The Evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, March 11, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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1 W . 1 J
i f of" the Various. Primar
i ps and .Conventions." "
rohlbltlonlsts will have' a-full lo
ket in tne- neJd at tn Jn lec
V iient Oregon Republican In the
'J ,1 Tl W&e H)r IMI IIWU iuviii
'4 f state convention : will - unite en
ne candidate lor mg iai wiue.
r; 1 t
, . . au Ankony. t c " ,
' Mrs.' Kvrntah "end fAnkeny -are not
the only-Kaartern Oregon oendWetee for
- ' . coventor. HuiwC -A, Johns, atf Baker
county, la UH advocated by hi friend.
Comrressman Malcolm A. Moody' won
tht hardest fought political batti that
i- waa ever waged in Waaoo county last
Saturday, when he defeated State Bene
. tor J. H. Williamson, of Frtnevill. ;ln the
Wasco county primaries. - i
. The Multaomah County .RePuMleaiii
"TJV -mion will occur March 19th; the
- .mah County Democratic Conven-
will be held in Portland April ; the
ratlc Stat Convention will be held
rtland - April . nd the
Convention will' be held In thla
larch 1. ' " ' ' - '
Democratic County Convention of
i bounty, -will be held March ft
county convention In Washington
Cooe countie will be held April 2.
I. Crawford, the well known Union
a i ntha cltv yesterday.
. rawford aaya that regardleaa of the
that Union baa loat.the "pan-han-
to Baker County.- the county i win
t,a DtemocratNk ..'.-
office of State Printer la en, of
attest to be filled at th next eleo
and htere ia no lack of candidate.,
latest addition to the rank is Jira
key. of Albany, adn Editor William
rke, of the Oervale Star. The an
v of Edward Bverett Young, of
r City, ia well known. Willie pun
of thla city. Secretary of the State
Committee, and a prominent po
I worker is also a prominent candl
1 All these are Bepbullcana. A far
Democrats are concerned, the only
date, ao far mentioned ia I.- B Bow
en, of the taker City Uemocrat. , r.c
The First -ConRTeaeional Dlatrictl' will it veonventlon , -at Roeetoura; on
J n.-day, April I. -. ...'' .
The Democratic -ewventUm -of. 'Coo
i v.unty -will be held at Mananeld on April -
Unit County Democratic primaries will
tw-id March tt, and the county conven
t rll Id. . -
. County Democratic primaries
rt held March 29, and the county
.Ion April (. ,
Lane County papers are booming
me of S. M. "Koran for governor,
rain Nonparfel ek: - "Are the
working for an Increase in adver
or are they ahorton shoes V-
friends of William J. rurnlaft, the
ion banker, claim that the recent
y Innures to their favorite M Of th
gatfS to the Umatilla County con
n. Judge Stephen Jf. Lowell, how-
n not discouraged. i . 1 . i
se T. Mitchell, the county jailer,
xi-iiul af the elanklne- of iron floor.
evident that the Iron has enterd
nil Mr. Mit-hll ie dRlroue of
elected eons table on th Republican
, tlrket from the Justice court on the Weat
tide. He la not unfamiliar with the du
t' t pf the oflice, having served In that
- t' his awutaiiee -ef - hla
i.a of I'ludmnnt v
t a niiiHi m"nnK k li!
4-i - ';a'e efo'e. ( . . Iri i
i t '-'l t;eore P. i i.t w"
: . f V.-hi.'S ' to trie " y
. l v.' f r at t!.
-'y rurun. liutn l(lll-tIUHMI nutO.
in rctslil ration - voters who expect
, , t m i - i'r!ma-!e Saturday close
i r i
aiirand th Demo-
i to the respective
vt-re -fued yesterday
i i on Uit board of -Judge
-'rot (i i tion were filled yeater
vallace Axoctunant iTepresented tne
hi leans and in every instance- his
nendatlons were adopted by the
J Secretary W. N. Oaten Was pre-
i look alter tne J-emocrauc cnanse.
there waa no opposition made to
inen.jn named. ;-, ;x,i. ,
'. C. dowglll, editor of the Morning
Tci-at at Baker City, 1 In Portland.
aeeompanled by Mrs. Cowgill.
ong the Portland Hotel tguest are
U. .B. Huston : and daughtert Miss
.he Huston, poth of HUlsboro.
