' KM :. "4 t, ft",'. THE ; EVENING JX)t7R!Iiyg6ttTtiAyD! OHEG ONIirEDyES DAT 1 AtlCH 1 9, 190 J, - - " f . "AFTER JHLBALMlcx 4A. if. te l(ie Jdiirnal ; Coup v'tlost.Besirable Journal believes thatrthe lte for 4wis and (piark cfentennlel Expoai- ought to p chfe -without unne rr delay.' it bas been ad In these nna thai toeeh-tlme jkIIL be -equl red epat 'h1groundTfor the, bl; e, lonbut.th) $ tflj whlly he was hy, a selectton eHould be made-wlth- naater deify than that necessary to by theVpublle ie meant those who' ubscd of the .capital stock of worthy , errtjv an, tWne .whos. telll nfllrj ffr ttia atlAAaa I will ! ta VPktutttf 4lWi tfceia W 'publl to, know in what part of Port 1 the potttlon in to be held, and to tt this" ambition or euriosttyar-alren, llrecterate, It is beliaVed,; ahould not ily. . prolong lhe people's manifest ety. ? ' - verat location have been offered, and P tract' in the netahborhood of the. mbla llnlvemltr. - It is argued that ia the, most sightly ;ei toaif ble; dee -water craft 'could'' afiffHoT Hi ly ahy. point In the stream below; Mr tablets' 0UM river and. aUUonejfc.beUiw thi fair inda) thai train ears could, be i-u a the eAbnkmenf tt WTTltTa Small boat on the river would, clve er serVlca to visitors than could be from thefetreet car lines. Uwood wants ,tth,elt position, because f trwet c.and Jayatlabla atithai i a ias could be had from the wt- of a natural sDrintf at but little cost; lndld boulevard-could be constructed, it the Hrer's bank, so that a drive to fat? ground would be one of the de- ts bt tn lMtor: seores of automobiles id be emnloyed. and with the myrald small bpa on h4 jtyen tha strew : Servlre already establltihed and the tnerh aolflo.trallread. the tranBi6rta- H f problem Would be solved, hers favor the , fiSdd field , at .East lfth and Hawthorne avenue, in con- Moil , with the ' Hawthorne Natural fa 1 I'hlB i close In. could, T Reached, mjfntT1? a pass y irrtn 1 aimn6i'paMHo ;k la WltluWpfrt blClt,.ajnd,j."utomobllM'i ..- carrucM could reach the field at uurii : X IMW sorlnr of water bolls oat the' eaHtrPtftetfodtttrh d tt park, courelnr northward tbrousn a ln that., aaanned Mr a dam at BeU nt street would form a lake of parr; x sprtng water, beneath and around n flf tree, probably a thousand rs of a. In fact, not a mora charm spot nould be found on American (Journal Special Service.) )ENVKK, March If. A company capl- lae4 at 1 1, 500, 000, for the. purpose of re- lming im,m .eres of .land in Carbon iaiv, Wyo.f has; been organised In, this A : Abundance ' of water Is available im nvc falling. streams. .(The papers juired by tof hay been filed .with the- 4a ; Jan. bQrQ,.tttu rtgnm JJiJ uptuiy ;riin eiiuroaunmenu or nome- rtle Of (urvtyofs in the ldeYrL Blnci tt Auguai, excepting VUQng xbe. ainer oc ins winierj anp isB th work at aurvtylnr tne"trBt short time. Th oomjan hksi onf.' u last January- kh as-ought- 6,0 ro from the Union Padflc Railroad mpanyi pflTtiaea'Mrfttdf "iohtrots out 19,000 acre of lmprovedjand under rh iM.Wwo,, ay propQset io water )es in the valley th North' Platte, close to Saratoga. yo.Th dearest fall wad town Is Wol tt. on the Union Padflw the tract Is the t4lerstween'thr Elkhorni and -diclno'Bow ranges, and Is so' situated at : th reomaiy cbntrol the . entire ter. rights ia tH district. v - rho.purpos of the company Is-to col dta th land. 