, t - " . - THE J EVENING JOITHNALr. PORTLAND, OREGON, TntTBSDAT; rAKCH 20V ISO?. ' - " - 5E """iii'i . mil" ' JJt 4ll0flCIlDflOP C GEE WO, The Great Chinese. Doctor 'Si called great be cause; his wonderful cures w ..so wall known throu shout the United States and because ao i many s people ' are thankful to him for saving- --' their " Uvea from operations. Ha treats eor and all diseases with pow erful Chinees herbs, roots, buds, bark and vegetables, that are entirely un .i iKiannn in tnis cwutf KHVUO LW illfllll.Ill try, and through the uaa of these ham less remedies. This faraoua doctor knows the acUon of over 600 -differwnt remedies that he he successfully used In different lBej'jf guarantees to cure catarrh, AjrUittaJ luna? troubles, rheumatism, nerveusuesev stomach, liver, kidneys, female troubles and. all private disease. Jiandrda testimonials. CharresSoaeratk. .F Call and see hi FREE.' Patients Oil for blank and circular. Inclose atam Address THR C. flER WO CHINKS MBUiniNB CO., M4 Third street, Port iana. ur. Mention tnts paper. O1 spices; o PORTLAND, ORCOON.' " ' 'T : for Propositions. (Journal Special 8rvlce.) "NEW YORK, March JO. The women of ; St. ; Joseph's Catholta chflrcli, j.Hooken, are"'C0cludlte a iftvn lne "idays' , prayer.'-to bring them husbands. ; The w iL.-.:i,V Jim II fill I III! IIIUIIII I 1 - chuTch'wporrlastVeaf'shtfwwi ffir'n'um- bcr of marriaea to be ineoislstewt-w4eh- the other parted statist an1t la-lo im prove the report i!iilhsit.if'iT49 current year that fle noyena was begun. Whether th young men "are too basnfur or whether ffley ad not believe Tn early macrloge.v Js not knowr '(Jier8..Itln enu oi aiirauuve young rW.oineii iuq sparlsh, aiTd alt of tHeni aectare that ' the fallug dff In weddings has been no fault ' of theirs. -,.:,"-.''-;m - ' , ' (Journal Bpeclaf Bervlce.) WASHINGTON- March So. Dr. Cort i has, the new Colombian minister, will -h!s week present to our government a 'proposition P covering,, the aconcessipne wanted for the Panama canal. At the . Cplomblan legation it Ia said this pro. fUBKt .111, Jl;lHPrilUI lO: UM V"lu" States and will ramove all daubt as to the ; validity of the title s far as th Colom ' blah' end .of the transaction is concerned. Nothing will be done In the Senate with the canal bill till after Secretary ,lay 'shall have had an opportunity to reach an agreement with the Colombian minis- TAYLOR COMING 1 CAIIAL .-.L.- - Secretary Reed of the Chamber of Com merce received a' letter S. this I morning from Colonel Ppsobwho Is representing v - Oregon at the xmarieston; Jflspoaltlon. v f Coionel jDosch aayj that president Roose "Vett la'exepcted In Charleston bat ween , April 5 and 12, and preparations for' his receptionara now under way;" The Pres ,v,. .Manfs menu while In Charteatoa will be : varied by the aiadtttori pTsomo ot the real Orero nsalmon. v, rPeparattons areVow : making ttt forward by express .100 pounds : of this1 tootbsotne fish! 'V'-J t ''S ; kVS Proj. r, yr, Taytpr. chief of the i De- Vv.. artmenf of ' Arrfculturo of the Loutsfv ana Purchase. Exposition In . St. ' Loula, will be In Oregon In the heaf future,' In the interest of the exposition, and a --Tfnr m .0f four months and had 'dial recepUon will be tendered him. TH ' had charge, of the agricultural departs pem -at Omaha, ahd the- horticultural and forestry- department at Buffalo. .Colonel PoschJsays that the attendant mt the exposition la steadily Increasing; the average now being over a thousand day. 1 . IIATCIItT DURIED: A Prince Henry Dinner .v Restored Harmony. (journal Special Bervlce.) V NEW tOBK, March M.