The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, March 13, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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    i;- '.
C -j
A. ('VV '
' Scrippa-MeIla New Association.)
i- WASHINGTON,' March U-The Dera
ocraU deslra to elect a majority of the
" new memberi and lecure control of the
.; next Houte. In furtherance of thla, they
:- propoae to Iirnore Bryan and abandon the
i j", silver Issue, appeal to the country on the
'''.tario; question and the conduct of affairs
; In the Philippines, and confine their cam
' palgn , to congresional districts tn the
. Northern states, , trusting to hold the
- VOL. I. v
JiV---! .......
t ' "! ji - - ? ", irl
. Solid South. To carry out this program.
,-', the congressional committees are now
. ' looking for a leader to manage .the cam
, j, palgn. The name -which meet with the
j ( .' mojt favor Is Senator Gorman's. The
' . ' committee has asked him to accept this
' f , , , leadership, hut has definite
' 5 ' answer. The desire, to hato Gorman at
"' "' the hfiad of the commit tee arises from the
: '..fact that he Is recognised as one of "the
. , ... beet organleera In the party, and It I
1 believed that ho would be able to raise
a a liberal campaign fund from .Northern
" business men. .
(Journal Special Service.) , ; f
t, HELENA, Mont.. March IS Sue Sung,
Y welt-known cniaman orsBKiings, . and
j Mlas Lillian Morlna pretty blonde, also
v At Billings, were married In this city last
' Evening, by Rev, W. K. Sloan, at the
resbytertan parsonage. The wedding was
I i quiet' one, only the mother of the
" ifrride. Mrs. Mary Morin. and James Swan.
' . tt the Western Union Telegraph Com
manv. hnlnr nrpapnt. At the conclusion
r 1 J l of -the ceremony the couple- departed for
r J their home at Killings.
. Sung Js a thorouKhly Amrlcanlsed Chi
nee, and as an earnest that he would
- f not require his bride to return with him
. - I 'to Oh1nA, of desert her to return to his
- v native land, was required to cut oft .his
queue and wear whHe men's ciotnes. ;
-Theutrier Laden Re-
schooner Reporter, with- lumber from
Gray's Harbor," Wash., ,f or San Francis
co, went ashore-this morning a mile south
of the Cliff House. , The crew were land
ed with difficulty. The vessel is fast
breaking up. She Is the property of the
B. K. Woad Lumber Co., off thU city. ,
The crew was rescued after several at-
- tempt by the life-saying crew; who dis
played great heroism. One of the life
boats capslsed. The waves were moun-
. tain high. The schooner is a total' wreck,
with a cargo valued at 9100,000,
(Journal Special- Servtoe.). - - -
BUTTE. Mont..- March U.The troubles
. r of the Musicians' Union were aired In the
Silver Bow Trades and .Labor Assembly
.tat night. Three months ago the union
'expelled half a dosen members who had
been employed in one of the Sutton syn
' dlcate theaters. The charge was that the
men had been working for less than the
'union scale. The expelled members P
pealed to the Sliver Bow Trades and
Labor. Assembly. "The. Assembly ordered
1 the men reinstated. It was stipulated,
' however, that until It was satisfactory to
J the union they should not be employed
S In any theater in the city.- The Musicians'
Union will probably appeal thematter
' to the executive board -of th Western
Labor Union, " '- '
- County Commissioner I. O.' Mack's .
000 libel suit against the Oregonlan wa
'argued before Judge Fraser this morn-
' Ing on the demurrer to the amended com
plaint. Bufus Mullory, for- defendant,
moved to strike out the reasons credited
to the Oregonlan for publishing the arti
cle, to which Attorney Hume, counsel w
iwm ikikd
"J ' . ' v
J .- - I 1 .! HI I Ml M'l. " I
' Mr. Hume ridiculed the right of the
it Oregonlan as a "dictator of news.'Vto
M'.n'essly tear down the character of a
t 1 cftaen. " v . ? -
h The Weather Bureau reports moderate
f )y heavy rains in Western Oregon and
-V " Western Wsshlngton, and light snows In
I ' rjnivm Oresron. and Idaho.