'The settler wiir ,,n aim,,paytnt,th state so 0ent an acre erefor. ;d wui buy water from th de- lopment- campahy. -.'At present - the arg tor-water "rigKtir-m no &n 'aore.' t lx i '..if 9 1 .1 ' ' -air a , 1 - j k. 1 V .r ' l AUPraj novfiTiES -in bots suit$re liv ftMQIISlCLQTHlNGlCOi i2C0ND AND MOJUUSON ST$."f iIXPOSITIOf! CITE 1L ollffor tKe ace. sol!.'' If would; prove aft attraction. ' that could near be had else when., ''. $ ,Pulton a the west sld nf the jrtyer, in Southern Portland, i advocated b perrons interested rJr that looalltyj" The City Park also has advocates, as na tn Northwest sectioH, Jn the Ulclnlty f the present baseball groundfv. jvfS As for Th JdUrnal. it pUH no favor ites. It has no ate to grind, or tool el 4th tnratjf-flVWclany kind to sharp l,aisleptloa f a site, but believing that ita reader ara in tensely Interested. U today originates a voting contest, the purpose Of, whjch to jteejLhe Pdbllo puU In rebttlOn thertr jf -aiiy-reader bs Ue it WgesV or desires thexBoaltlo located at any of those mentioned here, let htm or her nil out the vcoupori published in thi Issue, and .which will b oohtlnued lh Hthe columns from day to- day, fcna mill or hand in the same, .after designating hi or her choice on thetlliM left blank for Tasuons maas, as l Pisces wner 1 ipai purpoae, ia inw n nmnrn txtonltlott ahjBUid i,loaC HdiAreaer'Ua1tital WW aeairajtA wcatxm a tifenuj- vjrenin ouana&; mng ana rei(spp ne rote will De.announoea in tn taaua 01 each Saturday afternoon. ,f. i , f f 4 I 1 tot naaeaaamt V tM WodfiUoa -BtbtKhdldey in oKr 4d VbU. Alf ticket purchaser will be stockholders In a amall Dref erenees. ' . '' i , iit. us near irom oor readers. "let fi?bedy lm4-iBAMjMkfcHM tha sites mentioned hefa will b dslg nated as follows! ' PENINSU LA. . sEa,Lwooa - ' ; ; ' LADD'8 kikld (Hawthorn Park). FULTON. " ' ' CITY PARK. "1 , ' . BASEBALL, TRAC '-' ' ( Cut out this opvipon,- writ-voiie -choice ana sena it in. JOURNAL CONffcST mCHOlttfORTHCK EXPOSITION ilTE Thepurcbaaer receives One shar of atock in tho Homestead High Line tasal for eacn acre -tof which h buys water ium biuc im amcssmiue ror re pairs and maintenance of th altch which water bis land Tha iircha f th de velopment company I ultimately to dis pose of its whol water rights and leav iw canai m the control of the farmers. w. ct.u: The.followlna nrmtrnin wltt L, MttAi-- !' meeting tf tle WatKA3fWH M- - tiiurrn mis evening, commencing kt'au-wwkr Mttrtannwttaa tori j-ohn l.Catft-opV.imulc:dfc, guitar -ac caopatitntesit, MrB,.JI. AFu11lov; red- state president; "The Money chknter, MU -Et3iDtheOn song bw M Wt Rib- nonuawet. y . f ;,m ,,;Prforred jtodt filjcidM eaefio'i. , , . Nothing-can bt ' fc -f-j- : WOODSTOCkERSTkAPPY; . ..Patron - of th : Wavrly-Woodstock branch of the city 'i ftubutban are gratl fled to know that 20-mlfiUt service s to be Inaugurated on that line Within n day or two.' For-nearly iti year these people have hud ,80-tnlnut rsrs, and while they wore anxlOUs for a 13-mlnute 's?rvira,fhey be ocintented for a time witn xne connssion, maae at last. WHAT YOU SEE IN OUR AD. s; : YOU WILL FIND ON OUR COUNttRS. - - t , 1 a r. ii, lift;- 's $4 Suit thinas lively in our Juvenfttf Dnrf mjAt.t .Y 1 1 11, Mn.7. J, Gauaghaa Jive at Wwtoo. She wnl a cow. or ra-thernrasMha owner ( eow. He son.-JfUy (Sailagner.'vfc N ohed .H.2S base ball. Ha tw th ball home and lest no time inrgettfnv to practice at the national -game. On re port says that h muffed" a .y hd as th ball aped along the ground, the cow leaped at th Sphere as though r It wer a choice tidbit. - hs .swallowed It. The boy seriously objected to th coWi anbaard-of Interference. League gaftws rules prohibit ''chewing tb'ra"iit th Umpire, but no provision is made Against chewing th ball or- swallowing it,' for that matter., vn eyewitness ' says that although th boy . tried k hard -itogt -th ban cut of th coW -mouth- betor th trundled If Into her stomach, JH falltdj for she't?