-Inte'nsa Inter eat wu eccaaloned today In the deve'.or" ment that at a dinner alvn by the rreden ta Prlivce Henry la Mid to have been the occasion ef a complete reconcili ation between the John P, Rockefeller' and Henry H. Rofcrs factions In the Standard Oil Company, which ive 1xv While the' peraonal relational between 'the twos men always have been of the moat cardial character they and their re spective grout of friends have eea on oppoaKe aides of the atook marker ever rlnce the Northern Paclflo corner broutht the ehtlra WaU.atreet district to tha verge of ruin last May, . Tha first clash between thnt came th day after Northern Pacific sold up ilOOO. John D. Rockefeller the dl.ov ered for the first tlmi that tha crtaia had been precipitated by an attempt on the part of the so-called National City Bank crowd to get control of the Northern P ciflc Railroad during Mr. Morgan's afa, aenoa In Europe whither he had, com to Interest EntlUh capital to the shares of the- United States Steel Corporation, In which John V. Rockefeller la one of the larg-est shareholders. : ma fin vtiii D "t! '(LurB'ai Special Service.) 't M MISSOULA', Mont.;-' March ttLHellgntd I lodge of Elk. o Missoula la preparing for tebif.st"eet neat Saturday Wght that; a44 lb irfttiaolty' history f rater nallsm. A clasa Of about 00 fawna aj ts be aatlesvd, .The candidates -iv. 'joomliigirton PhlUpsburg,. Hamilton ajia rMlsWum. Tn'clddihg many of th.!proml- nent cltlsena of these Cities. Largo delegations are to come t'om Helena, Butte and Wallace, Ida he, to add Interest to the festivities. The Boston ft Montana' hahd will aedompany the Butte delegation. f . SIX MILLIONS. TheCapitalStockofHeinze'Big - Mining Company. (Journal Special Bervlce.) U ELENA, Mont., March l. Artie-lag of fqcolporaHi6n have been filed with tlus feecreWrV of 8tate by the Nipper Consoli dated Copper Company, The company is Incorporated fro 3,750,0W -and, upon the basis of the scheduled valuation Of Its ipVofrftn1 Stive Bow County .claims to hav asneU to the amount f S,S.000 The comnanv was organised under the lnwa of New York last becember and W a' HeChe htk. ?rrSar oapttal slock Is dfv)d- .ed into 150,000 shares of t2S each. But tanflo has ba fir bMo ttaht In bv the Incor- f porators, who ajre Stanley M. Oifford, ot 31 Nasaau Street. NewTofk. Arthur r, Hefnxe, of the same city and address, and Richard-fk, Harvey: of Kyack, N. T. The purpose for which the company, tt v'-IUnlMilaedare sweeping and operations ' . . .. . . . , .w are omy nmuea w mm poeions ol ine f'!W e0ttmny Wsot of h company, whicn n- w. r. pive-twrty-sixtha of th Nipper, mm,- 000; I K. R (eastK H.600,000; one-fourth of th. paroii. ooo.ooo: 8chweia-. ..- oo; one-haif of the nightingale, tm.vxr. JZi-lT7if will dispute this state fmoiti. tsoo.000! ont-hatr of the Fairmonnjt, j ( i n iiauiiiiars ur ivvn m tawv t jngaTohaed debt drawing c per cent tn- rXToovrrpy? r m i Abner B, Clementa of Butte Is homed as .the Kineral manager and agent; in Mor, tana. Prafarrcd Stock Catsup. ' Delicate flavor. FROM NEVK ZEALAND. General Passenger Agent Craig, of the O. R. N,, has received "from a corre- ktmnldnt ' In ' Kew '7 a Tan A several Sam- ities ..' viiat.. i;''w.i,jiH gm. tt&'h forn, tha basts of, most lustrous var- nlsh. Nobody, knows bow old tness pieces of sutn are. which closetv .resemble am- ber. - The trees from which they came j are v no longer in existence. When . a native, or even one of ihe whites, dvalres to: make a little money '"on the We,"1 air he has to do, says Mr. Craig's eorre