4 i v.. V THE JOURNAL, OllTLAND. '.OREGON,1 JiAHCII .'ll.-r1502. riot- ALFRXD D. BOWEN. Telephone 'Main 500 SUBSCWPT1QN PRICE Per Week ... 10 Cents . Delivered anywhere la "'the City. S mall to any address, 3.00 per year. -. $1.00 lor four months. - . -. JOURNAL PRINTING CO., PL'BUShCRS PORTLAND, OR,; MARCH 1 1. 1 902 ' THE EVENING JOURNAL. " The Portland" Evening Journal la's. . visitor to toe Homes, offices and Dlaras of business of the citizens of this city. -, . today because Its , management be lleves that a broad field, suitable for intelligent -cultivation, .exists for it. in paper Degins Us career untram- roeiea ay promises or oartv ties. It iia no dictators outside Its own publication office. , Politically, It will us uepuoiican, ' advocating clean, straightforward principles of the nar- ty which stands for progress and proa- friiy. - . ews columna and features will ir themselves from day to day. written by - gentlemoa m tneir several departments. ..Talra of human interest will Its attention, la a.-truthful. 'id lucid manner. ' .U be clean. It will be crisp auie. - - til religiously - avoid Vspace' five hundred lines of uad- nve lines of news. ill not publish absurd and tui izable pictures, of - men and ill not expose personal affairs Mc gaze. ' , ' ill not be sensatlonaL '.'-') ill know no sect or nationality, vill be a public forum for. the exchange of decent . and civil ns. .' ' . . , ill be in line with the times and :ate. - - - .11 have no affiliation with trick olltlcal or otherwise: , drill be the strongest ?.nd heart! ivocate of Portland's and Or resources the city and state has had. j ; A' ill be a boon .to the tradesman ; to practically debarred from ox ig his wares because of ; the cost. .. lias already provided for a wide nlnatlon of news much greater that which has been heretofore, aed here. - . , has no past for which to apolo : its future will be Its honorable J from day to day. owns its own newspaper plant, let e in every particular. - f all the necessary equipment ; expansion Its business ma l. but will not ask its patrons urse it for vast sums unwise dared for blanket rubbish, ft. The Evening Journal will ind's liveliest publication, the t friend, Oregon's most en champion. 1 have all the news of Portland t 'ate that Is of interest to any rui t ICAL, BUGAbuO.' Ill') iual stereotyped style, , the a has been trying to trans i ; n iit or SUnon Into a terrible 1 l i gaboo, with all cyclonic i vibrating and revolving 1 i -i vulnerable points. I e pretty thoroughly nn . : w t t . j style of the Oretronlan's. and jneasure up its peculiarities for . nat tney are wortn. ... . . : People in these days know that the Republican party is bigger than , the Oregonian and that Mr. Scott's desire to be United State Senator Is giving r nt to every article written in the --wsr. therefore, the public Is not Nsasily stampeded pr the . ;rs3sVj.-?f wolf " e-i i,- i jontest here re-1-.- jived which -V-,. N - FWsLEVfr. . place p . ' ,a ular Repuo.. 'ii pitted against ti hove 'i allaclea. Eeg- I ltnrj pies, are to be r - liacles. of the in- f. rifenerit, and itMs a well--,that such' fallacies are too tn 1 for the principal purpose t'Balhe outs la. 4. -r- j : - PAfifTY, NOT FACTION. , : jy rnal, politically, Is a Repub i !f in the true sense of the 1,anda for the regular partyj not (r any faction of the-party. UWt.that the Republican party ,-r,2ian any of iU factions, and ulirh of its principles Is of , i A the ner i MEN'S DLACK and WHITE Exclusive patterns from the Hart, S chaff ner (SI Marx mailers now on sale1 j& ; .00 to moreImportance than the trtumpa of anv candidates. s. To Insure success of Republican principles factions and parts of par ty must give way to a Harmonious whole in the interests of the greatest rood to the greatest numDer. Therefore. The Journal Js an antl faction paper, naturally, opposed to turning v over, again- tne. Republican party to the Independents, as was the case la Multnomah county two rears ago. i '- - . X r i The Independent were