1- ... Rain or snow may. be expected In this
Vicinity Friday. - - -
' - In Eastern Oregon the conditions are
for occasional rain or snow tonight and
5rtd4y '' '-""' - '
- The bar at Astoria Is very rough, 'with
t a strong northwest wind. .
Nevv Tilings m Wailpapsr;
' - , ' ' i
Our tock, which has just arrived, contain only th choicest patterns.
There is no room for which we cannot furnish, a suitable wall paper. We ;
- also have the men. to hang It. We will surprise you with the reasonabls
price t which we will furnish handsome designs. We carry a full stock of
at low prices. - - - - - " ' '
zl:tChasfcPdiitf :
V .
, . ""TTtttTTTi
i r " . (Journal Bpectal Service.) "
NBW" YORK. March 13. The second
meeting of the delegates of the Junior Al
liance, Israeli tea of America, the new Jew
ish, movement recently organised "As a
defender 'of ell peoples Who are the vic
tim of Intolerance and persecution.! will
take place this afternoon at the veetry
rooms of the Temple' Ahawath Cheesed,
This meeting -was- called -for .'the
purpose of discussing - the practi
cability of establishing branchesof the
Junior A hance in all the leading, cities
in the United States. Nlwlro Behar, the
delegate of the Alliance Vniverselieof
farls, and organiser -of the Junior move
ment, twill deliver the opening address
and will lay special stress upon the im
portance of. spreading the work of the
Alliance ss widely as possible. ' s
Latest Telegraphfc Information
pressed Compactly. " r
'Z- k- f .-)' ' ' , 4 ev-
Oeneral Fredrick Punston the captor
of Agulnaldo, Is being1 feted and feasted
In Chicago. " ',.,. .
Chairman Knapni of the Interstate Com
merce Commission, at a lecture at Cooper
Vnlon, J4ew Tork, last night.- advocated
Government ownership of railroads. .
' Cot, ft. C. Clowry, now vice-preeldent
and general superintendent of the West-era-
Union Telegraph Company,' has been
elected president and general manager of
the company. v
The Kaiser yesterday cabled his thanks
to President Roosevelt for the hospitable
manner in which Prince Henry had been
entertained while in this country,
- The 6enata Committee on Foreign Be
latlons yesterday decided that all treaty
making powers rests with the Senate and
President. The House contended that it
should, be consulted, as trestle affect the
tariff, rr, ,
Lewis Cohen has been arrested In New
Torkr accused of purchasing 175,009 worth
of goods, before, going, into voluntary
bankruptcy, Cohen la a clothier.
Mattle Bennetts of Beaumont. Texas,
has -confessed to the Sheriff that her
bouse has been the" rendezvous of a gang
of men and ' women, white . and black,
whose huiiness it was to lure unsuspect
ing persons to her place for. the purpose
ol .robbing them, : The victims were al
ways beaten. If they died they were
thrown into the river. If merely stunned
they Were carried to some loslated place,
to be found by pedestrians or policemen.
- Bherlff Malnes, of Clare County, Mich.,
has sworn to a complaint accusing Chns.
D. Thompson, of Port Huron, ex-supreme
finance-keeper of the Supreme Tent,
Knlehts of the Maccabees, of embexzllng
157.000 f the funds of the order. .Thomp
son confessed t the order,, which de
clined t nroseoute him, , J. y ' -
Joe Was Alvares has been sentenced
to the New York Reformatory for pick
ing the pocket of ex-Governor Hogg, ' Of
Texa. He stole the Governor's watch
while in the elevator of the Waldorf-Astoria.
j!Ji . r . ... a
.unftDmfi ii-n
The home 'department of the WoaiSIi'S
Club, at the regular meeting yesterday,
was addressed by Mrs. Goodrich on the
subject of "Early Development of Church
Architecture." The lecture and discus
sion was ono of the most Interesting of
the entire series. .
The home club ha branched out ma
terially and the question of establishing
a horn for granger and their families
while trading in the city was up for dis
cussion. -This new avenue of enterprise
would be a benefit t merchants gener
ally, and the idea ha found unanimous
favor among the club ladles. Should the
matter be pushed, it 1 expected that the
old Market building will,, be converted
into a Farmer'' Home,
The Ashland all welt Is down 182S feef.
"Signs" are said to be favorable.