? -. B. W. Stryker ha gon to Chicago.
Ill there meet hi wlfr's mother, who
return, with tUiutto Portland. .
ana Mrs John' Di-nnla, of Mount
r, departs today for a year absence
(rny-Generaf Straliein, of Olympta,
i , t a f .Bt of his ei;r, Mra. M.
l i'ine, -oa v'l!l.-vmette Helehu . -
Anions; the Imperial Hotel guttfs'ls T.
1 1. if i. i, of Union, lawyer and Pern-
r.ev. Peter Btttner has genera Cor
ii4r'B8Bumaarie--'of a church
there. ; ' . ;
" T. T Palmer, accompanied by-Me) 'wife,
-. ha returned from Illinois after an ab-
sene of several years, .. w
0fr Tibbetts, eltlsea ' of La Grande,
. . .- -viaitina- in Portland. . .
jeharle Letbeneteln and George Vander-
- , aoop,. muting Jnen or Bumpter, , are , in
"" - . A-H. Hum-lnirton. herift of Baker
- fnnnt- .in th nltv VMterdav. He
-ha' been at-Salem. .. where be placed
William Sally in the penitentiary for
cattle eailng. .'V; ' ,i
v Governor T. T. Oeer ,wa In. the city
yesterday, s returning ' from " Astoria,
" whither aa accompanied Mrs, Oeer, who
HJU J tl-e in tne eiiy oy xne sea,
"'ft. v". A.fV, "ddy".--upertntendent of
v aTrtftl jam ror tne coax states.
-Jf ajt w at th First Baptist
IHiHeV. -. B. Brondel, bishop of
tNe U deo-e, who na seen visii-
depkrted yetrday
A!v-isjk TEggerti chairman of th
nvisorv cumnittee or tne woman con
gregational .Home Missionary Union and
Pacific Coast revresentative. contemplates
' an eatendee lrl East, and may depart
- next iirttiy. Mre.j Eggert -will - be
.-W-t-.'-T engaged ia the work she repre-
'enta during her sojourn la th East,
v lttmr C. W. Miller has been ia Call
fornla for two or three , weeks, and will
return tn ten day, .-cr p-.r
' Oin Warden Qulmby, who hag been
In California for several week on busi
ness, will return sometime this month. -J.
W. Bailey, 'State Dairy and Food
rommumlooer, .returned Sunday, after a
- few daya' abeence from the c-Ky. - " '-.
ITon, J." C McFadden.' ot Catblamet,
IlsHct Attorney for Wauklekum Coun
It. Waekw-as buatneaa trtn-'-te- this
tut, and la making th Esmond .hla
headquarter -. - : :r: J
' L. C. Pibert, the well-known mill ton-:
-tractor of San Francisco, is a guest at
the .smond.- He is here, to figure on a
-bid for the hew mill to be erected. y
-Altn-re Brothers, In of the one
v short time elace. i.
" . - . TrrT..1!. ft p'nror resident
)p"i .- - iinlbrook, is
o t.
;hjhs. '
of Astoria,
1 f'ra
I i I s.
. . n -z
ro,' on n extended trip of nfne month to
ranaiorx, uermany, oeing tneir nrai vis.
It on the Rhine for S3 year. .They will
sail on the loth Inst-'.' . t
William Brown of - Salem and- O- C,
Flavnl, of Antorla, . registered yesterday
at the Imperial, .. ",' .