responsible to no political party, and m the Leg' lslature - could Indie out business as they saw fit, while- the reputation of the Republican party had to ear tne orunt and shoulder s the ' blame for their acts of : omission and commit sloa. -The Increased burdens that the taxpayers' of Oregon,-' and especially those of Multnomah, county, are now straggling with, are easily traced back to the Independents in the last Legls lature. - ' ' . . As seen from all points of view, the best Interests of the teople demand that Republicans stick to their regular party candidates and then bold the 1 Republican party fully responsible for the acta of those candidates. , . . That ! the Oregonian -politically, Is very much warped and biased is patent to all; and its editorial state ment that it Is not opposed to uenator Simon, while hardly enough of a Joke to fce amusing, -la regarded or voters as a very plain attempt to pull the wool over their eyes. The fact of its nolng so palpably ridiculous removes its amusing features, and it will de ceive no ooay, , v There is a large preponderancft of feeling among r Portland people that the Oregonian has put Itself 'into a very ridiculous position b? attacking the i:at of Judg-B and clerks, and ln- aisung on a Hat made ,ns to suit Its own purposes. , The Oregonlan'a well- known prejudices against everything not ia strict subserviency to itself and is own ideas are patent to most Port land people,, and reduce .its weight proportionately. . ; ' : v v The Republican party- has brought the country out of the wilderness, and it is a safe party, for -the people .to support and stick to la preference to any independent side issues. . . - THE COURTS. In th suit of John VertteaR vc J. H. Kern and Josephine Kern, garnlehee, ln Vovlns S4.00U, a verdict waa returned to day for the gurnlBhee, In Judge Claland's court . ' '. . ' - S1 The inventory and appraisement of the Mtate of Ellen Thlelsen. filed today. show the property value at IS.28S.44. . J. Dunnan. H. V., Gibson and J. E. Bur- nette were appointed appraisers of the e- tate of Jame Bimpeon, . deceased, and Sarah J. .... Simpson, administratrix, filed her bond of 17,000,, with Jan. A. Suter. Exert Foater. and A. JX .Burnett, as sureties. The divorce' proceeding commenced by Sarah fc)mlly Mash vs. Henry Mash, were dlHmlBsed this morning on unotlon t ot plaintiff. The defendant is ill. -- . Edward 8. WrlRht. of Woodburn. has filed a petition in bankruptcy. Liabili ties, 2.5a8.42; assets, 13,610.78. ' - s March IA, Ada M. Salsman, at St, Vln-tt-nts' HoaDltal. need S4 veara. "r March 7, Un Ho, at Astoria,, aged 55 years.-;. - Mar.-h 1. Margaret Bannerman. Infant. March f, Permella' Bertrand, aged 20 years, vf ... , - . In Portland, March & Mary Elisabeth autue, iu years. :,-..!..;. .- In -Portland., March g, Elvira Emily Smith. (Ut vnn-rs. : . ' In Portland, March 5, lEmma . Tell, , 88 In Portland, March T, Magdalena Schep- peinii,44 years. In Portland, March 7, Qustavus M. jn.erce, ui years. The EdtraroV Holsaa 7mdeitak jiaiC Ce, funeral directors amd tm palmers. 28Q TamUU. Phoae 507. BIRTHS. March I. to Mrs. Arthur L.. Veaale. girl. March 7, to Mrs, Oscar Bergstrand, girl. February 25. to Mrs. James E. Darnea. , March 7, to Mrs. Charles E. Miller, boy. . March 10, to Mrs. John J. Brady, boy. - March 8. to the wife of A. H. Johnson, 2fti East Sixteenth Street, girl. ' , Marvh 8, to the wife of T. J. Ncwond, 8X Third street, boy. ? ' - , . In Portland, March T, to Mr. and Mrs. nomas jenerson uray.. a oaugnter. - In Portland, March 4, 4o Mr. and Mrs. .John Larsen, a daughten " SMART WOMAN ; Always asks her . Grocer JUMBO SWON biggest 8 cent cake of Soap.' "She gets mony s wortn, . SUITS $25.00 Sii'c Clb Co. THE, EAST SIDE. The new hall being erected for Mult nomah camp. Woodmen of the world, on ICast Sixth street, has all -been enclosed and will be finished about April IS. The. halt la the largest la the city and also being one qf the finest, the boys of Camp atuiinoman are. jusuy eiavea. : H.'C Hill, of