t 1. -: i , t 51ATC won.. Candidates' Named By 'Acclamation. N iConventionThenAjourned Un ' til Next Week; " , STATE SENATOR Henry E. JlcGINN. 1 KEPRE8ENTATIVE8 A. A. Courtney. Sanderson Reed, W. U. fcanks. John Oill. W." K. Hudson, C. W. Hudson, A. J. ' Bailey, T. 8. Hutchinson. Dan J. Ma ' larkey, Cteorge Mi" Orton, 8. P. Cobta, . Ifnrv J. TJiaher. j . ' - DELEGATES TO TH E 8T ATE CpW' VKNTION Oeorie H. Williams, H- I., ; Plttock, W. B.' Ayer, Ad. Bflrehardt; PhB MetschaX W: pncer, F. A r Bancroft. C'barlea ItfoneUtA'i. fSiprott, J W, T. Mulr. W. L.. Boise, George H. ' Howell. D. Kellaher. J. E, Hunt, IttV M. Carter, "H. Van Auken, J. N. Sutton, I J. J. Fltsgerald.. A. -N. Wills. W. K. i Jones, Charles Bqulres, Joseph Buchtel. Leander Lewis. 8,' B. Schwab, Charles 1 Wilson, P. U Willis Watt Iiao4la, W. F. .! Matthews, C. H. Carer, Sol Hlrsch, John , F. Loa-an; H.H. Newnall, W: H. Patter son." T. J. Claton; C. TL, Trailer, T. 8.' ' Potter. F. P, Maya, George- G. Mayger, C. K. Smith. J. W. Beveridgei'8., B. Lin tbtcum, Andrew C. Smith, 1 H, AdamaLa., letter from, a olnir who went over ; K. H. Kelly,-D. B. Dunbar, T, . 'Powell, H. W, Ooddard, C..C. Newcastle, .P.. J. McKenha. F. Kleman. J. W. Mathns. ; C W, Sherman. Jamea W. Blaln, D. I- William. Sanford WhUing. W. H. Ca'r- bey, C. K. Rumelln, R. ! Durham, A leu Donaldson; W. H. Jones, . l Hartman, Thomas D. Honeyman. ,T. H.. Edmunds. Christensen. t. K. Mulr, W. W. How-' ' Itt, D, J. Qulmby. ' ... '", After nominating the above slate,, the A ; j-Multnomah .oountjr 'convention yesterday - )3aernoonajotte4tintll next ; f huradajr, at Id "o'olock, when the candldatea for the t'a Uu'n4 ty'ffliwhfjiiameil. : ,..lt V&a nearly; O'clock yestardajf, ;wiar : H 11. the afternoon aesalow wail edlledr't) ontjfr. '.a i. temporary Mltcera of "the' t'o'rrt enUon, be ' hiado perniilitvu' Mr. Bolee put thernfo' . ; . tloo, . aiut U Waa adopted. Olareo j. J.-iW UUbartiWaimtBated far e"ddltlmii '"fftHmitti kna'-'electoa' .fcjr acclamation. roll of the convention be called at any time at the request bf five dalegntoj. ; This was adoptel. ; Dan J. Malarkey nominated A, U Wlilia for teller; Wallace . McCannut nominated Edward Holman; and A. J. Capron waa nominated. These " three were elected by acclamation; ' ': b A, - I Mll'la offered a resolution to th : effect that If the proposed city charter i should be approved by tha people at tho June election, , the candidates ..for the! ; eglalatur: named : by this V cowsntton are pledged to work' for tha' enactment - of a measure making this charter bill a ' law.- Furthermore, the hold-over senators were asked to work; for tha passage of tha bill. 'W U Mm kbA Van J; tyi ,:. larkey apaka in favor of tha. solJ lew which .was adopted by aeclathattom n The. aecretary jeadr a eommuitlcatlon frora 'the federa TraJe iricjng lhfl. ventlor, t endorae. the ! MltcheB-rt'Uhn Chinese bill. Thla avo occasion top tho IMrpctratlon of more oratory. v Tha rcs . lutlon waa unanimously adopted: F. P. Maya moved that a committee of even' be appointed to name the sixty- . seven delegates to the . Stats and Congress afonat conventions, M. U' Pipes " moved -to amend by giving the ward 'delegates ' the power to aelect the ptate convention r delegation, w t v4 ' ? .'This precipitated the first real contest In the convention. , A; lively -discussion' follower by Judge Richard ,WlIams, Wallace MoCamant and Mri Stapleton tn ' favor' of ihe amendment, and ,by. Dan J, Malarkey and W. '' Boise In favor the iprtglnat motion. The amendment was', lost.'. , Judge .Williams raised the point of order that the- new election law stated expressly that the committee shall be : appolttteflVy'fereda'ots. The chair over filled: the point -ef onlw; and setected-tbe .W. J. Mathews, W, F. Smith, J. 