apondent,, la to thurst a spear Into the ground and dig the stuff up. : The pieces of kauri gum Mr. Craig ex. hlbltaare very : fin ' spedmens, ; The.: largest piece Is" polished, showing the Interior, which refleoU nearly every shade of the rainbow. . rW The gentleman in ew -eaiana ana Mrv Craig have jbeesr-cln eorrespendenee for some years, and manage to keep each other posted as to the' way 'things are going in thejr respecyve countries. BILL TOO HIGH.; In their petition for discharge, made before Bute Circuit Judge. Fraser, Re ceivers IB. Latourette'e and E. K. Merges' bill of S310 for receivers fees and : fttso for attorney's fees, was emphatically turned down fn the ease of first National Rank yb regon Pulp Paper Com- pany, Iuoge Fraser allowed the receiv era ?T3 each, y-- : -t f ' The petitioners set forth that they, had run hn mmf nilll At 'Rriilil Vail ' Oe.. turned out 113,710 pounds of paper. Which had been sold for $06,000. It "was fur ther stated that there was a balance of 1.110.97 on hand, . nad the outstanding debts -amounted, to 3u ' ' Preferred stock Pineapple. -f Excellent for punches. In large cans, r LONDON GAIETY GIRLS. A Turkish Hare m la the title of tha I Iea4lng aot on the program at tha fred- crlckaburg Musia Hall this week, and It la Indeed a spectacular affair, with Its Oriental stage-setting, -beautiful girls,1 handsome costumes, gorgeous ; light ,v ef fects, grand chorus of 16 volcea, together with melodious tnuslo and graceful bait ! lets. iLlttle Egypt, the queen of Turkish dancers. In her graceful. : alnuoua. tnuskf I dahce, appear In thla sot, supported by the famous London Gaiety Ulrls. ,,The tors of this favorite resort have reserved the front rows Qf seats, in order to ac- I commodats -the better class of patrons, whers they can have, an nnobstructed view of the stag. The Mallally Sisters who are very clever dancer: Stanley and Tate, the operatic duettists: Leonora, Maa Iondor and other artists appear nightly, HELPED THEM ALONG. Billy Mullen and Wlillam Cunningham,. arrested by ottloers Johnson and Patton, were charged with being drunk and plead ed guilty before Municipal Judge Camer on yesterday. Cunningham stated that had not been In court for Ave months,,, "How long were you aent up for thenf asked he Judge. . . M'. "Ten. daye, yer Honor." ; , : r;-. "Well, you get fifteen this timpani -w Will see If It will not have better effect." Mullen said' he had net been In court for four months and had been fined t the last tiros. Judge Cameron remarked that n had. kept him out of troubW a' long time, so fined Kim $4 now to help htm along.. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Insular Mortgage Security Co. to " M. M. Peary, jot. 12, block 6, Sev J-el sV.nn-te au ,1 ?ilv . " enth street, terraces 11200 Thomas Hall, l!f0. -fity 800 Lulu E'Donhelr to R. P.' Bradford, lot 13, block L.Maegly Highland.. ,au Martha Benn and Samuel Benn-to ; ; Aran , H. Brady,, lot : 20, Brook. " dale , 000 P. J. Crann to M. G. Crown, part of block 8, King's Add v.... 1 T. J. Clark et al. to Annie E. Clark, tract in East Portland.. i 1,100 R. H. Roork and wife to Ell E. Elliott 23 acres in tp, 1 s of i 8 .. sec. 18 ...v. 1,250 William T. Bryham Nicholson to Stephen T. Done, lota 6, 0, block 0, Nicholson s Add 2,500 ! Charley Kinney to Henry Weber, lot 7, Lankln'e Sub. Dlv, ...... 