Brooklyn, who. returned hQm from Ashland, Or.,i evbout - two weeks ago, where he-went In search of health, Is again very 111. -i- . The dance sriven by the Kangaroo Club last Friday was wol! attended. This club 1 composed of sqme of the most prominent young people on the East Bide, The - club will hold a . meeting this evening. v ' , "' ty,"T8. Tafford, ef Chemical No. 4, and Miss Vera-Wol verton were married last W dnasdar and have departed, for .Mon mouth, where they are. spending their hpney moon. . . , , Alblna Gamp No. 190, Woodmen of the World, held an entertaining meeting last Thursday. Several pew candidates were Initiated Into the secret work f the ' or der.v Altjlna Camp la growing faU ' Catnella "Cliaoter. Order Eastern Star. held a very entertaining- meeting1 Satur day, at HlU's hail, Alblna. Grand Mat ron Maraden was present on a tour of in spection and Toade a few remarks. After the meatlnir a nn banquet was spread, speeches were made br a number of vis itors from the West Side phaptexs, , About The ff Portland Railway "Company M making number of Improvements on their . Woodlawn division. A force of men -- has been, busily . employed for the last week . graveling : a fine sidewalk around the- Woodlawn station, and an ether rang Is filling up the gulch under tbe .Broadway-street bridge, . A number Of men and teams have been busily engaged lit hauling ballast from one of the ships 1m the river to Oil up toe guicnes jiear tn AJDiaa rerry. At a meeting of the Alblna Board of Trade a few weeks ago. a petition was sent to our representatives in Washing ton ' to make the Vancouver bridge av double-decker. A reply has been re ceived stating that the double deck bill was favorable to. the, railroad company, -but that they' would not allow, a street. car track to bO jlald. . v with the exception or a row resident. who live on high ground, all the popula tion of that- Dart of the city ia now r. gallngjtself with Bull Bun water, Preferred Stock Sliced Peachesv i . Nothing can. be nicer. ... -ATHLETICS.;-- A wrestling match for the lightweight championship of the Northwest, has been arranged between J. MoCalllg and at the Multnomah Club. This will be a t hotly contested .match, as the men met on the' mat last December, when Def France was : injured and. the decision given to McCalllg on defaulL '' a wrestling matcn nas, reen arranged for. the amateur middleweight champion ship of the Pacific Coast between F. H, Hatle v. the ' present - champion - of the1 Olympic Club. Ban Francisco, and Kd. Johnson, of the Multnomah ClUb, Port land, to tags place March z&tn. WAITERS. BOYCOTT. Th Walters' Alliance delegates to the Federated Trades Assembly, at the last meeting submitted' a detailed report of the boycotted'; restaurants and a list of names of men who have been patronis ing places declared unfair. It has also agreed that any delegate of the union found natronisinar a bovcotted house should be suspended as a delegate and a new one appointed. - The injunction, I , i,-.jitMii's.m i mUTr '"a more produotlv aubeU LSWe or making camera snap shots of persona seen entering the places has not oeen proniouea. - 'j ne Alliance : reports favorable progress and shows membrnv shin of nearly every waiter in the city. except- thope employed in the boycotted Preferred Stock Peas. From, field to can same day. .."THE MARKETS. : The ut!ook for the spring' trade Is Dromlslng. - The volume of trade Is very good considering the. unsettled condition of the weather. . . f W. B. Glafke ouotea Burbank' potatoes at U.10 to 11.23: ordinary at 75 cents and J1.35; Early Rose, very scarcer are quot ed at'fi.GO and. $3; there are no sweet potatoes in the market at presnt. Onions are strong at 13 toi 12.25. , The butter market is very weak on ac count , of. the drop In California. Store butter la quoted at 14 cents to IS cents; The California steamer will arrive to night, sand the market have fresh vege tables tomorrow. ' Tomatoes, Mexican, are selling- at $4.10 nd California at U-S0 per crate. Oranges are 