'W. -UJBwmtiia t.-! SShnmermaa;"'" i At thhr point" Mr. Stapleton got hold if eprjnod Ust ojt delegates to the .state i,JP('coPTentioi, and,.a,ttf)t,.sojnf ; pointed re , .markson close corporation's ... and rln? - . rule moved to elect them without going l'hugl-the' ortniilty;of appointing' a , ' committee. His motion was adopted. The cause Of harmony received quite a Jar, i Judge Richard Williams. Judge r Pipes and T, S. Stapleton made some' tell ing speeches la favor of fair play, and ' their logic seemed unanswerable. " They . spoke for the irregulars." and reminded th 'independents'; of several things that i , '.he -, latter gentlemen seemed about to . forget. Olive. branches and rights of the -T-people and primary verdicts and other . terms were freely used and ably handled. Judge Williams was particularly pointed, .and made, strong remarks regarding the rights of minorities. . . But when the matter was shown up fronj' the other view-point, and the elo- .. quence of D. J.' Malarkey rah through F 'the hall, it raised a storm ot, applause, fj 'jVnd after Whitney Boise and Judge Carey had had their says, It seemed as though - '.'the "regulars" had been Invited to take - back seats. ,Not only were they thus ln n vited. but the InriUtlon was rather , V ;!trong!y , insisted upon. i s . v- , After the Independent siate, a printed at the head of the column,, was nomlitaftd snd unanimously elected by aeclamntion. , on notion of Dan J. Malarkey, the cbn' i .vent ion adjourned to meet on the date mentioned. ' r ... 1 01 ' (Journal Special Service.) ' , '. CHICAGO, ni., March .-Rev. Baker P. lee.- of Lexington. Ky., who has re 'eelved a call to Grace Episcopal chu-ch of this city, departed Jor home today s; without announcing ale decision. Mem bers of the church, discussing; the fact that Rev. Mr. Lee had; donated1 to the Kentucky Racing, Association, said rhat 1 8 not lessen their regard for. him, as they Understood the feeling of a Kentucky itmn for a good horse race, and rather aumlred the minister for his -attitude. will'extend;mains Chyill Uy!!i)e of New i.:.; -i-Pipe. J'-, The Water Committee met Tuesday and decided on the construction of a 20 nnn row JDirlrton atreet, north, alonf Marguerite avenue, to East' Stark, at East Thirty-flfth, a distance of over a mlle.'at accost of $!.. ;This main will ultimately be extended to Kwssell and othel Streets In "AttrtnS. "tfl ah aggregate coat pf- $05,000. . . It aa'Uiidd to lay a 14-Inch n-aln from the' Alblna station to connect with the l-lhch main In Knott street and tho main on defay street. Proposal, for ma terial and '0rk will be advertised fcr. . The tWo redWod tanks wilt re removed from' Russell street to the Highland rtis- 7'trlhV ... .- The following j rejrelpts and diftbwrW? ihehU' for' February were reported: . CaelJ receipts for water. 20,1B!1 20 iteurmentr.. , IW ; Balance, paid to treasurer 3,115 THE RAILROADS. J. C. Uqdsey. traveling freight and paa songer' agent of the. Illlnola. Central took n-iris tri4 to Salem yesterday . M, J, Roche, traveling passenger agent of the Rfb '(Jrande system, haa received that ime rrelpently. and who is now ht Springfield,' 111. The writer, aays: "I waa treated ty' the railroad employes of the D. R. - a. as though I was Prince 'Henryt James Clark Pond, general passengor agetjpf ttns Wlsfeohsln Central, and ail Around home mlslonary, has-been heard from. 