The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, March 13, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    '.-4. :V'v
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-r .. , ,
-.??inental Freight ;:
- Bureau Still in Session. ;
. For the first tiro in four year the
member of . the .Transcontinental
Freight Bureau are meeting In Portland,
.. holding two sessions dally at tha Port
land Hotel. .. ..!--i.'Mf,
The- objection view of the ' preeent
meeting of , Ue bureau- member are
' varied and important. Immense in ter
? eft and I rut territory nre represent
j ed. Among the principal matters that
have come up tor consideration end not
. lea than M- subject were- no Led on
- - the docket were tb careful oheoklng
up of east and westbound -tariff rat,.
with the object of securing a perfect
. uniformity- a possible, and listening to
such suggestions a shipper might pre
sent The full list of trafflo official la
" attendance, is a follow: . s, -"
' Burlington- & Missouri River Railroad
in Nebraska, S. L. Moore, proxy; Chi
cago, Rock island Pacific, H. H. Em
bry, O. p. A.; Colorado Midland, H. a
bush, trafflo manager; Denver "Rio
s . Grande, Fred Wild, Jr., O, F. A.; Great
Northern, John C. Eden, assistant gen
eral trafflo manager, and, O. O.. Somers,
' O. P. A.; Missouri Pacific, L. M. Fletch
ear, general agent, San Francisco; Mis
souri, Kansas ft Texas, absent; Northers
- Pacing 8. L. Moore, G.; F. A.; 8. O. Ful
ton, A. G. F. A.; S. B. Calderhead, G. F.
A.; Washington ft Columbia River Rail
, - way; - Oregon California, R. B Miller,
G. F.- A.J O, R, It N., W. C, Comas, A. O.
- A.; o. B. I. T. M. Bohumacher, trattlo
. manager; Rio Grande . Western, , Fred
- Wild, Jr., O. F. A.: Bt. Louis Ban Fran
cisco. W. A, Blssefl, proxy; Santa Fa By-
wm, w. j. xusseii, assistant iranic man
" agar, E. Chamber. O. F. A.; Southern
Pacino (Atlantic Bystem), o. W. Luee, a.
W. Luce, O. F. A., G. Fletcher,- general
' agent, R, B. Miller, G. F. A. Oregon Lints;
Texas & Pacific, G. W Luce, proxy;
Union Pacino, W. H. GarraU, A. G. F. A,,
C, Clifford, general agent; Canadian -Pa-
clflc, W. ft. i Mclnnea, r assistant traffic
manager, F..W. Peter, G. F. A.
,v R. -H. Countlss, agent f the Tran-
.continental Freight Bureau, at Ban Fran
v jcisco, baa acted as chairman of the pres
ent gathering. -
The bureau will finish. It labor Sat
urday. - - The westbound tariff, which
were the heaviest part of the work, are
' practically nnlsbad., The cheeking of
iho aastbound rate Is a comparatively
easy matter and will be expedited aa
rapidly m poaalbla, v
EAST side:
The dredge -- Bnterpriee 1 dredging
gravel in front of the Wolf A Zwlcker
Iron works... . 'J
A number of tie mill representatives
met at th A. a U. W. building yesterday
. and decided to raise the price of rati-
road ties to 2 cents. About six months
ago the orlce was 11 cents, but the rail
n-.-- road companies reduced tha price 1 cent.
fidelity Lodge No. , -A. O. U. W., IS
Preparing to give an entertainment and
anoe at -the Burkhard hall Friday even
ing, March 11 A Una program has been
; rranged. , " -:r
The horse attached to on of th de
livery agon of Gelinsky V Son, East
Side butchers, while standing In front of
th store yesterday, became frighten
ed at the noise of a passing automobile
and ran- away. There was little damage
' oona, -
M wd t1 D.TCRMTat' ,0? I
at 83S Montavllla avenue, who have been
confined to Dr. Coe's Sanitarium at Mon-
. tavllla for the past two months, with a
dangerous illness,, are slowly recovering.
- The parents of Rev. G. A. Taggart, of
- the - Mississippi Avenue . Congregational
Church, arrived from the East yesterday.
Rev, Taggart has not seen hi parents
for over 14 yaars. ' ,. -
- The work of transforming the old Wolf
It ZwickerTlce and pattern house Into
a modem hotel v is being rushed rapidly
forward. v:e.- '. -..i' '
v The large force of men at work on the
Brews) building, -cornei1 Grand and Haw
thorn avenuea, ha nearly overcome the
ha voe wrought by the fire.