'quoted from S2.75 for fancy to t2 for standard. Apples are. plentiful. fancy soiling at SI. 25 and cookinsr from SO cents to $1 a box. , , .W. F. .Turner . AY Co. ) eport poultry Hens are fS olentliul but Drtcee good. Hens are and 16 a. dosen. Eggs are plentiful and are selling at 14 cents wholesaler the re tall price being 15 cents. , Wadbams Cov report the sua-ar war Is still unsettled,, and . there la no tell ing how prices will go. Granulated, cane, sells for soot cash at S4.3S asd beat at 14.25. An advance of 2 cents a gallon has been put on all grades of corn syrups. - Manila rooe advanced.. SU . rnnta ' nn March 4, and sisal M cent. ' The flour market la firm ' and unchanornd. Local and Eastern rolled oats are firm and have advanced 2S cents per barrel Theo.-J-Bernhelm reoorta the hon muvi kt In an excellent condition. . Tha rarm.- ers who pooled their last year's crop will make money Hops are now quoted from, 14 cents to 14Vt cents. Contracts tor tha 1902 crop. are,Wng made JCrom 11 cents to UK cents. ... , s - The mohair -season has. ODened. and la quoted at 20 to at cents. - Preferred 8tock Tomateea. " Solid, pack cans; cheapest to .cdnsumerst ThcIDEST WHEELS ON EARTH I vvv . yw20fr $25r $30,;$35. $40, $50,$69; . . I Ste&.foectric, Cisca Autocl2s ar4 Meter Cycles Send for Catalogue. Write for Prices. Fred T. Merrill CvcId Co.;Inc;: Jfranches: Fpokane, fa cum a, Scania. You i have learned to lools to thb stcre fcr scsicthins HTcrcr.t, senvcthias but of the center.: !aco i furniture end carpcta, end you have never been !is?cinted. ' Ths mcjrjnccrtt grovrth end succccs cf the store represents the conflicnce you have ihced ia cs cad our clIty to serve yon; as you sbcu! J cr.cct from the most negmcatativc-laVgest and most prosressivehos:3-fOT!sh!ns store in Northwest country. J . Ii ii Li ij iimwu I'J .' I' . .. I i. i i I . i i I ' nsj Solid oak Dnt4W, Frauds anreled ivjnirror. Regular price $ 1 5.00 -!. - : $12.00 ,T- I" Solid oak Sideboard; oak Inside, 1 J I If U . out- rMcU brash t I t; STICK TO THB OU RBUABLH . RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER It has stood the test of 13 years. Jf you are sick in any way, microbes are the .cause- Spring- especially Is. the danger ous time for sickness. f-Take Radasa's Microbe KUler. ! "Take 4t now," r - -w - - w - 392 Morrison Street. EyesTestedFree We are eaulDoed with, tha most Mm. plete outfit of Optical Instruments known to science for testing the sight All eaaminatlona are conducted free, of charge, by the finest optical experts on the Pacino. Coast. . ' - , OUR PRICES. Solid Gold Frames, all styles. ....... ,.$3.00 (Guaranteed tha heat.) , - ise People (Gold Filled Frames, alt styles.. .,,.,41.50 . twarrantea jm years Nlckla Steel or Aluminum ramea, .t -SO i - (Best Quality.) -, Finest Quality Crystal Lenses........ 11.00 i The above prices are auoted on the very I T bbest quality. .. None better at any price, j T i -Remember- we are permanently located 1 T and guarantee all transactions. .Give us a trial. , we will surely please you. ., OREGON OPTICAL, CO. 1 - Exclusive Opticians. - Between Morrison and TamhIlL T. M a A. BuUdlng. v- . All ; Undisputed ;Fact BICYCLES : . - . i - r -. -- - , 1 0..1LA.L i .ON. v: " - . EVERY. ITEM ON THIS LIST AN- EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN White Enameled Iron Beds ............... 'i,.g2.09 Woven. Wire Springs, Double ..1 00 Soft Top Mattresses.;...$2.60 Feather Pillows. 8ft lbs. M Wood Bedsteds, - full sizes 1103 ChlfTonoers, 6 drawers.. 6.75 ChlfFoneers, 4 drawers.,. 4.75 Chlitoneers, 8 drawers. .- 8.73 Bureaus... Hotel, with Mirror 7 7. 7 86 Bedroom flultes, Hotel..S11.75 Bedroom Suites 8 pieces 13,00 Rocking ;Chalr wood Seats .... .00 Becking Chairs, cane . seat ...,.81.10 Rocking - Chairs Arm Cob-. . bier -...11.75 Large Arm Chairs, oalc., 3.50 Folding Beds, Mantel...: 8.75 plate - . ' - ,,.'