-hld n Uke a politician t m Slnecur," Th eOw died 'af ter- th ball' leavlhg a motherless- calf , v - s. j. wni mmu Dervice.i , PUEBJQ, Colo., March l(l-Darlhg.rOD br have been foiled In an-attempt t teal a quarter, of a million dollar of the Colorado Fuel Iron Company moner from th new Mlnnequa bang, in Bessemer: a, nuburbjf, this place. . A tunnel,; started tromv benath sfVesen rented by two stangathaa'-lben dls covered leading-1- thaia'nk,'. and rtfcot is-no question b .'tk'aan was t d pleta (ta treasafy of this vast sum of " Just prior to the company's nxt pay day there- will be at least a quarter, of a million dollars deposited In that bank ta'cash, the i-heeks of the laborer. ' It t$ believed that the-nwir who dug the tun ,pJ tnunded t wattmUUhlaJi.elLvy ;de, posit a ntd am tlenltoJbw-ak lnt th vault and carry away "as' milfh a poaslblj. "Tli "tuhher'i thoa'gHCsl- b th w-k i$ luiStfnHM ip4 If Is Sut)osd that ta ijrson who Wa at Rfiitabk- of th scheme wa sufficiently able to drill 4hroughi.h' veit lochfi ot cemna.fiJlrWel -emff ntn t entrant to thi vaW'M& alarms that are attached toi all pai-ts of -th Strong bog.' '. -;-' The men who rented the building wer not aen to occupy-it, and -at -thi. titn there is no means of knowing who they are. ; Th onTcars are completely ln th dark concerning the affair. The woiild-bt robbers have left the community, Rent for the home Is paid, but there; are hd tenants. - t .? . -X (Journal Special fVrvle.) . , ; AVA1A. Colo., March .iA.flesdm find Js Vep6rtd,h1r Yoday. '-yVorkmeit .on the tenvefc Vforwtilerui-Whlli .xJ. cavatlng the cut unel Wofaylo Southern 4rk.--tol4y, .itc, lpM:fil arthifr9m1;thde.f,,tt perpedlctilar bank, were surprised to see an .altnosl perfect hH!mmntnrtntt still .enoased in, tn clay in tne panic The situ) KW. arBuUC'liboVfc and bones of the leas were ault Well preserved. The poatur waa a .sitting one,' facing directly south, and the, body seemed to have been surrounded with .a substance resembling charcoaL- , Old Ufty-nlners here are busy ton th mystery, but - non remember any Hue. As it wa .under the C 4 S. track, which wa graded , in '08, it must hav ben buried' before then, but none can retnem ber It, and It seems probable that it i the skeleton ot an Indian. Crowds front Denver and th country around art curi ously examining and wondering, but th silent mduth keeps its secret well, ... . -. - ' - - i A, 0. U. W. Crlsoenr'gV o.1 r A.- OC; 'tT; aJnal':2am?m1 Vy tKe U Leagu . I iii J t i Vro4:7 "iZi f . TKe VUlt-wi to .IttiiinXv the" min. ben over h coming aesa'loh of the Su- preife Lodge, which will be held In this HtvlJuite 10-21. Kureka lodaa Ko. 125. also! pAfd the lodie'i 'vtslt andth hall was! crowded "lb tlflf doBr' Anumberf of elooiient soeechee were delivered by the. UaiMrent meAOpi-4 ,5ltSfetlnt ot the exeutly coimtapeawaf fle'eided to ay nope ioa ne a. raiernar.,.yisit unursony evenlng, March 2T. , v;. BRI According to Jeernf a"well4tn0wn brft-k man, ther Is a, prospect of a hofrt-i ago In the 'brick market; ihls- summer. The demand even 'at -thi 'tlm of th faf Is so great that the yards are Unable to fill all the orders. This Is something unusual for Portland at this time of the year, generally th demand being very light, If '.he present "demand keeps ttji, quite a number of " new ' contemplated structures may be delayed for om time. THE BAR SERVICE. Meetlnff' ol the Chamber of " ' xi ' r ... i "Commerce ojn ine ouujeci. .At a jneetlnav of Ahe Chamber ot Com. merr ano ne Dim w- fi -.vyiuwia- day vattrnocknPsevecal matters regarding the 1rerviee were discussed. " " , At the roqueefof the trustee, th a R. 4k N. tendered the Use of a tur t Cap tain'; Laiigflltt.af th-United State En gineer Corps,? for the purpose of making an Inspection of th bar; to" ascertain th ...av. .