The following -officers were elected by
the Bell wood Board Of Trade; President
D. M. Donaugb: first vlce-presldentr Ed
ward R. Curtis; second vice-president J.
N. Nlckum:' secretary., B. B.. Madden;
treasurer, J. W. Campbell ;,ss:stant sec
retary ChSs. . K. Burnalde. All the old
'6mcer7with the exception of the aa-
ststant secretary a ere re-elected.
- The movement to close the bridge draws
during certain hours is being agitated
again. - Joseph- Buchtel, chairman- of the
committee on transportation and bridge
of the Improvement Association, has ?
oured statistics on the amount of travel
over the bridge, and will- forward them
to the Secretary of War and recommend
that the bridge , be closed during cwstaln
hours. . '
The work of enlarging the Sunnyslde
school by five room -will soon ibe begun.
Thl will be a great convenience to an al
ready overcrowded district. .
The Sell wood Woolen Mills will soon
open for business. The machinery has
nearly all been Installed,
Mary A. Stackpole, through her. attor
ney J. C. Moreland, has commenced suit
In the United States district court against
the Northern Pacific Railroad Company
for $2,0e damages, for Injuries received
In an accident October t, 1901, while en
route from Deer Lodge, Mont, to Port
land. Or. The train ran Into a loaded car
and the plaintiff sustained inurles to her
back and spine, . , .
,. ... (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) - -SACRAMENTO,
Cel., March li-Burgx
lars last night forced an entrance to
Eckhardt's store and stole guns, revol
vers and knives to the amount of 11000, No
arrests. - ,.., r-,..' . ';'.",.'
By It systamatla abuse ef lonator
Simon tho Oregonlan baa mad Itsalf the
laughing-stock of tb community. - People
see through It sham and deception, and
Judge U - ftteraticea accordingly.' , The
only, apology th Oregonlan can possibly
ha? for 1U pitiful Inconsistencies la that
It editor ha a consuming ambition to be
come U.' 8. Senator from Oregon, and to
ueoed, thinks tt necessary to beamlrclt
the good record of Senator Simon.
All falMmnded men reoognts this
course a n unfair one. -
Acre C space might ba filled -up ahow-
Ing by mean of the deadly ' parallel -eol
umn how fearfully InoonalsUnt tha Ore
gonlan to, but It Is hardly naeaasary wha
that taoerl -erratld cqurs Is- so well
known by la poo pi.
If senator Simon needed any reco-mmon.
daUona, 'ha might xtrmo a reat many Of
them front the columns of tb Oraffonun.
Hr ara a fewr ,. - , '
Oregonlan. March W, U0: "Senator Si
mon was the only man la Jth Snat yes
terday who-;ad th oourage to stand out
for principle tnl tha 'yota on -tha Porto
Rico Inaulry. It 1s' ' remarkabls snd
praiseworthy exhibition of political our
ag and loyalty to tha conscience and tha
welfare f tha people of ! and1 tha
entire Padfld Coast. Who can be tns ao
riser of tha other throe Oregon mn In
Congress. Uhat they continue to outrage
the unanimous sentiment or tnair consul
' Oregonlan, Jan, W, U08: "Senator Simon
today called up snd secured tha passage
of his WH-approprUUng $26,WO for en
larging ths Portland Postofflo and CnUad
State jourtnouae. "1 in om w i
as reported.1 RepresentatWa Moody wUl
probably, ask that tha Simon bill b sub-,
etituted for htt own In tha jHouso, and
urxe early consideration by tha Pous
j; b. Easter, a well-known Bast Bide
lawyer, Is a candidate; for Justice of the
Peace on the East Bide.
- Speaking of the poMUoaf-OutlOok'Jn
naatarn Ounn Chaa. tiebenstein. Of
Bumpter, said; "l do not think the dele
gation from Baker .County will oome to
Portland pledged to support any on In
particular for any particular office, but
rather will insist upon" the recognition
of Eastern Oregon' as a part of this
great commonwealth, snd that It be
given repreaenUtlon In - state ;'leglla
A straw" Vote for United States Senator
was taken In Judge Cleland's Jury room !
yesterday: - Simon, 8; Boott, 4. - -
Henry Blackman, of Morrow ' Coonty,
Is tii the cltv. Mr. Blackman was Col
lector of United States Internal Revenue
or mis aisinci aunaf mumni
land' aMMnlnlstrstlon. and ha long been
a leader of Democratic politics In the In
terlor of the State. Mr. -Blackman feels
eangulne of at least a partial Democratic
success this -year.; '.--
Hon. William BmKh, of Baker City, le
in Portland on lera business.. Mr. Smith
Is State Senator from Baker, ''Grant and
Harney CounOes. and expects to again
receive ne luemoorauo' nominauoa tor
that ofnoe.- Senator Smith- says f the
Democrats Will carry Baker'- Coonty at
the-approaching election, but th two
parties In Baker- have almost the same
number of voters.. .