! m, I ii r" i ll 1 1 ' ' V fteautiful sample ef snodent Buffet, has all the advantage of , sideboard. Piano, polish finish. . Price (370, , Other Mlow-asSirO. WILLIAM arrf V Corner, Washinstoii r-p IE lAKFi wEO. t EKERrManefler; WHAT - i THE LAMONTS - LOUISE-WlILrlS AND OUR PRICES ARE lOc, 15c25c. EVENIN7PRICES.T3cr25ct 3Sc. 50c f" MARINE NOTES. Astoria resorts elondv wa:thn tnAmv Wind northwest and a roufh bar; . Tha "steamer Otorn xeX hIu from San Francisco this evening. , ; The Trench barlr Bankslels-h. ehartMwA te the Portland Grain Comoanv. oom- letes her load this afternooa at wharf :olumbla 1 . i c .-.. -'.-. Th Americas shlo C. V. StrnW ikss tons net arrived Cram 8aa ranoiae tm. terday; . . . . . . The British bark. Pas. detain Ttivlnr has Imii Kdwt .t tha eouad tin doclt or. repairs. .. Portland needs a dry deek. , . .: . . . The steamer Dallea Cltv 'at ti Ttra. lator line. Is undergoing repairs. Among the Improvements . will be new . and more powerful engines,,' . ; . Captain Edwards. Inspector of hulls and boilers, returned yetr3v from lavlvf.Mt, hr be mtu4 ( O. -'ts- : Cane Seat Dining Chairs .75 Kitchen Tables .00 Folding Cots, Woven Wire .Wood Seat Chairs, each. .50 Kitchen. Treasures c 1.95 Kitchen Bates, 6 feet high - . M Drop-Laf Tables.. ...... 1.05 Bxtepalon Tables,, ft feet, ash $4 05 Cook Stoves., No. I S9.60 No, T 7J0 Steel Kanges, plain tops !. Steel Ranges with, high eloaei .....227.S0 v 't (Guaranteed 10 years.) Heating Stoves, all cast. $9.50 Air-Tight Heaters, 4.5U, - (3.60 and V...W90 Art Squares, 8x12 feet.. 84.60 Matting, per yard........ -.15 T No. 20 ' Price fa-. and First Streets esWaSaWASkal 1sbwIJ1tp PHONIC OREGON NORTH THE POLITE; AND REFINED GADSBYl - WW!)" THE. SENSATION. OF THE! JACK SYMONDS THE D ERA N DOS . r CHIUSTY NOTE; A word to the ladies and dJdren. WE HAVE A MATINEE EVERY WEI NESDAY, SATURDAY AYlD SUNDAY AFT2RNOON THE ACOVE PRICES WILL NEVE.1 oes to Astoria today te Inspect the boat Joeey. ;i .. . .. ,., The Dutch bark Pax. when December 18 from Liverpool, will ably, be sent to Tacoma to load ' The French bark Vendee, IPS days Newcastle, arrived' In this mornlna. i discharged part of her cargo at thai oi Ms-ngeies. , .... , The Inches pe ' Rock, discharging I ermi mercnaaaise at ine root or street, encountered breakage of sjli at least two waya on tne voyag wholesale liquor house found over i Domes taaei) from nve cases unl this morning.: More damage to) fM nquor cargo is expected as ynif ,c Preferred Stock Oysters.) ggest oysters; biggest Una. Preferred Stock Cataup. ieucaie navor. Prtferrel Stock f 'rl'ess na. ' We guarantee all St Clair Stoves and Ranges for 10 years , , ; ...... I .r;. . , I I - ' v tj. 'A i.,n";,.s 1 ' ' J ' ' ; C" ' '- . ff'v--(!,'.:? K " I .i-' ..1 A i n"". . . :. Jn,., ..,! .,.. 1l.W,tol.l)liai ' : . '-"I ' steel ,Coek Stove, with reservoir. this week $l9aWlthont rtser- ' il 1 i-:-yJ I -. . -t ii .-, r- j t CAE-JIT. rOlbINC BED SoDd oak has Yam Yuri seringa inside? , perfect bed. - Price thft Week, special $17.50 1076; 1 2 :: j cAijmbia. so. ;; , ; '-tAl WJtm i w - JIUILIL UOVR THE LA5UYS THE TJUSSTtS -X .1 CHANC.it.. ' : , ' w :THE OYSTER INDUSTRY.". - Barry Hamlet, a prominent business, man of Astoria, a member of the Toko's , Portland on his way East to paorure sev- ' era! carloads of Eastern oysters for trans- pianang in the company's beds In Willa pa harbor. Pacific County, Wash. Tha consumption of transplanted oysters la in towns ot irregon, - Washington a Idaho has increased amazingly alnce t Industry started three years ago. T conditions of 'WHIara harbor at Toils Point are finely-suited to the growth J-' thv transplanted ojater. ' ill,, ' ? J The-Great Yadulf Shakr Olt- Linfnui ..W re Hiwimatw-Pinsr Nettrelrta, HuH ache. Toothache, Backache, Kor ThroJ ; and Choata, Contracted Cords r .d Mi v rem, Stlfl Joints and all aches pH PO cnts a bottle at ell. druo-!t ot Waahlneton street. It Is limlantan ' 1 In afttK-t, Thre is no Untitiant mad acts so null-It. end tSe bauty of ' ': that it "Is harmies. a It ci''1.' en'"H -iwi f.-.j-ist -e-.- -'e -er- J ' . if 1 1 .:t-:f tT- -7. T 4- t t 'A r-.... . i. 1.. .' I - -'s et tc vi ." y. ;