700 Norman Darling to Henry Weber, parcel of Norman Darling trfretvs 29 Henry Weber and Anna Weber to Martha Relnmann, lots 7, A, Lan kin's Add. and parcel of Norman Darling tract 1,800 4V. Wa r . . .1 .1 vr our nut invurance ana ADSiract to'Ral Estate from the Title Quarantei at Trust Co.. Chamber of Commeros. NEW TODAY QHK W DQ1 sijin. All treat' cities on naviffable streams start at the head of nav- igation and build down stream. fi. . . .. I ." nu CALepuufu ine I railfOaa lO OL JOnnS ODCnS InC I !ff 1 A ri II . way Jor Portland to follow the rule. 'There will soon be a solid city to the point of the Peninsula. and Unrverjitv Park will be the nt .IliL ..li... f center of wealth and culture of I all the city between the rivers. j ment If you are a stranger here steo into anv olace of Win i m I and ask, ''what is the course of t bu$inj w The answer will be as above stated. Now is the time to get a few lots at University Park while they are yet cheap. have Columbia University. Port-1 land public schools and Bull Run water, street cars, homes costing from JIUUO to $10,000, graded boulevards, graded streeb, side walks, electric street lights. Lots $75 to 200 each; Uttm $5 casn ana monthly. , No inter tl -n tmVMt .1"."-:-- w ,w " niuw, nw SalOOnS. Abstract With each deed. iinivi-wmty iamii m 151 Sixth Str hear Morrison W. A. Shaw,. I nlA'.i'A. g. Shaw. Ofnce phone Clay 312; Res., Front Ilett. , w. JK- shaw m rr ri - REAL ESTATE- AND GENERAL AUCTIONEERS. ' Monef to Loan. Taxes Paid, ihai Furnished. Grain, fruit and dairy irmt a specialty. Renting and collecting.. Prop erty taken charge of for non-residents. Farm Lands a Soeclaltv. . .- ' 243 Stark Streeet. , PORTLAND OR.' AUCTION SALEJ FORD & LAWS - Aactioaeer " ticcocsors to J. T, .WiUo i Friday, March 21, fit 182 First street at 10 A. M, - y - f i ' , V -' Our regular Fslday sale wilt be record breaker this Wxtk.. We will close , out, fast and furiously, the balance of the con slgnments of MEN'S "AND CHILDREN'S SHOES,, G&OCERJUEfte; jsvROVISOKb : r FORD. LAWS, Auctioneers. N. S. .We are prepared"to pay the high. est price for furniture, ot , i NORTH IRVINGTON i 'Beautifully, located,' perfect drainage, : city water, splendfd car f MrVICe, full SlZC lots, 50x100 feet , p-S-- IAA 4n tslAA . Ui . ''rn - T . " . . T. . fourth CiSh. balance In monthly I ' " 1 i i J ii ' 4i uaymcfiu ui ii uwiioi? or uwmii. Title perfect and guaranteed. , for maps, plats and full3 par ticulars apply to . t U TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 8 and T Chamber of Commerce, Ground floor, . Fodrth-street side. OR AT THS , - NORTH IRVINGTON OFFICE Corner Union 4Vnue and Falling Street, (Take Woodlawn or Vancouver Car.) REAL ESTATE FARMS, CITY PROPERTY TIMBER LANDS If MONEY TO LO AN EXCHANGES MADE BUSINESS CHANGES J- Note these two special Bargains ; 9-room modern house in the best part of upper Albina, near Williams Ave. House built six years ao, rooms all wired for lirfM e4na'a.a InfKpotierl ' I MvVU IV tll lla .e7M We IMIVIVTVMf cement walks, lot 50x150 feet Sacrifice at $2,800; terms on part Also 8-room modern house, full basement nice halls, awnings for ' i a i: a WindoWS, COmer lot, in bc$t part I . . , s t- " 1 oi junnysiue. m -ir rw 'mm m a a irn a - OR A. A. BAKER 2 1 9-22 1 Abington BuUding 106 1-2 Third Street n Ph- "a ' ? Mfl VWPll&Kliann I v w f""rr Real EstateRentals. Sales; Loans, Insurance. ' Room 2, Chamher of Commerce. FOR 8ALE REAL E8TATE. Oood Sugar Pine Claims to locate timber , claims on. vail. .at. once. . W. M. Klclff ley. Room 8, 10 First SL Its in Polntvlew Addition at half price; Motter A DpnnelJ, i46 Stark street. Ford Employment ' and Real Estate ASoni y. twvt r iri. jrnone soain on NEW TODAY. AGENTS WANTED- Live, energetic young men JTor route agenta at Sellwood, Pulton, Bouthern . Portland, Mt. Tabor, irvlngton. Rtch k mond, Waverly, St. John, Peninsular, 1 Oregon City and Vancouver. Address, The Journal, 280 Yamhill street. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Five bright boys about 16 years old, to carry Journal Routes. Call . at once. The Journal, t Yamhill BUSINE8S CHANCES. Boayrg eneraf Merchandise jiusf nens In a thriving town. Oood country blacksmith shbp. Oood country sawmill; plenty of Mm- v her. Good hotel In a thriving town. J. A. HENKLE or A. A. BAKER, 2U Abington bldg. BU8INES8 NOTICE. The' Ames Mercantile Agency Is fn a po sition to advise you aa to business con ditions In Oregon. They can find you a ' purchaser for your present business, or - new location. I "7T tySTBt DANDRUFF CURE. Shltlda. 46 Third 8t.N. Herolcide. In dividual application or bv tha bottle. .FOUND. - Two-year-old bay colt. For particulars address 2 Hnlsey 'Street, Oltv.I MONEY TO LOAN." MONBT to Loan on City lots and Im- roved farms. W. A. Shaw Co., 843 tar h Street. CLASSIFIED ADS. TECHNICAL SCHOOL. The International Correspondence Schools Scranton, Pa- John 1. Wall, m AUaky . ' Building. ; . Jl , I ' K i ivrva wrri,ito. . Overland Ticket Office, 13 to fSO saved to , all polnU. . 140 Third St. - rX Balnas' TeaTstore. Famous ilgtfetoe Teau Fifth St, opp. FOatofflce. w - - TURKJ3H BATH8. 1 y w'F. 'Hubbard' ' BestTurklah BaWIn the city. 714 Dtkura Bldg. CLASSIFIED ADS, J. ' " ATTORNEYS. Paxton, Beach Simon, 10 Chamber of commerce. - H. K. Sargent. General Practloe, notary pupiie, f4-r36 Chamber ot commerce. R. A. Frame, r19 Marquam Bldg. Charfea A. Lucas, Room (29 Chamber of James Gleasoh, 3 and S Mulkey Building. juiaa u. oould. sol Marquam Bldg.; ac cordion and knife plaUng and pinking. ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. George T. Murton SIS , Cham,' of Com " bqm Brown . 450, . Bookkeeping x Mown teachl ye t una; :r A88AYER AND ANALYST, Paul Baumel, Asxayer and Analylst; gold nun Douni. 2a.. Biara sc. J(jRmTECT AND ENGINEER, Fred A.;,Ballln. 43 2d St. Tel. Oak T. Ves sels ana machinery or an kinds de algned, . . JosephTReldel, 852 MoronstT " Fullllove ds Moore, 232 Washington. C, Y. Hare, I4Q Fifth street Brownings Navajo Herbs and Vine Roots ior vanarfun and falling hair, ISO 1st. BARBER8' 6UPPLIE3. Q. N. ' Wilson Co., 80 0th iC trading , paroers supply nouse racinc uoast BILL POSTING. J. T. Williams Posting Co., 840 Morrison . street. BILLIARD TABLES. The Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co., 41 Thu-d street. - JJWJB00TAE8. A. Dreyers, OT Third street. N :Leo'.Se.lltng, 107 Third street. J Sanger, Repair Shop, 440 Washington. aTelaon rShoe 8 tore, 43.. North Id at Marks Shoe Store. 263 Morrison at., near .ira. sote agents. BUTCHERS. B. F. Jones, 172 3d street. Union Market. Phones, Ore. North 1400, joi. lava, six. Hurnsiae street Pad He Market Phone, Grant 1411. Washington street. 804 BRIDGE CONTRACTORS. Smyth A Howard Co., 013 Chamber of commerce. CARPENTER8 AND BUILDERS. John A. Melton. Carpenter and Builder. 807 Stark at.; office and atore fixtures built and remodeled, altering and re. pairing houses. Phone Main 747. ' " f CAFES. The Jeljislilpenrfeq y-yyaahlngton : street, -The1 Hoffman, 8.'. 