Former ntv DntActlve-Paldv Uiliir b
rbelng put forward by hi friend as a
cansioat ror tne Democratic nomination
for-Constable on the West Side.-. . "
Captain Sam White; chairman of the
Democ ratio . State Central Committee,
will arrive in the city within the next
three - day -and wlU , remain here - until
the end of the campaign. -
The- frantic efforts of- the Oregonlan to
designate the regular Republican ticket , a
"Simon" -ticket are simply ludicrous. -rSuch
spasms will deceive no voters who are at
all familiar with the peculiar political tac
tics of the Oregonlan. ',.-
The regular Remibllcan ticket Is com
posed; of the beet men in the community
men whose records are clean and, credit
able, and who eaten It an honor to do
their duty. They have the beat Interest
of the city, county and, state at heart
and will act conscientiously and cleanly.
They are tied down to no faction, and
they will do the bidding of no faction or
Cllqpe. , . " '"'is
Voters who support the regular Repub-4
llcan ticket 1T11I have no cause to regret
it,-'vv'".- ";:
WASHINGTON. Mar. 11-The Secretary
tary of War has been authorised to ap
point a board of engineers whose duty It
will be to Investigate the practicability of
the government aca.utrlna the Willamette
River lock at Oregon City, Oregon; with
a velw of opening them -to free naviga
tion. The right of the Portland General
Electric Company are to be ascertained,
likewise those of other manufacturing en
terprises operated by the water power af
forded by the fall. '
..'..'4,' .Zr
KM ,
st&soluhfH&i finest Fl&vofr
" ' sODTLsMfS. AManaj -
-,-.. , . -- J
- 9 . a
' The hand 1 made-to pass over
. the entire body, or any local part
vibrating at the rate of 1,009 Umes
a minute. The circulation Is
1 equalised, the whole being soothed,
t refreshed, Invigorated and vitalis
ed. Wonderful success' has attend-
ed t use In rheumatism, paraly
Jsls. all nervous diseases, obsetty."
y lung, throat, liver, stomach, bowel,
kidney and female troubles. It"
shall be glad to show and explain
It to everyone who calls. The
merely curious are welcome, 1 as
well s seekers after health, v
; Real Estate, Rentals,
Sales, Loans, Insurance.
: Room 2 Chamber of Commerce.
C. GEE WO, The Great Chinese jtoct,
Is called great be
cause his wonderful
cures are so well
known throughout
the , United State
and - because so
many people are'
thankful to him for
saving their lives
from operations. He
. treats any and all
diseases with pow
erful Chinese herbs,
. roots, buds, bark
r and vegetables, that
are entirely un-
sctence in this coun
try nd through the use .of tnese narm-
lesa remedies. 1 nis itnwui mwwr m
the action . of over 600 different
remedies that he has successfully
used in different diseases.- He
guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma,
lttns; troubles, rheumatism, nervousnes.
stomach, liver, kidneys, female troubles
and all private diseases. Hundreds of
testimonials. Charge moderate.
Call and . see him. consultative
FREE. Patients out of the city write
for 4lank and circular. Inclose stamp.
MEDICINE CO., XSPm mira BTreec, ron-
land. Or. Mention this paper.
Stricter Law -Regarding Im-
" migration..
r 1 j.h.j.,. sanaaeaesssiBBB..-si,ji .lS!Jt
(Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) .
WASHINGTON. March 13.-The House'
Committee on Immigration has autho
rised It chairman to report favorably the
new Immigration bill, -
The bill raises the poll tax of Immi
grants from $1 to 11-50, and prevldes for
keeping alien anarchists 1 out of the
United States.' It compels Steamship
companies to return Immigrants, even
af t:r a period of five years from the time
of thelf landing on American son, ix iney
should prove undesirable acquisitions to
our population. . ,
It is ths most stringent Immigration
measure ever attempted by ths Congress
of th United States, and to view ef the
many criminal- acts of , foreign subjects
the last few years will undoubtedly be-
oome alaw.--- - '.- . .. . . t.