Marvin Martin, a Creswelt farmer; was
fined ony 110 for shooting at people on
the streets. Bad whiskey.
Smallpox has disappeared from Albany.
There, are 17 public telephone stations in
Lena County. .
Grant and Harney Counties have been
nearly drained of cattle. Over fOOO .head
have been shipped from Butter Creek, at
price ranging from 4 to, 4 H cents, live
weight, before loading.
W. H. Sayen of Umatilla County, ha
been granted a patent on a railroad
eyele- attachment. He say the wheel
cannot jump the track and that his for
tune's made.
Catholio churches will be built at Grass
Valley, Moro and Wasco, Sherman coun
ty, this year. On resident clergyman. In
the county will servo them all. V - s
A tSR.OOO hotel is to be erected In Eugene.
: Cottage Grove ought to boom this, sum
mer from its trade with th Bohemia
mine and It railroad enterprises. ?
'Under "the auspices of iha" Hereford As
sociation of America, publlo sales of S08
m.i hnint- etrains will
occur as followsi' At Baker City.' April IsvWThe Multnomah W. J. TV IT. will hpld
M; IA Grande, April Jl and u; fenaie
toft. April 33-U; Heppner. April J5-M. This
is the first sale of He kind West of, Kan
a City, and will be the reault of efforts
by Industrial Agent Judson, of the O. R.
V N.J to afford cattl owner along Its
line and opportunity to Improve stock.
l: u rr Hfrr " - " ?
Councilman Mulkey U engaged in In
corporating Into the proposed health or
dinance that was read before the council
yesterday, a section providing a penalty
for persons who come- itno the city after
having contracted an infectious disease.
It Is thought tbst under a suspension of
the rules the ordinance will be made a
law at next Wednesday's council meet
lng.;t ,. I. , . v : ' .-
AT, . l" V
. ' -. - -
1 " ' I "v I 1 FAQ All Tit uSrEkl K . 13 . - - t I . I
, PORTIiAXD, OREGON; TIIUliDAY, 3IAHCII 13, 1902, ';. - '
Will Be Prosecuted by
-J tHelOfflcials.. V
It possibly may not be generally know
that all fraudulent voting at the primary
election under the new law is'-a crimi
nal violation of the law, Just as Is illegal
voting at a general election. There will
be a. combined .effort of the city and
county official to prevent any Illegal vot
ing, and all attempt at auch practices
will be vigorously prosecuted." . '- :
Rumor .have been current" to the effect
that large numbers of men are gathered
in the North End and have registered,
giving North End lodging houses as their
residences. County Clerk SwetlanJ and
his deputies have nb mean of distinguish
ing the legal from The fraudulent voters
and all applicants who toot the required
oath had. .their names placed on, the
books ' ' 1
- The'polttlcat parties have kept copies of
the Barnes of electors a tbey registered
and have been making quiet investiga
tions. -W.N. Gatens, secretary of-the
Iemooratlo County and City Committee,
says his organisation has been making
inquiries and finds that there. are many
non-residents- registered from the "bad
lands.". . I 1
"There - Is no Democratic opposition
ticket," said Mr. Gatens, "and we do not
care Whether this vote is cast In the Pri
maries or not.- but w will see that It
does not figure In the general election.
However, I believe that a number of tht
floating Democratio voters will cast Re
publican ballots at the primaries.'-'
Zr . stlLL ANOTHER x
. ' xScrlpps-McRae New Association.) !
JOLIET, III.. March U.-TH -Xnapp
Exchange Bank was burglarised, by lx
men .at aa early hour.thl morning. . The
robbers secured about 13.300. Bank rob
beries are of nightly occurrence In this
section of the country. Indiana has been
the field of operations up to this morn
ing, but It appear thab the desperadoes
have crossed the line Into this state.;
An Effort Today
Bring Peace.
(Scrlpps-TrfcRa News Association.)