'His railroad friends -In' Portland will be pleased to know that he has unU I Jed. with 4beHoo.Hoos. 11 is inf nrnr conviction m n,. n. uuur;, Of tewlmon. Idaho', that the wheat rais ing possibilities of the Clear Water region cannot be overestimated. He looks to see 25.000.W t)sheis f wheat produced there In .the future. Thqi. present railroad fa (ilttles'kre lnadequSte, and lie prophesies i that new road other; than the Northern Pacific will be Bum within a few years. -Itn Is jprobabie that.- within six weeks thc4.fcntrai '.avlg4tlon' A Construction Company' ivlli be publicly sold at auction UlMldehdkWi; Wash.'- Thta la the Paul nonr nne, wnicn win, it compieiea, con nect Portland with Eastern Washington. The sale wUMskn place under Judgment of U5.00O,-In. favor of contractors Winters and Chapmah. , . ' ""v. , , A party, of .surveyors will start up the nortli fork of : the Clearwater river, In LdaluV,. April -I. These are supposed to be working in the service of the Northern raclflc. It is an , open secret that ' tne oompAny is desirous of tapping the cen ter of the big timber belt in the Clear- , waer region, KuoK t lime aa that to be ToUQwsd by: the surveyors would accom plish the end. In view. C. .F. j Warren, general agent of the Atehlsoni"' Topeka tt Bahta Fe, with headquarters at Salt Lake, was .'in the etty today, renewing, ,ls. Acquaintance Lwlthniha nevMral eo1ers(oB the lo.-al fftaA bftiiyl? MlkvWaren' 4slts Port land seve?oTtIjhes yearly, , His JMissanges t vV?VrT c9:er ' P f SB. JIM ern;a i late ter- rlfory "between Salt Lak'axdl I Porflan At one time his-company had a repre- sentatlve ' tn Fortland a Mr. Devereux "who" Waa afterwards transferred to Mr, Warren's, offlcs In Salt Lake, where he how Is. Mr. Warren says If he had any thing to say about' the matter, his eom- )py. wpu.ld. again .open an office here. i-ie considers . Portland a good point for railroad business, and would like to see his company' get more ot It4han is now possible.. . , , , General passenger Agent Craig, of the O. R.flfc N., is in receipt of sn even dosert pictures, known as photo-prints, tn , the most beavjtlful colors. These came from Joy Ilaynes, the official photographer of the. Northern Pacinc, and .cpver scenes In the famous Yellowstone Park. It is Mr. I'raig'a intention to rrame these in a ;aoreeriilny))ls enVe. He' will' seek to con vert his ofll"e Into ap art bureau to glad- 5QI001 Or tfiliti , ,-Mournal Special Service. IbTJTTE; Mont.',March JO.-It is predicted here : that ''Montana will soon' have the greatest mining f. school Irr the United States.'1 The school at Butte Is making wonderful progress. The one in Colorado now has an attend ance of 258. 'but in the second year of its exWfenteUt had Only JJ puplla. The sec ond year of the - Well known Michigan schoolOf rhlnes at Houghton, had 32 pu pils; wfilte the school at Butte, which Is now In -Its-second year, has CO pupils tnk- Ing the rular prescribed course In ad- , r - . . , Dr.i" L;i M.- Thornton, Dentist. Rooms 203-204 Mrfrquam bldg, ;Phone, Hood 697. REGISTRATION. Head Reglsirotton fl&rk W.' O. Kerns atnies that voters may continue to regis ter up tb ;6 .o'clock May K. It is cstl mu ted. that between 4000 and 5000 a.-v to jbe ljSiard from , yet. Two years ago. when fue. cltywas- much smaller,' mor thin js.noo, registered. The total number when computed-law -ehttwdar-wnrJWSS. The .offlce .force la now engaged . In Checking up the names and transcribing the lists 1 turned ,1a tjy tlie .various conntii' ,h s- tlcea. GARFIELD'S NEW JOB. . , (9prlpps-McRe Kews Association.) WASHINGTON. March 19i-Harrv Gar fleld, - son ,of the; latePresldent Garfield, iiStt declined a place on 'the Civil Service Commission, made vacant by the resigna tion of William Bodenberg. It Is under stood the . place, wilt now - be" offered to James A. Garfield, younger son ' of the 4atf, 'Presidents r. . :...y; . ; ,1 -V.TH13 -IS- MONEY" fQR YOU, , i The. reader will' profit ly .observing the Mew ideailritM-Jectod i4o'?theyadv4rls Jng ol the Chase Oil ft Paint Co. and j. H. Bristol In another column, -Jt will pay to cut these coupons ,onL ' , ; ' " ' .'' ' "iT V f'': ':V.'' . Remedy Suggested for HoseDusninieves. The Journal' Is In .receipt of a, com miink'Stlon which says, among other mat ters: "We read a great deal 'about floral societies to educate the people in rose culture., so as to fleeorate our yards for the fair, etc., but What are we, going to do to keep sneak thieves from steal-! ing our plants and shrubs?" i ; It appears that the residents of Alblna are suffering from, depredations' of this sort to no small degfeei.- Several choice rose bushes, as Well as other plants, have been taken from- a number of.yeds i her recently. One who suffered In this way last Sunday, night, presumabiy The Journal's corre8pondent;.' offers a' rente dtsi'.'uggestion'"aB;;;t9iiofS5: rn-Trr T "I would rig dp a burglar alarm In the house and connect H br wires to . each one of the . choice plants, the wires to run underground to the bedroom. I would also keep a' shotgun at hand loaded with buckshot. Since, there win be plenty of light from the street lamps,. U would he nn easy matter to brand these vandal at a range oC a block or less. I would aim to hit the mark. For all those not provided with a gun I Would suggest that a revolver might do, and that' It would be the proper thing to put in all one's snare time in practice shooting.", 1 , The Journal correspondent hardly needs to ask what remedy to adopt to prevent the purloining of plants, inasmuch as her (or his) fertile mind has found a way out ofths dirneuity.' It might be well to amend the suggestion of using buck shot by substituting rock salt. Before now this has been found an efficacious romedy for watermelon thieves,' andf Uy would probably answer equally as well for rosebush thWyes, . , ' y BIDS ON SEWERS. t; At the wsekly meeting of the ,Board;t Public Worka held Tuesday afternoon, City - Auditor Devftn reported, that .he had examined, the bids presented at the last meeting and had round me towesi bidders to he the following). i 1 For sewer In- East Twenty-first street, from the north line of East Stark to the sewer on East. Pine, the Jaeobsen-Bade Company, s.07. ' For sewer In East Twenty-Second street,: north of Rast Stark street, to the Pine street "sewer, John Bays, 1306.77. i. For sewer In Sacramento Street, .from East Seventh to sewer in Union avenue, John Hays, J393.?, ., For sewer In Mississippi avenue, from Skidmore to sewer la Shaver Street, John Bays. $513.56. ... For the Improvement of Russell street, from the west line of block S, Brendle's Addition, to 'the west line of . block I, Proebstel's Addition, ReUly Stevens, $833.74. Bids for street and sewer' Improvement were opened aa follows: . j Pateon svenuetJnd Manning. ?4, 2np.jOj N. fl., aoiden A.Co.. VXBJW De. buhr 4 Bauer. l'8.40; John Klernan, MWT.U; Jjr -aO!Nll4v $mM; ' Pacinc Construction Company. t3759.T9. " Sixteenth;: Stiteet-Jtellly...; Stevens,i f .VJO.5.1; N. B. Qolden Co.,1 IOT9.43. lvyi stroet-Llnd ft Manning, I715.3.-,: Louis Jennlng, fOI1.2C: RWIIy ft Stephens, 003.tB:.Dbuhr ft Bauer. $507.89: J. R. O'Neill, 1809.82 Qleblsch ft Joplln. I08T.49, Sewer in East Ninth street Rellly ft Stevens, $298.40; Portland, -Asphalt Com. pany.