J. 8; Cooper, -banker, of Independence,
la in town,
K. Oiborne, attorney tf ' Astoria, and
Geo. H. Baker, Ooldendale.' Wash., 8tat
Senator and merchant, are -af "the Im
perial, v . r
Frank H. Kiddle, of Island City, on of
the most prominent faxsners an stock
men in the -Orande Ronde Valley, I im
the city for two or three day. v. :
' ran-Marka haa Just returned from a
visit to La Orande. t r -
a: Morris, 'or Denver, an Mis MT
Sommer, of La Orande, -were - married
at the- Sommer housa, - at La Orande,
yesterday at 8:30 - o'clock by Rev, Dr.
Wise, of this city. Mr; and Mrs, Morris
arrived In Portland this morning on their
way to New York, wher they will
spend a few week before returning: to
Denver to reside, . -
W. E. Tallent, of Astoria. ' waa In,
Portland. Monday. , 4 ,
... Ed. H. William, of E. O. William
Co., The Dalle, spent a few day in th
city this week. . ., , . t .
James ' S. 1 Keating, of Astoria, waa a
visitor In Portland , this week, t
- Q. P. . Hulse, the ? well-kown horse
raiser and stockman of Moro, I In th
cityon business. ...----.v-.. v..u-
Tn". Harry Lane I confined to hla home
at Kenllworth with a sever case of la
grippe, pr, Richmond Kelly is attending
him, t. , . -' 5 4 i - i 4
' A, L. Barbur, for many year credit man
for Pag oV Son,, will depart for Tacoma
today to engage In business for himself.
Hr will open a commission house In that
elty. , . f . (fWi
: Rev. John Glassco and wife, of the St.
Johns Gospel 'Mission, after a short con-
nnemem in tne pest nouse,- will, It is re
ported, be liberated today. The mission
nas Deen thoroughly -fumigated by the
health department, and- will soon be re.
opened. If they had the smallpox, (heir
caaws were very Hgni. ,
Cuntmitk Xlt A Da.... .Mil VXrik.
Ita, Kan., return home tonight. . They
have beenhere on a visit for a month
past, to Mr. A. K. Cooper, at 847 East
D, O. Wicks t rom, tfala ma, Wash.,' Is
rrgmerea at in at. i.nariea. . lie is tn
proprietors of a eaw mill at that, point.
F.O. Kelly, of Dulutb, Minn., Is regis
tered at the St. Charles. Mr. Kaiiv la in.
tereated in timber lands, and is -visiting
imgon witn a view or maaina- invest
A. E. Bundy. tr. S A c wife and fwo
cnuurvn, ar at to reraina. - -
N. J, Fltswllllam, New Jork, I regis
tered at the ferkins. He nas just com
pleted hi term of service in the U. 8,
Army and ts home on a furlough. He has
been stationed at Manila and v served
through the recent war in China. He ex
pects to return for lx year more, mak
ing is in aii, arier wmcn ne win retire
on nair pay. .. - .
'- W. T- Gardner, superintendent of the
Boy' and Girl 'Aid Society, 1 visiting
tn San Franclaco. ., He: accompanied by
Mr, uaroner, ::.;.
; Joseph J. Smith, of Albany, recently
appointed veterinary surgeon in the army,
will sail from San Francisco for Manila
in a few day. He will rank atlleu
tenant, - i
Mrs, OK HU flelpl ias been visiting rel
auve near hi a ion.
"David Davi. editor of the Oregon Mist
at St. Helens, was a business visitor m
th city Sunday, v Mr. Davi report the
tower river country proaperou.
Harry K. Northrup and bride, of Th
Dulles, have been visiting In Portland the
past week.- , v . '
Mr, Markell, the storkgrower of "trout-
dale, has . lust returned : from
uonths' visit, to California. He was acr 1
eompaniea oy Air. Markell,
The Montavtlla Board of Trad recently
sent In a reauest to the county court that
a Justice of the pear and a constable be I
appointed . for that district, , The request
was favorably considered, and yeeterday
w. m. weicn waa appointed justice ana
cawara ww.MiMtaie -i"". .,?-.':
t After 'thr:blvflKhtnoir.t1t'''rBart'''of the
eltlseni of Montavllla, Mllliam Orimes
was given a license to sell liquor at that:
place. ' A movement Is on foot, however,
10 taae tne case to tne supreme court.