BOSTON, March 13.-The strike I itirt
spTeadlng" and this morning It Is esti
mated tbst nearly 10.W9 men cr out is
this city. The ranks of th strikers were
Sttswented this morning by the longshore
--'-',,Mt handler who work on
th Cunerd and ''Jfieis, -ofT(?e
Boston and Albany freight yards in East
Boston. Thers Is a possibility that a sat
isfactory way bring the strike to as
end may be found today. Secretary Eaa
ley, of the Civie Federation, arrived this
morning and will meet the representa
tives of the strikers, Governor Crane and
member of the various business interests
affected by the present state of ffalrsi
Other olties are feeling the effects of the
strike more and more. -....i.-v $
. (Journal Special Service.)
;-BOULDER, Colo., March 11 From an
elevation adjacent to thl city may. be
seen more than a quarter of a hundred
derrick and other are- going up - on
very hand- Although no actual discov.
cry of oil In thl new field has yet been
made, Indication are o favorable that
capital 1 no longer timid. One well,
down 1.J00 feew i ald to show such
"symptoms" that It is expected that an
oil flow may be struck at any tlme. t
Crowds from ' Denver Visit Boulder
dally, and excitement and anticipation
Stands at fever heat .. .
'The producing well In the Folrence
dlstrlot pur speculators up to high ten
sion, and many new derricks are being
erected In that section also.
In -view of the bad condition of the
road between j Portland and St. Johns,
the County Court has decided to speed
ily order the neoeosary- repairs to be
made..'- . -- --i it! jc,i-...
; A reception to the ladle of th Taylor
Street Church was given In, the parlors
of the church Tuesday after noon by the
Ladies', and Pastor's . Union. Among
the feature were an." instrumental olo
by Mr M. A. Smith, a violin solo by
Miss Claritta Dumars, .and vocal solos
by Mrs. W. A. Bushong and Miss Annie
Stuart.- Refreshments were served, and
a very enjoyable time was had by all.
its seml-anual institute at the umtea
Presbyterian Church, Sixth and Mont
gomery, on Friday. An Interesting pro
gramme ha been prepared for th morn
ing, afternoon .and evening sessions, lit
addition to the sliver medal contest be
tween six representatives of the public
schools, --..,.. . t. ,
The Portland Young Women's Chris
tian Association will probably arrange
to send a delegate to the anual meeting
of the T. W. C. A., to be held at Capl
tola, CaL, beginning May Is.- Nearly all
co'lege and Pact no Coast Institutions
will be represented, - - - ' . - 1
Last Sunday the ; Grace Methodist
Church . discharged the final ' debt,
which ha been a heavy burden for some
time.- Special service will be held next
Sunday In view of the "burning of the
mortgage.' : I
On Sunday March "13d. '' the Taylors
Street M. E. Church will take all proba
tion members of the church Into full
membership: ,
.The Lewis and Clark joint subcommit
tees In charge. of the canvass - of this
county for the additional -stock of the
corporation.-met last evening and1 divid
ed the city into district for the work.
The retail metal dealers have elected
the following officers; Thomas Duffy,
president; F. L Smith, vice-president:
Frank J. Scheeland, secretary, and Adolph
Matthies, treasurer.
II 5601
.. (Scrlpps-McRae New Association.) '
"' LONDON, "March 11 A Cap Town
dlspatos announce that Cecil Rhodes, the
South African diamond king, passed a
bad niirht. which told appreciably on hi
strength. , " - -
,:4 -v . .t.i ... i .. t,
... . . . T-'--f '1 ': ' ' . .1 ' f ' '"I t 11 1 - . -- i - ; i ' - i I ' ii r ' 1 i - ' -1 ii - - "I i 1 " T -ii i-Vtr. 1-fr'iiiijiii.iii.i- !.. ir -rii J.iiW ilia.. ii.Mii.i-;i u , t,u'c i. r .! nUri -i. ..iimilii. mi u r in i
Two year agorthe Republican party In
Multnomah County was. managed by th
editor- of the Oregonlan and, Graham
Glass, Jr. Jt,r. '- -
The people resented their management
and' dictation, and the ' result was that
the party went down to defeat. .
"Those same managers are now directing
an "Independent', movement, and .the
people are going to again defeat their
plans of personal politics. . Voters will
understand that J'Indepenlent" this trip
mean Mr, Scott and his crowd, and they
realise that the regular Republican' ticket
stands for principles instead of person,
alltles. ' "' ' ' ' ' ' " , '
The defeat of tww years ago was a de
feat Of Oregoejlan dictation, and the peow
pie deem it necsp&rjr to repeat 'the medi
cine and down the ring. - - .
