ' '.our :-lr.r-r- nount ion wmm monthly, the largest 5 cent package the market. .Sold by alfera,i.,,.?,;?'"'' is one of n dentist! , unit, . it-v i.. ..... . ", s ... It wlllVieiitrov a live -nerve which. Is any Pln whatever. Open Sundays, 8 'CQjurnbla 'pfiope pregoarpkohe A Bosti ttft. - - ;r Vu a , hi (i. ,f.- . , ' . ... ' ' " .-. UKAilV 1 . r t .. .... , N- , ' . ' . : . , 1 ' i ) BROTHERS 8CO,New Suits for Meii $4.95 to . The style Is fight ,"th price' is right, the cloth'' and make Is right. You caji avt from 50c to $5.00 a-suit if you buy of Welch. SPECIAL GOOD SUITS FOR $9.75 - 500 Nciw Suits for Bovs ; Knee-pant suits $1J5 to $7.50 suit; t Long-pan suits '$3.50 to. S15.00 suit. 14 to 19 years. , ' - - 1 000 New Hats for Meii . $1.00 $1.50, $2.00, $2.50,' $3.00. N5wtyles and colors. 50 cents cheaper than other stores or) ibc samaualitji t. New things iii Dress Shirts .. . Extra line Men's Underwear -: WELCH The American Clothier W... a - 'a a. . " 'S VT '. '' ' J " w. riru aira norrttoft its. TICKET CHOSEN. Socialists Place, Candidates in . the Field-. The result or the Socialists' convention yesterday is crystallsod In the following nominations for the several state offices; For Governor-R, B. Jtyan, of Marian County. . . , .' . . -. . . . For Secretary of 8tate-C. Wt Earaee, of VVasco County, J - , 1 : Vor State Treasurer-wVw Myers. of Clackamas County. . For Justice of the Supreme Court C. P. Kuthorford, of Harney County. For Superintendent of Public Instrric tlon, Attorney-Oeneral and State PrlntPr -To be filed by the State. Central-Corn-mltte,,. , .. - . ' " ' 4 For . t'onaroasman. 'Secorfd nitritn T" dcrd'. f Clatsop County.'; ' in the platform and resolutions which were adopted at the afternoon session 'tht following principles In brief , were enun ciated: : ; . .. 1 .' ' ft Affirmed lUaHegiance to the party; declared ,wr upon' existing social condl li.n. ibut,,','a.gaJnat th system, and not cgAinSt the Individual?; opposed property quallfleatlonsor voters; favored the plac - ng ot all state offices . upon a salary- of WW per annum and the cutting off of all perquisites; "opposed the loanihft of public money by officers except those of the public schools: favored a constitution-' Rl amendment for the election of United States Senators by a direct vote of the people; called attention to the : proposed amendment to th constitution favoring the initiative and referendum; favored exclusion of the Chinese and Japanese until such time as Socialism shall have become adopted; besought the unity of all uitlsens on the matter of Independent po litlcal action for the "overthrow of the capitalistic system of production and. dis tribution and the .establishment of the co-operative commonwealth;., that ls.ihe public ownership and Operation of produc tion and distribution, for public service. Instead of private profit, and for the good of all the people." . N , ( . rtfl' , The evenmr , session ; was attended by Messrs.' 'Thomnaon and Connnp. of hn tfederated tradea Council; thfoiigK whom JJ'f JWW Drobablv. the InsfirtIon.r 4H'arriei7raRm'-EBt8-t0. nnd Japanese Vank. in the platform, pas due. 1 ''" - N. J. Judah, of Salem,- Dr..- V OK Houser of Portland., Dr. William Casto of New Era, rjr. jp. Oerdes of Astoria, D. Stevens; ot , Oregon City. ' Chairman ilarnlsh ot Albany, Tt. R. Ryan of Salem, D.3 Hale, of Albany, -W. W. Myers '-' of C'aekamas County. B. F. Ramp of Rose burg, B, 8. Snell of Medtord, W. E. Jone of Portland and R. E. Philips each de clined to accept the nomination for Oov crnor. R. R. Ryan of Salem finally ae cepted' It After much discussion the ticket as apnounoed at the head of this article was Anally placed in the field. '::.', Succeedlml the mass Oonventlon came the Congressional convention, at which. after some, dllllculty; D. T. Oerdes of As toria was named. -.":''. . ? ' ' v - 1 liTWBESt m m . v a - - ..if $20, $25; $30 $35, $40, $50, .60 , Steam, Electric, Gasoline Automobiles and Motor Cycles - sSend tor Caogue Writ for Price. , ; -'-Fred T. MeiT Inc. Branches: Bpoaane,- , - r-r: 'Z'!; laCODlS. BPlf . ... v $25 a Suit 65c to $1.00 50c each Ponlsad (W.' WlllrlCfOlO (Journal Special Servlce.K , ;j. BALEM, March 20. Trouble Is brewing In the ranks of the Marlon County Boelallsts. Geo, B. Jacobs, of North Ba1 lera. precinct, who 1 nominee for County Assessor on the Socialist ticket, has bn acoused of participating in the recent Hepubllcan primaries, and great tndlgna tlnp pravaUs among; the Socialist brethren.' .The county organisation of the party will Investigate the charge,, and If it la sub RtfUltllLtMt-; MR. . Juillth.' n.llkJn,..! lb party and U ticket will b de manded. A i I i PROHIBITION DILEMMA, - 9ALEM, March N. The Marlon County. Prohibitionist will, hold county con vention, in this city tm Wednesday, Mifh The amended election law of the state , provid that no polltieai,, partr shall hold precinct primaries or 'county convention that did not, at the- preced ing election, cast 6 per cent of the total vote. Nominations, however, by euch political parties may be made upon-the petition of a per cent of the qualified 'c- T "w?rkfty'ntIon Vlng.a. imf. ..... w 4w vviwiin, 0iiw mv riv" hibitlonista of this county cast but about 200 of a total of WOO votes at last election, or i per cent, th plan of action for that party to pursue in tht county Is to con- vene an assembly of 100 persons and nam, a ticket. The party propose to plac full-legislative and county ticket In the ,nold and elect delegates to the state con vention. - Preferred Stock Sliced Peach. Nothing can be nicer. BUILDING PERMITS. , F. C. Bloomen residence, Ella trt cost. 1500. ' .., -. , B.,J..Lnaueft faSteratloni Union ave nuef Wsfi 800. J 0 ' J J.Mzellir, East 'Ash, stdne dwelling, . . .. i -.-- Amanda W.. Read, -two-story dwellng, lot V block S,Jlk6leet lm brick store building,, Third" and MOrHson. , Jack Bean, repair. Tillamook, between .BodnerandJYiHarast 1600. A. Rodhln, repairs, building East Elv- J' enlh5 and Everett, 170. ' Alfred Llndly, two-story building. Van couver avenue and Broadway'; 11800. Leach ft NichoL alterations to housa, Hancoclt and Rodney; $800. - ' ' . , " " NO THANKS. (Scripps-McRae News Association.) ' - LONDON, ' March " .-The Exchange Telegraph's Constantinople correspondent ' wires that the Sultan has given -a direct refusal to the American suggestion that he must repay the amount of the ransom paid for th release of Miss Stone.. - Undisputed ct ; I Isswi WHEELS ON EARTH ARE 1902 V. .vf vAn rsrw 'riy:- . - 1(KL lOT K. 111. Sixth 81, ' ' ' P -?yj. ?. PORTLAND, PREQON-1 .