Miss Maud Smith and Miss Alice; Plrk.
tnorn gave an intereatmg recital at; Ay-
worm naii recently.- ,.-.,.;' ( .
Aire, Martha Deveny la on the sick list.
'Mrs. Daniel 1 Hooker, who haa bean ill
tor some time, is out again. - ,
Tn o. r. & n. co. ha established a
aldetrack at .Montavllla and have, also
maae the place a non-reportaoie station.
An effort ia being made bv the Board of
i raae to get tne railroad to make Monta
vllla a regular station.
-ine rortiana rress Club will hold a
meeting Saturday evening at M. D. Wis
dom's office, to select delegates to th Na
tional Editorial Association, which meets
in a.?: 4 at Hot springs, Ark. .
'An entertainment will be aiven Thura
day evening at the Unitarian church by
the Rose Club. A free lecture on rosea
win be made by Mr. Blbeon, a well known
rose rancier. xn puouo i invited..,
Mrs. Miller, of Sixth -and Yamhill
streeeta, was taken to the pest house yes-
teraay. one. na amaiipox. . - . . ; ,
-The Oregon Coaat Comoinv. R. O. WII.
son, B. J. Hart and R. Olltner, capital
stock, S12G.00O. waa. Incorporated ' today.
Steamboatlng between Portland and Coos
county is tne object. '
Teeterdar waa banner registration da v.
the total number being 634 compared to
oa east jsaturuay. - -. -'..
A. B. Wheeeler. who waa fined 110 In
Judge Cameron's court for being drunk,
baa been acting queerly. This morning he
was found stark- naked In hi rell at th
was - round nude . in- - hia H t the
city jail. It U believed . that the man
I lnaane, and an examination will be held
toaay. , ,v
' Captain Robert Holroan, of th poll -e de
partment, an ex-flreenan, saya that the
Veteran Firemen moved their old hand
engnie last Saturday, and will have their
oia macmne paintea ana reaay ror tne
rvuns oi uty, .. - ..-,.....!. . v-. j-,.-.
Th Lewi and Clark advisory commit
tee-waa oraranlxed vesterdav. arlth 1. M
Logn as chairman and EL W. Rowe. secre
tary. - -i nese orncers are to won witn tne
standing committee on way and mean
for the raising of subscription to th re
maining SJUU.UUU 01 StOCk.
Colonel Dosch. In charre of the Orea-on
exhibit at Charleston, haa asked that sam.
pies or tn nnest rruits or uregon oe
sent him as soon as possible. Th Judging
of eue h products wul begin In about three
weeks. Those- especially' wan ted are P-
pia, pear, turnip and carrot.' ; r
To date over 5700 person have nald in
weir iwi taxes. . ,. .
It la not a onwiMrm of whsthsr I ran
be mren,- but will Dr. Holmes take my
ease? -,r ' ."'-t
It la a wU-known.fart that all-vho
recelva treatment from Ir. Holme r
greatly benefited and 63 per cent ar post
UvHy cured . :
Hiar treatment Is wonflerrtmy eeramon-
senaed and ne has combined tha cream
of all . the drugles systems under th
broad name ef Vital Selene,- and' the
results ar satisfactory to both, patient
and physirlan. ' - . -;
I advertise because It" pys, T . ..
1 um honesty In my work; It pays. ,
.jCtmsultatton free. 1 1 not hesitate to
refuse roue ease If I think best.-.