'Third street ' 1 u '1 the-Ifnob HUl aioonr set Wastilngion; The Ortenfki Cjife,' MuQnofpl C H I R0P0D Y ' AN DMAN I CU RINQ, Wm. Deveny and Eatelle Deveny, 801 Allsky Bldg., 3d and Morrison. L. Mitchell, Expert Chiropodist, Knlaht'a Shoe Store. ?J4 waan 728. , at Phone Hood CIGARS NDTOBACCO. Fred Boskowlts, 278 Washington st. Dreyfus St Germalne, 201 Third street. Plata Cigar Store, 211 Third st The Railroad Cigar Store, 884 Wash, st M. Bullut, 81 Third st. North. Stg Slchel A Co., MfsyTobacconlsts, it Third street Portland. (CJUEJISTaukNDJM Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co., 105-111 6th st . ' V- . H. P. Keenan. Columbia. Hartford and Vwette Bicycles, Aiuer st Phone Red 1903. Sewing Machines and Bicycles, 830 Mor rison street.:- CURIOS. Andrew Kan A Co., Morrison and 4th sts. t). M. AverlU 4- Co., Col. phone 708. 881 Morrison at., Portland. . CONFECTIONERY. A. j. ceffman Chocolates and Bon Bona, soo wasbingtoa at. W. J. Powell, Candles and Cigars. 420 Washington street Henry Blumenauer, Manufacturing Con fectioner, 3u, wasmngton st. CORNICg8---8KYLIOHTS. Metal Skylights, Galvanised Iron cor nices, j. w. Bayer, 200 aecona at. CREAMERIES. La Grande Creamery Company, butter, eggs and cheese, 204 Yamhill st. Phone, Ore. Main 7.0. Arllngtoh Creamery, butter, eggs, cheese, etc., nw-Burnsiae st. " COAL AND WOOD. Oregon Fuel Co., dealers In all kinds of coal ana wooa, s stornson. Banfleld-Veysey Fuel Co., dry flat wood, 80 Id st. rnone main are ana fol. fiJ. CHINE8E PHYSICIAN.' tr -tj-i if ..j-t-.r. I - J IT - ' ' .l-L"--1" r 1 f 1 1 Dr. C. U Gee Wo, IStt d st, NB. eor. Alder.' :;-. DECORATORS. H. P. Chrlstensen, wall papers, and painter, m otn street, corner Alder. E." H. Moorehouae A Co., wall papers, 807 wasningion sireei. - .? -s'-'':V':v' -f DENTISTS. 181 Third street. 8. M. Hamby, p. D1 B., rdom 8 Wash. ingtoa Diag t waanipgion ana tut; sts. Theodore- 8- Thomson, 80-51 Washington bldg., wasmngton ana em sis. none Hood 414. , (. - - P. a Lang worthy. ' 3Q1H Morrison. St' Hlckey Hlrkey, rooms, 817 to 810 Dekun bid., 8d ana wnsn.su. raws Bouin ki. FINANCIAL-; 8800,000 to loitn at 0 and 0 per cent! Wna. 1,. sees.. oi aiuniNH , , . ELECTRIC WORKS. Western Electric Works, 309,. Was st CLASSIFIED ADS. JJjJJRIMMAKIRS. Miss: Leaghlfay u Lewis hMgY Mrs. E. J. OUvar, MUUnary Parlors, room ., sw sucieey oiog. DRUGGISTS. Oradon A Koehler, 841 First street . O. P. 7 Plummer, 230-283 Id street W. P. Lauthers, 110 North Ird street. Cr A. Watson, 88 North 84 street ; Rowe Martin, 6th and Wash sts. Fran- J. Strelblg. Ml Wastb street Laue-Davla Drug Co., 178 Sd st Phons 041 ELECTRICIAN8 Mrs. C. 8. Fery. 8S1H Morrison st ENGRAVERS. Hicks-Chatten Engraving Co, Morrison, ELECTRO PLATING. Gold. Silver, Copper, Nickel, etc Peninsu lar jriaiing worn, iiki wash. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Oregon Employment Co., 227 Burnslde St eaaes-a-aa-ajas--wsa. Red Cross Employment Co., 128 1st st, , upstairs. FURRIERS. The Sllverfteld Fur Mfg. Co., son street. ,- 283 Marrl- H. Ltebes A Co., 288 Morrison st Phone GAS SUPPLIES. Paclflo Specialty and Gas Lamp Co., Sit Morrison streeu GENT'S FURNISHING! B. Garten, Genta' Furnishings, 85 N. 8d st A. Rosensteln, Clothing, etc 28' N. 8d st GROCERS. ' P'Dresser-'' ""6o.rti ' Waah.- street Owen H. Serpl A Co Fancy Groceries, sh Mornsen street. C. O. Ji 10th Century Grocers; Hamma . waiaer, m inira st Phone may we. F. S, Godfrey. Family Orocery. Sixth and Burtiaiue. Telephone Black 2BeX HATTtRS. Phoenix Hat Factory, W. O. Allen, prop. 887 vvuningvoa sw Phone. Red 8948. HAIRDRESSING, MANICURING. Paris Hair Store, KM Wash. St. up-to- . aaie nair "oresaers. - . The .Arlsto Beauty Parlors, manicuring ana maeaage, k taornson street. Mrs. F. J. Lynohakln and scalp apeolal- aw Auagy piagv sa ana Morrison. HOTELS. Cosmopolitan Hotel and Cafe, a North inira street, corner uavie, , , Hotel Belvedere, European plan. Fourth " and Alder-Btreete.