Seattle Steamer o to
the Klondike.
(Scrlpps-McRae News' Association.)
PORT TOWNSEND.s. March lt-Tho
rush to the Klondike has already com
menced. The steamship City of Seattle
sailed this morning for xhe North with
a passenger list of 300 mad SO horses. As
the big steamer sailed . away from . th
wharf the erowd aboard ?cheered ae lust
ily as did those who desarted from here
at the "birth of the excitement three
years ago. .'.....- .
. Many of those going North .today al
ready Own mining propertie In Alaska
and the British possessions. Others are
going to try their luck,. Quite a number
of women, wer among the passengers.
Scott FactiohjAttcmpts
to.Dbwn IJirsch.
i-f--r ?m:- -
There Is considerable -comment on the
street to the effct that the Senator BcQtt
political combination has "thrown down,"
on attampted. to throwdown, Hon. 80L
Hirsctt, and much indig. dtlon 1 expressed
at such a course. c
Reputable men say that the Beott fae-
Ifali-Wn.'vrntat it U all
off with-Sot. Hirech.1 '-" -,. - -
On all sides business men speak of thl
matter a th basest o( political treach
ery, but generally agree that that Is all
(hat coirVb looked for from that quar
ter, whe ' eachery is rampant.
"Why, said one prominent cltlsen this
morning, "ail. Hlrsch has not been al
lowed to name a single delegate on the
Independent ticket to the county conven
tion. But. mark my word, he will be nam
ing bigger men that convention delegate
before this affair-is over with."
Another business man, who is recognised
a a man of broad views, said: "I have
heard all sorts of rumors about Sol.
Hlrsch belnn thrown down, but 1 think
that the fact of the matter is that he has
thrown down- or thrown overboard the
Scott faction. I have every reason to be
lieve that he became disgusted and re
fused to train with such a crowd when
he aw that it was aiming to elevate
Itself M the "expense of the regular Re
publican party. There Is no treachery in
Mr. Hlrsch make-up. He is a good busi
ness man, open and above board, and is a
heavy taxpayer, engaged In large local
Industrial cnterorlsest He Is a, strong
man, who believes in clean politic, and
he panders to no man or clique. He
never did and he never will. I feel like
congratulating him on his cutting loose
from the Scott combination of so-talled
'Independents.'" . .
-The general opinion expressed upon the
streets Is that Mr, Hlrsch emphatically
refused to be a party to the trlckenret
the Scott faction, and preferred to stlca
to the Tegular Republican party, and that
on that account the so-called "Independ
ent"" Scott crowa has declared, war: upon
him. .In reality he ta much better off
with their hostility than otherwise.
. ..11 Mu. ' in. I 1 II''1''."' ' 4 "
The Btesmer George W. Elder arrived
Tuesday evening from San Francisco,
bringing the market a fresh supply of
California Tesetabtes, All the
the street reuort better business condi
tions, the pereetVtige being tvery large
over the previous year. - ' '
The?W. . Glafk Company report cabr
M OS a k,, nnnnrla PfluilflOWePS.
85c dosen; green peas, 10c pound; string'
beans. 12V4C pouna;- raawnes, woo uum
buiiches: store butter J2c. Asparagus
is quoted atSBHs lb,
A car of fine bananas and oranges was
distributed among- the dealers yesterday.
Oranges are quoted at $2.75 to 13 for nu
stocks. Bananas are selling, at 92.50 and
U a bunch. .
In groceries, Wadhams ft Co. report
that the sugar war Is still unsettled and
prices unchanged.- It is hard to predict
which way th market will go, and deal
er are very wary. Eggs In quantity,
lots are seiilng at lSVic and regular at
He. Cheese, Oregon full cream, old, I
quoted at 10VsC pound, and new at Ho
pound- : Package coffee remain .un
changed, the ' price being: Arbuckla
11 c. Lion u40, and Yosemite lie - -.