-. "i.. - -v.m. I Hi f I,,,, have been requested to render all assist anca possible onthbiiour. i -l-JLt the reauest of tha Vancouver Com meroial -Club, thejreapjutlofisrreaardng the wagonway on the Vancouver oruge wer ordered Withdrawn, I " 'C f A committee composed" of iJj Burn nd 'W. B. Ayer- Were- tnstricted to con fer' with President MohlerLott th bar PrtfarttlJ Block fcgg, JProh) llld to can uu day. mm wn. illllNH You have learned to furnitiwe and carpets, r istore represent-the conudence yon have placed In from tne most represcniative, urgesi ana most progressive nome-iunuuns sioretnixon if i .v ' -J - '" f I. Solid oak Drewer, French beveled nurror, Regular prk $,15,00 . $12.00 r wt(' '3 : 1 7. SoEd oak Sideboard, oak' Inside - . ... . ., . I i f t Si Airned at Railroads Eri KtenSgTwa; Cities;, :'?r v - - - "(Stripps-McRae New Association.) f CHICAQO, March lnjunctlon pro feedings agulnt the glieW 'counsel fpr il 1th. railroads enteriifg' Chicago ahd afta' City testraihhi them "from aid ni r abetting the formaUon of pooling agreements and 'in- flainlg'- discriminating rates, Or oiher violation of the Bhfcrmnn dnU-trust law, were begun here yea terdaV. Similar "action will be taken m Kansas City tomorrow: The war is bp. the flnale will be watched with Interest in all part of the United States. A- -sir Johns; '-. - 4- , iMra Wbetjl slertett,. jf -nvelsr? J mno, u cgjiuneci to tn. uood Samari tan hospitals undergoing treatment for bet ye. Hhs Is an old pioneer and a member pt Unity Encampment, No. 83, k; of K,tfv ' ".There are "t h rce cases of smallpox, in th Vlt'lhUy"o gr."'johns, All the. other Patients have . recovered. '-. The preac'nt Patients are rapidly convalescing. , ' 'The cltltena of St. Johns ;have got the incorporation fever and steps ere being taken j br- representative peoiIe of ; tho eolnmuntty to. .present 'the' :matter to the CoUntyCo'urt In a short time. A pe tition W being circulated and is signed iby 'nearly Jevei;y:. el tjseu tpproached. The territory In the rroposed. corporation In- eluualut' 1WXJ a: v j fWIng a- hrsealophe.-jMlli waukia-roadJast6uDutty.a man .biJhe nam of ' Wfaeatlock, was thrown heavily to th ground and war severely , bruised. Thi St ' - - John -I Methodist Episcopal church 1 making special; preparations for Easier servkts, ; . A "bluejay" social will be given by the University. Park Social Club- at Ports mouth hall Thursdays" evening. A- social meeting .of "the .Peninsula Ore nte will be held at the, residence of Mrs. Mock heat Thursday eyenlijg. . j Mr.' Florence . Mayo, of Brooklyn Ad dition, Is vry ill with typhoid -fever s BULKHEAD -WANTED"' , vf h -Eaeeuttv Committee .of the East Side Improvement Association "Is agin ting th erection of a tone bulkhead on the .river front aat Madaon Street north. A rCsiissiMi II ...lit. - f I: J ir . t i,.iir- 1 i ,i I i i irtiir nnr i,i . , i ,i, . i i i ... ' . . - . m, . . i a i ...... .. - - -. rl 14 14 .t.0 Kaldf ... li ............ L Tbe pi; Datlk Has Ge- J-:--:!". i.