- iKsmond Hotet IRateSl BuronaahJ KM'tav AttR-Wrw .,wnt: ana. Morruoa stsr 3telffj(ctftr, B. F, MpCauiey, prop; Merchants Hotel. Rates, tf.M a day UD- waru. inira ana vavis streets. HOUSE FURNISHERS. Home Furnishers Furniture. Carpets. Parlor Goods, Stoves, etc. See I. Gev urts A Sons, 173-17S First 210-225 Tam- nui. . ootn r nones eoe.. . v . INSURANCE.; Q. Rosenblatt, bldg., 3d and rooms ao-m Sherlock Oak sts. Phone, Main US. Puffer, Burgard it Co., 251 Waah. st JEWELERS. Beldlng Broa.( Diamonds, Wntohes, ote, 4 Third street The L. C. Heniichaen Co.. Jewelers and opticians, 884 Washington street The o. Heitkemper Co.i manafactartng jewelers, zw saorrison St. , -. - John A. Beck, watches, diamonds, etc., Ofl Morrison street -vf u " Vanderburg patch. Hsusofr 14QH Sd st Uttoie MyeraVJewelerv IttSrd. at LAUNDRIES. Clean Towels Dally. Comb, brush, soap,: H per month. Novelty Supply Co- 40. UN. Ninth st ,TSI. 410,..': Livery stables. Mlsner A , Hayden Fashion Ltvary ,. Stables, th and Oak stsv . . . Burnslde Livery Stables, corner Fourth ana tiurnsiae sts. f none ore. slack vn. Frasler A McLean Livery Stable. Both ! phones . No. K0 to 801 4th streets. MAS8AQE. W. H. Faulkner, room It mk Morrison street. ... . MINING COMPANIES Homeatake Gold Muilng Co., 80 and U Lewis wag. - , - - MUSICAL. Piano, clarionet, cornet violin Prof. E. A. Smith., res. Instrne SMUth. tona. MONUMENTS, Otto Schumann, monumental and build-. kng worn, zv inira si. jsaumates on ftrat class work and stock only. . : OSTEOPATH. L. B. Smith. '.Parlors, room 400 Oregoalan puuaing. Dr. I. W. Atklre, rooms tt-IS Lewis bldg. OPTICIAN. D. O. Gengrlch, the leading graduate op OREGON VIAVt COMPANY - Lewis Bldg., Park and Morrison. Send for Health Book. ConsuitaUos free. PATENT MEDICINE. BcrTnJstreme Medic AUaky building. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Pr Amelia Zlegler, KB Marquam Bldg. Dr. Cora C. Talbott U years experl- aoe in weeases e women, vv rile or eau. 8U8 Salmon st. . ' PRINTER AND STATIONERY. J. R.' Rogers, job printing, 933 Morriaoa. PLUMBERS. Taylor ' Stanton, plumbing and stearn niung, as oixm surssi. CLASSIFIED ADS. PAWN BROKERS. Uncle Henry, a Norhlird street. ' . . i 1 1, 1. ..... JSrti'.,?a. LcB Omcm. Dan Marx.' prop., It Third st; near Oak. Phone Brown :. PAINTS AND OILS. Fisher, Thorson Co., Front and Mor- riaon Bts - - (,,r, ;. ;J;v. :;-v. . PIANOS. Seule Bros. Piano Co., 138 Waahlr-jton St Elleri 1 Piano House, High-Orade Planes nd Organs. 8U Washington St "ThJd'sv1! XZ' Fisher Musle Store. Everything In Mustc ; Phone. .Red wa. 1 Third g --- PHOTOGRAPHERS. 1y,,Jl?bin,M'm Commercial Photography ' 8M Morrison - t. 4 , , & . Bm2?UMo2rsCrajron mnA 011 yortraltn," Third and Washington Sts, 1 The Photorraphlc Co. Commercial Pho tographers. Russell Bid., 4th Wasa. REAL ESTATE. Lehman Loan and Collection Agency. 7M Chamber of Commerce. 1 - aoaas-saaBBJBBw ' ' ' "i"" ' f. Compton. Phono Black 828. . 202 Waahlngton 8t ,. The King. Real Eatate Association. 778 Chamber ef Commerce. ' - 1 V ' i . E. F. Riley, 08 Chamber of Commerce. ..K- lYm2'0' ! Kegotlated, AUaky Bid, Third and Morrison. . Chaa. B. Korelt, real eatate and mortgage loans. 