Manila rope advanced o. Instead of
ric. as reported yeeterday. -
H. Waterholter quotes No. 1 timothy
hay 1V mixed 110, clover J9. Bran U7.
oats T, shorts $19, middlings $20. Flour
I selling at to UM. The grain- market
is firm, with a fair supply. . r
: A decline is reported In Eastern meats;
fancy ham. lafcc standard 1214c; stan
dard breakfast bacon is quoted, .- wide,
under lbs. average, Mfto. over I lb.
UhiC narrow, i3Kc An advance of He
was made on lard. - Pure leaf kettle tier
res UKc pur kettle rendered tierce
- Eggs are reported hy W, F. Turner
Co. at 13HC and 14c; chickens are In de
mand at U to $. "A big supply of tur
key arrived this morning on the street
and- are selling live, I2e to Uttc; dreseed,
13c to Ue. Ducks are firm from $7 to
subject to fluctuations. - ?. ?. .1
- The hop, wool and hid marke.t remain
unchanged. , . . j ' ,
' The yacht down 'river are hiring thor
oughly overhauled and renovated fur th
coming Spring rrratta,. The Skylark,
which carried e.f the first prise last
year, is receiving fpeclal, attention. ;
Frightens the' People of Port
1- ; v. : Townsendr
, - (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) j
PORT TOWNSEND. March li-Durlng
an electric storm here this morning the
sky was one glare of fire. At tiroes-It
looked like a sheet of flame, and the peals
of thunder resembled those of the Dako
ta and Kansas prairies. Cltlsen who
had never before experienced such
demonstration of atmospheric pyrotech
nics and splendor, viewed the exhibition
with both admiration ' alarm. The
storm was preceded by a heavy fall of
hau. , 7y .. -:. :,f ;
1 3 ,- ,;.
' - (Scrlpps-McRae New Association.)
8T. PETERSBURG. March M--Couht
Tolstoi has had a sudden change for th
worse, His condition I considered ex
tremely critical. It was supposed that he
was recovering from his : recent serious
illness. His age, however, and the ner
vous strain to which he has, been sub.
jected since hi difficulties with Ch church
began, tell against him, v .
Another Indiana Concern Held
Up This Morning, :
(Scrlppe-MeRae New Association.) .
NEWCASTLE Ind., March 1J, There
appear to be an epidemic of bank rob.
berle in this sUt at this time. The
Bank of Newcastle was burglarised
yesterday, but the robbers secured only
$38 In money. Five hundred dollars' worth
of stamps and jewelry were taken. Seven
men were engaged In the robbery. Three
of them held th cltlsen at bay - while
the other four robbed the safe. . . ,
N. L... Rosenthal, real estate dealer,
said today that he Is being dally called
upon by Eastern people now coming .In
who desire farming lands. - They nearly
all deelre to locate In the Willamette
Valley, and as near to Portland as la
practicable. s
Quite a large number have rented their
farm In North Dakota and Iowa. These
are seeking home In Portland, where
they can live upon their Incomes. They
all are delighted with th climate here,
A noticeable and significant fact Is that
those, now seeking homes In Portland
and vicinity are better supplied with
means than moot ta fact than the ma
jority of those coming her 4" recent
- .' ,;si
. t ! - . q
iirrr a mat . .
Ous Thomas - has recovered from the
grippe. . v'i ,".... . ,
Frank Kublk has begun the erection of
his residence opposite the depot. ;
The Artisans did not hold their regular
meeting last evening, and most of the
members took in the big entertainment
in Alblna. They report an excellent pro
gram. '
George De.Pue Is 111 with la grippe.
Henry Funer la building a concrete
basement on East Eighth street.
Clyu. Gooley. Is up again after a ten
weeks' stay In the North Pacific Sani
tarium, He bad appendicitis.
The addition of Mr, Douglas house west
of the depot Is well under . way.
Tha ... Portland-' Railway - Company-. Is
building a new road to cross the car
track at Dekum avenue, near the depot,
William McBay is repairing hi barber
shop. 1
Mr. Nelson' 1 having hi hous at
Highland connected with . th water
mains. -
(Scrlpps-McRae-News Association.) -FORT
WORTH, Tex., March 1. Sever
storms have prevailed generally In North
and Central Texas the past three days.