&.:.V.. ' -fr a . look. to this itore for some and yon have never been disappo ITIM AN tXtRAORDINARY'j'OARGAlN ,'hlt Enameled Iron -Beds i.u...,....,.g.f2 dvn -Wir . Bprlngs f 9 Double .......... l.eo feoft Top Mattresrfrsji.viii.S0 Feather pillowa m lbs .95 .Wood fiedsteads, fuir '. - BlSPS i.. 1.95 Chlfroneers, B drawers... 0.T5 Chlffonerrs, 4 drawers... 4.75 Chiftoneers, t drawers., . 8.75 Bureaus, - Hotel, with Mirror i... ;.. T.85 Bedroom Bultes, Hotel. 11.75 Bedroom Suites, 3 pen.. 13.00 flocking Chair, wood seats ,1.;.... Chairs, .it. A. .85 Rocking - seats .. cane 1.13 Bocktng Chairs, Arm v ' Cobbler - . a . tf Lsra Arm Chairs, oak. 2.50' folding Beds, Mantel...,". 8.75 blate Baaittiful umpl of modern Buffet, ha aQ the advantage of : lldeboard. Piano polish finish. Prlco S70. Other MlowMtirjp. WILLIAM The Housefurnisher , ! fVirrir Washineton and First Streeia! ahd out. - Seem to Think Portland Needs Religious Help. Eccentric- street - preachers appear to have made a general descent upon Port bind. ' Nearly ;everj'nltht a Wge crowd Ih Ettrooti'd to - Second and Burnside street:! by th wild exhortations" -of un ultra-rellglou individual. Hfa khe.-l.i up on the stoh roadway and prays for over halt an hour. H repents the sam thoughts over and Ovcf and Mirleks away In a most excltubls manner. . Thou wim llHten do o out ot trtore ci.rlcuily and jnany expression of pity 6re heard. Sunday, aiternoon ; astfiw. vrea1"!1, made r so miteh noise at.otbe.oinejc of P'jurth and Washington . streets that, , a pollcernan oomtellel hlni ionovo on. A J man hair died in the. apartment ,atyove and the Wldo ' Wis driven almost frantlp by th loud Imprecation bf the preagl(er, Sunday evening the tnlr)Uter . and. -eof-er'egntlon of the Taytol-Methodist Episco pal church were disturbed during the ser vice by a roURn looking young man. who arose and proceeded, ta explain tho gospel and deliver a sermon In Spite of re quests tcr hini to Sit don. The inrudor f wa mijiij. icinciL ,w (ta. jailf The wbthan breather Who has'lambasted everything Withla her mental : and phy steal range for several yeftV continue her sealous work Of iryinrf to convert tha world. :'. ,.) .' The authorities have been lenient with hese . and allowed them. - to .occupy the highways without molestation. , WITH THE BOXERS. 'I- t . -"mi mil IH K .' Mike Donovhnv Ihe welterweight boxer, has arrived front Bah ' JfranelscO, Cal., and begun r.trantm.?t The. Mikado Hotel gymnasium, n sin Mendelson an old Portland boy accompanied him. and.wUI loofc after Denovan's tralnlhg until BJHy titivigne, his mftnager, arrives Ji ex t .Monday. : , ' - " Donovan looks '' to' be- to 4 the bestVt Condition and has every hope of winning rom , inurston.vMaren.jxDo- 0 1. S 1 2.VO;w etv P I . I ' ' ' " ' ' '';, ' ' J; X f ITtJ tT nil ,f- 1 1 J...!1 .-.., v.l - -..--. . - I - , i' sitionr.TMuinf.Mi1i6i4)f t tUwer.tmn tor unprotected ciiufctaT , est we-uerwaignts in tne - DOBineos, and has defeated a number oi good. men. ' ' Frank Ern the light wlght champion.. knocked out Curler Supples of, BufTalo m six' rdiind last night before the. In ternational Crub at Fart Erie, N. T.' i Jack .Clifford, .the little California, light weight, knocked .ont Jack Wade,' v the tlghtwetght champion of Montana, in the thirteenth round of what was. scheduled as a 20-rouiid bout, at the Salt'tke Athletic Club Monday night. , . Benny Tangaf gained th decision over Eddy Qenby op Philadelphia-In:. ihes-etjh. round of a fast -fight before the Ameriujl t "The Multnomah Amateur lAthletic Cuil Has conciuaea u arrangements ror, tee wrestling matches "In' theh4 gymnasfnn next Tuesdty. l March ai. The' , : intdn bot la between Ed. Johnson champion amateur riIlddlewl4ht'vot the tl)v(ef, and Frank BayleyJ charnplon .amateur middlwHht of tbV Paciact'oait.' The ettias out lisappointod. Th&iaagu us and our ability to fccrVe yod ON TrflSUST , : , ji.'