319 and SJl Ablngton Dldg.t fortland,' Or.
iD b )0( cS:
U Has arrived. The Swellest Hat
Always the
. Same Price
U Y. Fourth and
fl : Morrison 4
AT THIS- MARQUAM. After a season
of melodrama and romatlc play at the
Marquum, Daniel Bully, a favorite always
in Portland, opened a two-night' engage
ment last nlght-with the refreshing Amer
ican play, ."The Parish Priest." It I well
worth seeing. Mr, Bully Improves with
age and those of his audience .who . saw
him a. Father Whalen last year and In
'"trurien tne conaucior, r previoueiy,
m In na wiu dlsaDDolnted with hi Ver
satile enactment of th big-hearted and
bisr.bodled Irish Driest. " Mr. Bully Had
with him aome of the same rood support
that he brougnt to f ortiana last year, no
tably, John I. Griffin, who Impersonated
In an able way Michael Sullivan. "The
Parish priest" I a good play and deserved
more liberal patronage.- - , , -
THE BAKER This week's bill I one
Of the best presented at the Baker since
Its conversion to vaudeville. DuBell is
the-top-liner of an alt-star performance.
Asa trapes equilibrist he is the peer of
any. The most difficult and daring feats
of balancing he performs on a trapeie
auanendad as hleh in the air a th nelgnt
of the auditorium will permit, Jack By m-
onda minstrel, ha some DlaCK race com
edy. -The Laments, society; acrobat, are
clever. The Truatys, in singing and danc
ing, ixuise WIU'. n aimcuit tov aancni.
the XMranao, eomeay aerooatsi tne xju.
keva. In a eomedv Uchtnlnr change rnu
leal specialty,, and the Inevitable tramp
comedian, who can - Juggle alt ort of
objects with mucn eievernesa, present an
evening's entertainment thai greatly
rrt! MATtOTTAM. Miss Lenore Jack-
son, th violin ste, channel an enthusiastlo
noon by her Interpretation of ,the- classic
program which she rendered. Her deli
cate shading and tone picture wer per
feet. - William Baur accompanied on the
piano, and the7 vocalist was Harrjr J,
Fellows, tenor, whose vole la particularly
suited for - ballad; .,rA-- :-yff
f Vv,nnTtaT,B.-."For Fair Virginia.'
a war play, was th bill at' Cordray'
last night. Mia Jessie Shirley, as Yan
kea s-irl. whose- brother haa married a
daughter of Virginia, play a pretty, lov
able character, and play It well, but had
iii. .n. f, hrf talent and oowers.
Th play l hardly a vehlcl tn which
the company could . convey tt atrengtn
and eapabilitlUa. The cliroaxeaare tram
mA anrf unnatural.. Wm. R.. Abram. as
Steven Dunham, a Southern colonel, did
soma clever light comedy work In hi
....... wUH Wlaa OhlfleV. and llttl Virilt
Felton secured the only"curtain" ofr'th
vanlnar. The suDDOrt was good. -. Miss
Rhiriev will be seen tonight In- the title
role of "Nell Gwynn." , ffl ,
Preferred Stock Tomatoes.
Enehllado wltk gfeen pepper )' ppe
V tlalng. . i..'.i..U:,;Jl.v;!-'.::-.- r-T-r
Florence Robert and her company VIII-
appear at cororay anercn- m. n
opening bill will be David Belasco's' Zasa,
Daniel Bullly was the gueU of Portladn
Lodge No. 142, B. P. O. B., last nighU
' ta4V' llwiagllMttlAf )
Marquam Grand, I noif agent , of the
Northwest Theatrical : Asaooiauon,
which Calvin .Heilig I manager, ky'"'.'
chHs Rrown. th assistant manager of
th Baker, la In Chicago, "arranging for
people" tor vaudeville, at the Baker. s
Manaser Helllr. of the 'Marauam. haa
gone to' the Bound In connection with the
Interest of the Northwest Theatrical
Association, of which he Is manager.
"Two hundred chance to rid and tlll
ha walklna-." , Ita too had. hut Maurice
Barrymore Smith, treasurer of Cordray'a. 1
say ne uaee exercise. . .
Charlea Warren York ha been, appoint
ed treasurer of the Marquam Orand Then
atrev Mtv York was formerly In the bua
tne1)fBc'of the Oregoniatvr " ; .