,. , , . ,,,. , ..,,. I, ,1 .-.
? Preferred Stook Peng.
From field to ean same day.
WANTED Five bright boys about 16
year old, to carry Journal Routes, Call
- at once, i ne journal, xamnub
t-j BU8lrj88 . C.H ANCES. -T
Good Paying General MerqhahdlBeSusF
In a thriving town.
Good country blacksmith shore
-.Good country sawmill; plenty, of ! tlm-
. ; - ner. . . -- . ,
Good hotel in a thriving town.
3,1 K. HENKLB or A. A. BAKER, tU
Abington bids. - .
The Ames Mercantile Agency Is in a po
sition to advise you as to .business con
ditions in uregon. xnev can nna you a
r purchaser tor your present business, er
: a. -new location.
Whatsis the uSe ef suffering with fcorns
when you can get cured with Twin
1 City Corn Cure! 1100 for -any corn or
: bunion we eannet cure. Price, t&c We
rur catarrh of the worst kind with
Twin - City Catarrh Cure. Price, too.
Manufactured by th Twin City Medl
rne Co.,1 i Falling Bids. Tel, Used
I to
AH tfrcH dtiertri1 navltfable
streams start at the head or nay
kation . and build down stream.
This rule has no exception... The
railroad to - SL Johns opens the
way for ' Portland to follow the
rule. VC There will sdori be a solid
citV to the point of the Peninsula
jnd University ParkSill 1e the
center of wealth and culture of
all the t'dtleeiiitheriveTS.
Nobndv will . disDute this state
mentis lolf are a strantfer here
step into any placebo? business
and ask, 'What b the course of the
business tfrowth of 4 this city
The" answer : will be ' as above
stated, ? Now; s the time to get
a--few! lottiat :: University ;iParh
while they - are yet cheap. -rtWe
have Columbia University, Port
land r public " Schools,1 Bull Run
water, t street cars, homes cost
in fromJf $1000 i to $10,000,
graded boulevards, $ g rad e d
streets; sidewalks, electric ; street
lights. , Lots $75 to $200 each.
Terms, $5 cash and $S monthly.
No interest,' no .taxes, no shan
ties,' no saloons. : Abstract with
each 'deed'f " ;;: -
j university Land co.
151 Sixth St, near Morrison
Beautifully located, perfect
drainage, city water, splendid car
service, full size lots, 50x100 feet
and over."
Price $100 to $500 a lot; one-
fourth cash, i balance in monthly
payments of ten dollars a month.
Title perfect and guaranteed.
For maps, plats and full par
ticulars apply to.
6 and 7 Chamber' of Commerce,
Ground floor, ' ' Fourth-street aide.
150 acres fine arm; above 100 acres in
cultivation, 73 acres of which is genuine
beavercjni; good house,' barn, orchard,
living' water, good road, easy reach of
Portland. .
SO acres of good level land near Van
couver, above too fruit trees, chiefly ap
ples, beginning to bear, house, barn and
othrei improvements; only $1000.
ISO acres; one of the best farms In
Clark County. Wash,: must be seen to
be appreciated.
SoO acres a very fine stock farm on
tKilekUat River, one of the beat: 4 head
horses, about 80 bean catue. an arming
implement; fine outrange. .
44 acres lana fronting on upper Will
amette River; some fine bottom land,
cultivated, house, barn, running brook,
fine drive road, only six miles out; this
1 one of the very few to be obtained,
164 acresne Of the best dairy farms
in Tillamook County ; 140 sere cleared
in hay, swell 5 watered; good 7 -room
house, large -barn, cheesehouse and
plant, orchard, good wagon, s covered
hack, all farming Implements, bouse
well furnished, 67 need cattle, I horses,
19 goats, 8 miles from ocean beach, good
tvpiank and gravel road to county seat.
I dally mall; will exchange f or - good
PnAlnnd nrntwrtv; nrice for all. 18000.
200 acres. well-Improved farm on Will
amette RlWr. near Independence! - will
trade. - - v ' '
.213 acre. fin Improved farm in Marl
on County; all cultivated; 135 per acre;
will trade for Ohio property.
M acres, all producing; good building,
12 miles out; $2000. - - - .