? Cane Seat tlnlngChatri.0.75 Wire 8.25 (Wood Bst Chairs, Mell.f.W KlU-hen .Treasures l.M 'KIWieni Safest -.-faet . t . high ....,..., 8.M Drop Leaf Table ...,, 1.69 Extension Tables, 0 feet . 'ash M Cook Stoves, Ko. 8....... 9.60 No. T . .............. ...... 7.60 Bteel Ranges, plain topi . . 4'. v. . , m. . v W.W Bteel Ranges, With high f t-taeet.: ."... i ' (Ouara'nteed 10 rears.) Heating Stoves, all oast, 4.00 AtTTght'eate'Si,A. r:,wi.4.5i), 3".W) and . Art Squares, 8x12 ftl:,..,'i.BO Ijattlng, per .yard.. ,u .Id Rimgc GADSBY ktM 'prplitninary 'betWeen ohn'v MeCaltl' and air um nance, ox ins k i'ihu be st 140 nounda. - : .- I J' ; Sam Mendleson, wh6 II managing Mlk Donovan until hi trainer,' Billy lavigne. arrives, say that Donovan has 129 Via. tories to his credit, and that Ah Nett i-pver knocked out Donovan, but got a decision on points. . "- ' " ' it is ' estimated ' that f Champion Jim Jcfferles la worth at let 100,0p0 In hi own name. He has-not made this iium on his prise fight winning alone, but has added to his purse by (tick? deal In Oft field and on the stock markets. -. - Jem Maoe, the old English lighter. Is running a public house in -Birmingham. He is wonderfully preserved for in old man of 72. He exerclm dally and con ducts a boxing school, i. 'Ay'iy.-': i i-i h ; i imr .. i V i ' -' ; ' : ; n. nnn rAsir rTrtn . r. 1 EnailebpoinJte& Aog, ia.fi Alonf,!rjlrd J street tWWmoealng. He. wore a leather, collar made a Frenct) barnessmaker 4o which was attached a gteen f ibbonj prob ably doh o ted 'Uy- sotn'rf iHlihma fl w hr hid 1Mleft ever after the tirat'lbn ot'Bt, ot. a pfsary vstore4.4ept oy a uerman. le' .Inspected the layout, of American celery and olnach, but there Wai noth ing there that.intcrated him except art r9P box h'errtrt'g that eame, from - 1.m" Part of the North sea,-The-dog. 1 ememDenng that tnw IS tne lenten sea I -10"' watched Jtl chance, and when the proprietor waanK molting, maae away with a tierring. .between hi jaws. ALL ABOUT A DOG. Alfred Larson, arrested laat Friday by Officer Hogeboom, and charged, with run rung over W. E. Klornan's dog, wa, yes terday allowed .to continue h's case for a day and was released on lit ball. When" the ease, was called later , Secretary Heal, of the. Pad do Do Owners Protec tive Association and several ot its mem- hers, were on hand to proseoute the case,J Jbut, Larson failed , to ppear , and- Judge t Cameron tmposeu a;. nn ot . jus. ; L'naer bfhe circumstance oBe-half , goes ,tov the i Auy and theiothei! bairaa. tha assocla-. BARB WIRE. TELEPHONES.- " FOSSIL, Or.. MarcV lJ. Joha ' Mc-Mot-rls, of Cohdon, was In last week, com pleting the installation of hi barb wire telephone system bteen Fossil and Mayvlllo Flat. Tbi will be a greacon venlencn. as the cost Is very small 00m" pared with the standard Una, and tne ser vice s very good, McMorria I a pioneer In the barb wire, telephone business, and Ms. putj'un. jnpre niiles ot this klntf of jphe,ne Jlne than any. other man In tha EWorld, 11 nas now unaer consideration .the Installation of a fllrect telephone from Fossil to' Anteiop'..' A thtre are barpwlre fences .iiealy, all the way. this Un could be put in'talking order tt very small pehse,.:'; r - :: 7; ;' 'ilvx J A,.