-$;t8.30 John .Bays, $a2.W. All the bids, which -were far below the estimates of City Engineer Chase, were referred to for examination. NOTHING TO WEAR, The Portland girls who are attending Bryn Mawr or LaWn Mower, as It Is called when ' translated are now realis ing the full force of the old song about having nothing to wear, for, the bulk of their wardrobes were burned up! In the dormitory Are. there,. They "! telegraphed their folks In Portland that they had lit tle clothing left, and funds have been wired to them, A. Jts tho dormitory' '"ahd contents" were probably Insured for full value, the girls' ought to get a slice of the insurance money, but most likely will Instead be tendered 4 vote of. thanks by the faculty for their heroic work In try. ing to put nut the fire frhlle their ward robes burned, r'r ,' . ' - TUG FOR THE BAR. tn respohse- to a request from the Chamber of Commerce, President Mohler of the0. R. & N., has placed one of Its bar tugs at" the disposal of the Govern nent engineers to be used In sounding the dehth. Pt. fit th fnliimhlo a This, was done because of a rumor that i ,nn nar was snonnnir. A committee composed of W. B. Ayer and W. J. Burns were instructed to ca'l on Mr. Mohler with the request forrthr use of a tug for the above, named .pur pose. Mr. Mphler rendiiy assented, and the Oregon brfr pilots have been asked to co-operate in the work. - ,, LElftR f ROM DR.. HOLMES. ' It Is not a question bTrhether I can be cured, but will DrJ Pri Hoi Holmes take my case ? it Is a well-known fact that all who retplV9t tiypMrnent ffom Dr. Holmes are greatly benefited and 83 per cent are posi tively eurd . .... - . - , His treatment is wonderfully common sensed .and he hus combined the cream of all the drugless systems under the broad name of Vital Science, and the results are satisfactory toboth patient and physician.. . - r(: "-'., " f advertise because It pays. ' ' I use honesty In mycotic; It pays. Consultatlen free. . X do not hesitate to refuse your -case If I think best. . ' DR. EDWIN C. HOLMES. -Din andSJt Ablngton Bldg Portland. Or SAN KRANCtSCP. March 11,-Way wheat. $1.1214. ,w HETTY'S KUSBANT DEAD. tSerlpps-McRae News Association) BELLpWAe RaLLS Vt. Marh 20. Ed ward areetttr hgsband of Hetty Oree.,the richest : wom!B In the. worM( died' here Prtfcrrad Stock Tlnnfld Corn. ' r Extf a sweet aasTl tandav. '4 .? . f i :.: -.t i.i e ft. ,f 'i Y 4 t . o iiJ.LL- J I 1 ' '''ir''"'! 'i'-'i'::.....".. "' '' - ' '' ' " 1 1 ' "I-1 1 '""l-L" '' ' ,. ... ' '. A . , : ' ..: COME Mid f.tr? 4-Story Red BlocH S;.t riisiruFn him H(fw One Passenger ' Ageat ' Bested Another; There are two hustlers , for sevsral railroad companies In the East who rhnke Portland their home. Among, their. multlj., faftfs duties they are ex'pe'esed to cor ral people who are Intending to go East amf to sell them tickets. Competltioin Irt this direction at times becomes Jquite fierce. Nob long since these w& rustlers for passengers got Into an' Interesting, mlx-up. For purposes , of , Identification, they may both bs known aa Smith, prin cipally because that isn't their name, al though th,e ia; ot one, 1; jtlst them..nw, as the other. : .- - .11 '' ... . i' ., (,. . One of theA Smith (met"' a JW8pctrve! customer. lle' took him out ' to . dinnej-,:; Jollied him, invited tm to the theater, crjd did ail he could to make things pleasaftt tof him. ThenarTappreclatetrthe kindliest handed out"o hinf 1 chunks like this, srftliwheri Smith No. 1 gently inBjndrfte'd that he would like to ticket the map fver his road to Chicago, the stranger agreed to patronise him next time he caihtf to toan. Smith No. 1 gave him his card .fld told him to be sure and " caI'f ' , A week or two later thestranger 'Vu on his new boots and cum up to Port, land. - He turned himself loose on-Tn'lrd, tree,t with Smith No. i's card hr hW hand, and began walking up and down looking for the number of the office his ruHroad friend Inhabited. ' While BOdong. Smith No. I; out browsing for "victims, i A SHIRI - m Most Men wear Shirts and want them tojt. They ; want 1 good quaKty . y V Combine all the good qualities, and are made right ' here In Portland by white girl$. No Chinese labor; touches them. :l..v' :. . . .: .i-i;..