40 acres Improved, 11 miles out; 21600.
- 28 acres, part improved, house and
. barn, t miles out; $1500. , w
S8 acres, part improved, rich Vbottom
land, miles out; a snap: make offer.
6 acres fronting on St. Johns car line.
$ acre choice suburban home, good
house, barn, fruit, bargain if sold now.
200 acres, choice Improved Valley
farmi all cultivated; .sell or trade for
city-property. . N
Right of homestead on 100 acres good
land near Lyle, on Klickitat River; 8
acres meadow, house, bam, orchard,
some fine timber; very cheap, 2300. -
10 acres near Vancouver; fine onion
-and vegetable land; S acre Wlntr ap
ples, grapes, currants, gooseberries,
strawberries, cost $1200 to build; good
water, house, barn, eto.? ean Jtiake
$1500 to $2000 per annum. Price $3260.'.
g-roem modern house on East 12th st,
uear Couch. : ' "
' (-room cottage, .barn; four - fun lots,
ftult, flowers, furniture; overlooks
river, near car. ,,?) ,', --.. -
4-room neat cottage on Mllwsukie
ave., near Beaeon st.; easy terms, $800.
(-room nice, new house, briok base
" ment, to full lots,-on-Woodlawn car
' line. Sell, oi trade for farm.
s-rfoom modern house at Portsmouth.
-room cottage on Knott st, near Wil
Tllaros av. " '' ?,v . , . " ''
Must sell that 8-rootn modern house,
; large lot,4n Upper Alblna; need money;
mik, us an offer, now. . .
f room cottage, basement, full lot,
near Brooklyn school; easy terms.
; c-room cottage, nice quarter block In
' Center add., on ear line. -
e-roora beautiful cotatge near -West
- kve.- and MonUvilla car line, " . . v
' t-room neat . cottage; bath, barn,
chiekea park, in Cloverdale. . ,
. Good house,' barn, large grounds,
fruits, etc. cast base of Mt. Tabor.
. (-room house In Lincoln Psrk; trade.
: S-room modern bouse; full basement,
corner lot. best-part of Sunnyslde.
i lOOxlOe, with 7-room house. In East
, Portland Heights; beauUful view; near
CMW)SY house, brick basement, choice
- location In Multnomah Add.; street im
proved. - - . "
' - t-reom wodern house, hall, basement
obethr oioeet,-on- EwJOth. 16Q0L..
: New house; T-roora.. ana narn. i iota,
In Arbor Lodge; liooik ,
. s-room cottage la Cloverdale, sale or
trade for farm.
Two beautiful building lots en E, Kth
and Stark; sell separate; bargain If sold
., BOW. ,. .-s . T - '- v .. -'.
IVi acre floral garden, well equipped.
J. A. HENKLE or A. A. BAJOiR, 13
AYlk bv-i'f, - -
business BiRUev.i: ;..
;,f':;: '.
,:;'ATT0BNEY8. , - f , . DRESSMAKER.? - ' I ' AINT8 AND OILS.
Panto Beach ttmon. (19 Chamber of
commerce, s ; : vr . ,
K. K. Bargent, General Practice, notary
, puDiic, Chamber of Commerce.
R. A. Frame, BIB Marquam Bldg. i . . (
Charles A. Lucas, Room 820 Chamber of
James- Gleaeon, t snd S Mulkey Building.
Mis a Qould, fiOt. Marquain Bldg.: act
cordlon and knife plating and pinking,
George T. Mutton, 818 Chant.- of Com.
Phone Brown 456, "Bookkeeping: ex
pertlng .teaching. . -y.- , ";y. -t
Paul Baumel. Assayer and Analylst; gold
uuoi uuuioi. iio.. mars: sc. r
Fred a. Ballln, 43 td st. Teh Oak 7ft Vee
sets and , machinery of all kinds de
signed, 'i i- ?, t id'u i t . x4.
Joseph Reldel, 852 Morrison st
iR. Shield 49 Third street North. ' :
Fullllove ft Moore. 282 Washington.
C. V. Harei 148, Fifth street. f
Brownings Navajo Herbs and Vine Roots
G. N. Wilson dc Co., 80 6th St., leading
uaruers supply nouse racinc coast. ,
3. T. Williams Posting Co., 846 Morrison
The Brunswick-Bark Collender Co., 49
iniru street.
A. Dreyer, 6T Third street.
Leo Selling, "161 Third street.