-.;- . " '-'f-'i'r (Preferred Stock Strlnjiles Belha, Ntw forks finest production. ) ' , - Fl MM, "r,r ' - - f' it t I vi -;-'': of the commonplace in niccnt growtn and success of the as yon should expect Northwest country r cuaranCea all SL Clair Stavaa and ft foe l6 year.", f-rv- 'yig -"""n I'lnnei i'i mi rnf ill ! i,ijissVnse:; J v , 1 '-', ; No. 20 steel Cook Stove, with reservohv PricathU week $190. Without reser f voir ' , '. ----v-tM- if :.. ;! .. .," " - tt flC' "'" ' r rS. , - 1 k t ; f .... ;,(,; ' Wfc' o' ia s :t y .-; r " - ! JJ iv 4 1 , l ii l , v ji . is . " 11 -vt i m. i 4 . ,u r-j-t.' ' t' ' ri o' ' 'a t ! '""" . ; t j ia-Si- i i - s ef s-4; ; I: .A : CABINET FOLDING BED tlr kaa Vnm Vnm nrhtn IntU. A 4 ' perfect bed. Price this week, special , - $ir.5o " - iPOtiTICAFOt mm m Prominent Workers From the Interior Arrive. , 4 'I . Mlk Nolan, a prominent Wasco county politician, 1 In Portland. Mr, Nolan hi " a aealoua supporter of' Congressmad : Moody, and his Visit to tho metropolis ia in the congressman's Interest. Judge James A. Fee, of Pendleton, i among the political visitors in the city. Judge Fee ha been mentioned aa good':.: timber for a half dosen office at tbf coming, election, Including; those- of cotw gressman and governor. ' ' - t .Honorable Otta Patterson, of th land office , at the Df Ues, lg in .the city, oif .; pbmiol.bVslneli4llnconiVnon'"wfftT 'Wrai -Wh federal MoV'Wflfot WWW- Trtrt, Mr. PatUrson..is.ojpoedtO. 14 ntmnriation of Congressman Moody. , -" The'promoter ot thi p4jtfbe6 flltisens ' . 'tlcKel( say that they will do absolutely o i trofltiiig-,tnha.llBjt kaldsnc sg? njef t 3 mgt On 'naming) la ticket ntU,iit parti tv ties nbnftmUeaadldac..,( . v r E. 'Mbodryiof 'The Oatlev-s9iitbe city. mrh interest of thavnemmatlaa f lifafeoin, congressman" Malcolm A, Moodyu It IS" rumored on tho street that George Orton, a well-known Democrat, ViU re oelve (he nomination for mayor -on th rrtftenji ticket ' . - - , . : Honorable C W. Fulton,' . of Astoria, ' fa In town. ; Mr. Fulton ha tong"teen a, Oandld$to for the Cntted Stales Cstiate. Just' now he la. sanguine : of suooeas la .. tact almost iubU6Jn5.. 'W -' -t ' -'-i ( F. Cbausse. of Grant's Pan, who is ? a candidate for the office of. state printer, . on' the Republican ticket 1 an Imperial transient. . , -. State Senator Percy f R. Kellyof Al , bany, I; a Perkln guest, j. ;v..j,- . - Chairman Sam Whit' and Secretary t R, Wi . Montague, of , the Democratlo , Stte Central Committee, went to HUls , boro, yesterday, on political business. Tbey will return today,..,, - , u Deputy County CUrk Gampett dealret AO saytthat he I not, never has-been acid never 'will be, a candidate . for count y f u PSIACHE; ,WAB.;;': .. . . iii i 1 it' I. ' . ,'. : - 11 ?:'(-. . , . -. , ... . .. - i- "." - :... .' .. .. After haviutf ' undergone many a cIom have' for Its- existence "it", ts ' quite , ; wonder that the moustache ha -not Ion ago become sufficiently tired to quit. But - ? , despltb all close pruning, tha Up adorn ment ttll stiffly holds its own. . Some, men, either fortunately or 11 fortunately, cannot ralxe a mustache. It la making '.not a little trouble at tne Northwestern Dental Colleice, it Is said. Most .of the grave senior tot th inetl- , . tut ion can auccessfnlly-aTow a mustache while you wait; "vbut the.Frhle,rart "riot al-aj-u so sneoessfnIirtTto,r'fjnr'lJ 1- tbat an unwritten "law'exiats 'at tiie al lege ithat any- iTeatinvn, .wha ' Tcamui , produce a hirsute covering . to b!s upi i Hp tn a reasonable time, ie mulct, d ly a x nne.-- . . '. '" ..iAocal druggists report I he r ' ' i 1 Of all mixtures "warrn n( 1 - 1 mustache and 'befirJ i a ' .smoothest face iii tf ': '. . " to atv . (a-;