-v.v. - , -MTs;HqppHiBurs Have Style, Fit and Cood Wearing Qualities. They are made in hundreds of differnt .styles and colors . , " They fill all wants, i. ' " ?3i-'v : '- , You make nb Mistake when' you buy ? , McALLEN (D ;:BC.,s.s;..'f ii.iaTOiiu);sTUErr8s s? 1 ;'r' " ' V-a U-Mki, V : LiViy ;y, U-? U .;aW' '4 :l:t,.'''' '."ft ' ... t fi ALWAYS X" 2' 'i'-'v- f, a.. We Sell on Easy WeS ' Ja ; ; '' ' ; ' , ' ' I NO : HUMBUGGING;, SALE ear' 1; ,si .st.waA H o Lit ,riq....',W' , 3.4 j , t ' i'. 1 I. ie" pong.-rBTdn'ngp:Foi:the 'rpf ln) eome opened up a little game of his own, "Nice day," he volunteered as a "feeler." ' ( i Before the stranger could tell what hc( "wanted. Smith No.': 2 tookrthft card but of his hand. "I am sorry to say,' Bald, he, "that my brother Isn't 'In town. Ho told me about you and asked me to ' be on -the lookout for you. As a matter ot tfact he i doesn't "want you to ride over his line because you will nof.be as com fortable as to ride on the line I. repre sent We have all' the modern Improve, ments in Our cars, while his company's cars are all old-fashioned. Here Is my card. You can 'See that my nami? Is Smllu too the other-Smith's brother. He wants you to ride .over the road I am traveling passenger' agent for." 1 ; The rest .waa easy. The. man bought the ticket, Smith No fi pocketed, the com -, mission, and Smith No. 1 is stilr waiting ifor ,:hls: friend v who .edrai S-tsoots ,. and. smokes a co plpe, -40 pufchass a ticket of hfm." "' V' ' t FEBRUARY HEALTH REPORT. .-', -; . The February -fieaHh. report of Commit; sioner Menefee has .-at los't.jbeen made 'public. -An even'lOQ births "were registered during the month;' the deaths were 78. : Eleven-of ' these deaths were of persons, bronght.here ftbtit' ottitr jlaor s. for hos pital treatment. As compared with the corresponding month bno year ago, there; wore two more bhthond 31 fewer deaths. Of -these 1 deaths iwera from pneumbhlar E from heart dlseaseTt from Bright'a diss ease and 4 from senile debility. , . - r. - SHIRr t iM ii ml fa ...isib-:-:,v.V; McDONNEL f ,"r.;-" ,t .-fi'.',, 'V ,' ri I ' ' ' '.if' '1 I I ' .V " vV , . . AT . i t,ti1vJ r, " : r. 'i-t-- rs LOWEST I I I K'' at .i.i.avu'.'rt - I .J.'i i, ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' " .' ' " '" COMPETITION yourselves: ' ' ' ", ' ' ' ' . ! Terrnsf ;PeSired i6ttbisfBiBiJt(iits 'i 10' '",v- WINES AND LIQUORS 27-29 Martin St. 7 CINCINNATI, i. OHIO HENRWEINHARD 1 rropnetor pi fans 7 CtTY BR.EWERY Bottled (Beer, 1 '"i .xv Largest and most complete 'E9tab1isridi86!Z Telephone No. 72 Wire arid; - and Ullice V- A-T-- rui tlullU i ;rr, .. r- V? WlLLAMETtE lOlf A AWNING '.S tfiWS?'.LSi' ?' f .4 1 ," ToS venta svi slr';i'1'ii' , t?--8'.rV.i 4..' - i . A i ' k Ti rr -S .. i a I 'i : V 3 :.J. 1'... ft..,V.; i,'. '.(.JJ 1. t "f' I, ( iJ Ci Jf.t. J 't i ,!!,) 91';i IJ r-l ua ::n ,Bv.,ifi.i " a Jt' v'.?M't - H t 233-235 Oak St. PORTLAND, ORXCOf a.SsecUlty brewery In the Northwest PORTLAND,' OREGON FLY.TIME IS COMING Noim tail! b p p We can help you irt this with our well-selected Wall Paper in all grades. nilNTINft hlnFV NINAINX INK TINTIN k HI II U. KAKLH I A U Hill a HI I I V E. H. MO0RH0USE & CO. Art Store,' 30? Washington St Buy Wrt Coods from the Wire Work. : " POULTRY NP.TTINr. Iron Fencing of all7 kinds,. Bank y'" ' !: KariiBgaanrl all kinds of useful ornamental work . ; ; v.- TTII U ana Ull TT C0. rroiit arid BurnsMe Sts Journal ' "-'i-"'f - ''wP -it:';S.'t ftrt V.'.i