3. Banger, Repair Shop, 449 Washington.
The Nelson Shoe Store, 43. . North 8d st.
Marks Shoe Store, 253 Morrison St., near
oru. ouie agent.
B. F. Jone. 172 8d street.
Union Market. Phones, Ore. North 4496,
uoi. io. a la tfurnsiae street.
Pacific Market. Phone, Grant 1411. 364
wasnington street.
Smyth 4 Howard Co., 618 Chamber of
John A. Melton, Carpenter and Builder,
S07 aiara st.; omce ana store nxtures
built and remodeled, altering and re
pairing houses; turning and band saw
ing Phone Main 747.
The Bell Saloon, 836 Washington street.
The" Hoffman, 88. . Third street.
The Knob Hill Saloon, 61 Washington.
The Oriental Cafe, 829 Washington st.
Win, Deveny and Estelle Deveny, 301
AlisKy mag., sa and Morrison.
1 Mitchell. Expert Chiropodist. Knight
Shoe Store, 204 Wash. st. Phone Hood
Fred Boakowlis, 275 Washington, st.
Dreyfus & Germalne, 261' Third street
Plasa Cigar Store; 211 Third t.
The Railroad Cigar Store, 834 Wash, st
M. Bullut. 31 Third st. North.
Slg Slchel A Co., Mfg. Tobacconists, to
Third street, roruana.
Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co.. 108-111 6th st
E. P. Keenan, Columbia, Hartford and
Vldette Bicycles, Aluer Bt, Phone Red
Sewing Machines and Bicycles, 835 Mor-
rison street
Andrew Kan & Co., Morrison and 4th t.
D. M, Averlll ft Co., Coll phone 708. 881
Morrison at., Portland. ,;;.,-.-
A. J. Coffman, Chocolates and Bon Bona,
,800 Washington st. ..
W. J. Powell, Candles snd Cigars, 420
. Washington street : "
Henry Blumenauer, Manufacturing Con
fecUoner, 430 Washington st
Metal ky light. ' Oalvanlsed Iron coir
. nice. J. C. Bayer; 265 Second st
La Grand Creamery Company, butter,
eKgs.and cheese, 264 Yamhtll st. Phone,
Ore. Main 770.
Arlington Creamery, butter, eggs, cheese,
etc., 267 Burnslde st. ;
Oregon Fuel Co., dealers in all kinds Of
coal and wood, 844 Morrison. .
Banfleld-Veysey Fuel Co., dry' flat wood.
,.80 24 tu Phone Main 868 and Col. 178.
Dr. C. U Gee Wo 133H $d st, NB. eor.
Alder. .-s . ' .''-:'"-.-
J' ,:.?T-fiKCORATORS. r. -
i. r-. nriBieiisen, nu ymyim. m.x
painter, 141 6th street, corner Alder. fc T
E. H. Moorehouse Co., wall papers,' 807
Washington street ---.--,.--,',f ,- ?
C. T. Prehn, room 19 Hamilton Bldgv
131 Third tteet... H'T:vvr
!': -.- ... j , ir- -'' .d -i u; -
S. M.' Hamby, IK T. 9., room S Wai
: Ington bldg.,: Washington and 4th stsw
Theodore S Thomas, 60-61 Washington
, bldg., Washington and 4th sts. -; ;t .
... . .11 I II -W.WfSTt
G. W. ?headl8, 608 WUliams ave. - -;
T. 8. Langworthy, 291.. Morrison street
Hickey A Hlckey, rooms 817 to 819 Deirora
bUi M na Wah' ts. Phone South 91.
win nm n lnan it 1 and ner cent . Wm
Mis Loughlto, Jt Lewis bid
Mrs. E. J. Oliver, Millinery Parlors, reent
400 Maeleay bldg.
Oradon Koehler. 241 First street,
O. P. S. Plummer, 260-268 Sd : street
W. D. IutherTll0 North 8td street. ;
C. A.' Watson. 88 North Sd street'. i
Rows sV Martin, 6th and Wash sts. .
Frank Btrelblg, 848 Wash, streej, -
Laue-Davis Drug Co 178 84 st Phone 848
Western Electric Works, 80S.; Wash; st
Mrs. CB, Fery, 361 Morrison st
Hleks-Chatten Engraving Co., Morrison,
s between 1st and 24 sts. " , -
Gold, Silver, Copper, Nickel, etc. Peninsu
lar Plating Works.; 802 Wash. -
Oregon Employment Co., 22T Bumslds st'
Red Cross Employment Co., 128 1st st,
The SUverfleld Fur Mfg. Co., 289 Morri
', son street .....;
H. Liebes Co., 288 Morrison st - Phons
Main- 24. .r - .. ' "- .