' Preferred Stock Tinned Com'X
. Extra sweet -and tender, .-: -1:-''.
:: Spring Novelty
Dreiss-Goodsi 8ews
We are this easorl better prepared than ever before to furnish tha '
world' newest and choicest dreas material In black, an colors In as-- '
.sortmenta not only eouaUna; but positively surpassing: any similar show-
: '4nf mails by any elngle store or any dry good house In Portland, and at Vrp
- price that will one more and very emphattelUy prov ur supremacy
In th retail dry goods business of 'the NortBwert.- -'j'i '.." , ', ; :;r
Today AVe Will Place on Sale
A limited quantity of extreme noveltle of TYench mBufactr; 4 mud :-'---4iK-h
fYench .Crep de Chine. 75 per cent of which I all pure tlk ef a ' 'r
.--superior make and finish. Come In black, mod, fa at or, sew blue. Nil,
. turquola aad pearl. Only one pattern auit of a, kind. -Bwellaat nvlty . '
pattern ever displayed la Portland,.--?-.- v- ' .U -.v- -. . --.(-., - ';y
as Apple
Ar the counter heap of Spring drea good and woven dainties. ' Preach r
Grenadine. Etamlnea, Engllah Mohair and. English Alpaca, Ylsourus, 1.
-Venetian and Bilk Warp Turkish Mohelrs. France, England, Germany,
and last but not least, America, all contribute their quota -toward tb "
make-up f thla rare aggregation. - ... . . "V
The only exclusive Dry Cooe House fat Portland
161-163 TIC W STRAIT ST cor. M orrtson 1
ever shown in Portlaad. , Made in
Best in
Oregon -' fl
'? ,j;''AV;,-", ' 'I 'ri;v:M"
Sodavltla now has a grange, organised
bv DeDuty C. H. Walker, assisted by Dr.
H. M. Jones and H. C, MeTimmond. an-
ciens granger.. ;. - ,
- Linn County's asseeeed valuation 1 $,
7&3.Mu; .area. In acres, 1,401,620; popula-
tlon, :lB,UUii, r.'H - -;-;,.:.r-;:li-i -t-
t ftayton reeldents are complaining be
cause th dog are killing sheep in. that
vicinity. They want a heavy dor tax.
Theo. Gohler lost seven sheep at oac by
worthies .canine. -s
; The dates for the annual school meet
ings In Oregon wer changed by act of
the last legislature from the first Monday
In June. - The. present school officers In
the various diet rlcta will hold over until
the .election f - their successors , on file
named date.- .. . .i . ,
" Some Prlnevtlle cltlsen are willing to
make affidavit that Mt. Jefferson-sends up
big volume of. smoke occasionally.. In
fart they think Jefferson is a regular vol
cano, because they have seen it smok.
This settle the hot-air qustlon In Prine-
vine.. , ' t.
OovenvrKent Order
Smith PremJer. .
Feb. : T. The gre&test single
purchase of - typewriters ever made, has
been ordered by the Ministry or justice,
vhlch. after three months of exhaustive,
competitive tests, has contracted to equip
the en tire, ministry with not less than
one thousand two hundred Smith Premier
Typewriters, supplying ; every 'court.
From Morning Oregonlan, Feb. T, 1902.
Amona. well-known purchasers 'of the
Smith Premier f roin, the Portland branch
lately, we mention -,m jew.- m iohuwb
IT'Rnn A Bchuebel. Chat) man Lumber CO
M. E. Rose, Draftsman O. R. & N., Agent
O. R. ai N.. Bonneville: Portland Lum
bering & Mfg. Co.:Dr:,C. W. Barr, As-
toria. Golden West Medlcin eo. Mle l
Haggman. Carson ft- Adam, Bona wrotn
er (2), Hotel Josephine. Grant's Pas,
Mining Engineer, Good Rough Mercantile
ft Stock Cow Rev, N, J, W. Nelson, The
Jf.. K. Gill Cost H, O. Reed, Mgr. .Alien
. Gilbert, Jo., C Bleed, reporter, and
several other. - - m ...