Half a dosen people have been killed and
a quarter of a million dollars worth of
property destroyed, w
A score or mor at rigger" and liners
at work on the big French bark Asie
quietly suspended work yesterday morn
ing. The trouble arose from a misunder
standing between the,; Boilermakers and
the managers of the . Willamette Iron
Works a to the hours of labor. A com
mute of the dissatisfied workmen waited
on Mr. Corbett and were well pleased
with the outcome. Later the different or
ganisations interested, investigated the
matter, but at a meeting held last night
could not defflnitely settle It. Th men
are still -idls today. . -
SEATTLE, Mar. 13. Through ths effort
of . th eitlsens, the Lake - Washington
canal and lock schema is again being
agitated In Washington." Seattle desires
that its fresh water- lake shall be con
nected with th navigable water of th
ocean. . v - -
William Cameron, a sailor on the Brit
ish ship Rockhurat. now discharging bal
last at the Star Sand Company' dock,
fell into the river at 1 o clock and was
drowned. "'' HI body . was recovered by
Hugh Brady. Cameron .and a companion
had been Into the city and were- return
ing to the vessel. He attempted to walk
the gang plank. -
;-, (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.)
ST. PETERSBURG, March It-A dls
patch received here today states that an
other fight ha taken place between th
Russian and Tulgum force In Manchuria.
Th Rusnlnns killed tut of the enemy and
captured three guns. t
fiAs TOR A $1.00 EASTMAN
CI 4QA FOR A $2.00 EAST-
tl A A FOR A $5 00 tAST
iisi A A FOR A $10 EAST
'' ' !'r iT. ,'",4 A
3c lb for Hypo. 10c for Developers
Free and full instructions. Classes In ' Photography " '
twice a week. W make expert photographers of our cue- ' -t
- tomers. 8-10 of th cameras sold In Northwest com from "
Woodard, Clarlie & Cd., s
0 t:.I It,
YVboteuI Liquor and
S Will
w : ;'! : 8. B,
0 rREMEDlESj Blumauer-Frank Drug Co
Cu, j.
AsseU, $16,5000,000. Claims Paid, $37,000,000.
f .- ,.,. oesi me insurance in worm.
''Aj. Operates $I,C00,CC0
'- ana
i Write for rticukrs.reficxijww w cer.t CM
, webenture and Combination Jtionds
To BLAIR T.15C0TT, General Manager, -Chamber
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K vorrE J;:
All our groceries are the same-good all the time, or your money back.'
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' No More BropiafictdV.
New York Dend Parlor:
4th and Morrison Sts., Pcrt!ir.df Ore.
Full Set of Tccfa C5X3
.Teeth extractedvand filled absolutely without rnln. tint ir 1st
. method applied to the guma . No sleep-pro i si. -iv e h r
. -i These are the-only dental parlors In i ..r!.,.. t m ; i
nee and ingredients to extract, nil and ari'iy r ''- i
; erewns undeec table from natural Ueth, and vnri.u j r -r i
out the least pain.. ,v .a ... -. . - ,
:"--'' : - llwspas d30toC;CO-.r.!3ysfDt52.:
: Portinia J, C..
Marth 13, Z2,
Tonisht and Fri
day occasioiibl
rain; S." winds.
this Kodak regular t
$2O.00 now . ... 4)1 0
American Whiskey - - '
HOCH, ; Sole Distributors
Cigar Dealer. tOS-1 10 Fourth St
Cure lleadacd
Headache and liver Cure Is a safe .
l7t.i,,' y .' ..:.-.-
1 1 fill
and sure remedy for all disorder of the
' .stomach, liver and kidneys. : It is an
ACHES arising from any source. Purge :
th blood, aids digestion and tones th
system generally. Price to cts. per bot
.Trail auppuea oy t
Wboletal and Manufacturing Druggists
drp3rtr: - r,t Li C.t:t
es;...: - ic.i.
Neiv Wholesale
Shoe House ' r
"""A complete' line Men's, Women's
' and Children' Shoes..' Latest style;
th most artistic foot wear In th
. market carried by us. Send us trial
order or will have our representative
v rail. -. , .
Rrausse & Prince
35c Pound
; t 1 corrEE
bbt It's . hard to geC Good one
time and bad the next. 'You've
found it so, havn't yout v Let us
supply you with our . : .
" rou'U find: it good all the Urn.
I . '.35 cents pound . .