Pacino Specialty and Gas Lamp Co., 841
Morrtson street
B. Garlch, Gents' Furnishings, 8S N. Sd st
Rosenstetn, Clothing, etc., 28 N. 84 st
Owen H, Serpie Co., Fs,ncy Groceries,
s3 Morrison street. ;.
C. O. D. 20th Century Grocers, Ham me
A Walker, SOI. Third at Phone Clay 790.
Phoenix Hat Factory, W. G. Allen, prop.
287 Washington st. Phone, Red 2W8.
Pari Hair Store SOS Wash, st, up-to-,.
date hair dreseer ... , ,,,,
The Arlsto Beauty Parlors, manicuring
and massage, 262 Morrlon street.
Mrs. F. J. Lynch, skin and scalp special
ist. 208 Alipky bldg., 24 and Morrison.
Cosmopolitan Hotel and Cafe, 51 North
Third treet corner Davl.
Hotel Belvedere, European plan, Fourth
and Alder streets. -Esmond
Hotel. Rates; European, 80s to
$1.60 per day. Front and Morrison sts.
Hotel MvCaulev. B. F McCsuley, prop.,
- 210 Morrison st. Phone, CoU 16, Ore.
' NortU f
Merchar.ts Hotel. Rates, 8100 a day up
ward. Third and Davis streets.
William Gadsby. Tha Housefurnlshsr,
First snd Washington sts.
G. Rosenblatt rooms 220-222 Sherlock
bldg., 2d and Oak sts. Phone. Main 132.
Puffer, Burgard A Co., 251 Wash, st
Beldtng Bros., Diamonds, Watches, etc.,
. 4$ Third street. ;
The L. C. H'enrtchsen Co., Jewelers and
. opticians, 284 Washington street
The G. Heltkemper Co.. 'manufacturing
jewelers, 288 Morrison st.
John A. Beck, watches, diamond, etc.,
207 Morrison street ,
Vanderburg Wa,tch House, 140 84 st
Uncle Myera Jeweler, 143 2rd st
Clean Towels Dally. Comb, brush, soap,
,11 per month. Novelty Supply Co., 40
43 N. Ninth t - Tel. 410.
Mlsner It Hayden . Fashion v Livery
Stable, 6th and Oak st. ,
Burnslde Livery Stablea, corner Fourth
and Burnslde sts. Phone Ore. Black 291.
Frailer McLean Livery Stable,
phones $9, No. 200 to 806
4th streets.
W. H. Faulkner, room 16 851H . Morrison
street r -
Homestake Gold Mining Co., 89 and II
Lewis bldg. . '
Piano, clarionet cornet, - violin Instruc
, tons. Prof. E A. Smith, res. 26412th.
Otto Schumann, monumental and bulld-
. Ing work, 204 Third st Estimate on
first class work and stock only.
L. B. Smith. Parlors, room 408 Oregonlan
building. . - - . .. , -
bSXr Alklrs, rooms 23-83 Lewis bldg.
D. O. Gengtlcb,' the leading graduate op
Uctan. 227 TamhUl st ; ---.
Tmria SM. Pirk dnA SfarrlsAn. Sand
f v .ith Book. Con
3in joos oniviusiresv'-'
B pritreme'lsTedTclne " Xo Milfiky
building.-, .:w,;,-?;i..fM.-
Uncle Henry, 43 North Third street,
Portland Loan Office, Dan Merxprop.,
74 Third St., near Oak. Pnone Brown i i.
J. R. Rogers, Job printing, &3 MorrUon.
Taylor A Stanton, plumbing and steam
fltUng, $8 Sixth etreet
Safe for Bank end Merc" it;
snd sold; lock-outs or-n, :
Fisher, Thorson ft Co., Front and Mor
rison Sts. . . -
Dr. M. Xr Denney, 108 Marquam Bldg.
Dr. Amelia Zleglsr, 608 Marquam Bldg. '
Dr. Cora'C Talbott It years' sxpert
, no in diseases of women. Writ or eaU. .
808 Salmon st- - i -
. . PIAN08.