Portland branch" Smith Premier Co., 122
Third street. U ft -m. Aiexanaer t vo.
agent.-? -i; - '
T ' ' l.J LI . ' " I ' ' " - - - - .-
V - : Preferred ' 8tock Salmon. .
Canned from Rqyai Chinook only.
Mrs. B. A. Hask, of 804 Jefferson street,
Olympla, Wash., says that jtecaon na
used twd bottles of Snake un uniment ,
and one bottle of La-Cas-Ka for Rheu
matlurn: from which he ha beeti suffering
for years, and he is how-cured and able
to perform hi dutle. 8h say it la the
best medicine he had ever used and has
since ordered a number of notties tor
friemla and acquaintance. When La-
Cas-Ka I taken Internally and Snake' Oil
Mninutit nu avternallv fnr .Rheuma
tism, It will cure Wt out Of 100 case. It
never faiU to make, a permanent and
complete cure.
:' .';.. Treats StccessfUr All 'j;'
raits iiraioiK mom
unices --io ueam. Buuaiag, .
Third and .Washington Sts.
AaM a ala Sk 7 a . " . r'.
Call for literature;'"; V'-.'C-'' V:
Dress Goods
Eilers Piano'House Dsescribes
ilhe Greatest Sale They; ;r
f ? r: Ever. Held ,
Kllers .Piano House la. alwava In ' the
front rank, and, with this first Issue of
Th Evening Journal, cordially greets old
friends and the hosts of new ones that
will welcome tha advent. of new dally
newspaper In Portland. i i : , r .-, .
The biggest piece of piano and musical
Instrument Hews , In the Northwest v is
their - great reorganisation sale, . that
reached high-water mark last Saturday.
Instead of about 10, which had been the
daily average, it pin no and- 11 organs
found new home.; The purchaser consisted-
of banker, school teachers, mer
chants, clerks, etc., and they went not
only to resident of Portland and vicin
ity, but also to outlying town In Or-.
gon, Washington and Idaho.-
Most of th Instrument sold were of
fc. kink... .. ..- , A ....W .. Tt.'.kn. Xf In.
ball, Cblvkerlng, Hobart M. Cable, Decker,
Whitney, etc., which Is conclusive evi
dence .of prosperous times. These are the
piano-purchasera; Mrs. T. R. Mealoy. X
i C. U. Berry, Miss Nellie Brown,. Agnes
Brown,. Erie Anderson, Jr., Mrs. 8. ,W,
Bennett, J. N. Jone, A. D. Davidson; E
F, Hollowell. H. W. Butters, W.. H. Bu
ford. Miss Lucv M. Johnston. Thomas M.
Oatch, Claus Hennlngs, Charlotte Drusch
kei, K. A. Miller, banker; J. Ju. Aitienng,
Alexander Gordon. '
' Thla week the advance shipments of the
new atock of hta-h-rrade nlanoa. person-
ally selected by Mr. Hy J. Eilers. the pres
ident of, the corporation, will arrive. These
instrument comprise tne wua styie in
Braaillan walnut, Pernambuco primer
vera. San Domingo mahogany and Cuban
Toe Business or uiier nano House nas
grown to such an extent that they are
forced1 to place enormous contract with
Eastern -factories for pianos, -which ; en
able the Kllers people now to sell pianos
for the same price that ordinary dealers
nay for theirs, simply because tne .uiiere
people buy carload of piano where tehy
buy one. . -.i ,-. "T
' Kememoer. mis is tne largest piano con
cern west of Chlcaro. and if need
piano, be sure to inspect our gtocx
831 Wahlngton street, opposite Cordray's
xneater.. . - -v.;.
finest atcortroent of high grade plane in
the dry. . : Write ftr. nrke. tertM ane)
any1 other information desired or call
Soule Bros Piano Co.