801 Washington. Main 08ft . . RESTAURANTS. Morris Lunch and Coffee Homso. Imperini Hotel. Below New Port Restaurant and Oyster House. H Third and 807 Pine Sts.. . Strouse'o Restaurant t2 Washington St Billy's Coffee aouse, Mt Tayahlf St Cy icjvop House! and ResUuraat, U Third RUBBER STAMPS. AND STENCILS. Chaa. - B. Potter Co-' mfrs. rubber . stamps, seals, stencils, ta Failing Bid. SAFE8. Safes for Banks and Merchant, bought ana soia: locn-outs openea; genet 1 re pairs. Jails. J. fi. rjavls, U Third St SHOOTING GALLERY. The latest quartlsoope views, a Sd st 8LOT MACHINH All styles; repairing;, phonographs, ree- y;,. ransconttnental Machine Co., hi . Washington 8t STORAGE AND TRANSFER. . C O. Pick, Mfflco 80 First St, bet. Stark and Oak: nhnna and. Ptann mil ftirnU ture moved and packed for shipping; commodious n re-HP root ones warenouae; Front and Clay ats. ... Storage nt lew rates can he had at Fred - Bickers storehouse, 81 N. Front St STATIONERY.' The Kllham Stationery Co., 207 Morrison Janiee It; Ewlng, Bookseller, Y. JatV G. A. aril man rt IL rrtA tr - A ' viu. aw uurm .040 ruruetuuu TAILORS, a Nlcoll the Tailor, fashionable tailoring. 108 Third St ZV Ws call for, clean, press and deliver one - suit each week for ft. 00. per month. 4J8 Washington St., , ' PanU 84 to 810: suits 818.00 to 835. Char ley ee, io ti. -xniro nt. , - , ' Bon Ton Tailoring Cov, 84 Third St, opp. Chamber of Commerce. . TRUNK FACTORY. Portland Trunk Co.. 80 Third St., whole sate ana retau; sen a tor catalogue. Phillips. Trunk - Co.. til Morrison street 1 Old trunks taken in ezchanae. V .11 . Harris Trunk Co.K trunks, valises, galea eia. etc, xax jaornson u v .. . ..r' TYPEWRITERS. j Tne'BmitPremler f yp?wilri l'i Third street, au maaea 01 typewmers ior rent Bupplles for all machines. I es M. Alexander &. Co., agents. , . Nearly new Jewett Typewriter at half ' UMBRE LLA '.WORKS.' . Portiahd tJmbreTi parasols made to order. 100 i wra nt. Mrs. C ComeUus, Allsky Big.. Third snd Morrison, urcies jmoays, sittings aauy. WALL PAPER. Erneat Miller A Co. Wallpaper and dee- orations.- 127 Flmt St. BANK8. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE- V With Which U amalgamated THE BANK OF. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Capital paid Up ....................83.0o0,0"0 Reaerve.....r:....i........ 2,000,000 Tranaacta a uenerai nanaing Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Accounts opened for sums of 810 and op wards, and Interest allowed on minimum . monthly balances. Rates on application. xe wasuifluwn si. Ew A. WILD, Manager. LADD A TILTON, BANKERS . - EBTAiLlBrlU in Ittov. Transact a General Banking Bualnees. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favor able terms. , Letters ot , eredlt issued available In Europe ana lM s,astern Statea. V1 Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Trans fer. aolA on New York. Washington. Chi cago, St,, Loula, Denver,; Omaha, San rTanciaco ana venous puiuiin vr(n Waahlngton. Idaho, Montana and British Columbia' -. -' - Exchange sold on Lop don, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. , . . MERCHANTS NATIONAL RANK PORTLAND, OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON. . 1'resKlenl R, L. DURHAM.,.p,,...w V ice-a-resiortni - iTAVm .... a em ei 1 1 1ms 0 mhA isn-o w T-vvam - A a-italant eteihlsit TBSACTS AGENERAL BANKia Interest paid on time depoalts. , - , .. uihH nt Mdlt issued avail. able to alt parts of theworld. ;, - v;oiiecueu m ,- mirj bought. A-m; -'- ' - cXONDON BAN. FRANCISCO BANK, Chamber of Commerce "building. Thirl . aae-aaoBW attialt Head office, 63 01d Broad atreet Ionrr, business, makes Iojvis. dlsfounts bn.e a.- luiui lattere of rlt availaUe f r tr-w. elere and the purchas of mrvi.n In any city ot in "un. ;. lrn and domeMlo exiif . , . interest, pvi " " UJITI D STATES NATION: At Trxi' - cts a uir' .-Litt available la a I Lei led k,i- ' ' pr.. Vnt 1-' ' i. -1 reslJaiit ' C.i.uiur '