Son) Bros. Plans Col. 828 Washington St
eii ii 0uwe h -,
EUer's Piano House, Hlgh-Grade Pianos
and. Organs, 851 Washington St
Pianos for sals or rent, JO.' Slnshelmer.
78 Third St x 4 y V .-, - ; , ,-. sv
Flsfter Music Store. ' Everything in Music.
Phone, Red 962, 120 Third St,
8. W. Robinson, Commercial Photography "
S64 Morrisea Bt
B. W. Moore, Crayon and Oil Portrait.'
i aira ana wasmngten nts. , ,
. , . t
The Photographic Co., Commercial Pho
tographers. ; RusseU BldV 4th sV Wash.
Money to loan on City lots and Improved '
farms. V. A. Shaw A Co,, 243 Stark- ,
Lehman Loan and Collection Agency. 708
Chamber of Commerce.: . - f
F.- Compton. ... Phone
Washington Bt
Black 929. 802
The King Real Estate Association. . 728
Chamber of Commerce. ' " . .
.e .
B. F, Riley, 608 chamber of Commerce. '
c. r.
Loans ' Negotiated.
Atlsky Bl
4., Third aud Morrison..
Chaa. H. Korell, real estate and mortgage .
loans, 251 Washington. Main 684,
Morris' Lunch snd CoSe. House, Below
Imperial Hotel. - . , '
New Port Restaurant and Oyster House.
58 Third and 287 Pine Bts. . .
Btrouee'i Restaura,nt 228 Washington St
Bjlly'f Coffee House. 248 Tamhll Bt '
,r.. i : '
City Chop House and Restaurant, 1$ Third
St, N. - ;f-" ri;rt:j.v:i.;.i: t--i,.i
Chaa. E. Potter- & ; Co., mfrsi rubber
, stamps, seals, stencil, m Failing Bid.
The latest quartlscop views, 48 Sd st
styles; repairing; phonographs, rec
ords. Transcontinental Machine Co., 843 .
' Washington St
C O. Pick, offlee 88 First St., bet Stark
. ! and Oak; phone 696. . piano and f urnl
tur moved; fire-proof brlckwarehouse.
Storage at low rates cart be had at Fred
"Blckel'e etorehouee, 81 N. Front St.
The Kllham Stationery Co., 267 Morrison
St-". ' tw j;' '.v' ,'''i'-y - ' S;;.:;,
Jam R. EwinB', Bookseller, T. M.-C.A.
Bid., 168 Fourth St. Portland. , ' v-,
Overland Ticket f jTsaved to
aU points. 140 ThtdTSi;
Portland Trunk Co.. 60 TLtan-J
, sale and retail; send for catalogue.'.
Phillips, Trunk Co., 2284 Morrison st
Harris Trunk Co., trunks, valises. Batch-.
., eis, etc., zsi Morrison at.y;-
Haines Tea Store, Famous' Mistletoe Tea,
Fifth St. opp. Postofflce.
Nlcoll ' the Tailor, fashionable tailoring,
,108 Third St., v. ... "
We call for, clean, press and deliver on
suit each week for $1.00 per month. 4JJ
Washington St.,
Pants $4 to 810 : suits 113 50 to 835. Char
ley Lee, 105 N. Third St - , 4
Bon Ton Tailoring Co., 84 Third St., opp.
Chamber of Commerce. .
John B. Coffey, 2&3 Washington St
Portland Umbrella Works. Ctnbrel! anl
paraeoi made to order. 190 Third bt
Mrs. C. Cornelius," Atisky Big., Third and
Morrison. Circles Fridays, sittings daily.
Ernest Miller Jc Co. Wallpaper and dec 1
orations. ' 127 First St .
- With Which Is amalgamated
Capital paid up ..?.................$8.owiii'
Reserve .,... .w...... ......... 2,ouot0w
Transacts a General Banking Business.
opened for sums of $10 and up
wards, and interest allowed on minimum
monthly balance. Rate on application:
E. A. WYLD, Manager.
Transact a General Banking Business.
' Interest allowed on time deposits.
Collections made at all points on favor
able term.. Letter of credit Issued
available In 'Europe and , the Easter a
States." i " ' "''.'.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Trans
fer sold on New York, Washington, t t
eago, Bt J-o"' r''""-"--- omH,.
able tu v
bought . .
Chamber , of"
bustne. i
latturs i
eirs r '
In st"
R. i
t. ageat waaiea -
1 u. ec4 H9rnNa sv