. Agents for the celebrated -
326 Washington St., Near Siih.
Pho&e Main 677 . Fine Piano Tuning
Haa illustrated it .ability to euro all
curable diseases after all other methods
have- failed, .' Consult - " -t
i)R. L. B. SMITH
- Of 409 Oregonian Building ;
Fourth year In Portland. Graduate of
A. T. Still's School of Osteopathy, Con
sultation free at office. .Call or. write
for literature and Portland reference.
Lady assistant. - ' ; -
WionerOak tflr residence, Black tZL
Our membership Fee, only
'ri--!. - -- ) ..'- .... : ti yA.. w aw
?r0ur Monthly Payments before Maturity, on!y.r..w.'...-..;:..,.., . .
?i Our Monthlv Pavmenti after .Maturity, onlv : I'J 5.
TH? OREGON MUTUAL HOME SOCIETY has written more contracts and actually matured
more contracts than all other Companies on the Hacinc iat Uur home fund account will
show this. ''Our books are open to all contract ftblders."; Contracts with the Oregon Mutual
Home Society ioclety may not mature is rapidly as they would if we matured jm $50:00.
'oibut contract-holders will ;et their 4$l,O0O.OO :, muck :sooner, Und can; be '.'occupying
S their homes, We court the strongest investigations and ask you to examine our plan before
oing business bewhere.-Vhen a contract malum with . jjie Oregon Autual Home Society, ;
-a Contract-holder gets $100 cash and $100 per month, or your full $1,000 in nine months,
" which lspractically cash. , Stop and think forone minute cashis the only way to buy anything
r and get value received.; The Oregon Mutual Homr Society is the first Company organized
n the Pacific Coast under the laws of the states of Oretfon and Washington, - The .Records
Swill show this;L We
Washington, consequently, our
overlooked, v- v ..: - :v: J--." ;
LAND, 'OREGON. W't are open evening ; Phone, James Z44I.
b i m r : ,..n
v Portlajid's High Grade Piano Houite; Ti e hom of all1 that
.-(...', -..1-..-. i rkaai1 n ni4nAnnplniAli,fl -TTr& ,nu f r..l fVa..
" - ... jf.u,v uuuobl UV.11VU, . j J
-"" - 1 f - .f i '",i,--;.t
-.... -m.ux .:!, at a ' . ,, ,
, - J, t . e y ' '
and other .noted makes, all of vhijh hte gained highest
- honors at all the world's greatest ofcosiUons. - We are the
. oldest,"" largest and most extensive dealers in the Pacific
. Northwest, which accounts for our having the cream of i
' ; piano construction," and which accouatrf for our being;
. offer Greater inducpmnta than ihan' ran hn nhtained else- i
where.-? Our easy payment
Successor to th
209-3 1 1 FIRST STREET
You CanGet It at
La9avis Drug Co.
f ;WeVe on )Xwy-
4, - i 4 i
-i. .'I
n And ;; ,our - time . is yoiiis if
you J want it ; Write us
-. -i - I - - -.
ap - v ,
- - 'A1.
, . r . . . v
9x11 Combinationf-Yardifig and Road Engine
.tv , ;Vi. -'; : . . -
j - .; ". ; ; Favorite
ELVMAUiCK. & HOCH, , Sole Distributors
Wholesale Liquor and Cigar Dealers, lOfl-l 10 Fourth St. Is
i?.. - ; u '.
business is growing very rapidly
plan is popular with the, people
: ; t 1 l h
Wflty B.' Alien Co.
-. Its-. MM -
: LI-
aoouL Logging Engines
'. Witfc Interchangeabl Parts
. i". v,' . : - -..
vl 810 wii"9 EnBll,e
rsT" 11x14 Heavy Road Engine
American WKiskey ' T ' ' - i
;$3.00 "
v."... $ 1.35
...V f.l. .. ' -' : :
and this Iac should not be"
- .' , '-.V.
ANCT" :i'rcri n.May
-! 1 !?-2 for: yX5 13-5 14 C
IE "It